Title Slopestyle at SilverStar Bike Park

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hey so [Music] [Music] welcome welcome welcome mountain bike world to the crank works summer series we are here for the summer series stop number one in beautiful silver star british columbia for the title slope style this is the ultimate slope style course in the okanagan area an absolutely spectacular backdrop for slope style today the skies are blue the trees are green and we are ready temperatures are balmy 32 degrees just peeking towards that hot level but we are going to see some hot mountain bike action here at the silver star bike park for sure my name is derek boosa i'm here with the most versatile man in mountain biking pro rider and pro announcer mikey hatter mikey what's the vibe here like at the crankworx summer series oh man it is amazing it's so great to be back here i was lucky enough to be a part of the bc series last year and it's so nice to be in shorts and flip-flops and not thawing each other out with propane torches so absolutely so as you said mikey this is this is we're returning to silver star for the title slope style the crank works summer series really offering riders an opportunity to kind of build themselves up into the crank works world tour and a great opportunity for riders to mix it up on dirt coming up riders and mountain bike heroes rock stars riding together that's been the the hallmark of the summer series and i'd say so far working out pretty well absolutely yeah it's just one of those places where you can kind of rub elbows with the best try your best against the best and of course on one of the best tracks ever built absolutely the title slope style track this thing has become in a very short period of time already legendary the silver star bike park crew matt mcduff brett reader and the title crew they really put their time into building this thing they only cut trees where they needed to to make sure that they kind of maintain the natural landscape mike you run us through this course yeah well starting things off with some of those trees they built they built this amazing whale tail features step up with a quarter pipe lip off so getting a little bit of extra kick maybe throwing some bigger tricks into this big step up feature kind of a safe landing so ryder's able to do some of their more technical tricks with a very little consequence and that'll roll things right into our flat drop we saw some amazing variations some things that we haven't seen in a few years in slope style competition and qualifying yesterday right into our 12 foot lift super booter that rolls us into another big massive berm step up onto a surgeon's table so step up onto another flat drop so more variations without lips very technical one more berm and that's gonna roll us right into our finish line booter and we'll see who takes home the top spot in the title slope style that's right so an incredible course the rider's absolutely loving it spectacular backdrop basically one of the hallmarks of the crank works summer series is young guns and up-and-comers getting to go head-to-head with the big dogs of the sport and speaking of big dogs the riders that we have here are some of the biggest names in slope style right now we're gonna kick it off with david godziak he was on fire yesterday i mean putting down stuff like you said that we haven't either ever seen or seen in a very long time in slope stuff yeah so he took he did take home our top qualifying spot with uh starting his run off a little bit slow but here we go into that half cap choosing not to run a free coaster so having to back pedal in that 180 and then off the flat drop straight into a twister so the consequence there all the speed you need to get those three rotations around and then another 180 bar spin up and then having to tail whip off of the surgeon's table so the level of technicality there from david godziak in qualifying no less is just kind of showing these young kids what they have in store for if they want to earn that golden ticket yeah it feels like seeing a rider go switch onto an on off feature like that is just going to unlock a whole new level of tricks potentially i mean just the imagination goes wild thinking about what david might be able to bring to the table uh with with that that peace now we talk about big dogs there are no bigger dogs than this next man nikolai ragacan is here and riding with his trademark frothing stoke this guy i mean what more can you say about him uh you called it great yesterday derek he is the hype man of slope style not only for himself in the crowd but for all the other riders especially these youngsters and again so typical nikolai style just so many massive rotations and cleaning things up he's looking so dialed on his runs now compared to years past so he's another one that is definitely a threat for the top spot anytime he shows up at a slope style he is a threat speaking of threats we got to fill you in here griffin paulson unfortunately going down yesterday in practice with a bit of an ankle injury fill us in on that one yeah i got to catch up with uh griffin after he visited the hospital just an uncharacteristic fall here we were lucky to catch footage on a three whip stomping his foot into the ground and actually fracturing one of the bones at the bottom of his ankle so thoughts are with him and he's still pretty uh he's got his spirits pretty high thinking that he might be able to ride joyride but taking his spot with another young canadian who do we have derek yeah so from last year's breakout star to a guy who wants to do it this year uh we we watched yesterday chance moore put himself on the podium in this field this young athlete is here to play and you know we we saw him yesterday put himself right into the conversation and that was only qualifier so you know you said it i think a little bit earlier he's got some more to play with for for finals today yeah it's it's going to be a tough one today you know and we're this is exactly what summer series is about showing the young guns what it takes to compete on the world stage with the world's best on this amazing world championship level course yeah now another man we're missing today because of maybe over frothing yesterday mike ross we saw him in practice put down a world's first and it has just gone absolutely viral across the internet yeah he actually broke the internet with this the world's first casual flat drop so a frontside cork 720 off of a flat feature so there's an instagram clip and mike actually sustained a little bit of an injury in between this clip and his qualifying run yesterday but still decided without any practice the day of to go for it in his qualifying run unfortunately things didn't quite pan out for him and we'll see and here it is he actually did the cannonball up and then in his qualifier just barely under rotating so we're hoping to see him back in a couple weeks and maybe earn that next wild card spot in a joyride but that's a name to watch for years to come yeah definitely keep your eyes peeled on my cross so he's not going to be here but let's take a look at who is going to be here we have 15 of the strongest slope style riders on the planet here for the title slope style the silver star bike park starting things off the french rider nicholas terrier is going to be one of his first slope style events moving on to the young canadian a couple mishaps in his qualifying but able to sneak in yesterday ben thompson bern winkler we see him on the slope style world championship tour another young canadian sneaking in leaving bayless david lee from the usa lucas skilled from sweden marcel toby miley german rider elof lin another swede very technical we're going to see some big things from him then we get into kind of the heavy hitters ice t tom eisted lucas who behoover chance moore there we see him third qualifier yesterday right behind the legends of nikolai rogacan and david godziak legends indeed the title slope style here at the silver star bike park just about to kick off we are ready for action and the action is going to be hot our first rider today in the title slope style here in the silver star bike park nicholas terrier the french rider lighting it up yesterday and earning himself a spot into finals 28 riders dropping yesterday we whittled it down to 15 today and there is a lot at stake for these riders so the pressure is on and french rider nico terrier on course mikey yeah nico riding with the lion boys back home one of his first slope styles starting things off with a nice lazy backflip table into a three double barred x up off that whale tail into this step up 360 whip getting those pedals back almost missing that outside foot looks like a little pre-wind to the bars they're going in to our flat drop feature so nicholas keeping things clean so far 360 down a little deep on the landing he's gonna be wanting all the speed he can for this super booter huge 360 tuck no handers great extension backflip tuck on to the whale tail 360 x up down right to the top of the one more hit for the french rider what does he have on the finish booter perfect front flip right to the top of the landing he's got to be stoked with that oh yeah french rider niko terrier yesterday he was kind of trying just to lock in on the run and today he's looking like he's pretty satisfied with that always we see these riders come into the finish and just have that mix of stoke and relief for getting their run done for locking it down and we've got niko now in the finish so now we have the judges doing their work hard work as it is we had a good chat with them at the end of the day yesterday on the way they they rank these guys and and all the things they put into the run and the way they judge it so you know it's gonna be interesting to see how they do with that with this first run of the day yeah and it's always good to see the first rider pull a full top to bottom and nicholas actually getting that run super clean it'll be up to the judges how he ranks up being our first rider on track but based on the riding yesterday that level is a pretty pretty solid first run yep so silver star bike park the host here for the title slope style and we are just waiting for our first rider score to drop in the first run of 15 riders everybody's gonna take two here we go 75 for nico terrius so that's a great way to start definitely the judges enjoying what they saw amplitude difficulty of trick all of the things combining to give him a solid score to start things off so we are right back up to the top ben thompson riding out of squamish this was a young uh young athlete who i think we felt didn't ride to his full potential yesterday he had a bit of a a bit of a scramble getting things going and he is here he's going to be really looking to light it up on the course today yeah actually had a kind of a good first run maybe not quite where he wanted to be and then actually a crash in a second was starting things off with that double whip 360 double bar off of the whale tail again such a technical feature 360 bar to late downside whip such a high degree of difficulty on that trick throwing the tail whip as he's falling down from the jump such a scary way to throw the bike around into the flat drop 360 double bar down front flip tuck no hander to bar spin to tuck no hander on the super booter back flip up the surgeons table front flip dropped down a little bit of a case but he made it out one more lip for ben thompson 360 downside whip a little bit of a case so not getting all the backside on that front flip drop and sapping some speed for the finish line so he knows he can clean that up but getting that front flip bar spin to tuck no hander where things went wrong yesterday that's got to be a big relief for ben thompson huge relief and such a high level of difficulty in that run there are very few people in the slope style world doing flat drop front flips and you can see the way his head snapped on that landing there's a ton of impact you're blind the whole way around but he was able to get it around and as you said there's definitely going to be opportunities for him to clean that run up but a bang a run for ben thompson a solid start to the first two riders only the first two riders of the day and we've already seen some tricks that we barely see in slope style so we we just have to speak to the level of the sport right now the riders are bringing their game to this title slope style here in vernon uh at the silver star bike park unbelievable riding already and we're only two down two down of first runs yeah this is gonna be one hot afternoon both on the temperature scale and the competition scale so waiting for our judges to tabulate the score for ben thompson right now the score to beat 75 even yeah mikey talk a little bit about what goes through the riders heads while they're sitting in this space all right here we go 82-3-3 for ben thompson so moving into the hot seat and breaking into the 80s early on in the day the judge is absolutely loving that and you can see definitely ben is going to know he's gonna