Crazy Lady Gets Triggered by Lyft Driver

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I was going to comment "wrong sub" but since /r/videos bans,

(a) Immigration/Refugee Crisis.

(b) Feminism/Men's-Rights

(c) Arab Spring/Syrian Rebellion/ISIS.

(d) Race Relations/Black Lives Matter.

this is the appropriate sub now.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

Bit of a stretch to call it a political video

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TheCyanKnight 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

actual political comment:

If it wasn't for "the pillaging" of Hawaii, women would still be enslaved WORSE then the Taliban. . . Yes, pre-colonial Hawaii women actually had it WORSE then women in the darkest Islamic worlds. Probably take the cake of the most oppressive to known history, as far as I know.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/fiafem 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

I'm a five star man!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/servuslucis 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

This seems like perfect front page reddit material, how is it not on the front page

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Lonslock 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

I love the minority of sjw h3h3 fans getting triggered in the comments. they're so worried they're starting to lose the culture war

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/i_hate_n_iggers 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

rule 1

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GurgleIt 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2016 🗫︎ replies
E: You might be wondering why we're in these hazmat suits, we're not planning a trip to Chernobyl or anything like that, or... a nuclear waste site. We're planning on watching another triggered feminist video, which in my opinion, (echoes) is way more toxic. The Cult of Outrage, is back. And in the spirit of Hugh Mungus, God bless him, hallowed be his name, another triggered feminist has come along, and we cannot resist the urge, (echoes) no, the call, (echoes) the responsibility, (echoes) to talk about it. <piano music playing> So, just to explain the backstory here a little bit guys, this happened about a week or two ago, some feminist got into a Lyft with somebody, he had a hula doll figurine on his dashboard as you can see here, it's a hallmark honestly, a staple of Hawaiian tourism. It's kind of the icon of the whole country. And this little figurine, triggered her so bad, she loses her fucking mind, and of course just like Zarna did in Hugh Mungus, records it to show how she's been oppressed, uploads it to the internet, and then everyone's like "oh wow this bitch is crazy." So again the similarities between her and Zarna are, are striking. And it really supports my theory that this is more of a cult, then some kind of social movement. So let's proceed guys, put on your gear, put on whatever you got, pause the movie, I know you've some protective gloves, some goggles, whatever you got. Hila we have goggles, we can gear up more, to be honest. <1960s Batman Music Plays> Okay now I'm feeling very protected. So guys let's hop right in. Get ready, this is going to be a rough ride. <Hila Klein Eye-roll™> H: Yah. Social Justice Warrior: "You thought that was adorable, you didn't" "think about like the pillaging of, the" "like, continent of Hawaii." Driver: "I didn't even know there was pillaging..." SJW: "Oh, you didn't?" E: Alright so we enter mid-conversation, she's already started to bitch at this poor guy, and she started filming it. So she goes, "you thought that was adorable?" "Didn't you think about the pillaging of like," "continent of Hawaii?" (She) probably couldn't even point to Hawaii on a map. The continent of Hawaii?? Are you seriously going to get on your soapbox protecting Hawaii, when you don't even know it's a fucking state? H: I think she knows everything, so... E: You know what? It probably is a continent, now that she said it. H: If it wasn't, now it should be. SJW: "Okay. So you won't get rid of the doll then?" "Because that was like 'a really cute pick that you found at Goodwill.'" E (Mocking): Goodwill. SJW: "Goodwill." E: Have you ever heard a more obnoxious voice in your life by the way. You're trying to act super educated, right? Getting up on the soapbox? Talking about the "continent" of Hawaii? SJW: "Goodwill." <Hila Cringe Grimace™> D: "I'm not going to not get rid of it because of that..." "I just didn't realize that it was offensive to