7 Digital Product Ideas to Make an Extra $1000/month

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all the rage in all the business worlds is making passive income making income off of things that you create once and then sell without having to do much on the back end and one of the best ways to do this is with digital products but not a ton of people are talking about digital products everybody's talking about courses and affiliates and all the things like that and don't get me wrong those things are amazing i love those things too but we cannot sleep on digital products so today i want to tell you about seven different digital products that you can create in whatever business that you run if you're an influencer a youtuber a business owner a coach whatever that you can use to create and sell to your audience to solve a problem and to make some money let's go [Music] well it's another day and another ten dollar sweatshirt from the men's section of the walmart if you're new here my name is jessica stansberry and i am pumped that you are here and if you're into learning how to make the monies so you can live the life you want then this is the place for you so make sure you hit subscribe and make sure to come hang out with me on instagram jessica stansberry because that is where all the fun stuff goes down one of my very first videos that took off as they say in the youtube world was a video about how to create and sell digital products now it's really funny because this video took off when i wasn't paying attention to youtube at all like i literally was like creating videos putting them up and then would go months or weeks without creating another one or without even looking at my analytics and i came back to my channel once and was like whoa i got a lot of new subscribers whoa they all came from this one video and it was bananas to watch but that video is super old and so i wanted to circle back around to this whole idea of digital products now before we really talk about what digital products you can create so that you can make extra money every single month or more money or however you want to look at it let's talk about what digital products are essentially a digital product is a digital good where someone can purchase it from you but there is no physical thing delivered to them so anything that someone can purchase and get delivered to them digitally is a digital product now courses technically fit into the digital product definition but i personally see the two very differently because the strategy to launch and sell and create digital products is very different from the set the strategy to launch sell and create courses so in this video i'm not going to talk about courses necessarily but i am going to give you seven other digital product ideas that you can use to make at least an extra thousand dollars a month and i'm thinking you could probably make more than that now i've been selling digital products for as long as my business has been a thing i have sold lightroom presets i have sold graphic templates i have sold workbooks i have sold digital planners i have sold lots of things that fit into that digital product category and i've sold a ton of things that are categorized as digital products and it has been a game changer for the amount of income i can make for the passive income i can make and for the way that i live my life because of how my business is structured and that's why i'm so passionate about teaching these things to you guys because they changed my life they literally change the way i can work the way i have to work the way i need to work the hours i need to work etc because i'm not having to be tied to clients or tied to calls or whatever because i'm creating digital products that are being sold helping people and kind of doing all of that on autopilot so before we get into the seven ideas i actually created a completely free blueprint for you all about digital products so this is absolutely 100 completely free and it is a full workbook that addresses the five things that you need to do to create and sell a digital product that actually makes you money so definitely go run and grab that i will put the link below to grab the digital product blueprint or you can go to hey jessica.com forward slash digi product blueprint and i'll put the link across the screen as well so again completely free it's a blueprint all about five things you need to do to start creating and selling digital products so if you get an idea from this list of seven i'm about to give you you can run with it so without further ado let's get into this list of seven things numero uno workbooks y'all you can absolutely create and sell workbooks on autopilot if you have a proven system or a strategy or a process that you can put into workbook form you can absolutely create that in something like canva photoshop indesign whatever you can even create it in google docs and then put it up for sale on your website on etsy on some kind of selling platform and people can purchase it and go through the process that you're trying to walk them through in the workbook so number one would be workbooks number two and this one's similar but different and that is ebooks so ebooks are different than workbooks because ebooks are meant to be read and consumed workbooks are meant to be actionable and cause people to take action and do the thing right so think of it like a book you read versus a workbook that you have purchased for like school or whatever so ebooks are also a great way to get information out into the world and have people download it consume it and pay you for that information now i will say that ebooks are probably my least favorite of everything i'm going to mention and that's because it's really hard to actually get somebody to read an ebook and a lot of the process with digital products is that you want them to come through and and do other things with you so if you get them to read an ebook and then you also want them to purchase a workbook that goes with the ebook it may be kind of hard to do that because they might need to read all the way through the ebook first so ebooks are great and they're definitely a valid option i would just be really cautious that you can actually get your purchaser to read the entire book third digital product idea that can make you at least an extra thousand dollars a month and y'all i can tell you this one for certain you've seen my numbers that is journals and planners and notebooks we'll just we'll just batch all the different digital journally thingies in one thing so i sell a digital planner i sell a planner that is digital that you use on goodnotes or on a tablet or some other note-taking software if you're not using an apple and this planner is