THIS Tool Takes Windows 11 To The Next Level!

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today I'm going to show you how to go from a boring Windows 11 fresh install to this it may just look like I've changed the wallpaper but there is a lot more to it in this video we're going to be looking at Rectify 11 and so many different tools that I use to customize my desktop a lot of people have been asking for a customizing Windows video so here you guys go so without further Ado let's get into it alright guys so here we are on Windows 11 a fresh install now if you followed my last video which I'll leave on the top right now you will see that I made my own nutros Windows 11 kind of thing using a program called NT Lite so this is pretty much what you get when you boot up on the notro OS ISO so we don't even have a web browser right now if we go into all apps here obviously I've killed Edge so uh nope I don't even think we have Internet Explorer installed so yeah we need to go ahead and get a web browser now to do that I'm just going to open up terminal so I'm just going to open this run as administrator and then we're just going to use the winget tool to install Firefox so if we just check we've got winget here yes we do perfect so just do winger install Mozilla dot firefoot that should hopefully install Firefox which is my browser of choice and yeah this is pretty much what you guys will probably need to do if you install the Nutro OS ISO just get your own web browser of choice using Winger and you should be pretty much good to go right so my Firefox web browser has installed which is good now next up if we right click on the taskbar and go to task manager here as you can see my processes are a little bit on the high side we're at 121 right now but we can fix that very easily using the Chris Titus tool so yeah if we go to the ultimate Windows utility copy this and then open up Powershell as administrator and then if we just paste that in here press yes if it asks to install chocolaty and here we go so I'm just gonna go into the tweaks section here go to desktop and we're just going to remove Katana Microsoft apps and we'll also disable notifications but other than that we can pretty much okay we'll also disable Mouse acceleration as well really good to have especially if you're a gamer and that's pretty much it just go ahead and run the tweaks here and it looks like the tools updated since I last used it so we'll just go ahead and we'll enable some of this stuff here I believe you can also install NET Framework through this as well which is good to do I'm going to put updates on security recommended settings I don't want Windows feature updates because that'll just install my bloatware back you can install applications through here as well which I'm personally not going to do just yet so once you've finished doing that just close out of it and restart your computer go to processes 63 processes I just love Chris titus's tool it is so good it's pretty much just half the processes here even if we're on a high-end PC it's good to get your processes down so now we've got 63 processes we can begin installing stuff to customize our Windows Experience so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to go to the taskbar settings now this is all personal preference but I'm going to turn off search I'm actually going to put the alignment in the middle because I've actually got used to using this now and it's really kind of intuitive especially if you're a Mac User and you're used to kind of the dock down here and next up what we're going to do is we're going to customize our start menu now the windows 11 start menu I didn't like it at first but it's kind of grown on me however we can use a third-party program that will completely transform our Windows 11 start menu and take it to the next level and it's called start 11. alright so to get start 11 just go to their website I'll leave a link to it in the description down below it is a paid software but there is a free trial of it but yeah I definitely recommend getting this seeing if you like it and then if you do like it definitely purchase it because it is a really really good piece of software right so to install start 11 it's pretty easy it's just a standard Windows installer so very simple just next next next right so once start 11's installed restart your computer and yeah we should be able to experience our new start menu right so our compute has restarted now just open up start 11 and you need to activate your trial start the 30-day trial just enter your email address and confirm that and then it'll come up with this so I'm going to go with Center aligns here and the style I'm going to go for is Windows 11. now there's various different styles you can use you can use a Windows 7 Star one which looks like this it looks pretty cool if you're into like Windows 7 and just you know the way it's all laid out there's a modern style one which is pretty much just like the Windows 7 1 except it's got a different design it's a bit more kind of Windows 10 like speaking of Windows 10 we've got a Windows 10 star one if we go ahead and select that as you can see we've got the windows 10 tiles that have come back and we've got all our applications on the left here so yeah if you do like the Windows 10 start menu for whatever reason then you can apply that here I'm personally going to use the windows 11 one here so yeah this is what it looks like so you can customize this to death and it's just brilliant so if we go to configure menu here you can obviously customize the links down here so these are all like shortcuts basically so I believe this is document downloads music pictures we've got a control panel shortcut here which is really good as well and we've got Windows settings so yeah you can add and remove these you can play around with the order of them I personally don't really have much music on my computer so I just remove that shortcut but documents downloads pictures personal folder will get rid of control