Creality Sermoon D1 - Unbox & First Prints!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] away everybody welcome to the welcome to the show the stream um like with anything uh um we're doing our best to get through this uh we we got here a little bit late uh my son had baseball practice and baseball practice means i get here late i get here late so uh yeah we get a we get a late stream practical printing it's taco time nice nice just waiting for rc maniac to uh tell me if you can hear me and or see me because that's uh typically what he does waiting i'm waiting i see levels so i'm just um i'm just gonna go with it what's up js3d yeah dustin's speed yeah it wasn't it wasn't a ball game it was uh practice it was ball practice shawn are you mike's yeah i'm mike gay shawn's here i'm here so we we got here about 15 minutes ago and had to set everything up and had to move stuff around and i'm just just letting you know it's heavy it's really heavy so tonight's stream is brought to you thanks to thangs it's a lot of right there thanks to sponsoring a contest right now on the channel you need to design a speaker cover for my 3d printed speakers in fact they're over there and then i also put out a video kind of giving you an idea of how i went event went about designing the one that i have and so honestly this is going to take a good three hours you could probably design five five speaker covers in that time uh one thing uh so so thanks to thanks for doing that here hold on now i have to five's a little ambitious i think i i don't know i think they could do it i think they could do it i they've got the touch they've got the pow wow yeah yeah that's transformers i get it uh also now accepting responses so hooch over at rep court uh he he he wanted to be a part of this wonderful evening and so he's got a 3dpn branded rep box up for grabs the link is in the description and just like before you put in your it takes your email you put in your name and your screen name and at the end of the stream we'll call winner and the winner's going to get a rep box shipped to them anywhere in the world fingers crossed uh you're at the south pole because then a rep box would be on all seven continents am i right pooch that's awesome am i right i think we got to take a trip to the south pole i would love to i want to i would actually like to do i would i would i would really enjoy that oh yeah dave randolph so um today's i just want today to be a chill day i got my build my my bill gates microchip implanted in me today i go get the second one in a few weeks uh and so i just grabbed a comfy shirt it's my printed solid shirt um what is your superpower the one of the nurse ladies that gave me my shot was like yeah i'll go have fun with your superpower that's fair that's fair so to summarize the opening to the stream we've got thangs as the sponsor a big thanks to thanks again uh could be joanna in the comments in there as things and if so she's a wonderful human and i highly suggest you give her a virtual high five we have a speaker design speaker cover design contest going on there's a link in the description to the video where i talk about that guest judges sophie wong and just blaze yeah no pressure right uh repcord is also giving away a 3dpm branded rep box and that's going to ship anywhere in the world what tonight tonight tonight anywhere in the world entry is free there's a link in the description for that and we have our first high five giving us to us that's at our tech bites to the fiverr hey joel glad i could catch you live thanks so much for unboxing my spool holder on fan mail friday i hope you liked it i really did it's an interesting design and it looks sturdy and i can't wait to implement it i just haven't done that yet but i really i mean thanks for sending that in i was gonna source parts and then uh you just sent it so that's awesome um also this burger king is not a sponsor i mean if they want to they can but i had to eat at some point so i got myself a drink as well at the uh at the at the behest of my body i needed a beverage so for you guys out there make sure you're caffeinated make sure you're hydrated sean are you caffeinated i sure am are you hydrated debatable exactly let's get this out of the box so my friends at creality sent this over this is the sermon d1 it is a i believe it's a core xy machine from creality that's uh enclosed all the way around except the top i'm sure dave over printed solid could make some sort of uh top for it if we needed it but uh it's supposed to be low priced i've seen it pre-order for i think like 6 700 bucks i put a link in the description it's really hard to find but i think i think we need to get it out and take a look at it because it is a low priced hopefully high precision offering from creality so anyway uh creality reached out sent it to me a while ago along with uh just a spoiler alert i have their new uh resin 3d printer ah they asked if i could get this one out of the box first this is priority so of course i'm gonna do that and i believe creality is watching and so reality how's it going i hope you're doing well i hope you're doing well i wish we could put chats on there working on it could we do it tonight no no no okay i'm actually uh working on getting it getting chats going through the atm mini okay out to the tv yeah sean's also working on a star white rock star wipe yeah we might actually might actually get the beloved star wife hoping for next stream i just uh i want some uh well what's next next stream with coasters flying toasters flying toasters remember after you know the after dark screensaver yeah no i i mean we can do that i can make a flying toaster bumper cheeky b hello everybody been curious about this fella i hope you mean this and not this either way if you're curious about me you're fantastic but curious about this i think we should dive in so it's a big giant heavy box uh i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go for it i'm just just gonna go for it and we're gonna deposit that yeah that's gone floated so right off the right off the bat look at that we've got some plexi plexi doors so those are going to be what go on the uh on the front of the printer it's wow it's packaged really well and we got more plexi more flexi right here i'm just gonna uh nathan stern do you still have your ftl3 nerf blaster i certainly do it's actually in the other room back before the uh the pandemic when people would visit my studio i would break that out and we would uh we would have fun with it nathan schuler with a tenor that's two fives and a sweet little animated gif wow there's a lot of stuff in here here we go okay oh we got extrusion and we got extrusion oh this is a kit this is a kit uh here are the sides these giant metal uh well these are corners i'm sorry the giant metal corners metal corners there we go those are quite large uh more foam go be with your people what's on the to the side okay maybe oh do i just do okay okay sure let's do that look at that that's a big piece of foam right there heard that okay oh look at box of goodies oh shakes weird okay inside we have normal stuff us power cord looks like um spool holder or some sort of sensor oh the corners for building it and uh other accoutrements some tape even you are blessed with a tiny little spool of white pla 200 grams check although it is vacuum sealed look at that it is vacuum sealed here's the instruction booklet i will not throw this away doogle with a fiver have you tried out slicers non-planar slicing for curved surfaces thoughts on it i think we'll ever see non-planar becoming uh mainstream yes and no well i'm sorry no and yes and no okay i haven't tried out the plugin yet for slicer i want to it's on my list of things to do along with a bunch of other stuff but it does seem cool and i would like to try it out will we see that becoming more mainstream i think it's really going to be a mainstay for five axis additive manufacturing so something where the nozzle can twist and move around i mean right now you have a plane and you have a nozzle perpendicular to the plane as it's laying down and and we kind of cheat with non-planar in that in that the nozzle stays perpendicular to the bed but moves in a in a way where then it is no longer and so you're still you're not laying down filament in the best way possible um this is where if you have non-planar planar and you have a curve like this it's best if the nozzle is perpendicular to the surface so that it can curve around and that's where multi-axis added manufacturing comes in and i think that's where it belongs the most don't get me wrong i mean you can make your prusa or whatever do funny curves in neat ways that's fun and exciting and something we should look into but for modern additive manufacturing multi-access machines can then bend the nozzle so that it is within um a certain a certain variance of the the surface that's a lot of words you're sure about anyway anyway i missed a couple here dusted speed with a fiber i looked at this model to be an abs machine but the top is open can we get creality comment on a hood for this model i bet you'll get a dave randolph from printed solid comment first that's my thinking with an aussie five good day is this the prophet is the prophecy true is the star wipe real it's coming it's actually in progress it's that's fair to say right in progress yeah okay next next stream that i'll be on i'm not sure if i'll be on next week's stream but uh if there is one you should be here there's a lot of parts i think what i'm gonna do is move this to the ground and then pull parts out sure i'm gonna hurt myself you're gonna have to build something tonight man oh geez i know hey when i tweeted this out i had this on my shoulder legit yeah it's heavy like here just a sec sean yeah yeah come here and hold this i want you just to feel the weight of this i don't care if you're blocking the view okay i need you to to understand and show the audience jeez uh-huh uh-huh it is that's the top right this is the top wow and so that's part of what makes it such a heavy machine it's because it's all it's that's a metal top right there 3d printing painting 4.99 are you out of your mind love your set joel for milk dudes yes jerry you're just too good man thanks i appreciate it uh and i'm a big fan of milk dudes bye this is going to be a kit but i think at the same time it's not going to be too difficult like it's not a prusa build but it's not a prusa build okay a prusa build what is it it takes you like five hours right oh oh here's the bottom as heavy as the top we'll call it five hours i did a prusa build with bill from uh punish props yeah we did it on stream in five hours that's cool i did it by myself over two weekends well you know we can't all be as cool as you yeah rep cord this printer is so metal ah let's see dustin uh dustin speed you wanna see the belt layout yeah we'll get to that sec i just gotta find room for everything on this desk this is a big desk it's it's a big desk and yet it's a big printer there's a decent build volume on that too it looks like what if 3dp nero is in the chat because he's probably yelling uh put clipper on it it's taylor right isn't it i think 3dp narrow taylor right i think anyway i hope you're yelling put clipper on it because that just seems like it's on brand charles webb with a fiber my creality l double o two h and u d o b one arrive tomorrow i print minis and bus then i paint them your choice for resin um we're a big fan of psoriatic resins here on the show i've had a lot of really really good experiences with psoriatic resin the fast gray has been easy to print and the only failures i got were when the saturn had a light that wasn't working because of the driver you know we fixed it it didn't work too well um so if you can't stride attack sorry take fast gray and then tint it add some color go uh go follow uncle jesse on on the youtubes he'll tell you how to color it up it's good stuff rick's 3d hey mr nerd can you print a vase with more than 60 millimeters per second i think this printer has the same sd card problems like the ender 6 greetings from germany i don't know these sd card problems that you're talking about is it uh not able to read fast enough from it is that what's going on it toasts 90 with a fiver hello from oregon your videos love your videos you're the reason i finally got a 3d printer last month congratulations that's good news right there did you miss uh derek is where's derek right above that right above it 5.99 oh derek sorello 5.99 are you out of your mind the abs said to the bed let's stick together the bed said i'm cool thanks okay that's amazing rude that's amazing jeff's streety corner with a canadian fiver hey for hydration thanks for your inspiration enthusiasm thank you thank you jeff's ready corner uh we'll put that towards milkshakes yes yeah i like that okay just completely destined speed i'm thinking about putting clipper on my toaster that's amazing so look here's here's can you uh can you get this page as much as i can yes okay got it there we go that's what it's supposed to look like when uh yeah evan holman how much is this printer i believe it's 6.49 i think i think here's all the stuff it's supposed to come with good i'm rubbing my nose because it's allergy season here in the pacific northwest sure is and the trees like to spit their pollens out yeah that's what we'll call it uh i'm gonna set this on the floor we don't have enough room i need like an executive boardroom table just full of parts yes just full of parts we need a space big enough for one that's true oh is that not that's why oh good good okay wow just 3d with a tenor that's two fives thanks joel for all you do because of you and other tubers i finally started three print channel high five high five nice right back to you that is fantastic to hear uh when i leave off oh yeah okay time to assemble not the avengers but the sermon okay i set this towards me and i get three four four of these profiles okay and they're wrapped they're wrapped fantastic isn't that a barbecue left in plastic plastic it's fantastic moju 215 i don't i don't know the difference between core xy and h-bot so i don't know also that's an aqua song not a barbie song it's always a barbie it's about barb yeah yeah but it's by aqua right come on barbie let's go party i'm glad you did that because i didn't want to but i would have been obligated to what i would have been obligated to do that yeah i know thank you aka dad of twins how do i become a member if you look uh down under the video but above the description there are buttons and i think one of them is join i