Angry Detroit Citizens Are Fed Up | Parking Wars | Full Episode (S4, E8) | A&E

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Is this your registration ? Yes. Oh, boy. Your paper's been altered. This is no good. Oh ! Why is there a boot on the truck ? ( woman ) You owe a lot of tickets. There are sick people here. How am I supposed to get these people home ? You don't have a right to give them a ticket. From this point out to the street, it's city property. Them two houses, people are prostituting out of 'em ! I'm not raising my voice at you. That's what the city should be replacing now ! Captioning presented by<font color="#0000FF"> A&E TELEVISION NETWORKS</font> ( woman ) I work for the city of Detroit Municipal Parking Department. During my time on the clock, the city of Detroit gets what they pay for. You want me to be out here, you want me patrolling, you want me to keep it from being chaotic. To serve and protect, that's my job, and I'm gonna do my job. This is a beauty school over here. Overtime parking. Tickets ! We getting tickets. Why does she get a ticket ? Why does she get a ticket ? It's a one-hour zone. They been here an hour and 20 minutes. ( all shouting ) I ought to ( bleep ) her up, too. Do that ( bleep ) ! I think y'all should move that sign right there, because there's nowhere for us to park at. What can we do to change the laws ? Call and see if you can speak with someone. They try and work with citizens, okay ? Okay, thank you. All right. ( Kim ) I like assisting people. I tell 'em, take it to court, you have rights, let them know what you're going through. But some people you just can't talk to. Meter-maid bitches ! When people curse at me, I can't take it personal. On this job, you have to keep yourself centered. This is my air freshener, my aromatherapy. This helps my-- my mood, you know. It's energizing. Wakes you up. A little woosah. This is rush-hour ticket right here. These vehicles shouldn't be here. They're unattended. ( Kim ) I'm sorry, I've already got the plate in there. I'm getting a ticket ? 'Cause it's 7:00-to-9:00 rush, so after 9:00 you can park here. We trying to get the babies in so their parents can do what they have to do, and this trick ain't got nothing else to do but give people tickets at the day care early in the morning. How she know somebody wasn't dropping their kids off, trying to run and make it to work or work first ? ( Kim ) Between 7:00 and 9:00, you can't park here. I'd like to get her license-plate number and write her a ticket. That's probably the one I was gonna beat up last year, anyway. Please get out the car, honey, 'cause I got something for you. Citizen came out after I gave them a ticket, so I can't take the ticket back. This being a day care, you'd think she'd understand, but... I like being informative, but I'm not gonna stand there and argue with you. What the business can do is make a phone call to city county building, ask them to allow a pickup and a drop-off zone to drop off their children-- it's worth applying for. I seen a sidewalk violation. It's unacceptable. Your right is to park in your driveway, sure, but never to block a sidewalk. That's a safety issue. Kids shouldn't have to walk out in the street just to get around the car. You have people that's bound to wheelchairs. They have rights as well. I'm sorry, it's too late. What's the problem ? You're on the sidewalk and I've already got the plate in there, so. You gotta be kidding. I'm just gonna pull out. I've already hit the plate in there. Can't block the sidewalks. This is ridiculous. You don't have nothing else to do, right ? This is what I do, ma'am, this is my job. But you jumped out when I got out. And you could have just said, "Ma'am--" I've already punched the plate in there. Once it's started, I don't back it out. It's ( bleeps ), some real ( bleeps ). What is that doing for the city of Detroit ? Nothing ! You couldn't say, "Is this your car, ma'am ?" No, I don't do-- You see me sitting in front of my mom's house and you couldn't just say, "Ma'am, can you move your car ?" I sure couldn't. I don't know that's your car. I don't go up to cars asking people do they-- If you're out of the car, that's something different. This is crazy, ma'am. It's hard out here and you're gonna give me a ticket, a $30 ticket for pulling in my driveway ? You're on the sidewalk. You cannot block it with no vehicle, ever. Parking in my driveway. ( Kim ) Officer 2-8-7, that's my badge. Okay, you have a wonderful day, ma'am. You too. This is some bull. Nobody can be on the sidewalk. A freakin' warning would have been cool. She didn't have to give me no ticket for this. This stupid. I'm not gonna approach every citizen. "Is that your car over there ?" That's not my job. I'm not the Avon representative. ( doorbell ringing ) ( bleep ) ( Kim ) You can't be