Man Calls Cops on Parking Attendant | Parking Wars | Full Episode (S4, E2) | A&E

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double part you need to calm down she's just  relentless get a real job everybody's got   something to say get out of my neighborhood  you got a handicap for miss sergeant where   the handicapped side directly in front of  you it's a hundred dollars a hundred oh   lady hey adam come on he told the kids  to get in the car call for a squad car now people say i don't look like the typical parking  authority guy but this is me man don't hate me   love me man just don't be parking all goofy  around me or else i'm gonna slap you with a ticket i'm just out here doing my job i'd  outright pulley dane tickets every day   it's gotta be the hair i don't know do i really  look like them i thought he was a cop and then i   saw his plucked eyebrows it takes me 25 minutes  to do my hair two minutes to write a ticket these kids they got the wrong job look at this  kid it's the hair and the tan i'm certified   certified peo don't let the spikes in the gel  fool you if it comes down to it break the rules   you got to get a ticket and we got one look  at that to get a real job it's a good comment   have a good day as soon as i put this  uniform on i start walking around out here   everybody's got something to say i'm just trying  to do it uh so there you go right there i don't   get it i'm a good guy i got a good job but nobody  likes me out of my neighborhood that was nice double parker's galore out here right  here we got another double parker   there's you you'd rather  get a ticket you got yours   and it doesn't matter if you just got here  this is an immediate ticket you're leaving   your car in middle street what's the matter  we're taking our trash put your double parts i can't give you five minutes you're double  parked you're in the middle of the street man   you do not have a ticket oh did i move it then  that's that's it i'm trying to call you a break   bro thank you all right thank you appreciate it  i gave him a break i didn't want to write him a   ticket when he was standing right by the car he's  going to move it it's that simple get out of town   can't stand the looks of that man this lady here  um every time i work this beat she's in my ear man   every time that smirk on his face i don't even  think she owns a vehicle she's just relentless   she she can't stand me um i'm not too fond of her  she makes my day miserable every day i work out   here she doesn't have a brain i'll probably run  into her a couple times today and i'm sure she'll   have her uh usual to say to me look at that smirk  on his asinine face oh well can't make everybody   happy i gotta try to do my job oh buddy no way bud  don't get a ticket bruh all right well here i come straight up the block i see a ticket  let's head on up there and see what we got   got a no stopping can't do that a lot of  things going on at once i'm going to get   this car for a corner clearance it's got  to enforce it you got to look out for them   look at this place this is a mess uh-oh  we're walking up on our biggest fan over here   how you doing man i'm just waiting  for somebody in the gas station   can you wait for him in the gas station for me  thanks man so we got another one so how long you   going to be man well we're not leaving it bro  yeah i know but you can't double park feed it   you need to calm down you need to calm down okay  i'm not trying to give you a harder time i know   that i'm just trying to do my job these are like  in the middle of the street all cars are going   in the other lane you can park it right there  and i'll let you go i i'll go fight your ticket   all right i'm going to ask one more time what's  it going to be in that i'm just going to wait   a second say five minutes jerry yeah i'll forget  it i'm gonna go sorry about that man i'm just   trying to do my job okay he has a terrible  temperature oh my god i know it is a shame   laws are made to be obeyed it's difficult but  you must obey the law you should get a real job got another one up here let's go check it out  nobody in the vehicle got this guy last week   he wasn't too happy i think that's a dirty  trick it happens all the time it's constant   you got to be kidding me dude you got to  be kidding me you got to be kidding me man   you got the same ticket last week and you do  it again you can't leave your car unattended   like this i'm not dropping off an ice cream cone  listen i'm picking blood up cause i was in here   for two seconds listen i can't take this back i'm  just doing my job man and i'm trying to do my job   there's no parking on this street i'm saving  people's lives he's the only person that gives   tickets for the whole city you nah there's  actually like a couple hundred employees here   man i've been coming to that office for 14 years  i never received the ticket you can't leave your   car middle street i i understand that but it's  not an ice cream truck cause it's a jefferson   i'm picking blood people are dying in that office  okay they're dying in here you're writing tickets   like every other day it's my job man i know and  that's my job to go save people's lives this is   not the only street you can park on do yourself  a favor park it across the street right there   nine put it on the windshield 9-1-1 tell the  police i called the police for you that's all   right no it's not every time i'm out here i  get harassed see it's not just you man it's   not just you i tried doing my job i understand  that listen i'm not a mind your business lady i understand that you work for the  hospital okay but this is my beat   i need to enforce it it's nothing against  you it's a ticket you know you're wrong   you know you're i know i'm wrong you're right  so have a nice one all right all right take care   i got another 51 ticket that i got  to go pay out of my pocket now but   i'd rather have him harass me than her because  she looks like she'll bite you i had to