Cowboy Kent Rollins Joins Us In The Nutmeg Tavern!

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hey [Music] so [Music] so we're gonna need a lot of nutmeg today hold on hold on hold on there we go special guest today i can't wait but right now i want to welcome you into the nutmeg tavern we are live it's friday like we always do it on friday whenever possible and i'm getting a loop back there you go thank you aaron sorry uh i am your host john townsend and we're going to be talking well not necessarily all things 18th century today but um all things i've got a special guest uh or i got my regular guest my regular well wait a minute sometimes i'm not special in theory called the co-host we'll see never received it in writing there's ryan hello on the other side of the console aaron is holding up holding up the whole time vortex with his bear that's like the app of the vortex so we're trying to break the internet today we have a special guest on the line here uh we've got the cowboys in the house cowboy kent rollins right there he is there he is we can all see him welcome in thank you thank you john so much for taking time out of y'all's day it's a it's an honor to be included in this my friend it is thank you so much for joining us uh for this special live stream and all you folks out there we're gonna have a good time today uh some of this is gonna be inside baseball because obviously you get two kind of youtube people together and we're gonna we're gonna talk youtube and the troubles and the tribulations of uh youtube but we're also gonna talk about fun cooking and eating and all that good stuff you know i don't know people were pointing out and i just noticed in that thumbnail it's like well we both have mustaches we wear hats all the time we've got dogs in our video and we do cooking i think it's odd uh tell me about how you got started in doing youtube videos ken well mostly it was due to my little sweet wife shannon but uh you know we've always cooked i've cooked off a wagon now for 30 something years cooking for working ranches and uh she said you know we might ought to do a youtube video and i didn't know who youtube was or what a video was at the time but uh and we didn't work too hard at it at first you know and then we finally figured out hey this is a way to reach a lot of folks and have a bigger family and share some food and some fellowship and some good time and we never look back you know i'm proud that youtube is out there we get to be in control of the content we have and it's it's great when you can help people along and i know you see that on some of your comments too that hey y'all are a blessing we appreciate it and as long as you keep getting that stuff you just keep right on cooking yeah i i i think it's really interesting uh you know your your experience probably i mean it sounds like very similar to ours it's like well we started off making youtube videos for one kind of an idea you know oh we're gonna we're gonna it was very it's very one directional when you start you make videos and you kind of push them out into the void and you see just some kind of response and i mean if you keep doing it something happens that's totally different than what you expected you know that that when when finally the traction starts to happen and people interact back with you it completely changes your idea about what you're doing why you're doing it and what kind of how you know you you start to change your content to actually serve those people out there uh tell me about those those kinds of you know relationships they're strange they're not normal people relationships but relationships and the way it's changed how you make videos well we for a long time i answered every comment that come across our channel you know i get up four o'clock in the morning because i'd always thought if they can watch i can answer you know and then soon you were doing a thousand comments and then it was 3 000 comments and then it was 25 000 comments you know and then my fingers got tired and uh but we we have a large extended family that's what we call them because they feel like family to us and we hope they feel like family when they watch but we've we found out through all those people that's where we really got the second title for our cookbook because people that tend to watch us a lot are faith-based people people that love to eat and people that are really patriotic and love our country and god so hey it was a perfect fit and i know there's there's people there that if they don't comment in a week or two i get to thinking what happened to this guy you know i haven't seen a comment from him in a while and uh we get so many service men and women that watch our videos you know still on active duty and they just they just touch your heart and make you know that you may be you might be a little tired of cooking but you better keep on cooking yeah we get a lot of uh we we get that same sort of thing going we you know see people in the comments we you know there's only so much you can respond to that some of that response i try to do sort of in the videos or the live streams helped because when you're in a live stream situation it's sort of a you know it's a bit more community oriented the chat is going and and it gets a chance for the audience to interact with each other which is doesn't really happen quite as as much in on a youtube video you know some of that happens in the comments but when it when it happens in the chat it's sort of like a whole different thing sometimes we'll be doing a live stream and there's a whole different conversation going on over there which is which is fine and good because it's good for people to interact we are social uh beings and we're meant to interact with other people we're not we're all not hermits although you know sometimes we might want to be uh so when when you're interacting with other people or with your channel and people are