Helpful User Interface Settings That Improve FFXIV - UI Guide

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well hello there today we're going to talk about another highly requested topic on my channel especially after I made my keybind guide a while ago I'll show you some simple tweaks to user interface that are going to make it much easier to play the game and additionally I'm going to show you how to set up this neat little macro which will let you hide hot bars on screen on demand so you can hide all of the action buttons that you don't want on display all of the time at first glance you'll notice that my user interface isn't actually all that different from the default UI and that's because largely outside of a few of these which we're going to move around a little bit I think the placement of them is actually pretty good in a default version of the game there are a few things that I would highly recommend you move around just to make them more visible which will really help you in endgame content in 14 the first thing here is the progress bar this is whatever the boss is casting and by default it is right next to the Target bar and kind of microscopic so ideally you should move it somewhere where you'll notice it very easily the way you do that is go into system HUD layout select your target bar up here and then select this tiny Cog wheel which will let you select this button right here to display the three elements independently those being the HP the status as well as the progress bar before you get out now in the same menu increase the size of the progress bar I like to have it at about 160% just to make it more visible and then just move it anywhere where it's very noticeable I like to have it just above my character the other thing that's kind of out of the way in the default UI that should really be front and center is the enfeeblement as well as the enhancements so these are just Buffs and debuffs I really don't know why they decided to cram this at the top of the screen because it's incredibly important for various fights seeing whatever debuff is on you and also being able to distinguish between different icons basically every fight has at least one mechanic where you need to take a look at your debuffs so make sure you move this into a location where you'll notice it so just grab your enfeeblement and move them somewhere to the center of the screen I like to have it like slightly to the right side of my character and then again you can click the Cog wheel and make the UI element a little bit bigger the other thing that we want more prominent on our screen is the enhancements and these can actually be split up into two different types of enhancements the conditional enhancements as well as the regular enhancements if you click on the Cog wheel again you could split these into four elements instead conditional enhancements all have to do with how you play your job these are basically like procs that alter the way you play or enable you to use certain abilities for example on Warrior it will show you the remaining time left on Primal Rend on Red Mage for example it will show you if you have dual cast up and on Sage it will show you if you're using your crasia at the moment I move the conditional enhancements to the left side of my character and then I keep the enhancements at 120% size right above my hot bar outside of making these crucial UI elements more visible I really don't think it matters where you put anything else for the party bar some people like to move it further to the center so they can click on it more easily if they're playing healers and notice if people have low HP I know many tanks like to keep the enity list closer to their hot bar so they can see it more easily and check if they have all of the the aggro and your drop gauges should also be fairly visible another tip for the drop gauges is that all of them have a simple mode as well which often makes it a bit easier to track what's going on basically just click on them in the hot layout and then click the wheel and select switch to simple mode another useful tweak many players go for is actually moving the mini map down next to the hot bars or like between the hot bars the reason for that is the way marks in high-end fights many players use way marks to navigate around and especially in ultimates they're often used for call outs for movement so having the mini map close to where you're already looking can make orientation a little bit easier next we'll go over some more Super useful settings that you'll find in the depths of 14's user interface but first I want to take a moment to thank the sponsors of today's video Tokyo treat and sakuro both companies deliver boxes full of Japanese snacks to you allowing you to experience Japan from the comfort of your own home the box from Tokyo treat contains 20 exclusive seasonal snacks that are only available in Japan and the Sakura C box contains snacks that support local Japanese snack makers and focuses on traditional and Artisan Japanese snacks each box has a monthly theme and comes with a booklet containing information about the snacks and various interesting facts about Japanese culture both of the boxes this month were Valentine's Day themed and contained various snacks celebrating the occasion one of my favorite items inside of the Tokyo treat box were these tomato chips which were slightly spicy inside of the sakra co box I'm always a big fan of the different pastries and this time it contained this huge chocolate Danish that was delicious I personally love the idea behind these boxes and the fact that they have a different theme and look every single month so if you want to get your own box or send it to someone else as a gift especially during the Valentine season please use the links in the description as well as code Json for $5 off your first sakurao and Tokyo treat box thanks to sakuro and Tokyo treat for sponsoring this video and let's get back to 14 one tweak that I highly recommend going for is removing popup text these are basically just the damag numbers of other people in the background you can find this in character configuration UI settings and then at the top select HUD here you'll find a check boox display popup text simply uncheck this and the Damage numbers will be gone which makes everything a little bit less distracting if you scroll down here you'll also find a checkbox for display targets remaining HP percentage which will just show a percentage Health number next to the target's HP which can be super useful inside of the party list tab I would