Crazy Shouting Match After Woman Gets Booted | Parking Wars | Full Episode (S4, E9) | A&E

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it feels great to get my first ticket i'm  dropping myself for his medicine you just   can't park anywhere you want to park you got  no respect for your handicap oh my goodness   where's your car no registration or insurance  something's coming now is it there this isn't it   wrong is wrong i'm not trying  to do anything wrong do your job   i'm having a conversation your voice  having a conversation with my mother all right so we're gonna get  some more boots over here   we can head it over to my  favorite spot bought some fingers   we work together well we like to have fun  but it's our business at the end of the day let's see who we got that one came it's up quiet no hostile people that's a good  thing i thank god that it's been peaceful   this is eva just ava come on sonia booting it's  dangerous when you're taking a vehicle people   might get more violence i pray to god to keep  me safe don't get it twisted cause son you're   skinny sonia is a gangster don't take the skinny  feet lightly let's see who else we got boys even that one came up to the city of detroit this don't make no sense  i knew i had something but i know i had enough   tickets for no damn boo ain't nothing i can  do right now because didn't put this on my car   when we find them we vote them call this  number right here give them your license plate   tell them your car was voted they'll tell  you how much you owe and what you need to   do in order to have a boot remove unfortunately  they're going to tell your car within an hour   oh ain't this so on top of me getting the boat  the city detroit gonna charge me some more   money for the towing bins as soon  as you take care of it they'll call   us i'll come right back off and take it out  she just gave me a phone number to cause it   as fast as they put it on here i want these  stargazers to come out here and take it off   i need to get this off my car  what do you see illegal parking at   where's illegal parking do you see it   what you got was a boot for non-payment of parking  tickets it's not because you parked somewhere   wrong you would legally park i thought it was just  for parking i don't know about the ticket thing   okay that's what i want to know man thank you  this is tickets and interests and late fees   they said if i paid 6.85 within an hour they would  take the bulldog off the car and not tow it she   said i can't pay just my parking ticket i got  to pay all of this in order to take it off we're   waiting on a tow truck at this point because we're  trying to tow this before the end of our shift   i'm waiting for a rap to go pay the ticket but  i'm sick of giving the city to detroit my money   because they have a rip-off they don't want  us here it's not the city's fault that you're   getting parking tickets it's because you feel like  you don't have to obey the law trust me god got   his eyes on us all and we will answer to him one  day you will answer you're going to see his face   and i don't think you're going to like it you  can't seek god on people like your dog voting   cards is about hanging out jesus christ paid the  debt for me when he went to the cross for us all i go to church every sunday i really don't want to  have a discussion or a debate about jesus because   that's one thing i don't debate about price  paid but the parking tickets wasn't included   are you the one paying for that do your job do  your job i'm doing my job you have to repent   the bible they'll say don't go buddy it says  oh no one y'all saw you because you got a   little authority that you can do whatever  you want it's not about my authority please   don't get nasty with my mother bro cause  i will don't go there i'm not trying to   do anything wrong i'm doing my job wrong  is wrong he knows don't use god like that i don't have to meet god cause i put a boot on  your car that is so dumb anyway y'all done did   your job my thing is this don't have nothing  to do with nothing else besides we're doing the   job we're just here to collect that's it it's  just like don't be disrespectful to my mother   come on you need to get an attitude i'm having  i'm having a conversation laura your boy's now   having a conversation with my mother lord your  voice having a conversation with my mother listen to your mouth you need so what you ain't got to hear me mention him   just harsh so what she's not gonna be on here  disrespecting my mother i don't get what she doing   and who's she doing it for if you felt offended  then i really gratefully apologize sincerely   two wrongs don't make them right you're absolutely  right they are doing their job you can't run from   problems you have to stay and work your  problems out they can put a boat on my car well this is what they told me i  had to come up with it's the law   there's not much we can do why don't you  park your parking lot they're checking plates most of the time people do get tickets  and they act like they don't know   and we all know this is what happens it hasn't  even been an hour and they told trump people   to not already be here why they ain't even  trying to give people time to go pay the   ticket because they want some more money for  the towing and the storage fees it's crazy this is not how i plan for my day to be  jesus coming back and he has the last i am going to dispute some  of these late fees they claim   but my craft will be picked up today i  was arguing i think that after having a   discussion with the older lady she realized  that throwing out the whole god thing was   not the way to go i believe that we made  her understand you gotta pay your tickets   today is my gym day i can't stay that long  though cause i have to go to church this evening hey how's your first day back good you go  girl it feels great to get my first