Crazy Design: Yeston RX 7900 XTX Sakura Sugar GPU Review & Benchmarks

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Yeston always goes crazy with this stuff. GN randomly buying their card off aliexpress on a whim was probably the best thing to happen to their marketing department.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 104 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hakairoku πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

No waifu, no purchase! Bring back the waifu!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Noteagro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I knew tech Jesus would have blessed us

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CloudWallace81 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this video last night, pretty competent card!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MilotheMarauder πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not for me but I am glad Yeston makes unique color schemes and designs for people that want them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Put_It_All_On_Blck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

shouldn't this be tagged NSFW? all the Sakura stuff is pretty wild.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MelaniaSexLife πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is so cute. I am in love with the white-ish design of their 6000s GPU I wish they were available in Europe;

I also went ahead and watched their other video about the cat face GPU omg it would be so good mounted vertically 🐈

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hkvincentlee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] the makers of the RX 580 cute pet are back and this time it's with the Justin RX 7900 XTX Sakura sugar it is a 1070 or so dollar card so it's about 70 bucks over the original MSRP of the 700 XTX and this card is one part synthwave cyberpunk with the quality and colorful print on a high gloss shroud combined with a stylized backplate that has some odd choices for text and it's one part waifu because of the waifu but they didn't go too overboard with the anime fan service this time because the card actually is mostly well built we had some complaints about it you'll hear about those in this review today but for the most part it's built like a legitimate card and as sort of a bonus for this one it might even be something you can put in your gaming PC and not have to hide out of embarrassment when the Uber driver comes by to drop off food so why they're not they're not off limits they roast me all the time audience roasting aside today we're benchmarking and tearing down Justin's completely unique entry to the rx7900 xdx family the Sakura sugar before that this video is brought to you by Lee and Lee's Land cool 3 case the lanco 3 has a fully meshed front good airflow that did well on our thermal testing earlier this year and it's one of the most mechanically advanced cases we've ever reviewed the land cool 3 balance is the ease of installation features thermal performance and cable management in a competitive case Market learn more at the link in the description below so to get you caught up to speed quickly Justin first landed on our radar back in 2019 that's when they launched the rx-580 cute pet it's a cart we bought from AliExpress they mostly sell to the Chinese market and we hadn't heard of them before at least had ever worked with them before this card we found this card to be so almost charmingly reasonably built that we then went in pursuit of their other products to see if it was a mistake or not because this we bought zero contact with Justin and first time working with it uh so that brought us to the cute pet case and that case became popular enough after our video that people were emailing us asking us how to even buy one it was a Micro ATX box it's I think still sold and it's got pretty high quality Machining highly competitive build quality and obviously unique look at this time Justin reached out to us we said yes we would like one to review like we've done in the past with that card and we're doing the full tear down thermals attaching thermocouples all over the board we're treating it just like any other serious product because even though yes these are highly memeable and video friendly they're actually kind of legit too and the main point that we like to make every time we look at a quote-unquote weird product like one of these is that this is cool because the customer stuff is not commonly seen normally video cards are black and red gamer branded product and it gets kind of boring so if a company can keep all of the actual functional aspects of it but make it look different add some unique tooling for the Shroud or whatever that just makes it more interesting to build computers and hopefully Asus and gigabyte and MSI and all of them kind of jump on board too the card is clearly marketed on the visuals first we're going to talk about the Aesthetics of it as objectively as we can and you can make your own decisions on it and then we'll start going through The Thermals and the actual build quality of it so starting with a card walk around the cooling solution uses three 100 millimeter fans each of them has a different color and they have a surrounding LED ring that illuminates the fan body and housing it includes a large fin stack that extends past the PCB which is a modern design troop but they've blocked off the flow through area so this is a hit to the thermal efficiency for more visuals blocked off and replaced with an LED illuminated Avatar unfortunately Justin cuts the cooler shroud plastic soon enough that air can still exit the vertically oriented fins at the top and bottom of the card without being trapped by anything more than they normally would be strictly from a design standpoint the cooler shroud is a large piece of plastic with Ridge line texturing sort of all around it the front is a glossy and reflective finish with purple blue and pink coloring as for the back plates a little bit weird the card has some more legible attacks like the Giant game start block we're not sure what that's a reference to it also has