you know asking for things in your comments what do you think what's the most uh requested sort of food that you get most requested food is uh people love a classic that's uh that's done many years ago and people love a remake whether it's the big mac whether it's taco bell whether it's wendy's burger king you know we did some stuff with julia child and justin wilson and people really like that but uh you get all kinds you know people say hey i wish you'd do some trap i really don't like traps folks on a ranch a long time ago an old old cowboy asked me he said you like vinegar pie i said no you're gonna fix one i said probably not so i tend to cook what i like to eat but uh i sort of broadened my horizon and channel throw a wrinkle in there every once in a while you know like pot stickers have you ever done pot stickers and i said no but i'm gonna now i will i just watched you i just watched your gordita video today actually yeah they were pretty good eating pretty good eating but we you know a lot of our a lot of my upbringing was to i had a very loving family my mother taught me how to cook and there was never a recipe uh but also there a lot of southwestern flair you know i cook with a lot of old traditional chilies and i like for my food to buy back when i bite into it yeah i i it's it's always it's kind of fun to uh have this this wealth of food that we uh you know interact with as a as a family and you've done in the past and then have these things sort of uh thrown at you right so it's like oh i've got to respond to this um i have to do that a lot because things some things you know we're finding in 18th century cookbook they're just weird you know today we don't eat it like that what are you talking about that's weird um so you know that's part of what we do when we go to look for a recipe when we're digging for a recipe so sometimes it's a this is the equivalent to something that's done today and here's their take on it back then and sometimes it's a okay we don't do anything like this um that's part of you know how we choose recipes what is the thing that you go looking for when you're looking for your next episode and it's like what am i gonna cook this week next week a lot of times it it depends on on the weather and we get so so much different kind of weather down here what you can shoot what you can't shoot what day can you shoot but a lot of times i look for something especially if we're deep into grilling season which grilling season is year-round for me i want to i want to put something on there that people think oh i didn't know you could grill that you know when we did a grilled smoked bologna which was seven and a half pounds of bologna and then put a glaze with it you know it become not just sandwich meat it becomes sunday dinner you know and i try to look at something that's a little bizarre at times but you can change it and maybe put a cowboy twist on it or maybe put it to where it's got a little bite in it that it didn't have before and pretty good but combining different things that you didn't think would fit is probably some of the greatest cooking i ever did yeah it's it's always it's fun to you know use a different ingredient or use it in a different way than than people are used to so you haven't been a cowboy cook forever you've done other things before that what have you done uh that's that's you know your your previous life let's call it that well i'd say i grew up ranching cowboy uh was very fortunate uh worked on a few ranches uh rodeoed real hard for about 20 years i wrote bulls um and the good lord took care of me i never did get hurt bad made a good living at it quit when i was 37 because the ground got hard it wasn't i couldn't ride more it was just a lot harder ground when i hit it and uh but uh in between those times i i'd worked for my uncle who was a guiding outfitter in the gila wilderness southwest new mexico and uh everything from elk to bird to whitetail to cool to coos deer to mule deer you know turkey and it was the same kind of cooking you just didn't have a chunk wagon you just packed it in on mules you know and uh but it's a little different when you're at 88 000 foot elevation cooking than when you're at 2500 you know so uh altitude makes a great big difference in things and i remember coming out of there in the late oh late 80s early 90s and i thought you know i'm gonna buy a chuckwagon and go back to cooking on ranches and come pretty natural for me because i'd worked on both sides of the fire from the brain and fire to the cooked fire and cowboys respected me and it was always law that the cook made twice what the cowboys did when i started many many years ago i was making forty dollars a day cowboy's making twenty you know and them days start at two thirty three o'clock in the morning and usually over until about eight o'clock at night but uh it's like an old man was visiting with me one time he said we didn't do this to get rich dude we can't i said no we've done it because it was in our heart you know and that and that's what has always kept me near and dear and no matter how busy we get i'll still continue to cook for some working wrenches because that's where it started hey if you guys don't mind me jumping in i've got a lot of super chat here it won't take very long uh thanks so much for from brooklyn enjoy the channel john i enjoy your reading chapter three of bart covered cottage townsplus this week ryan we look forward to seeing your next cooking video uh hot diggity i dig both of your channels so it's a treat to see you together cowboy kent could you please do a video with natalie and tara please and thank you guys i didn't like my coffee one time yeah yeah oh yeah and we need to actually thank natalie and tara they really shouted this live stream out so thank you guys so much thank you this is from rob paul first natalie and tara then mark max from tasting history now cowboy ken rollins all my favorite