Build Your Own Operating System

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let's build our own operating system not from scratch but at the same time i wanted to kind of get this idea and put it in your head that you can make your operating system work exactly how you need it now i'm not talking about windows or mac on this one because we want it to look exactly however we want it to look your operating system's going to look different than mine to suit your needs so we'll talk about file browsers like hey how do we want to interface obviously you know people using windows explorer well there's a whole bunch of different file explorers we can use we can use different looks different build outs for the actual desktop environment i'm going to rattle off some words real fast so you can actually see kind of the base install what it kind of looks like here's kde here's gnome here's xfce and there's mate there's also a lot more than just these four but i just kind of want to start you off with something just a little bit to experiment with and i made separate customization videos for each one of these so we're going to customize this a bit today but just know that you can go far more than everything i've just showed and make it your own and that's really what this is about building your own operating system to suit your needs enough talk let's get on the actual desktop and start building it out i'm going to use something called arch linux today know that you could use this in debian or ubuntu which are just different flavors of linux i'm only using arch because it's the easiest to build out your own because it comes with almost nothing on it and it's just a clean slate to build with and as i make options in here i'm going to show you alternatives to where you can go okay instead of this file browser we're going to go this way or instead of this desktop environment we could go this way and just kind of show you how you could customize this to suit you as a person because i know this isn't for everybody but it's much like an alternative way of living because i think so many people are just dissatisfied with their operating system they have on now and they really just want something new fresh something that they make with their own hands and that's what this is about let's stop talking and get into it all right on startup here i'm doing this on a regular computer i'm pressing f8 to get my boot menu but many other bios's have different ones some are like f11 or f12 and i have a little bootable usb drive that i made if you're not sure how to make one of those i made an entire video windows to linux is what it's called and i'll drop that playlist below so if you need a little more explanation don't worry i got you so we'll go uefi on this guy and boot right onto our ventoy boot drive so i use this to boot into pretty much any operating system i want to install windows to install linux heck i think i even have some hackintosh stuff in here as well but we're going to go ahead and do arch linux to start out with we're just going to update the actual installer just so we can install a couple packages before we start out so we're going to just go pac-man dash s and then from here we're just going to type wget and we're also going to go pack man contrib and if you get that error just do a pacman and then just do an sy to download do it one more time and hit yes with that done now we're going to do wget arch phi dot forward slash archfi and from here we're just going to do sh archfi and now we have kind of like a menu because i didn't want to stay on command prompt i think a lot of people it is just be an easier start just know that you can do all this from command line it's just as much harder so we're going to start with language english keyboard layout we're going to just do us disk partitions you could do auto partitions here but since i have a ton of disks in this system since this is an efi we need to use cgdisk so we're going to hit edit with cg disk and then we're going to select the disk we're going to install it on it's going to be sda all right from here we're going to just delete these partitions and then we're going to create a new one first sector just hit enter for this size in sectors this is we're going to actually say the size of the partition which is going to be 300 megabytes type of partition now we want this first partition to be efi so it'll be where our boot files reside we'll go list and we'll just type ef and there's efi system partition which would be ef 0 0. so ef 0 0 for this partition and we're going to name this efi you'll see the partition name right in there now we want to make the rest of the drive uh just a regular linux so we're just going to go enter enter and then enter and we're going to just call this one nothing but well let's just call it linux for now or ros and then we're just going to write this out and we'll just say yes and that's it we'll quit so with the partitions done we can now select the partitions and install the boot device it's going to be sda1 since we formatted the sda disk the first partitions the boot the swap we didn't make one the route is going to be sda2 the home we didn't make that either so we'll select none and we'll say yes and then we'll format both these partitions for the efi obviously it tells us efi for the next one we're going to select ext4 if that's what you want that's more of a tried and true but you could also select better fs if you like for this you know what we're going to live on the wild side and go with a new file system do better fs i really like it and then mount and install so now we're going to install the linux