How to clarify a Broth and make a consommé at home : Tutorial

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most of artisan welcome back to the French cookin can omit missed on by saying welcome to all the newcomers and new subscriber you've been really many which is really great to see and on today's video we're gonna build up on what we've seen last week and we've learned how to make the potiphar and make that beef broth from the bullion birth as we call it in French and the next step now is to learn how to transform that broth into a consumer which is the kind of the fine dining version that's very clear beef broth that you can be served in very good restaurants now on top of that we're going to see something extra today as you can see here these little molds we're going to try to recreate an ancient garnish which is actually a beef flavor savory custard from a coffee called a yl so if you want to learn this mysterious recipe stay tuned so I did some mysterious recipe talking about the wire because the wire is actually something I have not seen much at all on videos I think there is one video from Mitchell who I think that did one video about that and a way from that I've never heard about it and in the Escoffier book the wire is a classic garnish that you serve a lot of time with a consonant which is actually a savory custard that we're going to try to cook in this mode usually there are different modes I call the Dario molds and kind of round shape and quite high but I could not find them so I'm gonna have to make do with these things here but in very interesting technique actually we're going to be using and it's very variants with vegetables meats so we're gonna see this after the consumer for the consomme and we're going to learn today how to clarify the consomme meaning how to remove that cloudiness of the broth and transform it and transform its re into a very clear type of soup now the clarification technique we're going to be using today is using a mix of meat vegetable and egg white to create what we call a float in English with Cola maybe a chapeau in fact like a hat or whatever its name then that's floating on top of your soup or your broth and it's absorbing all the impurities and they go open a stick and to that kind of little raft as its call in English but the interesting thing about that is that if we go back into a history it's ended from the 17 and a 17th century I think something like that that this technique was use for wines and I even wonder if it's still use today so people were using egg whites as well to clarify the wine because it's not to be very cloudy and by doing that colors it's called in French and the the sticking process all the impurities gonna stick it is going to clarify the one so it's been stolen from the winemakers to arrive in the kitchen to give us what we know today as the consumer so very interesting let's get started so today we are learning how to make a consumer was talking about the building blocks of French cooking and the the consume is actually the evolution of a simple broad fund that is very cloudy so that's a beef broth we've made last week and in the pot of a recipe and we're going to try to clarify that broth to transform it into a clear soup that is called a consomme in order to do so we need to create what is commonly known as the egg raft and so floating a piece of ingredients that says got a blend of ingredients many carrots tomatoes celery the green part of the leeks a bit of coriander you can use chervil beef also I will explain why and most importantly egg whites and mixing all together it's going to create that raft it's going to be I'm going to show you how to clarify that that broth we're also going to learn how to make the Escoffier wire which is a garlic serve a garnish so Reserve weave and the consume in general you haven't seen that before it's not very common but it's a savory custard that is made with some egg yolks some full eggs some cream some nutmeg salt and pepper and we're going to be using today a little bit of the flavor of the beef and some coriander this lovely garnish has gonna be quite interesting you're also going to be needing some mold like Charlotte moles dairy almost I'm just going to use some you know standard one to practice and so we keep things easy okay let's start so in order to clarify how broth we're going to need an extra pound a new clean and large pan and you basically start by pouring all of the ingredients sorry in the pan and so the celery the tomatoes the carrot everything has to be a thinly finely chopped I've got some green of the leeks on here okay a little bit of coriander and some mints now looking a little bit closer how close did the mixed and we've got everything together and the last element is the two egg white and this is the real thing that is gonna basically make sure that all the impurities get stuck so you have to mix this very well all the egg whites with the ingredients the means and the other vegetables before we add the broth once everything is mixed in the next step is to put your broth and the cold broth it has to be called into the mixture but you see these white things that float on the broth this is the leftover pieces of fat that was in my profit because it's cold they are hard and I can just scoop them out and remove them so you need to make sure it's really the all the grease has been removed and so you do that first before in the broth in perfect so my broth I've got two liters here it's nice and clean and as you can see here it's pretty cloudy and to be honest this is the first time I actually attempt that clarification I hope it's gonna work so we'll see so once you've got this