anybody." SJW: "But, so obviously, like," "you as like a white male," <Alarm Plays> E: WHITE MALE ALERT!! WHITE MALE ALERT!! SJW: "you are like the least, like," D: "But now you're judging me, you're assuming" D: "where I'm from." SJW: "No, I'm not." SJW: "I'm judging you." E: There are a lot of different kinds of fucking men, okay? Yes there are some racist, scumbag, wife-beating, white males. But there's also some good fucking dudes who happen to be white males. In fact, the majority of males in America, are white. So, how are you not being a fucking racist right now? H: Yeah, I don't see how it is anything to bring up, like what? E: Being a white male in Social Justice Warrior terms is like original sin. It's like you were born guilty. You need to absolve, you need to like, dip your head in a pool of fucking, Kool-Aid (OH YEAH). SJW: "I'm a passenger in your car, like," "that doll is offensive to me," "but you don't want to take it down because you, like," "'found it at Goodwill and it was a good find.'" E: Stop. H: What's with the Goodwill? E: She's just like poor shaming him. H: Oh my god. E: She's like, yeah you drive for Lyft, and you shop at Goodwill, you broke piece of shit. I was born in Beverly Hills, I come from a millionaire family, but let me complain about you being entitled. Meanwhile I'm a passenger in your car, and I want you to fucking tear it down. H: It's like Lyft, it's his car, E: Yes. H: so just, shut up, and go in the car, or get out, and take someone else. E: This is, this is them: (echoes) My world needs to be a safe place. SJW: "Goodwill." (echoes) E: I'm in your car for ten fucking minutes, (echoes) and if there's something I think is offensive, I need you to tear it off. (echoes) SJW: "you're just like, a white male," E (triggered): Because I can't endure it for my 10 minute ride. D: "Uh, I don't know where to go from here..." "you want me to take down something I just put down because..." SJW: "Yeah, no I do want you to because it's actually" "deeply offensive and I do want you to take it down." D: Alright, well obviously you're going to give me" "a one star, but I'm not taking it down, so I'm sorry about that." SJW: "I'm gonna do worse than give you a one star." E: That line, is so... H: What does it mean? What is she gonna do to him? I'm kinda scared. SJW: "I'm gonna do worse than give you a one star." E: I need to step away from the camera. The fucking toxic of that shit was way too intense. E: You're not taking it down? I'm gonna do worse than one star. I could ruin your fucking life, for not listening to me, and making this ten minute ride, more comfortable for me because I didn't like your absolutely harmless hula doll. I will ruin your fucking life. D:" like, I'm not trying to offend you, if you want me to drop over here" "or at the next exit I can do that, but" SJW: "No I would like you to take me to my destination." E: So guy's like, listen, you're ruining my night, I'll happily drop you off here and you can grab another lift cause clearly this is not working out. E: And then... H: She's like no. H: Take me to where I wanna go. E: You need to take me to my destination because E: you're entitled, and not me. I'm not entitled. H: And take off that doll. E: And rip the fucking doll off your dash. H: "You white male." D: "I will do that but..." SJW: "Thank you." D: "but i don't know why my beautiful Lady Lola is offending you." SJW: "What's your name? You're going to be on Gawker." (Psycho Laugh) "And you'll be like the next Internet meme, it's going to be super funny." SJW: "You're going to be on Gawker." (x2) <Ethan Klein Wheeze™> (x2) SJW: "Pillaging, Continent, White Male, Hawaii." <Trigger Overload> <Trigger Levels Reaching Critical Mass> <Ethan Klein Cough™> <Triggered² = Triggered∞> E: You gotta love the irony that she thinks she's going to expose him on Gawker, but this bitch is now the supervillian of YouTube. Passenger: "This whole conversation is irrelevant. The fact that you care" "that much about something on his dashboard..." SJW: "Yes, I do, I actually care a lot." Passenger: "That's sad." SJW: "It's not sad. It's important." Passenger: "Pretty pathetic." SJW: "Did you say it was pathetic? Passenger: "Yeah." SJW: "Can I have your name, please?" E: Can you be less creepy?! What are you going to do? Put her name on the list? You're like scientology. You have a blacklist of people to follow and harass? Why do you want to know her name, you fucking weirdo? Passenger: "Yeah, Jade." SJW: "And your last name?" E: This is how evil she is. She's like, in her mind, I'm going to put this on Facebook, on