youtubers in the nutmeg tavern it's like youtube voltron i'm not sure if i should wear my top hat or my cowboy hat for today's live stream it's okay to put the cowboy hat on top of the top hat which wouldn't make the cowboy had a top hat uh yeah well he's conflicted john carroll loves cowboy can't and john can't get enough of the shows greatest american food collab since wolfgang puck could you try making some of the 18th century editions on big bertha that would be a great video if you don't mind me asking i noticed the channel used to be called jamestown's in the sun and now it's townsend's uh yeah nothing strange happened there we just made a change we just wanted it to be easier to say and explain that's all there is to so many people saying are you the son yeah it's like just call it town i enjoyed both townsends and cowboy kent rollins uh oh there we go um this crossover might be the most exciting thing ever amazing stuff great to see you on here kent when's john going to get a chance to cook up on a storm on bertha hey he's welcome in camp anytime we need to let it warm up first i'd hate for him to get frostbite greetings from tulsa oklahoma love seeing the fellow oaky on townsend's channel you are representing us well cowboy thank you my next recipe will include mushroom ketchup and red river ranch seasoning these are two of my family's favorite channels thanks for combining them another one absolutely love to see my favorite two channels together my grandfather loved watching you count so much happiness before he passed we've got a donation without a comment from s brown master cool says thanks for a fun friday townsends and mr rollins i will try my best everybody to keep getting to these you can fire in your questions and i'll do my best there you go so a couple of those comments uh brought up the idea and i did want to you know dig in you had a you even had a special um episode where you talked about birth up and you know i spend i spent a lot of time right there by a campfire usually nice and close because you know you you're all framed up with the camera you're cooking here by side the fire your pant leg is just about on fire not quite but feels like it and uh it sounds like uh bertha is not all that much better depending on the situation tell me about that maybe better john about bertha is uh you ain't having to bend over or get on the ground you know i cooked with a hole in the ground for years and years on ranches before i ever got old bertha and for them folks saying who is bertha you know she's 347 pounds just a burning hunk of love an old wood stove but it's uh it really helps not having to bend over and in our country too when you can have a contained fire in a box when the wind's blowing 50 miles an hour and the grass is about six foot tall it sure helps you know but it does get hot yeah we we um when i did the when i built the the german kitchen set where we do a lot of the indoor cooking i specifically said now wait a minute you know oh most of most of the cultures that are cooking here in north america they're right there on the ground even if they have an indoor fireplace before wood stoves kind of come in in the 19th century for at least for cooking all these all these people are cooking on the ground and that stinks you can't you cannot number one you're bending over all the time and then number two the camera can't who wants to watch your butt while you're trying to cook all the time so uh i built the kitchen specifically with the german style hearth that was at waist level so you get up there and you cook it's a little kind of strange sometimes because it's a little high uh but it makes it cooking so much easier and i can tell uh that when you're cooking with bertha there and you've got you know three different places and you got the warming spot on the back boy uh you know i'm uh i'm jealous let me tell you it's a cadillac it is you know and uh we have some accompany hasty bait grills that we're working with now that have just produced our next new bertha which is a cadillac i mean we broke it out just for a little bit in a video to try it out and it's sure nice but uh the thing too that really really just sort of bothered me all the years of cooking on the ground is you know you dig a fire pit you got dirt piled up around it or you got rock piled up around it and a lot of that stuff that was blowing in the gravy over morning wasn't supposed to be in there you know but you just keep stirring and mashing it up and hope it gets better well it's extra minerals yes it's good for you yeah and a little bit of ash never hurt anybody no it is good that's a flavor that's part of yeah it's flavor well it's some kind of maybe good bad we don't know but it's flavor uh i got this here this uh really neat uh cookbook tell me about this latest cookbook uh faith family and the feasts like i say the title come from our many followers on youtube our family and um come out at a time where we thought the country really needed a little more family and a little more faith you know and food has always done two things brought people together and nourished them and that's what we wanted to do was bring people across the world together let them know that they're family and let's have a little food it's totally ours me and shan wrote it all she took all the pictures whether they be of scenery or a food you know and we the first cookbook that come out a tasty cowboy you know in 15 it was mostly about cooking on ranches and what we had to work with but this one's got a lot more fresh ingredients a lot more grilling a lot of stuff from the garden and but still got the great stories and the great pictures in it yeah i'm i am enjoying i think the the the binding the pictures are beautiful you get lots and lots of nice pictures in here and a lot of great recipes so and stories and all that so uh beautiful book congratulations on this it's really really nice we've wanted to make