CRAZY interrogation most evil child in history, gripping FBI interrogation.

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you still read some stuff to you it makes it legal first and talk to me so I can tell you when I mentioned the Jo mines Eric I'm a detective here with broken Eric police like she told you Ranger Jana she's affected also and we just want to spend some time and maybe talk and discuss some things and maybe ask you some questions let you guys have some questions make sure what's going on and we'll go from there okay so you've probably heard or seen us on TV before but it's your notification your rights your Miranda rights and so I'm gonna read it to you but I want to sit here where you can see the paper because I'm what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna read one through by it right here and so I'll read them and you kind of could look at it but I'm gonna make sure you understand all these you have the right to remain silent you do not have to answer any questions or make any statement in court you have the right to talk to a lawyer before we ask you a question and you have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning you cannot afford a lawyer and want one the court will appoint one for you before you are asked any questions sorry read it sideways if you want to answer questions now without a lawyer being present you may use so you have the right to stop answering questions at any time so you understand what those are saying basically if you want an attorney just tell me if you don't like any of the questions I ask just tell me the stuff you get uncomfortable will stop whatever you want kind of hearing controls that sound good okay so what I want to do is I'm going to read this waiver to you right here and you look at it as I read it to you as well make sure you it says I have read the statement of my right son above I understand what my rights are willing to answer questions and make a statement I do not want a lawyer president this time I understand you know what I am doing no promises or threats that they made to me and no pressure is any kind has been used against me so do you agree with that statement that I just read to you that you're looking at a few signs yeah just wherever you can do this and then if you will read an answer 1 3 4 yeah you get used to you and said you graduated yep okay okay FLT so you put high school for your formal education and are you president how many drugs or medication we answered no are you into the influence of alcohol you answered no and you do read and speak English obviously but yes yeah sound good okay do you take any prescription medications well man I'm you know I'm just kind of got thrown into this so I was hoping maybe you could kind of just go back at the beginning what all this started and kind of tell me what happened because I need I need kind of the details so we know and understand what what you went through and stuff okay very stuff mm-hmm okay that looks like she wants to go okay it's when we first really start talking so when you say we who are you talking about Hilary's also your brother yeah and what's isn't it Robert okay and how old is he 18 okay all right go ahead sorry I hope once ago I think back to the study I was not talking about my age and stuff like that so can I take seriously the first baby stop by and make body armor and stuff where did he buy body armor from eBay Amazon okay did he have a job he didn't have my take you quit this no there you go Oh basically it just kept escalating to cutting board and just if I went to do say guess who got me my own sense okay and then about a month about like June 30th is when you came to me safe I was out there you can legally buy guns without putting me in Oklahoma and he could okay and that's my start planning did you know you said he bought body armor but you kind of said like a bunch of stuff that he bought what L study by besides by the army Oh sent by the young women knives and here's another [ __ ] college and ammunition I see okay where did where did he buy the knives from evicted okay don't my kidneys tell me like how many knives or what they look like or anything like that think he had power he gave a little knives didn't one small can attacks okay and then the guns where do you start behind the rounds about keep online I think the websites like but it's kind of errands all right again he bought you lost a lot of for you money miss Aaron talk and a shotgun of his like a remark salute their family but the box of work cycle but she like I think okay but my school of the official website they come ships to like give me our code club said okay actually okay so they were going and they were shipped to to the gun shop here in Broken Arrow yep okay I knew it where's that gun shop do you know oh she said said I'm also a his client I do not because they don't and if you could taste to get long it's like baby I'm coming short okay or something and don't think you bought it goes like 20 or 50 shotgun balance okay I need a naughty paper them I need some website anything about close to a thousand grams for the box well okay he's still oh so you're supposed to have to take both of them yeah there's no speak one today and where was he supposed to pick those by the ammunition is being shipped to the house it comes with now they're in shock do you know what his eBay user was no I just didn't know if you'd ever been on eBay and shocked or anything bye-bye I used to know so so he was