How to create a classic CHANEL quilted hand bag in CLO3D - Part 2

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if you're interested in accessory design check out my accessory design book it is a textbook that is widely used throughout the world in various fashion design colleges and it follows the process of accessories from design to prototyping sketching illustration and manufacturing you can find a link to the book in the description below hello everyone and welcome to bob and talk this is part two of how to make a chanel bag in close 3d and in this second part we're ready to add on the hardware so we'll be adding a chain in the chanel logo so let's take a look at it i will show you a couple of different ways one of them is the just a quick and easy kind of way and the other way would be to actually create the hardware pieces i think you should know both of them so first of all we'll find the picture that is in the color that we're doing or at least as possible to the color that we need and then we're gonna find the view that we want so keep in mind that this is really the cheating way so it's not ideal to be rotating the finished piece but if you just want a quick picture this will work beautiful so what i'm gonna do is i'm to take a screen capture of this and then i'm going to isolate or just grab the chain in photoshop and then i'll attach that to the clove badge as a print so i'm going to take a screenshot of this and i'm going to open this in photoshop and here what i will do is i will grab my magnetic lasso tool and i'm gonna zoom in a bit and what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna outline and only select the chain so what we're going to do is we can just kind of outline pieces to delete around it you could do this a couple of different ways but this would be one way so just kind of delete area outside or you can just select the full chain whatever is easiest for you to do for me it is easiest if i delete areas outside and come really close make sure they have the chain you have the leather and create areas that you still have around the screen then you can just kind of come around close that area and just delete might be one way to do it another way could be to just select the chain itself do an inverse selection and just delete everything outside of the chain whatever is easiest for you however you like to work i am again grabbing the magnetic lasso tool and just coming really close make sure that i have the chain and the leather and then kind of deleting a big area around and i can work with that pretty [Music] fast [Music] [Music] okay now that i have cleaned out and i only have the chain here now i can come and actually use the lasso or the magic wand tool and i can select everything else and delete it so now it's a bit easier and with areas where there's a lot of light that's not going to be um that easy so we can either grab the eraser tool or we can come back to the magnetic lasso tool and just kind of like select larger areas that's one way of doing it or grab the eraser tool so i'm going to grab a much bigger area i'm gonna do the solid eraser and you can also just come and erase anything that you don't need the goal is to have a really nice clean file of the chain itself so just a couple of more pieces right here excellent and everything looks nice and clean the other thing that i like to do is also come with a brush have a much smaller brush and this time have a soft brown brush and see how these edges are really sharp i'd like to soften that quite a bit so we can come in here and just soften up the area so knowing that this will go on the image itself i don't want to have any sharp images and i would like this to blend really nicely now keep in mind that i did pick a color that is very similar if not exactly the same like my bag i chose to do that but it's possible that maybe you do this and you don't do the same exact color or the color is very different you know you kind of want to get it close together and it could be something that is not so soft around the edges you can experiment here and see what you like best for you maybe you're really precise and you just want to get really close and just make this nice and clean that's fine too but you know this can also serve as a shadow for you it's a bit more forgiving than doing this brush that can absolutely chop off a little piece and create a little sharp edge somewhere and maybe the way you traced it was really nice and clean and you don't need to do this at all and when you finish with the file save it as a png and you can also crop this image to get it closer to the chain itself there is no empty it is now we'll bring this into clo so in clove we'll use a couple of tricks we're going to create a pattern piece that covers the whole front and we're going to bring the chain as a print so let's go to the 2d window and let's create a pattern piece let's take the rectangle we want to have a pattern piece that covers this whole area because the chain is going to be all the way down so we want to make sure that it goes from the grommets all the way down and we're going to extend it a little bit so we can take a look at the picture again and see how the chain comes out a little bit so we really need a pattern piece that comes out a little bit let's create the pattern piece i'm gonna go from here and i'm just gonna kind of go outside a little bit and that should be good enough now for this pattern piece i'm gonna assign duplicate fabric so i'm going to copy this fabric and i'm going to call this chain so i know that this is where i'm placing the chain i'm going to use the print graphic t-shirt here to bring the chain onto this pattern piece okay so i'm gonna bring that