a cookbook for a long time but we haven't ever been able to find the time to do it yeah i'm i'm confused how did you have enough time to do this and your videos tell me about your secret well most of the time you just stay up later at night you know uh facebook fair we have a good book agent but uh it's a year and a half to a two year process you know time you you get it all turn in a proposal and then you type it all and then you go back and retype it and then i think i'm doing pretty good and shan sees it and i have to start all over again i didn't put no comma in it where it ought to be and then you re-cook all the recipes even though you know them by heart you cook them again to make sure and that's when everybody in our local town really loves us because there's so much food coming out of the kitchen or awful bertha that everybody in town gets to eat you know because we don't want to see it no more but it is a process but it's very rewarding in the end can't somebody in the chat's asking if you'll get to utah on a book tour do you do many book tours yeah we you know we cook book come out last year right as they shut the country down we had seven weeks a book tour that was canceled and uh but it was really a blessing you know people will begin to watch more on youtube uh they they got a lot of product online uh with something to what we we told ourselves whenever we can we're gonna start back with the book tour i know we were in south carolina about three weeks ago so we plan on doing more stuff and getting back out there and seeing the people that were on the list to begin with and uh we go through utah quite a bit every once while because shannon lives in elko so it ain't too far from salt lake that way um yeah tell me about um you know kind of circling back around on that we you know when all the 2020 stuff happened in the spring um it certainly changed what it was like youtube was doing strange things our audience needed something different and and i noticed that immediately with uh your channel uh that it's like okay it's time to change gears here uh people need something different tell me you know uh like i say we consider them all family john and uh it's not just cooking uh you know if you can if you can cheer somebody up or you can make somebody laugh just a little bit or let them know that hey you don't have to cook this we're just glad that you watch follow along we hope you feel better at the end of it we hope you know that we love you we care about you and we wanted to we wanted to pay more of a tribute to what was going on in the country that was good not what was bad because i quit watching the news a long long time ago because they didn't want to tell me no good news they just won't tell me all the bad news so every day above the grass down here is the greatest day in the world and we try to pass that on to everybody out there and um it's just let's just make people feel good and y'all do the same thing i've seen it there people uh made it through covid due to people like you and me you know and uh people made it through surgery people made it through chemo you know uh we had so many people that would reach out to us and say hey you know i just lost my follower this week but you know we sit down tonight we watch your videos you just make us feel good you know and uh it touches your heart that that way you know people are truly family and that's what it's about yeah i'm uh i'm always it's um it's a strange situation to be in where you you know you sort of you're interacting with people but sort of only by guessing you know it's like well i think i i think this is the thing i need to be doing right now you know this is the thing i need to be talking about um so it's it's interesting that you know we kind of have those same kind of reactions you can just kind of feel it through the comments and around the people that you you interact with day to day and say you know what this week's video is going to be like like this even though i didn't plan it that way yeah yeah going to be a little different i know there was a few that we sort of did some old some old roosevelt stuff to where we just sort of had a fireside chat you know we'd just tell them a story that maybe come out of the cookbook you know or something but uh it was something that i think people needed to hear and see because i know you witnessed it too you know when all that was taking place in march uh people watched a lot of youtube you know and uh they didn't have anything else to do it was a great thing but it people found out pretty quick hey people like you john people like me and there's many more out there too these people are going to help us get through this they're going to make us feel better yeah and vice versa too i mean i think the audience's response and that helps they're a blessing they are yeah yeah i'm i'm always um humbled by the comments that are you know oh you did this you did that it's like well i'm i'm just doing my thing and i'm so glad that it it does it did what it needed to do for you um so that's always always fun so um uh tell me you know tell me uh you know it's totally changing topic uh i told you know it's like almost all my recipes if if not every single one has got to have a little nutmeg in it well we try our best to hide it but we do always produce like i always got one in my pocket um what's what's your nutmeg well there's really probably two one of them's chipotle peppers and adobo sauce and other than his garlic jalapenos you know i mean if if you got all three of them you can you can cook a skunk and make it taste good and people will say do you have any recipes that don't have that in there and i said there's a few dessert recipes that might not you know but uh i like to put it in all of them yeah it reminds me i don't think it had nutmeg although it could have used it um we did the parmesan ice cream one time and i'm thinking you know you could use