ride back up but there is some room for improvement on that for ben thompson so a really really good way to start all right well we are straight back up to the top our austrian rider bernd winkler had a really strong showing yesterday and he's been kind of dabbling we were talking about this before dabbling now in speed and style he's been in the slope scene for a while speed and style the natural progression for somebody who's you know he's pretty speedy but he's still i think at heart a slope style rider and we're going to see his best as we see the austrian rider bernd winkler dropping in for his run yeah burned a 10-year veteran on the slope style world tour so he's no slouch when it comes to this but deciding to do the speed and style there we go start tucked no tuck back flip to bar and then a flip double bar so already with the technicality big cork seven perfectly executed from the young austrian little fast plant on the roller just those little extra things for the judges maybe not a point addition but definitely throws the style there we go truck driver down the flat drop in to the super booth pedaling hard flip whip exactly on the top of that landing precision riding right now from burn winkler back flip x up 360 x down a little bit flat on the landing but able to use that full suspension slope bike soak up the landing 360 whip to late barsman oh just barely missing the front wheel and sliding out on that landing he knows he had that one yeah that was so close so close to a great run and i think quite likely a high score there for bernd winkler as we saw him just putting the tricks all down perfectly the execution landing right up at the top that one just getting a little bit short but uh i think you know the good thing for byrne for the austrian rider is he's got another shot to go back up and try it again yeah starting things off really technical with that backflip bar spin to late tuck into a flip double bar and then on that step up feature with that cork 720 getting all the way to backside we've seen a lot of riders struggle for speed on that jump and then here's where it goes wrong the 360 downside whip to late bar and just doesn't quite get his hand back on the break to get that bike underneath him yeah this is watching that fall for burn there it's a real testament to the way that the uh brett reader matt mcduff the title crew and the silver star bike park uh trail crew were building this course they they put progression in mind or they had progression in mind but they also built it with an eye to safety and you can see for burn they're going down but he's you know he's all good he's able to slide out the landing's nice and steep and the way the the transition lines up with the flight path it's it's nice to see so these riders can really push themselves but still walk away from a fall like that yeah ryder's actually speaking to that in practice saying you know the course is is built to the point where you can cruise into it and coast into that finish jump or you can sprint as fast as you want and you just go higher which is just more time to do higher degree and more technical tricks so so a 51 even for bernd winkler that's going to put him into third so far of the three riders but we know if he can go back up and lock that run in we are going to see him move way up the rankings here at the silver star bike park so burn winkler he's going to take another shot at it but straight back up liam bayless this guy had a strong strong run yesterday and he is one of these riders looking to really break out this summer series is the opportunity for a lot of these young riders whether they're international or canadian to bust onto the scene and show us what they've got yeah liam actually a wild card entry to this event his best finish before a 22nd at the tom ben stieberg slope invitational so this is a really big opportunity for the young canadian to really burst like you said onto that scene starting things off with a flip double bar into a 360. looked like you went for two bars almost missed it somehow got the bars back and you hear the crowd into a double whip you can hear the riders in the athlete 10 at the top cheering him on for getting those bars back in his hands he's regrouped though into the flat drop flip a little bit corked out that extra style gonna help him with the judges double flip such a slow rotation absolutely stomp for liam look like an opposite 360 up regular 360 x down so again doing the tricks the opposite direction trying to write your name with your opposite hand into a front flip table and he stomps it liam bayless at top to bottom from wild card to wild run well full credit to this young athlete for taking that opportunity that he was given with the wild card and making the absolute most of it top to bottom that run was so clean packed with difficult tricks the amplitude you can't say enough about how difficult that is the mental side of this game mike you're a pro athlete in the bike world the mental side how much does it come into play when you're in that position well i can't speak to what it does on the top of a slope style course but i can speak to what we're about to see on the screen which is when something grows wrong midair it takes a whole lot of composure to realize i need to get these bars back in my hand and oh wait i still have a run to complete so big ups to the young canadian to get his head back on straight and go right in to that double whip and flat drop feature after a near disastrous 360 bar attempt at the top so he's stoked to get a top to bottom but you know he's going to clean that up and run number two yeah absolutely just catching the bars like that on the double bar spin and as you said just holding on so 69 6-6 there for liam bayless putting him into third so far a solid start especially as we said knowing that that can definitely be tidied up and if there's one thing i've learned about most of these uh most of these judge sports is you do not scare the judges when you scare the judges the scores start coming down a little bit and not catching your bars on a jump that big is a definitely a way to do it all right straight back up to the top david lee american rider another one with a strong showing we whittled down from 28 riders yesterday to only the top 15 today so everybody that's actually even here today has already earned their spot and david lead right in the mix yesterday with his run and he's going to be looking to earn himself a spot into red bull joyride as we we said before the top rider that isn't already qualified is getting that golden ticket is it going to be david lee today well we've seen david leave at the slopestyle world championship board at innsbruck just last year so there we go backflip bar spin to bar spin rewind 360 triple truck so three bar spins there and then in to this 360 whip to bar spin on the step up david coming from a bmx background another very technical rider able to do a lot of his tricks opposite direction and there's one of them right there spinning towards his front foot so opposite 360 going to score high there it is big triple tail whip double tail sorry on that super booter 360 up opposite 360 up regular 360 bar down then one more jump for the gt rider david lieb front flip bar spin getting corked out but stomping it there david leave very technical run there top to bottom with a bunch of opposite tricks and multiple triple variations that's going to be a very high scoring run yeah definitely hitting all the boxes taking all the boxes that the judges like to see and interesting to see the way that front flip goes on the final jump david leib using the whole landing all the way to the rider's right side and nearly putting himself into the red bull arch but definitely showing that control over his bike the mastery of his craft as he's able to pull it off and it's so exciting to see these riders just putting down their absolute best for this red-hot silver star bike park crowd yeah and there we see the tail whip and then here's the truck driver down off that surgeon's table and you know ryder's mentioning on that front flip trick it's a trick that you can actually get a bit more distance on some of these features so riders actually choosing to travel and make the jump longer by transferring to one side or the other on those front flip variations just making it a little safer because as you mentioned before you're completely blind the entire rotation until you actually are about to land well the score coming in for david lieb and the judges loved it 88.33 for david lee mikey you hit the nail on the head technical tricks adding variations going opposite ways on multiple features in a row david lieb really showing the the deep bag of tricks that he's got here at the title slope style and he is sitting in the hot seat with a hot score for as early on as we are in and considering the riders that we still have to come the level of slope style here is absolutely firing so exciting to see so david lee just put himself into the conversation to get himself back to the world tour back to red bull joyride but all the rest of these riders are gonna want to have their say and this man is no stranger lucas skilled swedish rider out of carlsberg he's kind of studying the following the swedish progression of just look up to the guy above you and right now when the guy above you is emile johansson you can bet that the technicality of the tricks in uh in this man's pocket are going to be nothing short of spectacular yeah lucas field he's got a silver medal from an fmb event earlier in the year best result so there it is backflip bar almost missing it oh no luke is skilled he's up he's all right cheering to the riders in the tent going for that backflip double bar missing it on the first one able to somehow get the bars underneath of him and land safe but he knew he did not have what it takes to get off of that quarter pipe exit for the title whale tail i mean the presence of mind to be able to stop yourself in that space and the way he did by just basically pitching the bike sideways with only one break only a back brake on that thing uh and not just skid off the next ramp the step down off of that title uh on offbox is just incredible you can see him lock up the brake toss the bike sideways there and stop himself before he went short um that's a that's a skill move right there if i'm not mistaken it almost looked like he landed with his bars facing the wrong way so his break was even on the wrong side and facing backwards and he was somehow able to use his size and probably big hands to reach for that brake lever and get himself slowed down that was a great way to get out of a very bad situation for the swedish rider yeah the the thomas lemoine as we've seen in speed and style back in the day it's yeah incredible presence of mind to reach back probably with your thumb to pull the brake lever on the wrong side well luckily he's fine we're going to see him lock in a second run we're going straight back up to the top marcel hunt silver star we're going to get behind this young athlete british rider got himself in through the qualifiers yesterday which was no easy feat so many good riders so many good runs and marcel hart now hunt now looking to stamp his way into red bull joyride when he is on course mikey yeah he earned his way into the magazine slope style with a tenth open ride and there we go back flip double bar and then a cork seven off oh a little bit of a case but a such a high degree trick front flip on the step up getting it back underneath him so even after that little bit of a bobble getting his head right for this flat drop marcel looking for a good result here and see him again it's earned his spot into red bull joyride in about 10 days time he's gonna have his work cut out for him there it is 360 down the flat drop into the super booters sprinting hard backflip bar to flip with looks like almost kicked his visor with that trick 360 double bar up flat flip down [Applause] marcel into the finished booter backflip bar to tuck no hander marcel hunt top to bottom [Applause] that little bit of a case on the cork 720 really the only fault in that run but it almost looked like on the super booter he pulled so hard for that flip with variation that he smacked his own visor with the bike and went full vertical for half the run yeah you could see him just absolutely getting on the gas to make sure he got the amplitude after you know a little case like that on a course like this it can't stop just enough speed that you start to question whether you have enough for the next or the next or the next feature you know it starts to compound but marcel hunt top to bottom so we'll have a look here mikey at what got him into that spot yeah so that backflip triple bar straight into the cork seven you can see him ripping his neck around trying to get every amount of that rotation and then the back flip bar to late tail whip and you can see the visor starting to go vertical there kicking the bike away maybe caught a front tire but looks good now that he's in the finish corral and just a moment ago we heard