think i think that's what youtube calls it or you can become a member of patreon or yeah whichever one yeah but if you remember here on youtube you get sweet little numbers next to your picture that's the longer you remember yeah alan klein of the fiber i printed a belt out of polypropylene i hope that's what you meant by pp and it has held up for a year what do you think of printing clothes i think it's awesome and actually that's a segue into uh into sophie wong because she does a lot of textile 3d printing and and and 3d printing for she has a 3d printed dress uh she was doing some stuff with rope uh 3d printing clothes is a fantastic idea not just 3d printing but using 3d printing to make clothes in ways that haven't been made before that's just really cool that's really cool okay i want to make sure i didn't miss a comment but it was the uh the pp comment all right uh i'm never going to not laugh at that bp i'm a dad i get to laugh at these things right yes donnie frisk elf grin breaks and makes talked on a stream last night about a kickstarter of a 3d printer that prints in ceramics i got that email too and they sent an email out to all the influencers saying do you want to review this machine and while i know in the past i've said no to kickstarters the problem is sometimes there's really cool stuff on there and so i think as long as i give the proper um warnings and tell you not to invest in it unless it's money you can set on fire i think it's okay for me to show that stuff off if it's really cool and to let you know if it's really cool there's a good chance i'm going to say yes to accepting a review unit and then show you some ceramic 3d printing it looks like an ender 3 but they're printing ceramics so i would imagine there's some sort of heat treatment that you have to apply or maybe some fire because fire's cool oh my goodness there's some things coming in a few okay oh and i just opened the calculator so let's see hey joel and sean watch 3d printing pro's post on psoriatech's new navy gray resin for miniatures i got a leader today since you like psoriatic you should give it a go lisa says blessings to you lisa is fantastic and so are you gene uh yes yeah yes of course yes i like that idea uh mike armstrong with 4.99 of course are you out of your mind is he out of his mind sean of course yes have you tried any prosumer level filament extruders other than the three devo and the felphil filabot etc um no no i haven't i don't know of any out there um the three devo actually uh we're working on something right now i sent them a giant box of failed prints and supports and stuff and they sorted it and ground it up and they're gonna send it back and i'm gonna make filament out of my old prints that's coming up the timelines now are a little bit crazy just because time doesn't exist and it's a construct that is fake and all that kind of thing yes 3d printing vapor with a tenor hello from indiana just ordered printer number eight don't tell my wife hashtag creativity for life i like that i will not tell your wife i promise to be fair i don't even know your wife but if for some reason if for some reason i'm at the store going down the bread aisle trying to pick the right um english muffins for breakfast the next day and somehow your wife comes up and introduces herself as as your wife i still won't tell her i promise even though we will have looked at bread together that's a lot what you just did there was a lot it's a lot i don't know if it was a lot needed to do okay it's a lot lot yup yeah i mean listen it is almost 10 o'clock right yeah it's like when showtime does showtime after dark but we're not going to do that we can do that we're family friendly family friendly well after dark would just mean after dark after dark just means daddy finally gets to pour a drink i love you guys i swear i love you guys there's a lot of stuff going on right here what is there a lot of stuff going on there's a lot of stuff oh on the oh on the table yeah there's a lot a lot of stuff going on like a lot of luck no i get that okay everything that i need is not in that container well i mean it's got there's tools in there i will need tools ah here we go the bolts and the screws and the container of lip balm what is that um oh it's grease gonna grease up the it's the word the gears no no rods no i don't know okay uh okay i need let's see these are m6 and i need oh i need washers too any washers are there are there washers i don't know oh you know what the washers are on the bolts nice yeah or on some of them so i'll just use the ones that have the washers oh that's too bright my uh my producer david tobin bless his nerdy little heart he is uh he is an early to bed and early to rise sort of person which i am not and so i just got a text from him saying have a good stream i'm out i think he's going to bed like an old person which is fun which is fine so good night david thanks for trying nice good night i want to make sure i put these on the right way i don't know i don't know if there is a right way wait there is oh no okay you missed one did i miss one reminder that you once said a thing about a pacific northwest filament store showroom etc and that you should still be thinking i should still be thinking about that that's the truth i just haven't thought about in a while but eventually i think we should make that happen i think we should make that down what super down it'd be fun it'd be a lot of fun uh max franco ars 50. i don't know what an ars is i don't know what currency that is but anyway max franco with 50 r's it's almost like a pirate yeah our well well what do we have here also how is everyone's night going i don't know how is everyone's nights going max is curious so be sure you uh you tell him in the in the chat my night's going great i'm full of burger king food and uh regret no no not regret not regret i'm just excited because i bought two sandwiches and there's one right over there and i'm going to eat it later 3d printing vapor with a fiber we've met at murf 2019 she took our picture in front of the fully 3d printed arcade machine well that's great i i'm going to be honest with you i i had a number of pictures taken at murf last time i went and so i can't i can't put a face to that but uh i don't care i trust you and you're wonderful and thank you for the five dollars we won't tell your wife siege tower 4.99 you out of your mind there was nothing attached to that isaac the gamer just said chicken nugget pizza and uh i don't know what's going on there collins james198822 is that like your icq number with a fiver hi from ky kentucky kentucky kentucky i was like ky is that a jelly just finished all the armor for a biker scout kit completely 3d printed on a cr-10s5 you were a major influence on me getting into 3d printing oh collins james 1988-22 did i get those numbers right i want to make sure yeah i did i did that is wonderful to hear and thank you for telling me and if you're on any other social medias that allow picture posting please post a picture of this i really want to see it russ wig new member welcome welcome russwig welcoming well bill coleman yes vil coleman okay this has things in it and i don't know what's good well are they on all of them they're not okay okay so there's a diagram here that tells me um i'm super confused okay okay oh wait i see i see well this is going swimmingly ah okay okay i think we're cooking with gas i think do it right go screw it up trying not to this is difficult um it's really hard to see i'm serious i'm having a hard time here seeing what the directions mean when install the profiles prefer the marked number on the profiles to find the relative position what the marked number are they are they marked are they no are they marked i'm not this is a good start they're not they're not marked it says see marked but i don't want to do it wrong that's the problem right i want to make sure i do this right just start putting things on things you're no help okay so if this we're just we're just planning things right now just just planning i don't think that's right so we got mathias wahlberg with sck whatever sck is 59 59 of the sdks let's see we've got uh phil nolan with five high five i'm working with a guy who owns high five productions uh wait a minute wait a minute matthias right high five productions is it high five studios it's uh matthias isn't it uh team edge right phil isn't it team edge i don't know that's the opening to there no matthias he's a creator on the youtubes okay and then the matthias wahlberg you see that no i didn't man the siege tower 4.99 are you mine here's another 4.99 to go previous for a burger and a shake hydrate thank you very much uh i didn't shout it out sean i did i i missed it i did shut it out and you just ignored me so sure yeah matthias wahlberg sck 59 59. oh i see it matthias wahlberg thank you sdk59 i see it now yes okay thank you for you keep building and i'll let you know when like when joseph l just gave 4.99 because he's out of his freaking mind joseph l 4.99 you are out of your mind you've been have you i've been unsponsored by repcord how do i feel i didn't know pooch actually watches my videos he doesn't watch your videos so i feel like nothing's changed um one two three four okay so the instructions call out numbers on these columns [Music] i'm looking to see if they're numbered and i don't see any numbers cool like i i don't know i think though so here's what i think i think these go here this is the front of the machine and this is the part that's going to have the uh doors let's see oh project project r3d 199 are you out of your mind joe if you do it wrong just say you were showing people how not to do it full send i love it that's a good way to do it i think these go here um uh yes regis that's my final answer oh it's not regis anymore it has been regis for like over a decade really i think yeah okay who that's what that's how they lock in their answers right isn't it of course yeah but it's not regis so they tell you to get off their show okay i guess they wouldn't like me very much everybody likes you joel it's true it's true until you're showing for prusa isaac the gamer everyone yell taco bell rep cord i have people to watch videos for me that's amazing i like those people tell her tell your people that i like them if we yell taco bell will taco bell get delivered i don't know is that how that works i mean i wouldn't do you like to do it three times like beetlejuice see the problem is i'm gonna get texts for my wife do you want me to bring you taco bell that's a problem no no that's not a problem it's a it's just it's a did i say it was a problem no charles webb five dollars high five dollars my favorite part of watching you live is watching you struggle because i'm sick but because it shows the brain muscles uh okay yeah sure so there we go charles brought with a fiver my favorite part is why'd you lie just watch you struggle well listen if i streamed all day you'd be a very happy person i appreciate that charles i like the one next one's my favorite not because i'm yeah not because i'm sick i like that the siege tower it's gc 4.99 are you out of your mind lisa feels bad for sean 4.99 for sean oh yeah dougal 3d printing your favorite delta printer i haven't printed with a lot of them uh but uh the one i've used the most is the cbcnc artemis and uh i love it i don't get the chance to use it much look at that dell taco what the dell [Music] i can't i can't hit adele notes not responsibly depends on how many drinks you've had it's true i remember you okay remember oh geez long ago when i made uh fidget spinner tutorials oh god yeah fidget spinner tutorials one of the ones i made was a taco bell sauce packet fidget spinner oh that's right and i called out to taco bell hey sponsor me because this is awesome and they didn't oh hey this is a text from chris if pooch was a real sponsor he'd sent pineapple pizza oh man is that like shots fired i do like pineapple on pizza i don't care what anybody says you know what's really good on pizza pineapple corn corn corn is good too corn is so good for sweet corn so good okay now this fire roasted corn i like i like corn oh wait i shouldn't have well i have to turn it around so i could tighten things but hush that's gonna go there you know me too well that's gonna go right there and if it doesn't well that's not my fault isn't it though it was charles webb right that said he wasn't sick he just enjoyed me struggle yes yeah well as i'm struggling to put this together i'm going to mention the sponsors uh we've got thangs sponsoring this because they're doing a contest on the channel right now designing a speaker cover there's a link in the description and it's to the video that we made about that go watch it if you haven't and uh heck use this time while i'm struggling to put this on why don't you use this time to go design yourself a speaker cover you can win a prusa mini or a prize pack from proto pasta which is pretty ultra fantastic if you ask me or an amazon gift card what's that or an amazon gift card or an amazon gift card yeah you just get that for entering yeah just for entering you get a chance to win that but also we've got uh we've got some judges for the contest sophie wong who's wonderful and just blaze who's also wonderful and uh there's a link in the description as well to win a 3dpn branded rep box uh pooch will send it anywhere in the world and we'll pick a winner at the end of the end of the stream i'm missing some money coming in yeah i got you 50 50 99 from project r3d what again peeps make sure you like the videos to support your favorite creators it helps more than you think it really does does like it really does a thumbs up is like um a little a little sprinkle from the salt bay just to just some flavor yeah it really makes it taste good and then we've got rem thompson with the fiber high five do you have any good tips for asa also oh you hit six six points you hit six hundredths on your stop oh that's that's amazing um for printing asa i don't i haven't printed a lot of it it's like the the it's like it's like abs ish but or it's like it's like the mix between patchy and abs i think it's like it's like abs a little easier to print and uv resistant so i just haven't printed with it we don't get a lot of uv here in the pacific northwest because you know that requires the sun um i don't have any tips but also on twitter i sent out a thing saying hey i got i got seven one hundredths on my uh phone stopwatch so i would i would hit start stop as fast i could and i got down to seven one hundreds wanted to see what else people could get and