those peppers and whatnot don't you think yeah we uh we have a green chili chipotle relish and i tell people i say it's good on everything even ice cream yeah and you can put it on vanilla or chocolate and it is some fine dining one of the best ice creams i ever had was bacon jalapeno bacon jalapeno yup that sounds pretty good and then you you roll it in uh bread crumbs you deep fry fry it hey let me hop in here with some super chat real quick uh i love both you gentlemen that's that's one ken and john do you ever have an idea for a video then test the recipe and decide not to do the video because it came out so terrible yeah yeah i've done that uh more times than not you know even the beagle will even turn his nose up every once in a while dad i don't think we ought to put that out there next week sometimes good ideals don't always come out just right well you know i don't know because sometimes sometimes the worst things make the best episodes so you know it's like wow this turned out terrible and i know y'all do it too john but people love to see real you know you can over edit something uh i used to tell shan don't show them that picture that bread's burnt you know but uh hey people want to see it and uh it happens uh and i think that's that is a good thing well that's part of two being um that's the difference between youtube and a television show isn't it yeah uh we we get to we get to show the warts and the the burnt bread and the you know oh that stuck to the bottom of the pan if if we want to and a lot of times that's the better part of the video oh yeah um because they can yeah they uh you know people people i don't say they they love a mistake but they love a blooper you know if you can uh run them through there and uh there's a lot of times that i was like uh folks i'm gonna have to bear with me because i ain't got that with me but i'm gonna run go get it you know it's just and it's you can't do that on tv i've tried you know when i've been on there and i say hey we got this well you you don't need it right now they're gonna bring it to you in a minute and i'm thinking well i'd like to have it now somebody else in super chat says two of my most favorite channel icons the thing says two of my favorite people chatting together love you both so much looking forward to more great recipes from you guys shout out to mr rollins from norman norman okay there we go thank you what's that i said it's a boomer sooner thank you kent for doing all you can to keep tradition alive very inspired to absolute legends you guys uh love both of you so glad to see you i'm in kansas and i'm thinking of doing a road trip to hang with both of you in the way you all be safe yeah and enjoy every meal and every day you have david dinelli is in super chat i'm a big fan of both channels but i've got to say my favorite recipe ever is kent's biscuits and gravy sorry john [Laughter] cody b says can't lie can't turn me into a cowboy from his videos oh so look at that you're turning people into cowboys hey that's that's good you know if uh i always told folks you know what what people portray as cowboy that they might have seen in the movies or that is two totally different things than what really an authentic cowboy is on a ranch uh you couldn't get most of them folks in front of a camera to save your life you know but they uh uh we're glad to be to bring people to cowboy whether uh it's by spirit or by heart and uh i'm honored to have one more join the crew uh greg phillips says please let's have cowboy a cowboy and natalie and tara collaboration i know natalie is watching they're going to put the pressure on you look at that all right that's it for super chat right now thank you to everybody that's this firing questions in uh so the um you know we got lots of you know recent youtube experience you've got some television experience tell me kind of kind of bring us up to speed on that and how that's different in the same of what you're currently doing you know first first tv i did was probably 96 and a lot has changed since then different ways that they shoot film the cameras that they use the sound crews the lighting crews i did a documentary was the first guy filmed in high definition in oklahoma till the horse kicked the camera and that was the end of that you know working working for the food network or netgeo or whatever it is you know cbs sunday morning uh it's folks have always told me you you don't change and i said why change and be something you're not i don't even change socks but twice a week you know so i'm going to be the same person every day but for me going to tv to youtube tv was stressful a lot of it was competitions that i was in you know and uh there was a lot of unknowns and stuff now sure youtube the biggest unknown we have is mother nature we don't know what she's gonna do from one day to the next but um there's not many people on our crew people used to ask how many people you got on your crew i said well there's the beagle there's duke there's sadie there's major all them are four-legged then there's me and shan you know and uh she's a she's a great producer a great director she told me one time she said i think i'm gonna get one of them monitors that you can you know read off of and i said yeah try that on you know that that ain't gonna happen i never know what i'm gonna say from one minute to the next so and tv you know they'd have one of them ear buds in your ear a lot of times and i enjoyed every piece of tv that i did but um it gets a little a little crazy at times trying to keep up with what's going on what you're supposed to be doing i know chop grill master was one of the stressful most stressful things i ever did in life you know but uh it was enjoyable when i sort of figured out what was going on and then people i told shannon i said you just need to cook you know if you got a fire and you got some food it don't matter what you call it how fancy it is or not