some less readable text like what appears to be either a bad font or a somewhat faked language reading things like file edn and lot win it's Unique in this regard too the card appears to have a somewhat standard thermal design we'll touch that soon and with that customization comes some again unique marketing first of all it's very important that you're up to speed on the yastin lore and fortunately they've included a manual for that so inside of the box that is very Nvidia 40 series inspired as you can see uh there is a hand or well maybe not hand drawn but there's a comic and uh sorry is that the right or is it a is a is it a mod I don't know I don't know this stuff I review computer parts uh so anyway they have a manual if you can read it they explain the backstory to all the characters we're not going to review the story for the video card but the point is someone cares a lot and put a lot of time into it what you need to know is that the recurring character is Wan Wan who is the dog cat sort of mascot that you see on this card he can turn into a very aggressive dog uh that's like a semi maybe it's like a demigod dog a dummy dog I don't know the point is as as you can see if we just read through my slides here from Justin's website there's a lot of marketing it says a lot of things the websites written in Chinese but the marketing is just as silly and Native Mandarin as it is in English for example it tells the character that the video card is based on is named Hitomi Sakura it nicknames the character tangwa Tianjin or something like basically candy sweetheart confusingly it also States routine or basically Invasion plan accomplished but credit for the effort this is related to the backstory for all the characters including demons that they depict on cards as well but we haven't gotten one of those yet even though we actually really want to look at one the marketing gets really into the lore it describes the cooling system for example as the sugar cooling system and naturally Sakura Hitomi wears the sugar cooling system now to be fair doesn't look like there's much to be worn but uh that's what it's called and finally poetically it states uh and translated into English it states the wind from the sea will blow away the heat so uh for some reason the backstory is beach themed we're not sure why but I have some ideas I think they thought it would sell more video cards on the technical side Justin points out a 14-layer PCB in a 20 phase vrm with dual bios these are things we can actually test we don't have the means to test the efficacy of candy sweetheart Invasion plans or sugar cooling but we can test vrms it also brags about an eight heat pipe design going on the heftier side for a GPU cooler this thing is looks focused but again it's actually a real video card it's not just a meme and they don't put all the characters in the story for the most part on the card itself it's just basically a blue pink and purple card with a black back plate and sort of an outline of a character but it doesn't go too heavy there which is nice because it Blends some sort of normal designs for video card with something unique without going too overboard all right let's get started with some testing we'll start with thermals and I need to explain how we do that first so for thermal testing what we do first is a pass without ever disassembling it and then we pull it apart attach k-type thermocouples typically and they're calibrated so we know the difference between all of them you could use a thermal camera like this one these have excellent uses this is not one of them because you have to alter the card by like pulling off the back plate for example to get a meaningful read on the back of the hot components and then you're changing how it behaves and it doesn't show you the front side at all because there's a cooler attached to them you also can use thermocouple readers like this old one that has relays in it this actually works great even though it's old technology we bought it we fixed it and now if we want to use it for something different we can you can also use smaller handheld ones like this and for validation we use a laser tachometer to test for the fan speed to make sure the reading we get in software is correct so that's the basics all this is wired up very carefully internally that's kind of hard part and the part that is not worth talking about since it's unlikely many of you would be doing that that's how we do it and we've maintained a study 21c for all the tests okay time for charts so the first test is conducted prior to ever disassembling the card which means there is zero interference this is straight out of the box that means that the thermocouples weren't installed until the next test the first chart plots the temperature with the default V bios and its default fan curve the GPU ramps quickly to a steady state of 54 degrees Celsius the core temperature here is actually great but we'll need to factor noise to know how it is in total because it's not impressive to be 54 degrees if you're screaming loud and we'll look at that later there's one immediate downside though the hot spot climbs to about 80 degrees posting a massive Delta of 30 degrees against the core average 30 degrees is enough that when running a hotter environment the GPU will clip frequency and potentially drop some clocks as a result of just the hot spot temperature alone this is a mix of bad distribution of Hardware to mount the cooler to the PCB and possibly of uneven mounting pressure we discovered later that there aren't any Springs to help secure the four primary screws without what pressure well that in the tear down in a moment and we'd attribute some of this Delta to that oversight but amd's GPU hotspot doesn't really start to throttle hard until 110 degrees so there's still some room here now the Lash line on the plot is for fan speed this plots had about 1900 RPM under these stock conditions that's on the higher side for a three fan cooler and anecdotally we observed that the noise is louder relative to other GPU coolers we've worked with lately but we don't need anecdotes here we have numbers here's the chart with noise levels RPM is plotted