Create A Striking FLICKER Effect In Davinci Resolve 19 - Quick And Easy! | Quick Tip Tuesday!

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[Music] it's quick tip Tuesday and I'm going to show you how you can quickly and easily create that flicker effect that you just saw let's jump into resolve so I am in D Vin resolve here I've got a little project that I've been working on and I want that flicker effect right I had an idea to create it with the music as you saw in the beginning there and here's how we're going to do it it's super easy and right here in my timeline these purple clips that is the flicker effect so let's just zoom in here and how can we create it well we just use a solid color generator to create the flicker effect really quick and easy so in order to do it we're going to come up to our effects Library going to open this guy up a little bigger here we're going to come down to generators and right here we have solid color generator so I'm going to click that and drag it down into my timeline I'm going to just put it on a new track up here now when you drag in the solid color generator it's going to be a little bit big I don't know how many seconds this is but we want to make it really short so that way we can create a flicker effect by using multiple clips of the solid color so I'm going to drag this guy back and what I like to do is make it maybe one definitely one maybe two frames you could go two at most and to do that I'm just going to use my arrow keys so let's say we did two frames I'm going to make the solid color only two frames long and if I play through it real quick you're going to see it's going to create a little flash on the screen check it out so the trick to creating the flicker effect where it you know goes on for a little bit is to just copy this clip and space them out evenly or however you want so in this case I'm going to click the option key on a Mac or ALT key on a PC click hold and drag boom I got a copy now what I like to do is set these maybe two frames apart to start so I'm going to just go ahead two frames going to drag this guy over and I'm going to do that again copy my clip and to come to the end go over two frames drag back that and I'm going to do this a few times right you can do it as many times as you want depends on how long you want the effect to go on so once you get a couple of them I can just copy all three boom and now I got six of them come to the end make sure I'm only going ahead two frames there and now that I've got a few frames here let's see how that's [Music] looking all right not too bad not too bad and let's say I want it to speed up right I want it to look like it's getting faster a faster flicker right which is what I did with our clips over here so to do that what you're going to do is again take this clip I'm going to copy it and now what we want to do is only put one frame in between each one of the clips so I'm just going to move ahead one move this guy over we're going to make another copy here move ahead one frame move this back I'm going to do this a couple times here just so I can get the effect that I want once you get a few of them we can copy those and bump it over a frame now one trick here if you selecting a bunch of them here and you want to move those clips one frame you can use your period and commic keys to just bump it one frame right so that's probably actually a whole lot easier than using the arrows cuz I just did that and I'm like hey you guys should know that because it makes it a whole lot easier so let's say I'm going to just throw in another I don't know that many of them I'm going to hold option or alt copy it over period key boom done and here is what it looks like with our flicker [Music] effect okay so we're getting the job done there of creating the flicker effect now here's the one that I created and what I did underneath that because it kind of went with the music was to fade out the clip of the person riding on the horse so here's what that looks [Music] like so I think that works out cool now it would have been probably even better if I lined it up with the drum beats that you just heard there but one other thing that you can do to kind of create and sell this effect a little bit is to add a whoosh every time we get a little flash on the screen here so I'm going to come back to my media pool I do have a little whoosh sound effect here so I'm going to drag this down and I do have some audio tracks here for sound effect so I'm going to stick my little whoosh in the sound effects track I'm going to make it a little bit smaller here and now if I had a faster whoosh it might even be better and I may have a faster one let's take a quick look all right I'm not finding one that I have that shorter so we're just going to make this work for what we needed for so I'm going to slide this guy a little bit I'm going to bump it frame by frame here I'm actually going to make it a little bit shorter here I'm going to fade it in and fade it out a little bit and now what I'm going to do is just copy this between my audio effects tracks to help sell the effect of the flicker now you can play with it a little bit to see exactly where you want it to line up but let's say I'm going to just eyeball them kind of like this and then as they get faster I'm going to put them a little bit closer together and once we add in the sound effects I might actually drop the volume on these guys just a little bit so they're not too loud we'll drop them back a little bit here's what that effect looks like once you add in the sound effects check this out all right so a little loud there we should drop those back in volume a little bit more and you can change them and have them be a little bit different too but it's kind of a cool effect here that we can use to add on top of our flicker effect here to help sell the whole thing and here it is with the volume lowered a little [Music] bit check this out real quick if I select all these guys I can rightclick and say new compound clip I'm going to say flicker boom I've got a compound clip that now shows the Flicker and now I can copy that compound clip wherever I want and use it whenever I want we can even save it for another project if we want to do that so that wraps up this flicker effect guys hope you found it cool a little helpful if uh if you did let me know drop a comment down below that wraps up this quick Tuesday and as always if you want to learn a little bit more about audio and level up the audio for your videos check out my audio course audio Essentials for video editors in D Vinci resolve guys Link in description below if it's something you're interested in check it out all right with that said I will see you guys in the next video have a good one guys peace [Music]
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 2,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flicker effect davinci resolve, editing tips, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, Flicker effect, flicker video effect, easy video effects davinci resolve, davinci resolve 19, Flicker, Sound Effects, VFX, Easy VFX, how to do flicker effect on davinci resolve, flicker text effect davinci resolve
Id: ykf90jUmVuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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