Crazy Mario Bros: Mario and Luigi Play Monopoly 2!

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- Uh, Mario, why are the trees moving like that? - Moving like what? Luigi, they're barely even moving. - No, no, they were just like waving around a second ago. See, just like that! - Huh? I still don't see anything Luigi, but it's probably just some kind of like thunderstorm or tornado or something. We probably shouldn't go outside for a while if you're telling the truth. - What? Mario! What? What do you mean there's a tomato? - The real question is what are we supposed to do inside? I mean, we're inside all the time. I feel like we've basically done everything we could possibly do. - Yeah, you're right about that partner. What are we supposed to do in this boring ol' saloon? - Dude, why are you guys always in my room? - Oh, hey Junior. We're just trying to figure out what to do inside while this storm passes. - Yeah, we wanted to have a really fun day outside, but I guess the weather just decided otherwise. They're like, oh, I hate the Mario Bros. And then they decided to like pour a bunch of like rain and all on us. - Luigi, it's wind, but yeah, it is a little dark outside too, so I think it might rain as well. - What are you guys talking about? It's sunny. (whistle) - What the hell is going on today? Why is the weather so weird? - I don't know, it's always like that. But say you guys wanted to go outside? - You bet we do Junior, but what do you guys want to do? - Hmm, what have we not done in a while? Oh, I know, why don't we all go on a bike ride? - Or we can go to Sonic. We could get some delicious slushies. - Can we go on a bike ride the Sonic? - Ha ha, yeah! - Yeah, I wanna get some chitty cheese fries. I have a really weird had cravings today. - Wow, this might be the first time in history that we've all actually agreed on something without any argument. - Huh? What are you talking about, Mario? I never argue. - What do you mean Luigi? You argue all the time. Wait, I don't want to ruin this moment. Yeah, yeah, nevermind Luigi. I didn't say anything. - Oh well, okay, alrighty Junior, let's go get the bikes out to the garage and let's go to Sonic and get some delicious chili fries! - And slushies. - Yeah, and slushies. (doorbell rings) Who's at the door? - Ugh, come on an intruder! - Mario, I'm pretty sure it's not that bad. It's probably just like a ding dong ditcher or something. - No, I know, maybe it's nothing but it just threw off my flow. But my energy and vibrations are off the chart. (gun shots) - What the f- (doorbell ringing) - Hey, you know that this is our house, right? You can't come in. - [Toad] Oh yeah, I know. I have a package for you. - Oh, really? Okay a package. All righty, let's see what he wants. Good afternoon, Mr. Neighbor? Where's the package? You aren't the package guy! - Oh yeah, I needed to get you outside somehow. Anyway's neighbor, I'm mad. - You're mad? Well, why? Why are you mad? - It's just my wife. She just makes me so angry sometimes. - Okay, why are you telling me this? - I just, I don't know. Me and her we just fight all the time and I just don't know if it'll ever work out. We fight over the same things. - Well dude, we're not really close enough friends. I don't really know why you're telling me this. Plus I'm not married, I don't know what to tell you. - She just always has to be better than me at everything, especially board games. So I just wanted to give you these monopoly board games. 'Cause we fight over them all the time. So can you please just take these off my hands 'cause she's not gonna know how to check your house. But I just really don't want these anymore. Okay, thanks neighbor, bye. - What? Bye. So I guess we just have board games now? Oh, the Super Mario themed. Oh, we're gonna play some monopoly tonight. Hey guys, I know what we're doing! All righty guys, It's time to play Super Mario Monopoly. (snoring) - We didn't even leave the room for that long. How do you already fall asleep in here? - I have no idea. - What is it with everyone coming in my room? (screaming) - Get away from me! - [Junior] What are you having a dream about dad? - Cats, I don't get how people like them. They're so mean. And I also woke up because of you guys. What are you guys doing in here? - [Junior] We're in here because this is my room- - Junior, Junior, we're just in here to play some Monopoly, Bowser wanna play? - Come on Mario, he is probably just gonna cheat. He never takes any board game. we play