panel settings we'll get rid of run because we can just press Windows key R for run settings and yeah this is pretty much how I would normally have it I might mess around with the layout a little bit more but yeah next up we can customize the menu visual appearance so you can choose an automatic color for the start menu which I've got on but you can also choose your own here using this very generous Color Picker you can make the menu bigger or smaller which is really good to see so I can make it massive and it'll pretty much just take up my entire screen in fact there is actually a full screen start menu which we're going to take a look at in a minute but right now I'm just going to reset this and have it on 100 now you can adjust the transparency which is so good so right now it's on 94 so it's pretty much like a solid color but if we make this say hmm I don't know about 30 look at that it just looks so good I love the translucency it's just oh it's it's lovely it's chef's kiss honestly it's brilliant so yeah you can play around with this you can have it like on the lowest which is 11. that looks like frosted glass I really like that you can change the visual effects on the menu so you can round the corners of the menu animate when opening it you can disable that if you've got a low end PC offset the menu from the taskbar and yeah just load of visual settings and stuff that you can mess around here as well you can even use your own images for the start menu background which is pretty cool here you can do that and then just select a photograph or whatever but I personally like having it like this this looks really good in my opinion you can change the start button but that's only supported if you have your taskbar on the left line to the left you can't do that on the center which is a little bit annoying you can also enhance your taskbar through start 11 so it doesn't just change your start menu you can also enhance your taskbar so if you just go ahead and turn this on here you will need to restart Explorer and it will align it to the left for you but yeah you can have your task buttons actually save what it is which is pretty good you can have it also sometimes or you can have it on never personally I would have it on sometimes I don't really like it when I've got loads of different things all lined up down my taskbar the other thing you can do is you can actually adjust the transparency of your taskbar itself so if we go to settings here similar to our start menu we can actually turn down the opacity look at that that looks so good but yeah I'll have it on about 50 I think that looks quite good you can show seconds on the clock as well which I personally do I really don't know why they took that out of Windows 11 so definitely have that on and you can also unblur the wallpaper under your task by using this so if you turn this off oh look at that that looks so clean so yeah you can do that if you want or you can have it blurred it's all personal preference there's just endless customizability with this program and it's really good right now we're going to get into start menu configuration and so I hate it when Windows suggests recently used apps to me so we're going to go ahead and we're going to turn that off we're going to turn off recent documents and yeah we're gonna not have our pinned items synchronized anywhere else thank you so yeah if we go here we've got pretty much a clean slate to work from now the best thing we can do with start 11 is we can actually create our own little groups so if I want to sort out my applications into categories I could put like say my photos and paint into here I can rename it I can call it say like Graphics or something like that we can rearrange these so we can put them at the top here just click and drag them around we can also create new pages as well which is an absolute Game Changer so similar to like on your phone on your home screen you can just scroll across to a new page here I can move this to another page by just right clicking create new page and yeah it's pretty intuitive and once you've got loads of applications on your computer that you can sort out into categories it is really clean we can also right click configure start 11 and we can also also go here to configure menu and we can actually turn off the search bar because the search bar is kind of annoying because you can just type anyway in the search bar come up so we can actually turn this off so to do that just go to search here turn it off so yeah really clean start menu in fact if we just minimize that just look at how good that looks so if you want to make your icons bigger just go here to start menu configuration and you can actually make these well extra large so if we go here this does look like my phone actually these look like phone apps here I don't have many applications installed on this computer so I've tried to do what I can with what I've got so you know I've made like a little gaming section here stuff another page so I wonder what absurd looks like this is probably going to be really stupid whoa so yeah if you're blind or something you can do that or if you just like big icons you can do that but yeah endless customizability with this as well you can also turn on full screen menu here so if I go ahead and press the start button it takes up my entire screen so if you've got lots of applications lots of categories and you don't have the space for it in the tiny little box they give you you can make it full screen and you can do that you can also go to all apps here and scroll down all the apps that you have installed on your computer and if you want to pin one of these to your start 11 just right click on it pin to start 11. now we've got two cameras so yeah we can just right click unpin that if you want to move something to a new page just right click move to next page and it'll put it on your next page basically so yeah it's really customizable I really do like this I've only found it recently and honestly I really wish I found it