I TRIED using Radeon 7900XT GPU As a Creator... It LASTED a week!

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so yep that's the end of me using this GPU I mean it used to be over there but we swapped it out and now we're running the 1390 Ti from zotek again but I was so excited about using this GPU because obviously it's the new 7000 you know GPU from AMD 20 gigabytes of RAM I thought you know much more affordable than some of the Nvidia 30 90s 3090 ti so I thought maybe this is gonna go as good as that one maybe I'm not going to notice the difference I had really high hopes but as a Creator there is a few things that you need to know about this before you buy this for Creator use looking for a cheap way to license your windows check out who Keys through the links in the video description make sure to use the code tn20 to get a 30 off paste the license to the activation settings and you're all done this license is for Windows 10 but you can upgrade it to Windows 11 for free they also offer Microsoft Office 19 license use the same code tn20 to get a 30 off check out who keys.com in the video description below if you want to see some numbers and like how much percentage is one better than the other one that I highly recommend you check out the 7900 XT review where I go more in detail but this video I want to talk about more like the personal use case scenario where you've just used it what's it actually what does it feel like using right you're so used to using Nvidia hardware and then when swapping out what's the actual difference what what did I notice when when we edited with this one to be honest we didn't last much longer than a week using this one because it was such a hindrance on a workflow that we just thought look we can't do this anymore we're doing so many things again and we have to redo certain things so we just swapped it back pretty quickly I want to talk about the good science first because obviously who likes bad news first right number one thing that we realized which was actually very very impressive even before we ran the 1419 there like as good of a card as you can get whenever you were exporting something in the background at the same time we're using premiere by the way in media encoder when there was a video exporting it was very hard to do editing at the same time your editing will just be laggy because a lot of the resources of the PC are in the background just rendering a video putting it all together Ram CPU and GPU when using the 700 XD amazing thing right we were exporting something in the background we always export very very similar settings well this time actually we're exporting a little bit higher settings 8K some of the 8K videos that we've released recently upscaling like 4K project to 8K and we realized that editing actually did you didn't notice a difference at all and some of the timeline was like very very smooth and it was working fine when it was like simpler timeline just like cutting and we using a multi-cam timeline often and many cameras so that was working fine but that was only when we were using quite simple timeline I'm going to talk about more complex timelines in the bad sections or you know bad news section another thing that we realized there was no sound of the GPU it's a very quiet and very like well cooled GPU even if you're gonna be like doing blender rendering or something very very heavy GP or heavy because video editing actually isn't as GP or heavy as you might think it's most likely going to be bottleneck by the CPU unless you're using DaVinci Resolve then probably this is this is good but you know no noise completely fine no coil wind no nothing it was completely fine so it's good there right but at the same time I haven't really noticed a bad GPU apart from my Gigabyte 2060 super that I'm using in my PC my my this is the editing PC and then I've got a secondary one there as well that is quite loud but apart from that usually you don't hear the GPU as much let me know what you think is your GPU allowed when you're video editing I'd love to know but the third good news what we noticed is the vram because you have 20 Gigabytes in there that is really really good because I'm often seen up to 16 and a half gigabytes or something vram used in Premiere Pro if you're DaVinci Resolve user you're gonna use much more than that especially if you do a similar project because the Venture as well likes to use more vram but it was good to see that because often when we're using even RTX 3070 that really performs very similarly in the video editing performance we were bottlenecked by the 8 gigabytes of vram so to have 20 Gigabytes that was a really nice thing to see and that's where the good sides kind of end now the bad news when editing in Premiere Pro one of the things we realized is that sometimes it happened a few times at first we thought okay it's just once right it's not GPU related but everything else is the same like clean drivers on the GPU no other drivers in there using a ryzen CPU and ryzen GPU 3950x on the CPU and 7900x on the GPU that's my editor wean in the background Premiere Pro would just randomly shut off I mean it's no like crash message or ever Premiere Pro quit unexpectedly it literally just disappears like the programs that you're editing and then it's all gone what just happened you go to auto save obviously you've lost up to two minutes of what you've just done and we thought oh pants the first time it happened second time it happened you were like wait a second this has never happened before why is it doing that sometimes it would like kind of Crash it would save and then kind of say look we've stopped working but then it happened three times and then I think fourth time we were like no we can't do this anymore we're swapping back this is ridiculous so there's some kind of instability with the GPU and just the software and how this works because that is the only thing that changed in the system I'm Gonna Leave the like specs of our PC in the description below as well by the way I did a video on this um when we built this so if you do want to check that video out you can you can you can see how we built this only now is that starting to see the age of it another story digressing so the Premiere Pro crashes were not crashes just like quit boom gone that was really bad secondly we