thin-skinned doing this job. Yeah, keep me going, keep me going. Woosah. Sometimes you get verbal abuse, but my aromatherapist helps clear my head. This tropical Hawaiian, it's like my mind escapes there, but I'm always focused on the violators. And the lawbreakers. This car's up on the curb and they shouldn't be parked like that. See this-- this concrete here ? That's considered a berm. See how they-- it's just been paved off from the grass ? This is illegal and they actually are too close to the sidewalk. That's a safety issue. You just can't park where you want to. You have to have all four tires on the street. You don't have a right to give them a ticket. She don't have no other access to park. Why they didn't park their car up in that driveway right there, right next to that car ? That's not theirs, that's the house over there. They don't even have a parking spot. Why would they park all out in the street when people coming around here trying to-- You can't park here. Might tear their car up, ma'am. That's a berm area, you cannot park there. That's all I can tell you. This is gravel right here. It's no reason for a ticket to be issued to this neighbor. This is illegal. Anything from this point out to the street is city property. Well, if it's city property, why don't city come and concrete it ? 'Cause you can't-- 'Cause the city don't take care of what they should do. Ma'am-- Instead of the city giving people tickets, they should be tearing down these abandoned-- abandoned house. Them two houses, people are prostituting out of 'em-- You asked-- Doing illegal drugs in 'em ! Ma'am. That's what the city should be replacing, ma'am ! You talk to me and you ask me a question, I'm trying to answer-- Why is the city making this concrete ? Why are they giving tickets to people that are homeowners ? The citizen-- the citizen-- How they gonna give somebody a ticket when that's all gravel ? Huh ? I'm not raising my voice with you. I'm not raising my voice, ma'am. But you just-- you-- It's garbage down there in them two houses down there, ma'am. You gonna let me speak or not ? Right against a-- Have a good day, ma'am. You know why ? Because the city is in debt and they're not cooperating with what they should do. ( man ) You ain't allowed to speak the truth, y'all. You know, they illegally giving tickets for no reason at all. You either want to hear me or you don't. She wasn't trying to hear me. If the city want to enforce it, then they need to come out here and put sidewalks up showing where they should park at. That's all I'm saying. ( Kim ) They want to see some change, that's something that's gonna have to take the citizens' participation as well as the city council's participation. But for now, this is illegal. Time for a little aromatherapy and get the heck out the way. Woosah. What kind of ( bleep ) is that ? This is-- this is ( bleeps ) here. I feel a little sorry for people who can't get their vehicle out of impoundment. The PPA is seriously made from the blood, sweat and bile of the devil. But if everyone have all their paperwork in order, it should-- takes about two minutes to release. It's horrible ! Six hours to get a car. In order to drive and go to work, you have to stay on top of your registration and your insurance. You gotta stay with it, no excuses. Okay, I'm here out of town on vacation, Memorial Day weekend. I'm supposed to be at work. Yeah, he's from Virginia. From Virginia. I came out to see my godsister. I took him clubbing down in Old City. We parked by a meter, it wasn't even no-towing signs or anything. No nothing. We came out the club 2:00 in the morning, could not find the car anywhere. It's a shame that we have to go through this. But I'm going home. Yeah, we're gonna get it now. ( Tracey ) Next in line. Hi, how are you ? Hi. You have ID, sir ? Yes, I do. May I have that ? I'm going to need the registration and insurance also. My registration is in my glove compartment. Okay, I'm gonna give you a pass and they're going to take you down to your vehicle, get the registration and insurance. Thank you. Okay, I'll be back. Okay. Very polite fellow, nice to work with. Milan is the name of my car. Her name was Tyesha at first, but I changed it, 'cause it's a little country, a little ghetto. So I like Milan, it's kind of sophisticated. It's one of the fashion capitals of the world. Hi, baby ! I'm looking for my registration. No. No. You don't have it ? No, on the floor. Yes, right here. Will that work ? That's when I got the car. This is for a car dealer. The expiration was 2-26-2010. It's not in here. Bye, Milan ! Nothing was there. No proof of insurance, no registration. ( buzzer ringing ) So we're gonna call Mommy. Mommy's gonna fax it up to us. Nothing else to do. Oh ! I just want to get out of Philadelphia ! ( Tory ) Mommy, no. I brought those papers back