AtlasOS vs ReviOS vs Tiny11 - Which is the Best Custom Windows 11?

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on these three SSD drives I have got three of the best optimized Windows 11 operating systems tiny 11 Atlas OS and we've even got by popular demand rev iOS in today's video we're going to be comparing them and see which one's the best unlike other YouTubers I'm not using a virtual machine for any of these tests I'm going to be putting these ssds into my low-end eBay PC the specs of that is an Intel Core i5 4460 CPU 8 GB of DDR3 RAM and we're using in Creed Intel HD graphics for our testing I'm also going to be using an Elgato capture card so there won't be any recording software affecting our results so without further Ado let's start off with Atlas OS Atlas OS despite the name suggests is a modification of Windows 10 and 11 designed for gamers Alice OS has its own Playbook which you install through the am Wizards and it's otherwise a very easy install as you can see here in the setup you have the choice to enable or disable Defender you can disable all m ation I have the default Windows mitigations as well and it's really good that it gives you these configurable options remove Microsoft Edge disable Bluetooth and power saving by default you get the option of Brave waterfox or Google Chrome so when you first install Atlas OS this is pretty much what you're greeted with you got the nice Atlas OS background here as you can see we're using 21.6 GB on our Drive we've also got 6 GB of installed apps and most of the stuff here is pretty good we've got all of the Microsoft Visual stuff notepad paint terminal all the essentials really it's really good if we go into the task manager as you can see here we haven't got that many background processes in fact out of the box we've got 76 going on here which is really good for a custom windows 11 operating system we've got 1.7 GB of RAM usage and not much disc or GPU usage either we've got about 46 Windows processes which is heavily cut down compared to stock Windows 11 if we have a look at a stock Windows 11 an installation here as you can see we're using 30.6 GB and look at this 41 pre-installed apps it's just a NeverEnding list so Atlas os does a very good job at cutting all this out and making a very minimal OS we've also got lots of adverts and blo wear in the start menu which is not good whatsoever if we compare the two task managers here as you can see we've got 125 126 background processes in a stock Windows 11 install compare that to the 75 and that is pretty good we've also got 2 GB of RAM usage in our stock windows and about 1.7 on Atlas as you can see if we compare these two operating systems we are running Windows 11 Pro 23 H2 in our stock Windows 11 and as you guys can see here on Atlas OS we're also running Windows 11 Pro 23 H2 now I got a lot of questions on my last video about Atlas OS mainly about Windows Defender and Windows updates so once once you've installed the am Wizard and run the atlas OS Playbook you don't actually have to keep your antivirus disabled you can actually turn all of the switches back on and you're good to go in terms of Windows updates you can actually still run Windows updates through Atlas OS as you can see here I've installed multiple updates and drivers all through here and it all functions the same as Windows did before the only thing that you will not get is feature updates so for example if there's a new version of Windows that comes out you won't get that come through in your Windows update you're just get security updates so yeah I think for that Atlas OS gets a solid pass from me if we compare the startup time of Atlas OS and stock Windows 11 you'll see it on your screen right now now I couldn't use my capture card to capture either of these because it goes a bit weird so you just have to use my phone recording and as you can see I think Windows 11 might be slightly quicker than Atlas OS you guys will see the time on screen right now and yeah that is the startup time so let's go ahead and do a quick Minecraft FPS test so I'm installing in the windows Legacy launcher as you guys can see here on every single operating system I'm going to try in this video so we're going to start off with Minecraft 1.8.9 now we're going to be running on the same video settings on every operating system we're going to be trying which are pretty much all of these basically so we're going to go with fancy Graphics eight render distance so on stock Windows 11 as you guys can see we're just spawning in here if we throw up our FPS on screen we're on a little island here we're getting just over 60 FPS which is really good actually for integrated Graphics if we compare that side by side with Atlas OS in a similar kind of biome as you can see we're actually getting more FPS on Atlas OS next up we're going to try turning the video settings here we are on stock Windows 11 we're getting about 92 93 FPS but if we compare that to Atlas OS on Lower settings as you can see we're about the same we're about high 90s oh we just got 100 FPS there and as you can see when we go into full screen here on Atlas OS we're getting well over 100 120 FPS just a little bit under but yeah perfectly playable frame rate with low settings and in full screen and compare that to stock windows in full screen as you can see our FPS goes up quite a lot as well on stock Windows 11 so I'd say Atlas OS compared to stock windows on low settings in full screen it's pretty much about the same as you can see our Intel HD graphics are on 99% usage which is pretty high we're also on about 