saw a similar thing with Windows it wasn't a blue screen of death it wasn't a black screen of death it was just like that we're editing editing just gone black and then the piece is just restarting you're like oh no so sometimes that would happen now I'm not putting that 100 to the GPU even though this was the only thing that changed it has happened a handful of times over the last few years to me as well but it did happen much more when we had the GPU installed so that was just weird you know to see that much in a week we thought no that's ridiculous and at first we were quite excited about the performance in Premiere Pro because when we're using just timeline and working with video it looked like quite Snappy and we were like oh look this is quite good and sometimes felt like you know even better than maybe some of the Nvidia cards but then as soon as we load some like graphs on the screen like you've seen maybe some of the CPU GPU comparisons we're just going to load a lot of text on the screen and put some numbers and percentages and stuff on the screen as soon as we did that the performance was just like ah but absolutely on unusable you would just like click to edit you'd wait wait there we go and then you like select to select the text and then it would take some time it would select it it was just absolutely a horrendous like uneditable performance so we thought you know if you're using this as a professional as a tool you can do that and just the instability sometimes it will run really good and sometimes the same thing would just run really really slow at the same time so sometimes you know editing we're using the same cameras all the time right same cameras same multi-cam but some of the video projects they're stored exactly in the same place in the same drives everything is exactly the same right but then when working with this GPU we just realized that sometimes the same project even if you load the same project up again it would just suddenly be super super slow try to restart the PC nothing happens and then the next time you just put the PC to sleep wake it up again whoa it's quite fast again so just the instability of performance sometimes being very good and very bad not a good thing to see from just a tool load you want to use in a Creator PC so the conclusion if you are a Creator if you're a professional who does this for a living and not just a hobby if you're doing this for a hobby I think you have a little bit more grace to some of the parts you're training out and trying to find fixes with it and you you kind of you know tuning the card and you know so on you maybe have a bit more time where you can spend on just trying different things and finding like the solutions and things but if you're a creative where you you you're earning the living from it for example you're editing videos every single day or most of the week or something like that 3D 2D grade or something like that then this is something you don't want from your tool to be unstable underperforming you just can't rely on it which is just a sad thing and that's why this makes me really really sad because I have been recommending AMD CPUs for years and AMD did Big leaps with their 5000 series and absolutely walk into up again to like create something good but now what I've seen from AMD recently is absolutely zero talk to creators now you might be commenting and saying yeah AMD did announce that the igpu and the dedicated GPU they can work together with the encoding and things like that but I haven't heard any talks about that I've seen the Keynotes of that but I haven't actually seen that in practice working obviously my CPU there doesn't have the igpu in there but whatever testing I've been doing I haven't seen the igp used at all even though we've used the 7950x for example with the 7900 XTX if you haven't seen that video feel free to check that out but I haven't seen any talks about creators everything's about gaming and you know more frames per second which just makes all the creators choose Team Green right but I would love if there was some affordable competition for NVIDIA and I think this is not hard to do it's just actually spending some finances and some cash from the GPU budget or from the actual server budget because the server Department of AMD is making absolutely but loads of money and it's much bigger than all of the gaming and other GPU CPU departments all together so there's plenty of actually cash to spend a little bit of more software engineering and Driver updates to do this as a as a Creator and we haven't seen the new series of pro lineup gpus out there obviously these are really gaming gpus and you might be saying look AMD has the W series uh you know Pro Series gpus out there as well and I'm like yeah good but they're quite old we don't have a refresh for this series now and if you think about Nvidia for example then Nvidia had a big big kind of appeal for creators as well in 3D video editing and so on in there but we don't see that in AMD so I've got no choice to move back to Nvidia and that's about it but if you are using AMD GPU I would love to hear from you your experience especially if you're using the 7900x T or the XCX the latest graphics cards what's your experience being as a Creator if you're running any of these please let me know any of your video editing photo editing 3D application feedback I'd love to know from you in the comment section below I'll meet you down there but if you are someone who's interested in building the best bank robot creator PC then there's a build guide in the description below check it out there it is whatever budget you have there's a PC build for you that you can have and build the best system for you possible everything's explained there honestly it's just the best I know this is because there's nothing like that on the internet check it out in the description below thanks guys for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 84,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech notice, best tech, Radeon 7900XT user experience, 7900xt, 7900 xt review, 7900xt user experience, 7900xt premiere pro, 7900xt video editing, 7900xt creator review, graphics card, amd radeon rx 7900 xt, 7900 xt
Id: BtZXb5UpqGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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