sooner right now I don't know about you but I do like the windows 11 wallpaper but I don't really like it at night it hurts my eyes it's way too bright so let's change that so let's go to our new settings button that we've got in our nice new start menu thanks to start 11 we're going to go to personalization and we're going to change our colors so by default I think Nitro s does have Dart mode enabled which is good transparency effects we're going to keep that but we're going to make accent color automatic and we're going to change our wallpaper now a lot of the wallpapers that come included in Windows 11 are pretty cool I personally use this one for quite a while you can use the dark version of Windows 11 but I personally like to use third-party wallpapers from the internet ah there we go much better so if you're wondering where I got this wallpaper from it's actually from a custom operating system called Windows 11 ameliorated now I might be doing a video on this very soon so make sure you guys get subscribed and look out for that but yeah they're Windows 11 ameliorated they're actually responsible for making AME wizard which is a really good tool for custom operating systems nowadays with playbooks and stuff but yeah I personally run Windows 11 ameliorated and I really like their desktop wallpaper so I've gone ahead and I've snatched that and I'll leave it in the description if you guys want it as well but yeah it just looks so clean and really really nice right now it's time to take Windows 11 to the next level now the thing that I don't like about Windows 11 is although there's a really nice redesign of it it's not consistent across all of the applications within windows for example if we have a look here at our control panel here although the icons are changed it's still well not fitting with our dark mode which we've selected in settings but it is pretty much the exact same shell as Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP just with a a different theme a different border now don't get me wrong it's good like I can just navigate this I know where everything is but I just don't like how inconsistent the design is so we're going to fix that with something called Rectify 11. now Rectify 11 used to be its own custom operating system and now it's just become its own installer so you just run this you can get this from their GitHub I'll leave a link to it in the description down below so just type in Rectify 11 and it's by Misha Productions on GitHub and yeah it's a really really good tool it includes all of this stuff all in one and it's going to make our Windows just look beautiful so yeah go ahead and grab this I've just downloaded it myself here so yeah just double click on it run it as administrator now you might want to make a restore point before you run this it's not known to mess up anything but it is recommended right so then just press install now let's press next agree to the terms very important and now you can choose what you want to be rectified as they call it so you can go for system icons themes and Extras so I'm personally going to go for we'll go for the basic system icons I don't really like to change around the system icons because I've only just got used to the windows 11 ones but I do like the Rectify 11 ones so I only go for basic with that we're definitely going to go for themes and for the extras uh we might as well get all of these as well apart from maybe the wallpaper in fact we'll keep the wallpaper their wallpaper is pretty good so yeah we're pretty much going for everything so just press next select your desired theme now this one's very important so we're gonna go for dark with Mika or Mica select your desired desktop experience I'm going to go for Windows 11 default because that's kind of what we've gone with and we're also going to extend Mika to Explorer navigation bar so yeah this is my personal settings you can obviously mess around and select what you want yeah it's just a really good project and I highly recommend checking it out right so once it's done you'll need to restart your PC I think it will do it for you so yeah we'll be back once it's done alright guys so it's just restarted and here we are in Rectify 11. yeah it looks pretty cool we've got a really nice desktop background going on here so yeah it looks really good here we've got obviously our start menu look at how good this looks now with a darker wallpaper oh I love the look of that so now we're going to customize Rectify 11 a little bit more so if we go ahead and go to our control panel here as you can see it's being completely rectified yeah no more light mode no more inconsistencies it just looks really nice and they've changed the icons as well as well and yeah is consistent you know we can go into options here and everything just works and honestly this is how Windows 11 should have been I don't know why they were so lazy with the design like they must have teams of designers now here comes my favorite part remember what I was talking about about Mica for everyone or Mica or however you want to call it basically it comes as a system tray icon as you can see here Mica for everyone and so what we're going to do is we're going to make sure it runs on Startup run as admin on Startup as well and this is like the magical application this is going to transform the look of our desktop so now we've installed Rectify 11 they do actually install an app called Rex file 11 control center if you just go into all apps you should be able to find it and yeah this is where you kind of customize your theme basically so I've gone here and I'm going to go for Rectify 11 Dark theme with mica or Mica and then we're going to select that we're going to click apply and now if we go ahead and go to our file explorer look at this this oh this is brilliant so as you can see we've got a consistent design and it's like translucent so this is what Mica does it pretty much just allows you to see like your desktop background kind of through it I don't know how to explain