Double your fun! A 6x6 Double One Sheet Wonder

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hello everyone this is robin arbrect with really robin stamps welcome to my channel and welcome to another tutorial today's project is going to be a double one sheet wonder using six by six designer series paper or double-sided pattern paper this project is great because it's kind of like a a template like a puzzle that helps you put together cards so this template that i have is going to make five cards so let me show you how this works here are the supplies that you're going to need you're going to need five card bases which i'm gonna go ahead and cut mine and so i've got three full sheets of eight and a half by eleven cardstock which i will have one extra card base and then i have two sheets of basic white eight and a half by 11 card stock and these are going to be for the front of the cards so let's start putting um cutting our card stock and getting started so these are all going to be just your basic card design so i'm going to score my paper at four and a quarter inches and i'm going to turn and i'm going to cut at five and a half and i'm gonna do that for all three of these i'm gonna score at four and a fourth inches and then cut at five and a half that gives me two card bases we'll do it one more time score and then cut all right so one of these will be extra i'll put that to the side so now i have five card bases this one sheet wonder pattern is meant to fit on a trimmed piece of card stock on the front of the card so i'm going to take my two pieces of basic white and i'm going to make those cuts at four inches by five and a fourth so it's just a fourth inch smaller than the front of a card base so even though i only need five for this project i'm gonna go ahead and cut two full sheets because this size of basic white at four inches by five and a quarter is a very useful size to have it's also the same size that i usually put on the inside of my cards so that i can write on a dark colored cardstock okay basic white is a little thinner than your regular cardstock so you can cut two at one time so i've been cutting two here each time so now i have eight pieces of basic white that are four by five and a fourth now i always save these half inch strips because i can use them with my um tag punches that look like this there's a half inch strip slot that you can make these great little tags and flags for so i always save those all right let's get these folded so they will get out of our way so you may have heard the term one sheet wonder and what that means is with one sheet of patterned paper usually you can create multiple cards by making certain cuts so it's a really great way to utilize one full sheet of 12 by 12 paper or in this case we're going to use 6x6 size paper so it's kind of a fun pattern just for making multiple cards really quickly and then all the cards look different all right so i've got my five card bases and i've got eight of these but we only need five so i'm going to count out one two three four five so these as you can see are the size that will just layer nicely on the front of a card base okay so this pattern is called a double one sheet wonder and so um all that means is that when i'm cutting my pattern for my one sheet wonder i'm going to cut two pieces at the same time giving me twice as many pieces and different possibilities for layering the paper together so the paper that i'm going to be using today for this project is a new pack of paper that's called sweet symmetry it's on page 133 in the new catalog and you can see the two sides of the paper here in this small pattern let me just show you the big sheets it's really fun um kind of different than anything that we've had recently but a pattern paper that has kind of small prints like this are usually pretty easy to use so let me show you the opposite side we've got some great even smaller patterns on that size okay so the sweet symmetry um designer series paper is designed to coordinate with this stamp set bundle so the stamp set's called in symmetry and then there is a punch this is page 113 in the annual catalog this is the stamp set and then the punch that coordinates with the stamp set is called symmetrical stems border punch and that's on page 148 so bundle together the stamp set and the punch is 29.50 now i bought the paper because i really love the colors in the paper so i have a pack of this paper but i did not get the punch or the stamp set yet and um once i created this project to show you i was very sad that i didn't have this so it's definitely going to have to go on my list of things to get next time i order okay so let me show you how you put the double one sheet wonder pattern together so when you're choosing your paper you want to pick patterns where all four sides will coordinate so they will have similar colors in them so i chose these two because they both have the just jade the coral the bumblebee and then they have a little bit of the flamingo color in them so they will go together now these i cut into six by six pieces from a piece of 12x12 so you just cut it into fourths to get a piece of six by six some of our designer series paper with stampin up already comes in six by six size so if you have one of those packs it's really easy to just grab two that coordinate together okay so that was my first tip is that you need to find two pieces that have patterns and colors that coordinate usually with a stampin up piece of designer series paper one side is a little bit busier or more patterned than the other side not always but the majority of the time and that's the case with these two and that definitely helps when you're putting together this kind of project because then you've got some balance there with your patterns and it wouldn't be too busy although these aren't you know these aren't horrible together but you've got some options there so choose your pieces of paper based on color and pattern and type of pattern the second tip is that if you have any directionality with the pattern on the paper that you choose you want to make sure that you are aware of the orientation of that pattern before you start cutting and i think that it'll work most of the time if you've got your pattern kind of going up and down as we cut it on the cutter so for example this flower is all facing up and so i'm going to