fancy let's just cook something to eat so uh i i've got to say that the i've i saw you on chopped forever ago and when uh when you i think initially you you messaged us about getting together i can't remember exactly how it happened but when when that did happen i remembered you right away was that um that that competition thing that happens do you enjoy that at all or is i mean obviously you're doing it but uh is it is it really high stress for you well when that come about i mean i knew the casting director and me and shad were living on a ranch down in north texas and uh she called and she said hey can't we need you on this show and i said what is it she said it's gonna be called chop grill masters and i said i never heard of it she said well you have shan pull up an episode and watch it and when i seen what was actually going on on that show and they get their food out of a basket nobody knows what it is i told shane i said i ain't doing that i don't even know how to spell that food much less cook it you know and she said it'll be different it's on a fire you know and it wasn't that much different you know sure there was a fire there and it it was very stressful really the time you know when you have 20 minutes to cook an appetizer and there's two ingredients that i've probably never seen in my life before uh you don't have time to think what if i did this or should i do this you better just saddle the horse and go on with the right one right at start because you ain't going to change in the middle of the stream and you'll run out of time you know but uh i just wanted to get through one round but after i sort of figured out what was happening i thought just be who you are and cook and have a good time see how far you go you know we went to the finals and ended up second and uh so i enjoyed every bit of it but it was very stressful all i can say is i'm glad i wasn't in that situation because i had to just put nutmeg on it and been done with it well it probably would have won ain't nothing wrong with some nutmeg though well i i think it's uh i think it's an underused thing today but that's just me what can i say uh i i do enjoy um how you interact with your uh special uh constant guests that you've got there that kind of under the table uh how how do you deal with uh working with those they they're show stealers really i mean are how do you work the beagle has more fans than we do you know i i used to think that i was somebody but uh i can go somewhere and people's how come he didn't bring the beagle you know we really want to see the beagle or we want to see shannon um you know he's got really good in the last 10 years knowing uh when to show up what he's supposed to do uh he knows he's gonna get to taste everything before i get to taste it uh but he's always too sort of in the right spot at the right time and uh he's been a blessing and uh we've been through some dogs there was frank the wonder dog that we lost tragically and uh we did a tribute to him on an episode but uh then there come come duke who's a a big old goober-headed dog that uh finally figured it out and as as long as there's dogs out there needing a home and shane can see them john if you ever want to come back as a dog just try to be one of shan's dogs comfort i promise the rest of your life but uh now the beagle and he was no he's done got up he was over in that chair of sleep but he is the number one man he is yeah um we um the our dog who's around the house is uh is our sophie and she uh she just she doesn't always get in a video but she will she i think she knows when the camera's around is like well you know i'll just be in the background i'll just be very very photogenic at just the right time so it's pretty amazing it's like they can read what's going on it's like oh no now's the time sophie's nose when we made those mushrooms the last video she got about as close to food as i've ever seen a dog get without taking a bite we did a video this last week and there wasn't there wasn't any beef in it and the big boy caught it he didn't even he didn't even partake [Laughter] he sort of knows when you're prepping stuff what what the protein might be and uh whether he's going to make his presence known if you've got your uh your perfect conditions uh you know it's like tomorrow you look at the weather and it's like what is what is your like that's when i want to make an episode kind of uh situation well for from shannon's point of view filming it's overcast you know but there's light winds and i'd say maybe 45-50 degrees uh you're not going to break too much of a sweat at that you know people see us filming stuff and we film twice every week probably in july and august when it's 113 degrees before you ever start a fire it's not pleasant you know but and i've done it for a long time but perfect would be an overcast day with no wind that's probably never going to happen in oklahoma you know about about 50 degrees would be good yeah it's uh it's it's always with us you know we'll be looking ahead to the next week and it's like oh there's there's a day there's a day there's no sun on that day let's do it and uh or probably the worst for us is is when you get clouds and sun so it's like cloud sun cloud sun you know aaron's there getting the camera all set up and then up the sun comes out and ruins everything and you spend another five minutes getting it all set and then the sun goes under a cloud again it's uh yeah we we've got a light filter that we put up but uh it's not real good in a 25 mile an hour breeze we've had it blow down many times and you just tell people hey things just got a lot brighter it's all i can tell you yeah yeah we don't have to deal with nearly that that kind of wind situation uh here thankfully we're usually you know in the woods in the cabin and uh but i i do like the outdoor videos and you seems like uh i don't know what 85 of your videos are outdoors yeah you know we've done a few