Crazy Mario Bros PLUSH COLLECTION 2023

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- [Narrator] Hey everyone, it's me, Crazy Mario Bros. And this is my Mario plush collection as of 2023. We have so many plushies to go through, but first I want to give you guys a challenge. Can you count how many plushies are in my collection? The first person that I see to guess the exact amount of plushies correctly will win a Nintendo Switch, so don't miss out, also, before we get into the collection, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel. You do also have to be a subscriber if you wanna win the Switch. So, you know, just subscribe to the channel if you want. You guys' support are the reason why I'm able to have this crazy collection. So, you know, if you wanna see it get crazier and crazier, then make sure you stick around. I literally have no walking room right now, there's just so many, now first of all, we've obviously gotta start out with the Marios, and there's already so much to unpack here, there's just so many of them. So first of all, we got the main Mario. This is the Mario that I use in my plush videos. So a lot of you guys that watch this channel frequently, you might know this one, but on top of that, we also have a "Mario Party 5" Mario plush, I really like this one, you know, we have two of them. This one is tagged, I just got this one recently, because I really wanted a tagged one. So you know, I got a tagged version. And you're probably a little confused on what these are. The thing is, I didn't really know what I should have included in this, even if some of these are unofficial and aren't completely Mario related. I mean, they're kind of Mario related, like it's Huggy Wuggy, but it's Mario. But like, I don't know, I just decided to include it. I kind of included anything that was Mario related, like this "Among Us" one over here, it's just stupid, I probably shouldn't have included some of these, but, you know, they're just kind of funny. While we're on the subject, we have this Kirby Mario right here, and now we're gonna get into all the different Mario variants, such as these Takara Super Mario World plushies. We have the original Mario, we have two frog Marios. I believe there's some other ones here as well like there's a Boomerang Mario in the very back, you can kind of see it, you see his helmet. There's a Boomerang Mario, right over there. I really like these Takara plushies, they have a lot of charm, which is why it's the one that I usually keep on my nightstand right here with all my figures. And while we're over here, here's this puppet Mario, that I haven't actually gotten the chance to use yet, but I've had these puppets for a while now though, don't fall, don't fall. I've had these Mario puppets for a while now, there's a couple of other ones around here. I think they're really funny, and I can't wait to use 'em for a video soon. We have this World of Nintendo Mario, we have a Builder Mario, we have this "Super Mario Odyssey" Wedding Suit Mario, this is actually a bootleg. There's an official one that I don't have yet. There's a Color Me Mario that you can actually color on with either marker or crayons. I haven't figured out which one, which is why I haven't used it yet. We have five Kellytoy Marios over here. The fifth one is right over there in the back. These Kellytoy Marios just look so goofy, which is why I have so many of them. They're just so funny and they have such a weird charm to them that I just I have to have them. I believe this Mario Plush is by Avanti, I don't really remember, but I know that it's one of the oldest Mario plushies that I have. I believe it's from the either the 1980s or the early 1990s, which is why he still has that red and blue design that he doesn't have nowadays. We have this Mario plush from the arcade. I actually didn't get it from the arcade, I got it from Goodwill because I never find Mario plushies at Goodwill. So that was actually the only Mario plush that I found at Goodwill. Outside of this one, I also found this one at Goodwill. So this one and this one are the only Mario plushies I've ever found from Goodwill, which is pretty unlucky for someone like me, who clearly collects. We have this Mario Wendy's toy, that I don't really know if it's really a plush, but it just, it kind of is like one, so I just figured. We have these three Wing Cap Mario plushies, and fun fact, every single time I've gotten unlucky, see, this one has one button, this one has one button, and this one doesn't have any, somehow, every single time I get Wing Cap Marios, the buttons always fall off. You know, I always buy them with two buttons and then randomly one of the buttons will come off. And this one, both of them came off. I'll never have a Wing Cap Mario that has buttons. So we have Tanooki Mario over here. I thought I had another one, but that's the one. We have Baby Mario, we have Acorn Suit Mario, we have Dr. Mario. We have this 12-inch "Mario Party 5" Mario plush. I should have mentioned that at the beginning when I mentioned these two, but oh well. We have, as I call, Toy