twitter got flooded with people trying to get really low scores and you got six six hundredths which was beats me better than me yeah i got point zero seven just like you well you're just part of the cool club then no no because the cool club is is uh is singular now just one person with the .06 okay let's see profile one three fixed plates installed oh well here i'll tell you what there's actually some words here that tells me what these are so they're not actually they're not numbered they're numbered in the documentation oh i see i like the look of this thing let me see um profile one three fixed plates installed on left this is number one installed on left okay profile two three fixed plates installed on the right good profile three fixed uh three three fixed plates installed on the left and right retrospectively symmetric okay profile four three fixed plates installed on the left and right retrospectively symmetric okay um okay cool we're there so now oh the 2040 profiles what if there's lead screws in there look what's in there lead screws lead screws newman i would imagine these are gonna go not like that maybe like maybe like that okay oh wait a minute wait a minute that's did you do it wrong no i did it right i just uh was about to do it wrong jackson with a fiber the drawing is at the end of the stream build faster it's already midnight just kidding love the streams even though it's a work night i'm trying sorry this is a fine piece of machinery right here do you know what kind of power supply this takes a good one i don't have that information handy at the moment oh god taco bell god will give you cinnamon treats i want cinnamon treats the twist so good so good chris lane 4.99 are you going to print the toaster torture test i've already printed it actually i print on the under 3b2 and uh some of the stuff didn't work out so well oops uh yeah it's uh it's cool but uh it is a torture test some of those overhangs are like 80 degrees rc 3d new member welcome rc in 3d nice so it wants me to put these in here oh you get out of there you get on them now okay oh it's standing up in the machine i guess i should have realized that my doctor with a fiber just wanted to send a virtual high five thanks mod doctor what a fun name what a fun name mod doctor we have a pizza chain around us called mod pizza probably not as cool as you pretty cool though i mean it's it's okay it's okay but it's not as cool as my doctor correct but that is where you get your corn on your pizza oh it's so good it's so good oh it just fits look at that oh i see i see okay that's in and this is keep it nice and sturdy i like it after installation please check the tightness between v wheel to avoid idle of v wheel okay i see the v wheels are good that's what these are going into this extrusion and you want to check the tightness so they're going to have an eccentric nut which then kind of gets it closer or further away than the surface it's rolling on and so they just want you to check to make sure that it rolls okay uh it seemed to roll just fine for me so i'm just gonna consider it good but they do call that out specifically and i kind of like that it's good yeah it's very good so it doesn't say i need to oh it does say i need to screw it in okay that's good because if it wasn't terrible hey someone was a new member did i miss that someone became a member oh collins james 1988-22 became a member thank you for that media dog one with a 1599 are you out of your mind i respond to your twitter challenge with 0.05 on my photo on my timer on the time photo that is insane and the toaster torture test print on my prusa was successful 50.99 for a hawaiian pizza after the stream on me yes oh yes that's amazing that is amazing hawaiian pizza is good i love it so how do you that's kind of interesting so they want you to put this on nope and then install here i've got an idea so they want this up in the air while it's being installed so if i there we go that way i can reach the place to put in the screws nice oh oh oh what are you do you're ruining it i don't know it's good oh it's backwards that's good it's good right front left front it's like that song you put your right foot in you put your right foot hokey pokey yeah and shake it all about hush you michael grugel five dollars that's fix-up dude just want to send a high five before i fall asleep you rock no you rock oh look there's uncle jesse it is a fancy machine my friend you missed a few it's fancy i did oh yeah oh yeah what okay stand by let's see okay here we go brett james for the canadian 5a thank you so much all enjoy your build videos keep them all coming cheers from alberta canada like yeah ah alberta canada and my doctor became a member the best of the doctors it's like a spin doctor and mod pizza got together and made mod doctor michael hart499 are you out of your mind hello joel from a fellow 3d printing nerd in seattle nice neighborhood represent i like it joseph l with a 4.99 of course joseph are you out of your mind once the pandemic ends do a build in front of a live studio audience so i can remind you of the filament story show that's amazing yes joseph i think that's a great idea you just just straight up skipped over chris but it didn't show up i'm scrolling where's chris what practical printing 499. it didn't it's not up there oh well he says who you calling an eccentric nut for 4.99 bobby duke arts with a 50. whoa bobby that's like 10 fives right there please never sing a c shanty but do say wooed [Laughter] bobby thank you so much your your hover wood sits atop the shelf over there encased in the support material just reminding me of how epic you are at a 45 degree angle there once was a print that printed fine no no no no no no no no no sorry bobby tony c with the 4.99 was in washington for five days next to rib eyes they're off exit 72 i deliver trailers there to ording oh my gosh neighborhood hoarding my sister used to live in ording exit 72. um sure it's south yep so whenever uh i go to oregon or back or centralia or back or anytime the family has to go that way and we we're going down i-5 and we hang that left at olympia to keep going i always stop at exit 99 because there's a truck stop there but inside the truck stop is a subway and a mcdonald's and a cinnabon and we always go to exit 99 and we get ice cream cones and it's wonderful and i highly suggest you do it this thing's never going to get together is it nope i apologize apologize bobby do guards no and then right after that thank you [Laughter] okay um they say that this build platform has to be on the machine as you're installing it and the problem is it it needs to hover in midair and i we have to go we haven't discovered that that level of physics yet so god what what you just it's all caddy wampus it's it but it's okay it's the camera won't focus but it's this is the worst day of my life but it's so it's okay is that i don't know things are happening that i don't understand and that sounds like science tell you what i will put the first one down right is this is it gonna go just is it it's in there okay we've been like 20 minutes on this killing me you're killing me killing me okay the allen keys they give you aren't too bad they're ball end allen keys so you can actually uh nice you can put this in at an angle oh okay just want to tighten that down dang it it almost hit me right in the stomach okay come on there we go and we'll put the second one in this is a lot of assembly for a reality printer well it's different than anything they've offered before yeah which is exciting it's exciting it's exciting this is weird the screws uh you know typically when you put a screw in it it kind of gets a little bit tighter a little bit tighter a little bit tighter and then it's tight this one goes and goes and goes and it's tight i don't know why okay there we go so we'll get the other one screwed down at least the motion system is all put together thank god can you imagine if it wasn't no i thought i was afraid it wasn't going to be oh you're afraid it's going to be like a prusa kit yeah where you had to build a hole like and we would have had fun and i would have been home at three o'clock in the morning correct we would have had east coast people being like hey good morning if you're streaming and people on the east coast are saying good morning and you're streaming from the west coast you've been streaming a long time come on come on there we go one more screw and then we're on to the next step yeah which is probably more screwing probably yeah you got i mean it's all it's a bunch of metal i mean it's super heavy so you got to hold it together in a good way sure there we go nice okay allergy season sam um oh now we got to put in the t-type screw rods i call them lead screws they're usually uh greasy little things but here we go that's probably what the grease is for i told you we were greasing rods nero 3dp hey dude you're going to have the weekend booked off for the the voron build oh i'm going to get dirty oh well oh no it's okay it's okay you know what it's okay she's i just wiped my hands on my printed solid shirt i think that means you need a new one dave i think he sent me a couple oh okay well i want one well okay they're all going to be joel sized that's true you're going to have to gain some weight not much way i'm going man jeez you have to gain more weight yeah you got to stop being exercisable or what i refuse it's probably for the best i missed my first day in 15 days yesterday oh no dude i was with the lady okay excuse accepted tony c with 4.99 no you're busy but cr-10s or tornado for my first 3-d printer i um i've had experience with the cr-10s and so that's the one i could recommend out of the two i never built or used the tivo tornado i don't know much about it um but i know about the cr-10s and so that would be the one i would go with just because personal experience says that's the only one i've played with nate schneider's with a fiver just trying to slow down your progress nate stop it stop it nate you're killing me install top frame oh you don't even have to okay so these lead screws go down into the into the whatever those are called what are those called i forget oh my god i forget they're the they're the things the things they're the holy cow they're the the cushioners the chat is gonna blow up with it they're the cushioners they're the um the lead screw holder jiggers the anyway those things typically you put an allen key in it and tight tighten it up right we just we just and it doesn't say anything about that coupling coupling it's a coupling it's a coupling and it does say it does say to tighten the coupling oh my god i can't believe what i can't believe what turn in our 3d printing nerd card is that what we do no dude i'm getting old i forget stuff i don't know what my excuse is you're you're getting old sean i don't stop it i hate to tell you this i i don't wanna you know alarm you but um every hour that passes means you're you're older i'm older pretty soon you're going to have to tick the next box on the demographic information yeah this this year yes when i turn 35 as i start doing the next demo it's it's the weirdest feeling yeah i'll no longer be in the coveted 18 to 35 demo no no well i will be until next year until next year i'm curious so we have we have uh 600 uh and some odd people uh watching this um i'm 44 years old shawn is like 50. maybe in his 30s who knows how old are you i'd love to know how old you are my audience because i'm sure we have some young and some older people and probably people my age as well you know what's terrible 690 people watching right now 246 likes that's that's that's less than a 50 ratio guys we gotta do better than that okay tell me how old you are and go hit the like button thank you hey look at that 25 36 33 ryan thorpe how old are you 70 i'm not 70. i'm not 70. i stop killing me i just want you know i'm making a build plate move move there you go okay so look at the average age of the audience no dustin you are not 250. scott latine 27 times two it's always good to put math into your birthday how old are you square root of 7 divided by 15 multiplied by 100 that is my age now somebody tell us what that is [Laughter] those are installed hey the top goes on now oh this is gonna be difficult i know i put it somewhere look at this thing i mean it's large you didn't charge that it is large all right all right what the heck is happening you're not doing that what the heck something's happening oh wait that's supposed to wait that goes in that doesn't go in there does it i don't know that can't go in there wait a minute no no no no no no no no no no the top doesn't seem large enough i think it's okay i mean i don't i don't know oh okay okay oh no no no this is okay because it ha it's um i see i think it's okay yeah it looks like it's just it's just it's gonna be okay it looks okay it's gonna be okay does it look okay yeah you look okay thank you i'm here to help okay i got to put the screws in with the the washers oh d-wit 3ds in here that dude's a stud i like that guy everyone say hi to d-wit for me i do it thanks sean appreciate that no problem oc maniac square root seven my uh over 15. there we go is 17.6 thank you rc maniac you just did the math thank you and i just shouted out what's interesting um the lady gaga song where she's like bad romance right yeah yeah you know and that that whole the number of times she says can be expressed in a mathematical equation was it intentional yes maybe i don't know collins james uh 1988-22 i just remember that will you ever do anything with the creality resin printers yes yes we'll get them out of a box so we'll get them printing at some point add them to the resin room the fun room the fun resin room the fungi sean's actually got the frozen sonic mini 4k at his house i do how is it sean it's going not well but you know we'll get there i think it's okay yeah it'll be fine yeah it'll be fine okay sporlock the fact you know the song come on a sport lock come on ryan thorpe 3d predictor no oh my gosh no one wants me to sing listen or sing see shanties which is fine well you know i mean lady they couldn't just be not fans of lady gaga it doesn't mean with the 25 wtf i logged into joel gaga that's the best part so eddie is a he's a wonderful human probably one of the kindest people i've ever known just sweet like teddy bear loves dick and hugs anyway sometimes he would travel to seattle uh back when he worked at his old job and he would take us to this restaurant in downtown and it was just it was just wonderful i forget what it's called but it was super tasty and uh we had a