ticket i've just returned to work  i've been out for a month   she'll be fine denise is always good right  i missed gina when i was going you didn't today i know it's going to be a good day i'm  glad to be back welcome back give them tickets   we got one up there they say i'm a  hammer because i write a lot of tickets i miss you sweetie oh thank you see i feel he's  a nice place to work people get along with you   ppa always thumbs down most of the time but i like  working with people i like being out in the street   that's a handicap sign babe go on the other  side you're good over there i'm glad you did   see that or you would have got a  300-hour ticket she's just a nice lady   i just said you have to move the other  handicaps back because you're not handicapped   i care a lot about handicapped people my father  was handicapped we have handicapped spots but they   might be taken because of people who are really  not handicapped and i think that's a disgrace all right how are you baby give me a ticket and my  display was in the window and the time ain't even   arrived yet all right you don't have to scream you  gave me a ticket at 102 and my tickets say 132.   crime is not displayed man but i was on the  dashboard it was right there did you take time   to look yes i did still the same place is still  in the same place okay you just want to listen   what you have to do is get your receipt  okay let's walk up to the receipt   sure no problem okay if it was like that  i still can't see the time on it man   if we can't see the time we issue a ticket  but you have your receipt and you have this   all you have to do is go to ninth and filbert  and take this and they'll cancel your ticket okay   they just jumped out of the car and started  screaming i'm gonna get this ticket taken care of   right now but you don't talk to them like they  talk to you you know you talk to them nicer she   was all right it took them a couple minutes but  i think they finally understood what i was saying it's great to be back to work instead of  sitting home this one's going to get a ticket   okay what happened here i'm stuck  i don't know what the problem is   my handheld went down oh my god can this be my handheld went beyond me i'm missing out on my tickets oh  it's gonna be one of these days now   i think i should have stayed home today what happened battery just died yes  thank you have a good one she's a good   p.o she knows she had to do i was a little  upset there for a minute but i'm good now this guy's in a no stopping right here and  there's a fire hydrant i don't see nobody coming   i seen the hydrogen but that wasn't  going to be in there but a minute   i'm sorry sir i already started writing a  ticket i can't take this ticket back it's   a safety violation he's done his handicap he's  in the store here he's going to the counter now   this won't make no sense i had the camera in the  store that's when it came out i understand so but   if it's in and no stopping there's nothing that  i can do this is really unreasonable right here   you can't just park anywhere okay he can't walk by  himself i should be able to drop him here walk him   to that door and come back and get in his car not  when it's in there stopping you could have parked   back there yeah i'm going to get in the car and  take it down the street and then where's the   parking space for him it's none i agree the only  thing i could do is tell you to go fight it i'm   only doing my job you're restricting a handicap  no i'm not you you sticking me from dropping a   handicapped person right here no you got no  respect yes i do i had a handicap father sir   you wouldn't treat him like that it wasn't no  stopping yes i would you ain't got no respect   for the handicapper i don't think so i don't like  that and you don't see things like that i had a   legitimate excuse i just walked him to the door he  was in a new stopping and he was at a fire hydrant   i could have gave him a 76 hour ticket in front of  a hydrant but i didn't she was in the process of   writing a ticket when i came out she should have  had a little respect for that if there was a fire   the fire department couldn't even get to that  because he was blocking the fire hydrant it's 51   we're dropping my son for his medicine right here  i can't pull off and leave him here it's having   my business it should keep customers a chance to  escort people to the pharmacy i think that the   pharmacy should get a loading zone for when people  go in the pharmacy to pick up a prescription to   see that we feels it because there's a fireplace  where there's so there's no way they can keep with   me get me this coffee we don't have no respect for  the handicap what kind of world is this coming to   he said that i didn't care about  handicapped people which is not true   i took care of my father here's my son i know  it's hard to take care of a handicapped person   and i understand that the gentleman was upset  i love myself i'm one that has a good heart   and i feel sorry for people i feel bad that  i wrote him a ticket but i have to do my job   oh just making it out lovely my handheld broke  this guy he said i didn't care about handicapped   people she can handle she's got thick skin i  have no doubt whatsoever when it comes to denise   it's the end of the day now oh my heavens i  just want to have everybody give it up for me   a little less ticket right now that she could  pick up the slack yeah we got the hammer back   my car got towed i hope i have all  the paperwork a lot of times people   aren't prepared i'm getting my registration out  of the car it might not be in there because i'm   really irresponsible you're supposed to say on  top of these things it's called responsibility i just wanted to grab a drink that's all i'm   gonna hang out with these guys and i  come back to my car and it's missing we come out of the bar and our car's not there  we