Create a Tote Bag CLO3D

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hello and welcome to bobby talk in this video i will show you how to do this particular top bag with the front pocket the handles and some rivets grommets some kind of hardware if you're interested in accessory design check out my accessory design book it is a textbook that is widely used throughout the world in various fashion design colleges and it follows the process of accessories from design to prototyping sketching illustration and manufacturing you can find a link to the book in the description below welcome to bob and talk the best way to create a bag is by drawing a sketch preferably a flat sketch like this one in advance so you know what all of your design details are and ideally you would like to have all of your measurements done in advance so you're not wondering what these measurements are so let's go into rectangle make sure that you have the rectangle selected or shortcut s and you can left click on the platform and it will give you a rectangle now my measurements again were 20 we can start with 20 by 12 and you can input here 20 for width and 12 for height click ok and then we can edit the bottom piece a little bit more once we edit the measurements then we'll duplicate it again let's go to edit pattern and i'm going to select just one dot here and i'm going to move it to the right i'm holding the shift and you can also right click at the same time to give a particular measurement so the distance move i want to give it one inch on one side again our width is 20 on top 18 on the bottom so i'm gonna take off one inch on one side and one inch on the other side come back here select the other point hold shift start dragging so that you're working on the same exact line and right click that will give you this window and you can input one inch up here so it will move exactly one inch okay we have our front pattern piece and at this point i can also come select the pattern piece right click copy paste the pattern piece and we have the front and the back pattern piece it is a really good practice to start naming your pattern pieces immediately so i'm gonna select the annotation tool click inside the pattern and give the name that you would like this pattern to be so i'm gonna give it front body then go to the other one and this one i will call back body this way if you have multiple various pieces you know exactly what is what if you need to edit the annotation click on the smaller a you can grab it move it edit delete next we can also work on the bottom piece and the handle for the bottom piece we just see that it's two inches from the bottom and we can just create an internal line and cut and i'll show you right now if you want to have exactly the same editing on both pieces you can make sure that you select both pieces and that they are symmetric pattern with sewing so select symmetric pattern with sewing now we have a blue outline that means that whatever you do on one piece will be duplicated on the other one including the sewing if you want to do a different design we'll have to unlink them later so right now what i'm going to do is i'm going to come to edit pattern i'm going to right click on the bottom and offset as internal line i want to create that this particular sewing line here so come back to claw i'm going to give it two inches here as distance click ok so that's our internal line then i'm going to right click on it and i am going to choose cut and sew so that not only cuts the pieces but automatically it sews them together right now we're missing the bottom piece but let's say our bag is about three or four inches wide again i'll come back to the rectangular make sure that you have the rectangle selected shortcut s left click on the board and give it 18 inches as that was the width here plus four inches of width and keep in mind that we will have to decide later if we want a side panel or if we want to extend this so we'll decide that in a bit so first i would like to just round the corners a tiny bit so i'm going to select the smooth curve tool and left click on the corner start dragging and right click and you can link these so i'm going to give it 0.25 so it's exactly the same on both sides click ok and that just rounds the corner a tiny bit so i'm going to do the same here 0.25 you can do a little even less so you don't have that much of a curve there i just want to make sure that it's not a sharp angle so the sewing is done better and the corners will look a little bit better so 0.25 on all of them this is exactly the width of our front and back so we need to decide if we want a side panel here which will be this four inches width or either extend both sides the body or make the bottom a bit smaller on both sides so this can wrap around so again if you want a side seam then this needs to be extended to come around the corner if you want to create a side panel that's fine then that will be the width of this so let's say that i don't want to do a side panel i just want to extend both sides to wrap around the side piece because i just want to have a side seam i don't want to have any additional pattern pieces so i am in the edit pattern tool i'm going to select all of my points on this side i can hold shift and start dragging right click so you have exact measurement and give two inches as the distance moved and since these are linked with editing you can see that it's doing them on both sides and i'll do it and we need to come to the other side of the patterns hold shift start dragging right click and give it again two inches distance that ensures that our pattern pieces will come and wrap around to this side next on our list is creating the handles so we can double check with our sketches and see that the handles are one and a half inches wide they will take on ten inches length here plus here we have a nine inch drop nine and nine would be eighteen so that would be ten and eighteen twenty eight and give it another three four inches here for the width so let's say they're about 32 inches long so let's go here again grab the rectangle tool and left click and let's give it 32 for width and 1.5 for the width of the handles so the length and the width and we need two of these copy and then paste the same exact pattern piece and we have our two handles so let's go check out the 3d window and see how the