good time so i hope that things heal up because i want eddie to come back so we can go to that restaurant because it's really yummy douglas d t l ltd douglas dtl limited is that what that is for the fiber crowley just seem to be building different motion systems around 235 millimeter build volume at this point i mean yes maybe i don't know this seems different though this doesn't seem slapped together this doesn't seem this seems like there was a whole bunch of thought that went into this i'm one of really excited to try it out it's going to be sturdy as crazy too are you going to do a first print on this today yes okay i have to okay don't i yeah i mean you should trail features with a tenor that's two fives watching this while i set up clipper on my ender three nice because it was working perfectly with marla so obviously i need to break it clipper i've heard wonders things from it by 3dp nero the input shaper is the thing that i'm really curious about because it it uses an accelerometer and motion to judge the the reverb or the the shakiness or the whatever of your machine and then plan the the moves around it so that it can compensate for it giving you much better prints less ghosting uh less less echoes stuff like that ah sometimes we should do a video on that we should and it's going to be a part of the uh the voron build oh you just took off your shoes you took the shoes off okay here's a question to the chat uh sean just took his shoes off he's wearing boots because it's winter time and he's not wearing his flip-flops right yeah um do you wear shoes in the house i'm curious i do i love shoes i love my feet covered in shoe it feels good not me man like as soon as i get home they come right off george peter gatsas with a canadian five joe king is live on indiegogo what joe king is live on indiegogo two books superhero sci-fi adventure 240 pages total full color you get a free 3d printed spaceship with the books a that sounds cool b george peter gatsas just used a canadian five to advertise a kickstarter in my comments and that's i i i so that is that's yeah that is what i've never that is a first that is an absolute first i like i'm not even mad not even mad okay people are saying slippers yeah sure slippers i mean that way you're not dragging the the garbage in from outside sure around your house i like shoes i like uh i like bare feet i like bare feet okay eric cooper sucks yes shoes no so you're on the sean plan yep that's fair totally fair i love the feeling of taking socks off right before bed too really oh yeah oh so i have to put get comfy you know i have to put screws in there what no probably probably yeah i think so i think i'm gonna have to i don't even know what i'm doing i mean i know what i'm doing i just don't know what i'm doing so i need m four by six and four by m four by eight and four by eight four fourteen m four fourteen who said socks and sandals get out that's what we do in seattle man no no one should do that socks and sandals people love it i i'm i'm not i don't partake but i'm just saying sucks people sandals or socks not flip-flops because you got the toe thing on the floor my wife just said liar you don't like bare feet late at night after my wife and kids are asleep and i go downstairs to eat ice cream and watch cartoons uh bare feet also like bare feet or like yes giant bare feet like brown bear okay kodiak bare feet just giant any motion with a 15. i wear shoes in my house i have kids and they like to leave razor blades on the floor what that doesn't even make sense eddie your kids leave razor blades on the floor i dusted speed with a fiber 3dp nero has a video on input shaping with a sensor on clipper it's really good it's so really good it's so really good nero 3dp socks and sandals is linus here yes that's funny that's funny so it's calling out a screw that i don't have i might have to improvise or it's mislabeled one of the two i need m four by six and i've got m four by eight did you use a four by six somewhere else you shouldn't have no i've checked and i haven't i didn't so that's good okay those go in there so what 33 yeah the m4x6 well i'll tell you what let's maybe it's mislabeled let's try razer blades the lego is the same thing it's true that's funny who lets their kids leave legos on the floor literally every parent uh okay so those screws don't go in there oops oh it goes way in there okay so that doesn't that's not gonna like that won't work no it's calling for screws that won't fit so that doesn't help i can't even okay i might have to i might have to go off book here oh boy dewitt 2099 canadian are you out of your mind eh i promise i won't use super chat to promote i give away the sunday nights bravo bravo well done michael hart new member listen listen if anybody's gonna throw me 20 canadian and wants to promote whatever as long as i can say it aloud i'll do it i don't think i should use these screws but they fit but i don't think they should go in there but they go in there mad mad pat or mad pad matpad mad p3d socks and sandals not canadian just lame correct so we're at a point now where i'm going to have to use some screws that are not for the parts that i'm on and i'm a little bit worried because they're going to be asked for later on yeah they are m414 they are definitely asked for later so the screws it's asking for won't actually do the job they won't it won't it won't do the job um what do i do at this point do i just leave it so it's it's the screws that hold this to this it's they're they're not wiggly and this is sturdy so i don't think i'm missing anything if i am not putting those screws in i don't think it's risky so i i'm going to double check just to make sure i'm not missing any of the screws okay that's for the filament runner okay well i i don't have the right screws for this so at this point i'm going to leave them out if i do encounter the the right screws somehow they are easy to add because they just go in right there so i'm not too worried about it uh i've been talking a while give me a moment hi drake um also thanks for our sponsor thanks there we go hey sean i'm gonna hydrate tell me about our sponsor come on come on no no come on no our sponsor come on our sponsor is thanks no come on i don't want to do it come on come on i got to take a sip tell them about responses take a sip thanks they are a great site to upload your models to they are they sponsored our video this past sunday and our upcoming giveaway i have a prusa mini and a prize pack from protopasta right how do they enter they answer by designing a speaker cover for the 3d printed speaker enclosures yeah and we just did a video uh also yesterday i think where we're gonna go over the process of designing those speaker covers so if you are new to designing things that's a great first step hey they don't even need a printer to enter right that's correct because you win a printer if you win the contest so thanks dude good job everybody that was sean good job sean thanks good job oh we got some things coming in michael hart new member welcome michael uh is that nor d norton new member welcome to the the member club here chris's 3d print shop with 20 that is four fives how's 20 for a channel plug let's do this yes chris's 3d print shop catch me this sunday for a cr-10 max review also regular updates on a godzilla armor build followed by iron man mark 21 then a hulk buster love you joel good luck finishing the build okay legit wait how do i that all sounds like nico stuff i'm gonna chris chris 3d print shop uh remind me i'm going to subscribe to his channel if i'm not already okay because that sounds epic yeah it does i'm kind of excited about watch that okay next up wire connections wire connections cool so it looks like we've got the 10 pin goes up here which is going to be this does it go like that nope does it go like that yep there we go okay the sm 2p and xt60 connector right down here going to be for the bed thermistor and the heater and look at that is that a is that i think that's a proper xt60 connector can you see that yeah i can yeah i think that's proper i don't know my xt60 connectors much like uh i know angus does others do but i mean that looks like proper to me you're missing some stuff hey we got a new member this is anthony bauman welcome to the membership fernando estrada with mx50 is that what is that what's mx greetings from mexico so maybe pesos maybe greetings from mexico i did buy an artillery genius this morning very excited to start printing with do you think it is better than ender three um it it appears to be so the genius is a little bit more refined than the ender three uh it's it's similar in in its motion system and what it does but it's it's a little bit different of an experience it's a little bit easier to assemble and i know a lot of people getting good prints out of it in fact um my producer david his friend gary who does um motion graphics work for nbc which is just awesome to say um he's got a genius and he does 3d printing with it and he loves it just loves it hey what is this vertical uh ak dad of twins yes that is a proper connector nice i feel good about my myself what's the name of this printer this is the sermon sir moon d1 the sermon whoa that is a connector right there where the heck fire does this go this is the filament detector okay neat so let's see this is gonna go in geez i have to do like acrobatics to get in there and the filament sensor filament uh the filament sensor where is that where does that go i don't know 20 okay but apparently i don't plug it in yet next page oh how we doing install the cable ties oh neat okay so part of the instructions for this machine is cable management that's kind of cool that's kind of really cool that's nice that's very nice it's very very nice so this is supposed to kind of keep that right there somebody said that the instruction video at 138 uh for from creality shows the screws that you're talking about that you that you're missing yeah um i don't know if that'll help at all but it'll just show me the thing that i desire is that it's possible yeah that's fine at least i can put them in after the fact uh i think creality might be watching this and so crowley if you are seeing this i do need those screws there we go and i believe it comes with flush cutters yes so then i can cut off the excess nice nice there we go any emoji with a tenor stupid youtube wouldn't let me send my other message of hilarity so you are stuck with this i love you eddie thank you very much eddie makes me laugh i miss you dude one day we're going to look back upon this time and just laugh and cry and mostly while we're eating salmon and drinking rum mostly cry oh sweet okay we're good what was that i just got a good email that's all i got a good email came through on my watch and now i'm all happy wow okay there we go it was the guy that sent the 20 super chat to promote his channel oh so he he just he sent me an email just to make sure i had it on hand nice i'm gonna subscribe to his channel it was fantastic that's great okay look at me look at me wire management yeah i don't know i don't do this i mean i mean uh it needs six zip ties and they gave me five take it come on get some screws and zip ties it's a space to start singing the greatest showman is this everything you've ever won or no not everything you ever want no stop no stop this doesn't make any sense with this demonetized right i mean it's disney right is it isn't it i don't know is it great a showman available on disney plus it might be because if it is that means i mean that means that means they own it well maybe it was part of the fox purchase oh i don't know i don't know well regardless still one of my favorite musicals it's so good okay look at that wire management done this isn't looking too bad right it's not looking too bad oh it looks great kevin marda rossian i hope i got that right 4.99 you out of your mind just finished a 17-hour tool changer print with four materials and no purge tower details coming to instagram at kevin's underscore prints tomorrow high five joel oh boy dang it that was just beautiful honestly forward slash kevin's underscore prince that'll get you to them a 17-hour tool changer print that's fantastic god the tool changer just looks cool you know just looks cool it wants me to put on the sides so here i have a thing i have a thing shawn everything okay the sides the plexiglas sides sides that i put right there on the floor yeah they they offer enclosure for materials that need it yeah but for pla for the print tonight i don't think we need it plus if i leave it open it's easier to see on camera so you're saying don't put the sides i'm not going to put the sides on right now okay okay i was actually going to suggest that so oh really same might yep i was like we're not pretty we're not putting anything we need sides for us to save some time oh it does give you five cable ties it's just uh it calls out five and then it expects you to just um make do have a sixth all right but uh okay i mean we do somewhere where does the spool holder go oh the spool holder goes the spool holder attaches to one of the acrylic sides so so we're going to put one on well no we can uh wait don't shoot there we go i got a prusa spool holder right here okay where are you gonna okay where's the where are we gonna put it where's the filament going i haven't figured that part out okay oh there's a little there's a tube is there a tube am i is there a tube a ptfe tube yeah no i don't see one in the box is there is there is there a ptfe tube in any of the stuff i've thrown over there over here no because the because the filament goes in right right there right away i should have a rep box on the ceiling that would help that would be great hey we're giving one of those away tonight yeah all they have to do is go down to the description and enter it's free to enter and they could win a rep box anywhere in the world rcmaniac did joel toss some stuff again no no oh uh mike vande blunt put the sides on but not the back sure what do you think we can do that i think i feel like that's a happy medium i'm finding zero pcf youtubes okay and they're foam you through but i suck at looking for things that's okay so way wait a minute what this doesn't make any sense oh okay so i don't actually so the spool holder connects here sure so technically i wouldn't have to put on the sides so i think just for the sake of time maybe i don't i agree do you agree yeah okay so this is in a place that you can't see correct it sounds so crazy it sounds so cryptic there this is in a place that you cannot see and then the thing goes through the whole