kernel with install pack strap now you can select your different types of kernels here depending on what you want to do if you want more bleeding edge just regular linux is fine if you want a little more reliable i would choose lts for today we're going to just do plain linux and we're going to install linux firmware and then any other things that you want to add obviously i'm only going to install the first two right there so we're going to config arch linux now in this computer name we're going to just call this titus os we have already set the keyboard layout at the start that's optional setting locale we're going to select e in us right here we can set the time and this is actually i'm central time in the united states so us central and this is you can select the hardware clock just know windows uses local so if you're dual booting this with windows you might want to just hit local however if you run my windows script i always set the windows clock to utc because this is actually the proper way microsoft just sets up their operating system improperly using local time so that's why i always set things to utc and i even configure windows to do utc set the root password generate f-stab what this does is it just makes sure all of our devices are bootable you always want just that first option uuid bootloader i always select grub for this however if you're dual or triple booting sometimes if you want to do like a hackintosh windows and this this operating system you could do refined i really like refined however grub's probably the easiest if you're just replacing the existing operating system and we'll just hit install grub and then that's pretty much done uh we'll go ahead and install the bootloader now obviously select the drive that you want which is that first one and this one's just going to be efi and we'll go into the archdi we'll say yes to this question and then we're going to just install and run it and just select the first option updates so the very first thing install pacman contrib next up choose your other installer there's only one more thing we're installing from this menu i like to use yay less typing that's the whole reason why so we're just going to install yay you may not know what yay is but just know it goes out and installs pretty much any package we want from the net that's why i really enjoy it as an install helper so we'll hit yes to this and you don't have to type out yes for each one of these questions you can just hit enter the capitalize one is always the default so if it's in it's going to answer no to the n if it's capital y it'll answer yes all right and then we just hit back from here and now we can go to the install portion of this and now i'm going to walk through each one of these categories you choose what suits you best so console you can see there's a whole bunch of different things generic this is all the different packages so if there's packages in here that you don't necessarily want or just leave them at the default i think they come with a really good set i will go ahead and add neo fetch if i would this is the laptop i'd add power top because that would register all the power usage of my computer but this is just a desktop so i'm going to leave the rest of these unchecked come down to compression tools i like to install all compression tools there's something i want to unzip or use i just want to make sure i can use that so it doesn't matter if it's from mac if it's from windows whatever i know i can open up that compressed file networking tools this is entirely up to your discretion i really like rsync at the very least traceroute and bind tools is more for tracing network problems maybe if you're doing some hacking tools or something like that you might add some extra things or like an in-map and those types of nice utilities for networking so it just depends on your skill set what you want here i would go ahead and just make sure you have rsync in here at a very least and i'm going to go ahead and just leave those top three checked web browser i'm not going to select anything here recovery tools i'm not going to select anything there either going into system kernel we've actually already installed linux on this so we don't actually need to do anything there services this is where we would do our network ssh karani's scheduled tasks the rest of this is pretty self-explanatory obviously for the u code you want to select your actual processor this is an amd processor so amd is what i have the rest is a blues you might do if you're doing any bluetooth on your computer i'm not doing any bluetooth so i'm going to leave that off and hit ok and these are just saying hey do you want these services to start on boot i would typically say yes to each one if you use network manager you'll get a prompt do you want to disable dhcpd yes you do so that those are the only things that you really need a change in here but most the time you can just enter through these screens file system os prober that's required for multi-boot so if you're doing multi-boot systems like i have windows installed here you'd want to tick that if not leave it off it'll make your rebuilds a little faster if you ever change anything with the boot now i do like to add sshfs and sif's utils if you ever connect to windows shares make sure you install these two things very important and also smb client and in fact i like a lot of these different things because i utilize quite a bit of network on all my systems so i'm going to go ahead and install those coming down into sound again you want pretty much the defaults here uh one thing make sure you do pulse audio bluetooth if you're going