buying weapons just you guys had talked about murdering you know any stunts by hand again okay never wrong if they kiss I see the way I thought it might do it if I quit the noise tonight didn't okay that you didn't want to do it I don't wanna do it I didn't just beep I didn't kill anyone okay I understand someone my cousin Christopher Christopher Christopher what you standing with Oh what's your neck look like it's camouflage on a segment on where your hand goes or where the blade is just came off long yeah there's all him for the whole thing how big is that show me how big it is I think it's about this big of the mandible was a woman what was Christopher doing when you stabbed him he was laying on the bathroom floor Robert is also stabbing in progress with a girl or a boy needs help him as I said Christopher where did you stab him oh really okay you okay yeah okay let me know if you need a break or anything okay so was Christopher still alive when you stabbed him yes what was he thinking and doing he was just really was did you say he's in the bathroom yeah business it's what they are that Matthew who else was in the bathroom I think they tell you why they did that Victoria yeah my own funny little sister before your own okay I want to talk about that more but we got to try to kind of stay like chronological you know what I mean so let's go back real quick we're talking about the ammunition being delivered making plans tell me more about making plans and what you guys talk about making plans real plotted every night and that study lies what do this on the second night as I start getting already Windows labs used a second night where you chose first okay Disney started that's what you started making the plan yeah that's we found out you could bite down asleep I see did you guys draw make drawings or write things down or I think he had the journal the amazing thing is that this time I think it's under his bed under is no check that is it like a I think like a journal like a notepad yeah it's like I said a point book a great black book I think it's taking over the case so you think hero stuff in there yeah I think he's flying in it so then the second day you said that's when you realized that it might actually happen what made you go like that I have so you see was I mean here's one of you you started you started fighting I'm taking all this money how he's a bank and throwing away his stuff you know all this stuff so you know why did he want to do that okay yeah um well mainly two reasons I think it's um because he just like says he hates everyone anything society's pointless people and also he wanted to like beat beat the killed other famous people like Colin but 1992 James even Horace okay did you kind of feel that way too like when you guys were talking earlier like yeah like do you have a problem with society to do you think I just or you're just more like the the number of people getting killed was kind of interesting and exciting okay so because you mentioned a couple names of are those like serial killers or something what like Colin line yeah I have a column that a champion Holmes James Eagan Holmes is a guy that shot at the theater in Colorado yeah equal 12 and how many were killed in Columbine 15 okay I think so you guys have a goal did you have a number Hughes wanted I think like 50 okay so how okay so as the planning goes tell me stomach with what plans you started making I'm not with well originally I say toss stayed stayed the month is so we wanted a living at the house first okay I didn't make all the packages to show up over the weekend and then we take two you're calling me together out of state with the guns in that stove okay thank you did you know where you were gonna drive to Washington Washington State or deep Washington State there's actually why would you go to Washington State yeah it's kinda connection you know and you said you call him did your parents have what are you calling as ever that's logic so just rubber have a driver's license cancelled on the school okay so so you would be able to drive it can you drive it I mean if you had to know what you can play video games early to drive a car it's not very well you could get it to point A to B you might hit some things on the way okay say hey plan so then so what happened after I mean tell me some more well I think everything's falling in place yes normally I started my studies he did you guys like get things away to friends or anything like that I reckon it in the Spanish I'm sure a lot of it's telling compatibles in the technology in the girl what kind of stuff did you throw away or add new stuff towards you know stuff that was just piled up in my closet oh I said old shoes clothes did you have how only we had the body of our body on Roberts head his license is starting to go and we're defining it well he's been buying it then well ago was it shipped to the house yeah do your parents know I mean did they know they knew he had a bullet confessed I always thought there's a little wired I do say did he have anything else like the the gear that guys wear helmets or goggles or gloves he had a soft confess too heavy Sekhmet elated you know a helmet put your phone in about 50 they ask a lot of what goes one also like oh nice yeah nice okay yeah that's fine and then your the body over that you had what was it like it was on the stable Oh kind of just a few different models and where is your body armor now all my vests and my helmets it was laying in the woods they