Chicken, sausage, and Shrimps Pasta Jambalaya

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hello everyone it's lola here again and i welcome you all back to my kitchen so today we are going to be making the most delicious jambalaya pasta and in about 30 minutes we are going to put everything together so let's get started i'm using this pasta today however you can use any pasta of your choice all right so you want to boil this for about 10 minutes you don't want it to be too soft you want it kind of all dante that is the texture we are looking for [Music] so here we go the pasta is done like i said we don't want to cook it too soft it's just right i'm now going to just drain this water then i'm going to be setting it aside i'm going to be preheating some oil inside my pan about three to four tablespoons it's fine so while the oil is getting preheated i'm just going to quickly season my shrimps with some cajun spice give that a good mix you want all the shrimps to be well coated with the seasoning i'll also season my chicken too with some cajun seasoning as well mix that together thoroughly just like you did for the shrimps and once that is done just set it aside once the oil is nice and hot go ahead and add the shrimps [Music] so once the shrimps are well browned on both sides i'll just go ahead and take everything off the heat [Music] in the same pan i'm going to be frying my chicken so once the chicken are well browned on one side you want to flip them to the other side and you also want to cook the flip side until it becomes nicely browned so once the chicken is nicely browned i'm just going to take it off the heat as well and i'll be setting it aside so finally i've got my sausage i'm also going to be cooking this until it's nicely browned on both sides [Music] so here i've got my vegetables well prepped it's important to get everything prepped ahead of time it's going to save you a lot of cooking time in the kitchen and stress and you know going back and forth all right i'll now be adding my onions inside my pan followed by my minced garlic and my bay leaf so you want to mix everything together and leave the onion to cook until it becomes a little bit softened all right so my onions are now soft and a little bit caramelized they are looking so good in goes my bell peppers my green and my red bell peppers and also i'm going to be adding my tomatoes give that a good mix so at this point i'm going to be seasoning this with my spices i'm adding a little bit of red chili flakes just for a little bit of heat a little bit of oregano black pepper thyme and a little bit of more cajun seasoning you can use this as much as you want to all right go ahead and give that a good mix so you know the cajun seasoning comes with a lot of salt so this is a good time to check your food to know if you need a little more salt or it's just fine so you want to leave this to cook for a few minutes just for the vegetables to get softened all right this smells so good now but we are not yet done it's now time to add our tomato sauce and some chicken stock so before i cover this up i'm going to be adding my chicken mix that all together now cover this up and allow it to come to a rolling boil all right this is now looking nice and good and it smells really good in here all right the next thing i'm going to do is to add my pasta i want to mix that in thoroughly and finally i'm going to be adding the shrimps you want to go ahead and mix that in as well so now i'm going to be covering this and i'm going to leave it to simmer for few more minutes so that the pasta can absorb all that beautiful flavor so that is it guys this looks so good as you can see and it smells absolutely good plus it's very delicious so this is how i make my jambalaya pasta very easy to put together and very tasty so that's it again for today thank you very much for spending your time with me as usual all the details you need for this recipe can be found in the description box below until next time i'll talk to you shortly enjoy [Applause]
Channel: Chef Lola's Kitchen
Views: 34,062
Rating: 4.9001784 out of 5
Keywords: Jambalaya, Jambalaya pasta, smokin and grillin wit ab, cajun shrimp and sausage pasta, cajun pasta, pasta recipe, cajun, pasta, shrimp, creamy pasta, andouille sausage, creole, cajun pasta with shrimp, pasta recipes, cajun pasta recipe, cajun shrimp pasta, creole food, creole shrimp, creole kick seasoning, cajun food, sausage, cooking, recipe, food, southern cooking, fettuccine, shrimp pasta, recipes, dinner, new orleans, cajun recipes, cook, chef Lola's Kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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