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welcome guys it is the axe man here we are back with some more picks up here boy we didn't have it done and walking away but griffin decided to flap his wing in my face appreciate that mr griffin but we are back yeah boy uh we did actually do a live stream on this the other day people were asking like where the episodes were we did a live stream and i'm going to show you what we did in that in a hot sec but let me just show you level 70 boys and you know what that means to rex time we can get a freaking wreck saddle boom and that's what we're going to do today so we have like 100 nearly 100 darts 1992 sleepy darts i think that's enough to knock a t-rex out and i'm really excited because i've really wanted a t-rex for like freaking forever oh man all right so uh you have a level up so i'm gonna give you a bit of damage so we stream on twitch if you're not following twitch go follow it go follow it now um we stream pixar on it because we are doing a little project out here we are making the castle we're making a fat ass castle and uh it's coming together quite nicely so what we managed to do we managed to get this first wall put up we got another tower done we got the door and then off stream off uh cameron stuff i started playing around with the water so to place water you need to be in like creator mode and uh it's a little difficult to get done but i'm learning i've got i'm gonna change some stuff around but i wanted water like all the way around the castle and uh yeah some bits look a little funky some bits look perfect but we're getting there we're getting there so this is how big the castle is going to be i've managed to do the layout all the way around so this is going to be a big fat build and it is going to be our main base once it's done but yeah we're only doing that during the streams so if you want to catch up and uh have a look how we're doing make sure you give that a follow uh i would really appreciate it but let's get on with the show so we are gonna be heading uh to the golden realm which is up here um so as you can see my map is complete uh i only just realized this now when we went into creator mode uh i thought nothing was going to change uh apparently it unlocks our map which uh i guess that's fine it means we only we don't have much uh golden realm do you wear there's only one there's two tiny bits at the bottom one up there geez okay and that's kind of a lot desert we have a lot of desert going on and a lot a lot of swamp um i haven't however been to the mountain forest we do need to go check out whatever the frick a mountain forest is which is dark green which is stuff over there is it is this mountain forest this is swamp right do we even have a mountain forest i want to see what a mountain forest is we must do somewhere right i don't know we can check that out at some point hopefully all right anyways right level we want to we want a good rex officer obviously we want a really high level rex kind of want the purple dude if we can um right so what's gonna happen is we're gonna have to park our butt down because the way pixar works on single player and i'm sure you're all bored of me saying this but just spawns in on top of your head i'll be sat here and from the sky a t-rex will come and he'll put his butt in my face and he'll think it's hilarious and i will scream that's what seems to happen but it looks like we're good looks like we had stuff spawning excuse me hiccups just bought in front of us um okay so i still don't know what the max level is on here uh if we find it rex over 100 that'd be great i feel like around 60 to 80 would be decent all right sirs where are you at where is you at so we know we can like pretty much kill everything around here so we don't have to panic too much uh carno he's got fairy dragons more griffins oh say hey funny dragon you just gotta spawn right on top from there love that really appreciate that sir goodbye oh he's actually stronger than i thought there we go goodbye sir i will take that fire me actually that will do me nicely oh you want to go as well mr carno that's cool i'll fight you as well me my griffin we ain't scared and nothing absolutely nothing we're scared of all right mr rex there we go sir level seven poopy no i want you though look how cool you are in purple you are going to die today oh the noise is so good the noise sounds like jurassic park 2x no don't kill anchor no no no no no bad no you mean rex stupid head there's a reaper dude there all right well we'll keep looking so uh there's a normal rex it's a level one level one that's not good i don't mind the orange ones but the red one the purple ones so look so much more crazy looking him dead so griffin you can have some more health collect all the meat as well perfect purple rex high level come on let's go i wonder if we can get him stuck in our trap so we could potentially sort of trap the rex would have to knock him in a little hole so there is a few of them around here uh i'm sure there's one like right up to the barrier we tame the nylon everything was called around here yeah if we can find a rex and lure him into here that would be i mean the greatest thing ever really all right so let's parkour down come on high level purple rex spawn got the cool looking car nose which actually looked like he's wearing lipstick uh i do want to get a stego at some