pieces are arranged right now i'm going to grab them all make sure that you select them all i actually want to rotate the pieces i can see that when i'm clicking on this one it's selecting the one on the right i just want to make sure that i have them all facing the same exact way so i'm gonna just rotate all of the pattern pieces and this way they will be exactly on the same plane so i'm clicking on the right one and it's selecting here the right one click on the left one and i'll double check with the handles make sure that everything is exactly the same way now in this version of close 3d we already have 3d avatars so we could try and work with one of those so go to the library select avatar and go to 3d shape so we can try and work with one of these shapes for example so let's do this one open it in this 3d window and we can also work on the size by clicking on the little icon here which will allow us to change the size so i want something that will be closer to our measurement that we have in the bag and maybe a little bit taller and when you finish just click back here and you can bring it up here and check and see if it's pretty much the same size if not you can edit it a little bit more so i wanted to be the length of the bottom this seems to be a bit too long so i'm gonna bring it to this okay now i can start arranging my pieces and see if we can work with the arrangement points and we can bring those or activate those by coming here and click on show arrangement points and you can see that you have arrangement points around the body unfortunately we only have handle positions that we don't necessarily have so if you have a long strap that goes around you can use these and for these here it looks like these handles are actually coming this way which will not work for me but i can work with this in terms of arranging front back bottom and then work with the rest of them separately without the arrangement points so i want to make sure that i'm looking at both windows just to see what i'm calling front is really my front so i'm gonna come to this piece and bring it here and you can see that it's wrapping it around already i'm gonna adjust it a bit more and then so you need to click on a blue point to have that arrangement and you can also bring it around the shape a bit more again we can make this shape a little bit wider if you feel like it's not giving you enough width so that might be a bit better and i'm just going to move it slightly this way now next would be this piece and this one i don't see any arrangement points on this side that's really strange actually i'm gonna deactivate them and activate them again and it's possible that because i changed the width of it so now i don't have the arrangement points on this side well that's really annoying actually so i'm gonna work without the arrangement points there so i'm just gonna grab the bottom and place that on the bottom and also i will have to make sure that it didn't orient the wrong way i don't necessarily want this to be curved so that might become a problem later but we'll see and the last one that i'm gonna bring is this one i'm going to bring it to the back make sure that it's outside and i'm going to rotate it and then later make sure that it is correct so one more thing that i want to check is so when you're clicking here take a look in the 2d window and make sure that things are oriented the way you think they are if not you might have to rotate things so clicking here so ideally this point should be on this side so i'll click here correct it is on this side and again on 2d on the 3d window i'll click here make sure that you're clicking actually on the pattern piece so that's my front right here and then that's on this side so i know that when i'm stitching i can stitch these together so i'm actually going to stitching just so i can start putting together this i'm going to click n for segment sewing and i'm going to click these i already know that they're together and then this was cut and so it's automatically sewn so i'm going to do the bottom and you can also sew in the 3d window if you want to make sure that things are actually matching this one got flipped so make sure it isn't flipped you can also if a stitching is flipped come to the edit sewing tool right click on it and reverse sewing and that will fix the sewing so also the bottom segment here should match with this one and this is our body so technically we could arrange and sew this already but i just want to make sure that these bottom pieces are actually correctly placed so i will this is this piece and i want to make sure that this piece comes correctly here and also this will have to rotate and bring it here and one more time i'm going to click on the bottom here and also here and make sure that these are oriented correctly and on the other side i want to make sure that i'm working on this particular pattern piece so i'm putting a dot here i can see it here and now i want this part of the pattern to be oriented the right way so i'm clicking towards the right side i can see it there clicking towards the right side i can see it there so these look good i just need to bring it more towards the outside and closer to where it's supposed to be and just orient it a little bit more so this one you can also rotate a bit and just make sure that things are better aligned now i would like to at this point simulate just the body but in order for my handles not to move i'm going to select both of these pattern pieces make sure that you select both and i'm going to click on them and i'm going to freeze them now for the rest of the pattern pieces i am going to strengthen them that will allow me to have better simulation so select them all here on the 2d window right click in the 3d window strengthen and now um we got to make sure that also the bottom is stitched onto the pattern pieces and that we can do in the 2d window so i'm just gonna select here i don't need the arrangement points anymore okay so this will come here and that m sewing tool might be a good idea here and since i extended this i would need a middle point here in the 2d window so let's come to add point split line and we can place a point and you can see you can try to aim where exactly is the middle or you can just right click here and select uniform split and that will split the line down and give you exactly