CGI Animated Shorts : "Desire" - Animated Musical Short - by Red Echo Post | TheCGBros

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We were born to be our own destroyers. That's how the universe ends. We build our temples. We burn them down, and start all over again. You and me were meant to be together. I hope we still remain friends. When every day is another heartbreak, for causes we can't defend. Desire, Desire, preaching to the choir. The truth is it's a liar. Hand in hand, we're on the great adventure, to Paradise we set sail. We will find God, see what he's doing and watch him chase his own tail. We were born to question all the answers. We know the truth lies within. So tell me why we're never satisfied. It's the ultimate sin. Desire, Desire, preaching to the choir. The truth is it's a liar. The wedding's tomorrow, it looks like rain. The mother of sorrows is gonna change her name: Desire, Desire, Desire, Desire. *beat break* Take all your teachers, grab all the preachers and wash their mouths out with soap. Take Mom and Dad, they're just as bad. It's like they're all smoking dope. They got this song they're always singing, just like a chorus of loons: "All we need is more!" That's all they ask for- -so they're never in tune. Desire, Desire, preaching to the choir. The truth is it's a liar. Desire, Desire, preaching to the choir. The truth is it's a liar. Desire, Desire, preaching to the choir. The truth is it's a liar. *Liar, liar, liar.*
Channel: TheCGBros
Views: 13,955,512
Rating: 4.769753 out of 5
Keywords: TheCGBros, CG, 3D, VFX, FX, Effects, Animation, Shorts, GFX, Motion, Capture, MoCap, Computer, Digital, Art, Modeling, Red Echo Post, Rob Fetters, Short Film (Film Genre), Computer-generated Imagery (Film Company Role Or Service), Autodesk Maya, Adobe After Effects, Pro Tools
Id: bqIZqO_EUP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 18 2014
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