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hello friends it's me and today we're checking out tic tacs that backfired it'll be a funny prank okay he's asleep just how does that even happen it's so simple it's a bucket of water bro just dump it on him yeah that really backfired so do i have to do this essay yes you do hey you're scamming you wouldn't do it for five dollars well that's five whole dollars to buy a pack of yu-gi-oh cards with that but not only do you have to take the test well he gonna take the money too hit him hit him she said somebody's in there there's nobody in there it was at this moment that he knew bro my soul would leave my body i was not even expecting that one hit him hit him she said somebody's in there the next one it was at this moment that he knew by the time you realize the next one is alive it's too late so you like to come into the walmart and assault bears all right oh why would you cut oh it did not cut the guitar string it got the blade the guitar string is more powerful than the blade well that did not go as planned how does that even happen power of music i guess my son tried to lock his brother outside but was defeated by his ninja moves you see that he like went and real quick it just like closed the door bro's the next peter parker how did he know the way you launched the jacket like he knew he was gonna do that and then push the door open you don't need to like interview this kid because this is wild i am fighting every single intrusive thought in my brain right now to not pop this in my room [Applause] you just let the thoughts win just like that you know just because you have voices in your head doesn't mean you have to listen to them pop it open pop it open pop it open think about the explosion gonna be lit was it worth pulling out the entire vacuum plugging it into the wall and cleaning the mess i know you gotta go over them like three times because it doesn't pick them up hey you can't just take a frog just pick him up i guess you can he's yours now oh that's a ribbon where are you taking him [Music] do frogs have friends oh another one that doesn't look like a friend he looks like the final boss no no today i learned you can't just take two wild animals and like put them together and be like kiss be friend love each other they will most likely kill each other tick tock has made me believe that frogs only exist to make silly tick tocks at night with a bro tried to steal a fruit is that is that a jackfruit whipped out a bag oh no that bag wanted no part in this i will not be an accessory to robbery he's trying to steal the fruit and just nope they have talked to the robots to play tic-tac-toe why did no one take the middle one oh okay good nice oh you got one more one more wait a second i thought you would have had this robot beat for sure you never let him know your next move silly human you thought you could win the ai play by their own rules if i want to put circle here and complete the tic tac toe then i will finally i'm wearing the adversary pov your friend tried to kick your face on your birthday but you have quick reflexes oh she wasn't kidding she gave him that look sit down and do not ruin my birthday i swear though those are some gamer reflexes i'd be so annoyed if somebody did this on my birthday thanks for the dinner taco bell and taco bell replied you're welcome timothy what did you get timothy got diarrhea i meant what food did you order but this is also a valid answer go back to when we paid our drinks in quarters wow oh you want to pay in quarters you know what actually we have the right to refuse service do you want your boba or not at least it wasn't pennies then i think we would have a problem i keep seeing all of these fine line incredibly detailed minuscule tattoos on my for you page and they're so pretty do not get me wrong but i just want to see one of those like a year out like i want to see it all jumbled together and mushed up and faded together i i didn't know this actually was a thing that happened so all those like really pretty dainty tattoos go from this to this that's a scam [Music] all right you're supposed to trust her uh they both ended up falling in like see i am powerful you can trust me i will not let you fall just kidding at that point she just jumped in so he doesn't blame her so what's with the wish t-shirts wish.com doing pranks now i mean besides their shipping prices when stealing goes wrong oh no did she try to steal a jacket and it got stuck to her hair i'm guessing she like walked out with it it got stuck to her hair went back into the store and was like can you guys remove this please at least it's returned to its rightful owner oh no what an idiot you tried to steal the food where's the food maybe you should use that long neck to look for it bro got an orange on his back i smell it i know it is somewhere around here but where my dogs be doing this all the time very bad food thief workout they said it'll be fun they said um ouch oh lord you get one of these at dollars how do you guys trust these little plastic hooks much more easier with the force of your strength it will not hold it i hope that hurt enough to learn from your mistakes so her boyfriend took the bar which is the test you have to take before you become an attorney and she got him a cake screw the bar who wants to be an attorney did you just assume he was going to fail got no hope in him oh wait there's another cake oh okay she got two cakes sorry i'm here just in case ah there it is congrats mr attorney never doubted you for a second she got a cake for both outcomes you know just in case you fail you get a cake if you pass you also get cake glad to see both outcomes involve cake and it is a cookie cake the most delicious of cakes just shoot your shot bro what's the worst that could happen she's right there just say something [Music] that's the worst that could happen no actually it's not good thing you didn't have a fart ready because this would have been like the optimal position to just like and then when she comes to help you she'll smell it and by that time you realize it wasn't a fart and instead of talking to the girl you end up crapping your pants yes there are much worse things that can happen no no i did not know what was gonna happen but it was not that i don't trust that thing in the middle of the room rolls gotta go full on cup cool panda that's what you get for flexing too hard i thought it'd be funny to tell mcdonald's i wanted 200 packs of ketchup it's a lot of ketchup can't you just buy a bottle they got jokes too oh you ordered 200 packs of ketchup and a big mac well now you have plenty of ketchup more ketchup than us you can put ketchup on your own burger okay freak when flexing in front of your gym crush goes wrong ah hey you doing a little too hard knock himself over do a flip she wasn't looking before she looking now maybe she'll even help you love you oh he's being sweet is there something that i can help you with in there what are you doing i'm just gonna get some dinner a 200 dinner where are we going steakhouse i'm training okay with my money yeah all right what's mine is yours i can't wait to be your wife and take all yours oh you're gonna take my money okay one day when i'm your wife i'm gonna take all yours now suddenly it is a problem and he no longer wants to take her money 20 hours doing the pranking i forgot sir extra cheese is two dollars well they didn't charge me last time oh thank you then i'll also have to charge you for last time quickest way to shut a karen up oh you didn't charge me last time okay guess i gotta charge you for last time too what will she do eat an ice cream oh no better put it in your shirt before little sis oh she brought him ice cream [Music] wait put those in is it so hard to just be honest like i already have a bar of ice cream instead of just telling the truth bro rather shove three popsicles down his shirt is it a crime to be eating a popsicle alone in your room by yourself but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did we should hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and i just released some new merch we got hoodies shirts tank tops at og wolfpack.com i'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,499,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, memes
Id: kifGZ72P6EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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