Create This Fun Angled Tri-Fold Card

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[Music] hello everybody i'm lorraine smith from stamford and i have a fun fold for you again today which is sometimes called an angled fold card or it's actually a trifold card and i'd like to share that with you i usually do pastel colors earth tones those are sort of like what i tend to go toward but i'm working out of my box today and i went with some nice bright colors so i can't wait to show you what these are all going to look like they're all a little bit different you know me i show you very um varied ways of doing the same project so what we're going to start with today is this one in gorgeous great uses some dsp that you can get for free with celebrations from now until the end of september 2021 and um it goes with some of the stamp sets that we have in the main catalog so keep following along on the tutorial and you'll see four variations on the same fold okay so we're starting off our card base is starting off at five and a half by eleven and we're going to score it at some odd numbers here we're going to score it at three and three eighths so that's just before three and a half obviously okay on your score make sure you're using the gray one you don't want to cut by accident been there done that before and then you're also going to score at 7 and 5 8 but if you don't want to remember that number just turn it around and score it at 3 and 3 8 again that works too that way you're left with four and a quarter in the middle of your card that's the back of your card that's your card base so it's kind of a trifold right so it's 3 and 3 8 on both sides or 3 and 3 8 and then 7 and 5 8 whatever you like to do and how you want to think about it sometimes me remembering one number is easier three and three eighths on both sides so either way works okay so keep your trimmer handy because we're going to do some cutting in a minute so let's burnish those score lines of my bone folder for that and you'll see how they overlap so that's why you're starting off with the 11 instead of your normal card measurements all right they are going to overlap a little bit okay so now that where the angle comes in is we're going to make an angle down this way at an angle this way and then the opposite direction on the other side so i'm going to show you how to cut that so bringing your trimmer back in push the scoring tool out of the way and we're going to line up the first score line let's do the one on the right side first we're going to be making a diagonal cut down to the right side so we're cutting off that top corner so we're going to line up that crease in the channel of your trimmer okay and we're going to angle it in such a way that your tip goes to one and a half all right so you want to make sure you're at the fold is in the channel that little um channel there where your blade would go and go to one and a half now my trimmer goes to one and a half some trimmers might not go that far if that's the case just flip the card over and you can do it in the other direction okay so you would have your fold there and just keep turning it until the point reaches the one and a half line so you have to do just a little wiggling until it reaches one and a half all right carefully hold it in place and we're going to cut that angle off okay and then we're going to rotate the card so the point that we just created on the outside edge of the card is now in the channel and this time we want the bottom of the card to go to one okay so that corner is going to meet the one inch line so make sure it's still in the point up here is still right in the center of that channel you want to be as precise as you can so that the next part things line up as best as possible okay and i like to start my cut from a straight edge rather than a point because sometimes he could smush the point okay so now we're going to take that one away you might be able to do a fun little graphic card with those pieces you know i will try it you know me okay so um we want to do the same thing but just on the other side so it it looks symmetrical all right um okay so if you do have the one and a half on the other side you can do it that direction or just flip it over and do it on the other side the same way we did really doesn't matter dampen up trimmer it does go to one and a half so it gives you that little extra to hold over here and you can cut your small do your smaller measurements here so that's one thing i really like okay then we're just going to rotate it so this point stays in the channel and this point goes to one and then cut that off okay so it almost makes you know an arch in a way just with some straight edges okay so now they're going to fold over like this kind of reminds me of a shirt or there's a bathrobe actually how it overlaps right so anyway um now we'll be using the trimmer for designer series paper next so keep that handy we're going to cut a piece that's going to match up and lay over here now there are different things you can do you can put the designer paper on both sides of here you can do it on one side and decorate this in another way of course many options there's no fast hard rule that you need to keep up with and of course i'll show you different options so let me show you how to cut this because obviously you want it to have a little bit of a border now this parts can be a little tricky sometimes it works out just fine sometimes i have to do a little adjusting and that's where being really precise the first time and cutting the dsp comes in handy so you're starting with your dsp i'm going to choose this little funky scallop design and just to show you that if you do have a design that you want in a certain direction make sure that you figure that out ahead of time if you had this one it doesn't matter which direction you cut it because it's just a random flower right so with something like this i wanted the the scallops to be horizontal and you also have to think okay do you want them bumps or do you want them little looking more like little waves so i think i'm going to have them going this way and so that's how i'm going to remember to cut of course this designer paper comes i mean you could cut it so that they go this way too if that's if you wanted more vertical