point well let's fight you anyway uh golden forest karna you do look really cool sir but you're not what i'm looking for i need myself a rex come on why is it when i don't want to find a rex they're all over the place how does this game know how does this game and ark know that when you're looking for a certain creature it's like ha you know what i'm no leave mr bumpy alone he likes to hide them creatures all right well i guess i'll just keep flying around until we find one oh there's a hole oh if we could find one here that'd be great come on rex come on mr rexy spawn your butt in spawn just here because i can knock you in that hole please please rex come on maybe i'll just stay here and kill stuff until one spawns in oh this rex is a level 57 uh he's kind of the highest level i've seen uh he's not purple though i really want a purple one uh oh we should probably get him right oh god yes sir come down here because this is the hole just here hey sir hey hey little i'm a delicious little i'm a delicious little chicken come get me no no no no no no no no no no you you you here come this way can we say please hello sir hey hey you hey hey hey come on let's go let's go this way that's it come come eat me come on that's it boy that's it the hole's just here i wish you were purple i wish you were purple there we go look at that good job buddy you in your hole now ah i've literally just been killing stuff constantly around here oh i really wanted you to be purple but i guess beggars can't be choosers or some sort of saying like that hey no get whoa sir sir sir get back here that's not very whole like that's not very being in the hole okay that messed are you gonna seriously seriously sir okay can you come back this way come on back in the hole there we go there we are that's all we like can't see you up there spider okay oh god oh god don't jump down there mister okay you shot a tree nice boom all right these shouldn't take too long we do have to wait a few seconds one two and boom no no no no no no no why why are you like able to climb up stuff you have little arms how are you able to do this that's better get back down there tiny head or tiny arms shoot a big head oh titties he's up oh my god he's like followed up uh okay i guess we're just gonna be chasing you around guess that that's gonna be a thing then um where'd you go oh they are just chilling there's chin in there is that cool you're gonna come and eat me again all right griffin griffin can we can we not do that when there's a big t-rex after us all right let's see if we can get down the hole again cause at least he chills in there for a little bit at least okay that's it get down there let's like oh connor can you just piss off for a hot sec all right mr rex try again oh my god i'm riding on his head oh he is a smart t-rex i want you because how smart you are oh he's gonna go into the bad forest place all right maybe he's running who knows all right uh please don't go in there there's dangerous stuff around here oh he's like taking off oh you stood there gary scorpion all right mr rex are you asleep or are you just chilling i think he's just having a little rest okay of course this has to be all nasty stuff around here taming this game is awful okay he's moving again he's on the move what was that noise sir i need you to lie i don't know just stay still a second in a nice place are you after me again you want to come back down the hall you want to come back down this hole honestly like the hole is the greatest place right now okay let's try shooting you once again uh okay he's moving i'm not sure oh my god he's just rock climbing he is scaling them walls man oh my god this this is harder than i thought it was going to be i thought boom in a hole jobs a gooden will have a rex where are we going now yeah you know what yeah fall down there let's go into a cave that might actually work you know what this this isn't bad this isn't bad at all i i i can live with this okay i hear battle music that's cool uh can we get a shot from all the way over here no is he gonna be able to climb up there i don't know but this is this is kind of working him being big dumb is kind of a win for us all right oh whatever you are what are you what are you why you got a funny hat on goblin king oh didn't seem very king-like to me okay that funny just hit oh my god all the spiders uh good can we reload please guess that's no oh he's down there we go uh oh we did get uh stuff uh we'll we'll take all that all right well there's a lot of nasty stuff in here so i guess we'll kill this funny you guys we're just gonna spawn here we kill a mole we've got some spiders we've got a leopard okay well that was semi successful are you a scorpion you are a scorpion in there can we not be in the wall are you gonna stay in the wall all right you stay there then i guess that's cool oh another spider despondent right i just need all the views to like disappear for a hot sex so i can feed my dude in peace if that's okay with everyone all right uh give me like these we want all of these meats and we want normal meats boys there's a rex asleep here can we believe this okay jump put food in his belly he's gonna be a hungry boy or girl he's a girl oh yes we have got a rex down all right well we'll just like uh i guess do we leave him oh there's another mole i really want one of these moles what do we we need like a 54 that's