seriously? - Yeah especially not Monopoly. I mean, me and him played it before, but I don't think he knows how to play. - Hey, what are you talking about? I know how to play. You like take the money and you can give it to like the bank and then you buy like houses and then you buy more houses and then you screw over everyone else. - You know what? Maybe he actually does know how to play Monopoly. That's is kind of how it goes. - I wouldn't remember we played it so long ago. We're gonna have to like re-review the instructions. - Oh yeah, that's fine with me. I don't remember either, it's been a long time. I'm becoming an old chap, you know? - But you literally just explained the whole game perfect. Okay, whatever, let's just get this game open. Why board games also had to open? Now he got that outta the way. Now let's get this horrible cover out the way. - [Mario] What, hey, what's so horrible about it? - I'm not done it anyway. - What is this thing? Dad was that you? - Yeah, I think so. (roaring) (coughing) Oh, I've kind of lost my mojo. - Hey, this thing is kind of cool. (level up jingle) It makes noises! (coin dinging) - Keep making noises! (box banging) - Junior, can we like play the game now? - Huh? Oh yeah, yeah, sorry Mario. So how do you play this again? - Well, first you're supposed to take out this thing. So let's just take this out of the way. And you got all these little pieces. You gotta take out the pieces. Take out the board. Take out more- (level up jingle) I didn't mean to press that. Take out more of these pieces. Somehow take out this, oh whoa. I just took apart the whole thing. (whirring) And there we go, alrighty, the game should be fully ready for us to play. (slide whistle) (foot steps) - Luigi, this place is a mess. You should have at least organized it a little bit. Here, let me handle this. (chime) There we go, this should be a lot more playable. And I even moved all the money over here so we can use this little box as like some kind of a safe. - Ooh, looking good Mario, all righty guys, we ready to start playing? - Mmm I think so, I'm gonna be the Yoshi egg. Yoshi egg's pretty cool. - Pfft lame, you wanna be an egg? I mean you're disrespecting your kind right now. I mean there's literally a Koopa shell right here. But I guess if you're not gonna take it, then I guess I'll take the really cool Koopa shell. - Eh, whatever, you can have that one, Dad. I just really like eggs for some reason. All righty guys, which ones are you guys getting? - Well obviously you know me. You know I gotta go with the Tanooki leaf. - What do you mean we know you? That has nothing to do with whatever you. Whatever Luigi, I'm just gonna get the, I'm just gonna get the power star. The power star is pretty cool. I was gonna get the mushroom, but power star is pretty cool too. I'm surprised you guys didn't get one. - That's causes eggs are better. Alrighty dad, ready to start? - Oh, oh, oh, you bet I am Junior! You bet I'm gonna whoop you in this game of Monopoly! Just like a shell, I'm gonna run right in you like run! - Ugh, can we just get started already? - [Luigi] Yeah, I'd prefer that. (upbeat music) - Okay, so I'm going first, Luigi is going second, Junior's going third and Bower's going fourth. Is that easy to understand? Like is that actually that hard? - No, I think I got it. I think we can start the game now. - Okay, good, oh my God. Okay all right. Let'sjust roll this. And what do we got? We got, two! Oh man, I thought it was gonna get way more than that, but okay, let's go one and two. Piranha plant, pay two coins? Wait, how many coins are we supposed to have? - Let me check. Okay, it says each player needs to start off with five, five coins and five, one coins. - What the heck does that mean? - [Junior] Hey, you just said a bunch of numbers. - No, no, no. It's talking about the fact that there's multiple kinds of coins. See you got the five coins and you got the one coins. So wait, we didn't even decide a banker. - (gasps) Can I be the banker? My mommy said I was a responsible adult. - [Junior] Who's your mom? - Yeah, sure Bowser, you can be the banker. I guess somebody has to be it. And he's the one that offered. So I guess you get to be the banker, Bowser. All right, so we get five, five coins and five one coins. - Right, ah bam! - Oh wow, well that was really useful and fast. Thanks, Luigi. - of course, Mario. Now pay your two coins to the piranha plant you owe him. - Okay, I will. All right, let's just grab one and two. There we go, I