have it in this direction i wouldn't do it like this now this one is a stripe so i'm also going to put that one this way also so both these patterns are in the same way so that's the second tip the third tip is when you go to cut this and it really only matters for one of the diagonal type card patterns that we're doing you want the two sides that are the most busy the ones that have the main pattern on them you want them to go facing each other or you could put them you know opposite like that but if you put them facing each other it helps when we're making our um when we're putting the cards together all right so here's how you cut this one sheet wonder it's so easy and there will be a pdf pattern that you can find there's a link in the description box so that you can go and grab this pattern and print it out or look at it while you're cutting it so you don't have to remember the dimensions that i'm giving you the first cut that you make is at two inches and you just wanna slice that whole thing off like that so you've got a two by six inch strip and a four by six inch strip so you're going to turn and again i'm cutting these at both at the same time you're going to turn it and you're going to measure at three and one-fourth inch and you're going to cut right there so now you've got two pieces this is two by three and a fourth two by two and three-fourths okay but we cut it at three and a fourth right that's what's what was left over so now we're going to take this piece and we're gonna turn it and we're gonna cut at four inches and that's going to give us two squares that are four by four inches let's move this over here and then the remaining piece you're going to cut at one and a half inches which will also leave you this cute little half inch strips here so that's what you do there so on the just to review on the four inch strip you cut it four inches and one and a half the last cut that you need to make is to take your two squares and you're going to cut them off set diagonally so how i like to do this is i just get it lined up diagonally i look for my this dark groove here which is where the cutting blade is going to go and i line up the two corners as if i was going to cut it diagonally which you absolutely can you don't have to offset it like i'm going to just show you you could cut it like this and that would be great too but i kind of like how it looks if it's offset so i'm just going to kind of turn it counterclockwise like that just give it a little twist and now i've i've gone about half inch three-fourths of an inch from the corner on each side and we're going to give that a cut i just like to call that kind of an offset diagonal all right so we can put the paper cutter away so now i'm going to bring out my five card fronts and we're going to put these cards together like that all right so looking at the cards here are kind of the designs that i came up with so this piece right here that's two inches by two and three-fourths these are going to go together um on a card front and kind of sit in the middle so you have to decide do you want that version or do you want that version and you you know that's probably the hardest decision hopefully that you have to make in your craft room today i'm going to go with this one so i'm going to put those there that's what that card front is going to look like let's do a diagonal so you're going to take let's see let's do this one we're going to do one with this color so we'll take the top part of that diagonal and then we're going to take the bottom part of that other piece and just do a straight kind of diagonal piece like that and then for this one we're going to do like that let's see how did i have this and like that so i kind of think that's a really interesting kind of fold it just creates this nice little kind of angular effect you know what i'm going to switch these though because i don't like that those flowers are sideways so i think what i'm meant to do is to do that there we go now hold on how was i doing this i want i definitely want the flowers to be pointing up so let's do the thing is you can set these on here however you want it looks really good yeah this is what i want okay i want that and then i want this good as you can see you can mix and match these anyway you just have to pick one all right so there we've got three layouts now we'll do with our final pieces here these two so we're gonna take one of these a one and a quarter by four inches and we're gonna put that across that way and we'll put this one here and then we'll put this little strip at the bottom and these all line up perfectly kind of giving you some nice white space and then on this one we'll take these pieces and go like that all right so again you have a lot of wiggle room here to kind of flip your pieces back and forth and decide which way you want them to you know live on your card front but this is kind of the basic design that i came up with all right so now that we've got those where we want them to be it's time to glue them down so i'm going to use liquid glue for this part [Music] if you haven't done a one-sheet wonder before i have a video which i will also put the link for that video under um in the description box for a 12 by 12 one sheet wonder project that makes eight cards and that one is also very fun to do it's like if you like puzzles you're going to really enjoy this because once you start kind of making them you um you kind of want to see what it looks like in all the different papers so let's glue this one down you don't have to use liquid glue i just like that it allows me a little bit of wiggle room to line things up and then there's a little bit of saving grace there if you don't quite get it right you can peel it back up for a little bit and reposition it so leave me a comment on this video if you have made a one-sheet wonder design before and if it's something that you enjoy doing there are so many different patterns out there and each one does something a little bit different so it's really fun to kind of collect those ideas and keep them in your pocket for when you um when you just need a little bit of inspiration to get you going when you sit down to make some cards or to sit down to do some crafting i find that a lot of times i will um be tired or i will have taken a break from crafting for a while and when you do that and you go to sit down