him say just a little messy so he knows he can clean that up on run number two and maybe even add a few more variations yeah it's one of my favorite aspects of the of the the way that slope style mountain biking is set up right now and and the functionality of it the two runs best run counts gives the riders the opportunity to build some strategy in whether they throw their hammers on run one and then they can back it up with a victory lap on on run two or whether they're uh you know they're doing a safety lap on the first run score coming in there for marcel hunt 68-3-3 so dropping him into fifth and strategy for marcel hunt and run number two i'm pretty sure is gonna be go absolutely ham and try to put himself on the podium here at the title slope style at silver star all right well we straight back up to the top german rider truly an international field for what is uh you know essentially a local event crank works summer series here in bc the field top to bottom is just stacked with international riders they're loving touring around western canada and and having a real good time so toby miley another strong strong one yesterday from the lone valley in germany he is on course now mikey yeah his best result at 10th place it's zuri ride so this is a great chance for him to really burst on to that top top world tour and their double whip onto the whale tail backflip bar off already upping the ante from his qualifier yesterday 360 whip to late bar spin for toby on the step up again a step up feature so you don't have as much time to get those extra tricks in because the landing sneaks up on you a lot faster here into the flat drop tail whip down the flat drop perfectly to pedals but he's gonna have to get on the gas for the super booter big backflip superman seat grab and just a little bit over rotated coming right down on that tailbone so toby looping out on that we're gonna hope he's all right that definitely looked like it hurt when the bike skirts out from under you and you don't have any arms or legs to put down to catch it and pad that impact so hopefully toby miley gonna be all right the german rider looking like he was on uh on a bit of a heater at that point on this run so hopefully he's okay we're gonna we've got use this opportunity to just mention we've got the silver star bike park patrol we've got the medical team uh lining the course basically safety is priority number one for the riders from the beginning of of bret and matt and the silver star team building this course to executing the event the the absolute most important thing top to bottom so we've got the best team on hand to make sure that all our riders are as safe as they can be where of course there is some consequence to this sport these riders definitely taking risks out there but of calculated risks they are incredibly skilled so standings mikey where are we sitting right now well right now the the young or not so young but a usa rider gt rider david lieb with a great score that 88 3 all the technical tricks that he was able to pull with opposite variations so really setting the bar high but great we see toby on his feet gingerly making his way off track that is a pretty big impact and here we're going to see that backflip superman big extension back to pedals you can see reaching for the break but not able to get enough hand on it to stop that rotation and so that's about a 15 foot drop out of the air straight onto the tailbone yeah heavy slam so hopefully toby's going to be able to uh to shake that off and get back up to the start gate for his second run i'm always always amazed at just how tough these riders are one of the things that they're i mean they just learn how to fall learn how to crash and take it so unbelievable elon flund our elof linda i'm sorry our next rider swedish athlete seventh at eurobike a couple of weeks ago this guy is on an upward trajectory and we're seeing it now by the fact that he is uh well he was inside the top ten and qualifying in a stomping field run number one here for this athlete the swedes just there seems to be something in the air something in the water right now swedish slope style has been a great place yeah they are really growing talent out of the out of the darkness in the winters and elon one of those super technical there it is backflip double bar on super technical double whip off perfect transition there for the big swede there we go 360 triple truck up the step up and here we go scrubbing off speed into this flat drop feature there it is 360 tuck no hander pretty small drop to be able to get the hands off and get back down smooth 360 to late tail whip there backflip bar to tuck no hander up 360 down looks like he may be wanting another variation there but keeping things smooth elof 360 whip to oh no foot getting stuck on top of the seat there he's just as confused as we are that 360 tail whip yeah i mean that run had everything almost every single one of those features had multiple variations on every single trick and that was a strange one at the end he looks yeah he doesn't even know what happened looks like he just didn't get his leg back over as he as he tossed out that for the tail whip on the 360. now he's checking to see what what part of the bike ghosted him to figure out how to avoid that on run number two because he was meters away from an absolutely spectacular score and definitely a great run for the young swede top to bottom this run had it all yeah here we see the double tail whip off of the whale tail that quarter pipe lip very steep so riders getting a lot of hype but it's tough for them to get the distance and then here we see that 360 triple truck so throwing the bars three times and a 360 and here's where it comes pear-shaped you see that right foot not able to get over the back tire and somehow landing in sort of a knack-knack seat stander and he's just what happened there is basically the quote yeah exactly that's a tough one to understand when you go back up and try to do it again when you don't really know what went wrong in the first place but you know what the result was which is a truncated run and interrupted by not getting his leg back over the bike but we know that if we did that run a hundred times he'd land that 99 and that was the one he didn't so he's got it out of the way now so he can go back up and lock it down you can see he's still investigating his bike trying to figure out how it betrayed him there yeah it definitely is one of those things where not sure if it's you it's nice to blame the bike but he's got plenty more in the bag he's up all right two thumbs up he's gonna go back up 50 points there for elof lin that's going to put him into seventh position and uh not the not the keeper for elop but we know if he can land that final trick that's going to send him way way up the scoreboard here in this title slope style straight back up this man put himself right into contention into finals with one run yesterday didn't even need to take a second run tom i said british rider he is a mainstay on the slope style scene we see him everywhere we go and constantly stepping it up and stepping it up and stepping it up so really looking forward to seeing tom i said lace his run here yeah he's actually still an alternate right now for joyride so this is a great opportunity for him to solidify his spot at joyride and he's doing just what he needs to right there with the cork seven up landing a little over rotated but getting the backflip tuck off and landing perfect not getting the case flip whip on the step up so ice t knows how to recover from a slight bobble like that and put down the run he needs to there it is a front flip off the flat drop one of very few riders doing that and doing it so clean double flip on the super booter truck driver up flat back flip down so rotating both ways off the flat features that's definitely going to add to his scoring a front flip tuck no hander on the finish absolutely bolts there well what a run there for tom i said yesterday we saw him on the step up lose his feet on the pedals and continue on with his run throwing those high degree difficulty tricks to get himself into this spot into finals where now he was able to put that run top to bottom and he just laced it so well so you can see he's pleased he's getting high fives from all the fans thomas did now he has a run under his belt which is a solid one so definitely looking to put himself into contention for that golden ticket as you said first alternate into red bull joyride would love to take that alternate title away and just be in yeah and here starting things out with that big cork 720 just a little bit over rotated you can see with the head slap but choosing to take those extra pedals knowing he needed the speed to get that backflip tucked no hander out and then this is where things went wrong and qualifying with the flip whip but he stomps it perfect in his first run we got a flat back flip off the surgeon's table with that truck driver up and then in to the finish absolutely massive extended front flip tucked no hander right at the top of the landing dead straight tom ice dead has got to be happy with that for his first run mikey let's talk about the variation of a flat drop front flip and a flat drop backflip in the one run both of those so difficult to do so different from each other tom eisted doing both in the one run scores coming in picking up into second for tom eisted with an not quite able to unseat david lee from the hot seat but putting himself right into that podium conversation tom i said is he got more does he have a little bit more in his pocket we're going to find out on our second run he'll be dropping late in that run for sure as he is way up in the rankings even with a few riders that we still have to go plenty of talent still left up at the top five guys who all want to put themselves into contention and on to the podium and this is another one yesterday who taking the opportunity max may maximilian german rider super strong run yesterday right in the mix with the top dogs and now he is going to give himself a shot at red bull joyride yeah he's actually been competing on the world tour since 2013 the only rider in the field to compete at the bearclaw invitational which hasn't happened in a good long time there we see wide double whip onto the whale's tail backflip bar to x back super styling leaving that x out hanging out there we go 360 superman seat grab such a style trick a little bit of a nod to eric fedco there tail whip down the flat drop now in to the super booter backflip tail whip from max may veteran skill here right now truck driver up just barely missing that foot tail whip down again with barely getting the foot on such a high degree one more lip to go 360 double tailbook for max may absolutely perfect landing there that's that last trick there for max may you could see him popping early on the lip to just match the trajectory from the take off to the landing so perfectly and that was probably one of the cleanest landings we've seen on that bottom trick jump so far today clean run for the german rider another one the judge is definitely in uh you know in deep today they've got their work cut out for them as they're they're trying to figure out who's gonna get the score is that gonna be enough to unseat our hot seat sitter right now we'll see but look at this run mikey solid from top to bottom yeah starting things off with that double whip and we talked about it earlier that title whale tail has such a massive lip on the way in you have to be so precise on the landing and to not case or go deep to have the speed for the exit jump out and then on that finish that 360 double tail whip absolutely two bolts all right well we see max made just anxiously some one of the most difficult parts of your slope style run this one and waiting in the start gate the two waiting periods where you're just waiting for somebody else to do something waiting for the scores to come in so just for for everyone this is run one of two everybody will be taking two runs so we're gonna rack them up uh in order of their finish after run one and then run in reverse order for run two so the highest scoring athletes will drop at the end so just closing in on the halfway point of this event today as we wait for max may's score to drop the judges taking their time with this as they are want to do we want to make sure they want to make sure they're getting it right and there's a lot to consider in that run yeah with all the multiple variations and having to know which riders are spinning tricks opposite which ones are throwing bars the opposite direction it takes a little bit of time and a few reviews for these judges to get it right and they did right now 83-66 for max may so moving him into third spot multiple riders now in the 80s and you can see he is a happy young german slopestyle rider in the finish area a big smile on his face as he's into the 80s and into the top three now being in the top three with the four guys that we have at the top of this course is no guarantee of safety we've still got four riders left who are all