Arrange like a boss- FINISH your tracks! #cubase #arrangertrack

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boom there you go that's my arrangement so in a few minutes i'm going to show you how you can take a track that's basically scattered ideas like a sketch pad and turn it into a structured complete arrangement in one click like this hello everyone welcome back dom here and on this video i'm going to talk about a cubase feature that allows you to completely rearrange your songs create different structures or remixes super easily at a push of a button and this is a feature that not many people talk about and this is very very wrong so let's change this right after this [Music] i think that for quite a few people that are going to watch this video this is going to be a completely new thing and it's been around in cubase for ages it's actually one of the most tricky things to do in a daw so i'm pretty sure that what i'm going to show you here today many cubase users don't even know that it exists and trust me you're gonna be missing out if you don't know about this actually if this feature was there when i started using cubase it would have saved me so much time it's such a cool thing and it allows you to do things so so easily when it comes to restructuring your songs before we get into this if you have subscribed to the channel now it's time to do it kill that by notification icon as well it really really helps and if you enjoy these kinds of videos hit the thumbs up button it really really helps me make more videos like this for you so what is this amazing feature that i've been talking about this feature is called the arranger track and let me know in the comments down below how many of you guys knew about the arranger track and how many cool things it can do let me know in the comments down below so here is the arranger track here i have a track inside cubase that i've built and i have the arranger track how do you add an arranger track you go like this and you add an arranger track i've added one already so i cannot add more but that's how it looks like why would you need something like this okay so have you been in this kind of situation where you have arranged the track and you're thinking you know what i would like to have the chorus a couple more times at the end of the song or that breakdown was too long maybe i should make it shorter or maybe i could have that little you know four bar loop in the center or something like this and then what you end up doing is you take your well hopefully you take your range selection tool and you start moving things around and you go like this you know and you start rearranging things but then you have to close all the gaps and all these things which is still great you know this is a very very good way of doing things but especially if you're working with music that's kind of like in blocks like a 4 bar 8 bars 16 bar sections the arranger track can help you get many variations super super easily so let's listen to this track very very quickly i'm not gonna play the whole thing but let's have a listen [Music] we gave ourselves [Music] so as you can see we have some vocals we have a specific structure right now we start with a little bit of an intro and then we have maybe something like a verse and then maybe something that could be a chorus and then we also have a little bit of a breakdown here maybe something like a middle eight here i don't know i don't know this is like a you know keyboard part like a nice synth riff as you can see this is pretty much linear now we have the vocal here we have the chorus so it's basically not a track it's ideas put together in a linear fashion now what if we wanted to make a remix out of this or we want to have a more specific structure maybe we want to have like verse chorus middle 8 verse chorus breakdown something like this how would you do this because this is really scattered right now right let me show you what the arranger track can do for you so the first thing that you can do with the arranger track is basically determining what the sections of your song are so we start here as you can see so we can start here let's go for this four bar loop and now what i can do is i could take my pencil tool or just hit alt and start creating sections so there we go this is section a right then we have this section right here maybe i can try and have this section as section b what about here maybe this is a different section maybe i can go up to this and now i can start naming these sections maybe this is my chorus for example like that and then we have some bars that have no vocals let's call this section e and then we have the breakdown okay i think i'm gonna go like this here we have some vocals and here we have this section here's the part where we have the symthrif and this is like an outro thing very very quickly i have my different sections of my song right there if i want to i can of course name this maybe instead of section a i want to call this intro and maybe for this one i want to call this verse a and this one maybe i want to call this verse b this is my chorus so let's go like this and this is maybe bridge or something like this doesn't really matter and then we have breakdown a and breakdown b and this one we can call this outro up to this point this might have reminded you of the market track right with the market trucks you can do exactly the same you can actually mark all the sections of your songs using markers or cycle markers but the arranger track does so much more first of all i kind of like seeing the arranger track move on the market track sometimes because it has these really nice blocks so maybe for the intro i want to make it you know this kind of color and then for the verse i'm going to keep it like that for the chorus i'm going to paint it red the bridge maybe i can make it i don't know something like pink for the breakdowns maybe i want to make them this kind of yellow synth riff oh i'm gonna go for purple here and the outro maybe i can make it well gray i don't know doesn't matter now here's the cool thing as you can see i have the arranger track here and now i already have the arranger events let's hit this e button and see what happens so you can see that now i have these arranger events here the first thing that i can do very very quickly is immediately audition all these different sections for example if i want to check out the chorus now if i want to check out the verse a i can go to verse a and hit the play button oh the synth [Music] riff and you can see that it waits until this verse ends to get to the next event this is already very very cool but now let's say i want to create a very quick song structure let's start with the intro okay i'm going to drag the intro here to my current arranger chain and check what happens now we have the intro how many times once what about if actually i want to have this repeat two times you know maybe i want to add like a nice synth riff over there and maybe after this i want to have the synth riff maybe i want to introduce the riff at the beginning then let's go to my verse a and mid let's have this play twice and my verse b play once and then let's go to my chorus let's have my chorus play twice as well what else can we do maybe i don't want to go to the bridge after this maybe i want to go to my synthetic again great and now i can go back to my verse b chorus again and then maybe i