Create your OWN Custom Windows With THIS Tool!

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have you ever wanted to make your own version of Windows maybe you don't trust custom operating systems too lazy to install Windows ltsc or your tech savvy and you want to do things yourself then you're in the right place today I'm going to be showing you how to make your own custom windows so yeah let's get into it first of all we're gonna need a Windows 11 or Windows 10 ISO so I've gone ahead and downloaded one right here it's Windows 11 22h2 if you don't know how to get that then just go on your web browser of choice Windows 11 ISO and it should be the first thing that comes up here as you can see we've got Windows 11 here now they used to not allow you to directly download the ISO from them however now they actually let you so yeah you just select your downloads Windows 11 multi Edition is coming straight from Microsoft servers take me about three minutes right so the next thing that we need is a program called NT Lite so I'll leave a link to it in the description down below but yeah it is a paid for software but you can download a free version of it and the free version is honestly just as good it's got everything you need I personally bought this so I'm going to be using the premium version of this but yeah just go ahead and go to downloads here and you can download the free version and it allows you to do most things to be honest but yeah it's a really good program I really do like it and I'm glad I bought it honestly support the developer and I'll show you guys everything you need to do so once you've got the iso and you've got NT light your next up need WinRAR or 7-Zip I'm sure you guys have that already so what we need to do is right click on our ISO I'm going to open it with WinRAR and then just make a new folder on your desktop I'm just going to call it Nutro OS and then basically just extract all the contents of the iso into this folder basically now what we need to do is open up NT lights so what you need to do is go to the top left here go to add image folder and then open up your folder in my case it was not true OS and as you can see here we have all the different instances of Windows 11. now I'm going to go for Windows 11 Pro because it's probably the best version honestly just double click on it after this we can actually delete all the other versions out of this ISO so it just only installs Windows 11 Pro wait for it leave it to do its thing right so our Windows 11 Pro is loaded so as you can see on the left here we have the various different categories of the operating system so we've got components features settings now components you've got to be pretty careful when you're messing with it even comes up with a warning message here so yeah just read that and press ok to proceed and then we've got stuff like features settings Services extra Services we can also install drivers as well so actually scans your computer here and it shows all the stuff that I've got plugged into my computer we can actually slip stream in drivers from my actual Hardware so if I was reinstalling this on my computer I won't have to do any Windows updates because all the drivers would be in the iso which is pretty cool we've then got the registry here which is pretty much laid out just like reg edit is on your Windows system and then we've got post setup which is actually pretty cool you can actually drag and drop in installers into here and it'll actually open and install these applications for you when you first install your operating system so with custom operating systems it's better off just to focus on the grounds and work your way up right anyway so uh yeah components I'd leave drivers Hardware support you can leave as well localization that's just fonts and stuff to be honest I'll just leave all of this because this is all the core features of Windows only go messing with this if you really know what you're doing anyway so now we've got some stuff here remoting and privacy now this is the stuff that you can enable and disable now the good thing about NT light is it actually gives you a little description here so you just hover over something go here yeah it basically just tells you what it is which is really useful again I'm pretty much just going to leave all of this but we will go into Windows apps this is all the pre-installed apps that come with Windows 11. now you do have to forgive me I'm gonna have to zoom in quite a lot in this video because some of the options are very kind of small and Tiny and tedious so yeah we've got apps here so basically what you can do is if I tick all of these it will tick obviously every single app which we don't want we don't want the pre-installed bloatware thank you so just go ahead and uncheck the things that you don't want don't want big news Bing weather clip champ we'll keep the gaming stuff dick enough notes we'll keep the net stuff you get the idea basically just go through all of this uncheck what you don't want and leave what you want to so in this components is where most of the bloatware kind of Lies so now that I've done that I'm going to go ahead and leave the rest of it I'm going to uncheck OneDrive because OneDrive is really annoying that it comes pre-installed anyway system apps here again just uncheck things that you don't want you're going to be a little bit more careful in this one because if you disable something here it might break something else and vice versa so just kind