pay my two coins. - Okay, now it's my turn. Let's just roll this dice right now. And I got a one! - [Mario] How did you get a worse score than me? - I don't know. - [Mario] Like I literally got like the second to worst- - I know, I know, I know. Okay, let me just move by, just moved by one. Okay, so one coin. Does that mean I have to pay one coin? - No, I think it means you get one coin. - Oh, yay, I'm the richest guy in the game! - [Mario] You're you're rich by one coin. - Yeah, but I'm still the richest in the game. - My turn, ah, all righty, what'd I get? - Oh four, I got a four! All righty I gotta move four spaces. Let's grab my egg, let's move one, two, three, and four. Oh, I got the question mark block. All right, what do I get? Let's push it. (coin bell dinging) Oh, I got coins! I'm supposed to pull one of these cards. I think, So let's pull one of these cards. So if I got the coin, that means for each ping you hear, collect one coin from the bank. Oh, I'm pretty sure I heard three. So I'm gonna grab three coins. - Well, you're pretty sure? That's not how it works, Junior. - Well, I mean, Mario, I kind of heard three as well. - Well, you saying kind of though, like you don't even know if you heard? - Mario I'm pretty sure I heard three. All right, I got three more coins, now I'm the richest person in the game. - Not for long! - [Mario] Luigi it's not your turn. - Oh. - My turn ha, wee! Alright, what I get? Oh, I got a four as well. Alrighty, so let's just move mine. One, two, three, four. Oh, I'm right by you Junior. - Ah, cool Dad, you got on my spot. That means you have to press the little question mark block. - Gotcha, let's see what I can get. (evil laughing) Oh, I got myself. Alrighty, now it's time to pull a card. Okay, let's see what I got. So if I get the Bowser laugh, pay the bank five coins! I hate myself! Okay, does that mean I pay one of one of these things or one of the normal coins? - [Mario] I would just pay one of the fives. - Okay, yeah, I guess it's a little easier. There we go, I hate myself. - I'm surprised none of us have gotten community chests yet. Let's see what I get. All right, I got a four, so I gotta move. One, two, three, four, geez, speak of the devil. Okay, well I'm gonna get the community chess card. Let's see what I got. So I got, you defeat a Lakitu and take his cloud for a ride advance to go collect, two coins. Well that's awesome! This is a really cool card. Not only do I get to defeat Lakitu which is like my lifelong dream, but I also get to collect two coins. - Oh man, I wanted two coins. Well now I'm gonna be broke. - Luigi, you're literally the second richest person in the game. - Oh, yeah. I'll just fetch these coins for you Mario, since you're all the way over there. There's your two coins. - Yeah, I'm rich! All right Luigi, it's your turn. - Okay, now to see what that get. Let me just roll this really quick and oh, I got the five! Oh, that's pretty good. All righty so I'm gonna move mine One, two, three, four, five. I got community chest too! You know what that means, Mario, I could possibly get two coins as well. - [Mario] I don't really care. - Oh, but I'm gonna pull a community chest. Let's see what I got. So I got a Boo catches you, go to jail, don't pass Go, what?! - You were just gloating about community chest, and you got that! Oh, go to jail, Luigi. - Ugh, I don't like jail. That's where I met my weird cousin. - [Mario] What the hell? - My turn! All right, what'd I get? I got a six, oh sweet, I got a six! All right, so I'm gonna move mine. One, two, three, four, just visiting, five and six. (gasps) I landed on my own space! - Oh, what? How did you get a space and not me? And actually now that I look at it. Nobody else has a space, like no other characters it's just you? - Unless you're counting Magic Koopa and Chain Chomp. But as for relevant characters, you know it's your boy. - Here is your two coins Junior. - Cha-ching, thanks Mario! All right, dad, it's your turn. - All righty, what am I gonna get, what am I gonna get? Hopefully I get more than you Junior. - [Junior] That's not possible, I got a six. - Ugh, I got, a four! I got More than you Junior! All right, now I'm gonna move it. One, two, three, four. I landed on the just visiting. Does that mean anything? - Actually, I think you can just walk past that and keep going in another space. - Wait, what, you can? why didn't I know that? Nah, I guess things are meant to be though. I still landed on my own space. - Okay, I'm just gonna