Mario, but I believe he's supposed to be called Mini Mario from the "Mario versus Donkey Kong" games. I did play those games a lot when I was younger, but I didn't really know the official name. We have a lot of new Super Mario Bros, Wii Mario's back here, in case you don't know, the main Mario plush that I use, is a "New Super Mario Bros. Wii," so of course, I have to have a lot of doubles of them. There's one without his hat, there's one without a nose, there's one without a mustache, there's another one without a hat. There's a normal one, I haven't altered that one. This is also a "New Super Mario Bros. Wii" Mario, that we actually customized to make into Mario.exe in case you somehow don't know what Sonic.exe is, it's like a scary version of Sonic that has red eyes. So we decided to do the same thing for Mario, and make an awesome video for the main channel with it. I'm saying the main channel as if, you know, this isn't the channel it's on. Okay, but by main channel, I mean, you know, the channel you're watching it on right now. I made a video with it, it's pretty awesome, I hope you guys can check it out. We have this "Super Mario Odyssey" Cappy plush. Somebody on Mercari made this paper Mario custom. It looks pretty wonky, I'll put another picture of it on screen, 'cause I can't really show it properly right now. It looks pretty funny and that was why I bought it. Also the creator of the plushy actually commented on my TikTok, so that was fun. There's two Fire Marios back here. There's Metal Mario, there's a big All-Star Mario, there's another big All-Star Mario. That one's actually bigger than the other one. I just say big because it's bigger than my original Mario. The last Mario plushies that we have are from the "Super Mario Galaxy" plush line. So we have Mario holding a mushroom, we have Fire Mario holding a fire flower, we have Bee Mario, you can see him, he's in his little bee suit, and we have Ghost Mario or Boo Mario, whatever you wanna call it. But that wasn't the last Mario plush. This is the last Mario plush I wanna mention. This is the 40-inch "Mario Party 5" extra-large Mario plush. This thing is huge. I did a whole 'nother video on my second channel about it. It is the biggest Mario plush that I own, and probably the biggest Mario plush ever. I still haven't managed to find another Mario plush that is bigger than this. And by Mario plush, I mean, like, in general, like, of any Mario character, I don't think I've seen a bigger plushie than this. So this thing is massive, it's hilarious. I'm still trying to make a video out of this. It's just, it's gonna be really hard, because of how big it is. It's hard to grip, you know, hold, it's just, it's huge. I also may have paid $2,000 for it, so, you know, you can see how far I'll go for you guys. Anyways, that's all of my Marios Now let's go through the Luigi. Obviously in front, we have my main Luigi that I use in all my videos. We have a Baby Luigi here, which I haven't been able to use in a while. We have these two Waddle Dee Luigi plushies. I don't remember why I have two, and only one of the Kirby one, but I don't, we have two "Mario Party 5" Luigis right here. One of them is tagged, you can barely see the tag back there. We have two "Luigi's Mansion" plushies, one of him just with his Poltergeist, and then one of them with him screaming. We have a Tanooki Luigi right there, he's a furry. We have Builder Luigi, Fire Luigi. We have a few All-Star Luigis, I'm not really sure why I have multiple. Another San-ei Luigi, another San-ei Luigi, another San-ei Luigi. I also almost skipped over this one. There's a Luigi riding a yellow Yoshi. And in the very back we have a Pikachu Luigi and a 12-inch tall Luigi, which is right next to the 12-inch tall Mario. We also have the Luigi puppet, and I believe that that is all of the Luigis. So now that we have the Luigis out of the way, let's go over the Bowsers. First of all, we have this super weird Bowser puppet, it looks pretty funny. Look at him, he's all like. (mimics growling) So I have a couple of these Shell plushies. There's one of them, there's two of them, and there's three of them. They're supposed to be Bowser's shell. I have actually used these in a couple videos. I believe they're one of the newest plushies that I own because I've never really seen them before. I only started seeing them, like, I think a year ago. So that might be one of the more recent plushies that I have, anyways, that is my main Bowser right there that I use in my video. You can see I have a couple doubles of him right there. And there's my original Bowser right there, there's a reason why he's sitting down, is because he has a lot of blood all over him, because of a video that I did before with the "Among Us" Mario. Don't worry though, first of all, it's a bootleg and also I use washable markers. We have Dry Bowser right there, this is the bootleg, and this is the official Dry Bowser. In my opinion, this is one of my favorite plushies. It's so detailed, it looks so cool. I love that Dry Bowser plushie. We have a lot of other variants in the back. First