He said his Computer SUCKED... So I Bought it and Made THIS!

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holy cow this will be far well this thing's Gentile ha you're locked [Laughter] I've heard it said many times now that I can't do that I can't learn 3d graphics I can't use blender because I had the sake computer and nothing runs very fast on it and that's gonna be the premise of this video can I buy somebody's sucky potato puter potato for a tutor can I buy somebody's computer from them and do something cool with it so here's what I'm gonna do I put a call out an Instagram to find a user that was running a sucky laptop and having a hard time using that in blender and we're just gonna buy it from him and see if we can do anything cool with it but of course we don't want to leave that poor user stranded so we're also going to give them some new tech for a new PC but before we proceed any further I want to give a big weight forward thanks to raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video in times like this when YouTube ad revenue is really low I really do appreciate sponsors like raid coming in clutch to make videos like this possible and if you still haven't heard raid Shadow legends will embark you on an epic dark fantasy RPG adventure of course it's free to play and will work across all devices including PC there is so much you can do with this game try this one Appa sighs mmm with tons of champions to unlock artifacts to gather this brought my favorite champion right now the Crusader and you can upgrade your characters in the tavern and I'm gonna trash my stinking bandit to upgrade my suite Minotaur here now you can even compete in the brand-new arena tournament to earn some dope rewards and if you quick and use my link in the video description every new player will receive an exclusive welcome pack containing 10 mystery shards to clan boss keys a hundred thousand silver in two free awesome champion the adjudicator also for the next 30 days only you'll find some sweet extra rewards in your inbox so go ahead and dive in with the link in the description below so I finally found somebody and here's kind of what the conversation went like my computer sucks like really sucks yeah like really sucks classics yep yep so want to make a deal like what kinda do you like I'll my you're lucky competed from you and give you the parts for a supercomputer like a supercomputer yeah like a superfast computer Wow that'd be like super well heck yeah that'd be super so that's the gist of it I went ahead and bought it from a fellow subscriber this guy seemed like he could really benefit from some new hardware and he was running definitely what you consider a potato of a computer this was the Lenovo G 50 about a six year old laptops and goes for about 100 to 150 dollars used on ebay so I went ahead and I paid him 200 bucks for it shipped and quickly it arrived at my door so the specs on this thing is anything but impressive its four core four thread processor it's got 5 gigabytes usable Ram on it runs around 2 to 2.4 gigahertz so of course I didn't want to leave a fellow blender artist stranded without any computer so I sent him a $400 8 core Intel CPU along with the $200 asrock motherboard for the makings of a killer workstation setup so that's the gist if it guys we're not gonna be using any powerful patoot errs in this video we're gonna be using a lenovo g 5200 our used laptop to see what we can create in 3d sometime per to do let's gold so we're joining flora gaming today because i don't have any more in desk space for another computer but that's that's cool okay and also something that i noticed that's like it's not like a big deal or anything but i'd point out is that actually 80% of you guys aren't subscribed and that's totally cool you be you and you'll have a subscribe if you don't want to but also it's kind of like that creepy neighbor that like spies on what people are doing from a distance but like never comes over and says how i stay weird so get subscribed and ring that bell if you want to be friends you know join the geek squad but otherwise that's cool what I'm gonna do first with this laptop is before doing anything I'm going to throw Linux on it because any computer will run a little bit faster with Linux on it guaranteed to give you more performance 80% of the time all the time here is me putting up some cool Linux code to make me seem smart here's me getting frustrated because I can't figure out how to copy and paste just be googling how to copy and paste okay so I'm not a Linux expert or write people I don't really know how to use Linux but hey it's gonna give me a little bit more for months and that's all that matters blenders going to be the same in both Windows and Linux so that doesn't really matter we're not further ado let's see what this puppy really can do not I'll give you a quick idea of how fast this laptop is I'm gonna run the simple BMW benchmark seen on it here it it's going [Music] okay forget the benchmarks we get the idea it's slow let's just see what we can create with it at this point so you're going to have to realize with a cheapo potato of a computer you're not