make   the delivery of a 90 year old man across the  street but couldn't be here for five minutes   i'm here 28 years cops are here on the scene  the older woman called the police on me for   doing my job she ain't getting the tickets  so i don't understand what the problem is he gave a pepsi-cola truck he gave a beer  distributor that's the rules of it and shane   we can we're not part of barnard tell me what  to do marsha's out here crying up a storm saying   she's being harassed but i'm just doing my job i  said enough he doesn't belong in the neighborhood   officers double parked this double park  they're causing a traffic hazard out here   exactly that's my whole point be safe guys talk to  the cops cops of course we're on my side because   i'm trying to follow the rules but she hates me  no matter what so you got to laugh with one you   gotta take the go with the band i don't even think  she drives oh well now we are done finished finito   set my eight hitting the gate take this  shirt off clocked out i'm ready to go on let's roll let's get this party going i don't even feel the enthusiasm  today it's not there come on zone   wake me up need a dunkin donut or something yeah maybe give me some sugar  i might feel a lot better i'm looking for a chicken section i don't see any  houses down there nothing hot tamales two boxes   this is gonna give me some chickens gonna  wake me up oh okay all righty i couldn't get   my donuts but i got me some sugar and i had to  have the sugar it helps me go let's get started it's a hit number two okay let's go to the cs i think that's just a shame  people are unemployed got no money   can't pay for these tickets they need to uh  relax not even her car this economy is too bad   for you to boot a person's car  i ain't doing this just to be   coming to torture somebody there's nothing  personal it's just business this is just terrible bystanders have more input and  comments about the situation   than the citizens getting the  book it just don't make no sense owners here they're not happy the car is  being pulled from unpaid parking tickets   out to the city of detroit we're gonna give you  a notice ma'am so you can contact our department   here you go it can be towed at any given time so  take care of these tickets as soon as possible   they told me point i got one  feet and i got another feet   detroit michigan that's how it is he don't care  that i'm a victim you have maybe an hour to   take care of this so they dispatch the tow truck  that's wrong you shouldn't have to pay for parking   you shouldn't have to pay for parking people  need to park without being harassed by the   do you think that the mlm yes this is harassment  my advice wait don't get no tickets again okay   that's it thank you waste your time we should  not treat each other like this that's wrong   do they getting they money that's the  reality everybody losing in detroit   you know come on now they gave you enough time  to go and pay for your stuff they got notices   hopefully she pays a ticket because if not we're  coming back to tour everybody's responsible for   what they do in life you got to pay for them  tickets once you get caught hopefully she does you'll have a truck we're headed back over to  that little cadillac the tow truck is there   she said she's going to pay for that car  i don't know if she's going to make it   it's still here right now we're  going to have the vehicle in pounds   potentially paying the bill not today buddy  only way we stopped the toes they paid before   we hooked this vehicle up and that cashier  got the money in hand they call our dispatcher   then the dispatcher called us yeah we have to  have all the cars off the street by five o'clock tow telltale from 1643. tell you guys relatives  down the line but our job is totally different you're supposed to be waiting for nobody to go  down and make payments they have 88 days from the   last ticket that they get and now you want to tell  us to wait a minute for it come on now oh no there   ain't no they ain't about to wait they they say  you got to pay and have the cashier call over here hey adam come on a.k.a toys  there's the kids in the car   he told the kids to get in the car to haul up  the tow trucks yo i ain't gonna ain't gonna excuse me bro we had to call the squad car  over here oh man that's not right right now   you putting the kids in the car using the stall  tactic because the people down the line and see   now we're calling for a squad car so once we get  a squad car over here we didn't pound that vehicle   they got no warrant let them call them all right  my man trying to take it to a whole nother level   we're trying to go beyond the call of  duty y'all the one that got the ticket baby i'm not gonna play like that not the  citizens they don't want to get out of the car   i have an attitude he have an attitude so this  is ridiculous putting your kids in the car ain't   got no time for that no they take it off here  when they take it off i'll call and let you know all right call for a squad car they paid everything finds a penalty so we're  not gonna have to finish them pounding it   today is just a lucky day huh this could  have escalated to something more you know   what i'm saying i ain't beat your sister it's  just part of life they pay it's all part of   business nothing more to the story folks pay  your pocket tickets this won't happen to you they don't understand whether they take  the car now the tow store was hooked up   they got charged to toffee anyway it just  don't make no sense doing stupid stuff like   that putting the kids in the car y'all the  one who got the tickets not not the kids all righty off that we're gonna head  over towards the east side it's usually   very busy so i'm looking forward to it  this afternoon my father always told me   you know nothing comes to a sleeper but  a dream so i'm always doing something   my special detail is i enforce handicapped  spots to make it available for citizens to   be able to