not a bad level i really want one of views look at him he's so cute i think you use magic stuff so we won't get you today but definitely soon so we know they live in the magic caves okay good rex is up rex is up already okay uh mr rex can you just follow me down here let's get you down here see if we can pop you in your pokeball just yet look at you being all rexy like okay uh there's a goblin already can i pop you in your poke ball no you're gonna have to wait three minutes of course all right well i'll go and kill this man you have here mr goblin king and leave rex leave rex levrax lee breck's perfect no one attack my wrecks please i really do want to get a purple one so bad oh i would take a drill i would definitely take that drill all right um griffin let me ride you um all right do you just stay there a minute sir do we go look in front of one we still have 71 i really do want a purple one like really bad even if we can't breed them all right sir sure just dive in my face even if we can't breed them i still feel like a purple would be really cool maybe we could just get a low level one just for show oh hey mr center i've not seen one of you in forever you look kind of crazy how strong are you not that strong not that strong at all bugs not that strong either all right um you can have some more health all right yeah wait a minute then for him to be able to go in his pokeball then i say we're just going to look for a purple one because i kind of just want that purple dude okay rex is in his poke ball which means we are allowed to fight stuff now right so far save here so we'll just see if we can find a half decent purple one then because yeah these rex's don't like to be in holes clearly so i don't want to be spending too much time on it so do want to try out this rex at some point uh we'll see if we can find another purple one found a purple one whatever you sir uh level four this is level 27 uh do we shall we get a level four let's see if we survive if he survives we'll get the level four just for like a trophy just to show him off in the basil summit okay so this dude is kind of strong okay you die sir so hopefully because this dude's such a low level you should die or should get trunked out pretty quick okay that's rex done oh my god why is there so much nasty stuff around here jesus can i just shoot the wrecks that'd be great uh it's fine stego i'm stuck on summer uh zombie i need you to get away because i know you'll come and try and get me all right let's see if we can uh shoot him then don't think you'd fight griffin's right he's trying to eat summer you mean in the tree are you with veggiesaurus i think we've got a vegan t-rex over here and i'm going to say one more for good luck okay maybe one more you're coming this way and there is he's down perfect all right where's that dude let's get rid of this griffin because i know you're going to be a pain in my butt hey sir uh level 64. that's pretty good whatever was the one i teamed sharaz was must be around that level oh oh yeah we've got plants as well nice plant you are terrible at shooting me apparently okay right are we are we good can i just go pop some meat in my bro here so he is a male so we'll see if we can breed them i doubt we can uh grab some of these and some of that some of them all right mr rexy doodle i have some of these delicious parts of meat and you should tame up pretty much instantly oh oh i have footsteps hey mr carno i guess i should probably come and kill you and boom there's mr rooks all right so you can you just chill just chill your butt just there uh i'm guessing we can't get you just yet can we three more minutes okay well wait three minutes we're getting this poke ball we'll get on both home we'll have a look at them because it should be morning time by then maybe uh we'll have a look at them test the strong one out and see if it's worth grabbing another high level and imprinting them and all that stuff i never realized how slow the griffin was i've just been figuring like after playing like i was playing arc earlier and having like all my speedy flies and stuff and then coming on here my griffin is slow jesus he is so slow all right anyways let's get mr purple rex okay likes to make an entrance apparently and then mr high level rex do you do a raw as well i definitely like the purple one better i definitely like the purple one better it's like you your eyes seem a little goofy yeah you're a little goofy like this dude's like more mean looking he's got like spikes on his back he's a better color his teeth look sharper why could you have not been the high level one oh look at the little block tiny arms that's so cute look at their little block arms oh man that's hilarious all right well we need to go and get ourselves a saddle why are you bleeding what is this coming out of you why is that happening stop bleeding everywhere all right we need yes saddle saddle saddle uh can we make saddle honors um rex we need lever and copper ingots ingots okay do we have copper ingots anywhere we should have they're always somewhere i just i'm terrible at putting them away in places rex saddle made up all right i mean you're not gonna be useful at already are you mr low level so we may as well just go for big boy here we're right oh we don't even sit down we're literally standing up riding him right do we do a raw okay so your raw sounds a bit funky uh you have