of see what you're doing here definitely uncheck Microsoft Edge and yeah the rest like I said it's personal preference you might even like Edge I saw some comments in my last video of people saying what's wrong with Edge to be honest it's not a bad browser I just hate how it they just shove it down your throat it's really annoying and that is components ticked right off so next up we can go into features Now features is yeah there isn't actually that much here so remember tick means it's enabled and if it's not ticked it means it's removing as you can see here on the right I leave this pretty much on the standard words settings here in fact I might have even loaded in my custom settings so if you want to copy this then feel free to same with my apps as well if you want to copy that what's Legacy components okay we don't need that hyper-v you can have that if you want yeah there is quite a lot of stuff in here that's actually unchecked which is part of Windows which is pretty cool now I didn't even know that we had device lockdown in Windows but apparently we do so if you want you can enable that I suppose so next up we have got settings so settings is a difficult one really because again it's all personal preference so desktop settings is what I would change personally so you can have the accent color on inactive title bars you can actually select what color you want it to be so just go on this little drop down menu and you can actually select which accent color you want on Windows no activation needed and it'll do this by default because that's what we're kind of dialing into the iso here Dark theme for all apps definitely have that enabled login screen accent color yeah like I said this is all kind of personal preference really so to an able and disable things you pretty much just go to this drop down arrow and select either enabled disabled or default basically alternatively I think you can use the arrow keys as well so you can do that as well just click down and up then we've got Explorer and yeah these are just like Windows settings basically so you can have balloon tips which is still included in Windows 11. I believe rev iOS actually have this enabled it's pretty cool that they're still in last time I saw balloon tips it was like Windows 7 so yeah then we've got auto play cache thumbnails quick access you can enable and disable that if you don't like it you can make the taskbar showing all monitors you can have the taskbar with small icons sharing Wizards show empty drives show hidden files and folders and drives which personally I'd have enabled it's one of those things that I always enable anyway after so it'd be good if that's by default included and yeah that's pretty much it really just go through all of these it does take some time like I said you've got to have time on your hands to do this although if you are too lazy um I don't know should I include my ISO in the description it'll just be a magnet link so if you know what you're doing just BitTorrent client of choice and you might be able to download it I don't know I'm not sure if I should distribute it or not then we've got Network I just leave that on the default OneDrive disabling that of course and then we've got power control which is pretty interesting so you can change the hibernation size in the RAM paging file all of this good stuff now major one here privacy settings so this is kind of the main reason we're doing all of this because there are so many privacy questions on Windows and it's kind of ridiculous first one allow Telemetry there's no way to disable it just basic put it on that allow location disabled you might want this but I personally disable it because why should my computer know my location experimentation disabled experience Improvement program for NVIDIA no thank you yeah you get the gist of it basically but there is so many privacy settings in Windows so yeah definitely go through all of these and make sure you're 100 of all of them collect contact tax to let windows and container better understand you no yeah then there's some like personal preference ones like let apps access and send email you might want that so I just leave it on default but yeah you get the idea I leave this personally all on default yeah you can go pretty hard if you want on these privacy settings you can copy my settings or you can be a bit more strict so next up we've got system I'll just leave this all on default tcip again default know what you're doing you might be able to uh do something in here but I personally don't so yeah user account control I just leave that on default and then we just got windows again default so yeah that is it for settings now we're on to Services now services are again something I tend to just leave you can copy my settings if you want I've just gone through all of them pretty much off camera and disabled the ones I don't want the other great thing about NT light is you can actually load other people's settings so for example Chris Titus when he did a video on NC Lite he promoted this guy who actually had a pre-made settings list for NT Lite so if you want to load someone else settings for NT light just go back to Source here go to preset and then press load and then yeah you can pretty much select someone else's settings so for example I've got gamer OS Windows 11 here which actually got from the Chris Titus video really good settings but personally I tweak a lot of them myself so yeah it'd be good to start off with someone else's