ONE Easy Card Fold For FIVE Creative Cards - Easy Tutorial

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hi everyone so today's video is aimed mostly at beginner card makers but even if you're an advanced card maker you still might like this video and you might learn something new but what I'm gonna show you today is how to take any size piece of cardstock depending on you know how big or small you want your card to be but how you can make two simple folds to create this one card fold and you won't need to do any measuring you won't need any special tools like a scoring board or anything like that and by making these folds you will be able to make at least five different style cards and today I am going to show you what those are so let's head on over to the craft table and get started okay are you ready for this it doesn't matter what size piece of cardstock you have or even if you have a pre folded card so I've already folded this one but we're gonna go through it together so take it and fold it in half just like that okay so you know mine's already creased but fold it in half then open it up then you're gonna fold it in half like that okay so all you've done is fold it in half and fold it in half and guess what you're done are you ready to go on from here okay here's one of the card folds that you can do so I'm gonna move this out of the way for a second and I'm gonna show you is you decorate the two panels okay so not just with what I have on here but you put your paper on both panels so you would decorate this panel and you would decorate that panel but you would not decorate them as a whole because you need that fold right there okay so after you've done that then you can put an image of some sort on the front here and in a minute I'm going to put up some pictures of other samples but when you do that you only want to attach it to the first panel you don't want to attach it to this top one you want to attach it to this one right here so that it can stand up like this and that pops up so the card looks like this which is absolutely beautiful just the way it is but then the recipient can stand it up like that and with that out of the way so you get a better look there so it's really cool and you know you can decorate right down here and then you're going to need some raised objects to make this stand up you know whether you um here well I'll show you here in a minute on a different card but you know use some foam tape under it or something and that will hold it in place now wasn't that easy that really simple fold you just decorate and you add an object right there it's gonna pop up now let me show you a different one by the way I call this one a pop-up easel card and honestly don't know what it's called but we're going to call it a pop-up easel card you okay now taking that same fold remember this is the fold that we had and this is the one that you just you know decorated here and here and put a you know a little image or something on there but now we're going to take this flatten it out and you are going to cut a piece of cardstock that perfectly matches the size of your card and you are going to decorate this you can print out an image and color it you can put layers on here you can do whatever you want to this piece this piece right here okay and then when you're done you're gonna take your card base here you didn't have to decorate any of this just take it as it is of course you can decorate this bottom part but I mean you don't have to decorate the outside because then you're gonna take that beautiful card topper that you created you are gonna put glue right here I prefer glue instead of double-sided tape but it's up to you but you're gonna put it there you're not gonna put it up here you're just going to put it on the bottom panel just like you did on the other card and this is going to attach right there and to make it easy once you've put the glue there just lay it down flat and line your card up right on top like that make sure that it's glued down really good and you are gonna have an easel card so let me show you an easel card and grab one right here so here we go we have this all decorated and actually this one is more like a pop-up but it's not because it doesn't go all the way to the edges which normally it would but you just put something right here or right here to make it hold that so it doesn't just you know slide so it has to be raised a little bit and again you have a really nice easel card just a little bit different than this one so one of them you have a card top where all the way across the front and this one you decorate the front and you put an image to pop up so we have an easel card and a pop-up easel card there are two cards so far now let's see what else you can do with it you okay we're back to our our basic card fold that we had okay only this time we're gonna take this and we're going to fold it the another direction okay so now it's going that way guess what guys you just made a Z fold card now you can leave it just like that and then we can say that we made six cards instead of five but I'm going to show you how to make a different kind of Z fold card which by the way this is really cool you know if the camera could get it from this angle so you can see that but let me show you one that isn't completely put together and we're gonna put it together together so here's one decorated and you're going oh that looks horrible because that's showing that's correct because on this particular one I am going to show you how to add this to the front so it doesn't have to be a square like this it could be a rectangle it could be an oval a circle a heart it can be anything you want it to be and you don't even have to have the matching one underneath even though I find that a really cool technique okay but what I've done is I've already put this all together so we've decorated these panels you don't have to decorate the outside ones because it's just going to be closed and open like this so we've decorated the