daughter killed it off of me oh I was finding it oh you were wearing denim I read this elf s didn't played okay say took that and the rest of my body I was still in my closet okay so then kind of what happens is I mean you guys started getting all that stuff together and yeah throwing things away again we do think that all the packages and the holsters out of all that stuff is gonna get a few minutes long and so we set a date so what's the plan to use the knives at first on the family business because the guns were gonna be here too later on yeah and not to be too loud though I say so I used an Ashland family obviously did not go as planned yeah I think yeah oh I just sort of the best votes by an athlete yeah so then you picked a date you said yeah which was yesterday yesterday it's a date did you pick a time and everything yeah yeah midnight when we're still we said he wasn't anymore so how did you guys know you just came to talk to you or you got hammer would you oh that's good waiting okay it's time to pick the date um a good quality not good packages it would be however because y'all have a mission he didn't want them to see that Suey told him the day before the night initially held did they have to do it to you guys she you guys not like your mama didn't I mean this there what are they I mean I'm most teenagers don't like their parents so I can understand that yeah I mean mom so table tennis all day you know just a little bit too much yes so you guys waiting in the room and he was at right when midnight and that's when they started by midnight um my sister and she came and she's hanging to go bet you can't even tell us I was 13 okay she came in to tell us they only this is the kitchen done for emancipated for the catsup and it's basically did what we planned I said I had I to my desk and I said like casually look at something to dis against with all over why not behind - I feel really where do you use obvious lunch okay a large right now yes I finally mean is it it's like my right oh I say nothing um and then she always screaming mom dad mom came in first in it she went upstairs just room is downstairs it's twisted back to us and so she filled in and started screaming get worked up standing Oh like I freaked out his we say anything her I mean I just stood down okay then mom came in yelling call the police I think you might have one step two then he stabbed her yeah she always stabbing could push your foot to top the hallway okay you have not to do when okay so she sat down at your desk in he slit her throat before she was standing about that scumbag behind and so that was the other thing she felt on screaming and then he stabbed her some more when he was stabbing her still or was it where was he stabbed in her neck but her knowing that kids their stomach a pentile and then came in and she started yelling call the police get dad and then he came over and started attacking her he actually caught up and ran out to feel too well and I want smaller something round he got up and started shooting after and what are you done did you come out in the hallway you know I was just standing in the room and across the sound room I was doing so he stabbed your mom went to say not that soon and worried he stabbed her I think in the neck too no actually he just sounds like that push through to the kitchen with attentive so together she started screaming you know branded to the family know that they attempt to abolish said about the house okay I went over disable T along okay I did and then worse the the pad for your alarm it's not cut - its what it's how they feel until near the front door yeah so I might have disabled a lawn so good yeah but has she already gone outside she might have said anything wrong with might have to vote so where where does she she she was playing the two got away and he to go go back um another thing she thought that that would stunt show came home that his main advantage front yeah a little [ __ ] in a 3-2 pitch consoles and when I'm back inside to go after the little kids did he bring her in or did she fail she stayed out of town until he has to be PA coming out my help had to go them inside that's why she's thing beyond and he gets go right inside I was you brother Beckett yes she's still alive yes she was still screaming and then that's about the time dad came down but his his veggies upstairs and he might back into place having welcomed us boys heads what they call it on the problem huh plea they start attacking there they got ahold of I think eventually well I'll talk to him tell me though I think he killed him did he cut his throat - where did that happen and on them in your room yep and where were you I was standing in the hallway okay so did you see him cut your desk though did he stab in other places - I don't know I think he just and home and where was she was an entryway yes she said I think she was happy to run at that time and then on and then came when I didn't and their goal was in his room just down the hall and I was like but meeting helsdon okay and so I was like let me in let be it can be staying on your father the police had better just my father kept my phone and I went into the kitchen estimation underground which was your phone yes myself anymore um in jail my pack down Frankie on daniel and crystal crystal after something bathrooms Aryan locked himself in dad's office okay and then I finally got Bertha me to open to talk because they thought I want to do that just that they were in different rooms