move to the next space then, 'cause I land on lethal lava land. All right, give me two coins, Mario. - Wait a minute, Bowser, you are the baker. Wait, why aren't you giving us money? Wait, I am? - [Junior] Dad, you you asked for that at the beginning of the game. - Oh yeah, okay, I'm gonna get my two coins myself then. Let's just pull one and two. There we go, I got two coins, yes! - Okay, it's time for my roll. And what do I get? I get a one? Oh man, I got a one? Okay, I'm just gonna move one, forest of illusion. Oh, I still get one coin. Okay, so I'm gonna pull a coin outta here. There we go. - It's my turn now (grunts) all righty, I got the four, okay. All right, but, I'm still in jail. - Well, that sucks I guess. - Ah, dang it. All right Junior, your turn. - All ready ahead of you. Ugh, and oh, I got a six! - What, Mario, stop cheating! - [Mario] What the hell? I didn't even do anything. - One, two, three, four, five, six. What is free parking? - That means nothing happened. So you just kind of do nothing, I guess? Ugh, I would've rather gotten the lower number. At least summing would've happened. All right dad, your turn. - All right, what'd I get? I got a four. Okay, so I'm gonna move. One, two, three, four. Delphino Plaza, two coins! - What? - What? - [Mario] Bowser, we just went over this, you're are the banker. - Oh yeah, okay, just pull one and two, got it! - Let's roll the die, and I got a four. Okay, not bad. All right, so we're gonna move one, two, three, four. Oh, I got Delphino Plaza as well. So Bowser, you gimme me my two coins. - What? But you're right there. - [Mario] Yeah, but you're the banker. (roaring) Okay! Stupid game anyway. - Wait, so do I just stay in jail the entire time? - I think so. - Well, there's no way that's how it works. How are you supposed to get down to jail? - [Mario] I don't know. - It has to be somewhere in the instructions. - [Mario] No, no, no Luigi, Luigi. The game is about me, I decide the rules. So if you get in jail, you're stuck in there for the rest of the game. - What? I wanna play the movie version already. - You know you can still pull community chest cards in jail, right? - [Mario] Junior, come on. Don't tell him that! - Really? Okay, okay let pull a card right now. Okay, let's see. So I got advance to the next utility. I can't even move! - I mean, you didn't move your last turn. So I say you can pull another card. - Okay. - I hate you so much, Junior. - Okay let's get let see what card I get. Okay, so I get, advanced Bowser's Galaxy. Why do I keep getting advanced cards? - My turn, okay, I got a six. All right, I keep on getting a six. - Mario. - Bro stop. - Who needs free parking? I'm the richest guy in the game! One, two, three, four, five, six. Oh, I land on Magic Koopa so I get two coins. - Ugh, it's such a long walk over there. I'm so tired already. Okay, Junior, I'll get you your two coins. We're gonna run outta money eventually. - Yay, I'm rich, all right, dad, your turn. - I know, ugh. Oh, I actually got a six. Oh, I got a pretty good number. Okay, let me move mine. One, two, three, no free parking, four, five, and six. Oh, Bowers Galaxy Reactor! Oh, what a pretty cool spot to land on. All right, three coins for me. Let's grab one and two- - Oh, Bowser, I thought you said it was a long walk over here? - Yeah, but not if I'm the one getting coins. Whoa, I'm rich! - My turn. Say why haven't we bought anything in this game yet? - [Luigi] I don't know, I don't think we've gotten that far. - I don't really think it's that far into the game, but, okay, so I got a three. All right, so I'm gonna move mine. One, two, three, oh, I just got free parking. It doesn't do anything. - Well, since I obviously can't roll the die, I guess I have to pull the community chest card. Okay, let's see. Hopefully I get the get outta jail free card@ Okay, let's see, what do I get? You successfully scared off a Shy Guy, it wasn't that hard, collect one coin, oh I actually got something good out of this! All righty, Bowser, gave me a coin. - Ugh, okay, I'll grab one out of here. There you go, Luigi. - Yay, thanks Bowser. - Time for my turn. All right, let's see. I got oh, a five. Okay, all right, so I'm gonna move. One, two, three, four, five, double cherry pass. Four coins, oh my God, that's actually a lot of coins! - (sighing) Why does my life have to be so hard? I just have to walk all the way across this bed just to give other people money. Why can't it just be me on the, whoa, whoa, whoa! (crashing) - Bro! - Does