inside and I'm gonna show you how to make sure that you get that piece covered up because you don't want to just put this on all willy-nilly and go oh look at that it doesn't match up or oh it's clear over here somewhere well I guess you could do that if you wanted to but anyways we are going to put this on there so I'm gonna grab my beacon 3in1 you can use whatever you like now what you want to make sure is that when you put the glue on that it's on this half so after remember this is the half I wanted on I'm going to turn it over and I'm gonna add a little bit bring it over here and I am going to just match it up without sticking my head in front of the camera okay so there you go it is now all matched up perfectly and now this is what the front of the card looks like and then it opens up just like that now I wanted to show you the really cool die set that I used to create this and I'm actually going to be using it on another card as well so hold on one second well I could grab that just in case you are interested and where I got that these are the lace frame cutting dies from in love arts and it comes in this set of three and they create these beautiful lace frames and what is amazing is they can go inside of each other to create a different frame and I've done that on another card you're going to be seen here in a little bit but there's just so many possibilities with these I think they're fabulous and this one right here is what I used to cut that out with and I just think that that is so pretty so just wanted to let you know and I'll have a link below in the description box if you are interested in these and I'll also put a link below in the description box to this not the butterfly but these shimmer sheets they are absolutely fabulous I have been using them a lot lately let me go grab one I'll show you real quick they come like this you get several sheets um actually get three and they're by Elizabeth craft designs and these are just fabulous there are mylar and they're just so shimmery and there's different colors but I absolutely love using them and I haven't used him in a so I just pulled them out recently and have gone a little bit crazy with it but there you go an absolutely beautiful card now let me show you another one okay so far we have done three cards or four depending on how you look at it and now I'm going to show you another one so we're gonna take this exact same fold that we had for the Z fold and we're gonna stand it up like that now obviously my camera isn't down at that angle but it stands up just like that and I'm gonna show you how to do it as you can see this is falling over it doesn't always but I want to show you how to do this in a way that it does not fall over so let me grab this so here's the card that I've made so it looks like this and then the recipient can open it up and stand it up just like that and again yep using those mylar shimmer sheets with more butterflies because I've gone butterfly crazy and again using the lace frame cutting dice so we have that but it will fall over usually once it's decorated sometimes I don't have that problem but sometimes you do and you don't ever want that to happen so we are gonna create a little easel for the back of it and do you remember how I said for one of those cards you just cut a piece that's the exact same size as the front of your card well it's the same thing whatever size your card is you're gonna cut a piece of card stock and you're gonna fold it in half no measuring involved this was a scrap I have a little couple holes right there but no measuring involved you just fold it in half so that it fits nicely behind your card and you attach it and your card will stand up beautifully just like that so there you go another card fold and you know what while I'm talking to you let's go ahead and attach this and it folds up nicely to go in an envelope so this easel does not get in the way at all so you just attach it to the back of your card so that it sets perfectly behind it just like that so it touches on the bottom and that way when the recipient gets it and opens it up they have a beautiful card that will stand there just like that so again another easy card fold decorate it however you would like you could go crazy and add tons of embellishments whatever you want to this I've just been keeping it pretty simple because I happen to know that a lot of my viewers are beginners and don't have a lot of supplies so I'm just keeping it simple to show you how beautiful a simple card can be we're not done yet though we have another card okay back to our basic card fold that we did so so far nothing has changed you either fold it this way or that way depending on the card you're making but we are going to leave it folded back like the Z fold and this time we're going to be cutting part of it off so you have to know how big your card is my card happens to be 4 and 1/4 by 5 and 1/2 so I want it to be 4 and 1/4 inches square for what I'm going to be doing and you don't have to make it square but the one I'm going to show you that's what I'm doing so you're gonna take it in and you're going to cut it off at 1 and 1/4 inches and that's gonna leave you a strip down here at the bottom and I could do math in my head really quick since I am the math whiz I would be let's see that's 5 and 1/2 down to 4 and 1/4 so I have an inch and 1/4 yeah an inch and 1/4 strip and what are we doing with this after we've cut that off let me show you I don't have it put together yet because I wanted to put it together completely with you so we set that aside so here we have a square Z fold card that opens just like that other one and the difference is we now have this piece that we've cut off and by the way don't cut that off until your card is folded so make sure that your card is folded already you can open it up to cut it off but make sure you already have those folds in there and let me show you why because you're gonna need those folds on this piece so when you cut it off I'm going to bring it