so you have to think that out ahead of time and by the way the paper we're using is what you can get for free with celebrations and it's the beautifully penned designer series paper you get three different patterns you get four of each of the different patterns so and they coordinate with the hand pen petals they are sort of black and white versions of the hand pen designer series paper okay so very similar but just all in black and white because that's been really popular lately people are loving that look and of course there are the dies that coordinate with that too so there are a lot of things some of the celebrations they tie into some of the things that are in the main catalog but of course you don't need those things you can work with this alone as you see i'll be doing here here are the reverse you have more of a graphic look black lines beautiful flowers that pretty i love the dots in there and then this has just the little dots there very fun so i'll show you some examples with all those papers in just a little bit so stay tuned okay so now to get the piece that's going to fit in here so you're starting off with five and a quarter by three and a quarter let me just check that these are all correct yep okay so we're going to do a similar thing that we did with the cardstock so bringing the trimmer back in we're going to do those same kind of angles so put one corner i'm going to think about where this is going to be so this is the top corner i want them as little you know the loops going down like like waves so to speak so i'm going to start from this is going to be my top corner i'm going to cut down here to one and a half so i'm going to keep the paper oriented the same way put that in the little groove the channel there and rotate it until this tip gets to one and a half and like i said the more precise you are in cutting your card base and this it should work out okay but you can always do a little adjusting later sometimes i've i don't know why but sometimes i've had trouble getting it just right and i guess that's just bound to happen i tried saying well move this over a sixteenth or whatever and i just figured okay just sometimes easier to adjust it at the end okay so i'm doing that i'm going to cut that all right so let's just do a little test i'm going to try it out over here and i'm going to give it a little bit of border i'm seeing that's looking good okay this angle is good and this is good now do you see how here this point if i went from this point down it's not going to give me a little bit of a border so here's where adjusting it just maybe you know a 16th of an inch or a little bit over is going to be helpful so if this makes any sense let me get this piece out of the way i want to start cutting this a little bit in from that point so the way my groove works there's a little bit of thickness on the end of that the side of that channel so i am actually putting my tip there so that might be like a sixteenth of an inch and then i'm going to adjust my other corner down to one okay and that's going to give me that little border on this end okay i just found for me that works best i'm going to bring my cutter down again and i'm going to slide it up okay so now let's check it out and see okay so that worked pretty well it's a little tiny bit off here depends how picky you want to be this um design is kind of random these random angles here and there it's um it's up to you how much that bothers you but i will just show you how you can you can just trim that a little bit and cut that off so i noticed it was i need a little trimming down at the bottom so i'm going to line it up and just trim that a little bit i'm going to put this this is fine up here but this down here i'm going to just cut a little bit off sometimes it works perfectly for some reason and sometimes it doesn't now the first time around is what i'm saying i don't know so if i just doing that i've made it work a little bit better okay sometimes little adjustments needed so now let's do the other side so i'm going to go from the top left this time down so again i'm going from the in the groove to one and a half cut that off and again i want to go in just a little bit so i'm going to go on the outside channel here so that i can start my cut a little bit more in here if that makes sense and then i'm going to go to my one and i might give it just a tiny bit more i might err on the side of giving a little bit more since i had to cut off a little bit more the last time just a hair sometimes makes that difference all right let's see how it fits the moment of truth yay there we go pretty good well this time i do have to trim a little bit more off the top so maybe i didn't have to do it that time say sometimes it's just that little bit and it depends how picky you are if it's sort of like a different angles wonky look maybe it won't matter most people won't notice we're just the worst critics of our own stuff okay so there we go we're going to glue those on making sure you get to the tips because the sides now as long as you have some glue on there they will stay down but it's the tips that might catch on some things you want to make sure that those have enough adhesive on it okay if you see your paper from where you cut it sometimes you see that little lip sticking up just take your fingernail or your bone folder and slide it down and it will get that back down again i see just a little piece of paper there i'll get that later i might be needing a new blade on my trimmer okay this is gorgeous grape all right so there's a variety of things you can do on the inside i am going to put my white paper there but first i'm going to stamp a little flower on there if you want you could put the reverse dsp in here and i'll show you examples of that you can leave it blank if you like for this version i'm going to just do some background stamping on there so i am going to first do um let me see if i want that full strength straw do a little flower down there for the inside and i'm going to just do some background stamping on this one just because i did different things on the other ones okay when you do i'm going to do a variety of images on here so start with your biggest ones first and it's okay if i go across here because that's going to cover and then i'm going to do a few