have one of the deepest or some of the deepest bags of tricks that you have out there and this man is no exception swiss rider lucas hooper we've seen him i'm going to say step up his game recently in the slope style world he's gone from kind of a mid-pack rider to a podium threat at every event so the training really working out for for hoopie there as he is on course now here at the title slope stuff yeah hoopie actually working on some things just this morning some first for him we'll see if he pulls him off there we go back flip double bar onto the whale tail double tail whip down absolutely perfect landing there for hoopie opposite double tail whip there on the step up you can see having to kick his legs the other way a little bit unnatural almost turning it into an air walk and this is what he just learned his first one this morning let's see if he pulls it off here there it is 360 tail whip down the flat drop first one of those we've seen from hoopie front flip barspin on the superbooter 360 down whip up the surgeons table gets it back on 360 double truck manually down the landing hoop he is going for it here double backflip on the finish jump hoopie wow the swiss rider top to bottom unbelievably high difficulty on all of those on all those features he is jacked up right now so excited to have landed that uh the the 360 tail whip on the flat drop cannot overstate how difficult that is to do it without a lip absolutely totally unbelievably difficult trick without a lip and he pulled his first ever attempt just this morning did one other practice to do it and this was his third try and absolutely to bolts so right now double bar up the whale tail and here the regular direction double tail whip off going into this step up feature but then here off the last surgeons table that double truck driver just getting his bars back and manually down the landing to get all the speed he can for this double backflip the first one of those we've seen on the finish jump yeah lofty double backflip on that one too slow rotation never looked like there was any chance of it not working out and we're into the 90s lucas hooper with a 91-33 and moving himself into first place the swiss rider absolutely slaying this title course incredible incredible outcome for him as he went top to bottom just incredibly high level of difficulty can't overstate how hard that run was how technical and you could see it in his face when he came through the finish he was hyped and now he's deservedly sitting in the top spot here the title slope style so things getting a very interesting as we get to the sharp end of the stick chance moore riding out of langley hitting it at the air rec center chance moore young canadian rider ready to go he earned his way into the top three in qualities and now he wants to put himself on the map the title rider ready to well to blow our minds again yeah taking a page out of one of his fellow young canadian derrick we saw him yesterday in the business polo shirt chance won the red bull best line one year ago now he's got to see if he can put down his best line on this slope so there it is backflip double bar to one foot cannon oh slipping a pedal so missing the trick on the exit let's see if he pulls together no he's going to take this one as a bit of a cruiser he knows what it takes to get to that top spot so it looks like this is going to be a bit of a tr practice run for chance moore yeah we saw yesterday's some riders when they made mistakes i'm thinking specifically if tom ice did still throw their bang a run because they wanted to make sure they got into finals but at this point now there's not really the same impetus he's he needs to do his whole run or not at all so with that slip at the top he's going to get this as extra practice and he wants to get down safe so that he can have a chance at the second run so the dump three crowd at silver star bike park that was for you and all of you guys were going to get behind chance more because he's going to go back up and i'm sure we are going to see a full pull from him on round two so just a question for you derek being in from the ski industry and have seeing a bunch of young riders come through in a competition like this do you think that the pressure really gets to these young riders in their first main event or is this something that a youngster like chance can overcome and really put down against the best well we saw him overcome it yesterday for sure he's definitely got the headspace to do it but putting yourself in that headspace in the start gate when the cameras are rolling and the crowd is firing and it's all to do and your heroes are the only two guys left behind you to drop in that's a lot for a young athlete but i think i believe the chance can do it and i think for these young guys they get the opportunity they're going to seize it they're going to take it and they're going to run with it because you know why wouldn't you when you're up there there's only two guys left and it's david godziak and nikolai regatkin and you're your chance yeah he's going to do it and i think we're going to see a banging second run out of him so you're saying he has a chance hey all right so you can see he's getting his first opportunity here as a rock star in the slope style world signing autographs the kids just flocking around chance moore loving it 60.33 for chance definitely very much a practice lap for him once he lost pedals out of that uh coming into the whale tail so and also a smart decision not to try to toss something when you don't have your feet square and your pedals these guys know what they can and can't do and i think what's maybe so impressive for them is how quickly they have to make that decision and that's something we also haven't quite touched on is the crowd being back here which is so amazing but speaking of crowd the man who loves the crowd more than anybody the crowd favorite nikolai gatkin his first run of two right now he's at the top this guy gets so hyped he gets hyped at the bottom he gets hyped for the other riders he has just put on a show every single time he drops in and we love to see it and we know you love to see it silver star so when nikolai drops in we are going to get behind him he is so exciting always energetic to ride and to watch and all was exciting yeah nikolai rogakin has just gotten his runs cleaner and cleaner every year and here we see that cash roll absolutely perfect rotation and another cash roll off nikolai back to back in and out of the title whale tale double tail whip on the step up here he comes into that flat drop slowing up making sure his speed is on point let's see which one of his variations he is gonna go for the fastplant 360. into the super booter there it is tail whip cash roll front side 720 with a tail whip back flip up 360 down so different variations on every one of these tricks even from qualifying yesterday and here it is the twister lfg from nikolairo stomping his first run here hit the silver star title slope style top to bottom full pull speaking of the crowd there is the man who loves it nikolai every bit of emotion just pouring out of nikolai ragan as he went top to bottom full pull clean run so many difficult so many difficult tricks the amplitude on his first air into the title whale tail look how much higher he was there than everyone else yeah nick like rotating so many different directions he actually cash rolled in and cork seven out so a frontside 720 to a backside 720 and then into this double tail whip on the step up yeah and you can see here he went back flip on 360 off so there's going to be room for nikolai with this run to actually add to it if he needs to and then what a way to finish i mean he had the twister in yesterday to throw it over the finished booter that is the money trick and that is the time to do it and you could see that release of emotion from murgatkin in the finish area so hyped to unleash that run and the kids the crowd the fans everybody loving it it's so good to have the fans back and this is only run number one all these riders going to go back up and do it again for themselves for that spot in red bull joyride and for the enjoyment of the crowd this i can't say enough about how high he went into that title whale tail yeah using every bit of the lip when on those uh casserole flips normally you actually have to pop into the lip losing some of that amplitude by going with the front side rotation nikolai though getting every amount of height that you can man this is a run that is going to go down for is run number one absolutely clean as you said with some room for improvement with some variations and we know he has those variations it's just going to be what happens with the next rider to drop in in just a few minutes it's been a fascinating to watch the evolution of nikolai ragan as a slope style rider there's some things that have really changed over the years like he's cleaned things way up he's added variations he's added different directional spins and there are things that have stayed with him from when he first came on the scene the stoke the hype the way he is just adding more rotations the aggression that he tosses his tricks with all of those things so he's really kind of you see him grow but hold on to the things that make nikolai nikolai and make him the man in the center of the fan scrum because he is one of the all-time fan favorites in slope style and we're really stoked to have him here at the title slope style at crankworx summer series i mean these riders are here the biggest names in the in the industry and they're here at silver star bike park lighting it up for the fans yeah and i think nikolai said it best it's hard not to love this course which is what brought a lot of these riders here nikolai we're going to wait for his run number one score well the tower scored a beat right now 91-3-3 so he's moved into second nikolai with a 91 even so only three tenths of a point three three separating lucas hooper and nikolai organ so the judge is feeling like not much in it and they're gonna send those two back up to battle it out in run number two for supremacy but of course we are not done we do have another man who's to have a say in these standings at the end of run number one david godziak polish rider x games gold a week ago yesterday in qualifying he could have cruised on run number two but instead of that he put down a run that left our jaws on the floor multiple switch tricks in a slope style i've never seen that before and really honestly mikey with some room to add on if he needed to at the end of that so david godziak he's got a well he's got a big shoes to fill just after what he did yesterday it's hard when you're in your own shadow yeah he he can be kind of his own worst enemy or his best accomplice and here we see it with a backflip top to bar spin big 360 tuck to bar spin out huge amplitude and such a tall rider who makes almost a jumpsuit guard 360 double whip and it looked like a late x there and have to wait for the replay to see and here's where we saw a trick we haven't seen in so long but choosing not to going for a tail whip on that flat drop feature switching things up from qualifying yesterday similar to nick light and there we see twister tuck no hander [Applause] there 360 bar up double tail whip down such a difficult trick almost no time to get those two full rotations in there it is casual barspin david godziak maybe changing up the formula a little bit after the scoring yesterday wants to see how this one stacks up the two warriors just hugging as nikolai you know we keep saying it he is the ultimate cheerleader for everybody else so this is really interesting for david godziak because there were tricks in there that he didn't do yesterday that are very difficult but there's also things that he left on the table that he did do yesterday so strategically i'm actually not really sure what that was about maybe he's trying to add all the pieces and then in run number two if he puts them all together then we'll see the run of runs here in slope style but godzilla definitely opting to leave a couple things out but then adding some real difficult ones yeah there we go starting with two double variations the backflip tuck to bar and then the 360 tuck to bar right into the 360 double whip so upping the ante from yesterday and then here that double whip down the surgeon's table not very many people willing to risk two tail whips on a flat drop no lip feature and then into that casserole bar spin one of only two riders able to pull variations on those front side 720 tricks so david godziak still needs to beat your leader lucas hooper the swiss rider with a 91-3-3 in run number one setting the bar high so here we go scores coming in derek picking up 94 points for david godziak dropping into first place so knocking lucas hooper out of first and nick lyra gakkin we are in a qualifying event and we have three riders in the 90s and those three riders all already qualified for red bull joyride sir they are doing it for the honor here and doing it to honor this title slope style course incredible run