51% CPU 3.8 out of 7.9 GB RAM usage and yeah it's getting pretty toasty compare that to Atlas OS here we've got a lot less background processes we've obviously got Minecraft open 75 whilst gaming and 76% GPU usage which is quite interesting I don't know why stock Windows 11 had our usage so high so after a little bit more gaming on Atlas OS and monitoring the task manager the highest I managed to get it up to was 83% still nowhere near the 99% usage of stock windows no idea why that is so I also thought about doing a latest Minecraft 1.20 test for anyone interested we're currently running vanilla no mods settings turned all the way down and for some reason the performance is absolutely horrible on integrated Graphics we're lag spiking all over the place lows of like 5 6 FPS however on both Atlas OS and stock windows it's the exact same so yeah anyone interested in the latest version of Minecraft on this system there's your results next up we're going to be taking a look at rev iOS now rev iOS is installed in the same manner as Atlas OS through am Wizard and its own rev iOS Playbook so again you can customize your features here you can select your web browser of choice whether that be brave or Firefox and they've also got a link here to privacy which Compares all the different web browsers and their advantages and disadvantages which is pretty cool it also gives you the option to remove Microsoft Edge and co-pilot and you can also remove one drive drive- through here in their custom featur setup in the AM Wizards and yeah really gives you some nice customizability options which honestly Windows should come with imagine if we go into our storage settings here as you can see we have got 26 GB free and we have used 15.8 GB which is pretty good if we compare that to Atlas OS as you can see here rev iOS is actually a lot smaller on your disc in terms of installed apps on rev iOS we've got Brave Microsoft calculator we've got Microsoft store so a fairly minimal install with only 18 apps found in the settings compare that to the 26 apps found on Atlas OS rev iOS is looking very minimal in comparison in terms of background processes on rev iOS we've got 81 background processes 1.6 GB of RAM in use in idle and 0% pretty much everything else so I think Atlas OS has slightly less background processes but I'm pretty sure rev iOS actually has less Ram usage in idle which is pretty [Music] interesting so so far apart from the background processes on a fresh install rev iOS is winning here now one of the main selling points of rev iOS is its pre-installed revision tool which looks a lot like a Windows app and this has some really cool settings you can enable and disable Windows Defender you can also turn on and off user account control and you can also update root certificates through here as well there's also some Windows usability settings so you can turn on and off Windows notifications which is pretty cool we've also got some windows 11 specific ones so you can turn off the new context menu and also file explorer tabs you can optimize window games you can turn off background apps Hardware accelerated memory support you can also pause Windows updates through here as well and you can also install drivers through through Windows updates and you can also turn that on and off through the revision tool there is so much in this tool it is super good and honestly I think rev iOS is a very good option for power users out there for sure in terms of the specs we are running Windows 11 Pro 23 H2 using the latest rev iOS Playbook at the time of recording if we have a look at our winver here here's the build number and all of the important information there if you're interested all right so let's do a Minecraft test so let's start off with vanilla 1.8.9 on fancy Graphics here's the FPS we're getting so as you can see if we put on screen compared to stock Windows 11 and Atlas OS I think Atlas OS just about gets this one we're getting about 84 FPS in revi 90 in Atlas and about just over 60 to 70 in stock Windows 11 anyway let's go on to our fast Graphics let's put all of these settings make sure they're all exactly the same on every single operating system and as you can see this has changed things a little bit so we're still just under 100 FPS on pretty much all of these operating systems as you can see on screen right now none of them are hitting 100 maybe Atlas and revi are slightly spiking up to 100 FPS but yeah if we compare all three of them in full screen I would say definitely Atlas OS and rev os are pretty much tied but also stock Windows 11 doesn't do a bad job either in fact I think it actually beats out both of them in some cases all right let's do a stock vanilla 1.20 test here as you can see on each of the operating systems we've got a very lag spiky experience overall on stock Windows 11 Atlas and revi anyway that was revi OS now on to Tiny 11 so unlike all the other operating systems in this video Tiny 11 is installed a little bit differently rather than using am Wizard and a Playbook you actually have to install this the oldfashioned way through a good old ISO so you can get the iso off archive which I'll leave a link to in the description uh but you can also build tinier 11 yourself using the tiny 11 Builder however at the time of recording it is not currently updated for the latest 23 H2 update which is the version I'm going to be running in this test tiny 11 boasts a 20% smaller Windows 11 install in terms of dis usage it's fully updatable to the latest version of Windows Microsoft's co-pilot the AI assistant is also available in tiny 