it says we need to still mix everything together now so the broth we've the ingredients and we're gonna turn the heat on on medium and bring this not to a boil it must not reboil but just heat it up so that it's almost looks like it's going to start to boil and then we're gonna reduce it to a simmer so let's start that first section hit on medium and let's wait until it warms up as your broth is warming up it is said and how Killian read books in Ostrava Scofield you need to gently stir I think it's called steel stir and the mixer to make sure that the egg why doesn't coagulate at the bottom and make sure it's evenly and dispersed and that's going to give us some time to actually be talking about the why why on earth are we putting all of this stuff in how broth in order to make and that comes from a so it's very simple so the vegetables you see in here that we've added because we're making a soup they're gonna release their flavor and the cooking time of that raft is about 30 to 45 minutes and all these vegetables they're going to release their flavor into your consume s or added flavor the egg white on the other hand is known to kind of remove some of the aromas and so never put too much egg white and you mix thinking oh I'm going to put tons of egg whites I'm gonna make sure it's gonna be clear no because if you do that your consume is gonna start tasting like egg this is the big risk so one egg white per liter of consomme usually now to Perry that that kind of egg taste and the loss of aromas and flavors this is where the beef comes in you see so we add some extra beef in there and it's kind of kind of beefed up and so to say add some beefy flavor into your consume so we're restoring the balance and this is doing the whole purpose now here as you can see you see the bubbles going through that means that it's kind of rich temperature in which case you need to put your heat on on really low and that from now on apparently from what it says you should not be touching it you should not be mixing it and it just needs to simmer for 45 minutes I'm putting the timer on a hill for 45 minutes okay but I have to be honest that doing things for the first time is absolutely nerve-racking and especially when I look at that thing because if you want to telling me that this mix in front of me is gonna transform into the most pristine a type of soup that exists in French cooking I'm a ten-city two-finger - just you escaped from the asylum because unless is speaking I am not sure about this but let's see look the raft or the so called raft right there is something that starts to solidify like a hat or something like that so let's have a look I'm going to leave this on an ultra steamer do not touch the mix with it do not mix it any disturbance is gonna make things cloudy so 45 minutes let's go I'll see you then the time is up and now is the moment of truth now if I'm looking at the chimney this is what it's called in the middle that's what the real bubbles were coming out it actually really looked like it's cleared up to a whole broth that just blows my mind let me zoom in and show you exactly what discover together okay so I've made that kind of horn have we centered the camera to show you this is absolutely insane I can see right through the bottom of this and this is crystal-clear the next step consists of basically using a like a soup ladle like that and we're going to dedicate Li take some of the broth and filter it I'm going to show you that in detail and now for the filtering so filtering further is another step that's necessary that that broth is now it's consumed it's completely clear and yet you need to filter it further usually you use a clean tea towel or a muslin cloth like a cheesecloth but I didn't have that and I've just used some recycled are you call that these coffee filters you see the just paper I've grinded some black pepper and put a little bit of coriander and what needs to happen is to very very gently get that clear broth and put it bit by bit that's a long process and you're going to filter it again to get that amazingly clear soup so you do that until the whole pan is empty that just blew my and I can say he confortably that mission accomplished that technique with the raft is absolutely working would you look at this you can see right through it is plain amazing now we've got the consomme now let's move on to making the oil and now to make the while the yl is simply a savory custard so you start with free egg yolk and one full egg and there are different recipe one of the recipes from Escoffier was using only the consomme with some eggs and another one was only using some eggs and cream now I'm gonna try to mix both by doing one hundred mill of cream plus some consomme in order to make my custard so you start with the cream and the eggs and you simply mix everything together and to give us the base and after that I'm gonna add some consomme once my cream is in I'm gonna try to add some warm consomme but 100 mil until I get a nice and smooth kind of mix oh this is already salty so no need for salt and the only thing I'm gonna add in there is a little bit of white pepper that's it this is the mix for your way out just before you pour your mix in the mold make sure you filter the eggs through any bits of cream pepper and anything that you'd unwanted make sure it's nice and clean and then in the mold once your custard is ready we're just gonna pour this in the mold okay so I can put a little bit more sorry scoop it up and I would do okay so now we need to cook how savory custard open re in a bath of hot water so I've put some foil on top of my container I've put this in a deep container and I'm going to pour in some