in the house. I'm about to cry. So I don't have it on me. Oh, my goodness. Okay, she is pissed. I know, she's very upset. She said it was expired. ( buzzer ringing ) Let's make it a 6. Okay. Yeah, that works. I mean, all the information is here. Yeah. Look, everything is on here. Yeah. Your mom's name right there. And the VIN is here. We're gonna try this. If this works. So I'm waiting in line to see. ( Tracey ) Next, please. Who needs help ? Hi ! Hey. He's back. ( Tracey ) Okay, here we go. Is this your registration ? That's what they gave me when I just got my car. Oh, boy-- are you the owner ? No, that's my mom. Okay, hold on. All right, so... Yolanda ? Can't find Yolanda. I'm not really familiar with the Virginia registrations. Please, God, just let me get home. Please, please, God. Okay, expires-- Oh, boy. The paper's been altered. I have to check with my supervisor and she's gonna let me know if I can use it or not. Yolanda, I have a problem, I have a gentleman here, he's given me this paper and he-- Somebody wrote over it. Oh, my God, I hope it work. ( Yolanda ) That was originally a "2." That-- that paper was for a dealer tag. Okay, bad news. This paper here, this is no good. Oh ! ( Yolanda ) They tried to change the dates on this, so we can't accept those. Oh. We just don't come straight out and say, "Oh, your registration is phony"-- we verify it. Okay, I'm gonna go on our computer. ( Latrese ) Okay. Hold on, let's see here. ( Yolanda ) We have his VIN number, so we can see whether or not the registration is up-to-date in the system. Yolanda ! It comes up in our Bureau of Motor Vehicles report and it's saying that it's good, it's registered. Good news, okay ? The car is registered, but you have to go over and pay the cashier your towing and steward's fees. And we're waiting for your insurance to come over ? The insurance will be coming through the fax. Okay. Thank you. All righty. Can't get out without insurance, so we'll go see in a moment, you know, if he's got it or not. Obviously, this paperwork didn't work. We tried to do this, it didn't work. She said that's no good. Hi. Positivity does work. You think positive things, you get good things. So the one in the middle ? All right. Hi. ( woman ) I thought she released you already. I want to go. ( woman ) Where's the insurance and all for this car ? It should have been faxed over. His insurance came over the fax machine. ( tires screeching ) No, I'm sorry, this isn't his. We paid, come on, let's just go. No, there's no insurance for your mom, hon'. Let me call my mother and find out. We'll do it again. Straight up, that's the "dealio." No insurance, no car. Yeah, try one more time for me, Mommy. Thank you. Damn, I want a-- I want a cigarette. He said it was supposed to be faxed, but I didn't see a fax yet. It'll be here, it'll be here. No insurance yet. We're gonna try this. Okay now. This is it. Mr. Chipper. It came through ? Yes ! It came through. Oh, my God, it came through. So you can start dancing now if you want then. Woo ! Woo ! Yes ! ♪ Out of here out of here ♪ Oh, my God, oh ! Oh, come on, little darling. Woo ! ( Yolanda ) I'm happy for him. So, yeah, so he ended my day on a good note. I want to thank my mom, I want to thank God. I want to thank Trecie, I want to thank my godsister Kalisha for letting me stay with her this weekend. He wants to go home. He wants to hit 95 and go right to Virginia now. Woo ! A little creativity, a little prayer and an awesome mom. Yep. That's it, that's all you need. Boop, boop ! ( horn honking ) ( thundering ) ( man ) Oh, God. This rain is killing me, Sherry. And our luck is not so good. We only got two hits. ( Sherry ) I hope it stop at some point, because I can't afford for my hair to get wet. Now it's starting to get a little heavier, but I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining, so I'm gonna put on my rain pants. They're right here. The magic pants. Once I put them on, it will stop raining altogether. Murphy's Law of rain here. I can just get 'em on over my boots and all. I don't know why he just don't take off his shoes first. I don't think it's as bad as trying to put a dress on in a car. ( man ) Huh ? But it's-- it's not easy. He really believes in his magic pants, but we're just gonna have to see, 'cause it's supposed to rain all day. The rain has already slowed down a little bit. Who says superstition ain't the way ? ( computer beeping ) Garfield, we got two hits in the same block. Now, that's a lucky sign. All right, come on, Garfield, we gotta get 'em. If Garfield can move quick enough once we get this boot on, we have another hit on the opposite side of the street. That'll do for now. We'll try to get the other one. ( woman ) I can't move it ! It's locked ! ( Sherry ) Parking tickets on here, I don't know where they was "gotten" at. Maybe like