highly recommend that you untake height party list when solo meaning you're going to be able to see yourself in a party in the top left whenever you're out exploring the main reason you'll want to do that is because it lets you see shields on yourself this can be useful in places like Eureka where unless you see your party list you're not even going to be able to see how much of a barrier you have on yourself because somehow they still haven't added that to the parameter bar below that you'll also find the status effect icon display maximum which by default is set to five so this will just limit the amount of status icons shown for each player to five I recommend upping this to 10 if you have the display space available because there were many situations where I was looking for a buff on a player only to realize that was actually not shown because of the limit next up move to display name settings and then General some of these settings were only added in this expansion so if you haven't played for a while or haven't checked the settings in a long time then you might not even have noticed that these exist now at the top you can now display whatever class or job someone is you have two different icons available and I personally don't use it because I don't really care what job someone is playing specifically what I do care about is the role which you can also find below by checking apply colors according to role you'll now be able to tell who's a tank A Healer or a DPS at a glance this can be great because many of 14's mechanics are actually role based it's also useful to just be able to stay away from tanks in case they get cleaved or to be able to stand close to your healers in case you want to use AOE heels inside of the lock settings at the bottom in the general tab I recommend unchecking display recast timer error messages this will remove the annoying message whenever you're spamming buttons that are still on cool down some people uncheck display error messages when actions fail which basically also includes the recast time and error messages however I actually like having these up because they will show if for example you're not in in range next on the left in the hot bar settings select display up here and then I like to change the recast timer position to centered because it's a bit easier to see this will simply change the way that the recast timer is displayed on your abilities and I find the centered version to be a bit easier to see the next one is a bit of personal preference and depends on whether you use the hot bar cycling button which is this one right here to get to other hot bars I personally never make use of that and in that case you can simply uncheck enable hot bar cycling button and because of the same reason I also uncheck display hot bar numbers because I don't really need them on screen the last tip that I have is for rescaling UI elements most of you will already know that you can right click on Windows and then select scale window and simply select a larger size to make it more visible on your screen this also works for the chat window or for example your character screen to be able to inspect glams however one thing that's seemingly impossible to resize is the action tool tips and the item descriptions with a little work around that's actually very possible though simply go into your UI settings General scroll down and then you'll find the display action help position to fixed which we need to actually change the size of this UI element once you have it in fixed position you can go into your hard layout and then change the UI element size from here after you're done changing it you can then go back into the menu and attach it to the cursor again if you want to and as you can see it actually carries over the new size of the UI element even if it's now next to the cursor this is going to be super useful for the next expansion whenever we'll have to reread all of the abilities and also Al to read item descriptions and so on lastly I want to show you how to configure this hot bar setup which will let you hide action buttons that you don't need on screen for example I use it to hide all of the buttons that I used to change jobs I have various mounts on there consumables and so on this is actually super easy to do and the macros will all be in the video description first of all you'll need one main hot bar in my case that's hot bar 4 I've aligned it vertically like this and then I've aligned all of the other hot bars that I want to hide horizontally so they align with the buttons on the vertical main hot bar take note of the hot bar numbers because we'll need them to configure the macro to work for us this right here is the main macro and as you can see it's really simple slh hotar display 4 will simply hide and show the main hot bar you'll want to change the number to whatever hot bar you're using as your main hot bar all the other lines are simply there to hide all of the other hot bars whenever I press my main key bind so here you'll simply add all of the other hot bars that you're adding to the setup and after that every single one of the other macros is simply SL hot bar display and then the number of the hot bar that's right next to it aligned horizontally so if you go back into the hot layout you'll see that the DPS button is aligned with hot bar 5 the tank button with hot bar 6 and so on you can then change the icon by clicking up here and give it a name to be able to distinguish them more easily and then simply move all of your actions onto the hot bar so now your main macro will be used to just show your main hot bar and all of the other hot bars can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding macro next to the hot bar that you want to show at this point you'll simply want to keybind the main macro to any button that you want and I simply keep this on the main hot bar so this way you can keep a needle user interface and it's not difficult to set up at all and these were actually all the tips for now if you find this video helpful please leave a like because it helps other people find it too for now thanks for watching and I hope I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Jolsn
Views: 44,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, UI, User Interface, Guide, Settings, UI Settings, UI Layout, ffxiv ui guide, ffxiv ui setup, ffxiv ui macro, macro, final fantasy xiv ui guide, final fantasy xiv ui setup, final fantasy xiv ui tips
Id: AZIF6t0OlgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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