for godzilla and what maybe mikey is more exciting to me is there are things he didn't do on that run that we know he can do that he can add even more level of difficulty what a first run we still have a whole second run everybody is going to go back up we're going to re-rack them in order in reverse order of their finishing finishing position in run number one and we're gonna do it all again so we're just gonna take a short break while we get the riders back up to the top but incredible action on run number one here at the title slopes though [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so uh it gets me so hyped they're watching the title team just slay this title slope style course we are here with ben heath the brand manager for title ben welcome uh welcome here to silverstar we just want to kind of get get a sense of what the brand is all about i mean title where did it come from this it's pretty new but it seems to just be everywhere totally so title started uh from brett reader obviously being a professional slope style rider basically he just wanted to make a company of his own where he could put his own imprint on different products and make stuff that could be used at the highest level of slope style and all types of mountain biking so really just looking for the components that he wanted to use and he thought well i just might as well make him myself exactly exactly put his own fingerprints over the different styles and stuff like that so yeah that's how that's how it came to be speaking of fingerprints you guys have your fingerprints all over this course tell us a little bit about how title as a brand of components moved into building this amazing slope style course definitely so as brett was a professional slope style writer himself obviously he was very familiar with the sport and i think he just kind of found that there was a bit of a lack of opportunity for canadian and north american riders um so we thought hey let's build a slope cell course in collaboration with silverstar put on the event and uh give people a north american opportunity to enjoy some real slope style yeah one of the things that we heard from from brett and matt mcduff was they built this for for progression a little bit it wasn't it's not all the biggest hits that you're gonna see around the world but it allows the riders to kind of build up their tricks and then be close enough to what they're training on at home that when they come into an event they're able to actually come kind of hit the ground running absolutely yeah i think the focus was really to build features like you would see on the diamond series type of events but build them in a way where people are more comfortable to try their tricks and kind of progress and i think that's really translated based on the level of riding that we've seen out here this week especially and speaking of level of riding obviously we have some of the world's best out here heavy hitters but it seems like title is not only sponsoring some of the best guys on on planet earth but we've got so many up-and-comers and we're seeing them on track here today almost every one of our young riders men and women are able to throw down and are supported by a company like tidal so how did that come to be is that part of the vision absolutely like uh circling back to brett's vision yeah he definitely wanted to have higher end riders if you will to kind of help get the ground get off the ground running um and then he also wanted to like i said provide opportunity for some of the up-and-coming riders to have an opportunity to be treated like a professional and give them the best chance to succeed well i think it's pretty admirable and also fairly clear to say that it's working as we're seeing some of these young title athletes mixing it up with the best in the world uh big thanks ben for joining us here in the booth and and thanks to title for putting this on and brett matt and the silverstar crew for the build it's just i mean it's it's showing everything we knew it would and to see it in all its glory now with the you know it's bedded in after last year and everything magic time so silver star bike park and the title slope style delivering today for crank works summer series thanks so much for joining us absolutely thank you guys very much uh [Music] [Music] so what a day here in the silver star bike park delivering on the promise crank works summer series where it stopped number one in the summer series here this year but holy what we have seen already mikey fireworks yeah to think this is not even part of the slope style world championship tour and we're seeing a level of riding that any other day you would see at the finals at joyride so this is just run number one i'm i'm actually absolutely mind blown and we've still got a re-rack and a whole bunch of more riding to come so we're gonna take a look though at our top three from run number one and a few of the bankers that we did get to see out here which i'm still trying to process what happened top three just taking our breath away we'll start out with nick lyra gatkin always exciting always entertaining today no different the amplitude mikey that he put on that first hit yeah going court castrol into cork seven out and then that 720 casserole tail whip one of the only riders able to pull that off lucas hoopie hooper we talked about his work that he's put in over the off season and right now sitting in the number two spot it's paying off right there the multiple variation tricks in and out of the whale tail and then the double flip on the finish poopy stomping his run and learning tricks even just today yeah the dawning of the age of hoopy here and then the man we waited till the end to see it and really surprising us honestly with the with the makeup of this run yeah you know changing things up from qualifying where you did a couple of those half cap trips but adding that double tail whip off the flat drop i don't think we've seen many of those ever in slope style competition because so much can go wrong so quickly and then finishing it off with again with that casserole variation only two riders able to do variations on those front side 720s it's gonna be a nail biter of a final yeah and it's i think it's a real testament to to the depth of david godziak's bag of tricks that he can roll out a couple of things yesterday that we'd never really seen before and leave those today and still put down a first place run after run number one without those i mean who knows what he's going to be able to combo and put together for run number two but what i can tell you is the state of slope style right now is red hot we have up and comers we have we have very established top level riders and they are battling it out neck and neck tooth to tooth elbow to elbow here on this title course on the in the silverstar bike park it's just incredible to see mikey i'm so excited for run number two already yeah it's it's going to be just one of the most explosive slope styles we've seen in a while and we can't i keep bringing this up but it really is so great to have fans and spectators back on the hill we can hear him here from the announcer booth as soon as riders drop in and that only feeds the level of these riders we talk about it with nikolai but every rider on track just goes that much harder and wants to throw it down that much bigger when they can hear the crowd going nuts and so after that you know bit of a break in all of our lives it's so amazing to have these people back on hill here at silver star yeah fan reaction matters and the fans here are on fire and loving what they're seeing so let's take a quick look at where we ended up after run number one we've got our standings here so swedish rider lucas guild these are kind of runs that didn't go to plan either with a crash or a serious mistake for all these ones so all the way pretty much up to liam bayless we're gonna see these riders looking to put the run they want down yeah definitely looking for improvement both on score and definitely on placement and there's a few in this bench so we can see chance moore your number three qualifier he's one that we're really gonna watch out for same thing with ben thompson ben thompson didn't quite have the perfect run that he wanted but still was good enough to her seventh max may a great run for him backing up his qualifier from yesterday then we're into those heavy hitters tom ice dead david lieb and then your top three nikolai rogakin lucas hoopie hooper and david gaziak they're gonna be the last three to drop here in the final so it's gonna be really really interesting to see who keeps upping the annie and see if we're gonna see a victory lap from these top three or if we're gonna see david godziak uncork even more out of his bag of tricks which we know he has fireworks coming up for run number two in the title slope style here the crank works summer series and the silver star bike park just about ready to kick things off for our second run and it looks like we are ready this is the swedish rider lucas schiel skilled just chatting with him he tried to help me with the sweetest pronunciation of his name and i just could not get it but he gave me a fun little snippet that the translation of his last name actually means shield so lucas the shield is doing his best now to put down some armor and throw down on this title slope style line into the whale tail what does he have this is where it went wrong backflip double bar perfect this time truck driver off in to the step up there it is 360 whip the long way around on the step up here we go in to the flat drop this feature pretty new to slopes i'll only bring around maybe five or six years and already so many variations there with a 360 x up here into the super booter backflip tail whip with huge amplitude absolutely stomping the pedals big tail whip up the surgeons table 360 down looks like maybe wanted to throw a variation there but happy to get out of smooth one more jump for lucas big backflip invert that shoulder buzz such a stylist trick especially on the taller riders so lucas the shield stoked to get a top to bottom run there definitely gonna be improvement let's see where it stacks him up in this very stacked field yeah interesting on that one it kind of looked like he about at the surgeon's table elevation he maybe took his foot off the gas with some single tricks so curious to see if there was a reason behind that or if he just got to that point and kind of knew where he was in his run i mean these riders know exactly what they have to do they know the the whole process and they know exactly what the judges are looking for so if it's not going exactly where they want it to go it's possible i mean i'm not in his head or in his inside his helmet but it definitely kind of had that look where all of a sudden we saw a few less combinations um but loving this final trick that's just one of the most stylish it reminds me of tommy g 360 with the the table just clicked like that just uh it puts a smile on your face no matter when you see it it may not score as high as some of the multiple variation tricks but that is one of the steeziest tricks in mountain biking and i think maybe speaking to as you said he may be eased off the gas off the surgeons table i know lucas was at the top talking to the riders yesterday asking how tired the rest of the riders were going into the final jump because he felt absolutely gassed having to sprint for some of these jumps so possibly fatigue setting in a little bit on this track so upping his run number one score obviously but 64-66 yeah so 11th there so we we know we're gonna see lucas skilled uh in in the slope style world for a long time to come and he's definitely he's a smart young rider definitely didn't didn't want to put too much on the line there if he wasn't gonna be able to match i wonder too on the mental side of the game when these riders the younger up-and-coming riders watch what godzillak ragakin and and hoopie have done if you're up at the top and you don't have that are you just kind of overwhelmed i would say probably not because there's still points in the fmb world tour to 5'4 and then still trying to up your game and possibly earn that wild card spot into joyride so there's still a lot to to learn and a lot to gain from really throwing down your best run we'll see if the german rider coming up next can do that toby miley in the start gate and ready to get things going for his second of two looking to improve on the last run score as he wants to put himself you know into into the conversation at the top of the ladder here in slope style here at the title slope style course and he is ready to go as soon as uh as soon as he feels ready then we're going to see toby miley dropping in on the slopestyle course here you know riders luckily with slope styles not like a race start where your time to go is right at that moment i believe they give them about a two minute window to be able to drop in for their runs and so toby waiting for the conditions to be right where he wants him knowing some of the tricks that he has in his bag