that middle point let's do the same on the other side so i'm grabbing the add point split line i'm gonna hover over the line and you can either try to aim and find the middle or you can just right click and select uniform split and it will place the point right in the middle and we are ready to sew the bottom piece so we want to make sure that we have the 2d and the 3d window open at the same time just to double check we're sewing everything correctly so if i click here i want to make sure that this corresponds to the piece that we're going to sew at the bottom so i know that starting here left to right i'll also start here left to right i'm going to sew with free sewing i'm going to click on m and i'm going to zoom in a little bit here just so i can see better starting from left to right and then on the bottom piece left to right i also want to double check the other side and make sure that that is also sewn correctly so let's take a look and see what we have here and that automatically is stitched on the other side so let's go and see if we can simulate this and if this looks good all of our pattern pieces are strengthened that's why they look orange so i'm just going to click the spacebar or simulate and watch this bag simulate in the meantime we can unfreeze these pattern pieces we're going to leave the bag as it is right now and we also need to create stitch lines wherever the handles need to go in the meantime i also want to annotate my bottom piece so i'm going to come to a right bottom here so that my pattern piece is done correctly if you learned something new please like this video and my pattern piece is now named and i also have it oriented the right way so i know that if things get moved around i know which way to bring them on so next we need to create the stitch lines for our handles and we can create this in a couple of easy ways with the internal lines so let's take a look at our sketch and we can see that they come down to the bottom piece our stitch line goes from the edge of the bottom piece all the way up to this stitch line and there should be a measurement here you decide what this wants to be let's say it's about two inches or so could be a little bit smaller as this is two inches this is more like maybe inch inch and a quarter so we need to create this internal line so we can place top stitching there let's go to our clone we can do this in a couple of different ways we can offset the lines or we can just create an internal rectangle that fits perfectly in there and you can click and create the desired length so let's say it's 2 inches in terms of the width and the height would be 1.5 let's say we want to give about quarter of an inch distance inside so i'll give it a one inch and see what that looks like i'm gonna click okay and this is our line we just need to place it inside and that will be the guide for our top stitching we need to now duplicate this on both sides now if these were linked with editing it would have applied it to both sides so what i'm going to do is i'm going to delete this one and then just copy it again so i'm going to duplicate this one and place it on the other side i want to zoom in a little bit more just to make sure that it is centered perfectly place it and i'm going to clone pattern with length editing and i'm just going to place it here so that's my other handle and now i also need these internal shapes inside of the body of the bag so they can become our guide for the stitch lines so i'm going to select the shape copy and i'm going to paste it inside of the body i'm gonna rotate it and choose the placement that you want and if you want the stitching to go all the way up to the top that's great but if we take a look at the sketch again our stitching our stitch line goes only up to here so currently i have it all the way up and around so i'm going to lower this a little bit and i'm going to have to manually do this grab this left click start dragging right click and decide on the dimension that you want so i want this to go down to nine inches so i'm going to click okay and then i'm gonna also duplicate that and place it so i want to change the length of this one here too so i'm going to grab it hold shift start dragging and you can see that it's changing on both sides right click select 9 inches here and i'll do the same on the other side select the shape hold shift start dragging right click and select nine inches and that should be done on both sides click ok and we're done with this now we need to decide exactly what the placement is here if you want an exact measurement you can also work with the add point split line and measure exactly where you would like them to be you want this to be about eight inches in so i'm gonna right click and the yellow line here so take a look at the measurements the yellow line here i want it to be eight inches so i'm going to click ok and that's going to become the guide for where i want this i'll do the same on this side i'm going to select 8 inches for the yellow line which is right there and that tells me where i need to place my shape so i'm going to grab the shape and just make sure that it is aligned with my point here and also the shape you can barely see the point is right there and you can see it now better i could just move a tiny bit and now my stitch lines are aligned they are exactly where i want them to be and obviously you can change and move that however you like we're ready to stitch the handles we have internal line for the stitching here and internal line here i don't want to stitch all around on the bottom too i just want to do the top part so i will use the m sewing tool it's a good idea again to have both windows open to make sure that you have the correct pattern pieces in front of the correct side and i'm gonna select both of these i'm gonna unfreeze them so that i can move them around i am not simulating yet i want to stitch them first i just want to make sure that they arrange properly so right now this piece will go for this one so it will be on this side and this piece will work for this piece so that won't be here in front i also want to make sure that i'm doing left and right side correctly otherwise they will twist so one more thing i'm going to check is i'm going to click on the left side i'm going to zoom in here and i want to place a dot here and make sure that that corresponds