settings kind of like as a little bass and then just work off of that right where were we okay well I think we're on Services before so yeah I just kind of leave this all really um you can copy what I've done but I'm pretty sure I've just left it all on the default I don't know why I've got the Microsoft Edge update service that's going so yeah like always just go on the drop down disable it that is pretty much it really for this then we've got extra Services here as well I personally just leave this alone I don't really like messing with Windows Services then we've got updates as well like I said you can slip stream in the latest Windows updates through here as well we've got drivers like I said here all of the drivers in your computer if you want to install additional drivers through here just drag and drop it in here and it will install them after they install which is really good got registry I tend to just leave this alone and then we've got some interesting stuff here called unattended and post setup so unattended is pretty much all of your Windows settings so when you first load up your ISO It'll ask you for your language your keyboard layout all that stuff we don't need to do any of that we can actually do that through this unattended tab here so yeah let's work from top to bottom here so first of all I just leave this all here so first of all windows language United Kingdom system local English GB I've got my time zone here now your time zone might not be the same as mine your language might not even be the same as mine I'm pretty sure there's only like one version of English but turns out there's loads look at this oh this is crazy but yeah anyway I've personally got the Great Britain version time zone you can change that through here as well yeah so it's just a nice little scroll down list here select your time zone and you don't have to do it when you set up Windows 11 for the first time which is good next up I've got automatic login so in order to do this you you need to set up a user account don't worry it's pretty easy all you need to do is just press this button here add local account type in the group type in a username a password if you want that so once you've added your local account set it all up here just go ahead and select it here I personally just made an admin account with no passwords with administrator privileges and then you just go ahead and select the user here and then automatic login will log that user in straight away now now we have got the out-of-box experience so this is like the pre-install stuff so we can skip the Euler page so I'll put that to True skip local account setup that's true now make sure you've added your own account because if you don't then it's going to freak out so yeah skip local account setup I've got that enabled as true because I've created an admin account here all set up and ready to go in fact I think it'll even warn you if you don't have an account it will tell you that if you skip local account setup it's going to mess something up skip online account creation step definitely got that on true skip get going for fast skip Windows welcome skip Windows Welcome Center yeah that's pretty much it really and then user accounts obviously I've got my admin account that I've set up and that's all good there now next up another personal preference one what do you want your computer to be called I've personally put Nutro OS product key activation just leave that on blank registered organization blank registered owner just put your name or whatever and then yeah now we've got the actual Windows language and keyboard layout settings so we've got input local I've gone with the United Kingdom I haven't gone with extended just United Kingdom again personal preference you might have a different keyboard to me use a local again GB and that's pretty much it so this will pretty much skip the whole out of box experience install it'll just it'll just ask you what drive you want to install select the drive install boom and then it should automatically log you in to the admin account that you created or whatever account local account you've set up you've skipped local account you've skipped Microsoft account so it's going to be a very very fast install you just select your drive boom you're in and then we've got posts set up now post setup is pretty good so what I personally like to do is I like to throw the Firefox installer into there so yeah just download Firefox as normal from their website or whatever browser you use Brave or Chrome or whatever so then yeah just download the Firefox installer and then simply just drag and drop that into the post setup so what that will do when it says or just a minute don't turn off your PC or whatever it will install Firefox and you'll have Firefox ready to go on your desktop which is really good you can also put registry things in here as well like batch files and that kind of thing so I'm gonna put in the minimal processes reg into here again simply just drag and drop it I can't remember where I got this from I think it was from Tech yes City but I'll leave a link to it in the description down below if you want to put this in your post setup we've got the Firefox installer like I said I'm going to put Sage thumbs in here as well because I hate not being able to see thumbnails so we're going to install that post setup another thing I'm going to do is I'm going to uninstall Microsoft Edge even though we disabled it with all the settings before it still