it but it just looks so good let's go ahead and apply our regular wallpaper here yeah just look at how good it looks it looks so good now I'm not sure if a low end PC will be able to handle this it probably won't but honestly just look at the theme it just looks so nice oh look at our start menu as well oh this is just this is brilliant I love it so we can also go here and this is the secure ux theme tool this is a little bit more complicated but we're gonna basically just get rid of our cursor with this so we're just going to click on ignore cursor like that and we're going to go Rectify 11 Mica theme fixed ribbon ignore cursor apply and now as you can see we've actually got the accent color of our wallpaper which is pretty good oh yes this is what we want look at this oh oh this looks so good our file explorer is actually a joy to use for once and as you can see we obviously got a different highlight color as well which you can customize which is good it just looks so good and this is consistent throughout your entire operating system which is really good another thing with Rectify 11 that I've noticed is they actually include gadgets so if we go here right click and go to gadgets we've actually got Windows 7 style gadgets oh this is brilliant so CPU meter might be good for someone with a low end PC they want to kind of monitor that that'll be good we've got the clock here as well we've got a piano what okay I don't have audio oh wait yeah we can play the piano on this rectifier 11 Gadget what okay and then we've got weather as well battery meter if you're on a laptop yeah honestly I'm really surprised by this I love it gadgets I was pretty sad to see them go on Windows 7 but they're back in Rectify 11. right let's just go ahead and close out of them now it's kind of ruining our clean look here so the idea is don't have any applications on your desktop keep it just a picture keep it nice and clean maybe a couple of folders that's it but have all your applications in this start menu here organize them all into categories make your start menu look nice use Rectify 11 to make everything kind of translucent and really nice and yeah I think this also works with WinRAR as well lots of people are asking me how I got my WinRAR to be translucent that is pretty much Rectify 11 and Mica for everyone pretty much doing that for me now if you do go into your windows personalized settings and try and change something I do believe it messes it up which is a little bit annoying in fact actually yeah let's try and change our cursor so if we go to Mouse settings here Mouse pointer and then I think we can just change it yeah if we go here pointers as you can see we've got obviously a rectifier 11 one let's just make it Windows default like that and boom so yeah you can enjoy rectifier 11 with all the customized you know menus and stuff the nice translucency and you can have the old cursor back if you prefer that and if we go ahead and have a look at that we haven't actually done much to our background processes before we had about 60 I think 63 and it's only gone up to about 75 and to be honest for me that is completely worth it we've made our desktop look so much better the design is so much more consistent and background processes haven't really been affected too much by it so yeah you will have to have this Mika for everyone program running in the background if you want the translucency and stuff but honestly I'm willing to make that trade-off because this just looks so good all right and here is the final product so as you can see this is my main computer running Windows 11 with all the Twigs that we've done in this video I've obviously got my star 11 here I've got all my stuff sorted into categories and stuff here which is really good we've got different pages and stuff as well I've got no icons on my desktop apart from this stuff folder where I just put a load of stuff in there and that gets it out the way we've obviously got my Mika for everyone so obviously my file explorer looks really clean now we've obviously got the translucent menus and stuff as well I believe WinRAR also has it as well so if we just type in WinRAR here and yep here we go this is WinRAR as you can see here we've got a nice consistent theme on there as well oh it just looks so good it's so good on the eyes honestly I'd highly recommend doing all the tweaks that I've said to do in this video if you can of course and it'll make such a difference my computer is just a joy to use right now and honestly this is how Windows 11 should have been Microsoft you better be taking notes because the inconsistent design and all the problems we have with Windows 11 it's just fixed it's rectified with rectifier 11. we've also got the old context menu back as well well and this is actually translucent look at it it looks so good so yeah this is pretty much how I've customized my windows I'll probably do an updated one very soon because honestly I'm always customizing my windows I'm always tweaking and messing around with it but this is how I've got it to right now and you're welcome to copy this and try it out for yourself so thank you guys all for watching leave a like if you enjoyed and you found this helpful subscribe if you're new and if you want to watch my video on how to make your own Windows 11 and completely deep bloat it then click here
Channel: NotroDan
Views: 192,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11, windows 11 features, rectify11 windows 11, windows 11 tips, windows 11 lite, windows 11 update, windows 11 rectify11, windows 10, windows 11 settings, how to install windows 11, windows 11 customization, windows, make windows 11 faster, windows 11 tweaks, windows 11 rectify11 3, windows 11 tips and tricks, windows 11 rectify11 v3, rectify11 vs windows 11, rectify11 windows 11 features, debloat windows 11, windows 11 settings to change, windows 11 download, start11
Id: u4hBRjym-A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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