four or five. I know it's not no four tickets on this car. Even though you have a hearing, they don't take you off the boot list and they should tell you that. Baby, didn't I say give me the keys ? I can't move it ! All right, come on, Garfield. Baby, I didn't have the keys, okay ? What do you want me to do ? She doesn't seem to be very happy about this, but it is the right tag, we double-checked it. Garfield was actually pretty fast, so we was able to get the two boots right across from each other. ( Steve ) See, the rain has slackened up a little. Pants are working. Yeah, okay, Gar, whatever you say. Come on, Sherry. It was pouring five or ten minutes ago. No, it look like it's coming down more. You just hate to admit when you're wrong. ( laughing ) We got a hit. We seem to be on a bit of a roll here. This is number six. ( computer beeping ) We have nine. ( computer beeping ) That's number 11. The truck's starting to look a little more empty. ( computer beeping ) ( Sherry ) When it rains, it pours. We got another hit. Garfield magic pants not working. The rain is coming down pretty good. ( Steve ) But if it doesn't work for the rain, I hope it works for the hits. Maybe it is the pants, 'cause we are getting hits. They'll be the lucky pants instead of the rain pants. ( man ) Hey, hold up, hold up. Okay, the car owe parking tickets. You gonna have to call the number. What ? Get out over there. Okay, well, guess what ? I don't got nothing to do with this, so can you go ? ( Steve ) Once it's locked on there, we can't take it off. I don't want this ( bleep ) on my car, so can you go ? You either pay it off over the phone or you can go down to 913 Filbert Street and get on a payment plan. Okay, I could give a damn. ( Sherry ) The young lady, she was very upset about it, but at the same token, you know, we got a job to do. So we have two more to go before we'll be out of boots. With a little help from the magic pants. ( computer beeping ) Oh, Garfield, we have two hits. ( Steve ) Oh, my. One has its lights on, so there's somebody in it. Two heavy-hitters, they do owe a lot of money. One is 1,500. The other one is like 1,000. And we got just the boot for him, too. I'd have liked to have gotten both of 'em, but one has somebody in it. Oh, well. ( laughing ) Garfield, he left out ! Hurry up and get the boots on. And we're out of boots. Pants are working good now. Maybe they are. I must stop badmouthing his pants. How the ( bleep ) am I supposed to get these people home ? ( Sherry ) Okay, they owe tickets, a lot of tickets. They owe tickets, a lot of tickets ? Yes. Yeah, these people gotta get home from dialysis, they are sick people here. Right. They're not our personal vehicles, but we still gotta get 'em home. Garfield. I'll call John and ask him what he want us to do about this. This is a dialysis unit and they came to pick up the patients and got booted. Some just coming from having surgery, getting treatment and they have to sit here and wait. How long, we don't know. ( Steve ) I do have sympathy for 'em. They're dialysis patients and they have to be taken care of, but the company should have taken care of this. I mean, they are responsible. Each one owes over $1,000. ( Sherry ) Maybe they can call their company, send another van. But right now, we can't take the boot off. I think it's kind of a gray issue, because, you know, I mean, we are picking up patients coming from dialysis, you know what I mean ? You got tickets, you need to pay 'em. That's a big company, they know the deal. It's inconveniencing sick people, and that is really unfortunate, and we really do feel sorry for 'em, but it's black and white. You have to pay your tickets. Looks like they brought another van here, so patients will get where they need to go. ( man ) Do you have any idea how old these tickets are ? I have no idea how old they are. Well, we know they're not our tickets, 'cause these vans are leased, these tickets are old. Now we gotta pay for them, but they weren't originally our tickets. ( Sherry ) Overall, it turned out well. They will get home. The gray day has ended fine. The back of the van is empty and it stopped raining. The pants work. There might be something to his magic, a little bit. ( laughing )
Channel: A&E
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, parking wars, parking wars full episodes, parking wars clips, parking wars full episode, full episodes, full episode, full ep, sherry, ponytail, Parking Wars season 4 episode 8, Parking Wars se4 ep8, Parking Wars s4 e8, Parking Wars s04, Parking Wars 4X8, episode 8, parking wars episodes, watch parking wars, parking wars season 4, parking wars se4, a&e full episodes, Angry Detroit Citizens, Detroit Citizens
Id: 4zbhIdxWqog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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