boiling water from the kettle and put a kettle on and to accelerate things I'm going to pour the water just enough not all the way to the top huh maybe that would do it so my content doesn't float away and I'm gonna put this in my oven 120 degrees centigrade and leave that to cook for maybe 30 maybe 40 minutes and we're gonna have to play it on ears exactly depends on the amount where should be roughly but a bit more than 30 minutes perhaps 45 40 and that's it my very first why alpha mask off here that savory custard cake really is ready and it went really well in that little mold as you can see here it's very soft it's all set and it's basically ready now before we can do anything with it it has to be absolutely absolutely cold so we need to put that in the fridge or the freezer if you want to accelerate the process and wait until it's really cold before we unmold and cut it last point about the temperature 120 degrees Celsius which is about 150 finite was for me way too low the water was not even near simmering so I've put the temperature 140 degrees Celsius which was 180 Fahrenheit that's up to you but at the end of the day it's cooked and it looks nice all right people moment of truth the wires of the fridge I've tried to run a knife along and along the edges is what it's written but I've got a feeling it's gonna stick because I forget to put butter even though this is a nonstick so let's see what happen are you ready one two three very hard it's not coming out Wow I had to bang that thing real hard before it came out but it did these recipes making it's making me stressed everything from scratch the first time we run into things like the Royale and the the clarification Wow so Escoffier saying here when you got the wire you need to cut it and doesn't matter what you do he says that you should have exactly the same kind of shapes and forms and whatever you can have so I've selected here these little things and this is all cutters and these little things we've shaped and I'm going to try to first detail this in a few slides like here and we're gonna try to shape those things into something a bit more appetizing now as you can see here I've tested something and if I tell you that this is fragile this is like an understatement I can see that the temperature rise is already and it starts to be really really soft so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna use this little one here and make some circles so two circle each just to show you what I'm gonna do do this off camera and for the next one so I had to move them around like this one I'm just gonna try to do like half way with this to give some little shapes and it's not perfect and I'm not an expert at this try to get a bit of variety but that's it to finish I'm gonna I've cut some off cut on on a fork here I'm gonna just give it a shot alright it's not too eggy about what it was going to be a bit eggy now it's very you can feel the fattiness of the cream and really the taste of the blue but not overwhelming and I think it will go very very good in the super amazing so that's the dress that up and that's it finally I managed to find some kind of way to serve the consumer this has to be the most difficult fragile and awkward soup to use because it is so pristine it is so clear that anything you put in it mess it up big-time I managed to capture on that shot just what I wanted to show you and this is the essence of this on here you've got the clear beef consommé they've decorated with a bit of coriander and some asparagus on hair just to add some some flavor of the coriander these little blocks here these are the yl from Escoffier and this is the type of garnish it would be serving on this type of cocktail like appetizer that a woman's to excite you know your test bird before the meal it's not even like a soup it is just a few spoon of delicacy of that lovely creamy custard that you have here tastes like beef it's a bit buttery and it goes really well with the consumer I can't even taste it in front of you because it will destroy the whole thing but it is intense it is really beefing flavor it is salty and the neutrality of the oil really makes the dish comes together it is really amazing but what I can say - they really are really doubt a lot of the things first samples I did a while first timers at the clarification I had my adapt I've stressed out and at the end of all things if you look at the result it's still turned out ok so to conclude before I go I like to say that yes the clarification absolutely works and the while it's a real great way to enhance your consumer if you make one and I'm really stunned to have gotten that result that's it for me today guys that completes our video on the consumer with the oil from Escoffier next week we're going to be going into sweet things and as you have asked for me to make D a strawberry no sorry the raspberry finish here has just a little sweet a little dessert that's gonna be a nice change to take a bit of a break of all these salty stuff alright as always if you want you can support my work on patreon on TP calm and subscribe to the channel and drop me some comments if you have question about that recipe if you try it and tell me what you think ok I'll see you all next time take care bye bye [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 238,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french recipes, French Cooking Academy, consomme, clear soup how to clarify broth, beef broth, chicken broth, how to make consomme, consomme tutorial, consomme video, escoffier recipe, how to make royales
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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