at the bottom and perceived volume and DBA is on the left axis idle the card produces effectively zero noise that's not plotted here and that's because the fans don't spin it has a zero RPM mode we noticed an RPM ranging approximately 1800 to 1900 during steady state load that had the meter at 47 DBA and our standardized conditions there was no coil wine to speak of at least compared to the reference card on this one that can also be units unit though but 47 DBA regardless is on the louder side and for point of reference we'll just put an a of the reference coolers Auto noise levels during the same workload here so it's a like for like so as you can see amd's ran at about 42.2 DBA under identical conditions plotting at about 1700 RPM for its fan speed amd's card ran 10 degrees warmer on average for the core but the same for Hotspot keeping in mind that ours didn't have the vapor chamber defect or whatever it ended up being that some people ran into for the reference model so the two could meet somewhere in the middle and still be in a good position with the yesen card running quieter as a result or the AMD card just running cooler and a little bit louder back to thermals but now with thermocouples with a Sakura card we plotted a 55 degree average for the GPU core 80 degrees for the hot spot and we measured the two mosfets we chose at 59 degrees and 54 degrees Celsius these are better than most cars so all that error is definitely working even if it's a bit louder as a result the real takeaway here is that Justin has a ton of room to decrease the fan noise and the fan speed for quality of life while really not sacrifice anything relevant thermally these mosfets are at least 50 degrees under spec now we don't want them to run at spec that's bad but you still got up until at least the 80s where it's very comfortable to run these things so there's plenty of room up until that point and there won't be a major derating once you hit 80 for example the GPU hotspot is the real problem and likely the actual reason they're running the V bios fan curve so hard as for memory the main module we measured plotted at 52 degrees the secondary module ran at 46 degrees but the secondary module was one with good contact to the cooler more distance from the hot vrm and access to airflow all of these numbers are well within spec we didn't measure every memory module the time commitment would have been massive like a day just to wire the memory if we did that but we always try to choose an expected hot spot and an expected average the numbers look good so far compared to reference the GPU core is cooler and the hot spots about the same the reference Delta here core to hotspot is only 14 degrees okay so uh four screws as usual for the GPU retention bracket they could come out to a third slot right here but they capped it at two but almost enough for three and that extra slot would really help with rigidity we're going to start with the back plate screws I'm going to track those on the mod mat which you can grab on if you want to work on a Surface like the one I'm working on for tearing down your components building your system they are highly heat resistant if you want to do some Tube Bending for water cooling really good work surface for your builds and it supports us so far these are all the same type of screw which does make it a lot easier to put it back together so I was hoping to just take the back plate off but I see that there's going to be some top side screws like those two right there that go through the PCB on the top and into the back plate which is holding it in place so that means we need to take the cooler off before the back plate they're not spring retained either it's just screws on the leaf spring which is this thing but no spring on the screws so maybe some cutting of Corners there it's not the most important thing in the world it is nice though because it helps to uh create more of a spec for users who are maintaining their own products okay so we have all the screws out of the back side of the card I think we're probably going to have to take the screws out of the i o plate now okay that plate can't come out yet but it's at least not secured to the cooler anymore which normally would mean I could just pull it right now see that Flex it's trying to pull away I don't know if it's just a lot of suction from thermal pads or if there's a screw somewhere yep okay my instinct was right it just uh it required getting over some fears a good idea oh geez it was real secure so um nothing was damaged that is in fact how it's intended to come apart this paste here is a phase change material so uh it is I guess in a purely technical sense not a thermal paste but it's actually a pad that you put on a GPU really common we talked about these at length with Nvidia with Malcolm in that interview and uh you can find that on the channel if you're curious but basically to make mass production easier they put a single pad on that is pre-sized it's a harder material which you're seeing here this this hardened compound that's not because the paste is dry it is because it was melted as the card was heated up initially these two connect so they've got all the fans connecting via this and that's going to be for attack RPM and LEDs I think so this is actually a really nice implementation of LEDs where you can see they've got a foil tape in there for reflex active purposes these two wires go into a tiny PCB and they're just casting light side shot into the into the plate so that's that's a simple but very effective way to do it for memory modules they've gone with four on the bottom now memory in this bottom area normally runs a little bit warmer because it's right against the pcie slot so that's a potential downside but I haven't yet releasing them outside of spec on at least these AMD cards I haven't seen it out of spec in the past but it's been a long time then they have the other four between the GPU and the vrm inductors you've got more vrm over here and then you have the rest of the memory up top and then we also have these two switches very tiny text on there right here uh just as led underscore SW so that's LED switch and it just toggles on