anyone remember their places? - No, but maybe this will be a good opportunity to finally play the Mario Bro's movie version, am I right? - Why do you wanna play the movie version so much? - No reason, I just really like the movie. - Yeah yeah, I like the movie too. All right guys, I guess we're gonna give the movie version a shot because Bowser decided to be a weirdo. - Hey, it's not my fault, you guys made me the banker and then placed the bank of the opposite side of the bed. - So Monopoly, the Super Mario Bros movie version. I mean, it's still Monopoly and Mario. So what exactly could be the difference between this and the one we just played? - This one's about the movie. - Great observation. All right, let's just get this open. (grunting) All right, got it open. Ooh, look at that! I'm looking snazzy. Oh, I like this version already. They got really good shots of us. - And look at me, I'm looking fancy as ever. - But look at me though, I'm looking threatening. (roaring) - Sadly, that threat doesn't carry over into real life. - Hey, one more snarky comment like that, and I'll blow you away with my fire breath. - [Mario] Sure. (Bowser growling) - Wait, where am I on this? - [Mario] Junior you're not in the movie. - Oh yeah, I remember that. All right, let's get started. (upbeat music) - Okay, so this game is like really similar to the other Super Mario version, except that it's got this big cutout Bower. - [Bowser] Yeah! - And it also has like these Bowser's Fury cards. - [Bowser] Yeah! - Shut up, shut up, shut up. But it doesn't really seem that different outside of that. Now we gotta pick our pieces. - Yep, you know me, I gotta be the Mario hat. - And I gotta be my little flashlight thing. - I've gotta be the crown because I'm the king. - And I gotta be the little cooking pot, yeah! - Dude, why can't you just like be normal or something? Anyways, wait, what's the difference between the two dice? - Let me check. Okay, so it says you have to roll both die, and it says that Bowser? Oh that Bowser is supposed to be part of us. Okay, so we have two Bowsers playing, I guess? I guess we're not gonna question it, but all righty, who's gonna go first? - We already established the order earlier. I'm gonna go first. So I'm just gonna roll both of these die. All right, Bowser moves two and I move five! A ha, I got ahead of you! - [Bowser] That's technically not me. - You're right, okay, so Bowser moves one and two. Oh, so he gets a a Bowser's Fury card. Okay, but I'm gonna move one, two, three, four, five. Oh, I get a warp zone. So I get one coin. - Wait, am I still the banker? - Yeah, you all also didn't give us our coins at the beginning of the game. (Bowser roaring) Thank you for the coin, Bowser. Now I'm gonna get the Bowser's Fury card. All right, now let's see what it says. It says Roll the black die and move Bowser that many spaces. Okay, I guess I'm gonna do that. I mean, didn't he already just move? Okay, he gets a two again. So one and two, what does the warp pipe do? - The warp pipe says, move to the next warp pipe and stop there. So the next war pipe is right there. - Oh, what? He gets ahead? How is that fair? Okay, well, I guess I'm gonna move him over there. Now he's farther ahead of everyone else. - [Luigi] He kinda would've been farther ahead of everyone else. I mean, you were the first person to play and you can't get that many spaces. - Yeah you're right. - My turn! Oh it feels good to actually be able to play the game again. All righty, so I got two and Bowser got four? Oh man, I'm just gonna move Bowser first then one, two, three, and four Ah ha, he got free parking. He doesn't get to do anything! But I got two so I'm gonna move one and two, oh, I have to still pull a Bowser's Fury card anyway. Okay, it might be okay. Who knows what I'll get. So I get advance to the Dark Lands, if you pass, go to, well, okay, first of all, how ironic that I'm the one that gets this when that's like what happens, whatever to the Dark Lands I go. And now I have to roll the dice again and move Bowser. So he moves three. Okay, so I'm gonna move him one, two, and three. Oh, of course he lands on his own castle, but it says three coins. So does that mean that Bowser gets them or I get them? - I have no idea, I guess since he's not a real player, we could just take advantage of it and not give him any coins. - Hey, be nice to my other self! - My turn, ah. Okay, so I got a four and a six. Okay, so I'm gonna move my own space. One, two, three, four, five, and