went for the walk of shame to find her car   and there you are on the street at 2 am  homeless we automatically assumed it was towed   my car gets towed like every other three weeks  this is my first time i am a virgin to the ppa   experience hopefully they you know take it easy on  a beginner everything's new to you right here i'm   going to send you over here to get the car release  okay it costs 150. it must be a money-making thing   daddy i need money who comes and toes a car at two  in the morning that was the crazy part there you   go ma'am officer we're going to show you where  to go okay thanks you too close what's going on oh okay i'm so flustered me and  paul just came down to have a   drink and we saw shaw now it is always  dramatic when we go out which is a bad   thing it was pretty fun i don't know  if i have to stay in this line or not driver's license registration and insurance all  in the car except for my license what are the   steps i need to take now i'm going to give you  a pass you'll take that over to the gate and   they're going to take it down to your vehicle  get your registration and insurance okay is   this your first time here it is going to be  your last yes hopefully it's my last as well   i'm so excited it's been a short process so far  when you come back get right in that line back   there and we'll take care of you got it she  doesn't seem too upset or anything do i just   this one oh no me me only one  person to a car not everyone why not don't leave me separating that seems  inappropriate i needed to go to class   today and now it's completely ruined i think we're  getting out pretty soon we're running late for   your doctor appointment well we can't leave her  here paul got his wisdom teeth out on friday he's   supposed to get his stitches out today kind of  uncomfortable few bumps in the road look at this   another one bites the dust it looks like  oh here it is are we just getting the car   because i thought i was done no oh no oh this  might be a silly question but are these are these   it this is 09 you got to give me a up-to-date  one it's bad yes oh my gosh this is terrible   i don't know how much longer they're gonna keep  her back there this is uh crazy they probably   dumped her car in the river this is actually  not even for this car this is for my old car   what if i have that at my house then you have  to go home this is an unexpected process how   long have you had your car about a year they may  have up to date registration inside the building   the insurance you're going to have to get it faxed  i'm a little worried i don't have the up-to-date   registration insurance in the car my friends are  going to kill me where's your car i don't have my they won't let her have her car so now i'm  gonna have to call my mom she's gonna have   to fax it over you're kidding me he's gotta  get to the doctor i know mom my car got towed   last night and i need the registration and  insurance is it at the house where are you   oh you're at work oh my god cool  she's at work so you can't get the uh   registration faxed over this is gonna take forever  now let me go inside and ask them what's going on   stay on the phone she's very disorganized liam  who me come here hon is there a problem um my   registration and insurance card are at my  house can i give you in the information so   that you can get it no oh no i might have a copy  of your registration here i have to go and check   the computer she doesn't seem to be prepared  she doesn't have her registration or insurance   i thought you could just come naively pay for  your towing and leave this is a whole other thing   okay we have the registration caitlyn what you'll  have to do is fax me over a copy of your insurance   from your insurance company what do i need to  know about the car to tell them the vin number   vehicle identification number okay i'm just  going to call the insurance company now   registration and insurance this is required here  could be the fax over of my insurance she had   no clue that she even needed those things i'm  standing outside of the lot i don't know what   is going on this is ridiculous hi that's uber  i don't know if i have to stand in this line   caitlyn me i'm ready did you get in touch with  them yeah and you said she'll fax it right over   is it over there not yet ma'am i just wanted  to get out of here my friends are waiting i   feel terrible the car is still stuck in here he  can't get to the doctor so here we sit whatever   something's coming now oh good good is it there i hope we're done no this isn't it   could you just stand over to the side and i'll  call you as soon as it comes up i want to go home   i think they're getting angry with me we've been  here probably an hour it feels like three hours   they give us any more problems that's  gonna be a little annoying is it over there   no are you gonna try to call them again  should i yes i think you should oh my goodness   let me check one more time what's going on it's here do i have to wait in another line no okay great  go over to the gate and release your vehicle   thank you all right i had to reschedule the  appointment we're gonna go get something to eat we finally made it out i am not a ppa  virgin anymore hopefully i don't come back you
Channel: A&E
Views: 386,401
Rating: 4.8209372 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, parking wars, parking wars full episodes, parking wars clips, parking wars full episode, full episodes, full episode, full ep, sherry, ponytail, Parking Wars season 4 episode 9, Parking Wars se4 ep9, Parking Wars s4 e9, Parking Wars s04, Parking Wars 4X9, episode 9, parking wars episodes, watch parking wars, parking wars season 4, parking wars se4, a&e full episodes, Crazy Shouting Match After Woman Gets Booted
Id: hBwLZ7jK90Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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