and off very simple currently it's on and this is going to be another switch for bios so just two positions for that it's been a while since we've taken apart the new XT and XTX gpus but as a reminder they're chiplet based which if we clean this off so there's that harder phase change compound I'll clean the rest of it before reassembly but you can see enough now to remember the chiplet design it's built the same way as the other packages we've taken apart so you have the mcds around the outside and the gcd in the center and we have a whole separate video explaining what all those letters mean this is an insane amount of heat pipes so they've gone with the quantity approach the heat pipes and all six of those come straight down this giant fin stack so it's fairly densely populated finstack uh but simple design they have a contact patch here for the mosfets the inductors are not directly cooled which is okay they can run pretty hot so they're sitting here they actually get cooled by air which is I mean the doctors can run like 125 150 degrees Celsius so air is is sufficient with a good vrm design and then we hit the cold plate which is a nickel plated copper cold plate to contact the GPU and the memory all in one piece so they're sharing a cooling solution directly and then you have the other half of the vrm cooled over here with mosfet contact to the thermal pad contacting another plate so it looks like for this one they're not using a vapor chamber at all it's all a heat pipe design so that's a six mil heat pipe there I mean I think marketing would call that a solid six millimeters we're gonna just quickly take the Shroud off as well so we can see the rest of the fin stack I'm gonna track screws on both sides of the silhouette here because these are completely different screws okay there's the fin stack and now you get a really clear and Nice Shot of all the heat pipes down in the middle so this is a pretty it's it's a really Overkill sort of Brute Force approach to design it covers all the bases they've got good contact all the vrm components the inductors are left with air cooling which should be okay so realistically you're probably getting coverage from about like one two three four maybe five of these heat pipes get really good coverage across the GPU core you could individually replace the fans I guess but you'd probably have trouble getting these exact colors last thing we're going to do is just take the back plate off of this kind of a lot of screws okay so they're not really leveraging the back plate here for anything other than I guess the art and maybe some rigidity but no contact from thermal pads to the board it's okay as long as the design is good enough elsewhere we'll see in thermal testing I would say overall this is a very solid design for something that is clearly looks driven they've actually built a real product which is awesome that's that's something Justin's been doing well with where they've gone hey we can make things that look more interesting than black and red gaming card make a little different but still have the functionality so I'm pretty happy with how this came apart very easy to work on overall other than the initial uh scary amount of force required to to part these two but otherwise it looks pretty good now for some power consumption testing here's the chart the RX 7900 XTX stock card pulled 351 Watts with the reference V bios from AMD AMD allows you to overclock that up to 416 Watts without any modifications to the firmware you just do it through the software power offset the yestin card pulls 358 when it's in the alternative view bios we'd like to see more fine-tuned use of the V bio switch to also adjust the fan speed in step with these changes overclocking pushes it 17 to 18 percent higher up to 422 Watts so for power profile the yesen card is about the same as the reference card now for a quick frequency comparison here are the Essen card plotted at 2400 megahertz during the same thermal workload we ran earlier that's lower than amd's reference in the same test at 2500 to 2540 and the alternative e-bios pushed it to about 2480 megahertz so an 80 megahertz gain for 8 Watt it's extra on the yesen card leads us to assume that this would have to do it with an adjustment within the V bios tables and that extra couple Watts helps too it's still lower than reference though finally for game testing gaming results rarely change between the same model GPU on different partner cars that's not where the partners add value Partners add value and quality of life features like warranty support noise levels the look of it and size things like that so don't expect big differences here for this review we are trimming it down to only 700 xdx's on the XT if you want all of the data go check out our 4070 TI review where you can compare it to other cards so let's take a look at the results this is tested on the default e-bios the first charts for Total War Warhammer three you'll notice a 7900 xdx entry with the brackets LTD or limited meaning limited run that means it's a brand new data set but that it's limited strictly to the games we're comparing in this review for the yeast in cart we left the original launch data as well the reference card outperformed the Justin model by two FPS average cleanly with absolutely no difference in the lows even the average is close to error or run to run deviation here it's a real swing as a result of the frequency Gap meaning this is a realized change from that line plot we saw a moment ago but it's not a noticeable one to the user at 4K it's more of the same 92fps average to 91.4 and lows identical we relearn why once again it's important to review board partner cards for thermals noise taking them apart build quality maintainability or service quality and other quality of life features because there's definitely no difference in gaming performance at least not with these two Final Fantasy 14 is next we're not bottlenecked by the CPU at 4K so these are GPU bound results the AMD reference card maintains about a 3fps average lead here over the Easton model which is expected when looking at the frequency Delta the original test data is within test variants as