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foreign bite size in this video I'll be showing you how to make this material procedurally in blender feeling lazy you can support this Channel and skip the hard work by grabbing the blend file for this material from gumroad for just a pound feeling flush feel free to throw some of that coin my way using the coffee Link in the description below the video okay let's make a start first up a quick look at the layout I've got my usual uh sort of background three light setup pointing at the object and one at the background and then my camera just face on something very very simple I've modeled a very badly modeled VAR shape but this should work with any 3D shape so we'll switch over to the shading Tab and we'll enable viewport shading we're going to be using cycles and the GPU now I've got one material here already but for this we're actually going to need two so while that's in its basic state I'm just going to duplicate that drop it down press Ctrl shift and right click and drag between the two to add a mix Shader and we're going to bring that up because we'll need to find something to put into the factor so the first thing that we're going to add is a texture coordinate we'll pop that way back here I'm going to take the object value plug that into the factor of the mix Shader we're going to add a mapping node a wave texture a math node Not A lot's happening at the moment Don't Panic we'll come back to it we're then going to duplicate the mapping node and pop that just after the math node we're going to have a separate x y z after that followed by another math node it's quite a lot isn't it so if we select all those and press shift equals because I've got the node Wrangler enabled it will line them all up so let's also use shift W to frame that or shift p in fact press n to open the properties panel on the right and let's name this so we know what we can edit later on right let's make a couple of changes first up the mapping the first mapping node we're going to change the scale to two for the wave texture we're going to set the scale at point one distortionate 100 detail at five let's say 5.5 for now and so that we can actually see what's happening here I'm just gonna preview this in its entirety rather than running it through the mix Shader so to do that you press Ctrl shift and then click on whichever node you want to preview and it takes into account everything that comes before now a couple of other changes uh detail scale let's drop to 0.35 roughness all the way up to one offset we'll leave alone we're going to change the first math node to multiply and we'll set leave that value at 0.5 leave the mapping node here as it is but we're going to take the object output from the texture coordinate and plug that into the vector and this math node is going to go into the location now no changes other than that for this we're going to take the Z value from the separate x y z and plug that into this math node make sure this other one doesn't hook up and then we're going to set the math node to compare so now you can see we've got this area of black here area of black here and then the patterning coming through so the patterning is coming from this wave texture the multiply is kind of intensifying or desaturating that colorway this mapping node is giving us some additional detail which is being adjusted here so the Z value is going up and down x value is going across and Y value is going front and back that's why we're using the Z value then the compare is basically comparing it and stripping out all the other information apart from the black and white values which can be controlled by these two values here so this first one value controls the position and then this second one the Epsilon controls the intensity so if we drop that down you can see that it now looks quite cool in fact and then you can position that you can position that around the neck of the vars around the base of the vowels or for the sake of this demonstration I'm just doing it around the center so those are the two values you want to do for movement and for intensity and then obviously you can fiddle with these but they will have big changes when you come to do this let's go back to the mix Shader nothing's going on here right now and that's because we're mixing two white principled shaders so let's change this around we're going to plug the top one into the bottom and then the bottom one into the top if that makes sense we're going to set this as our decal detail material so let's give it a goldish feel so we'll set this base color to something gold something yellowy gold and then metallic value to 0.8 speculative 0.5 roughness to let's say 0.1 yeah 0.1 and then we'll leave everything as it is for now and then for the base material we're going to leave let's make it a black ceramic VAR so we'll drop this to point zero zero one which is almost completely black but just not quite specular will leave at 0.5 roughness will drop 0.1 clear coat we're going to push all the way up but with a roughness of 0.035 and that in essence is the material what I am going to do however is add a little bit of extra detail to the surface so for that I'm going to need another texture coordinate [Music] another mapping node a noise texture color ramp and I'm going to need two bump nodes and I'll explain why in a second so we're going to take the object value from the texture coordinate into the mapping Vector to vector factor to factor color to height and the same here and then each one of these is going to go into one of its own its own principled Shader so normal to normal for the top one we're going to have 0.5 as the strength and .001 as the distance now it's a bit of a mess right now because I need to change the scale on the noise texture to one the detail to 15. so again so we can see better what's Happening Here let's go to yes let's go to that one um 15 roughness to one so you can see there is just some texture going on here it's not a huge amount and this is basically going into the metallic effect so it's giving us a slightly rough metallic uh texture or 3d effect going on there now for the ceramic we're going to go again for point five select that so we can see it and distance this time point zero zero one okay so again let's organize these oops frame them bump detail so if we now go back to the mix Shader essentially what we have is our base material of the glossy ceramic and our glossy metallic gold and they're basically being being separated out by this black and white value so ever wherever the black is this bottom material is coming through and wherever white is this metallic material is coming through Now using this you could basically replace these two principled shaders with whatever materials you fancy so you can mix your own materials together and come up with an entirely different looking effect and of course you could even switch out perhaps the wave texture for a Musgrave or a noise texture and play around that way but don't forget these two figures here on the compare node are the ones that will control the position and the intensity of that patterning okay let me very quickly render that out for you I'm using only 256 samples uh and we'll take a look at that [Music] and there we go an adjustable decal that you can work on a range of different 3D surfaces I hope you found that useful in some way whether it's this project or a future project if you've got any questions feel free to post them below the video even anything you want to just Add feel free um don't forget to subscribe before you leave today and of course give the video a thumbs up in the meantime thank you very much for watching and I will see you again soon [Music]
Channel: blenderbitesize
Views: 679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender3d, blender, blendercommunity, blenderrender, blenderart, blender3dart, blenderartist, blenderanimation, blenderevee, blendercycles, 3dblender, blender procedural material, procedural material blender, procedural material, procedural shader
Id: j_WqH8siZXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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