to use bluetooth headset print uh you'd go ahead and install this if you're using a printer if it's an hp printer you'd want a hp lib as well however i'm not going to be doing any printing so i'm going to skip this section now we get into more of the actual display we've got kind of our core utilities with our system so we can do pretty much everything we need to do unzap files uh those types of things but now we need to start getting into the graphic elements this starts with xorg you can do an info kind of show what you're seeing in here i have a 2060 from nvidia so i'm going to hit install and most times you can just leave this as default which i'm going to go ahead and do it's really only installing those two packages that i selected at the front on fonts i really like to go ahead make sure i leave all these in getting some fonts on your system i think are kind of neat if you want microsoft fonts go ahead and grab this front top one i also like to get like the robot roboto and roboto mono those are really nice ones as well if you're looking for like a lot of emoji type styles the fonts awesome has a lot of really neat things i would recommend grabbing that because you can read a lot more stuff and then probably grab the ubuntu font family to finish out my fonts we'll let this install and our fonts are done we'll go back and now we need input drivers again you just leave that one lib input in and then video drivers we're gonna want proprietary since i'm using nvidia card if you're amd you're gonna want just open source drivers right here and just select amd now we're gonna want nvidia since this is an nvidia card if you are using a custom kernel you want nvidia dkms though all right with the x-work done now we get to the desktop environment at the very start i showed you plasma which this is plasma xfce4 gnome cinnamon which is famously linux mint if you're familiar with that lxde which is not really used much lxqt is more of what's called ubuntu so you could do that one mate looks like that enlightenment open box and deep in i would say it just depends on what you want open box kind of gives you that minimal deep end gives you that sleek aesthetic almost like a mac for mac users you might might base your current install off of that for me again since i've been on windows forever plasma is by far the easiest and most comfortable and i've made a configuration video i'll link that up top as well for plasma but we'll configure it a little bit when we get in here sddm this is what actually is like the login screen for kde so we're going to hit yes to that question for actual applications this is something that a lot of people struggle with me personally i hate a lot of the applications for kde i'm actually going to say no no you can actually go selective here and only select the things you like i really like the selective install i'm going to leave dolphin in even though i don't really like dolphin as a file browser just so you can see that kate is basically a text editor and you know what i can probably take off print manager as we're not going to need that and the rest of this we're going to just leave as is spectacles basically a screenshot tool as well that i really like but if you don't like spectacle i actually use flame shot quite a bit as well i'll give alternatives for all this that's where the beauty of all this happens is we can choose every single package to make the install that we love i'm going to just go back now go back and back display manager this was actually already installed applications this is where you could do like office you could say hey i want an office suite you libre office i don't really like libreoffice but if you do go go for it i really like free office which you could do yay s free office or you could do open office there's just so many options here that uh you know pick your poison for internet web browser you can choose any of these that you see here i like brave which is actually isn't on here but i do want to install it with a web browser even though it's maybe not one that's selected off of this thing i like midori because it's basically an absolute minimal web browser it like takes me back to the 90s but there's no add-ins there's no extensions it's just plain jane hey i just need to get on the internet and i can't be bothered with it taking up all my memory midori is a fantastic option you can't really main it i think we're so spoiled by those extensions but midori itself i i absolutely love for a web browser just to get in do your business and get out and email i really don't like any of the email clients on linux so i usually stick away from this usually i'm defaulting to webmail whether that's gmail whether that's getting online and doing like an office outlook or office 365 outlook online is actually pretty decent these days multimedia you can install these i recommend just doing g streamer this allows you to play pretty much all the movies and things that you need for the actual video player though you want to use celluloid it's really really good i love it as an actual player or sm player i think if that suits your fancy vlc is what everyone usually defaults to but i find that it runs like crap on linux and just not a big fan that's where i made a video specifically going over vlc and why i don't like it for linux at least on windows i'll still use vlc just fine video tools if you want to do like screen sharing that type of thing i really like obs studio for this so i won't install any of these burner tools who actually has a cd-rom these days holy smokes graphic is usually what i edit images with i would install that dev applications vs code