1v1 Arabia | Lithuanians vs Saracens | vs Daniel

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i assume that my wish for arabia grind is understandable considering the circumstances being king in the desert focused on game in jail chair exactly it's a danny boy oh no foreign hmm [Music] where it is is not queuing up but at least we're impressed by winches has performance in kingdom does it for of course beating era and then yo you cannot do anything but be impressed best tip for fortress just any boy let's see for fortress um cannot get away from cities like chinese mayans humans yeah i think those would be the ones that come to mind right and first games of days i cannot chat and play first game today at the same time difficult hello gg don't only happy hold there crash talk me and then we're good friends man why would we ever trash talk each other nice boy cold in the u.s no way you tell it's cold in germany that's for sure see what i want to do here i'm lithuanians these saracens i'm just going to open scouts and kind of see what happens you know this first game of the day scott's always nice to play as a warm-up the scouts can lead into anything kinda you know so we go for that let's push a host pledge as well while we're at it because why not right it's shipped you voip with anybody while playing with him dude i would not be able to take the game serious for one second i don't think any of us wants that mama lucas i hope not aren't you a true viking from the nordic countries who fears no cold that's a mis myth sir that's a myth are we like our heat we like our worms two deer will do are they i'm glad you enjoyed them have you ever done 19 pop man arms with minions i have not i think fans can't play my arms because you get you get essentially free food for almost three militia so it would make sense that you can pull something like that off this guy danny boy man he's sleeping [Music] unfortunately in the first game though it's part of the game right i i was able to name him in the mongols game and we have to get used to it some will get the rough end of the stick in games yeah four sheep in the first game was not ideal being down for she would have prepared to have them let's put it like that if you're having lag try to make sure you have normal latency activated on the cogwheel you should be able to select a a latency type make sure it's like normal if you're having lag issues that would be the best recommendation to fix it or attempt to fix it yeah the mind game will grab it with the demo ship worked out why did you never go for the elephant just curious i value the hp on my scalp too much in those various circumstances only times i would take an elephant i think would be if i'm running directly into it like on a hill or something uh not downhill uh with my scout like if i go forward at the start of the game and i run directly into an elephant i would consider it otherwise i think it is probably not worth it i'm gonna get housed here sloppy no i'm gold he's just going scouts himself just like it you with mongols it depends [Music] it's lamer boy i tell you man he's going scouts uh it's very situational circumstantial right i'll see on the map where i have how much time i've scouted already where is it like that his scout is or how far away is it likely that it is there's a lot of factors that are taking into account when i decide whether i want to take an elephant or not you know [Music] it's not just a why don't you take the elephant yeah there's a lot of considerations to be made is my scout useful in this matchup is it potentially more rewarding to have the scout information scouting information that i can get long term rather than risking losing risking losing my my scout i have to make this uh considerations when you decide whether you want to try and take a boar or not it's not just a like oh i see boar i take for [Music] a counter attack with his [Music] oh danny boy with the quick walls actually now i'm not sure where his scouts are because i don't see them in his base i don't see him in my base that begs the question where where is he we say it's not that simple not i would say it's it's not that simple [Music] oh there they are [Music] i think he has even stopped making scouts by looks of it will andrew garfield be coming from norway will andrew garfield be coming in no way home not sure why that's a question to be asked here andrew garfield is the old spiderman right guy who was acting with emma stone yeah i have not paid that much thought i shall admit that has not been on my mind much as of late [Music] [Music] figure out what he wants to do on the fly just use the marker a little bit but that's the thing i don't see a market either what was there i guess it was just a scout yeah that's the confusing part because he's not on stone he's not on goal my knowledge and i don't see a market yes he's making we actually saved them all stay second stable somewhere is he being very cheeky maybe mr danny boy or he's just been building up scouts outside of my vision for a while now sloppy man like the option would be that he has been hiding scouts or he had a hidden stable somewhere that i didn't see i'm gonna go for that he has been hiding it but i cannot say for sure i have a second building now so i did see more scouts running probably when i when i saw it in the edge of the screen back up i was missing a second building this was the first aoe i played good choice good choice [Music] he doesn't have any upgrades i have bloodlines now i'm forging about to hit [Music] yes please