11 if you want that and you will need to install Microsoft Edge For That by default tiny 11 completely kills Microsoft Edge and it is nowhere to be found on the operating system so taking a look at the desktop of tiny 11 it looks very much like stock Windows 11 now let's see if their claim is true let's go ahead and look at our disc usage here so as you can see on our storage usage here we are using 15.7 GB if we compare that to Atlas And revi as you can see Tiny 11 is the smallest out of these three operating systems but only just rev iOS at 15.8 GB used time 11 has some serious competition in terms of pre-installed apps on Tiny 11 they've done a really good job at cutting most of them out if we have a look here only 10 pre-installed apps can be found you can pretty much fit this list on one page if we look at the start menu here no blo Weare or adverts or anything on there which is my main criticism of the last version if we take a look however at the task manager go into our background processes it is not great we're running about 120 background processes compared to the 18 or so of revios and the 70 or so of Atlas OS and Tiny 11 is unfortunately second to last with 1.9 out of 7.9 RAM usage so although the footprint of the operating system is quite small there's no background apps in terms of optimizations I don't think it's quite there unfortunately another thing you might have noticed in my search bar on the taskar here on Tiny 11 we also have Bing search which is really annoying I'm not really too sure how it would work with Edge being cut out the operating system like I said Windows update is still available through tiny 11 which is good to see but yeah otherwise it's not very impressive if we have a look here as you can see we're running Windows 11 Pro 23 H2 and if we go into our winver here just so you guys can see the build number and all of that good details yep there we go that is the details for our tiny 11 we're running so playing Minecraft on Tiny 11 we have currently running on fancy Graphics 1.8.9 no mods as you can see very similar performance to stock Windows 11 with the FPS being just over 60 FPS compare that obviously to revi revi does a very good job there but I'm pretty sure Atlas OS is probably the best in terms of FPS in this scenario with again tiny 11 coming second to last compared to the stock Windows 11 install if we have a look at our fast Graphics here as you can see again it's very similar we're getting you know High 90s maybe the odd Spike to 100s although I think tiny 11 might just be the best one here as you can see very consistent 100 FPS so tiny 11 has actually kind of won this now obviously going into full screen every single operating system is going to be well over 100 however very interestingly tiny 11 has actually got the most FPS here I saw that nearly go up to about 170 there which is pretty cool no idea why that is it might be because of the biome or there might be some hidden optimizations you never know under the hoods in terms of background proess while we're gaming with tiny 11 obviously lots of background processes as standard on this operating systems they're very high look at that 133 there we've got 80% Intel HD graphics usage nowhere near as high as the 99% that I store on the stock Windows 11 install and we've got about 3.4 GB of RAM usage while we're gaming here and as always let's do a Minecraft 1.20 test this again is stock with the settings turned down in Window mode and again all the operating systems very laggy lots of lag spikes going on here tiny 11 although it was the best in 1.8 tests I think it's still starting to struggle here although it's not quite as choppy as the other operating systems we're getting a pretty consistent 60 to 70 but still the odd lag Spike here and there is quite annoying again if we go into full screen this soon evens out and things start to get a little bit better but still we're stuck at 60 80 maybe the odd to 100 FPS still a little bit choppy but yeah compare that to the other operating systems there is much to be desired now just a little disclaimer before we end the video your results will vary depending on what computer you're using for example I might have really good results on revios or Atlas but it might be very different to your computer out there so I'd recommend getting another Drive just like I have here and installing whichever custom operating system you want on there running that seeing if you like it seeing if it works well on your system before you commit to installing it on your main drive as always make sure to back up all your files before you mess around with custom operating systems I don't want you guys to lose anything out there and yeah that's pretty much the video I hope you guys all found this useful if you want to check out my last video where I made my windows 11 look super clean then check out my last video on screen right here and I'll see you guys there
Channel: NotroDan
Views: 143,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atlas os vs windows 10, windows 10 vs windows 11, windows 11, windows 10, windows, custom windows 10 iso for gaming, rectify11 vs windows 11, custom windows 11, tiny11 vs windows 11, optimize windows 10 for gaming, make windows 10 faster, custom windows 10, windows 11 lite, custom windows, how to optimize windows 10 for gaming, windows 10 gaming, custom windows 11 iso, best custom windows 10 iso for gaming, optimize windows 10, windows 10 vs windows 11 gaming
Id: 2Ya18RAB9Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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