yeah don't die against each other oh I see and then I stabbed him if he went and stared Christopher mention that's my stairs so when he's dead Daniel or did he's dead and I think he ashamed I mean that could in Daniel ban off and so I went in I started attacking for us so Daniel got stabbed in the neck and ran off yeah where he just loves it Humana into the family room mom mom ended up she was lying okay and he stopped in there yeah actually he's collapsed in there and then why we came in and start stabbing him in the chest oh I see and then the youngest the four-year-old hey I missed the one that you said - who was that Chris - Christopher ancestors his head he's eight and he was in the bathroom yeah so Daniel had got stabbed in the neck ran out to where your mom was yeah Robert followed in stabbed him some more yeah it has to have to be Christopher oh I see okay and then basically after that was pretty much dead we all who was then everyone I think okay looks like they would say except she was lying if you say me then that was a knock at the door oh because I wanted to I think that mine did the neighbor because policeman to pay their debts and they just kept knocking on to toast to each one dramatic whatever Tommy but my soft festive estan was carrying the plates over my limit on didn't get mad we went out the back to my dad's office Clara defense-wide run into the Pope and started cutting through the woods okay how well we both collapsed and he says image is sitting there and they found us that's how you got kind of dirty and stuff dirt on you so you guys collapse where you just kind of hide now they're just laying a little ditch and then we saw the light really didn't though the dog died you hear the dog coming coming and then they said yelling put your hands up okay kind of I'm a little bit lost because there's too many people in this house um there's you know there's Robert you're 16 he's 18 then who's next yeah she said their noses she was the first one okay and then Daniel not interested then Christopher Victoria she's four yeah okay and what's mom's name April sharp okay Victoria's four and then what's Dad see David David and then are there any other kids time to get to that Oh nuts he knows she's in babysit about two to toddler she was something in bed food he forgot about her and I think she stayed asleep until the police came I saw him okay for now so she was say you saw them carrying her up Jackie I was handcuffed was that the plan was to kill her too though yeah so when y'all got done at the house where were you gotta go um we were planning on town for at least the day we went to that like together by using a room there's something to the Attic the next day where we gonna go and where was you're gonna be a master plan to get how much people the most bang for your buck we're just heading genuinely to its Washington State we thought I'd do a statewide did you guys have like are you gonna go I mean who else were you gonna kill just whoever you ran into yeah hey my food he said five good time like gas stations restaurants okay I mean it just keep go did how did he have some money saved up or something yeah I had 1980s the final thing on going like this awesome until I got plus something to it I had okay so we talked a lot about your plans and the beginning because here's what I don't understand it is is you and Robert kind of planning things at house I mean because you seem like a really smart kid and that you kind of I mean it seems like you had some pretty detailed plans you guys had good equipment and weapons and it seems to me and tell me if I'm wrong but I would think that as you I plan this out you had maybe more specific plans like Robert was going to kill this person again and we're going to kill so who are you supposed to kill I was supposed to take my pistol Costco whispers do shank is she supposed to die I love you yeah she was a lovely person she was and then Robert would go and the slimmest he'll push you over with you me a birthday learning club because they were supposed to be like quiet rise they did I would go upstairs and shoot David dad and they got was my she still cross them over have killed him and hidden probably go over went okay there's energy you sure did you use your crossbow no no the only time I heard anybody eight home which my stairs Christa for the neck did get Robert use your crossbow no no it's just saying where is your crossbow I think time I bet it's still unless they collected it so did you have it up ready to go and then it just kind of didn't go as planned yeah nothing yeah did I think we talked about it but did Robert you said he had a knife it was just like yours but it was red did he ever use another knife on anybody else all right thanks I don't think he did I mean he had another small surgical blade knife you know the footage is he stayed he was when you said where was that in his pocket along yeah that's nice all the luggage about a 15 inch black one I got machete cut and yeah yeah okay okay and Tom there well where was that the big one it was also it was sitting on his belt okay and take one he used his daughter's good one and don't get it small surgical blade okay so the who who all died do you know died for sure like what's the count how do we know okay but do you think business in ten years the one who used not know Christmas when I said we're just when he went in and it's our kid that's just character than the box and he was in again it would fall and Christopher you stabbed