gonna be able to do things like rendering millions of trees and stuff so we're gonna have to keep our expectations in check so we'll try working within our limitations using low poly modeling and evie for rendering so the only other thing I'm gonna do is run a wireless mouse because I would be really slow on the trackpad and anyone can afford that cheapo Mouse to connect to the laptop wouldn't be doing that and I highly recommend that you use a three button Mouse if you can use but I do as well I think I'll do some basic sculpting I'm gonna pull up a little bit of reference art and let's try and sculpt a little bit of a model character going somewhat low poly low poly means not too many vertices not too detailed but still can be artistically cool just going to edit mode takes a little bit of time poley yeah this will be far so the new sculpting tools inside of blender is a ton of fun to play around it if you tried sculpting in the past with old versions of blender definitely try it again now because you might like it a lot better and my favorite tool the snake hook yeah yeah bled out and never do again I don't know I have to name it you can just stay enabled in the future and I will be more happy with you thank you big on so as some of you guys might know I'm pretty much the best ever sculpting basically I'm so good that Pixar it's intimidated to give me a call or but I'm probably gonna her from pursuing after those vehicles up all I'm thinking boy FPS the is actually pretty okay if your little wondering why I haven't done more sculpting tutorials wonder no longer so a bit of sculpting around I got my dragon head shape here looking pretty cool as I thought I think the snake hook is just the coolest tool you can just grab any chunk here and like pull out some cool spikes on this dragon that just looks like super super dope nice long necked dragon now this is where you get some really funny looking results and you start to wonder if you know anything about blending nice Bingley tail as this can eat a little bit of editing but hey that all I probably work in the end I'm not joking that's probably fine this was basically the process I'm not gonna bore you guys by showing you the entire process but it's something like this where I just went around snake hooking pulling up things okay so like now we have a pretty cool looking dragon things are looking a okay you put enough spikes on them and it messes up all your crappy sculpting so nobody's gonna really think that you don't know how to sculpt as long as he's got a bunch of spikes on him and I could see viewport performance on this potato is still fine if you ask me for the teeth there was a really stupid easy I just used a simple old mesh of a tooth duplicated a few times you can see a little bit of glitching going on and just look like a mess of teeth and it's scary and intimidating for rendering now I don't think that I'm gonna attempt to render with cycles if it is anything like we saw earlier rendering on this thing is impossible the only way you could really render with cycles much on this machine is if you used either a render farm or a free option like sheep it some of you guys might have heard that it's basically a community-driven render farm where you can volunteer your hardware to render other people's scenes and you can also then get your scenes rendered for free it's actually a pretty cool site so you guys should definitely check out sheep it if you're interested in that kind of thing and you're running crummy potato like hardware so I'm gonna use Eevee and start with a little bit of just vertex painting so vertex painting works really well for like a low poly sort of theme for starters I like to color the whole mesh a black color then you just start painting painting over your mesh super quick and as you can see this is actually happening really quickly still in a crappy laptop like this so blender handles this kind of stuff on vertex painting eight okay as long as you mesh isn't too high poly so then next up what you want to do is you want to take a few different shades of that color so we'll go for like a brighter color by your leg I'm just kind of painting some of the tips and a little bit of highlights to like some of these spikes oh that's so fire I'm gonna use one of my favorite blender tools and that's actually the painting dirty vertex colors option right here so using this I can go ahead and add dirt to the crevices on my mesh this did run its low on this laptop because he took a little while to pull it up some kook redbull this thing's getting kind of hot little hot who just painting that dirty vertex color a few times actually I found it looked really cool it makes it look super cool with a whole lot less work than painting all those crevices by hand so dirty vertex colors best thing since ever but what you have something that looks like this you probably did enough vertex painting cuz we're not getting too carried away with you know toenails and stuff here you can see rendering in evey our dragon with that vertex color actually looks pretty cool I have a few lamps just thrown in the scene here as you can see basic HDR loaded up in the