of all, we have the original All-Star Bowser, which is the model that all of these other ones were based on, like the Dark, I almost just said Dark Bowser, that's Dark Bowser, that's Dark Bowser right there. The Bowser's Fury Bowser, the King Koopa, which is based off the Super Mario cartoons. And last but not least, we got Meowser right there, which is also a bootleg, a lot of these are bootlegs. Meowser's a bootleg, Dark Bowser's a bootleg, King Koopa's a bootleg, and Bowser's Fury is a bootleg, and also there's Dry Bowser, and also the gray Dry Bowser. But the white Dry Bowser's official, the All-Star Bowser's official. It's pretty half and half, like, half of mine are official, half of mine are bootleg, doesn't really matter to me, I can still use them in the videos. But as a collector it does hurt that some of these aren't official, I really wish that they could be. Nintendo, please, please just, like, just buy these plushies off of the bootleggers, and release them officially, they just look so good. Now that we have the Bowser section out of the way, let's get to the Koopalings. So this time around, I have a lot of Koopalings plushies. I have doubles of almost every single one, I think, I don't really know. There's my original Roy right there, there's his stunt double. There's my original Larry right there, there's his stunt doubles, there's my original Ludwig and here is his stunt double. There's my original Iggy right there, and then here are his stunt doubles. My original Lemmy, he has a stunt double as well right there. My original Wendy and her stunt double. My original Morton and his stunt double. So basically, yeah, I do have stunt doubles of every single Koopaling, I didn't even really realize, I don't know if I did that on purpose. I'm pretty sure I just went to a store, and saw a lot of Koopalings plushies, and then bought all of them. I think it was in one of my other videos on my second channel where I bought $1,000 worth of Mario plushies so I'm pretty sure that a lot of those are from that trip. My dog decided to join our collection video I guess. So, now that we're done with the Koopalings section, now we can get to the Bowser Junior section. I don't actually have that many Bowser Juniors, but there is still a lot to go through here. Here's my original Bowser Junior that I use in my videos and I have a lot of doubles of him. There's double number one, there's double number two again, don't worry about it, it's washable marker, I've washed it off before. Stunt double number three, and I thought I had more than that. And then we have three All-Star Bowser Juniors. I don't usually use this one just because he looks, like, so tough and angry, and, like, a big guy, and then this one just looks like a little oaf so that's usually why I use that one. There's my original Bowser Junior back here. He is a bootleg, that's why I replaced him with this one, which is official. We have a Dry Bowser Junior back here, which I haven't gotten the chance to use yet. And lastly, we have this Bowser Junior from "Super Mario Sunshine." So he's got like the Shadow Mario mask on, he's got the paintbrush. I was thinking of just, like, cutting off the paintbrush and giving it to my main Junior for a video, but I don't have a plot for it yet. So, you know, haven't gotten around to it yet. But, you know, there's my Bowser Juniors, I think it looks pretty cool. And if you're confused on what this actually is, it's supposed to be a clown. This is what you look like if you don't like the video right now. Go down there, hit the Like button, get it to like 10,000 likes. Maybe, I don't know, who knows if it will, or else this will be your face forever. Now that we're done with Bowser Junior's section, we can move on to the Yoshi section. So the floor section is where it's gonna get a little confusing because I didn't have that much room. So there are a lot of ones mixed in with other categories, but I'm gonna try to explain it to the best of my ability. So here's my main Yoshi plush that I use in my videos. Here's a stunt double of him which has blood on him because, again, I used them for that "Among Us" video. We actually have a lot of big Yoshis right here. We have two 12-inch "Mario Party 5" Yoshi plushies. And then we have two 12-inch San-ei Yoshi plushies. We also have the big Yoshi right here, which if you don't remember the meme, it's a meme of like a fat Yoshi sitting. So, it's like a a custom plushie of that. It looks really funny, I love this thing, I can't wait to use in a video. We have this "Mario Party 5" green, small Yoshi right here, which is supposed to be like this one but smaller. So now let's go through all the Yoshi colors. So we have yellow, we have pink, we have black, we have another black, we have blue. I believe this is supposed to be like cyan. I don't know, I'm pretty sure there's a dark blue Yoshi that I just don't have yet. We have another light blue Yoshi right over here. We have orange, white, red and purple. So that's all my Yoshi plushies, now let's get to my Toads. I'm really surprised that I have this big of a Toad