always finds a way to sneak its way in and it's so annoying I think it's because I connect to the internet and it just grabs it but if we put in the post setup a Microsoft Edge uninstall a batch file it'll run that and then we'll just have Firefox on our Windows which is what I like to see so yeah if you want to get this I'll leave a link to it in the description and then go ahead and extract it somewhere I'm just going to extract it to my desktop and then yeah just drag and drop this batch file into there and yeah that will pretty much remove edge install Firefox and we'll be good so yeah that is pretty much it I've pretty much done everything most of it I've already done off camera anyway like I said I'll probably leave my configs in the description down below for you guys to download and yeah I've put all my posts set up things in here as well so the next thing we need to do before we start compiling our ISO is we need to disable our antivirus that includes tamper protection and all of various settings I've disabled Windows Defender so I don't even have an antivirus right now so yeah make sure you disable all of that because Windows really don't like you making your own custom operating system and yeah lots of the stuff that it's going to be doing is using core Windows features itself and yeah it's going to think you're doing something really bad so just turn it all off compile your ISO and then you can turn it all back on after so what I'm going to select is save the image and trim additions so that will remove every single version apart from Windows 11 Pro which is the one that we modified this is going to really help reduce our file size of the iso so that's going to be really good remove non-essential additions again removing every single thing apart from the loaded Windows 11 Pro Image format I'm just gonna have it on standard you can do high compression but I wouldn't really recommend it so I'm just going to go with the standards and then yeah it's pretty much just going to go through every single thing updates features components drivers all the stuff that we've been through and it's going to apply all of our settings that we've selected which is really good and then yeah just select create ISO and yeah you can name it I'm just going to call it not true OS like that and then you can save it to your desktop so then on the right here this is the little timeline this is how it's going to do things so it's going to load up Windows 11 Pro load up our configured settings Services automated unattended stuff post setup stuff save the changes to the image trim all the non-essential images that we haven't used and we don't want optimize the file structure backup log and preset on Source create the iso to your desktop wherever you've saved it and it's going to be called Nutra OS so I really like the layout of this it's really logical and really nice so you can see everything that it's going to do and then yeah just press process and then press yes and then yeah you'll just see it working its way through this list basically it's already done Services settings unattended and post setup just saving the changes to the image this might take a while depending on your computer it does take me quite a little while so just go ahead grab some drinks or snacks or whatever sit back relax and I'll be back once our ISO is created right so after a bit of compiling we have finally got Nitro OS ISO let's go so yeah this is the compiled ISO that took quite a while but yeah it's finally done it's finally complete and I've also got some other isos here so this is the original windows 11. we go ahead and look at the properties of this as you can see it is 5.17 gigabytes and if we compare that to our notra OS ISO 4.73 so not that much in reduction but yeah that is pretty good going considering all of the stuff that we've done to Nutra OS and I've also got Tech yes Cities Power Edition ISO as well which I've copied a lot of the settings from as well they're really good and then we've got my OS which is a pretty solid ISO which I've personally running now on my system now when it comes to making your own OS please once you've done your NT Lite and got the iso don't put it on a USB and boot straight off it on your computer there's going to be mistake there's going to be problems I've had to go through like five different versions just to get a bootable ISO to be honest so what I'd recommend is using a virtual machine so the VM that I personally use is virtualbox but you can use VMware tools or whatever they call it so yeah I'm just going to go ahead and download virtualbox just go ahead and install that by the way do you guys like my theme on Windows I've been messing around with Rectify 11 and rev iOS and start 11 and I've got a pretty clean layout if I do say so myself I'm trying to keep all my crap off my desktop but it's kind of hard but all my stuff is all nicely categorized here I love it it's really nice it reminds me a lot of my Mac like the file explorers now like translucent it's just so good if you want to see a video on how I customized my windows 11 then definitely let me know in the comments down below right we have got virtualbox we're gonna go ahead and make a new virtual machine here and then we're going to select our ISO image we'll skip unattended installation we'll keep the processors on two four gigs around you know it's fine just to test out a operating system 80 gigabyte hard drive that's more than enough and yeah let's power up Nitro