him and then they have yeah he was in the path you know so how did I mean was he still making noise when you left or how did that go yeah we're still the only bad life um I think he might have been alive because I came that I couldn't do a shot a lot to Ted and keep it down so you kicked it down I didn't pick you down okay I did it's good to know I can spell it state I thought that word problems to know if he's still alive did you because here's what I'm seeing happen you know you guys had all these detailed plans you had all the cool stuff to make it happen and it kind of started falling apart and he said like it did go as planned I think I mean did you kind of just freaked out a little bit like yeah it's really I employed about I didn't know every school good like yeah you don't but here's what here's what's getting me it's like it's crazy because you guys work together and make all these plans and you know had it all figured out and then when it happens you're just kind of standing there not doing anything and did you did you decide like Roberts gonna kill everybody and I'm gonna stand here do nothing so I better I mean did you yeah I think I think that made my nose I didn't kill anyone with anyone I put into it so I just went to let him but kill anyone you know you stab somebody in the neck I mean what I'm saying is it's not Roberts the one that should get all the credit here I mean forever I mean yeah well because it's a big deal I mean that you're gonna be on the news you know what I mean people are gonna what I interview well I'm just thinking he knows because you had said you had the plans like you're supposed to kill this person he's supposed to kill this person were you supposed to kill Christopher was he your responsibility no you just worked out this way mrs. Matt was supposed to kill but he had already basically done that yeah so now you're left standing there so were you trying to kill Christopher when you stabbed him in the neck were you just gonna originally your responsibility miss Victoria supposed to take did you guys talk specific because you said you said the crossbow so you said I mean you guys had a plan like this is specifically how we're gonna do it has a specific unfortunately you know I think he got his plans who knows my things something about that I think yeah well it's supposed to be a lot quicker and quieter it is I mean did you so head yourself um is that right I tend to let myself Daniel I know I thought they got my cell phone and called the police so when you when did you last have your cell phone you remember I think I think it was my talking like either day I was sitting on the living in couch okay say you had maybe left it on the living room couch and gone to your room you guys are waiting for things to go down buddy did he like ever you sure if I'm gonna play with it or doing that stuff so did he only get your phone because he was trying to call for help okay so you think he went to the living room I got it yeah I think his hot mom is laying in fluid in you know baby hello case and so somehow he came down the hole yeah yeah my tell me what was outside I was doing okay baby what alarm company your alarms barrel oh we we never actually on basically it's just be alone and this sound it's all sigh oh yeah just assignments baby are there cameras or anything in your house yeah where do those for court to always living moves another hallway into deserve is a good computer or something something that oh dude oh just life do you know I had those those are TV where you can watch it somewhere I did yeah my Ted watch using on his phone he has an app talks I just I just said through like a cable company God hates me he said my syllabus they are things being recorded in their country I mean his computer system like you know super hard to get oh but isn't like a good computer system okay yeah I mean he's like david lee soon-jae that was some things oh that's right what so as all this was going on what was Robert saying and did he say anything to you he that he didn't say anything to me until that okay maybe head out the back to ask if he was ok what was going on he said yeah ok so you guys were just kind of silent all the time yeah I'm sorry did you cut your finger is a your other hand I think I think I might say I think I might on this most kinds of this step was for me okay so that might be from your own knife is what you think it's fine are you right or left-handed I'm right-handed right-handed and so how do you think you cut your finger Travis the pencil but you are you holding him know you're gonna do something on this little but you know I like to go to something you know it was do you think it was during the time when you were stabbing him yeah right on that time did you say anything to Christopher nice no so so you stabbed him now it's several hours later how are you feeling this whole thing like a fuel booster to get caught I think you only last about three minutes yeah yeah but that was like cuz it's it's 8 o'clock in the morning now so that's like eight hours ago so how do you feel now I mean just kind of I didn't want to do that yeah so you were saying you pleaded with I guess when they were locked in the bathroom and what we do another room with a locked in a vacuum no right next to it is my dad's office standing by himself nice office is it just one door to get into the bathroom and the office no no I to do his hands to each other right now like this they like you know like is this corner kept