to this so again this side take a look at the blue dot i want this to go here and that is where it will get stitched so now i can comfortably go back to my 2d window and sew these lines i'm going to select m sewing tool and i'm going to go all around this line and then come and stitch all around this line and here and here and again that could this could get twisted so we'll have to double check in the 3d window so this should be done on both sides and let's go take a look in the 3d window now at this point i do want to strengthen the handles that will give me a better simulation so i'm going to select the pattern pieces of the handles in the 2d window right click on them here and strengthen and i'm going to click simulate and hope for the best excellent so we have our handle on the bag something got a bit odd here but here it looks good so i'm gonna grab this handle right now i'm gonna pull it up and i'm gonna put a pin right there just for now i'm gonna hold the w and place a pin i want to see what is happening on that side and i'm going to grab this handle pull it up it looks good it was just simulating so hold it up there click w and place a pin there too and now my bag is simulated for now and it is all strengthened if you want to see what it looks like softer you can select all of the pattern pieces and unstrengthen so the last thing that we have to do here is create this pocket so let's go back to claw and we can do that in the 2d window let's grab our pattern piece we know that this is our front i'm going to come to internal lines and select internal rectangle and i am going to create my pocket select the height that you want you can double check with the sketch see how low this is i know that it's 10 inches tall so i'm just going to create a rectangle here i'll put 6 inches for now and the height i know that is 10 inches and we can come and edit and change that right click so 10 inches seems a bit too high i'm gonna work with six inches height i'm gonna fit it in here to make sure that it fits in this space and i can also grab this and make sure that it's right on the line or even slightly inside once you're happy with the shape you can right click on this shape and clone as pattern and now we have the actual pattern piece i'll place it to the left side and now i'm ready to stitch the pocket so i'm gonna go around this way and also this way we don't want to close the top if this is a pocket and we want to make sure that it is open on top go to the 3d window i'm gonna right click on that piece and i'm gonna superimpose over just make it easier for the simulation and i'm gonna click simulate and this piece is lighter because it is not strengthened everything else is orange because it is still strengthened so we have our bag for now with our outside pocket a couple of last things i would like to do here is i want to play with the top stitching so let's go to the 2d window so for our top stitch lines the handles are on top of the bag so we'll work with this let's go to our top stitching line and we have a default top stitch here if it doesn't appear just click on the top stitching i'm going to click on the lines where i want top stitching so i'm going to select this one this one and this one so we have a default top stitch i want to change that i am not a big fan of the actual default top stitch make sure that that is selected and we have all of our settings here so for leather i like to have a lot less stitches per inch let's say about four or five would look really good and we can open up both the 2d and 3d windows so you can start seeing what is here if you lose the property editor object browser you can come down here and click on the reset layout and that will open all the windows so we have stitches per inch five thread thickness i would like to have this a bit thicker so i'm gonna select like 80 and you can see already that this is becoming more prominent on in the beginning here i would like this to be object will give it a nice raised texture some computers you might not be able to see objects so you might have to select texture make sure that this is on texture if you cannot see your top stitching offset is right now 1 16 of an inch so that looks really good it's very close here but i like what it looks like if you want this to be an eighth or a quarter of an inch you can see how it gets further and further away either one is fine so i'm going to leave this at 1 8 and next thing i would like to do is here you can select the material do you want it to be more like shiny silky um let's try shiny and color so i'm going to select a bright color right now so we can see it well and at this point i'm also going to select all of my pattern pieces and i'm gonna come here and unstrengthen them so we can see right now we have a white bag with top stitching everywhere the same we can obviously change the different kinds of top stitching you can also come to the library and work with various top stitches that are available here you can come to hardware and trims you can select top stitch and you can drag and drop any kind of top stitching that you like so single thread chain stitch is one of my favorites i'm gonna drag and drop that here or you can just left double click it will appear on the other side so you can also have something that is more interesting let's say this looks really good so i'm going to left double click and it will appear in my library so let's apply that to at least one area so i'm going to select this particular line and i'm going to offset from the edge so this is the line i'm going to apply this top stitching and i'm going to make sure that it is offset and that it is a color and you can see it already appearing there and we can also offset so it's lower offset is 116. i'm going to make that 1 8 and maybe even lower i'm going to make this 3 8 and that pushed it lower below that stitch line so we do want to make sure that this is uh removed from here so in order to remove the stitching i will need to unlink the editing from these two pattern pieces so i'm going to select both pattern pieces right click on them and remove linked editing otherwise it's going to keep adding whatever i do in one piece adding the same exact piece on the other side so at this point i can come in and i can remove a particular line and that should get rid of the top stitching on the back so we don't have