Craig Ferguson fun with guests compilation - part #4

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[Music] wait you are clapping along to our music you believe this is our music music but you don't just come out to your husband we clap along your music if you like play music your house I don't walk into your house and go even if you were playing music like this [Music] it's gonna be a great show tonight you know why why is that because there's a well it might not be that good I don't know what do you think no no it's up to you Craig week but maybe sighs no up to B to B all the shoes would be good is it better all the way up your leg that's awesome thank you I like to know that your legs are fine they are thank you need to concentrate on your legs this other area immensely as well your ass in the back of this thank you Thanks here's something you may recognize kangaroo testicles I have seen him before I have seen him before you can put him back yeah is that how you would hold them I've never held them I've just seen him oh really the last time you were here you were told you like an outdoor girl you run around in your bare feet and you like this has something changed you've got a little Hollywood have I gone a little bit well first let's talk about this girl you look at you look very glamorous which is a good thing but also you've gone a little Hollywood like you you know the promo for the shoes [Applause] past me ugly turbot I want to make sure my my makeup looks good you know what else I want what I want I want yeah okay two bags of money there there you go you haven't gone Hollywood at all [Music] [Music] who ever done anything like that and you can a diet anything well living in LA if you don't you're kind of the odd man out right that's right oh you ate something Oh gross yeah so I think I'm one of the only actresses I know that still eats bread so you eat bread oh my god I love you I'm such a okay do-do that thing okay keep doing that all right all right he's not more time in the park you know yourself to that leg young lady it's fine yeah the back legs been around the world you know Craig Ferguson just made me blood here come the werewolf you should never do that again you know when a woman says that to me that means I'm gonna do it again snake cup I was excited to meet the snake huh the snake up is excited to meet you but it's not real life we play characters okay then fine yeah all right so I so I'm a character then if I come do you create you create your character and then you play that character all right I'd like to be an Austrian therapist yeah that would be great I will talk like this the entire time okay I will be a Serbian adult entertainment woman isn't that what you are you know I don't mean and see adult entertainment like Oh Who and subin's but I mean you know I mean more like in you know you're the the the you do it entertainment for someone are people who enjoy watching television talk your way out of that one okay merci beaucoup look metal expands you might as well know metal expands anike contracts in the cold all right that is much like gentlemen's equipment exactly that's true the ladies have the same problem like the things expand and contract during do you eat cupcakes you have a sugar problem wouldn't say I don't need the help or anything you know I don't I'm sure some cupcakes I've been known to eat a few cupcakes how many cupcakes you a day I I would say it's more of a weekly thing I don't want to say the deal evening and speaking of your thing it depends on the time of the month for me to hell but you eat you eat I'll eat more Cup I'll have a craving for more cupcakes come on this is a lady thing all ladies know this all ladies are down with us so this one is like in ghosts right do it let's reenact [Music] oh that was I was at you were so acting acting good not too good they were so good good acting your sake actors would be taken as seriously if we called it pretending like the Oscar for best pretending a really beautiful love story between John Keats and Fanny Brolin that girl that live next door and it's a true story no is he actually that size or is this you like down he's really that size right so that's gonna be so your play a woman who fell in love with a little person giant they just they they blew me up like four times so I'm like this to you and this giant woman that takes over the town in business and falls in love with a beautiful young small poet oh I've got a poem for you where's that a hand bracelet a really classy hand cuffs [Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome Miranda you look absolutely lovely like really very nice indeed I don't know if anyone ever told you before but you're you're reasonably attractive young lady and you're very handsome too yeah you got to throw a bit more oomph behind a very handsome man I think that we should take our kids on a playdate together yeah that's it what are you you kids mine's gonna be two in January oh yeah yeah mines gonna be tuned January 2 yeah let's get them together and get them in a band can play the piano my son can play the piano better than your son and then we can drink some tea hey I'm one of your