kind of that dog I thought yeah I was like I said hello problems have to me and they both are the big dog in which one did you though I ran into the bath you know just my steps Christopher okay but in the woman did Robert do whatever landing to the office part and was stabbed in Daniel he came to the bathroom start stabbing Christopher I left okay so I guess we're out kind of confused as if you didn't want the city warm you didn't want this to go down this way why con them and opening the doors nothin doesn't continue I was telling and so when you guys ran out the back door but uh of course that wasn't part of the plan you guys talk and like hey we need to go this way and now it's hot I think we pretty much knew where to go I don't mind I just kept asking if he was okay because you know we had to like he was about to class okay because you guys have been through those woods before yeah used to you know being erratic oh um and you said someone had knocked at the door yeah that's why we didn't go through the console again the vehicle okay that's missing herself into and and you said maybe that was the neighbor I think it is but did you also think he's at the police I know if it was the police they were they were not need to do it because like right down a lady of the winter screaming what was when did you realize the police were there wiii be with woods okay mom and how did you know that we do the assignment oh he said a couple minutes later we saw lights and they heard a dog it was a dog barking around or somebody was growling yeah okay so I said at the point when you heard the sirens and stuff were you guys kind of hiding and hunger yeah see now tell them they're behind you yeah I don't could to the ditch so did you guys tell anybody else to plans I didn't so how many computers in themselves business I think have you and this one been proven there's like Chromebooks which Daniel have you Christopher use I have two laptops okay so came to design my boat it has also history like telling us in type well there's a tablet that's something where are your two laptops Roberts is in his closet - on the desk do you guys sure okay so you have to you use both of them are ones an old one in the ones in them so you will use it now ice king is up to bad as the stuff I said and your newer ones on the desk gotten thanks to and the Robert has to but he hasn't told anyone yeah the same same things I have a whole compact as okay what's your new one okay wait and then what's Roberts would also get my laptop cell phone in it where is his one in the closet I think with you see what's on the desk okay okay playing on you take how to take them with you or something good one key yeah okay it's done why do you did your laptop have like a passcode or passport understand okay I'm gonna try the high school and changed it to like hashtags us the blue team capital G glad s little G grad G G already and then cheese capital doesn't do you know the password on Roberts no and so is your family evacuate is where's your knife now do you know where my 1000 nicely nicely my pocket when you got okay so here's the problem that we might have and I don't want it to be an issue for you because you've been really cooperative you know we're gonna talk to Robert - so he's gonna give us his version of the story and you know sometimes they're gonna be different so is there anything that you kind of didn't quite tell me right or he changed a little bit and now this you understand that Roberts gonna tell me okay I tell you that config eight of them because that's why I told him we are seeing out of the woods that's my conversation but you know forensics will show you understand Christopher what three what do you mean you told many so you told em you fell through the I told him because you asked me how many did you get i said 'they did you tell a movie ba so do you I guess this is my question for you do you think it's a lesser sentence if we build one or if you feel three I think Robert he may have there's gonna be a lot of differences that's what I'm concerned about and we don't want you to come off as a liar I mean because you've been real cooperative you seem like a really good kid you know you graduated high school early you're designing games I mean there's all kinds of stuff you got going on and so I don't want people to get a bad opinion of you and that you the type of guy that lies to police when it's kind of caught you know I mean tell me another you're leaving something out there's I mean because it's like she said you know your this isn't like you stole a bicycle no this is the most you can do you know so it's a big deal but a lot of people when they talk and think about this thing your honesty is a big deal and how you handle yourself from here on out and if you come off because because to me you don't seem like a bad guy you know like you don't scare me I mean I've never never thought you were done this so you just seem like they're gonna look into me and you seem like an honest kid but see I talk to people all the time and I mean I know when people are lying or when when I'm not quite getting the whole story and so I just wanted catch you before you get in that bad spot work and they'll start saying you're a bad guy you're evil you're a liar so just tell me what I missed them I mean I wanted to do the thing I was going to get onto like convincing the people who was still alive that like I was on the side I called the police you know said they would like to stay to get them