sometimes it's hard to get started again and you need just like a little little jump start and it's really great to pull out a pattern that you can just kind of cut and follow and then um you know it kind of reinvigorates your crafting so for these two i'm just going to kind of i want them to be centered and that's always kind of difficult to eyeball but we're going to go for it there we go and then for this last one i love this layout these two low strips are going to overlap just about a quarter of an inch so i'm going to place them they just make this nice little cluster so this piece i'm going to put about a quarter of an inch from one of the edges and space it evenly and then this one is going to go a quarter of an inch from the other side approximately and it's just going to overlap [Music] that piece right in the middle and then this green one is this little strip here is just going to tie everything together and i'm going to put that kind of near the bottom move that over just a little bit there we go all right so i'm keeping these cards very simple and one of the reasons i liked this pattern that i created is that you put it on to maybe a neutral kind of card stock like the basic white so that you can do some stamping on here as well so i'm going to show you some samples a little bit later um that in the live video that i did for this pattern that you can go back and watch i actually did some stamping onto the white before i put the pieces on and that is really fun too it gives you another way to kind of step up this basic pattern another thing that you could do at this point especially if you were going to choose to put greetings on here or sentiments that were um for example if you wanted to stamp your sentiments and punch out or die cut little you know white pieces or whatever color to put your sentiments on that's adorable too and i'll show you some examples of that so if you were going to choose to do that versus stamping right on the um the actual white card base here you could actually put all of these in an embossing folder and then kind of melt this card stock right into the embossing folder and um that would really look pretty as well they would kind of look a little bit like you know a little bit like quilting depending on what embossing folder you're using but we're not going to do that today i just wanted to throw that idea out there all right so let's put our greetings on here and i wanted to use this stamp set called happy thoughts this is a stamp set that is in the january through june mini catalog and so since it's through june and we're already almost halfway through june that means that there are items in this book that are no longer going to be available and this stamp set is one of them so i am making sure that i am using it um all that i can before it kind of has to go into the shelf of unused stamps um this stamp says called happy thoughts and it's super great if you love greetings and you love greetings that coordinate such that you have kind of an inside greeting and an outside greeting for your card so it's got all your basic all-occasion greetings so this one is on the retired list let's see it is 21 there's also a link to this pdf until the end of june these are the products that are in this catalog that are retiring so if you're interested in that you can find that very easily okay so let's put some happy thoughts on here i'm going to use move this over just a little bit i'm going to make some all occasion cards here so i'm going to bring out navy ink to stamp my sentiments so it'll bring in the navy color in this um background and i am going to stamp let's see we're going to make this one a thank you card and i'm actually going to stamp right on the designer series paper for this particular version because that will look sweet so there's our thank you and then for this one i'm going to stamp congratulations and then on this one we're gonna do a happy birthday and then for these two we're going to do thinking of you because i feel like this is such a great greeting you can use it for every single occasion sympathy birthday whatever just because and then i'm also going to put that on this one like that alright so now we've got our greetings on there the last thing that we need to do before we put them on our card bases is we're just going to add some embellishments and like i said i really wished after i made these cards that i had that in symmetry stamp set and that super cute punch that had the little um symmetrical leaves on them and so i'm like okay well you don't have it so what are you going to use and so i thought it would be great to bring in this is my new favorite flower punch called flower and leaves and that is part of the flowers of friendship stamp set bundle and so we're going to use these two flowers from this bundle and we're going to punch them out and so i'm going to bring in some accent colors so you know our main colors are being defined by the designer series paper and so the card bases as you saw when i made those are going to be the just jade color so i'm going to make the flowers these colors so let me just show you how i'm going to do that so let's [Music] stamp some coral flowers i'm just going to stick with the knight of navy ink because every those are what my um my ink color is for the greetings so we'll punch that out like that and then i've got two pretty coral flowers so if you noticed i've got my two flowers on my block um and they match exactly with my punch and i'll show you what i've done i just created a template for myself so i went ahead and punched out first from this little piece of scrap paper and then i set my pond my um here i'll clean this off so you can see i set my stamps inside the template that i made like that i just made sure they were centered in those holes and then i picked up my block so now i can stamp and know that it's gonna match with my punch um when i it just makes it so much easier when i'm going to use that so i keep that template so that every time i need to realign them that template's right there all right so i already punched out the flowers so we would have all of those ready to go to put on these cards doesn't that look like fun so i like i said i didn't have the um symmetrical leaves punch yet it's going to be on my hot list but i do have this one which is called sprig and it is it is similar