well and F1 2022 at 1440p there's no difference between them the lows are remarkably consistent between the GPU entries but that's more of a attachment to our testing process and bench accuracy than anything else yes that's a little bit self-congratulatory but honestly we deserve to take credit for that one because that level of consistency took years of small refinements to our processes to eliminate noise in the data so it's worth just pointing out that hey these are super consistent and just from a nerdy data is cool perspective that's really cool anyway for yes then it's about the same as the reference model so moving on at 4K the outcome is the same there's slight uplift from the original launch driver but otherwise everything looks about the same the last one will bother presenting as Rainbow Six Siege at 4K here we saw about a 4.4 FPS dial to between Justin and the AMD reference card from test this week that's bigger than some other games but still amounts to only a one and a half percent change it's not worth worrying about the gaming performance when picking between these two at the end of the day as far as being a real video you know it's always fun to review these because it's different I mean the script is clearly very uh all over the place but but that's what makes it interesting but as far as being a real product at according to Newegg right now seventy dollars Over the official MSRP of a thousand dollars the launch MSRP of the 700 XTX that is not that Hefty of a markup for any kind of partner model it's pretty common you'll see like a thousand fifty dollars eleven hundred dollars stuff like that uh that's assuming it's still at that price when this review goes up we don't know what it's going to land at by the time you see the review but anyway anywhere up to 1100 bucks or basically a plus or minus one to two hundred dollars from reference uh it starts to make sense if they can get you on the aesthetic side of it but not from the performance side you're not getting a hundred dollars of performance you're not gonna definitely not getting 200 of performance so you only buy this because you think it looks cool this is not particularly good compared to the reference model it's basically at best about the same now it has some advantages so the GPU average temperature was better than the reference model but the hot spot Delta at 30 degrees over average that's pretty dismal so it's it's dismal a sliding scale can you be pretty dismal it's dismal let's just commit to it I guess 30 degrees a big gap and that is a result of the mounting mechanism where we think that in our pressure testing we can always prove this stuff but we think they should have some spring tension on the four screws here and that should help with getting the right tension on the front of the actual GPU silicon from the cold plate it also runs louder than necessary so they could easily drop 3 DBA and get it a little bit closer to the AMD reference model without sacrificing any real thermal performance we tested it quickly and you're not going to notice a couple like one to three degrees of GPU temperature and even with the high Delta for the GPU hotspot it still doesn't push you anywhere close to throttle territory what you will notice is 3 DBA that is actually exactly sort of the start of a meaningful perceptible change to the human ear for a noise level difference another 3dba down is pretty big the clocks are also a little bit lower than reference the second V bios pushes them higher we think the second V bios on this card they are wasting potential they could be doing a lot more with it and I don't know why but companies have gotten incredibly lazy with their second V bios for this entire generation of gpus Nvidia and AMD everything we've looked at it's like it either doesn't work at all and it's just a clone of the first to be bios it's a backup that you don't need or it's a a poor execution of a quiet or an ocv bios so in this case they've it's kind of the latter where they have some features of a higher frequency ocv bios but not all of them like the fan curve needs to be modified for one and it should probably be pulling more power than an extra couple Watts it's a lost opportunity the second switch on here you might have noticed I don't know if we talked with that in the teardown but that's for a lighting toggle I actually personally really like a toggle a physical toggle switch for lights because it means you don't have to install a bunch of garbage software so that's actually an awesome quality of life feature overall though even though we have some critiques that we just went through it's it's a real card and it performs at least equivalent in most places to the reference model and the reference model that we had was fine we didn't have one of the ones with whatever that Vapor chamber defect was um but certainly it's better than the ones that have the defect there's no question about that so uh I guess that's it for this review let us know what you think this is definitely something you buy mostly on the looks uh and maybe you're doing some kind of cyberpunk or cool purple blue themed build the front of this card might look good if it's vertically mounted with the front facing out or if you're building a gift for someone who might like this so anyway as far as the hardware goes we think they've done fine with executing it so if you're in the market for the looks at least you know that functionally they haven't really sacrificed a whole lot other than the mounting pressure that could be better but it wasn't it wasn't uh it wasn't ruinous to the performance so that's it for this one thanks for watching as always subscribe for more and go to to help us out directly or Gamers Nexus and we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 436,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, Yeston RX 7900 XTX Sakura review, yeston rx 7900 xtx sakura benchmarks, yeston rx 7900 xtx sakura sugar, yeston rx 7900 xtx sakura temperature, best gpus, anime gpu, anime themed video card, anime pc build, amd rx 7900 xtx
Id: UeiZhSadtL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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