so they kind of stay on the ground and he he'd be able to come stand up again did you ever have to go get Robert to let him know someone was still making too much noise no nervous is chaotic he was just one person to person so what are my things did you say to them but God the only things I said to them I just had to convince the I was with her and so they would kill them okay and that's all you think that he might tell me different is he's gonna lie to me I don't think he would lie because okay so the only reason he's like he what he let himself my students tell he gave him major shoot out in time for the police is because he went see the aftermath nobody saw my thing so you think he may come in to tell us what happened - okay did you guys talk about being on the news and getting to see each other on TV and stuff yeah what kind of things did you say and talk about worse they will play not killing more people you know talk that song would become famous begin the Capitola so okay people was a big deal yeah I mean do you think they might even make a movie or something or a TV show TV show but did you guys talk about that yeah Jesus what did you want you kind of moment you wanted what it's you know I just want to go get a job but she I mean I heard your big brother's telling me he wants to be famous and you guys are making these planets surely you won't say that they did it right yeah I wanted to do it with him because like he's going to do it no matter what he says if I don't do it I think they'll just kill me too so long yeah so y'all have been planning this since 30th of June you said yeah that's the first time y'all talked about it well not for sometimes about glue or anything buzz light vesting I say you come you need anything step up for just a second we'll just do that side all right I was right to the guys that are interviewing Robert gave me a quick version of what he's saying that you did and you have told me everything okay so I know you're not being completely honest and I gave you one shot already which that more than one person so who else did you stab or you stabbed more than just one time how many times did you stab me I think twice because you don't think we're going to know that you don't what you know you mentioned forensics a minute ago I mean I'm I'm just one of like hundreds of people they're gonna look at this thing okay yeah we've got the State Police coming in there's 20 different forensic detectives it's your house right now they're going to be there a long time because of the scene that it is so everybody that you killed and every single stab wound that you inflicted we're going to know about and this is your last chance to just kind of let us know to be honest to man up and tell us exactly what you did and start making around ahead Chris it's not just dead until it attainable you did not stab yeah yeah a guy I tried to step off you stabbed him off it's a guy when she was walking away is that when you cut yourself then yeah I think that's do that where did you stab her its kind OFI behind it did you cut her I think so okay you know this doesn't seem like something you have to think about I know it's it's you're still kind of dealing with it and I wasn't there I wasn't the one doing it but you don't have to think about it you know what you did so you cut her neck you stabbed her suffering the neck how many times did you stab Christopher touristy and who else did you stab besides mom because here's the thing everybody's been stacked and both had knives and we know you both stand everybody so you guys are kind of at the same level and so now it's who's going to be honest and make this right and who's a liar okay which one do you want to be not okay so your man of your word yes okay do you want to make this right and do the right thing at this point in time yes okay what else how you miss it you want to start over them why you you tell us where you need to start it stands for a what about the crossbow crossbow yeah oh it was bad act like it didn't have a hole so everybody anything at testify we have broke his robe yeah I don't miss my news day it's it's cheap so it was a burger before last night um their programs got you know two guys fire because I was able to anything in here and just be down Hawking it's - I'll get the - giggling this is me yeah and that was a lot of them or that was last night oh that was last night because you were supposed to use it I was Miss music it was talkback you will use this guide to clock in it love it so nobody's gonna have any crossbow entrance no no okay what about the date night if the machete did may be used on the money I thank you I used on doing I think that's what you might have used to stab images and what about the surgical blade not take this away I think you ladies don't know I just II don't think of anyone you don't use the reading on it and you're sticking to that and so we only stopped the only stabbed with your family because they were in the way towards the bigger plan well the reason you who is kind of a family is they were in the way am just to start off with a big count so is this all game does higher count how many uses a game it's a month let's kind of become famous and never said a bad word did you now because you said it you said this yourself you told Robert you killed three and so now respect at the point where you've told us you stabbed Christopher and your mother is there one more person that you stabbed and you didn't mention it earlier okay I can't stand