this on the back anymore here we have a little bit of a problem with the pattern it is pushed inside so i'm just going to grab this particular pattern piece and simulate again and that should resolve most of that and you can do that a couple of times you can see that this is softening up because it's not strengthened so i'm going to stop the simulation for right now next thing i want to do for my bag is select some materials so i'm going to go to library fabric and look for so i'm just going to choose full grain leather double click on it open up my object browser make sure that it's there and select the pattern pieces that i want to apply that to if you want different textile or suede or some kind of webbing then you can bring that in for the handle so i'm going to apply this to all of my pattern pieces and then i can simulate one more time to see how it affects and it became more supple more full body and i don't want it white i would like to apply some kind of color so make sure that you select that come to color and choose whatever color you like whatever is appropriate for your particular bag and next thing i so i'm going to come to my top stitching select i left this as default top stitching i would like to make sure that give it a name that i know what it is so i'm going to name this one overall and i will come down here and i will give it some kind of a color so right now it is a bright pink color i'm going to choose a blue color and make sure that is a color that i can actually see and i can't see the color right now so i'm gonna come here to the type and i'm gonna switch that to texture that should make it visible so object will be visible in render but for now the top stitch as texture will appear in your 3d window better now i'm not happy with the color of the fabric actually it feels a little uh dull so i'm just going to come and change my color a bit and switch that to a brighter color so you can see better the difference between the top stitch and the leather itself so this is our handbag for now another thing that we can add here is maybe some kind of studs or hardware or some kind of a trim so let's go to the library and go into hardware and trims some kind of a trim so under buttons and buttonhole there should be a variety of buttons that are not buttons for buttoning a garment but they look more like snaps eyelets we have a variety of trim here so i will choose a snap rivet and i'm going to left double click to have it appear here so right here i'm going to work with the button tool i'm going to come directly and place the button wherever i like it to so here looks good to me and the button you can come to property editor and you can change the color for example so let's make that blue too and you can see what it looks like see if you're happy i'm going to leave it blue so you can see the contrast and i'm also going to come and change the materiality instead of fabric i'm going to choose metal and that's going to give it a little bit of shine so make sure that that is positioned and it is not up and away but it is actually placed wherever you want it to be and let's apply that everywhere where you would like it so let's see you want another one here and obviously you can choose different kinds of trims different kinds of buttons studs whatever you like so let's see one more maybe a snap rivet i'm gonna left double click on that and i'll place a couple of those on the other side just for variety and you can see what they look like so i'm gonna have that make sure you have the button tool and just place it wherever you like one here and one here and select this and give it a different color again i'm gonna also make this a plastic and i'm going to give it a different color i'm going to make this a bright red color so that creates a bit of interest and you can do that however you like if you want to add sequins then you can follow my other video of how to add sequence of top stitching like this video if you learned something new and from here on you can also add texture you can add different design details and i'll show you one more trick here that we can do i'm going to remove this particular avatar and i'll show you how you can create a bit of a display by using the cylinder avatar go to avatar 3d shape and choose this particular 3d shape it is really large right now so let's make it more of a smaller thinner more of a cylinder that we can hang in the middle of the air and we can display or hang our bag on it so i'm just going to make it a bit longer and push it through a little bit when you're done just grab it bring it up so this might be a little too long here i did not have good visibility for it so that became really long so something like that would be good and we can place the bag handles inside and let's click simulate so one more thing we need to do is we would actually need to remove the pins so i'm gonna click on the pins and delete all pins and i'm gonna simulate and bring the handle more inside and again once you're happy with the placement you can place pins or you can just leave it hanging here as a display and you can change the color of the three-dimensional avatar and choose something that is more appropriate for your particular design and that is our tote in very bright color hanging on a 3d avatar we have a variety of top stitching here and we have a front pocket and obviously this particular material is pretty stiff so the bag is staying open but you can choose whatever you like if you learn something new if you like this video please show that by pressing the like button and subscribe for this channel for a lot more videos if you like what you saw in this video if you learned something please like the video feel free to leave any comments i'm happy to answer your questions and please subscribe to bobintalk so you don't miss any of the new videos coming up thank you so much for watching
Channel: BobbinTalk - CLO3D
Views: 1,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clo3d, clo3dfashion, clo3dtutorial, howto, virtual, virtualfashion, avatar, clo, 3D, fashion, pressure, tote bag clo3d, bag clo3d, bag design, handbag clo3d, handbag design clo3d, tote clo3d, clo tutorial, CLO3D tutorial, tutorials step by step, step by step CLO3D, clo3d bag
Id: z-632buSGbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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