Napkin Cards - a quick tutorial

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hi everybody it's tony tessler um today i want to show you something quick um my stamp club and i we were working with napkins earlier and i got so caught up in talking to everybody and having a good time i forgot to show them the one thing that um i really wanted to so i'm gonna go through sorry for the mess if you can see any of this because um i've been you know at this for several hours once the creativity gets going it's everything's all over the place um but so i'm going to walk you through a basic uh napkin card which is what we were doing earlier and then the extra step is i want to add some clear embossing to the whole thing and that's what i forgot to tell my girls so um i've got my napkin here and when you do a napkin card you want to pull all the plies apart um let me see i've got one here so you pull your napkin unfold it and they generally have two or three plies and you want to get rid of those extra plies because that'll come up so the tricky part is usually getting these separated um and if you have a hard time you can use some tape sometimes like i've got some tape that i've um you know got most of the sticky stuff off just kind of pull these back and forth and it should separate them there we go all right so see how that started and i'm going to pull this tape off and i don't care that that got messed up so you want to gently pull these layers apart let me flip this over all right and it looks like this one is just a two ply which is good um because then i don't have to mess with it anymore but if it was three pies you would have to get that second extra layer off all right i'm just going to pull this off all right so that is your first step it's getting all the plies off and i'm going to put this away because i'm going to use that for a different one i've already done that with my leaf piece here and you can see there is um it's lighter on one side than the other this is the top so then you need uh adhesive and card stock so my card stock i use white um just because it'll show through you know you'll the napkin gets pretty see-through and any color would you know make it look weird um then i've got the adhesive sheets and these come like i don't know six by twelve or five and three quarters by seven and three quarters okay and those might be from a couple years ago i don't know but some kind of adhesive sheet or you can use glue sticks okay you peel this up if i can get it get a little bit going oh i forgot about that geez all right so with these i peel that little part off the edge that i forgot about i'm going to line this up on this side of the paper and then i peel this bigger piece off [Applause] and push it across with my fingers and then you want to give it a good rub you know what i was used to before i was using this older stuff and that's um that didn't have that good edge okay so cardstock sticky stuff now we're gonna peel this other sticky layer up and i don't know if you can see these glue dots like this is really a good adhesive across the whole sheet i don't want to touch it too much okay now if your um napkin has a pattern like words or direction or something you're gonna wanna be careful that you get things straight now some people put the napkin down face down and put the paper on top i like to do it this way mostly and i'm just gonna this pattern doesn't matter so i'm just gonna drop it on here um so like i was saying uh some people may want to put the the napkin face upside down and lay the paper on top i just like to have my paper down on the table the glue side up and i'm just gonna put this down right on it very carefully now this pattern like i said this one doesn't matter it doesn't have a direction and you want to smooth out all your wrinkles as best you can and i somehow got glue in my hand okay now this part i'm just going to give this a quick trim because i am going cut this down a little bit more you just want to go right up to the edge you can fold this over these extra hang off bits and you can you know tape it down like this around and do your corner i don't bother with any of that all right so i'm just rough trimming this like i said i am going to trim this down i cut this piece to um five and a quarter by four but that's the layer that i want for my my color layer that's gonna go under it you know my mounting layer all right so at this point we would trim this up nice and mount it on our cardstock layers and do some doodads you know um but this is the part i forgot to tell my stamp group earlier so for an extra razzle dazzle you're gonna need some clear embossing powder and your versamark and we're gonna emboss this whole thing now if you had um iridescent ice or something sparkly like sparkly and clear some people also do this and they add glitter like a whole thing of glitter i just like it sometimes with the clear just because it adds um another like you know it's more shine a little more more dimension all right so let's put this on here and hmm i don't have a spoon so let's use a piece of cardstock now i'm just trying to keep this contained normally i'm not as picky about this but since it's a little large piece i want to contain the powder okay so let's see if i can keep it all together let me put that little bit up all right so this is good let me put that off let me get this powder back in the container before i spill it because that has happened of course i bet that's happened to everyone okay lid lid lid right here now since this is clear and i was doing like a total cover ugh i wasn't too worried about i just wanted to make sure it's all covered and it does look um if i tilt it it looks kind of like peach fuzz so that means i got it all all right so time out while i heat this up okay so that is just another level of shiny goodness and you can even go maybe two or three more times if you wanted to um you know do the thick extra thick you make it a couple layers but i like this you can still see some of the texture from the napkin coming through that it's not like a complete solid sheet of ice looking bit so i like it i'm going to leave it like this so um i want to trim all this and like i said my layer is going to be five and a quarter by four so i want this down um five and a quarter i like it down three sixteenths of an inch all right and that i was just trying to get a straight edge so i'm gonna have i'm just gonna go around all right five and a quarter minus three sixteenths so that's five and one-sixteenths and then 4 minus 3 16 is 3 and 13 16. all right let's get these bits out and here's my layers that i already cut um hopefully that adds up yep it's a little sturdier too when you emboss it and why do i feel like something's coming up there oh something was stuck to it all right where's my glue so i'm just going to use liquid glue on this and put it right on the early espresso and i'm just gonna hold this in place for a minute and when i get this put together i will bring another card in that i made with the same napkin and you can see because i did not emboss it and you can see the difference all right so it's good enough now this one i already stamped a greeting um like i said my table got to be a mess oh here we go i'm going to keep this pretty simple because i want the focus on this napkin but i do want to add [Music] i want to add a little bit uh this is old chocolate chip grosgrain and i just want to put a little knot a ribbon all right so let's mount this and i can tell i got some i have some embossing powder on my work surface not the end of the world all right hold this yeah and i'm just gonna glue this down you could use glue dots um i'm afraid even dimensionals because of the embossing dimensionals might pull up i'm not quite sure but i like this liquid glue good enough so that's that all right i do want to glue that for my ribbon bit though so pretty simple um but we really had fun with these napkins today the idea was so we all there's eight or nine of us we all shared napkins we all mailed each other a couple of different napkins so we had a huge variety i'm not real happy with where that ended up all right well it's stuck now i do want to add some gold gilded gems or something something yeah brighter maybe just two maybe a big one [Music] there and a little one right there i like it not too involved but still pretty now let me bring this up so i don't know if the shine if you can catch the shine and the the texture of the napkin under there i don't know if that's picking it up in the light but let me bring this other one in actually i'll show you all the ones i made today um so this same pattern one of the panels had you know we i unfolded the napkin and the top one panel the top panel had these gold veins on it so this is the same let me see i think that's in frame um this is the same napkin but can you see that the one this one is shinier the one on the right hand side but i love them both so but that is just an extra little tidbit you can do for your napkin cards is embossum all right and actually yeah before you go so that's the other one i made same napkin just added some old ribbon this was um a turkey ribbon so two of the panels had turkeys so they're just you know i had to make one face in the they're facing each other but all i did it's like this takes center center stage it's just the the greeting and i added one little gem and this one i added some other ones but this border that was right on the napkin totally cool then i made some 5x7 ones and uh this was a napkin i had from last year i really like that and then i made a couple with um i had this plaid napkin and uh then i got these wood bits this was stuff that you like scatter on your table for decorations they're little wooden leaves and i thought they would be cute for making cards oops so i did that grateful and another big one again with this background i love the plaid and then i did a 5x7 with the same napkin that i just used for you so just an idea emboss it make a little shiny okay uh thanks for watching and i'll catch you later bye
Channel: ToniStamps
Views: 30,836
Rating: 4.8990083 out of 5
Id: 74h4skRsYHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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