Cozmo tries 12 CRAZY life hacks from 5-Minute Crafts
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Robot Family
Views: 1,959,106
Rating: 4.70539 out of 5
Keywords: cozmo, anki, life hacks, 5-minute crafts, vector, stem toys, robots, robots for kids, stem, jarvis johnson, robot, anki cozmo, Robby, Life hacks, lifehacks, 5 minute crafts, trying hacks by 5 minute crafts, diy life hack, lifehack, robby trying life hacks, hack, easy diy life hack, trying life hacks by 5 minute crafts, food life hacks, trying food life hacks, 5 minutes craft, robby life hacks, easy lifehacks
Id: RJw_TwTgAL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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