MTV Hates White Guys

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Ethan: IT'S TIME TO STOP, MTV! Ethan: I'm not sure, I don't know. Ethan: Is white face racist or not? Ethan: It's okay I can say whatever I want, I'm in white face Ethan: IT'S TIME TO STOP! MTV: First off, try to recognise that America was never "great" for anyone who wasn't a white guy. Ethan: The fuck are you talking about? Ethan: She's making it sound like nobody who's not a white male never had a good life in America Ethan: Not one fucking person Ethan: And then on the other side she makes it sound like every white male sitting on an ivory tower, with like slaves and butlers and like women just sucking their dick Because they fuckin' own the world, Ethan: This is what- I'll tell you why pissed so many people off Ethan: Because 30% of this country, the biggest group are white Americans (white males) And I'll tell you what, 90% of 'em are just normal ass, fuckin' working class people! Ethan: 95% struggling to get by just like the people on this video, right? Ethan: And they're seeing this shit being like, "Yo where's my fuckin' privilege?" Ethan: "Where is the privilege you guys are accusing me of having?" Ethan: It's like, "Yeah, fuck you man" Ethan: You get defensive 'cause it's like why you talking shit I didn't do anything. Fuck you! Ethan: And why the fuck did MTV become Buzzfeed?! Ethan: Who at MTV was like, "You what people love and we need to be more like? Buzzfeed. Everybody loves Buzzfeed." Ethan: What da fuck dawg? Ethan: Also I am available for children's parties and cameos in whiteface, I do public speaking, bar mitzvahs, weddings, guys I'm all over the place I'm desperate for money, I know that I'm a white male, but underneath I'm actually I'm very olive complexion, so please don't hate on me just based on if I- if I take off this white face will you still love me? MTV: Also, blue lives matter isn't a thing! MTV: Cops weren't born with blue skin, right? I mean, Yeah! MTV: They weren't born blue! Ethan: I think what he's trying to say is that Blue Lives Matter is not equal to Black Lives Matter, because you choose to be a cop and you could- can quit being a cop anytime you want, unlike being black, you cannot quit being black, is what he was trying to say, which is an interesting point, but because it's such a stupid poorly made fucking video, all it ends up looking like is, "Hey, I'm a token fucking black guy that the white person who made this video threw in to make it look diverse. Ethan: I do bar mitzvahs, by the way Ethan: If anybody's looking for entertainers, for any public events, please call me. Ethan: Do you think he decided to wear that shirt or the stylist, the director of this video made him put it on to appeal more to the, youth of America. MTV: Stop bragging about being woke. MTV: Stop saying woke! Ethan: Why are you guys so angry about being woke, like that seems like such a strange thing to like, latch onto. I don't see white people walking around saying they're being "woke". why are you so upset about people being woke? Maybe it's because you're not woke, maybe because you sleep, bitch! Ethan: How woke am I right now? Hila:You're pretty slept. Ethan: WHAT?! Ethan: This is the face of a woke ass white man! Ethan: Get on my level, bitch! Ethan: That's a hip-hop dance Ethan: I just appropriated your culture, bitch! Ethan: Get woke! MTV: Learn what mansplaining is, and then stop doing it. Ethan: Did you just womansplain me to tell me to do not mansplain? Ethan: Did i just get- dude, you need to woke your ass up dawg MTV: Oh and if you're a judge, don't prioritize the well-being of an Ivy League athlete over the woman he assaulted. Ethan: It's a very specific message to all white people, but I'll make sure the memo gets around and everybody knows that. MTV: We all love BeyoncΓ©, and yeah she's black, so of course she cares about black issues! MTV: I'm talking to you, Fox News. MTV: Feel free to take Kanye West, though you guys can have him. MTV: You know what you did, Kanye. Ethan: So let me get this straight, in a video talking about how racist white people are, you suggested excommunicating, one of your own kind, for meeting with, the president-elect! Ethan: That's- that is the most backwards, most fucked up thing ever. Ethan: All you guys, all you white people you can keep Kanye, because he met with the President and now we don't want him anymore, but fuck white people. Ethan: Why am I talking about white people like a