the whole the spooler goes through the hole in the side yeah it makes sense now yeah yeah i feel like this design is very on purpose and there are things that make it a good design it's rigid it went together fairly easily like if we weren't on a stream yeah this would be way faster it would be well maybe it probably i probably i don't know i'd probably get bored and uh yeah and yeah and have cartoons on or something sure yeah have some drinks maybe maybe maybe okay this is difficult charles webb was the one that liked to see me struggle right yep cause i'm struggling charles okay yes just do it oh gosh i am legit trying okay we're getting there oh we're totally dude now we're cooking with gas i mean go in go in and then yikes okay i'm gonna guess this the side panel adds some rigidity to that as well um it's just really tight like it's very tight let's see if i can't okay there we go and then why won't it come on because you're on a stream there we go nice oh thank you for that welcome oh my goodness eddie mojo with a fiber right extruder is back jim jam five bucks i don't have anything to plug so there's five dollars to plug yourself um you know what i will this sunday we've got an awesome video coming up it is a review on a machine and uh i hope you enjoy it because uh i just uh i'm at a loss for words we'll leave it at that loss for words yep loss for words but you still managed to find a lot of words i mean less than usual though always it was less than usual yeah see so then this goes like like that so it doesn't provide any rigidity oh god it just hangs out on the side oh and the sides are uh clear so if i put them on you'd still get a view um but they're super reflecty and they're super fingerprinty so please don't try super fingerprinting aren't they so leave them off yeah okay we leave the sides off for now so we are missing a bowden tube filament sensor is on the panel yes it is yeah the filament sensor is on one of the panels and i am not uh i'm not hooking it up for this initial test i guess i could just one yeah okay you win internet kevin oh geez kevin mardarossian 499 toyed like a tiger sean that's right correct yeah okay so now i need the the things to attach i need the right screws dangerous yeah so we'll get the side on and then after that the next thing we do is print or at least turn on set up and then print right we gotta see if we gotta slice anything or well they're gonna have something there's gonna be something on the sd card you would hope but we you never know with us okay i talked to the kriyani people via twitterdm and they said i said are there slicer settings on the card and they said there's g-code on the card and within it is the slicer settings i said okay okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna believe them and we're going to find out sure okay i really like the look of this machine look at it it looks cool like it looks cool oh geez we got some stuff coming in you guys i'm trying to attach the sides don't get mad at them for giving you money no no i'm not getting mad at them i'm just i'm just mad at myself there we go i'm just mad at myself okay i'll come over here real quick there we go there we go gacks it with the fiber it's direct drive i don't think it has a ptfe tube well there's a there was a reverse boat or whatever there's a ptfe tube going from here to the filament sensor it's not required but it's better 4.99 isn't this printer direct drive it is 729 people watching 3dpan assembling printer yay from derrick cirello thanks for that derrick 729. eddie moser with a fiver can we name the printer eric why not i mean i'm sure sure right eric's a good name for a printer yes isn't it it's not not a good name is it a good name well it's not not a good name that's pretty good right there good deflect all right i just take that one down because you know i know why not oh one more i got uh one i was doing like the cha-cha there to the left no no no that's right bobby duke said no he didn't say no singing he just said no singing shanties everybody else said that's true everybody else was like no yeah no or as eddie said joel gaga yes i like having this printer being just large and open and being able to see all the insides i think that's kind of cool here i'll get this a couple more screws then i'll get the the filament sensor plugged in and then we can maybe start a print what do you say i like it we'll get some hay down by the bay no no how the fudge ah okay look at that i have to poke it right through here ready oh wow yeah yeah and then it goes in am i close um yeah apparently i was really close good job me nice huh i built a thing okay um well now we're at the point of what plugging it in yes yes i don't know i thought something i thought something happened and i got scared yeah well i accidentally cut to camera three which is just the side of the desk listen i'm operating a camera in in punching buttons on the board that i'm not looking at and you're doing a fairly good job sorry you're doing a fairly good job oh we gotta plug it into the power strip of death david vasquez with a tenor that's two fives i'm in one it would be dope to do a build like this with you one day when the world isn't ending keep up the good work brother hey you know what i like that it would be dope i like that that'd be fun oh man lots is gonna happen once we uh once it's safe to do so once the world is not on fire once the world is not on fire we're getting there oh my gosh we're getting there bye tape bye tape they want to call it the printer eric the gray but i guess it is gray yeah no do it the right way i'm doing this without looking at it it's tough right um you got it i don't know if tough is the right word maybe difficult sure that must be okay look at that i turned it it says d1 you can't see this i can't see that you can't see that there's nothing here to see really that's what i see that's that's what it is there's it's really the i mean do you want here you know what i could do here i have an idea clean up the depth remember that camera that i have down there yeah that you have down there why don't we why don't we enact that we could we could put it on the screen okay give me a moment chris russell just texted me did you flip the 110 220 switch no i did not but it turned on so yeah so so it's fine it's fine right in my face in the face as i was taking a drink well thanks for taking that and putting that up there that's great okay so i'll show them what you're doing there we go nice look at that camera three that's camera two that's one okay so we are missing a tube we're missing screws and we're missing the tube the tube is for uh go can't you see camera one good so the oh that's right this isn't so the this the filament goes up through here and then there's a tube from here to here else you're just kind of going over the side and at a weird bend we're gonna have to here tell you what let me go you've got ptfe somewhere right i do um in the printed solid enclosure over there under the crypto rig there's some ptfe from uh pooch you're right it's so warm over here jesus that's a whole lot of puts there is a whole lot of pictures there's a lot of pitch uh and there is no switch oh yeah well then how do it know i don't have a pet to fit cutter so i guess it doesn't really matter you don't want that this is large but i don't know if there's anything smaller than that they're all pretty large yeah it's fine everything's fine cut it yeah they're all very big okay i'm just gonna this was probably the least big this oh you just cut it okay cut it it's fine everything's fine the siege tower 4.99 are you out of your mind lisa wants to do a road trip to seattle to buy you all dinner once covet restrictions lighten up we're in north carolina long road trips supper sounds like a fun road trip yeah i've driven in from michigan many times yes you have the last couple of years yeah you have okay you know what oh this isn't wait what is it the wrong what no no no no no okay there's weirdness here man weirdness so okay hold on hold on holding okay so we're not let's see i can just power it down at this point because i need to bring this towards me there is a piece of something that gets installed at this point and it looks like it means you don't have this it's a little filament roller they don't show the tube so it goes like um oh yeah can't see that that's okay that doesn't make sense wait okay it goes like it goes like this so then it goes up and then okay so it's like a little filament guide which means we don't need this tube of terror where'd all my allen keys go now you threw them away remember that youtube video where it was um human sounds added to animals it was the gophers and all the gophers were going alan alan alan yes alan i just got reminded of that for some reason and just it was funny i remember that like that was that was funny i wish i could do live cutaways to videos soon right yeah like cue up videos right that's what this is for i know how about here i'll spin it back towards you but have a look towards the top so the filament is here and goes up here up here and into here and then into here that was okay did that not work well no your stands going everywhere i didn't get a good shot of that oh well i thought you were on camera one i was on two okay well it's not my fault okay tally lights we need them we do put that anywhere oh time to level the bed nice you okay yeah i'm just tired man it's late is it yes hey it's homing that's fun would you look at that auto home please wait four minutes four f-o-r please wait four minutes it's fine yeah yeah can that see that can that camera see that i can't tell if you can see that if i can see what the screen you can zoom it if you want you're a zoom it i can't get to it otherwise i would stand by there you go that is a perfect image cut to it cut to it it's also pretty bright it's perfect though yeah look at that that's the screen oh i have a band-aid that's the screen oh now it's got the things where i pick the uh move the nozzle to the top of the loving screw i just twist the screw left right to make the distance between the nozzle the platform is thick as a piece of a4 paper i don't have any a4 paper and the warranty card is a little thick do i have any i don't have any paper listen eddie i don't know why i didn't have it together but it's fine it's fine eddie told me to get it together and he gave five dollars really yeah thank you eddie yeah this is like paper i mean is it isn't that a little thick it's fine let's see bed leveling here we go oh okay the idea of that that's fine is it oh jeez hey you know without the signs on it's gonna be a little bit easier to level this thing i think it's true who put sides on our printer i don't know not you apparently not tonight cool so that's good perfect what's wrong it just went right uh behind the extrusion there oh sorry i just want you to know i know you can't see it but i have a very intense look on my face intense is it because i can see it now okay so that won't go under won't go under is it too high well here's what i'm wondering so you put this platform on but there's no guarantee to say that it is parallel to the nozzle and so i bet that side might be high here's what i want to do i want to see if this works it doesn't say anything about it but it's going to take a while isn't it oh yeah it's bright what are you doing maybe if i well i'll show you here we go so i just want to bring this down so the problem is it should be level but maybe it's not maybe it's off by just enough sure so if i bring it down all the way are we there i don't know are we there i don't know can anybody hear us are we there oh oh i see you clicking on things what on the stream yeah yeah is it happening are we back i don't know it's frozen on you oh yep there's a bunch of chats saying yes we're here sweet we're back oh comcast what a pile of garbage yep correct oh my gosh oh my gosh that's terrible like awful we should see if there are any other options that have come available in the last year and a half since we've been here it's a really good idea i know i wish i could run a cable long enough from my router to here i don't think they make that cable i don't think they do satellite beam it i don't think they do no so i'm so we're up we're legit up uh yeah i'm watching the stream over here on my phone are you yeah okay i'm trying to uh oh and i'm collecting to our internet i should probably connect just to be safe okay hey look at that eddie with a fiver no we can't hear you david keough with the tenor for that pretty mug i have one gigabit frontier yeah yeah so guys uh eddie you can send that buckeye shirt somewhere not pleasant how about that look at the instead of comcast i mean i could so comcast business internet is a hundred and fifty one dollars a month it's it's slow as hell it's so slow it's so bad but because this is a business resident or business address we can't get residential right yeah which is why the next office the next studio is going to be a house hey welcome to the show glad to have you um oops there we go peter ellen you're back and the audio is fine so the um starlink is faster and cheaper yeah it is well not a bad idea i mean um i will put in my request just a sec give me give me a moment just give me a moment to put my face in my hand at how awesome my internet is thanks again for thanks for sponsoring the stream so listen while you were gone uh i had moved the bed all the way to the bottom and then the internet disappeared so now um i have since homed it now i can do a proper leveling and that's where we're at a proper leveling proper okay i'm just going to tighten these all because the values are probably going to change that's stupid internet thank you everybody for uh who's stuck who stuck by and was hanging on and yeah thank you that's just it's just it was terrible i feel bad oh great grab right there let's see okay boy oh yeah i guess now should we just stream for my house i'm down for that my house you can come to my over my house oh yeah it'd be a cat stream yes okay good good good how's everybody doing in the chat that's right it was the missing screws that caused the internet to go out yeah there you go i think that's fair i'm missing ptf youtube well but you don't need it it's true i think this printer is up for pre-order i don't know if people already have it that's gripping i can hear it could you yeah sweet that's the corn you had problems with before right yeah it is and uh we're all we're all good now no problems now so now right in the middle oh yeah it held on to it sure did we're gonna call that good for now okay