YouTube, so that all my insane friends can see this. So what I want from you for disagreeing with me for ten seconds, is to get your first and last name, so I can publicly shame you. And hopefully, somehow, one of my insane friends is in your life, and can make your life miserable, for disagreeing with me for ten seconds. D: "Oh, I'm sorry that my Hawaiian lady offended you." SJW: "Yeah, I'm sorry that you have no consideration for actual Hawaiian people," "who don't want to be bobblehead item in your car while you're driving for Lyft." "You fucking selfish dumbass idiot." (Psycho chuckle) E: Let's get real, dog. Who used language? It gives me a real flashback-back to Zarna. When she snapped, she also started called them entitled fucking asshole idiots. Zarna: "Fucking A-holes." E: She used the same offensive, strong language when her whole argument system broke down, and she results to childish, immature, pathetic insults. SJW: "You fucking selfish dumbass idiot." (Psycho chuckle) E: Oh, and I just noticed, You guys are going to fucking love this, I tried to check out her twitter, and it turns out she already blocked me. E: She pre-blocked me. H: Before she even watched the video. I never saw the video, I never said a word about it, and she already blocked me. Like she knows I'm problematic. H: You're on the blacklist. E: I'm blacklisted They got my name, the blacklist is real. That girl, Jade, in the passenger seat, she's been blocked on twitter. D: "I'm being rude?" SJW: "You are being rude." "You have no connection to this culture." "You know that is a cute little bobble item that you had in your car," "that you don't know anything about, and you're an idiot." E: Once you call someone an idiot like that, you've lost. You lost the argument, you're just done. H: Who talks like that? E: To a stranger? H: Yeah. H: Let's keep in mind that there's an idle passenger in there, H: the whole time. E: You know, the only person that can get away talking like that to someone? A privileged, fucking, female, who knows they're not going to get punched in the face, for being a fucking rude, obnoxious person. This is the definition of privilege. Who else has the privilege to talk down, and rudely to so many people, without fear of repercussion? That is true privilege. D: "Oh my god. This is my car, can you please get out of it?" SJW: "No I won't. Call the police. Call 911." D: "Okay.." SJW: "About how I won't leave your car." Passenger: "I wish you would." D: "Can you please exit the vehicle?" SJW: "No, I can't." "But you can give me your first and last name." "Here, here's what I'll do instead..." SJW: (Psycho laugh) "Holy shit." E: The laugh, she's a psychopath. H: That's crazy. E: The way she giggles after she ruins this guy's night for no reason. SJW: (Psycho laugh) E: Also I am gonna call 911 and tell them you raped me, because basically you did. You're a white male so you did actually rape somebody somewhere. H: She did actually tweet this. "Just had a racist Lyft driver kick me out of his car o the side of the freeway. What a time to be alive." Yes, what a time to be alive, indeed, Analece. First of all, that looked like a fucking quiet, residential neighborhood. H: I really doubt that's the middle of the freeway. E: It's not. So essentially they're manufacturing reality, lying, to be triggered, to be outraged. And after being able to actually see what happened it really special, because you see the outrage afterwards, but now to see the objective reality, and see how crazy they are, is really powerful. I feel like this is a war between rational, sane, thinking humans and just absolute coal. E: Guys, what can you do to avoid being triggering, a social justice warrior? First Step: Don't be a white male. If you're white, and male, kill yourselves and get out guys. Move to a new country or just die already, okay? Hila? You're a fucking white male, don't try to hide it. H: (They're onto me...) E: Second of all, don't shop at Goodwill, okay? Because that's what stupid assholes who don't understand culture do and they're poor! And most importantly guys, always remember, always remember, don't put hula dolls on your dashboard. SJW: "Goodwill" "(Psycho laugh)" "you fucking selfish, dumbass idiot." "I'm gonna do worse than give you a one star." <Sexy h3h3 Intro Remix by EchoRobot>
Channel: h3h3Productions
Views: 8,699,821
Rating: 4.947948 out of 5
Keywords: lyft, uber, driving, cars, car, triggered, trigger warning, h3h3, h3h3productions
Id: LNmvEkikg1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2016
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