six. I got the question mark block. Oh, I get a question block card. Okay, so I got trade any one of your properties for any one of another player's property. Wait, do we even have any properties? - Junior we don't remember how to play Monopoly, remember? We're just kind of like playing or something. We're just kinda like guessing how to play. I say that we should stop whenever we have the richest player. - Luigi that makes even less sense then the game would go on forever. - Hey guys, I'm playing Monopoly in real life. I just bought the entire state of Wisconsin. - What? How much is the state of Wisconsin? - No comment! I didn't say anything! - [Mario] Bowser, how much is the state of Wisconsin? - 473 billion. (high pitched ringing) - So we're not gonna afford to be able to live here anymore, is what you're saying? - Uh, yeah maybe, we just gotta wait for the demolition team to come over and crash our house down. - Oh, come on, Bowser. Now we're not gonna have time to play the rest of the game. Oh, well just keep going Junior, just move Bowser space. - Okay okay, I got you. Oh wait, Bowser was supposed to move six spaces. - [Bowser] Hey, don't call me by my name! - Why? - Because you're my son. You're like not supposed to call your dad by his name. - We're playing a game, dad, but, okay. Okay, so I should have moved only four. So, oh, I got to go to the warp pipe. Wait, so, okay, so this card doesn't actually mean anything, so I just have to go into the warp pipe. So I'm gonna take mine to the next warp pipe and that's it. I don't get to move anymore, but I get to move Dad. One, two, three, four, five, six. Oh, you just dodged jail dad. And you get Mushroom Forest, which we're not gonna give you any coins for. - (groaning) Come on demolition team, come faster. (slide whistle) (foot steps) I guess I'm gonna go next. All right, so I got a four a five, wait, where'd Luigi go? - [Mario] I don't know, just ignore it. I mean, do we really need him? - Yeah, I guess we don't need 'em right now. I mean, it's my turn. All right, so I got a five, so I'm gonna move mine. One, two, three, four, and five. Oh, I got the warp zone. But what does that mean? That means I get one coin! But that also means I have to go get that coin. Ah, okay. I got my one coin. There we go, now I have to move Bowser four spots. Okay, so I'm gonna move him. One, two, three, four. You see that little buddy? You've moved almost around the entire board! Oh, man, you're moving a lot, aren't you? Well, you're just like my son. - Dude. - Okay, so five coins, but we never really established what that means. So I guess it's your turn, Mario. - All right, it's my turn. Okay, a six and a six. Oh my God that's like the luckiest thing I could have gotten. Okay, so I'm gonna move it. One, two, three, four, five, six. Wait, was that six? - I mean, the way you moved it made it seem like seven, but just visiting isn't a spot. - Awesome, okay, so my spot gives me two coins so gimme two coins, Bowser. - (sobbing) I'm just getting forced to do things I don't want to do. - My brother in Christ. This is quite literally what you requested. - (crying) Here you go Mario, here's your coins or whatever. - He dropped them in Luigi spot and he gave me 11. But I mean, Luigi's not here for some reason. So guess I could just, you know, pocket some of this for myself and I'm good. Thanks Bowser. - Whatever. Anyways, where is Luigi? - I'm right here guys, I'm right here. You don't have to worry about anything. Why are you guys worrying? I mean, why are you guys talking about me so much? Like you guys are like obsessed with me. You guys are like my biggest fans, you know, like, I can't believe it. - What? - Nevermind, nevermind. Anyways, well what I miss? - Well the last thing I have to do is move the little Bowser guy, so I gotta move him, one, two, three, four, five, six. He lands at Brooklyn Heights and that's that. - My turn, ah, okay. So I got the three and the five. Okay, so I got to move myself. One, two, three, four, and five. Oh, Bower's Fury? I guess I'm gonna pull a card from here. Okay, so I got roll the red die and pay that many coins to the bank, what? And then roll the black die and move Bower forward that many spaces. Well, I already got to move Bowser anyway, so I'm gonna move him one, two, and three. Okay, so question mark block. He's not gonna get that right now. Nobody gets question block for for a minute. Okay, only Junior can get the question mark