want to go to my breakdown and maybe i'm not so sure about the breakdown a i can remove it and i can go for breakdown b instead and then maybe chorus again a couple of times and then outro how about that now if you have this button activated or if it's activated right here that means that the arranger track is now going to play and it's going to determine how the song will play check it out and check how cool this is okay let's play it [Music] intro it will play once and then we go to [Music] synthreif [Music] verse 8 [Music] chorus so you get the idea after the chorus we will go to the synthetic verse b chorus and so on and so forth so just like this i have a super quick structure straight away even if i started just from ideas and let me tell you why this is great this is great if you're working on your own material and you want to try different structures it's great if you're creating beats and you want to add like different elements on each four bar loop or eight bar loop then you can chain them together it's great when you're working with clients actually this is one of the reasons why i use the arranger track more than anything else because sometimes you're producing a track for an artist and then they say you know what maybe i don't want this bit right there i don't want this you know verse b you know just remove it or instead of verse b add the verse a again or instead of the breakdown give me the middle eight there and sometimes when your client asks you that you go like you know red alert letter oh my god this is going to take so much time because you need to make sure that everything will play fine and all the midi notes are cut to the right place and you don't get any weird you know artifacts and you know about all these things that can go wrong when you start chopping whole arrangements with this one you can do this super super fast now i showed you how you can play this in real time and the great thing is that you can create multiple chains so this could be my chain number one and then maybe i want to add another chain so maybe i can duplicate this and have the same starting point maybe i want to have a radio edit actually the great thing is that the arranger editor will show you how long your track is so i know that up to this point i have a three minute and four seconds track can you really comprehend how useful that is when you're arranging let's say that you have to do a five minute advertisement on youtube it's very easy for me i can say you know what i need to add a couple more choruses here maybe four and all of a sudden i have three minutes and 37 seconds so it's very very easy to get things going for film composers it's also very useful this is a feature that many remixers tend to use but i think that it's great for you know composing for film for media you know for ads it's really really good and really convenient now that's great dom but i can still see the mess here i don't see this great structure that you've just talked about it's great you can play it in real time but in the end i will need to have like a proper linear thing to work on right you're in for a treat first of all let me show you you can go back and forth like this between the events okay and if you want you can also create a new chain so you can have an alternative chain if you want to but here comes the great bits right see this button here flattened chain you can already imagine what it does let's click on this cogwheel first and let me go through some settings very very quickly what i will do this time i'm going to flatten the current chain and i'm going to keep this in the same project but you can also flatten the chain on a new project i can keep the arranger track i can make real event copies that's also very useful and i can also ask you based not to split the events in this case i'm going to use these settings these settings most of the times work great let's flatten the chain boom there you go that's my arrangement that's it i have the arrangement ready so let's check if it did everything correctly right [Music] and that's my structure that's my arrangement done one click i mean can you imagine how long it would take if you tried to do this manually and how many mistakes you might have done during this process where here everything is done automatically for you super cool right now let's undo for a second and let's go back here now i might want to have a very different arrangement maybe i want to create a new chain like this one here and actually you know what let's start with the same starting point and there we go this is the copy and maybe i want to have like an extended remix easy let's go here chorus let's go uh four let's keep it at four bars of course 84 that would be a long remix okay four bars and maybe i want to add the synthetic again here yeah two times and maybe i want to add the intro here and let's call it two times and the outro maybe have it like four times and all of a sudden i have a five minute remix okay let's flatten the chain boom bliss how cool is that so imagine you're trying to do a remix for a three minute track a pop track but you want to make like a house remix and you've built all the arrangement but you know in snippets in eight bar ideas 16 bar ideas then you can chain them together and the great thing is this is not restricting in any way it's not like some other solutions that you know they have like a very specific chain and that's it and basically it will play exactly the same thing all the way through now i can take my synth for example and while this thing is playing i can embellish it with different things or i can remove things or i can add things because we're still working in a linear environment we're not working with a loop-based program okay we are arranging using the loops and the sections but we're still linear and linear is power okay linear is more interesting linear allows you to expand and be more creative when you're arranging so now for example i can go here and say okay cool we have this bit here or maybe i can go to my breakdown and i can record nobody prevents me from recording even more [Music] oh and i forgot to record but shift and star and it's there you know retrospective record in cubase is really amazing uh that's a little tip uh not related to the arranger but so good so what can i say have you ever used this feature let me know in the comments down below if you enjoyed this and if it's the first time that you hear it please give it a thumbs up because now you can save so much time and you can be more creative rather than copying and pasting things around use the arranger track you will be so happy as a producer and you will be able to come up with incredible arrangements very very easily i hope you enjoyed this video guys i hope you have loads of fun with your ranger track i'll see you next one take care make some great music
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 33,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase arranger track, how to use the cubase arranger track, cubase arranging tips, how to remix in cubase, how to change song structures in cubase, cubase arranger track explained, cubase 11 tutorial, dom sigalas, dom sigalas cubase, arranger track, cubase pro, cubase tips, cubase tutorial, cubase pro tips, cubase arranger track live
Id: rkTcnBQkocs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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