and i'm gonna place it right on top and it's a little bit bigger so i can edit that so i'm gonna come to edit graphic or transform graphic tool and click on that and i'm gonna just make sure that it fits on this pattern piece because i know that that's pretty much the right size so that seems about right it fits on the pattern piece this will be the chain that will overlay over the front now the trick here is to make the fabric transparent so let's go to object browser make sure that you have selected this particular fabric and then go down opacity and bring the opacity all the way down to zero that will allow us to have a transparent pattern now the trick here and the next step is to make the fabric transparent so for that purpose come down to property editor and look for opacity and under opacity grab the slider and just bring it down to zero so now we have a transparent piece of fabric just the chain so we can drape this over the front and it's not going to be ideal but if we just want to have a snapshot of this we can drape this chain in front of the bag take our shot and have that this is not going to work if you have a model holding it walking with it but it will be great for a static picture we can also change the fabric from matte we can also maybe bring it to metal and see if that would do anything we'll need to bring the opacity down again we can also add a little bit of thickness and that will make it stand away from the bag a little bit now it's not adding thickness to the chain itself but it's going to add thickness in the way it stands consider if that is useful to you and let me know if you're using it like that and let's do some draping over the front so what we can do now is we need to find a way to attach this fabric on top of the front and just kind of drape it so it's going to look like that and obviously it's going to stand away if it's not attached and we do want to make sure that it is on top of the bag so we want to find a way to attach this and there's obviously different ways you can do it one of them may be the easiest is could tack it you could sew it here so let's try and sew it real quick so for the sewing let's go to the 2d window and i'm actually going to grab this and i'm going to rotate it because it's going to be that's the front panel i'm actually going to lock all of these pattern pieces so i'm not interfering with them i don't care about the bottom i'm going to lock all of these so when i'm bringing this over it doesn't really affect them so i just want to see what this looks like and i want to position the pattern piece so that i understand where i need to stitch it and the width is fine you can see how the chain goes here in the hole it goes here in the hole so that's ideal for me and all i want to determine is where i can put a couple of stitches and again you could do this in different ways so that's fine with me i'm gonna come and grab the internal polygon line shortcut g and i'm gonna just add a couple of stitch lines here i'm gonna stitch right above each one of the grommets you just wanna make sure that this stays on top of the grommets which might be hard so it's up to you let me know if you have any suggestions on that so i'm going to add a stitch line here and i'm going to right click to get one inch and then on this side right above again so those are my stitch lines here now i want to add the same stitch lines onto the pattern pieces so i'm going to select and unlock all of the pattern pieces so i just right click on the background unlock all pattern pieces and i'm just gonna grab g again and i know i did them right above so i'm just create a couple of one inch internal lines and again you can experiment with this let me know how this works for you and now all i need to do is stitch this so i'm just going to place this right here and i can grab m free sewing tool i'm going to go from here to here and then from here to here and you could probably also use the segment tool here so let's stitch this side over here to here and we're ready to simulate let's go to the 3d window it might be a good idea to superimpose this let me select the pattern piece from the 2d window i'm going to superimpose over and let's simulate this and there you go we have our bag the only problem here is that the chain is underneath the grommet so we can play with that and adjust it and make sure that it's over it but we can stitch the line in front of it or if you have any other suggestions let me know so again this is not ideal and you can see that this is falling a little bit so we'll have to adjust that so there are certain angles where this would look great and other angles where this does not look good so first of all we can i'm going to stop the simulation you can adjust this more you can also give it some thickness make sure that the fabric here is draped in a way that support the look of this and there are certain angles where this would look really good and other angles where this would definitely look like it doesn't look right and my bag is falling right now so i might need to put the avatar in there so this is floating up a little bit in order to fit this better what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna elongate the piece of fabric and elongate the print so that this actually falls down on the ground and that should make it look better the top looked much better i placed a 3d avatar in there so that holds the shape now straight up and you can see that it's perfectly standing up straight now so that helped a lot here in the 2d pattern i'm just going to grab this and just elongate a little bit more and then i'm going to come to transform graphic and i'm going to grab the graphic itself and i'm just gonna elongate