group, it's so bizarre! I've never done this before, I was like, Oh, us white people. It's fucked up but they did it, they like put me in this mindframe where it's like us and them, I've never thought about just like, oh, I'm a white person. Us white people. Ethan: Like y- it's fucked up! Ethan: They're fucking with my brain, it's not supposed to be like that! MTV: Nobody who has black friends, says that they have black friends. Ethan: I have black friends, I have a ton of black friends MTV: Just because you have black friends doesn't mean you're not racist! MTV: You can be racist with black friends! Ethan: Yo what the fuck, what do you want me to do with my black friends now, that's the only reason I was hanging out with them! Ethan: Man I thought I was hanging out with my black friends the whole time because actually like them and had a fucking friendship with them it would have turned out just trying to prove that I'm not racist! MTV: We know nobody's perfect. MTV: But honestly, you could do a little better in 2017. MTV: Some of you guys do a great job. ...some of you don't. MTV: Please, because 2016 is bad. MTV: 2017 can't be worse than this, alright? Because this is bad. Ethan: Yeah man, 2016 was a shitty year dude, it was hard. And I recall the really obnoxious things that have been 2016. Zarna: Hugh Mungus what? Is that sexual harassment, is that what you just did when you said that to me? Hugh Mungus: What, Hugh Mungus? Zarna: Why would you say that to me? SJW: But, so, obviously, like, you as like a white male, you really like least, like- Lyft driver: But now you're judging me, you're assuming where I'm from. Tan: That's my first train trip as a manspreader. Tan: I just feel like a monster, already. Tan: How can you do this everyday without being conscious of it? Zarna: THIS PERSON JUST SEXUALLY HARASSED ME! Zarna: HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! Zarna: DISGUSTING! DISGUSTING! Woman Recording: fucking selfish, dumbass idiot. *chuckle* Woman Recording: You're gonna be on Gawker! *another chuckle* Tan: What is it between their legs that's so important, that it requires 2-3 seats? *Ethan Crying* *Ethan coughing* FUUUUUCK Ethan: I'm done with this. Ethan: I'm done, dude. Ethan: It's not funny. Ethan: Still white. Ethan: I'm still white. Ethan: *sigh* I'm still white. Ethan: And if you think I'm being racist for defending white people, go back to my videos from a month ago, when every alt-righter that was subscribed to us was shitting on me for being a fucking libtard for calling out Joey Salads for his racist black social experiments, k? Ethan: I'm just calling it like I see it. Ethan: These guys are fucking racist, Joey Salads is fucking racist, and I'm in whiteface, where does that leave me? Ethan: I don't know! Ethan: I do kids shows, please fucking hire me! Ethan: Thank you so much to Dollar Shave Club for sponsoring this video. Ethan: Shave up dawg! Ethan: Damn that actually fucking works hella good! Ethan: Use their blades with their shave butter for a dope-ass, close-ass clean! Ethan: Get one of the best shaves I've ever had in my life. Ethan: That's a new look for me! Ethan: All new members that want to try this lovely razor, and do so for $1. Ethan: No risks, no shipping fees, click the link in the description:, Ethan: You can be jamming and slamming just like the big boys! Ethan: That is a clean shave, commander Riker *wink* Ethan: Do you like my facial hair? Hila: No. Ethan: She hates the haircut but she loves the close shave. Ethan: They also sell shampoo and bodywash that'll leave you smelling delicious! *sellout* [h3h3 ending theme]
Channel: h3h3Productions
Views: 9,990,146
Rating: 4.9147687 out of 5
Keywords: mtv, mtv news, buzzfeed, dear white guys, manspreading, h3h3, h3h3productions, music, music video, music videos
Id: G1IewlAi7dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2016
Reddit Comments

Don't bother calling 1 800 white face for your new year eve party's i've alrady got him booked.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Frankeh1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

he looks like pablo escobar with that hair

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VeryAveragePerson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't necessarily agree with him on everything he's saying, but MTV was stupid as hell for making that video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
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