collection for how much I despise him in way more ways than one. Here is the Toad that I use in my videos. You can tell 'cause he has a lot of pencil shavings on him. There's a stunt double and there's another stunt double. There's a "Mario Party 5" Toad. There's a stunt double of that one. Two blue Toads right here, here is a Captain Toad. That was another Captain Toad. However, I cut his stuff off 'cause I was gonna use it as a Halloween costume in one of my videos. And there's another Captain Toad back here. There's a Toad's worth back here. This one is a bootleg, but it looks really good. There's a cat toad over here. And lastly we have two Toadettes. One of these was gifted by my friend, Super Mario Richie, and those are all my Toads. So now we're gonna get to all the miscellaneous characters. Some of these are bad guys, some of these are good guys. It's just all the other characters. I'm gonna start from left to right. So I'm gonna address why there's so many of these in the front. I really don't have that much room. Like you can see, I literally have my bins right here. I have, like, barely any walking space in this room. That's why a lot of this video has just been me zooming in on them and not really like picking them up. So first of all, we have Dry Bones right here. We have a Birdo, we have two Shy Guys. We have the main Koopa that I use in my videos. We have a custom Kylie Koopa plushie that me and my friend made when we were like 12, I mean, hey, for us making it when we were 12, I think it's pretty good. We have a Wiggler right here, we have this plushy that I found on Etsy of the Penguin King from "The Super Mario Bros." Movie, which I'm really excited for. You guys excited for that? Let me know in the comments. We have this custom Fawful plush right here made exclusively for my videos, I can't wait to make a video with them soon. Speaking of customs, I almost forgot to include this just because of how big it is. But we have this King Boo plushie right here. He does have a blue tongue. I know he can also have a pink tongue, I don't know, I just thought the blue tongue looked kind of cool. Here's this huge King Boo plushie, I think it's awesome. We have a Koopa puppet right here. We have a Paratroopa which has wings. We have Diddy Kong, we have a Goldie Koopa, and we have Boom Boom and Pom Pom. Two Boos right here, we have a Spiny, we have a Chain Chomp. We got two Warios right here along with a third Wario over here, we got Nabbit, we have this BD & A Donkey Kong, which I kind of found last second that's why he's in the front, I also almost totally forgot to go over my Princess collection. So let's go through that really quick. Just midway to get it out of the way. We have the main Princess Peach plush that I use in my videos. The main Princess Daisy plush that I use in my videos. We have a "Mario Party 5" Princess Peach back there. We have this Wedding Peach, there's a Baby Peach back there, you can barely see it, but we have all the baby plushies here. We have Baby Daisy and Baby Rosalina. Fun fact. I actually have a Rosalina coming in tomorrow, but I just really wanted to record this video today 'cause I'm just, I'm excited to show you guys this collection. So you know, I, (laughs) no Rosalina this year but she's literally coming tomorrow and I just could not wait. And lastly, we have Cat Peach right here. Now let's get back to the miscellaneous characters. We have two Blooper squids. We have this Piranha Plant puppet, which is super funny. We have two Kameks right here, one of them is the All-Star, and one of them is the original San-ei. For some reason this one costs a lot of money. I have no idea why, I didn't even think this one was rare, but now it is and people pay like almost $100 for it. Speaking of the Piranha Plant puppet, we also have two other Piranha Plant plushies right here. We actually have four Goombas and I used to make fun of this one a lot just 'cause it looks really funny. There's multiple Donkey Kong plushies, there's the "Mario Party 5" Donkey Kong plush that I've used in my videos, and here is a Donkey Kong plushie that's holding a barrel. I know you can barely see it, it's right there, I just said you can barely see it that wasn't even intended, I swear. But you can barely see the barrel, I'm gonna shut up. There's a King Bob-omb over here that I could barely fit in the scene. It is a bootleg plushie, but I think it looks awesome. There's this little electrical fuzzy thing right here. There's a Poochy, which I really want to use in a video soon ,he's this really cute dog from the Mario games. There's also my Waluigi over here. I have two Waluigis, I thought I had a third one, but I guess I either lost him or I'm just making things up. There's a custom Dark Star plushie right here, which is also exclusively made for my videos. So thank you so much to my team. There's a Bullet Bill plushie over there. I could have sworn that I had another one, but I just don't know where it is. There's a Polterpup over there, you can't really see the tongue, again, I just, I had to like scooch all of these plushies so you