enough that it's gonna it's gonna be okay if i use that so i cut out a bunch of those so i'm going to just add these flowers to my cards with some glue dots so let's just plop them on there because you know what they all coordinate we'll put some bumble bee put a bumblebee flower here and then let's put a flirty flamingo here and then we'll put one of these cute little sprigs stick it under there and for this one let's do a coral flower and we'll do a bumblebee flower kind of tuck them there together and then we'll make the sprig [Music] kind of coming out this way so it's super simple embellishments i love it when i can use punches to create just some simple little fun things all right let's do this one next and we'll put let's do a large bumblebee flower and then let's put three on here let's let's go crazy and put three on here like that so that one needs to be up higher like that cute and then we'll put a little sprig here nice and for happy birthday let's do how easy is this right now you may be thinking like this would be a great little gift to give somebody and you're absolutely right who wouldn't love to get a little gift of all occasion cards just kind of wrap them up in a ribbon or make a cute little can holder for them and you've got just a great set of of cards to give somebody cute okay we're gonna do three because we can put that guy up there and then we've got one more this one definitely needs to be yellow [Music] our little sprig and let's do a coral like that okay and let's get those on our card bases and then we've got five cards wasn't that quick and easy i love this idea you're going to see how much i love this idea in a second because i'm going to show you all of the different sets that i've made just in the last 24 hours doing exactly as i told you going oh i should try this paper let's see how it looks with this stamp set let's just do this [Music] do you find yourself when you are following a pattern like this do you like to stick exactly to the pattern or do you get started and then you're like oh i could make this i could make this my own kind of thing and you make adjustments to it which which way are you when you get when you get to doing something like that okay the last thing we're going to do is we're going to add some rhinestones to these because i'd like to just carry in the blue a little bit more so each of these except for this one really has navy blue i guess this one neither but we're going to just add a little bit of navy blue so i'm gonna take my dark knight of navy stamp and blend and i'm just gonna color on the rhinestones and we've got five large flowers so i'm gonna do five of those rhinestones and then we have one two three four five six seven of the smaller flowers so i will do seven small rhinestones and now let's attach these to our card card fronts so it's just going to add a little bit of that blue and make it kind of all tied together like that whoops that one didn't want to stick oh i told oh no there it is as i say i miscounted there it is all right now they're done what do you guys think what do you like this um project do you like the card layouts um are you did you overlook this paper like i did in the catalog what do you think so let me just show you how i went a little bit crazy all right so we'll set these aside so i made a set with the same flowers because they're just so cute and i used last year's um misty moonlight designer series paper with the in color paper and this was actually a 6x6 sheets and i used two different ones and these are completely monochromatic and i used the biggest wish chunky word set and i just filled in the white with some with some greetings and then added the flowers as you can see and i just thought these were absolutely beautiful and so simple they came together in about i don't know i want to say 20 minutes they were very very fast so i did those and then i played with the pattern play designer series paper that is one of the hostess sets of paper that you can get and this little rainbow piece is just so cute um and so i wanted to do something that was kind of really bright and cheery and i brought in the flowers from art and bloom because one of the sides of the designer series paper coordinates with that stamp set so we've got a lot of little just some black and white and some rainbow and they're just so fun and happy i don't know if you can see the little flower on there but the red flower has a shimmer on there i used the wink of stella so those are super cute and then i decided i needed to do it with well these are the ones that i showed told you i was going to show you um these are the ones made with the hand pen suite and there's a video that shows you how i put these together very similar to what you just watched but a little bit different because i added the stamping into it so this paper is absolutely gorgeous they're so beautifully just pastel and soft and very very pretty so this was the first one that i made and i just love it so you can watch that video and see that and then the last set that i made is with the um pansy party pansy petals pansy something paper and this paper is absolutely to die for gorgeous too so pretty look at these colors and i just took all the different little um stitched labels of different sizes and i put greetings on them so that i could show you an example where the greetings and there weren't any stamping on the white space on the cards this is what it would look like if you would add another little piece with your greeting and i think this looks really cute too so you've kind of got the option where you can you know stamp right on the white or you can leave it white and then just add a little bit i meant to point out with these instead of using a white trimmed quarter sheet i used basic black on that so you don't have to stick to white you can use any other color as well including white so i hope this gives you a lot of ideas um for getting out some patterned paper and making a quick set of cards i hope you enjoyed this video if you did please like my subscribe to my channel like the video and all that good good stuff i appreciate all your time with me thank you so much bye
Channel: Robin Armbrecht, ReallyRobinStamps
Views: 50,969
Rating: 4.9378552 out of 5
Id: SDo2UXcgox0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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