the mouse babies how did it have you feel about what you've done now I didn't like it how do you feel about your mother I mean you I mean she watched her get stabbed you cut her throat yourself and he watched her bleed all over the place on screen how does that make you feel you don't think about it and Christopher your little brothers I mean you stabbed him in the neck what did what does he ever done to you so he's just a number yes and how does it how do you feel about that now this is what pointless silent do you do you would you be willing to write us a statement kind of explaining what we just talked about kind of start in the beginning like yeah and in papers what I'm talking about I got these forms that you can write on you think you did it well but I would want you to kind of write down as basically what we talked about it okay like kind of talking about the plans that you guys put together the stuff that you got that he bought that he bought for you and what you're gonna do and then what happened last time yeah just basically like a timeline come on your story like you almost you're writing it for a book or a magazine or something so you think the first time he ever talked to you about killing people was how long ago she does though change 2014 okay so so you're gonna put it says I done your time so you can put your name right there I'm just going to write your name there and then it says and it wants to know how old you are years okay like just name yeah that's that's good and then it says that's why we know you were born on so put your date of birth right here kellyco Towery doesn't matter however you want to do it when the guns were supposed to be picked up from where no gunshots it's on the mouth and then um yes but round this there and you can come to the next line if you need to and what was the name of that website but it's gunshot and the official master worst I don't think but you know part of it what's the Jesus okay so here's what it says I have the newly worn their lives by here advance a person who has identified himself as a detective you know I have to make any statement at all ordered answer any questions or do anything that might go against me recriminate me in any manner and then they stated my mannequin will be used against me I was also advised I'm not able to if I'm not able to hire an attorney on my request and have an attorney opponent for me by the proper authority without caused or charged to me I do not want to talk to an attorney and I hear about it knowingly and purposely waive my right to the advice and presence of an attorney before and during any questioning or any time before while I voluntarily made the following statement to the aforesaid person knowing that anything I say it can't be in the corner for courts of law I declare that the following voluntary statement is made to the aforesaid personal of my own free will without promise or hope of reward without fear or threat of physical harm without coercion paper or offer a favor without leniency by any person I'm personally so ever gentleman yes okay so what you can do is yet you can write it here and then you can run out of space just jump over here and right here if you're run out of space here let me know I've got more of these so just do your best don't worry about spelling if you misspell something it's not a big deal mr. Paignton this pin is like okay okay [Music] they just yes pass the corn yes yeah do you guys have any other family that lives here grandparent I go in to show anyone anywhere um haven't owned gold into my balls various closing news what are your grandma's Littlefield do you know their names besides your gramma do you know either their phone numbers I'm sure contacts okay and she the one in Springfield her oh she's wonderful Florida she stolen food as you might hear you know she might be a Kansas with my hand okay what's the aunt in Kansas is name so does anybody live local oh yeah my uncle what's your uncle's name you lose Oh and he's related to your dad [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] your uncle do you know about wearing lips would it's like a right number so y'all like maybe 33rd Street 24th straight 24.93 can you put it I have to [Music] find how much morning [Music] I said some elements outside that's like you know social swap oh yeah yeah [Music] videochat diverse Hey looks my main man eight-time what your breakfast or infinitive [Music] yeah Oh thank you what we should say about having everybody times these days [Music] this time that's Christopher it's his nickname other pages plus this Russian what's it's not the only this basically must this to prepare with every push different Perry yeah [ __ ] you quality Perry sometimes you oh yeah still right yeah okay let me know if you need another page [Music] [Music] you know what anything good done Thank You Shannon right [Music] listen [Music] [Music] two pages got your dear blood earlier yeah one minute he was amazed to jail [Music] she said she does you
Channel: World War 2 Brief History's
Views: 4,454,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child killer, childLuke magnotta, interrogation, crazy, evil, boy, family, crazy white boy, FBI, Magnotta, child, killer, Luke magnotta interrogation, pedo, nonce hunter, Stinson, Chris Hansen, child killet
Id: 4i6zNgBxHbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 16sec (6076 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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