girlfriend's mom this non-threatening that's awful but great at the same time no I think it's lovely well I come from down under was he go coz [Applause] [Music] what a lovely hat thank you these says this for Halloween er is just something you're wearing well both really you walk around wearing Minnie Mouse ears no I I had a regular dress to wear here but it like was the wrong there's a dress mix-up cuz I I had a black garment bag that I had to go to take here so I could change so I could come on this show and look cute well you always look you don't need to change the lighting so bad look I know it's wonderful here thank you okay I love it but then it wasn't the right dress so I I had a costume so it's done of course you miss a lovely dress that that's maybe a little cost you me the ears with this this is lovely is that a costume thing yes can i yeah I'm not a big cat person I love cats do you why I just made it up they're really you know like that yeah yeah I don't mind a little bitchiness I'm fine with it I like a little good that's exactly what I picture every time I yeah what cats are like when they come in they're like even had a dog that surfed when I was there right but it's easier for dogs for legs exactly yeah they just live Bible soon all fours you served on a force that doesn't count it doesn't count for you too gonna suck if you do doggy style on a surfboard [Applause] [Music] it's one of those things you should probably know I do you have a car a car yes yes right so you put this bag in your car and then whenever you need to park give one of these to the valet parking guy thank you I'm an actress I'm gonna call his degree I live near the cannoli place yeah there's a quarter enjoy it all right there so all you have to do is answer this questions first really um Iceland is in the North Atlantic its capital city is reka vated right cracked okay in which ocean would you find the country of Iceland Iceland is in the North Atlantic its capital city in which ocean would you find that country of icy one day you question again seems like you think I don't have a car No we'll get your heart question dad [Music] right okay I'm okay Iceland is in the North Atlantic capital city is reka Vic this is a multiple-choice question what is singular is it a one of the Norse gods is it a the name of Iceland's Parliament or is it C the largest lake in Scandinavia singing valour good language Isabella please th ing v AE L Li are singing valor is it a Norse God faceless Parliament or the largest lake in Scandinavia could you use it in a sentence yes yes I could singular is Iceland's Parliament [Applause] [Music] in our current parties and that was fair I think we can all agree on one thing brunettes gonna be every bad as hot as blonde but it's the redheads and take it all the way up to DEFCON free game [Applause] [Music] ix organ or awkward pause ooh awkward pie interesting choice I'm already doing [Music] it's been real you've gotten a lot better what chef [Music] that's a good watch yeah yeah given to me by someone I like good thing you ever watch watch Oh I'm over this game game to use it I'd like to play the harmonica it's a mouth organ so you don't have the nerve for the full law court or is that becoming awkward then I'll fetch my organ yeah all right you ready quickly though can you play what's a new one oh yeah freshly thinged all right anyway prototype how did that make sense what does that mean well if I said well stuff on the shoe has to make say you're right you're right why would I be here gotcha I think you got me when I saw your sweat or actually pause or meditation or you can do anything else you like umm I want to ride the horse [Applause] all right then write the whole music for hoes writers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah laughter right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Beth the network executive speaks Mandarin Chinese what the hell yeah or does she let's go to the test Beth are cheeky meow each Angela whoops I took a chi in the Shu Qi cannot change its kanji level aa moment such a shaky done translate some stuff into Chinese season stuff balls that's Mandarin yeah I thought maybe Jeff could translate for when I censor you in Australia since we have to learn ancient leaders I didn't censor you an Australian say all right Mandarin all right so you say something and then you'll see it changes are you seeing Chinese and then he says you say in Chinese first all right are you each initially in your pants boy I can't wait to get out of this tub it's so hot in here until I see Dan I have a rash on my neck sixteen good night would you in Mandarin would you birth Nihao [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Nate Skate
Views: 424,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Abbie Cornish, Gillian Jacobs, Natalie Dormer, Nikki Reed, Bojana Novakovic, Elizabeth Banks, Sarah Paulson, Sophia Bush, Miranda Kerr, Zooey Deschanel, Naya Rivera, Eloise Mumford, Bill Clinton, Anya Monzikova, Odette Annable, Dawn Olivieri, Dana DeLorenzo, Beth The CBS Executive
Id: GRl8FYauL84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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