of the leaves this is from the colors and contour just to bring something to the inside so it doesn't look so plain and then i'm going to use the little speckles just to stamp off and then do some lighter speckles so they all come from the color and contour the flower the little squiggly leaf and the speckles okay so i'm going to stamp off and then just do a couple little background things to fill in the space can you see that there you go close up my ink pad that's gorgeous grape on gorgeous green okay and then we'll glue down the center okay so that's kind of our fun fun card now it doesn't stay closed very well so different options for holding it together we can do a belly band so you would want a strip that's 10 inches long so let me get i think i'll do black i want it one inch by ten or did i do nine i don't remember i think i started out ten it's possible you could make do with nine but it doesn't matter it's going to overlap anyway all right and then you want to score it at two and a quarter and i'm just going to score it on one side because if i scored on the other side it might be a little tight depending on the thickness of your card and maybe um if you have extra layers in here it's going to feel thicker and then those score lines won't be you know all the same for whatever your card is so i do one side so i have a nice crease and then i just wrap it around and meet up the ends okay and then that obviously fits and then it will easily slide up and down and hold that card closed so you want this to be um pretty secure so use either your glue or more heavy duty um adhesive because that part can pop open easily if you don't use anything that is very um very secure so i like to since i don't want to wait for the glue to dry i'm going to use my tear tape and of course you want to be careful that you're not putting the tape where it's going to show so the part that's inside i put a little bit right here and i'll cut that i have my certain scissors for the sticky jobs and then i'll put another one on here so that way i know they're cut both sides are glued down it's going to be covered just fine okay pull off the backing and put it together then here's where you can add punches die cuts sentiments whatever you like however you want to decorate your card okay so after we have our inside done stamped the way we want i think i'll add a little bit of yellow to that center of that flower just to bring a little something in just gonna dot a little bit in there i don't want to smear that ink with my alcohol markers my stampin blends this is also the dark daffodil delight we don't have crushed curry so close enough for the colors i'm using today okay we made our belly band so now we have to decorate it right so i'm using the one of the largest stitched uh so sweetly labels i am using the color and contour as you know on the inside so i think i'll use that on the outside as well now the dyes that come with that have little cut out label frames as well but i just thought this one was too small this one they're just a little too scallopy i already have scallops here i didn't want to overdo it i wanted something a little more clean around the edges so that's why i chose this one it just has the stitched so yeah it is sort of rounded that gives me some tie-in to the curves here but um just not so scallopy i just thought it was too much so we're going to decorate this and we're going to continue using the contouring color stamp set i'm going to use the sentiment thinking i'm sorry thank you for everything i'm going to stamp that in memento black on the side of my label right there okay so i'm going to set my flower i'm going to keep this little mark at the top so i know how to line up the next part i'm going to do two flowers i believe they'll fit here there we go and then i'll do the other with highland heather our card base is gorgeous grape so i just want a slightly different tone on this and this stamp also has that little magic marker sharpie marker up there so i know that's the top that i line up with that makes it just a little bit easier okay so do that and there we go and it's not a whole lot different from that shade but it is slightly less if you wanted to you could stamp off first but not necessary right now oops okay so now i'm going to die cut that out okay so i die cut out my flowers it is helpful to have a spot on here too to line up with those parts then we can flip that right onto our card and it's a beautiful belly band to hold it shut go look how cute that is i love it absolutely love it so let me show you some other designs okay here's what i did in granny apple green with the same designer paper this time i put the a different pattern on the inside took a teeny tiny strip that i had left over stuck that down as a border and put the daisy on the inside from daisy lane stamp set and put that little guy there and i used two daisy punches to create my focal point on the front and what i happened to do on this one i happen to have a piece of white card stock that had the bark embossing on it and i said gee i wonder how that would look punching the daisy out of there and it gave it some nice texture so i really love that i have two big daisies and one small one so i'm just going to work these a little bit so that they curve up to give it a little bit more depth more like a real flower would have curl the edges a little bit away from each other and it looks a little bit more realistic on there okay so now i have my belly band now here's an example where you don't want to necessarily just put a score line on each side of measured score line because i have the extra thickness here it wouldn't fit the same as if i did not have that extra thickness so i've already put my tear tape on here i'm going to go ahead tear that off if you have trouble grabbing it use the take your pick tool and you can get that off pretty easily just like that and start it some people like using those for their dimensionals also you can see i've already pre-planned my dimensionals here so my flower can go right on there so i'll take these off and i will put my daisy right on there so nice and simple nice little smile right okay so recipient will take that off you see a beautiful card inside here's yet another example crushed curry made the belly band as well