and knowing what features to do them on okay there it was we got the okay from the young german he's dropping in title slope style course run number two [Music] in to the whale tail double tail whip up perfectly to pedals there back flip bar spin down no case this time so even more speed into this step up there it is 360 whip up the step up getting all the way to the backside maybe not quite as much amplitude as some of our other riders but still a difficult technical trick here into the flat drop a tail whip down now we go into the superbooter sprinting backflip bar spin perfectly stomped there from toby bar spin up the surgeon's table table top down looked like he wanted to set up for a 360 maybe not quite comfortable so into the finish line still pedaling hard into a whip so toby miley just happy to make it top to bottom there with a little mistake but and the crowd loving him as he comes through you can see he's just looking kind of gassed i i i think the amount of practice runs that these riders have been doing day to day day after day after day during this crank work summer series stop here at silverstar it's got to be starting to take its toll on their on their energy levels right the fatigue kicking in going back up and even just pressing pedaling into every one of those jumps when you add it up over and over and over again how much does it take out of them physically oh absolutely slope style you know some of us race mountain bikers and especially cross country guys don't think that they it takes much effort to get down these jump courses with these riders pumping every amount of those landings and the g-forces on these lips for how fast they're going and the height they're getting it takes a massive amount of strength and in the heat like this i know a lot of the european riders not used to this level of heat and definitely not the elevation either it really can take your toll after five days of practice not to mention adrenaline adrenaline is actually exhausting when you're riding this course every single time you hit one of these features you got to have your heart and your throat just you know kind of hoping for the best so 55 3-3 there for the german rider toby miley he's going to be in 13th so far yeah adrenaline definitely exhausting so he's definitely coming to the end of a week like this with so much practice and then an event yesterday back to back events for these riders taking taking a toll on them we straight back up to the top another young sweet elo flind he had a solid run going and then it just kind of came apart at the very very end not able to get his foot back over the back tire on the tail whip so really hopeful to see eloh taking a big step up the rankings and in score with this second run yeah he's definitely going to be looking to clean that up and we know he's got a lot of technical tricks and here we see those backflip triple bar off and then a double tail whip down so double variation and triple variation there then a 360 triple bar on the step up we said technical riding is a swedish mainstay and elof lind right now is proving that to us in run number two into the flat drop 360 tuck no hander landing a little inside having to get out to that berm to get extra speed 360 x to late tail whip then into the surgeons table backflip bar to tuck no hander off 360 down so multiple 360 variations on the flat features into the finish there it is the 360 went perfect to pedals this time he knew where they were that was a freak fluke occurrence and he is stoked two hands up for elo flynn that was a redemption run and as we said nine times out of ten he'd get that bike back under him on the three whip and he was able to do it there so clicking top to bottom absolutely fine exactly that's what we were thinking up here in the commentary booth as well so the swedish rider threw on something out there to to team sweden back home hopefully you caught it and you understood it uh so elohim crowd favorite the guys down in the finish area absolutely loving it he's loving it great to see a rider come back the mental fortitude to go down in such a strange way in run number one and come back it must have been nerve-racking to toss that 360 whip at the at the last the last jump again on run two yeah and not only uh to come back from that but also upping the annie on the run adding a couple extra bar spins and a couple extra variations to his run from run number one so cleaning things up adding variations and then stomping his finish trick that kind of took him out of the running on run number one so he's going to get a great improvement but let's see if it's going to be enough to earn him in to that coveted wild card spot or even on the podium yeah there's definitely a lot of great runs that the judges are going to have to weigh that against and the degree of difficulty that we saw at the pointy end in run number one was so high it was so high that we've never basically not seen anything like that so a 68 flat for the swede iloflin that's going to put him into 11th currently 68 points for ela as he rolls out and we continue on with this title slope style huge thanks to so many of the people involved getting this thing off the ground the destination silver star and tourism vernon folks just making it happen keeping the wheels turning and wheels turning well bernd winkler the austrian rider had a 51 on run number one put him into 15th he's going to want to improve that mikey for sure yeah that was just another one of those runs going so great until it came apart at the very end so burn he knows 10-year veteran of the slopestyle sport knows how to do it and what he needs if he wants to move into that top spot there it is backflip tucked no hander to late barsman backflip bar looked like he wanted to get a second bar spin in there but able to get it around there it is the cork 720 no just a bit under rotated bern winkler unfortunately going down there he's had a bit of a tough day has our austrian slope style hero so he's heading back up to get the crowd hyped up yeah just a little short on that cork seven unfortunately that step up can really make or break a run it's it is it's not a big distance that you have to clear but it puts you pretty high and so sometimes that distance is is tricky to travel when you're putting all your energy into the amplitude you still do need to cover the distance over the gap yeah and the uh coming out of that whale sail feature because it is a quarter pipe lip you go very very high which means you fall from such a high level landing needs to be real steep or you need to land absolutely perfect to keep that speed into the step up feature so this is a show run for the crowd here silver star burn could just be cruising it but he's choosing to throw down for the folks here on course silver star getting behind this event like no other it's so great to have a live crowd at the title slope style and this crowd is getting fired up for these riders all of them just bringing the heat you can see he's got a smile on his face which we're really glad to see him wrap that up and we're really grateful for the whole crowd being here on site having a blast here at slope style crank work summer series really living up to the building living up to the hike or the hype i should say uh so 35 there for the austrian rider bernd winkler he's gonna stay in 15th currently um probably not what he was looking for but great to see him down safe with a smile on his face yeah he's gonna be looking to head over to whistler in just a few weeks time and mentioned earlier that he wanted to do a bit more other disciplines he did speed and style in austria a few months ago all right we go back to the top the langley rider chance more chance in third yesterday not quite the run he was hoping for in run number one he lost his pedals in the whale tarot lost up pedal in the whale tail and then just kind of cruised he's in 13th right now he was in third yesterday we know this young athlete has what it takes to compete at the top level he's young but he is competing and riding well beyond his years mikey chance moore this is gonna be a nail biter everybody here in vernon is behind this young man in it to the whale tail there it is backflip triple bar spin perfect cork seven down right on the top of the landing sprinting hard into the step up front flip bar spin on the step up stomps it for chance moore here's he's gonna collect his thoughts regroup a little bit in to this flat drop what are we gonna see from the young canadian there it is truck driver down absolutely picture perfect into the super booter backflip bar spin to late tail whip and no just barely landing on the seat getting fully compressed and bounced off the bike late tail whip is right he tried to pack that in in the last two meters of air time that he had chance more just about able to put it in there too this is one of the things that you see riders start to i guess remove from their runs as they age as they get a little bit more experienced those last second additions you can see him he throws the bike and just unable to actually get it locked in to ride away mikey that was so close to perfection it was absolutely one of the ridiculous tricks i i missed called in the first one it looked like it was a backflip double bar to late tail whip so throwing two bar spins and explains why he was having to throw that tail whip so late in his air time on that jump and you saw him pedaling his guts out into that i was wondering why he wanted to go so fast but that explains it when you're trying to essentially do four things in one jump uh that's a lot to pack into that that flight path and then unfortunately for him the tail whip just not able to get clicked back into uh landing position as he came down impact looking like he ripped his rugby jersey there a little bit but uh good to see chance moore i am very confident we are going to see big things out of this young man all right well we are going to head straight back on up to the top there's no rest in the slope-style world british rider marcel hunt 68-3-3 in 10th is he going to be able to move himself up that ladder he certainly would like to and we know he's got more in his pocket marcel had a strong run last time but a few spots we saw where there was going to be there there was room for him to just add you know the judges said you can always add another bar spit yeah as he even said at the bottom of his run a little sloppy so he's going to try and clean things up and see if he can get that golden ticket into jorah i'd backflip double bar there it is the cork seven a little bit smoother that time still a slight case but instantly getting on the pedals and then into the front flip perfect stomp on that step up feature for marcel hunt the british rider riding for crowmag canadian brand good to see them here at the slope style circuit 360 down the flat drop into the superbooter big backflip x gone wrong for marcel hunt so we're gonna let our slope silver star medical team take a look at him yeah just looked like he couldn't get back get his bars back in his hand and pull that back around so marcel hunt going down hard unfortunate to see these riders definitely you know right on the razor's edge time after time run after run and uh hopefully marcel is gonna be all right there we are gonna yeah send the medical team out to have a look the silver star bike park patrol as well as the doctors on site have the riders safety in mind so this is where we ended up after run number one david godziak with a mind-bending run lucas hooper and nikolai ragacan in any other event could have easily been on the top and then gaussian just showing he had layers and layers and layers of tricks on lock yeah and just behind him actually a great showing from the american david leave that 88-33 and then tom is trying to there we see marcel hunt is up and moving so great to see he is vertical yeah moving off the course under his own power extremely happy to see marcel get up after that heavy heavy slam really uh yeah that was a confusing one not sure we'll have to check in with him after the event and figure out exactly maybe mikey you can ah there it is looked like he went for the backflip bar and then was gonna throw a tail with but didn't catch the bars the right way round again catching the bars with the wrong hand and then once he's upside down he was ready to throw the tail whip with the bike being 90 degrees to the landing there's not much he could do besides bail out and facing backwards it just turned into a huge scorpion slam yeah we'll head back up and we have still just a stacked field of riders at the top all vying for those that coveted wild card spot into red bull joyride in whistler liam bayless with a 6966 he's in ninth so far and we saw a couple of singles a couple of 360 a backflip where he's going to have the opportunity if he's got it if things are firing on this run to add a few things liam bayless and exciting young riders we have so many exciting young riders here in this slope style event he's getting ready to drop in for run number two yeah liam getting the wild card entry