is usually what i use quite often to edit many text files or also you know just publish a article on my website usually i'm always opening up vs code for that so i would go ahead and install code the system itself gparted is great for partition management most people won't want that the rest of this i usually just leave off you can do wine and wine tricks if you're going to be doing gaming i'd probably recommend installing those two and the rest i'm just going to leave off it did ask me about multi repo it just kind of went real quick there you do want multi-rebo for gaming you're going to need 32-bit support for a lot of steam games actually steam won't even install without 32-bit so i highly recommend just doing wine and wine tricks if you're doing any gaming and then there's pac-man gui which you could install again this is like an installer tool to where we could look up packages and install it in the graphic user interface again i kind of already know all the packages so i don't really care about this for you most people will like the actual seeing hey what are these packages what packages can i download this would be a great gui tool for you to use again i don't like it so i'm not going to install it as this is an operating system for me just know you're customizing options don't just copy what i'm doing kind of take what you feel what you want out of your operating system and do that as far as config a couple little changes i make my global editor i have vim most people will want nano as it's way more user friendly for out of the box usage aliases i also like to change this as well i change usually ls to just ls three right here this just kind of colors my output and this is a long listing where i like ls to be more horizontal and then we just update it and then go back and we're done with that firewall set up your firewall here if you want to use one accounts we do need to create a user we're going to add titus user we'll go ahead select our password because remember we only added the root as a user so we do need to add our user sudoers we're going to add a suitor this just means we can install programs as titus we don't have to boot into root or some shenanigans there so we're just going to add me and titus user as that their account set up system d don't really even need to do anything here xorg nothing there boot nothing here so now we can go back exit and back and unmount and back again and now we can reboot that's it we have our custom base level system set up now some people might be going hey this isn't really our own operating system it's just arch linux i'm like kind of but at the same time we're making all those choices to build out exactly how we want so it's not necessarily just a copy or just another linux distribution so to speak we get to make every choice of this we don't even need to install our screen right here if we don't want but we can't so i'm going to go ahead and get into the actual configuration of this right now let's actually modify our system to what we need it to look like i'm going to make it look like a really fancy version of windows but just know you could change this around and change any behavior that you see sky's the limit poof i've changed the login screen there's a lot of different things you can do here i'm not going to go too far in the customization of this specific desktop environment i just kind of want to show you what's possible with it there's so many magical things that can happen uh as you see i've kind of changed some of the default theming a little bit for the file browser i've changed it out kind of got this nautilus one or you can go pc man fm or you can go with nemo or there's also dolphin which actually i uninstalled but let's just go ahead pull up my terminal and you can kind of see some of the customization i've already started to tinker with here but let's say there's dolphin and i want to close it out and launch dolphin you notice how i have all these different file managers try them all out figure out which one suits you the best which one are you really enjoying and then go you know what i think this is the winner right here then uninstall the rest of these packages but that's what i mean building your own operating system choosing what you like the best as you saw i was using terminator for my terminal well that was custom and i obviously made a lot of custom changes with terminator right here you can see i have quite a bit but let's say i wanted to change this around we have you know all my hotkeys where i like terminator like this but let's say you don't like terminator you want more of a traditional console okay console boom you have your traditional console here where you can do all the different things they do the same thing it's just separate programs of accomplishing the same task the idea is to get familiar with all the different things out there when it comes to the settings in kde i did make that whole kde customization video highly recommend you check that out i will link it but coming to global themes in kde you can change this to whatever you want let's let's change it to this theme and have a little bit different uh gradient and some opacity with some flashy colors you can do that you can get whole brand new themes here and install just about anything you can make it look like mac you can make it look like pretty much whatever you can think it up like let's say you wanted to make it look like windows xp let's say you're living in the past and you want an xp let's see if there's windows xp in here oh there's windows 7 oh here you go windows xp you can make it look exactly like windows xp if you like down