we'll go 3tc [Music] is that type of game where i would also kind of want to go for [Music] you know castle drop and do the upgrade actually going for that interesting and do the um [Music] range for the town center upgrade interesting to see if he gets any damage in here which angle is he coming from as well oh he's going to the gold need a couple nights to make sure we can clean that up that's for sure you scout at the corner of the map sneaky danny boy oh he has a range there as well it's all visible [Music] i think i need to try and save this [Music] just committing isn't he but he was this is fine [Music] should be fine right what can go wrong i can't really make more nights right now because it's kind of a waste i need to get a seatbelt shop up so i can get like a scorpion or two taking out my stable disrespect i don't mind i want to get i wanted to get equal going anyway i want to get stoned i want to drop a cast i want to do the range on my pcs that's the dream you know it is a one piece of play from him so far i should not send just one guy shoot under pressure make wheels and eco upgrades obviously the more equal you get in the end the better you you will be able to deal with the pressure just makes complete sense to me bert maybe go for more town centers first equal upgrades go well with town centers i've learned not a pretty town sooner spot but it'll do i'd love to get me some nice relics as well it might be a little bit too greedy trying snacks and relics under under this [Music] i just need a tc range right then i'm safe from anything except like a fast imp maybe i need a castle first to get the tc range there's multiple problems here but they're equal upgrades some people are not aware of those to this day here we do a castle there i think that's a good place for the first castle that's where the only gold we have is located i kind of just want to scout okay university oh it's maybe a horrible place for a town center i believe it is monty seeing this oh this is a horrible mistake [Music] oh he's doing his own castle well we got all the knights what can go wrong all right i guess we need to secure the other end of this stick can i call it stick oh this is fine guys can you can i request you to build a little bit faster plus i imagine that shouldn't be too much to ask for oh oh my gosh big shit's all over this is fine oh why did i delete that house i guess i can convert oh that's pretty neat um this is fine let's just do it easy there then we do the range upgrade then we're fine right he's on the way to imp so there's that oh if i only had that upgrade right away man i could have killed all his bills he would have lost everything why is it so slow okay fine how do we deal with this imperial edge guys 33 on farms 88 bills i mean in theory we are in a decent spot economically in theory kind of ish but at the same time not really right i have enough gold to go into myself i guess we'll settle on that get it yes that range comes in clutch oh did not account for all those nights appearing in my base the plan don't really have units right but i mean he can't harm me anyway because he is like you know like i have thesis with extraordinary range i don't see how i why i would be worried about anything coming my way like at all because my thesis should keep me safe no matter where oh look at my tc my tc is having the time of his life not easy show him what's my thesis are just having a good time why not yellow those questions people still don't understand or know that i cannot pick yellow at all times that's not nice danny boy luckily i have extreme range look he thinks he's safe dude what oh he's safe i just built a tc there right and then i'm safe against anything that you can throw at me range moser motor op and all right he made me go in i kind of just wanted to chill and like boom and things but now i have to go i only have two relics not satisfactory it's taking all my gold oh i have wing dust stars are you did a real viper because viper uses a yellow color questions that i can i mean i can use the market he's been buying a lot of resources so the price is actually quite nice buy some gold oh no [Music] i am housed non-stop daniel i'm in your base 800 gold that's unlocked am i still housed i look cute up like 17 houses yeah i'm fine with that kind of how long can you keep this up 49 farmers starting to get healthy oh no oh that's bad oh there's some traps he's going for the sarasota knights how was i supposed to think of something like that i lost all my trips good thing for me is one of the best trash units in the game or trash situations in the game i suppose [Music] i'm not sure if i can save or you know save this castle long enough i think his equals put it softly very bad and i can confirm after further inspection that this eco is is indeed very bad [Music] and i can also confirm that i'm still housed as has been the case for for a while now i really won't win how sir calmly bringing in another relic i like [Music] yes [Music] now is he trying to build another castle you're kidding me candy boy danny danny danny boy don't make me build bomber cans or something actually good [Music] maybe a little bit too yolo even some could argue like eddie of course you're familiar with eddie of arabia a slight population difference in the end here as well i would say
Channel: TheViper
Views: 31,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods, age of empires 4, aoe2, aoe4
Id: XL8Ndapj-Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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