even into this event and right now sitting in top ten but he's got more in the tank he said there is oh no single back flip bar up 360 triple truck down it looked like these riders throwing the bar so quickly on that feature double whip on the step up a little bit of a borrow spin there as the judges said you can always throw another bar spin here into the flat drop court flat drop so styley getting tons of speed for the super booter perfect double backflip again from liam into the surgeons table opposite 360 up regular 360 x up down so again doing that opposite trick going to up the degree of difficulty 360 tail whip windshield wiper somehow gets out of that clean nowhere near on the bike runs out of it but that 360 tail whip to tail it back we call that a 360 windshield wiper yeah one of the most technical tricks you can do in mountain biking and mikey i mean the ability to kick that bike back around when it's come whipping out of the tail whip and just catch it with your foot and toss it again back around the other way as you said didn't really look like it was close to coming back under his feet but he managed to just i don't know make it look like it was no big deal yeah and here we see the backflip single bar at the beginning of the run you know he wanted to add a little bit more variation there there it is looks like only a double truck off again these riders spinning so fast and here we see that 360 windshield wiper he actually does get around too far he over rotates the windshield wiper back and misses the seat and pedals for the grab on the way down but just slides out of it smooth and oh to be young in 19 again yeah so liam bayless that's going to be a 4866 he is still sitting inside the top 10 which is an incredible achievement for a rider who has wildcarded into this event and had to compete against 28 people just to get to this point so inside the top 10 he's going to rock it up the fmp standings that's an exciting finish for that uh that young rider and one i'm sure we're going to see plenty more of well we go back to the top in eighth with a 75 he was the first man on course this morning when we started here at the slope style track and he put down a strong first run nico terrier the french rider manually into this run getting things started with a bang yeah he is hyped energy level is up for the french rider backflip tuck no hander looked like he wanted to throw another variation there we see 360 double truck to x up off the whale tail landing smooth there we go 360 bar in that shadow working really tough to see these tricks on that step up definitely have to catch that on the replay but into the flat drop here for nicholas terrier 360 down stomped perfect on that cranking hard into the super booter huge that big 360 tuck no hander reminds me of a good martin sodderstrom 360 from back in the day back flip tuck no hander off 360 x up down transferring over the outside making sure he has all the speed into the finished booter front flip tuck no hander for nicholas terry a two clean top to bombs from the frenchman he has got to be happy with that derek yeah a solid solid run top to bottom and you can see he's grinning ear to ear it feels so good and the riders are just constantly talking about how much they love riding this course and when they get that top to bottom the feeling is just undescribable so nicholas putting all the pieces together so many tricks so many variations he's got a 75 on run number one which was a really high number for the judges to toss out for the first rider of the day which i think is a testament to the strength of his run so we'll see if he's able to step that up a little bit uh in in terms of the the score and also the placement where that's going to put him so a little bit of a deduction on that one i think the level raised a little bit so he's the best he's going to be able to do today's eighth with that 75 on run number one yeah and a top 10 in this field i think is is going to be feel like a victory there for the french rider nicoteria in eighth right now with 71 we're going right back up to ben thompson this young man riding at a squamish with an 82-3-3 and incredible that an 82-3-3 was good enough for seventh in this field he is on course again we're going to see if he's got any more in the tank uh we know he does everybody here knows this young canadian and knows what he has in this trick in there double it perfectly to pedals 360. i can't tell if that was three or four bar spins but i'm gonna call it three into a front flip tuck no hander gets it around even with that near miss of the bars on the step down ben thompson is throwing caution to the win right now and trying to put down the banger run and see if he can make his way for that golden ticket there it is truck driver down the flat drop into the superbooter front flip bar a little bit over roey but keeping his speed oh no missing the trick up so i think he maybe wanted to do the front flip bar to tuck no hander so ben thompson one more jump to go he's gonna keep his run number one score so put your hands together silver star letting that one go it's so precise the the demands of this course if you lose even the slightest bit looking like he's got a sore wrist there so i think that's what shut it down uh for ben thompson yeah you're mike i think you're exactly right on that front flip he definitely looked like he landed pretty heavy the front wheel coming in hard on that one yeah but starting the run off with a banger right there the double tail whip up the whale tail and here let's see slow-mo one two three four bar spins in a 360. somehow catching it and then going straight into a fronty tuck on the step up so ben is all smiles but it looked like that front flip bar's been on the super booter gave him a bit of a wrist stinger and he just decided to cruise in safe yeah so he's gonna hold on to that first run score 82.5 and that's going to keep him in seventh position as we move on there from ben thompson the squamish rider to the german rider max may he had a great first run as well 83-66 and again these scores and where the rankings are it's incredible sixth place for the german rider he's got we know he has a few more things that he can do we saw a couple in there that we were able to identify and we know if we can do it then he can definitely do it he is on course max may yeah max of true veteran of slope style as we said before one of the only riders to complete in the bear claw slope contest there it is with the double whip off the start backflip double bar down so they're a little bit of an improvement again on run one here we go that big 360 seat grab can such a style trick again one of my favorites and a nod to the german eric fedco there it is tail whip down the flat drop into the superbooter backflip tail whip super stomp very top of the landing for max truck driver up another tail whip down so upping the ante with the degree of difficulty on those flat features then 360 down whip to bar spin or tail whip back just missing on that final lip getting it back around wow these 360 windshield wiper tail whips are something we've only seen a few times in slope style competition and now we're seeing him twice today derek twice i remember watching brett reader do it at red bull joyride and being absolutely mind blown that it that it happened that anybody even thought that was possible and now we're seeing up-and-coming riders doing it in in uh crankworx summer series event uh that was that was an another incredible run that we just saw from max may so top to bottom so difficult the double tail whip in you talked a little bit earlier mikey about catching the landing way up high just to allow the speed to continue to build which they need to be able to then make jump after jump after jump yeah and then going into that finish going that 360 down whip it looked like he might have on the approach i thought he might be going for a 360 double downward but when he caught and kicked it back it was gonna be very close whether he was going to get that underneath him and unfortunately again just missing the catch on the rewind and having to slide it out so he's going to stick with that run number one of an 83-6 and best he's going to do today is sixth yeah max may that's gonna wrap up his day he was pretty pleased with the score on run number one you saw a big smile across his face so unfortunately going down there hopefully he's all right definitely looking like he's a little moving a little bit gingerly max may but we head straight back on up to the top tom iced it we saw him yesterday make his way through the field pretty uh pretty much razor precision ninja precision with a pretty big mistake but then carrying on the run and now tom i said he's in the top five he has had a spectacular first round yeah he had a pretty much bolts first run but we know tom is a veteran of the sport and he can do what we like to call the safety run the run that he knows he has dialed and if he wants to up the ante and for him there's a lot to gain here by upping that run because he could earn his way out of being an alternate for joyride and earn the golden ticket so he is on the start list guaranteed so let's see what he does here and again with the quark seven up no not getting the pop right as soon as he came off there he is hands to chest he knew at the very last second that that was not gonna end well and somehow making his way able to run out of a cork 720 on to that massively tall tidal whale tale so the best tom's going to do is that run number one score well tom i said yeah just looking like he was a little short i'm so impressed with his ability to run that out and not really even take his body to the floor at all he managed to kind of ninja his way out of that move out of that that i mean i'd call it a crash but he didn't really crash his bike crashed but he stayed on his feet so just a testament to the the coordination and the physical skill and the mental wear with all these riders to be able to pull that off know it's not going right and somehow almost magically be able to stay on their feet so really happy to see tom i said he's down he's uh he's walking he's all good there uh he's gonna be a bit bummed i'm sure because he wanted to up the ante from run number one but he is healthy and looks like his one handle bar is a little bit bent there yeah that bike took all the impact there on that cork seven but we're gonna look back up the hill this is insane all right well we dodged that many bullets are straight back up david lee 88 3-3 he sat in the hot seat for a while and david liebe is now looking at not too many guys ahead of him we're gonna i don't want to make any wild claims here but he's looking pretty good for uh advancing out of this into something very special david lee he's only got rigatkin hoopie and godziak ahead of him so he's just waiting for the wind you can see he's smiling he kind of he knows what's in front of him right now so david lee the american gt rider currently sitting in fourth just off the podium let's see if he's gonna up it and take home a podium spot straight back flip no looks like he's gonna do this as a victory lap so i think david leave the smart calculated american rider knows a little bit of something about where he sits in the finish right now so he's gonna take this and cruise down and sit on run number one score but derek that might mean that he takes home something maybe even more coveted than a podium run here at the title slope style in silver star yeah i mean you could hear him at the top in in uh in the camera mic just saying i can't believe i dodged that many bullets referring to all the other strong strong riders in this field that didn't manage to slide in ahead of them if you're uh if you're wondering what we're alluding to we'll we'll get to it soon enough but david lee he is beyond stoked right now this is a happy rider as he is putting himself into the conversation and into the big time and this is again one of my favorite parts of having the spectators back here on course is the groms at the bottom of every slope style are almost like gear scavengers just praying that their favorite rider is going to hand them a glove hand them a goggle strap you're going to hear some of the kids asking for helmets asking for grips these are such super fans of the sport at such a young age to have them back on course here at silver star is absolutely amazing so david lee going to keep that first run scoreboard 88.3 just off the podium in fourth yeah exciting moments here david lee so the only three guys ahead of him are three of the biggest hitters in the slope style world david lee stepping into the pressure here all right and we are getting official word that david lieb is going to be the recipient of the wild card the golden ticket into red bull joyride the three men ahead of him are all pre-qualified david lieb is going to whistler and is going to be dropping in red bull joyride the wild card it's so good to see this this man just step into the pressure deliver i mean such an incredible strong run there for david lee in run number one and then he