over here when you cut it off it was like this and now you're gonna turn it around the other way so now the folds are opposite and we are going to attach the first one right there on that first panel and that's it we're not going to attach it all the way across so you only want adhesive right there on that first panel and then this last piece we are going to attach right back here on the back panel but we are not attaching the rest of it and it will open and close like that so you decorate your inside panels you don't have to worry about decorating the outside because no one's gonna see it so you decorate each panel the way you want to do it and it's kind of good to have this panel be where your sentiment goes so that it's hidden until the card is opened up and we are gonna get started here so again I'm going to grab my beacon and I am just going to actually put the adhesive right on there okay that way I know it's only on that panel and I'm gonna lay this out and we're going to attach it right there now of course this is a glue and even though it's a quick tack it is slipping and sliding which is fine with me so I am going to give that a minute making sure I have it lined up really good and I'm gonna come over to this other end you have that sliding okay you know what I'm gonna be back and let's say 30 seconds when that is dry okay that was quick now I'm going to put the glue right here on the back of this one now you asked why am i putting it on the back here but I didn't there it's because this is one long piece and I didn't want to accidentally get it too far over and have it stick to the next panel that's why I only added the glue to the panel instead of to this strip but on this one it's okay that I add it to the strip because we are actually adhering this entire section right there so again we've got that I'm gonna flatten this right out and lay it down because this strip obviously fits perfectly there since that's where we cut it from okay now we're gonna wait another 30 seconds and I'll be right back all right now this is ready to be finished I am gonna be out in this sweet little gorgeous girl right there and I put some foam tape on her back I'm really not worried about her legs but I'm choosing to make this you know dimensional and you don't have to in fact actually I've added way too much down here on this trip so when it closes it kind of is a little bit thick so you don't have to do that these all just have those gems on it that makes everything pop up but let me get my little gorgeous girl on here because she's just so cute I love gorgeous girls actually I'll put a link below in the description box to where you can find her as well this is a stamped image that I've just Leslie cut out if you're not familiar with gorgeous girls they just have the cutest stamps in the whole world so I will be sure to put a link below where you can find her as well as where you can find those mylar shimmer sheets and and the dyes so I'll be showing you you know where you can find these things but here you go and then it opens up like that and it sets nicely I don't see it'll sit up just like that and that's just beautiful and wasn't that easy all of these are so easy because they're all from one single fold that all you had to do was take your cardstock and go like this go oh look at that let's fold it in half and let's open it up and then whether you choose to fold this on the outside to meet over I find it easier to fold it on the inside to meet over the you want to do it all you have to do was do those two folds on any size and when I say any size hold on a second let me show you something I mean absolutely any size I have made and I haven't measured this so but I have made these four Oh what do you call them you know little place place thingies name thingies yeah I'll come up with the right word for it here probably after the videos over with well you guys are all out there laughing but you know just to sit on a table for a special event like Thanksgiving so that you know people know where they're gonna sit you can also do it for a wedding but there you go isn't that cute and I've already cut this out that goes on the front and somebody's name can go there and you can put something right here to hold it up so when I say any size I truly mean you can do this fold on any size and you can create a miniature little card like that you could do this for a tag and hang it on a you know a package so seriously any size you want and we've got five cards out of this six if you count the one that didn't have anything right here but could still open up like that so there you go guys I hope that was easy enough for you thank you all for watching today and I hope that you like how easy this is just you know one card fold two little folds and you can make so many different cards from it so I hope this has given you plenty of ideas to keep you busy for a while and below in the description box I am going to have links to a couple of video tutorials and to some of the products that I use today such as the dies I used from in love arts and all of that will be below just click where it says show milori and it'll drop down and you'll find all those links and even a link to crafters castle challenge where you can enter your creations happy crafting everyone bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Janie - The Craft Princess
Views: 125,177
Rating: 4.9436936 out of 5
Keywords: cardmaking, card making, card folds, easy card folds, beginner cardmaking tutorials, beginner card making tutorials, cardmaking for beginners, card making for beginners, inlovearts, gorgeous girls, Elizbeth Craft Designs, Shimmer Sheetz, easel cards, pop up easel cards, z fold cards, double z fold cards, unique card folds, creative cards, Crafter's Castle, Step Cards, Fun folds, Fun fold cards, Fancy Fold cards, Fancy Fun Folds, Fancy fun fold cards, Jennifer McGuire
Id: GHwHaEU623Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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