can't really see some of their details. There's a Mechakoopa back there, there's Spike, there's Monty Mole, there's like, I don't really remember what the spiky fish thing is called. There's Lakitu barely back there, and we have the two Hammer Bros. So those are all the characters and now we're gonna go over the last section, which is the items. I also don't remember if I mentioned this, but I have this Yoshi puppet here as well. So, you know, I could have sworn that I had a Bowser Junior puppet, but I guess I just don't know where he is right now. Somehow I lost a lot of plushies, but what I didn't lose were my items. So here are my Mario items plushies. Obviously we gotta start out with the Mushroom. So we have this huge red Mushroom right here. I don't know how I don't have a mini plushie of this thing like I do with the other Mushrooms, but I don't know, I'll get to it eventually. So we have this one, a mushroom right here along with another one, but I don't really know which one I want to use in the videos. I might use this one just 'cause it's smaller so it makes more sense. We have a little Yoshi egg right here. We have a Mega Mushroom and I'm gonna go on a rant for a little bit because we also have this Mini Mushroom, but for some reason the Mega Mushroom is smaller than the Mini Mushroom. Now this is actually fault on the bootleggers because, you know, I think the bootleggers made this later. So, you know, it was kind of their responsibility to make the Mini Mushroom actually mini, and not make it so big compared to the Mega Mushroom. It just doesn't make sense. I want to get a real Mega Mushroom. It's like bigger size so I can use it in a video. It would just be so awesome, but I need to find that plushie. If anybody knows of a custom Mega Mushroom that's actually big, you know, maybe something like this, like a huge mushroom, let me know 'cause that would be awesome. We have these two Bob-omb plushies right here. One of them is smaller than the other. Again, this is a situation where I would probably use this one instead of this one just 'cause it's smaller so it makes more sense where it would like fit in their hands, you know, we have these other plushies here, like these Red Shells and this huge Red Shell. They're supposed to be based off "Mario Kart," but, you know, we have these little ones, then we have this huge one, we have a Banana Peel right here, we have an Invincibility Star along with another Invincibility Star. We have a Green Star right here and we have these two Lumas. This is Luma and this is Polari. We have these two Warp Pipes right here, which actually do work, you can put things in there, and then it, hold on, let me, it comes out of the other one, it works. These war pipe plushies are pretty cool. I can't wait to use them in a video pretty soon. We have this really big Piranha Plant thing, but like I don't really know, it doesn't move that much. I was hoping the mouth would be a little more movable. I'm pretty sure a lot of these are meant to be pillows though, so I guess it does do its job. It's really squishy, we have this huge banana plush in the back that I love. I absolutely, I love these big item plushies. But I remember when TOMY themselves actually sent me a few of these plushies. The ones that they sent me were the mini Banana, and what was the other one? It might have been a mini Red Shell along with a big Banana. They asked me to pick three plushies, two small ones, and one big one so I picked the little Banana, and I picked the Red Shell and then I picked the big Banana. It was just so funny, I loved getting the big Banana. Thank you so much again to TOMY for sending me some of these plushies for free. You guys are so awesome and I'm so glad that I was able to work with you guys. Also, let me know if you have more plushies. I'm totally down to somehow making this collection bigger than it already is. And last but definitely not least, we have these two Thwomp plushies. Now which one will I be using in a video? Probably this one 'cause it has a little spiked edges, and it just has more color on it while this one's just a little more desaturated, but again, I'm pretty sure this one is supposed to be meant as a pillow, so, you know, it does its job. And that was my Mario plush collection of 2023. Makes you guys are subscribed to my channel, and now I'm gonna go break my back trying to put these all back.
Channel: CrazyMarioBros
Views: 289,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cmb, crazy, mario, bros, crazy mario bros, crazymariobros, mario plush videos, mario bros, nintendo, super mario, super mario bros, plush, movie, plush movie, sml movie, sml, cmb mario, cmb luigi, cmb bowser, collection, plush collection, mario plush collection, mario plush collection videos crazy mario bros, cmb plush, cmb collection, super mario collection, mario collection, toy collection, toy, toys, luigi, bowser, jr, bowser jr, junior, bowser junior, yoshi, toad, peach, princess, haul, funny
Id: AA2tJTuQj4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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