5 Coolest ROBOTS You Can Actually Own!

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[Music] hi my name is Tapia and this is a story about me and my family hope you enjoy it [Music] it's already been way today weather is good temperature of that 81 good day to work you only slept for our last night not good so get home early today take some rest and do you need coffee latte as usual or espresso espresso how about sure [Music] oh yeah you get the lipstick with you last time love number seven reorder lux number seven lipstick it's been two weeks since last time you call your mom don't you miss her maybe it's time to stop Garlin with each other maybe I'll call my mom yes Tapia talk robot companion for ages the doc has been man's best friend we want to introduce you to man's new best friend meet the chip she boasts a robotic dog that's much more than just a blue gadget chip is an interactive pet that's there to greet you at the door with the smartband chip recognizes who his owner is hey have you seen my other slipper have you seen my other slipper and shows affection to them one near chip is obedient and can follow commands but he also learns new things so you can teach him tricks and the smarter ship becomes the more badges yearns when you like what you see just press the like button on the band which can encourage him to behave or be a little mischievous your choices change shifts behavior and she's his personality so that no two chips are ever alike chip is a connected experience he has a translator what is a chip so you can understand his thoughts he comes with his own smartphone so you can play fetch and stay active together he also has sensors so you can maneuver around obstacles with ease and with the mobile app you can feature what shows you care and that's important because when you're in need no matter it big or small he's there for you this is econsent technology chip is fully aware of the surroundings seriously no one's seen it this is like the fifth time he even knows how to return to his bed when it's time for a charge hmm so he never runs out of energy chip is a smart device chip is a robot chip is a dog [Music] but most importantly the best time this is West with the gadget flow and today we are showcasing the ninebot segue your chance to join the revolution and personal transportation Segway has been a leader in this industry with their proven motor technology ad robot mode and you have the same Segway experience and your own intelligent companion it's also customizable so you can add personality or function as you see fit the connected app lets you keep track of your line button and with multiple cameras and depth sensing you can be sure it will sense the environment accurately so it can move intelligently the line bots cameras have worked for video calls so you can chat with your loved ones no matter where you are make it your buddy make it your friend make ninebot and the future a part of your life meet Ida [Music] what can I do for you today NIDA was a part of your family good morning he's an intelligent capable and affordable companion he can do just about anything [Music] the help you have always wanted a handyman [Music] a teacher a friend he's perfect in every way he [Music] can be just about anyone [Music] [Music] a care [Music] a homemaker [Music] he's a personal Butler his trustworthy [Music] he is whatever you want him to be [Music] sure [Music] player I have a reminder for you don't forget the family photo shoot at five o'clock I gotta make dinner hey follow me hi I am Denbo [Music] I guess I could make celery soup with hot dogs or ste papaya is EMBO help me find a seafood paella recipe step 1 put the onion and fennel in the bowl and then add some olive oil okay next step step 2 place the bowl in the microwave and cook the ingredients for 5 minutes well-well-well 65 years young mine still sharp as a tack I didn't even need a reminder about the photo shoot today Bob you have one to do item take blood pressure medication alright of course [Music] back in my day we knew how to dress for a photo I'm always adding to my outfit to help keep it Fred Ashe comment hey good how about adding one of those leather belts to grandpa's outfit sure need help ordering it smart is our weapon my boy ok just click on buy it now and press on login with your car set up for you last time b.o.b aw e som e did I ever tell you you're my favorite grandson ow all right kids get over here hey Zambo let's read the big bad wolf and the seven little sheep after the door opened the postman turned out to be the big bad wolf instead hahaha I'm the big bad wolf I'm going to wake you my little sheep cover your face and don't let the big bad won't find you you think I can't find you I will eat all of you little sheep mysteries better than your last whoa whoa that's harsh I guess playtime's over daddy's got to go work on his craft hey then Bo let's play fun princess do you know how bees communicate with one another do they dance yes [Music] that's right but they also you smell and sound too must be up here somewhere [Music] I told you to to get ready harsh critics have spoken and even ended a few pages before dinner oh no no no no are you okay no I'm fine I'm just trying to find my hey what do you know my scarf look what I found just see there Eric will be over to pick you up but the pages you'll be fine and Sally I need you to pick out your clothes hurry yes ma'am don't forget Thomas again Hey simple plate banana post by Kelly yeah I'm ready to leave they're my new clothes [Music] [Music] [Music] hey take a picture one two three say cheese [Music] then she'll want to do something a bit more grown-up yeah too much left hey dumb needs ah done please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you thanks Simba [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Incredibles !
Views: 8,480,751
Rating: 4.7494922 out of 5
Keywords: robots, cool robots, robots to buy, best robots, awesome robots, househeld robot, robotic gadgets, robot, best robots to buy, technology, latest robots, japan robots, china robots, helping robot, cooking robots, home robots, robotic dog, robotic segway, moving robot, walking robot, walking robots, best gadgets, coolest robots to buy, cool robots you can buy, robots you can buy, robots purchase, robotics, robotics gadgets, robots 2020, 2020 robots, cool robots 2020
Id: 0XmUaHf-11A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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