used a smaller label from this stitch so sweetly labeled dies and i used the cut outs from the penned flowers that goes with a hand pen petal set so i cut these little guys this one of these in one of these you get several so you can make a little bouquet if you like so glued that on there pops up with dimensional dots so and i only used as you can see designer paper on one side on the other side i actually embossed it just to have something different isn't it beautiful i just thought this color and the black usually i think fall colors well i said you know what i'm just going bright and cheery this time i use the hammered metal 3d embossing folder and again it's not always something i think of with my floral prints but hey it worked so what i actually did was i used the reverse side this is the front side it has sort of a cobblestone look or maybe a reptile look if you will but the back side has the edges that are raised and i just thought they gave a little bit different kind of texture to it i really didn't think i wanted this side on there so i flipped it over and used the other so what i actually did was i put just that flap into my embossing folder made sure these were closed in and i disobeyed one of our rules our rule is when you're using the embossing folders always put the seam side in first because as it presses there's pressure over here and if it's open it's not going to break if you're doing it the other way is going to put pressure more on the fold and it might end up tearing it occasionally i will put it in sideways but again it's not going to give too much pressure over here so the few times that i do this i think it's okay so i was able to put it in my large cut emboss machine this way so i could get that flap embossed as well so a little trick for that all right and this time i just left this plain this one is embossed um and just kind of leaving this one just a little bit more plain and simple and you can decide which flap you want to have over the top too it really doesn't matter which way just more likely open left to right from the top but because this already had the paper on it and i decided to emboss this just seemed to go the other way i thought that came out really nice this is that little tiny hint of green from the leaves which is also from that die set okay now the fourth rendition here you know you don't just get one when you're looking at my my tutorials here so i like to try many different ways with the same idea the same sketch the same layout same fold and then just think of many ways to vary it so here we go i had one of these already in my stash i keep a little bin of things that i intended to use on another card but maybe didn't get to or stamped extra so i already had this the stitched rectangle with this came from the poppies set already colored in i said all right i wanted to use the red on here i thought that worked out really well so i just popped this up with the dimensional dots again i chose the right side because i didn't want this here i wanted this to be more the background obviously the flowers are prettier so that's why i didn't put the poppy over here so i chose to do this this is the back side of the dsp and i thought that looked really nice so but now i said well if i have this here it would be difficult to have a belly band but i really didn't like how it doesn't stay closed without something so then remembering how i close one of my other cards i decided to use the smallest die from the stitch so sweetly pop that out and i put three small black dimensionals on the back and that's going to be a little latch closure to stick the corner right in there so because this is up raised up there's space to get that little corner in there to hold it closed so what i want to do is take the backs off and i see the way i just randomly put them on there there's a little bit more space here so i'm going to have this side where my corner is going to tuck in and i'm going to kind of feel how far in that goes so i don't put it too close or too far away i'm going to touch it to the foam dots there but then pull it out just a little bit and that way it should give me just enough for that corner to catch and enough to hold it okay so now i thought we need a little something on there so keeping with the black and white i'm going to use one of the pearls use my take your pick tool to pick one of those pretty pearls up and i'm going to stick that right there reminds me of a little doorknob or something like that alright so i thought that was really pretty and you know what now i'm thinking about it this is a little bit of empty space here i'm going to take a couple of these tiny pearls i'm going to bring that over to here too just add two it's kind of nice to have things in threes alright so how pretty is that very nice right and then on the inside i didn't decorate only anything on the inside yet but i probably will but just to give you another idea of a closure just tuck that right in okay so how beautiful are all those each one's slightly different this one i stamped right on the belly band as you can see so a lot of different options here this one doesn't have a sentiment on the outside you can always add something or just keep your message for the inside and remember they all use the pretty patterned paper that you can get for free absolutely free during celebrations through the end of september spend fifty dollars and you can pick anything from the celebrations catalog celebrations brochure and this is one of the free choices that you can get 12 by 12 sheets of paper you get 12 sheets four of each of the patterns so you have one graphic side and you have a floral side so you see each of those were represented in my cards today so hope you liked the video and if you did don't forget to give me a thumbs up down below i really appreciate it and leave a comment tell me which one you like the best i really can't decide they're all very unique so um you tell me which one you like and don't forget to head on over to and you can see more ideas for your and projects bye bye now [Music]
Channel: Stamp with Lorraine
Views: 41,589
Rating: 4.9458413 out of 5
Keywords: Premiere_Elements_2020
Id: NoxMGX8ixc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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