maybe just go three re remember is the most important part probably there we go now it looks like it's time to preheat and see what's on the sd card heck yeah whoa i gotta figure out how i'm gonna get a camera up there on where because the the nozzles all the way up top yep it's up top you might have to stand on a ladder no i'm not doing that i mean i would if i have to but i hate nap it's it's a neat look i believe it's 6 49. i've seen that number before and i think that's a cost but i saw 639 in the chat 639 in the chat yep so where does the sd card go does it know it goes up there okay it goes in there nope that's your arm right in front of i know it goes in the screen right here i mean at the house i have i mean i pay 65 bucks for symmetrical gigabit it's ridic it's super cheap yeah i love that so bright okay we are preheating we might as well use the pla that reality included with it right so bright oh again thanks everybody for sticking around i really appreciate everybody sticking around and don't forget if you haven't already to enter that contest for a free rep box oh that's right that is a link in the description i'm just coming out front i hope that's okay i mean you're gonna be out of focus and you're gonna be dark wait wait wait i want to see it there it goes that's that's look it right up here ready yeah well kinda your hand's in the way oh let's see yeah yeah okay nice nice ah my hand was in the way sorry always it's always in the way oh my goodness so again thanks as the sponsor of the stream while this is heating up i'll tell you right now they're sponsoring a giveaway on the channel and a contest 3dpn speaker cover link is in the description it'll take you to the video where we tell you about what's going on myself sophie wong and just blaze or judges for a contest where you design a speaker cover for my 3d printed uh speaker enclosures they're right over there and you can win a proof of mini oh you and you don't even need a printer to design one and you just submit it to thanks with a specific hashtag and you're good to go correct it's almost uh preheated you're preheated oh okay if i just shove it through you know what i want to do though um there we go can you see where the nozzle is yes i think so okay right now a bunch of blue is coming out oh yep i see it now okay there we go we got a good stream of blue right there oh stringy i think it's time to start a print let's see what's on that sd card uh i don't know what any of these are oh boy we might need to take a laptop out and take a look at the sd card what's it say well there are five pages of things and only one of the five pages shows up oh yeah let's just take a look i can always drop the g code into the prusa g-code viewer tooling around with the fiber hey joel just tuned in that printer looks sick is it core xy or cartesian i believe it's core xy someone said h-bot at one point and i don't know the difference but it is the bed doesn't move except in the z or z direction there we go do i have any battery i certainly do practical printing i do not have line of sight we couldn't we couldn't actually do that my house is like like a mile away line of sight would be awesome if we had tall enough towers yep not quite a mile that would be the big problem right oh my wife just texted she said good night and she loves me and i love you back honey thank you oh so the prince uh it lists the how long it takes to print that's awesome yeah so nine hours 12 hours 13 hours and 24 hours um yeah my phone just told me it's time for bed so did it really yeah it did i get a i got 11 30 p.m time to wind down message from that oh i set mine at 12 15. new creality slicer msi okay so they don't have a mac one i'm on mac it's cartesian corks why uses two belts and the x and y motors work together ah okay so it is it is cartesian it just has a okay so it's just it's it's cartesian it's like an ultimaker it's got an ultimaker x and y system on it you're right okay that's the manual you know um oh okay so the one that's like nine hours geez it's so long speed it up no no don't can we import settings and then slice the benchy well first of all it's a pretty cool looking print right there i can't see it i know i'm going to show you here in just a moment sweet hold on pulling can you uh can you see that oh my lord yes look at that that looks fun why don't we start that okay we're not gonna finish it it's not gonna finish but i mean we can at least see it going sure okay okay and that is called what is that called that's called the uh by tong 9h sure i don't know what baitong means but 9h means nine hours i know that i'm that smart why will that not i'm having issues i see that print okay bye tong print nice okay all right let's see what i can do here look at that it's just it's moving dude it's moving i know i'm gonna i'm gonna set up a camera give me a minute excuse me excuse me excuse me okay okay okay that's that's stuck down that's good why is there a saturn over here oh this is what you're giving away yes okay hey it's going it is going set it's pretty quiet yeah um too high i can't tell if it's too close to the bed or i mean things are length i think it's okay we're just going to let it go right there okay is it not able to be seen no that was too high hey there's a bullet bill the bullet bill thing that's gonna be too high that's gonna be too high that's gonna be too high no it's not oh no it's not totally around with a fiver i'm very curious about the filament oh shoot mouse okay it's scrolling i need to scroll back i'm very curious about the filament route without ptfe we'll have to watch if the filament kinks as the printhead moves very curious about that as well um you could get into a situation where the the head would go to a place where it could cause too much of a bend but there's there's no place to put ptfe between that really so i don't know we'll see what happens uh david herron of the fiverr keep up the great videos i've learned a ton over the years hello from michigan michigan represent nice appletini i bake i'm sure you'll be able to print some end caps they actually gave me encaps i just didn't put them on yet i guess i could put these on seems like the right thing to do too high what's going on sean it's too hard and it's too low see i think i can do this so it's gonna go am i not doing that right come on get in there there we go got one in right there david morris stash stump with the fiber please buy a tripod oh we have tripods we just need a it's not yeah it's just this is on a table they can see it in the frame it's awesome it's a it's a saturn with a filament box on top of it and uh is that an a7s3 yeah and an a7s3 on top of that nice that'll work michael buchake you could put filament through a ptfe tube and let the filament hold it um yes yeah most likely maybe uh johannes good morning from germany guten the gates ryan barry this enclosure doesn't have a top how's that actually that's really freaking good would you uh picture and picture me when you get back yeah yeah okay it looks really good thanks i tried moderating hey john bowers a new member hey welcome mark schneider don't buy a tripod print one instead i mean i want you to look right there it is it is a oh is that the badonkadonk mini jaw yes it comes to lens perfectly mr jordan how long is the print this is a nine hour print we obviously won't go all i mean we'll go all night and i'll tweet out a picture of this tomorrow but you know we'll probably show another 30 40 minutes of this print just so we can get an idea of the height and how it looks tetralite products use the pooch table uh it's right over there that would have come in handy yeah yeah we actually that's probably pretty close to saturday night so i couldn't use that um mark benton sir joel where is the overhead camera sir mark benton the overhead camera is currently over meow and it hasn't been installed overhead yet rc maniac joel providing support that is that is true yep that is true maybe joel just wants to offer some support that's all that's all manny joel wants stream at all no i need to sleep [Laughter] sorry what sleep sleep is for the week prince3121 why am i stuck at work on such a beautiful sunny day um where are you because it's it's not sunny or day here right practical printing hey we uh we out streamed kobe lax tonight what was kobe like streaming were they doing uh music stuff or were they doing cooking stuff i want to do a cooking stream and my daughter sydney would love to do a cooking stream as well so we're gonna have to do that well when the cheese chopper comes in yeah yeah on the cheese chopper uh and my son david is actually a uh he likes watching cooking channels on youtube and he's learning all the different ways to make eggs he knows how to make gordon ramsay eggs nice and there's another youtuber that does certain eggs so yesterday he browned the butter before making eggs and he said it tasted good he makes a soft scramble or a medium scramble he knows how to make a good breakfast burrito legit andrew rogers 1999 how relieved are you feeling now that you've had your first vax dose i get mine a couple hours the gates chip hashtag that's perfect andrew i am beyond relieved um i uh i i very very much wanted this as soon as i could i had no preference for which vaccine i could get because i didn't care i wanted any of them my doctor so i'm immunocompromised because of the medicine what just slide over a little bit oh okay i'm immunocompromised because of the drugs that i have to take for my arthritis it sucks but it also means that um sicknesses can hit me a little bit harder than others and so the vaccine is something that i need in order to feel comfortable going outside with this stuff that's out there my doctor actually said get it i'll write you a prescription if you need it just go get it and so uh i got my first one today in a couple weeks i'll get the second dose and then yeah i mean it just feels like i've got a um feels like i have a spider in my arm crawling around in me no i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding no it's just it was a joke because the microchips feel like spiders oh i see yeah nasty yeah yeah but anyway i'm very relieved wandering idja with a fiber hi from redmond and it's a beautiful day right now working night shift here ah okay gotcha gotcha an emoji with a fiver immunobroken brothers the only ben reese i'm so excited for the cheese chopper you and me both i keep getting kickstarter updates i think they're based in portland or seattle i know they're here on the west coast and they said the container ship arrived and they got to go through them but as soon as we get that we are doing a cheese stream holy cow we are doing a cheese stream twitch i don't care okay twitch or youtube i don't know youtube or both i don't care i don't care simulcast david keough the second dose is worse sweet whatever give you know if it means that i have to take time to relax and not like do stuff if it's a forced timeout maybe that's good for me yeah everyone that i know that has gotten the second dose is like yep knocked me out for a day okay yep so i could use a day off totally around 109.99 any idea or any info on what firmware is running and whether the board is unlocked to modify i can think of at least one upgrade the thermistor absolutely hate the flanged screw pinch type well i don't know the answer to that also the print's looking bad really yeah it's pulling up it's not attaching to the bed i'm gonna have to cancel it oh well all right then yeah i see i see the f oh no yeah so parts of it were parts of it were not so let's do that let's do that let's do where'd you go let's do that and let's take that up and then we'll start it again um okay oh you know what can you grab the isopropyl alcohol um yeah where is that it should be over on the table of truth sure sure is you want the 90 or the 70. uh 70. just 3d nozzle looked too close to the bed really always level while heated yeah i know i know i should have i didn't think there would be a problem this time i'm that's probably my fault your level again uh yeah i'm gonna do the leveling procedure again real quick just to make sure where's my sweet leveling paper there it is bw's electronic with two bucks two bucks late night in niles am i is that michigan yeah and oh north of notre dame indiana nice mike van bunt did you clean the bed all caps did you it's an appropriate response it's an appropriate response i didn't sorry did you happen to grab a paper towel or a napkin no god why would that that would just make sense i might have one over here i that's good because it's not over here yeah oh that's right burger king napkin burger king napkin that'll work wipe it i am oh and it was dirty totally around with the fiber also this is for sean shout out from grand rapids michigan oh yeah i love grand rapids there it is all right let's we're preheated my internship was in grand rapids your what my internship you went to school i guess oh boy we are close to the bed whoever said close to the bed they may have been right okay brielle little robot there brian brown okay that's good why is it not come on okay there we go okay yes definitely not styling steppers no way out wow filled with my cats but if the price tag of of 639 or 29 or 49 whatever it is if that could be believed i mean it sounds like there's a path to upgrade yep uh pooch yeah i'm back for good okay see in the center it's like super super harsh down so it sounds like the plate's not level yeah i know i told you just get that level okay call it good there we go we'll try one more time you know it's a really complex print should we maybe choose an easier one i like that print though it looks cool it does look really cool but i mean well no because as long as the bottom that bottom looks like it was pretty solid isn't it or it's no no no it's all it's back and forth it's back it's yeah yeah so it's so it's like the chainmail kinda a lot of a lot of hops uh not a lot of hops just not a lot of surface area yes i know pooch i suck at leaving that's funny i just felt like seattle felt more like home you know it does feel more like home doesn't it people don't really get me totally around with the fiber it's one thing i really like about reality the printers are very upgrade friendly both from a price and design standpoint well yeah um maybe i don't know i haven't really uh dove deep right uh yeah i don't i don't think it's marlin what else we got the 24-hour print no we got a film here tomorrow we have a sweet sweet tuesday special coming sweet so i'm looking at the g code in previews just to see what it looks like and then