block. - Why? - Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Okay, so I have to pay however much I get on the red die. Okay, let me just, five! Can we do a respin? - [Mario] Luigi, pay your coins. - Okay, I guess I'm gonna pay five, but it'll be worth it later, don't worry about it. - [Mario] What's that supposed to mean? - Don't worry about it, I said don't worry about that. - You know, you still have to move me, right? Pay some respect to my mini self! - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, right, right, right. Okay, so I got to move this die again like so, and I got the four okay, so one, two, three, and four. Okay, so he lands at, I can't read what that is 'cause your stupid thing is in the way. - Let's go. Ah, okay, so I got a six and a three. Okay, so I'm gonna move mine one, two, three, four, five, and six. Oh, I got question mark block. Okay, let me pull this one. So it says, what does this one even say? It says give the player diagonal to you 250,000 coins? Well, oh, come on game, that's not fair! I don't have 250,000 coins! but I think it's talking about the banker. But come on, we don't have 250,000. All we have is like, I don't know, like maybe like a thousand at most. - Well, who's the player diagonal to you, Junior, huh? - You? - That's right. Pay up like you have to. - Go on dad, you do it. - Ah, this game reminds me of people at Subway who don't like their sandwich. Like, you literally make the sandwich yourself. How can you not like it? Anyways, there you go Luigi. That's literally all the coins that we have. - Oh man, I am rich. This is so beautiful! Oh, come on Mario, swim with me! Oh, that's right. You can't 'cause you're broke! - Oh yeah, I forgot. We still have to move Bowser. Okay, so we gotta move him one, two, and three. Oh, Bowser's Fury. I mean, should I pull a card from there? Because it's like him, and we don't really care about him. - [Bowser] Care about him! - Okay, I'm just gonna pull a card here. Okay, let's see what the Bowser's Fury card says. So it says roll the black die and move Bowser forward that many spaces. Okay not hard. All right, let's just roll it again. And we got a four. One, tow, three, and four and now we have a question block, okay, It's just gonna keep going, I guess. Collect one from each player? Oh, no way! - What? One coin? Come on. ou can't take one coin from me, come on I just became rich! - Luigi, one coin is not gonna take much outta you. Come on man, give it up. - Oh no, stay back, stay back I said! You're not touching a single one of my monies. I'm gonna spend all of it on a boat. Yeah, I'm gonna buy a boat and then I'm gonna sail all the way to Jupiter. - [Mario] Shut the hell up, Luigi. - Oh guys, I hear the demolition crew outside. We might want to hurry this up. - Ah, you know what, Luigi, I doubt that you actually got all of this money legit. There is no way that there is a card in Monopoly that just gives you all that money. What, are you serious Junior? This is the card that you believed? - Well, I don't know. I mean, I found it in the deck. - [Luigi] Yeah, man, he found it in the deck, believe it. - Luigi, did you leave mid round to go make your own card? And not even a believable card at that? - Oh yeah, I hear the demolition crew too. How can this day get any weirder? - Well, well you see okay, fine, I'll admit it. I made my own- (doorbell ringing) Yes, yes, I can finally get out here! Oh, I didn't do anything, Mario. I'm gonna go answer the door really quick. Be right back! - What? Oh, come on, Luigi. That's too convenient. I mean, it doesn't sound like we have much time anyway. - Hello? No, we don't want any more board games. What the heck? - Listen here, I put trackers inside of those board games now you're gonna tell me where they are right now or I'm gonna blow you away! (Luigi screaming)
Channel: CrazyMarioBros
Views: 1,093,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cmb, crazy, mario, bros, crazy mario bros, crazymariobros, mario plush videos, mario bros, nintendo, super mario, super mario bros, plush, movie, plush movie, sml movie, sml, monopoly, mario monopoly, mario monopoly game, mario and luigi, mario and luigi play, board game, game, board, board games, games, gaming, bowser jr, bowser, bowser junior, junior, jr, luigi, cmb luigi, cmb mario and luigi, cmb monopoly, the super mario bros movie, mario movie, mario goes to the mario movie, funny, lol
Id: Haq0UZxphik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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