park and this vehicle here is parked in  a handicap i'm actually going to take a picture of   it to make sure that there was no um permitting  the window none on the dash because see the   picture is the proof i love taking pictures i'm  a photographer that's another hat that i wear   i work at a nightclub in detroit and i just  take pictures it's part of my life that i enjoy   this vehicle is parked in a physically handicapped  parking area i feel good with enforcing a handicap   because who knows how many people had came  to that spot that were actually handicapped   that needed to park there wait  look at this right here coming   uh as long as y'all ain't putting the boot on  there you don't have no handicap uh permit i   don't think none of the other handicapped people  out here right now you know what would you what   you asking me sir no ticket today no i had  a little walk when i came out but you know see you later oh you have a blessed day  he ran out you know limping with one leg   but he was joking with me he knew he parked in  that spot illegal and when people are parked in   handicapped and they know they don't have a permit  they know they're at fault yeah handicapped it's   more difficult for them to argue the issue with  me handicapped could be physical or mental cannon these tickets are a hundred dollars so most people  who park handicap and receive a ticket they won't   park handicap again you know i'm not upset about  the hunt i'm going to park wherever it's close   this here is a little strip  mall shopping area here   maybe around eight to ten handicapped  and this vehicle here this work vehicle   is in a handicapped spot they need  to park the vehicle somewhere else are these your vehicles here  these are handicapped spots good morning how you doing how are you doing  today these spots here are handicapped there's   a pharmacy right there and they need to have  availability to park all right i thought because   this was closed the handicapped spots are still  being utilized all right we'll move them thank   you sir you're welcome you know sometimes you pull  in front of a building but with 12 handicap spots   i think they're for a great purpose i just  think sometimes they have way too many of them   but you know hey you got to do what you got to  do even though they're working and um doing their   job here handicap citizens need somewhere  to park there's a pharmacy right next door   there's a senior citizen building right there  so these spots do need to become available   so they're moving their vehicles there's one  vehicle that hasn't moved as of yet but they   had dry walling on the back so i'll just give them  a chance to pull off and i'll go back over there   after i go through a couple of more areas  over here let's see i see another one up here how you doing this is a handicapped spot you got  a handicap for me sir no you have a handicap i   mean i just saw it i was backing up you weren't  just backing out i actually saw you from across   the other side of the street that's a coke see  these lines here you can't tell here what's   what over here is that a handicap is it all of  this is handicapped where the handicapped sign   you have a sign directly in front of you  okay that's coke you didn't just turn in here   prepared within ten days it's ten dollars off  how much is it it's a hundred dollars a hundred   no oh you gotta be kid you're paying within  ten days it's ten dollars off sir i'm sorry   sorry not gonna help me pay the ticket the lines  in the street not visible he knew he was wrong   he said he was just backing out that was not  true because i seen the gentleman from across   the street he said that i was called but he's  the person that's actually told because there   may be a citizen that come up and they can't walk  so no i wasn't being cold i was just doing my job we're returning over here to the pharmacy i  actually want to see how they move their vehicle   that car is still there this is crazy and i'm  gonna give them a ticket because i've asked them   to move already right yes sir he'll be back in  two minutes he's left with his keys and he went   over to the other job to pick something up i  gave it a chance it's too late to move it and   he's almost back i just called him i asked him  first time you already have a ticket i'm sorry 100 bucks we're all loading give us a break i give  the gentleman ample time to move the vehicle they   didn't have the keys for it your vehicle is in  the handicapped spot i have to issue the ticket we   could buy lunch for everyone today with 100 bucks  not today no luck for no one makes sense to give   me a ticket for parking handicap for jesus maybe  they ought to put him closer to the supermarket   versus right in front of a construction site it  doesn't matter the strip mall is still open so   these spots need to be available for citizens  to park and see that's a prime example yeah   i have a handicap stiffer you're just fine i  hate when i see this because i have a bad leg   and that's why it's so important you know for  handicapped spots to be available for citizens   like yourself thank you you're welcome ma'am have  a good day as you see the job that i do is very   important to me i want that spot to be available  for them not being used by somebody who is not   um handicapped or who does not have a handicap  permit that makes me feel good my job is done you
Channel: A&E
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, parking wars, parking wars full episodes, parking wars clips, parking wars full episode, full episodes, full episode, full ep, sherry, ponytail, Parking Wars season 4 episode 2, Parking Wars se4 ep2, Parking Wars s4 e2, Parking Wars s04, Parking Wars 4X2, episode 2, parking wars episodes, watch parking wars, parking wars season 4, parking wars se4, a&e full episodes, Man Calls Cops on Parking Attendant, Parking
Id: oqeuPPwGwBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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