it a little bit and make sure that that get you can see it here that now it's laying on the floor you can adjust a couple of times and see what works better here now it's perfectly in the holes and here pretty much on the ground so that should be fine and again you can see that here the chain is kind of standing away as opposed to going around the back maybe from an angle like that it would look good so again this is kind of cheating really this is not what a real chain would look like but maybe it's an acceptable look for a 3d photograph next we're going to work on the logo and i'll show you how you can create a chain with object and apply it in a couple of different ways you can also play with different shapes of the chains maybe you have a chain that just goes over and we don't have this area here that would look perfectly fine it would actually look better we'll see less of the chain but it would look less fake because it will be only up here on top or you can find a picture that may have a better positioning of the chain so it's easier to drape we could also cut out just the logo and bring that in as a picture and attach it to the bag so i'm going to do a screen capture just of the logo and i'm gonna bring that into photoshop and clean it out so here i will work with my magnetic lasso and i will outline the logo as best as i can i'm going to zoom in a bit more and try to get just the metal part of the logo [Music] and just select the inverse and delete everything around and we can also come and clean this up a little bit i'm gonna grab the eraser tool i'm gonna select a small brush let's zoom in a little bit and i'm just gonna clean out so i want them nice and soft i don't want any sharp edges there so it blends really well with the bag when i bring it into claw [Music] and when you're ready with the logo save it as a png file and we'll bring it into close 3d so we have our bag with the fake chain here we just have the picture the image of the chain and we've already cut out the chanel logo so let's bring that in the same exact way as we did before so let's create a small pattern piece let me go just to 2d window i'm going to create a small pattern piece just to fit in here and i will place the logo as a print on it and i will stitch it all around so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create an internal shape that fits here and then i'm going to clone it as a pattern so let's create the internal shape first something that i know will fit well in here maybe a little bit bigger and we can place the logo on it so i want to make sure that this is large enough that it goes almost to the edges and this will also become our stitch line this is fine for now we'll see if it's large enough so i'm going to right click on this and i'm going to clone as pattern and place this pattern next to it and this is where i'm going to bring the print so let's click on lock bring it in place it in there click ok and we can play with the size once it's pasted in so let's see what it looks like so let's edit the size of it if you want to see it in the 2d window just click on textured surface so this way we can see it in the 3d and the 2d window and here if this is too big or too small you can play with the scale of it right now obviously it's too big so let's see if we can fit it a bit better i want to make sure that this is as large at least as the pattern piece and we can also take a look and make sure that it also fits the correct proportions of the chanel bag this looks pretty good to me maybe a little twisted okay so this is our logo and all we have to do is now stitch this pattern piece to the internal line so let's grab the m sewing tool right here and what we're going to do is i'm going to left double click on this pattern piece and the sewing line will go all around then i'm going to left double click on this one and we have the stitch lines and then in the 3d window so let's come to the 3d window i want to make sure that i superimpose this first to make sure that it fits really nicely right click and superimpose over and now i'm gonna click simulate and the only thing here the fabric is matching but we can still see it so the only thing that we need to do is we gotta make this fabric transparent so let's go to object browser property editor and we'll assign this same fabric as we did with the chain here so this one will assign this transparent fabric so now our fabric here is transparent and we can see that all we see here is just a hardware piece so that's our bag right now with a cutout or copy of the chain and we have the logo from the picture too and obviously this is not perfect if somebody's gonna hold or carry the bag but as a static picture this might do the job for you and i would also advise that maybe we find a better position or maybe cut out some of this chain so maybe it just goes up here and down to here and then maybe we get rid of this part in the next tutorial i'll show you how to create the logo and the chain as an object and bring them into the trim don't hesitate to ask any questions and please like the video and subscribe
Channel: BobbinTalk - CLO3D
Views: 1,108
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Keywords: clo3d, clo3dfashion, clo3dtutorial, howto, virtual, virtualfashion, avatar, clo, 3D, fashion, pressure, tote bag clo3d, bag clo3d, bag design, handbag clo3d, handbag design clo3d, tote clo3d, turntable, clo3D turntable, turntable clo3D, turntable clo, step by step, tutorial, clo tutorial, clo3d tutorial, CHANEL bag, make CHANEL bag in CLO, make CHANEL bag in CLO3D, How to make a CHANEL bag, clo3d bag
Id: bLZryFAdmSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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