the turning radius of a train all right let's do a left click 252 okay i mean i mean i guess that's okay i've seen my griffin to 700 but that is an imprinted one uh how much health do we have a thousand let's do some more damage hey dilophosauruses come here why do we sound like the jurassic park rex we have some sounds that sound exactly like the jurassic park wrecks they allowed to do that is that copyright all right do we do any of attacks oh c oh c is a different attack oh what does c do hey come here let me see on you oh any 173 well why would i ever want to use that attack x space do we jump no you know what i'm a little underwhelmed by mr rex here maybe because i'm so used to the griffin just kicking butt but i just i don't know um let's give you some more damage right we do have our uh hell dog chilling in the castle uh okay we're gonna be stuck here now how come he was able to climb up mountains before you tamed and now you're struggling oh i think we just stood on him okay it's here 200 so how much was hell dog doing real quick so you're uh a high level and you do 250 36 sorry okay i guess t-rex is a little better i guess he is a little better i'm just i don't know i was expecting a little more bites expecting him to be like really really freaking strong i wish these uh sauropods would get the freak out of a castle i mean he is good i feel like we should have death yeah we maybe we should get a breeding pair of ease i think that's going to take it to the next step we jump over it ah we can't perfect i mean we're a t-rex we have a freaking t-rex let's just you know look at it that way we finally got there oh god was being stuck in stuff no okay that's not how i wanted to enter my base who put that there whose bright idea was that don't believe you can breed right so you're a female you're a male yeah there's no damn it i didn't think they'd be able to breed but it'd be nice if they could right i just want to try you out real quick um so use doing 260 summit damage you're a level 60 this dude's a level five why am i not grabbing the saddle dude am i stuck on give me your saddle no boom in here there we go thank you very much mr rex so yeah 260 or whatever we have to get across here are you gonna be able to get across their wrecks let's see oh look at them little paddling look at his big old feats all right you can get up here right perfect okay so let's see so 148 so that's like a saying of 100 damage but he's like 60 levels higher i mean i definitely prefer the look of the purple one this dude's like mad crazy looking oh [Music] we do a thing we do see as well 148 wait can i roar on creatures to scare them all summer because we definitely had some sort of well i can't do it just yet we definitely had some sort of stuff coming out my mouth do the raw do the raw no that's not the broil that was a uh you have some elf you know he's actually not that bad he's only 2 000 health off oh here we go oh it does summit oh it looks like a poison it looks like a poison damage or summer hey sir let me check your health are you being poisoned no all right i don't even know what that was then i'm not really sure what that was it had a little like schools like it was poisoning but i don't know who knows who knows what that does all right so t-rex is checked off the checklist um that's more damage so next up then saddle wise creatures we can tame um right did we never make a raptor saddle we only used the one we had didn't we that we found uh okay so nothing really cool in there um sauropod quetzal tabahara rock drakes which i think are on the dlc i'm just trying to think like what we could get just gonna help us with the dungeons and stuff doomland cyclops might be cool rainbow dragon fungus beast i you know what kind of want the mole when i kind of do one of fungus beast hmm okay because yeah i need i want to complete a dungeon i want to complete a dungeon so i think like next episode we'll probably head into the swamp dungeon and take that on i feel like we may be ready for that and just not ready for the ice one yet but we've got freaking t-rexes we freaking did it so you do still here i'm not really sure what i'm gonna use you for because uh you're kind of big and uh my griffin's better it's kind of uh a bummer that it took me so long to tame use because you'd have been great to tame before like the carnos and stuff i feel like the carno's a little better and that delos always just met his uh death yeah i feel like the griffin's definitely my strongest creature by far i don't i don't know what it is ever going to compete with it like what is as strong as this dude that could also fly and just get about that has so much health and stuff i don't think anything is all right well yeah i'll be on the lookout for another high level rex maybe read them up and check them out so um yeah there we go we did the rex's we finally did it so uh if you did enjoy the episode at any point make sure you like a like on it subscribe if you knew like i said follow the the twitch as well because we're building the castle on stream there and yeah we have a dino on the outro instead of the intro oh man anyways thanks for watching i'll catch you in a bit soon we're meant to be waving bye
Channel: The AxeMan
Views: 20,665
Rating: 4.95365 out of 5
Id: U-gL10yCPB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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