if it's a nice solid bottom then it's going to be a little bit easier to to do stuff with that's the thinking that's a dirty shot right there dirty oh dirty um what's up that was going to be difficult too there's just there's a lot of really difficult prints on this they're very confident well they're bigger prints because it's a bigger machine right but i don't oh here we go jeez okay here we go this is called the chew on and it is 12 hour okay we won't need all 12 for you to recognize what it is i'll just say that go there we go there we go alex don't play easy on it well alex for this one i kind of i kind of want to a little bit just because i want something to to print i know we're not going to be streaming for the full 12 hours of this print but i wanted to get to a point that you can recognize what the print is that's my goal so we'll see tooling around it's available on banggood for 5.99 really are you out of your mind that's where i got my first 3d print banggood cr-10 is that where you got it from yep i don't know um there it goes i'm like where is the okay just from that shape you should you should know what it is all right cool i just want to make sure um is it sticking it's it's okay it might need a smidge but i think i think it'll be okay for what we're doing okay i don't know if it's because the film is sticky or it's the temperature it's printing at but it like it doesn't like to just if it goes and takes a corner that corner doesn't want to stick down what temperature are we at we are at oh we're at we're at 200. i'm just gonna go higher just a little bit just just a smidge it's lifting already people is that what people say um it was a little bit it's that corner that i was talking about okay yeah it's lifting it's lifting the belt looks too close to the heater block uh it's uh i mean it's close i don't think it's too close though run crowley filament at 185 well uh cam williams you are correct it is going to be a giant betsy benji well done um at 199 or 200 it was it was still a bit gummy and so i think i need to jump the temperature for this filament not not lower it chris 3d print shop stock credit filament try 2 15. yeah exactly i've got it at 210. let's see what happens yeah there are parts where it gets to an edge and it's not sticking down it's just i mean it's just it's a thing look at it go t 3d hey joel what do you think about to talk to a german youtuber who make 3d printing two are we talking about tom sant ladderer or stefan at cnc kitchen or someone else really the filament that comes with those printers are typically crap but you know yeah i know the small spools you know how they're stored they're it's not the best stuff but you know for an unboxing and for a first print we should be okay excuse me i mean it's going um you want to try to get top down or you want to leave it at the side how are you going to get top down i don't know that's why i'm asking you there's no i mean well i mean i could i could make it go higher i could do that i was just thinking of like an angle like yeah yeah sure i mean ah jordana this one was actually on a spool and vacuum sealed that is true what can i get that will give you guilty ben reese have a good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite ryan thorpe wise creality's still using the glass bulb thermistors i don't know the answer to that practical brittany if a printer can't print the included files on the sample filament they include it's got problems um i think the filament it can get through and i think the extruder can extrude it i think i think the ben the bed is not a flat plane at this point and i think that's what we're dealing with the printhead will be in the way top down yeah we can't go straight top down i think we need to be at an angle right it is quiet right i mean it's that's quiet yeah the printer itself is yep when it's printing it's not bad okay we're on the second layer now things are sticking well so we should have ourselves a mock that's good andy mosher is the plane on take off or landing i'm just gonna reply with yes russ wig have a good night thanks for stopping by appreciate your viewership take care jxt this one under six that's a really good question i've got uh what happened there an under five or an under six something like that in the other room uh this is my first experience with this machine creality really wanted me to kind of get out of the box and get some get some time with it it looks like a decent base like i could tell that there might need to be some upgrades um but i mean it's pretty darn rigid i would right out of the gate something like this you could get a different build plate maybe something that you know is flat or a flexible removable build plate like a magnetic build plate system and then maybe throw something like a hamara on this i think at that point you really have yourself a machine sean connelly which overhead cam did you guys end up getting oh pick one we have many cameras uh we could use the gopro but we're not going to because i i just don't like the way gopros look um we could use the a7s3 overhead we could use an r5 overhead we can use a black magic 6k overhead we have extra cameras playing around yeah we got plenty yeah too many xenic the creative build plate glass filled plates are never level always low in the middle mine uh i was a little high in the middle troll master it is direct drive brian uh buyer's h uh it is on the market for sale yet it is not i believe it's pre-order oh you asked that question a few times you only need to ask it once my friend just once and emoji sean connelly is an elitist when it comes to cameras uh joel rand uh ram kishan ramkushin something like that uh what's a good build plate for the under three hey boy that's a good question um i don't i don't know a lot of aftermarket build plate solutions that i i've used i know buildtech makes a magnetic sheet wham-bam does th 3d has one uh between the three of those you could probably find something that's not too expensive that works pretty well yeah oh my god we go okay everything's awful a poor bodge pie is the ender type hot end or the cr-10 v2 type uh it looks to be i can't i can't really tell i would say it is um where'd your comment go i missed that so it's not the ender type so it must be more closer to a cr-10 this looks different than anything i've used before peter obasa you need a 3d printed camera arm yes yes yes and i've got all the parts for it i just need to source some metal andrew rogers hot end is all metal i i mean it says that but it also says don't go above 260. so so so right troll master can you show the head by any chance yes we're actually working on that sean's getting a camera and a tripod and everything's set up so you should be able to see the head and it printing oh yeah now that we're on layer two or three it's uh it's laying down nice honestly the lines that is laying down look really good it looks like as long as you've got your first layer calibrated and if that prints well you should be good to go that's my thinking right now 3d titan huge fan hey how's it going nigel west good morning back right to you speedgamer270 hello right back to you uh devon cashew that's right rapcord is sponsoring a contest for a rep box link in the description takes you to an entry form it's free to enter and if you're picked uh he'll ship a red box to you anywhere in the world which is pretty awesome also uh the sponsor of the stream is thangs they're sponsoring a contest on the channel you can win a prusa mini all you have to do is design a speaker cover for my 3d printed speaker enclosures all the details are at a video link in the description it's me sophie wong and just blaze the music producer judging the contest you can win a prusa mini or a six month subscription to proto pasta's endless possibilities or even a 50 amazon gift card all free it's really cool you don't even need a printer to enter you just need to design something and upload it so best of luck or john nielsen first print should always be mini joel i mean i agree we were sort of uh long in the tooth on time and we had an internet outage and so i just want to at least get something printing i didn't want to take the time to find the right slicer settings and put them into cura and then slice it and print it out don't worry lots more prints will happen on this machine i guarantee it aka dad of twins hey joe have you ever printed with wood-filled pla i have i love it i've also stained it i've sanded and stained it if you uh there was a video i put out on the channel where my daughter used post-it notes to turn ripped wall uh paint in the bathroom into art oh you may so i made a frame for it out of wood pla it's really awesome js3d everybody like that smash button that's a really good point uh youtube loves it when the thumbs up is hit for streams and if you could do that that would be great now seriously i'm like dead serious youtube likes a thumbs up on the stream i don't know why i don't know how it's mystery that's what it is uh it takes just a moment to do and if you could take a moment and tap that thumbs up button that would help me out a lot did we ever get the hdmi for this to work uh there is an hdmi for it i just don't know where it is all right we're gonna have to you thinking of putting that up there it's just yeah it's just gonna have to be that i don't have anything else where that has unlimited battery well we really need just like 30 minutes battery i know but i don't know what ah rep chord click it harder that's true does any c you didn't use is it xenic or is any c you didn't use prusa slicer no not on this one i just uh took a sliced file on the um on the sd card and honestly anything that comes with the printer pre-sliced on the sd card should be the best it can be because that's that's the default example from the factory so i'm hoping it looks really cool phil nolan liked it before the stream started hey phil you were working for high five studios i didn't see a response but is that the is that matthias company the people for team edge i remember you said high five studios and i think that's them let me know if that's true trevor haney then he walked by now i have to unlike it uh oh did you walk by sean what did i walk by chris's 3d print shop just wanted to say i really love these streams a great way to pass the time while i'm at work well thanks for joining us nigel west we are printing i believe it is a big benchy phil nolan no a guy named joe giangrasso ah okay oh good to know uh devin cashew so i get to get back to work but you got to make those dollar bills thanks for watching jonathan musgrove what's the bed size uh is it 300 by 300. i don't know i don't know there's a link in the description to the printer click that i don't have it i i don't have it in my head i forgot i read it before the stream and i seriously forgot about it j5 we 3d broken nozzle nope there's no broken nozzle on there not that i know of not yet david glenn big tom's up giacomo peli which tiny printer worth buying in 2021 um i like the prusa mini there are people that don't like the prusa mini and uh just like with any machine some people have bad experiences some people have good experiences i've had good experiences and i reviewed it highly it's 3.99 the the elgoo neptune 2 is 160 bucks similar to an under 3 which is also inexpensive which is similar to the artillery hornet which is also inexpensive all those machines have a similar build volume and a similar price and they'll perform pretty well there we go js 3d 280 260 310 yeah it is not about size isn't it jxt it's kind of weird okay stevie meep any tips on preventing pet g from curling up and gumming up on the nozzle it keeps happening i gotta scroll back keeps happening and dropping huge lumps of pet g into my prints uh the only pet she's difficult so if you dial in the temperature just perfect on pet g that is dry like dehydrator dry you shouldn't have an issue you shouldn't spore luck seriously only reviewers have been able to get a neptune too oh you'll love my review of it on sunday [Laughter] okay can you uh make sure this works sure it works look at that it's a little wobbly but we got her oh is that it wobbling yeah why is it wobbling who knows it's a heavy camera on top of that that's true esonia i am 60 year old man i have aphasia and right side paralysis because of aphasia i'm struggling with speaking and i move my wheelchair okay well essa i i hope you're enjoying the stream uh no need to speak i hope you just enjoy it if you have some questions i'll do my best to to see it in the chat thanks for joining us i really appreciate it i hope you're enjoying your time zenik the voxel lab aquila is a cheap ender 3v2 but better in some ways i know um chapman dustin phillips he's got himself one of those and he tweets about it i haven't seen it yet i've heard about it though i think kirby's got one as well rcmaniac will you reproduce an ivan miranda of the and falling camera on the tripod uh we could i hope not not with that camera yeah god and that lens the lenses well i guess did you put a black magic up there yeah i put the 6k up there if i'm gonna put something up there might as well be a nice camera sure why not michael kelly joe high five my dude loved the quick vid on fusion 360 today it helped so much ah great that's awesome that is awesome uh that makes me really happy honestly i know it doesn't have a tremendous amount of views but everybody that's watched it really really likes it and that just that makes me feel good so i'm glad you liked it as well and i hope to do more of those they're a lot of fun for me to do and they're easy to edit right sean i mean yeah yeah we've got done a couple hours sean uses those videos as ways to learn fusion 360 because he does the steps that i talk about so it's kind of cool focus is slightly slightly out is it it's hard to tell because i can't really it's really bright over there it is bright over there i can try though to sit here trevor haney does the creality three in one make anyone else nervous i wouldn't want to have everything tied up in one machine it's an interesting thought right having all the it's like a what is it it's a it's a it's like the zortra not the zortrax the zmorph machine a printer a cnc mill and a laser cover cutter um oh excuse me i am uh well here let me get this first trail features for the fiber clipper update it's not on fire and printing a calibration cube well that's perfect um so the the the multi-purpose machines the three and one machines though i know they work but those aren't my favorite it like i keep thinking back to when i was a kid and