Crazy Coincidences You Won't Believe

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hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some crazy coincidences that actually happened okay this is really weird i've just walked into um a sushi restaurant and someone is wearing the exact same outfit as me well this is awkward oh i really use the same exact thing and it's like an oddly specific outfit too like a chunky white sweater and like overalls i'm about to go out to her and um um we're wearing the same outfit [Applause] why did they kiss do they know each other are you just fell in love with a random stranger that was wearing the same thing as you how i met my girlfriend she was just sitting in the cafe minding her own business wearing the same outfit as me hey we're wearing the same thing smooch runs away my childhood cat dying and getting cremated they got her ashes in the box and her show went up two weeks later girl whose cat did you cremate because it wasn't yours i'm i mean well this is great news cat is alive and doing fine but who was the other cat which one's my mom i'm scared mom i don't know what color flannel was she wearing when y'all got in there colored by her first name gina they both turn around mother which one are you one of them is clearly an imposter imposter gets kicked out of ikea and never lost shot there again for impersonating a mother wait a sec why are you so ugly bro what are the chances two girls on omegle catfishing us girls finally y'all met your match just a couple of guys just we're just vibing bro all right where's your girl boys show me your girl boys let's go come on let's hear the girl voice i bet you can't even do a girl voice i can do definitely girl voice but how about you that's good i like how they instantly knew like wait a second you know it takes one to no one i barely ever run into fun people on amigo anymore wait a second this looks familiar gru is that you keep it reading his book i wonder what to wear today let's see what the fashion icons are wearing these days all black fit with a striped gray scarf yeah that's the one james you look like that character from attack on titan oh well not the cart titan uh i kinda see it though it's the hair it's seven in the morning why are they all wearing the same thing is this like a private school a uniform white skirt pink tee almost everybody has got to be a sorority or something i don't know they probably go to the same school and they probably ordered the same thing too a venti iced caramel latte extra caramel and a cake pop what is in there oh there's a cat i don't know how i didn't see that like they had to zoom in all the way for me to realize that is not hair it is a cat or maybe it is hair that looks like a cat i don't know i'm not quite convinced i got trusted she's from all the cake videos it's just about right so what was your inspiration for this look tonight those little carmax chapsticks the red and yellow you know i would have said ronald mcdonald but this works too it's all a simulation they're not even in the same apartment on the same floor i don't think they even know about each other i know it's not the same person but it looks like the same person on the computer at the same exact time in the same building on different floors and i bet those people living there have no idea because they can't see the window of the floor under them i hope they find this on tick tock be like whoa dad's on vacation who return after a morning jog why are there so many of them two of them with blue shirts the mustiest sweaty back stain and even the hair balding in the same spot both woke up at 6am went on a morning jog going back to their respective floors at the same time i don't know maybe you got a twin staying on the next floor i don't know sometimes life be glitching literally when i open my free page [Music] what are the chances this person doing a little dancing dance isn't somebody filming them from the outside are the windows tinted oh i could never do such a performance in front of a window like are the windows tinted can you not see inside that there are people sitting trying to enjoy their lunch what am i looking at what's in the bathroom wait a sec i thought it was two black trash bins there's a cat chilling inside there and he popped out it was clear you know if it fits it chips and he most definitely fits y'all never go to a museum look at the art and be like wait i know that person that is my child whose dog is that that guy over there was me why they look so similar y'all got a doppelganger from the 1900s honey go stand by the photo she looks so confused like mom that's not me bro was having a staring contest with the 1800s version of himself this is a losing battle come on now you really think not with those headphones the guy in the painting your past self would have burned you at the stake for using such witchcraft technology what are these lines on my glasses what is causing such a reflection but more importantly what is that is that a hole so his boner can breathe he bricked up for the portrait i don't know i can't tell i'm gonna stop staring at it all right this one's probably the most accurate one i've seen what you doing what you got there with those fingers putting together you know i feel like this is like a modern day haircut i don't know very much about art and i'm not gonna sit here and act like i do but they had that hairstyle back then okay now i take it back this is the best one this has to be photoshopped or something was my guy a samurai in his past life it literally looks like his face which is photoshopped on that's his face you could not convince me otherwise i mean there are billions of people on this earth some of them are gonna look the same is that the cookie monster no it's a rock you cut open a rock and it's literally the cookie monster this is one of the coolest discoveries y'all gotta like auction this on ebay and natural rock formation that came out of the earth nature did that maybe nature is a big fan of the cookie monster it is gorgeous what's really cool about these rocks is that if you slice a really thin layer it'll look the same throughout the rock [Music] oh that looks soft oh hey wait a sec that's not the rug that's a cat good thing you stopped you blended in a little too good how to hide from predators but also how to get stepped on seeing an old friend unexpectedly after three years then you're making a sand castle for your ticket oh that's so satisfying howdy oh my god i can't believe it well this is awkward you're just filming a tiki talking old friend just randomly decides to show up right in front of you like hello is that not weird maybe you've been watching your videos maybe he's been following you maybe he wants to build the same castle with you or maybe he's going to destroy it as soon as you leave i don't know you never know people's true content when you go to the bar and some random girl has the same tattoo as you in the same spot okay that's actually a really cute tattoo it's not the same that is a heart with a oh wait it is a skull it's just drawn differently i know i looked at this and i was like is that a wiener dog do you see like a wiener dog and then like some squigglies i don't know he could be having a party with confetti that's so random this is a work of art this is both she was like hold on a second that's my kitchen you don't like my kitchen and nothing wrong with all white kitchen like it looks clean apparently the male version of you is actually your type holy crap babe come here i don't think okay well this filter looks way too real the beard looks real if it didn't do a little jiggle when she started laughing i would have thought that was her facial hair can't let that distract me from the fact that she looks very similar to her boyfriend the facial hair is the little chin thingy the same some people are just attracted to the opposite gender version of themselves i guess this is my favorite painting that i own i've owned it for like three years and i have no idea who she is hint one age hint two so it's definitely her that's the other hand too she likes yellow hint four she went to art school at micah in baltimore because i took it out of their dumpster hint five she hates this painting because i took it out of the dumpster it has a handle so she clearly has her life together and she didn't sign it but i wrote like john travolta on the back i can't tell if she's trolling her that's actually her imagine hating a self-portrait that you did toss it in the trash and then a few months later you find somebody making a tick tock about it how it is the best piece of art that they own i mean girl is it you or not i need answers but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and i just released some new merch we got hoodies shirts tank tops at og i'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,108,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, coincidences
Id: Ldp2uKU9Tg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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