OS and test it out so yeah once you're confident with your OS and it's all good to go then I'd recommend installing it on the USB and installing it on your system so straight away we've got no pre-setup install questions or settings or anything like that straight away setup is starting and boom here we go so all it's asking is where do you want to install Windows so select your drive press next so yeah I'll be back when we get to the setup I guess right so it's getting ready and look at this Firefox is being installed now that's something you don't see every day so it's installing Firefox browser for us which is brilliant right I'm guessing this next thing is Sage thumbs and here we go admin logged Us in straight away and this is not true OS everybody come on the ball the suspense is killing me hey Nitro OS so bloatware as you can see Tick Tock has snuck its way on there probably because I'm connected to the internet but otherwise pretty clean you know maybe I like Solitaire and WhatsApp that might be useful same with Spotify office we can get rid of don't really want that but it looks alright to be honest we go to all apps here yeah I think what's happened is when I was showing you guys the list I think I may have ticked them all by accident which is a bit annoying and we've got Microsoft Edge how's that happened background processes are they any good 87 not bad that is pretty good actually for Windows 11. so yeah we've managed to reduce them but in the process we've um kind of messed up things how have we still got one drive it's the one thing that I'll just never understand so yeah like I said there will be mistakes in my case there is mistakes with the bloatware but the processes are pretty low our local account worked our setup was pretty easy it just flew through that we've got Edge it's just so difficult to get rid of but we've installed Firefox so we don't even need to use Edge which is good so yeah this is pretty much just going to outline what you can do with NT light not very successful here but I will show you guys my ISO right so we're just loading up my ISO so I use this on my personal computer I'm running it literally right now my version of Windows 11 and it's been really good so I'm going to show you guys what it looks like when you first set it up and here it is so this is what it looks like when you first load it up so as you can see we've got Windows search but yeah we've got apps use dark theme so we've got a nice dark file explorer here and then we've got obviously our taskbar and everything moved over to the left hand side here which I don't know why I personally have it in the middle now but yeah if we go into our task manager here we've got 100 processors which is a little bit on the high side we can always use the Chris Titus tool to halve them with we've got a classic right-click menu which is really good and it's also dark themed as well we've managed to finally kill Microsoft Edge which I'm really happy that I managed to do so if we go into the start menu here yeah it's the thing of nightmares but there are any shortcuts and I guess if I disconnect from the internet these wouldn't install so we can just right click uninstall all these shortcuts but yeah I'm not going to bore you with that we've got Microsoft store which I've included Xbox obviously we need for the Minecraft launcher and that kind of thing if we go into all apps here though it's pretty minimal we've got pretty much nothing here all the kind of Essentials you need really I personally use snipping tools so I keep that notepad's good Microsoft Store get started I don't think you can get rid of and then calculator cameras all pretty much standard we've also got the Dark theme enabled by default that's pretty much what I've managed to achieve by messing around with NT light it would be nice if there was an option to change the desktop background that would be really cool imagine like a Nutra OS desktop wallpaper I don't think you could do that through NCAA you'd probably have to use another tool but yeah let me know your experiences of empty light and what you've managed to achieve in the comments down below I probably won't leave the iso of this but I might leave the settings in the description if you want to go ahead and load them on your NC light and pretty much just build what I've got here like I said it's pretty stable I run this now on my computer and it runs completely fine just got to get rid of these shortcuts here run the Chris Titus tool and yeah you're good you can't go wrong with it it's really solid so yeah that's gonna be the video guys it's been a long one but I hope you guys got all the information you wanted out of it and yeah I'm going to continue messing around with operating systems as usual and yeah thank you guys for watching leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: NotroDan
Views: 246,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11, windows 11 features, windows 10, windows 11 free tools, windows 11 tools, windows 11 tutorial, windows, windows 11 free tools & tweaks, windows 11 tweaks and tools, windows 11 free tweaks, windows 11 tips, windows 11 tweaks, windows 11 customization, download windows 11, customize windows, customize windows 11, how to install windows 11, customize your windows 11 settings, window 11, how to customize windows 11, how to customize windows 11 terminal
Id: Lc9cBsetCJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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