just like a paper planner but you can write in it and erase and whatever digitally with a tablet and an apple pencil or a stylus or whatever this one digital product has made me over 40 000 in the last year by itself and that's without me having to really do much i have a couple of videos on youtube that promote it this one will likely you know you might click over to it from here i do run some pinterest ads and i have went behind the scenes on pinterest ad spend and the actual income on some of my income report videos if you want to go back through those but essentially creating and selling a digital planner a journal a notebook that is perfect for your ideal client or customer is where it's at when it comes to this so it's one of the first people to design and sell a digital planner and so that really worked in my favor and i won't say it didn't i'm never going to say being an early adapter is a bad thing because it usually is a really really good thing but as i have grown in that arm of my income in that arm of my business i have realized that i really want to create digital planners that are perfect for the business owner not necessarily for just everybody so creating a planner a journal a notebook something that can be used in that way can be a really great digital product to put out into the world numero quatro is that how you say that i don't know but number four templates for systems or programs okay i have sold trello templates i have sold click up templates i have sold all kinds of other templates specifically for a system or a program there are people who sell wordpress themes there are people who sell squarespace themes there's people who sell all kinds of themes for websites there's people who sell canva templates there's people who sell photoshop brushes or premiere pro actions or whatever you can bottle up and sell things that are used in a certain program so again click up templates trello templates a graphics bundle for etsy for an etsy store indesign templates and the list goes on and on and on and on so if you have a program that you use or a system that you use you can absolutely create a template that's to be used with that programmer system that you can sell number five is printables y'all oh my gosh this can be so very utilized in so many different areas so it can be a printable to-do list it can be a printable pdf that is just like a checklist it can be printable worksheets for homeschooling it can be printable anything like literally any kind of printable can be sold as a digital product printable baby shower invitations printable name card placemat thingies printable whatever if you can do it and they can print it you can sell it as a printable on the same note number six is going to be downloadable art or supplies so this can be art like they literally download a piece of art and then they can have it printed and framed and it's really pretty and they didn't have to go to a store and buy it they can download backgrounds for their computer or for their phone you can sell anything that people can download fonts and stock photos fall into this category as well so if you can create it and people can download it and then use it it is a downloadable and it is awesome okay so to round this list out with number seven i'm gonna talk about swipe files so swap files are something that are more so used in the b2b world in the business to business world where you know i have a secret and i want you to be able to use this exact secret or i have a template and i want you to be able to use this exact template these are generally google docs or some kind of document that people can copy and paste or use as a template to create their own some really great examples of this would be like emails that are written for you copywriting so if maybe you're a copywriter and you want to um sell a sales page copywriting template you can absolutely do that contracts so my friend christina from the contract shop i will actually link her shop below if you want to check it out but christina from the contract shop is an attorney and so she has created templates for contracts that you might need in your creative business so your website contracts your con client contracts you're really anything she has contracts for that and so these are literal swap files it's literally you are buying the information so you can copy it and paste it and use it just like it was your own so there are so many options when it comes to digital products that is just seven and honestly that was more than seven because i listed off some things in some different categories but essentially if you want to make a little extra money a month you are crazy not to create some kind of digital product that people can purchase and download and use because at that point you have created it once and it can be sold over and over and over again so if you didn't take notes during this and you want to know what the seven are they are actually listed in that digital product blueprint that i mentioned in the beginning of this video along with the five things you need to do today to start creating and selling digital products so if you want to go grab that to have this list of seven i actually think there's more than seven in the blueprint but also you get those five steps to help you actually create and sell your digital product if you want to grab all of that for free then you need my digital product blueprint and you can grab that by going to hey jessica.com forward slash digi product blueprint or i have put the link in the description below now i'd love to know what questions you have about digital products i actually want to bring you more information about all of these types of things how to do it how to sell it how to launch it how to make sure you make money with it how to make sure people actually see it so if you have specific questions i'd love for you to leave them in the comments below so we can chat about it in a future video and until next time go check out the digital product blueprint at heyjeska.com forward slash digi product blueprint and i will see you later bye y'all
Channel: Jessica Stansberry
Views: 19,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital product ideas 2020, digital product ideas, digital products, create and sell digital products, passive income, how to make 1000 dollars fast, how to make passive income, digital products to sell online, how to sell digital products, how to make money online, digital products 2020, passive income business, passive income 2020, top digital products 2020, how to create digital products to sell, what to sell online, how to sell an ebook
Id: jHX3HUXqdco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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