there were the tv plus vcr machines and invariably if the tv crapped out then the vcr was no good as well or if the vcr crapped out you could use the tv but not the vcr it was just it was it was weird because as an all-in-one it meant that if one thing broke the other thing was no good at the same time uh i know that's not i know that's not the case with all these machines like the like the zmorph does 3d printing really well and it does cnc engraving pretty well and it does laser engraving pretty well so if you don't have the space and you need all that functionality it seems like a good idea but me i would personally personally i like the idea of dedicated function machines a 3d printer a laser cutter engraver a cnc mill that's just what i think it's like do i want a hammer that can also cut wood and screw in nails yes sounds neat but if um if one part's a bit part of it breaks then i'm out the other two parts so that's why i have a hammer i have a skill saw i have a jigsaw and i got a screwdriver after the humble break it's just that you know that's a black magic 6k so it's got like 30 minutes of battery before a crap sounds stuff what ah phil nolan see here's here's something good i like my all-in-one machine but i don't love it so there we go there we go it's looking pretty good you know the only oh i'm not going to say anything never mind did you watch uh joel did you watch falcon in the winter soldier show yet i did i did it was interesting and i want more sean oh yeah i love it i love the the the the slow down you know we get a nice good peek at the lives of both characters and i think it's really cool yeah i like that too samuel williams the founding father 4.99 you already mind screwing nails it's bedtime i was talking about a hammer that could screw in nails and cut wood it's that it's the all-in-one machine mentality okay wibbs dibs and js 3d both just uh both what's it what's it called when you they dabbed right is that called dabbing they both they're they're dabbing i don't know how they're dabbing oh wow good for you uh sparling remember we were introduced to falcon as a guy helping other veterans with ptsd that's like how that vibe is still there that's true yeah yeah the show has a really good vibe like sean said it slowed down you got to take a peek at characters and uh no spoilers for those who haven't seen it but there's a there's a moment at the end you're like oh geez yep yep i was like wow that that was that was deep so that was neat uh tooling around with the tenor my franken cr-10 thank you joel for the review that made me buy it it's finishing its first print enclosure for duet to ethernet that attaches to the cr-10 frame much like enter three electronics that's awesome that's really awesome okay now you all are dabbing how are you doing that jake from state farm are you dabbing i'm trying to walk uh carefully i don't want it to wiggle too don't shake the camera no no yeah it's not going very fast is it that machine is moving quite slow i find that my creality machines pretty slow really well slow does guarantee a better print quality usually dustin speed hey look at that i just want to say you guys are awesome there is no other community that supports each other so well as this hobby i enjoy hanging out and trying to answer questions thank you dustin i like being here and i'm happy you're here as well and everybody's dabbing hey just 3d new member hey dude welcome rc maniacs coughing into the sh look at that look at look at those people dabbing sitting duck don't bump the power power power plug i know i know this benchy is rated at taking 12 hours to print wow 12 hours it's a long time you know it is uh it's midnight 16 right now my daughter has an orthodontist appointment in the morning so why don't we go another 15 minutes sure what do you say 15. we'll go another 15 minutes that's when we're going to draw the and that's what yeah in 15 minutes that's when we'll draw for the red box you don't have to be present to win be nice if you were i'd appreciate it go ahead and if you haven't entered go to the link in the description click on it and then enter to win a rep box shipped anywhere in the world any mojo with a fiver right extruder is plotting yeah oh right extruder benny brady what in the 8g double hockey sticks is dabbing oh benny brady benny brady oh it's uh it's something you should never do i did it once and it hurt you've done it more than once i've had to remove it from videos in the past practical printing don't have to be present but you do have to be pleasant that can disqualify a lot of people just walk by me joshua i'm a single now now we can see which one craps out first your black magic or your comcast it's fair it's fair they're not blackmagic makes good stuff oh no it's a great it's a great camera it's just ouch the battery life sucks can i say sucks be careful with that those are prints that i need for tomorrow i know this is dry we're gonna go 200 200 speed you're crazy maybe i think it's moving a little faster probably a sitting duck a voron wouldn't take 12 hours just saying i know i know david keough with a fiver picked up a roll cheap pla before and printed out a one kilogram benchy it's quite large my three-year-old loves loves it that's amazing oh david that's cool i'm glad your three-year-old loves it as well sporlock set it first for plaid of course yeah sorry down to 69 nice are you running via battery yeah oh geez that's why i yeah your a7s 3 would last all night sure what it started at 62 percent last i checked i was at 62 percent charles wharton any uh joel any thoughts on the trunksy printers i've never used one i have no thoughts on them not at this time jordana it's a fancy creality let's go fast i'm trying we're at 200 percent it's moving dark bungalox h e double hockey sticks is so strange to me no one in my country thinks of it as a curse word or a sinful word i i really don't either but it's fun to say it's just one of those things i don't know it's funny donnie frisk elf grand do you use mosaic pallets on anything i sure do i sure do oh hey they have an announcement coming out on the 30th too that's what i hear mad mad p3d could carve a benchy faster out of granite mark benton do a camera time lapse overnight i mean maybe maybe yeah oh okay martinez try 400 speed i tried to get you guys a sneak peek it didn't work maybe we could should we jump it up no i mean why not 400 speeds a lot yeah it go fail i'm a lot yep okay i did it oh boy look at that it's like a voron [Laughter] hmm look at it go that is 400 percent speed ludicrous speed never let the machines win i guess we won't be seeing you guys at the mosaic office in toronto for this announcement no no there are uh coveted restrictions all over the place that would mean either having to quarantine for a month or uh oh there you go look at that shot uh yeah we are planning on trying to get back out to toronto to visit the mosaic office sometime later this year so if um let's see if the border opens up between the us and canada and everybody gets vaccinated and it's safer to do so for families and whatnot then uh we might be able to make it out there i think it'd be a lot of fun should we turn the hot end up to uh assist out in the chat to compensate for the i did it turned up 215. oh okay yeah yeah we're at 215 on the hot end should be fine shadow x it has glass sides right no no no it is uh acrylic acrylic there they are acrylic sides it would be good with abs yeah you put some over the top either build your own out of acrylic or wood or just put a garbage bag over it something like that all of that would work i like printers that are enclosed that make it easy to print those sort of materials but at the same time i like this open like i like it look at it go i mean it's going what's our fan speed at let's see hotbed temp nozzle temp speed temp fan um there we go that was weird flow rate you need better flow rate eddie mosher with a two are you saying it's trash what no not yet practical printing how heavy is the printer it's a lot it's heavy it's heavy it's a lot uh flow rate i don't think we can do that spitco 400 isn't 4x faster the scaling is much worse because of acceleration yeah i i understand that but on the ui i put 400 and hit enter and you know it's what happens pop a fox trot is this a jerk or junction dev firmware i don't know the answer to that i don't i don't know the answer to that it's moving pretty quick we're gonna go for another five minutes and then we're gonna draw the name for the rep box that uh repcor is giving away pooch said let's give away a red box 3d pre 3dpn branded red box it's exciting off axis 3d howdy joshua robles we are looking at a creality sir moon d1 rag what's up swordman p3d seems okay yeah it does seem okay it does seem okay joshua robles it is direct drive rag new printer by creality it is new i think it's up for pre-order i think that's the goal um it is not core xy it is cartesian it's it's like a it's it's an ultimaker style uh motion system build size it was 280 280 no 280 260 310 280 on the x 260 on the y 310 on the z or z thor two zero five seven the front looks a little rough does it i can't tell can you tell shaw no okay it looks a little rough oh yeah it does it's um it is quiet well how about this watch this ready print speed 100. okay so i set it back to normal speed just because we're going to let this print overnight i figure we'll give it a fighting chance and see how it looks at normal speed in the morning i think that's fair right sure yeah yeah totes fair totes mcgoats did you watch 32 you mean a makerbot clone um yes sort of what you can ask me if i watch john oliver yep yeah totes mcgoats the recycling uh goat yep that was funny that was darn funny that you're down a slow motion and yeah there's a pretty bad artifact on there speeding it up but you know what we did it we flew we flew close to the sun with our wax wings make sure it doesn't burn the place down that is a yes absolutely is that line from when the speed increased uh probably yes i'm to go ahead and say yes oh a while ago i we did we mentioned meeting the man at dixie's barbecue it closed in october of 2019. they were the one with the really hot sauce no yeah sad i really wanted to go there phil nolan uh well the temp's at 2 15. i mean i could turn it back down i'll go uh 210 i don't know it's creolity filament uh i usually like to go a little bit hotter yeah last chance be sure to enter in the description for a rep box we're gonna pick a winner here in a couple minutes yeah we should be able you should be able to attach uh air filtering system to this right i would assume so yeah one of them bofa systems try to make bofa on it get those from pretty solid yeah oh yeah dave would totally do it hey i'm not in the way of anything either good uh well you oh and look it's on just like that easy peasy there we go almost there the front is peeling oh yeah the front peeling off jeez it got sad i'm to keep it at 215 because you know something like it had right here we go uh last call last call last call for alcohol i wish that's kind of what i want to do you know same i'm gonna get some food after this though i'm still having you what i'm hungry well you wanna go get a dick's burger after this yeah actually sounds really good doesn't it we have 439 responses that's not too bad i'm going to turn off the wrist before and 40. so just you know the camera's a little bit behind i'm going to turn off responses but in about 20 seconds i'm going to turn off the response because then it matches up basically something like that bam wow here we go look at that we have where is it i don't know 447 447 entries so let me select everything do it should i do wheel of fish yes wheel of names wheel of fish pillow fish sorry i'm not sorry about that eddie he said i'd drive him to drink we love names what the rep box good heck yeah it is especially red box two six to six rolls of filament for the regular size you fit up to 11 rolls of the smaller size for spools it's got a humidity monitor it's got all that stuff yeah so uh i guess i can turn this towards you mounts to walls yes there you go there you go you got it how's it look i mean it looks like it's a computer screen on a camera okay there it is oh god sorry here we go we got a bunch of names do it here we go the winner of the rep box from record shift anywhere in the world is look at that spin do it for what why is forward forward i do not followed elias i believe anyway congratulations you won yourself a rep box from rep cord i'm gonna mark it as a winner in our spreadsheet nice congratulations yeah congratulations you are entry number 245 look at that that's what we call winning well congratulations i will send your information over to rep court and he will get in contact with you to be able to ship out that red box well i think with that i think with that why don't we call it good thanks for watching it's now uh 12 30 at night shawn's a little hungry i could eat i can always eat i mean i where'd my sandwich go did it fall over no i moved it oh bless your heart yeah anyway that was awesome well hey look at this is the ceremony d1 this is from creality it looks like it can go fast as long as you tune it and it looks like we got it together somewhat fully enclosed except for a top the filament solution is a little weird but it seems to work okay hot end like i haven't seen before it is a quiet machine the only thing that i can hear are the fans but the motion system is pretty quiet uh it's interesting i can't wait to get some more prints on this and obviously if you're watching this leave a comment with what you want to see printed on it i'd like to uh i'd like to hear it well hey if you made it this far in the stream you're awesome we'll see on the next one love you guys take care practice kind of stressful and as always aggressive sure high five yeah yeah make sure this camera doesn't fall over make sure the camera doesn't fall over sean and phil nolan leaves us with a dab i love it perfect get out of there there we go i'm hungry it's too insane not like starving but yeah burger sounds good yeah doesn't it always it does especially one for you it honestly does it always sounds good i like that so look at that graph where did the internet fail us right there we never recovered though with the number of viewers well i know yep that's that
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 72,098
Rating: 4.8492527 out of 5
Id: qDFV_FD9Rhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 5sec (10505 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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