background and a few point lamps actually looking kind of intimidating right not gonna lie come on this is bad too shabby with a few lights and a little bit of Eevee just enabling the ambient occlusion 's and blooms and screen space reflections are all good easy stuff so the next step is what I actually decided to do with this is kind of go for like a 2.5 D sort of look good say kind of give it that like artsy sort of 3d look so not like 3d model but like 2.5 D model I guess something like that no I would highly recommend if you're using grease pencil to use a graphics tablet because the mouse can be really difficult to you know draw breath basically when you use a graphics tablet you have like the input pressure sensitivity that you don't have a mouse but I'm going to forsake that because not everyone has a graphics tablet and I'm just gonna use the cheap mouse don't do this you're locked up gang so that's about the third time I think it's happened not a big deal we're fine look cool we'll live be fine you keep me back we back we've recovered all right so yeah what I'm going to do here is I'm actually changing the grease pencil type here to stroke on the surface this will allow me to basically take a brush like I have here a simple stroke and I could just draw right on the surface of the mesh there which is really cool this allows me to kind of draw some artsy detail in areas like around the eyes for example so by doing it with the pen here you get kind of a cool looking art style which is totally acceptable for certain applications plus you're saving all the time that it would take if you were to say do this as a 4 or 8 K displacement map try and sculpt details like this it would just not be possible on a machine like this it gets a little slow at times using this nice brush and it's also a little challenging not using a tablet but you can use sculpt mode then to kind of clean up some of these strokes later if you can see what I have after a bunch of painting this was like an hour almost the painting across a again getting cost sloppy as I got towards the back but hey nobody sees that back there anyways I'm also using a mirror modifier and a thickness modifier makes it a whole lot easier to kind of get the align strokes looking right so the next step was kind of painting now some of the shadows and highlights on using the grease pencil as well so this was a lot of fun to play around with getting kind of creative with just adding some 2d shadows to different areas of those scales that I painted by hand in there it allows you to kind of give them some three dimension looking effects and it just kind of helps give a sort of like the Borderlands sort of freestyle rendering that you might see in games and stuff which is pretty cool looking I thought and then I did the same thing with a highlight layer just painting with a bright brush going along and adding some of those highlights to the mesh and that was really easy as well and gave it kind of a cool looking feel along with a good amount more in detail so wow this is still low poly you can see that we have all this kind of cool rendering going on stuff and then there was one more step to do and that was the wings so yeah I was able to use grease pencil to kind of just trace along some of these bones that i roughly swapped it out for the wings here and then just sort of paint in these two-dimensional wings like that like wings that you might call and you can move these around and edit mode down a little bit if you need to reposition I'm gonna what not and as you can see those wings looked pretty cool painted in there were some more details and then if I jump over to the e V render you can see what I have after this was about after about a day of work I would say and I thought this turned out pretty cool so there you have it the grease pencil strokes added on with the e V render and everything is looking pretty cool this is why I love blended two-point-eight first of all it runs surprisingly well on a hundred and fifty dollar to used a laptop here and as you can see this looks a really cool this is totally acceptable for certain projects depending on what you're working on so her do you want an animation because I'm like the best at anime I can't really blame me for wanting an animation but I ran out of time so here is your animation [Music] wah-wah so hopefully this video sort of inspires you to not worry so much about the hardware and way more about the art that you're creating let me know if you like this sort of content creating stuff on cheapo hardware it was a fun experiment but don't ask for me to do it again because I'd rather just use my sweetheart and I'll see you all in a future video so [Music]
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 660,798
Rating: 4.9194689 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Art, Computer, PC, Sucks, Artwork, Slow PC, Slow Computer, 3D art, 3D graphics, Eevee, Tutorial, Easy, Beginner, Funny, Comedy, MRBeast, CGI, Slow Laptop, Speed up, Linux, Creature, 3D creature, Dragon, Sculpt, How to
Id: aBpT19RgXPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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