to the file browser to the login screen all those weird little things it's crazy what all you can do however you want your operating system to look you can make it look like that not just kde you can make it and function a whole different way a lot of people don't like the traditional start menu bar like this you know let's say you want to change it to do more of an application launcher more mac-esque or you want to do more of a search feature you do that that's pretty awesome it just depends on what you want out of your operating system and katie might give it to you but there's another alternative there's 10 or 20 different alternatives go to a subreddit and try it out check out midori you know this is a neat little browser pulling this up you let's let's say we go to reddit and go to a subreddit called unix born don't worry i know i know you're thinking that's a risky selection but let's go ahead and go and pull it up you can see all the different kinds of desktops people come up with it really explores the creativity it makes it your own desktop you can flip through all these different ones and go you know what what's this guy doing here to make his desktop look like that you go full hacker man you can do all kinds of crazy stuff this is where people come up with these ideas and it's just a fun way to spot but learning the different programs is important like right now midori you're probably like what the heck kind of web browser are you using there's no extensions it's bare bones but you know what if i pull up the little system monitor here you'll notice midori has taken up 34 megabytes of memory chromium would be eating up a million you think i'm joking but i'm not it would be eating up at least a gig of space a lot of times chromium can go up to like 10 gigs which by comparison in gigabytes this is .03 gigabytes that's that's a ridiculous amount so while some people make fun of midori for being lacking of features it brings me back to how the web started and how sometimes our bloated web browsers come in to be but i like it just to have in case there's something i need to pick up real fast like that little unix looking at all these different desktops just make it your own that's that's the beauty of all this now i could go on further from here but i really just wanted to instill in all the different ways you could change the different programs but not just that there's certain things you're going to leave behind going hey i'm going to miss my gaming my gaming worked great on windows or when it wasn't bogged down with all the crap it worked percent of the time i know every game was compatible and you could dual boot to have that or you could have a separate box like i do where i just have a windows box on command and then i just launch moonlight which i made a video i'll link up here to where you could see game streaming in action where that one box it doesn't really do anything it has windows loaded but all my games are loaded up on it i can just stream it wherever i am and never have to worry about it the microsoft office you could use the web-based versions which works or you could ch choose an alternative like free office open office libreoffice uh gosh there's just a billion different office packages you could choose instead of an adobe you can choose for instead of photoshop you go with but i don't say these things to try and get you to install some linux distribution i get these things to try and ignite that passion for technology i don't know how many older folks are in the crowd but back in the 90s and 2000s there was this era of discovery and things that just is amazing you know when you get into a computer and you finally find something new that no one else does or knows it there's something really magical about that where you just don't get that with mac on windows it's a very predictable experience one that i've really grown tired of and honestly it kind of puts me in a bad mood sometimes when i'm in it too much where i am always discovering something new and just kind of customizing it's definitely a nerd thing and it doesn't appeal to everybody it's an alternative lifestyle when it comes to computing but it's one that i really wish more people would try and that's really what this video is about just to try and open up that door just a hair just to say hey anything's possible if you can think it 10 teams have probably already done it and you just are sitting there going well i have a buffet of choices i guess i'm going to just pick that one and go left to right and that's what you got to do and you just pick out exactly what you enjoy exactly what you like but get on that reddit and flip through all those different desktops pick the one that's right for you and then just start to mirror it and then figure out what you like and what you don't like and then change what you don't like to something else and with that let me know your thoughts down in the comments section and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 300,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, build your own operating system, operating system, kernel, linux, os, nasm, bootloader, assembly, debian, windows, gcc, x86, tutorial, how to, c++, programming, ubuntu, software, how to make an operating system, qemu, grub, asm, assembler, development, kali, create, make, operating, system, create your own os, make os, bootloader in assembly, create os, os kernel, simple operating system, simple os, simple kernel, ubuntu 20.04, focal fossa, best linux distro, linux desktop
Id: YbXHU7W7Its
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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