knew at the top we were still unsure we wanted to make sure we had the the math correct but incredible day for david lee really exciting stuff but we are not done slope style continues and the next man in the start gate one of the most exciting men that you could ever hope to watch in a slope style run nick lyricakin is a 91 under his belt and that's got him sitting in third nikolai ragan dropping in for run number two he is all focused right now at the top he knows what he has to do if he wants to take down that 94 of david godziag and he's starting things off with that cash roll into the cork seven a little bit of a case there so not quite what he wanted on that but triple tail whip on the step up perfectly to pedals so upping the ante he knows what he needs to do he is a true veteran one of the only two riders to take home the triple crown of slope style is on course right now with that fast plant 360 off this flat drop into the super booter there it is again with the casserole tail whip even more dialed that time cork seven up oh no a little bit over rotated onto the surgeon table and the crowd still going nuts that was huge mikey he went so high above that and that one of all of the features on this course you got to be so precise even the hint of an overshoot on that and you're you're you're impacting yourself into the ground which is exactly what nikolai just did he went so high missed the transition on the landing and just pancaked himself down onto that wood but in true nikolai style just finding a couple pedal strokes amazing that he can just get the speed from nowhere there yeah into the finished crowd this is for you you know he's gonna do something and he does that's nikolai ladies and gentlemen goes down in his run on pace to take the lead and still throws the banger at the finish so put your hands together silver star and you can see nikolai there just his hands up just wondering what might have been he had everything going for him he had a significant step up in difficulty from his first run and just slightly overshooting if you see nikolai go down typically it's an overshoot almost never an undershoot if he's gonna do anything it's gonna be too much look at this mikey and here it is the cork 720 and it almost looked like he maybe caught a little bit of a gust there and it pulled the bike tires out from under him because he was going to be landing almost 900 on that 720 based on the rotation so he knew that it was time to let go and slide down that surgeon's table yeah he tossed a leg out there glad that i mean he wears those burly ankle braces because nikolai knows that the impacts that he's putting on to his body are just so intense but glad to see that he's all right hopefully at least mostly all right from that he's down in the finish he's adored by the fans for sure a rider favorite so we're gonna head back up to the top as we have only two riders to go and these two riders have opted to do this for silver star for the fans lucas hooper and david godzilla going to run a train on this title slope style course both of them deciding they cannot do more than what they did in run number one so polish rider and swiss rider in slope style harmony here as they're just chatting all smiles up at the top this is one of the coolest parts about this sport mikey yeah the camaraderie between these riders you know it is all business as soon as they drop in but the moment they cross the line and finish a run it is all about giving props to your homies so silver star put your hands together the victory laps for lucas hoopie hooper second place today and then david godziak chasing him down this is all for you and you can hear that crowd through the camera mics right now absolutely going insane [Music] and these riders still throwing down there it is a 360 et tuck no hander [Music] and then a huge 360 table from both the riders just so stylish so big switzerland and poland oh david choosing to go back up oh we may be seeing something interesting from godziak he decided to turn around on the surgeons table let's see if we can get the camera back up to the top oh he dropped a chain yeah i don't think he decided to do that i think that was decided for him so david godzick chain come off in his victory train there tucked no hander off the surgeon's table what uh just the spirit of mountain biking alive and well with these two and godzilla just tossing a casual cash roll you know because as you do when you've just won the title slope style here at silver star well this three-way hug here three of the biggest names in slope style and i gotta give a huge amount of credit to lucas supreme he's really stepped up his game to put himself on a level with these other two godzilla and ragan we kind of expect but hoopie has stepped into a new stratosphere i think a slopestyle and i think the the age of lucas hooper is dawning right now we're seeing it i'm going to call it so for the rest of the season at least we're going to see him in the mix for podium runs across the board i can fully get on board with that upping the annie all off season and even upping the annie while he's been here on this title slope style course so just such a great afternoon of runs great to see all these riders making it down relatively safe and what a podium nikolai rogakin in third lucas hoopie hooper with a podium here and then david godziak after just a week ago taking home an x games goal backing it up here with a title slope style gold absolutely amazing riding from these riders [Music] all right so there are our three top riders of the day incredible the camaraderie make sure if you're on course on site right now 4 30 we're going to be rocking awards in the main silver star village we're giving away some giant oversized novelty checks some crank works summer series hardware and are going to see some big grins as we move on to our podium at 4 30. so the crowd absolutely fired up here at silverstar and of course they should be that was a red-hot performance from the who's who of slope style and one of the real stars of the show that title slope cell course top to bottom ryder favorite and we are so excited to be able to deliver on that uh what a day we just had yeah this has been one of the most amazing slope style competitions i've seen in a while okay well we are here with david leave david the grin uncontainable right now you know you just put down basically leaned into the pressure and you've earned yourself this it is the golden ticket to red bull joyride the highest finisher that wasn't pre-qualified david lee tell me what your what's going on in your head right now you know this is so unreal like for so many years i've been working as a slopestyle competitor to get to the next level and then you know there's been a lot of obstacles along the way but to come here and secure this you know it was obviously kind of the goal but when you don't get it you like it's you can't beat yourself up too bad however like when you do get it it's just like it's the best feeling in the world and uh we're gonna take this opportunity capitalize on it and see where this thing takes me you know so i'm really excited for the red bull joyride course as well i've been seeing a few sneak peeks of the course and it looks like it might be right up my alley so i'm excited to try it out speaking of courses we can run through your run here what what did you think about this title slope style we've heard it's a hard course not to love and you threw down an amazing run that we're going to see some highlights over here in a second what are your thoughts you know this course i'm a big fan of this course honestly it's just it's long it feels like an authentic mountain bike course you're you have a lot of creative features it's um it's in the woods you know there's just so many epic factors about it um i really like the fact that it's built by riders for riders and um yeah it's uh it's an honor to compete here on the course that these guys built really thankful yeah and so here's here's your run that got you the golden ticket and we see so many tricks there let's just say now you're going to red bull joyride looking at this run do you think you got more in the tank yeah i definitely i saved a few things in this run in case i had to do a second run um i was ready to do them if i had to but you know i uh at this point we're gonna save all the extras for red bull joyride that's awesome to hear david so great to have you out here so congratulations on earning your ticket to the the unofficial super bowl of slope style we'll see in whistler in what about 10 days time yeah after right after big white headed to whistler and it's going to be awesome awesome thank you no worries all right well let's take a look at what got us here david godziak taking the w with his first run lucas hooper dropping himself into second and nikolai ragan the top three all in the 90s mikey david lead punching his ticket into red bull joyride and then tom eisted max may ben thompson like this all the way down into eight we barely get out of the 80s high scoring heavy hitting runs all the way through this field yeah it's one of the most stacked fields we've seen at a gold level event you know this could be a final at a slopestyle world championship any given day and we're just seeing kind of the beginning of almost a changing of the guard maybe some of these younger riders really stepping up all right well changing of the guard may be coming but it didn't come today and the guard the old guard the usual suspects david godzik wow i mean what you just did with this title course it looked like it was a playground for you out there congratulations thank you thank you so much yeah i felt really good on on the course here especially if i was here last year and i really had so much fun here speaking of being here last year how much were the conditions different and really playing to your advantage you know with a third place last year now taking home the win what's your comparison with the take home it's definitely much faster this year so a bit less exhausting at the end but still uh still hard hard to do it to the bottom uh so yeah was uh better conditions helped to to do better tricks for sure so david i want to talk a little bit about the contrast between your run yesterday and your run today because they were quite different there were some things that you brought in that you left on the table that you did yesterday and a few things that you added today uh what was the strategy behind that we didn't see the switch tricks that yesterday kind of blew all our minds so maybe run us through why you chose the run you chose yeah i'm always trying to to do the save run first so i can't go local in the first round so i have some points uh so i decided to keep it for for the second run which uh i didn't have to do it so i want to get this straight what you did on your first run that was your safe run for today yeah i was feeling pretty comfortable with all those tricks uh it's just hard to link all them together eight features is really a lot well eight features is a lot but i think we've got even more than that coming up next week in the red bull joyride so this will be almost three separate weeks of competition back to back for you what was it like to go from an x games competition now to a title slope style and then knowing that you're going in to joyride in just a few days time joyride is just another contest uh in the schedule uh but coming here from x games uh was uh wasn't nothing comfortable i was riding the pump truck palm truck here on the first day of uh of practice to just get used to the mountain bike again after x game so it wasn't it wasn't easy it wasn't easy but now you're gonna be on the mountain bike for the next couple weeks and we're looking to see big things from you from joyride yeah yeah yeah for sure can't wait all right well this guy firing shots across the bow of every other slope style rider on the planet putting his safety run down and blowing our minds david thank you so much both for coming and chatting with us and for your run today spectacular can't wait to see you in whistler next week thank you so much see you next time well race fans slope style fans what a show we have had today top to bottom end to end front to back spectacular i would like to thank mikey hatter for joining me in the booth today at the title slope style it's just been a pleasure to work with you and this slope style course the real star of the show as we see our top three men and a golden ticket punched to whistler join us at whistler joyride or at red bull joyride in whistler next week come to whistler for crankworx summer series wrapping up here we'll see y'all in whistler
Channel: Crankworx
Views: 52,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crankworx;, Crankworx, Rotorua;, Les, Gets;, Innsbruck;, Whistler;, Red, Bull, Joyride;, RBJoyride;, Joyride, Crankworks;, mtb;, vtt;, Downhill
Id: F2wJGFrkAns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 58sec (6778 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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