in the kitchen there's been a um there's been some that we've even started somewhere else and finished in the house because it you know got to blowing 60 65 miles an hour and uh you know and people will tell us in videos it really must have been windy i couldn't hear it on your mic but i could see the trees nearly broke in the background you know and uh but we 85 or 90 i'd say are probably shot outside yeah it's um it's it's one of those things where it i think it's really interesting for me the the location the whether i'm standing up or sitting down changes what i do and how i do it i mean just how i feel about you know doing the episode do you have you ever felt like you know some episodes they just they're just not happening there's something wrong it was you know you didn't just it was ingredients or it was light or you know yeah there there's been times uh that when it was started out being a really beautiful day and by the time you got everything set up maybe we're on a ranch and you drive back up there to take everything which is 20 something miles from where you're at and then you forgot something and then you think well i can substitute this for it and they might not know it but it'll look like this but it really ain't that you know and uh it just sort of puts a damper on things and you all know it well john you know there's never a really a set that you're you can't expect changes on you know i mean like you say whether it's clouds or light or you forgot something or something's not here that should have been here and uh but that goes back to what i really love about youtube and the fans too they love to see it you know i mean just go with it and let her go yeah i like the one where the guy crawled out from underneath your house in the middle of the episode i i thought that was like that happens yeah you know he uh that's what we call him bones he's a good young feller he is and he he's crawled probably under everybody's house in harmon county and worked on some form of plumbing you know and i told bones i said we got to shoot a video today buddy he said i'm going to be under here i won't be loud and he comes out right at the right time but you couldn't get him to say a word on camera if you paid him a million dollars oh yeah um it's been many a time many a time when you know same deal with us whether it's equipment or you know the stuff you needed for the episode you get you get to the location there's you don't have any other choices and all of a sudden it's like okay you have to use some different piece of equipment you have to you know substitute some sort of well or make up whatever food thing it's like well we don't have chives well there's some grass well let's just yeah you know what it's same color yeah it kind of looks similar just throw it in there um so what i mean i'm thinking about both the idea of you know the cooking you do for the episode and then that history that you've had of actually cooking in the field in a not i you know it's not performance kind of a way you know what's how is that like totally different or you know the same for you well you know cooking cooking for cowboys on ranches and and bless their hearts they're some of the best experimental people i've ever had in my life when you're trying out a new recipe you know according to cowboy code you never complain about the food but when a plate come back clean and then they come back for seconds and even thirds then you thought hey i'll write this down this might be worth keeping you know it it's cooked in the same ways and the same method uh i'm just not so much of a timeline that i think well i got to have this ready at this time for 17 guys to eat supper you know uh so it's it's really all the same uh to me it's a little easier on a ranch when i've got everything there because everything's already set up i hadn't got to go well i've got to go get this in place or this in place so uh really ranches are probably easier but you never know about the weather you know and if you forgot something there you just was forget it because you ain't gonna find it you're 70 miles from somewhere i don't know yeah i think that they're really the trickiest part for i mean completely different than cooking when you're actually gonna you're feeding somebody or uh you know feeding yourself or whatever is that you no matter what you're doing you're filming timing is all messed up right so it's like oh i need to see this for the shot it needs to be cooked then and then it's going to be stone cold when you need it never the section it's a it's a super challenge and for us we'll start an episode and then it's like well four hours later now what are you gonna do for four hours wow it's cooking yeah yeah you know there's a thank thank god for a lot of b-roll footage you know to where uh you know we start something and if there's a there's a lot of meat that we may put on a smoker or a cookie like to say that six and a half to twelve hours long you know and it right always works it just you just sure am glad there's fast forward [Laughter] yeah there's never a trouble letting your meat rest that's for sure yeah is right and there has times too getting back to them good dogs to where i'd be getting something ready to go and i've learned to now to beagle proof it you know to where it's not at his level because him and old frank the wonder dog both they they run off with a lot of good chicken one time that was gonna cook on the grill so instead of cooking a whole chicken or maybe two chickens we cooked a half a chicken so we got clothes you're lucky you probably had any chicken left at all yeah that is right i'm going to jump in here with some more questions one ken this is in the chat will you be at wagons for warriors this year yep this will uh we'll be there we're uh memorial day weekend in lebanon missouri uh we'll do two cooking clinics on friday and then we'll be there serving the public on saturday it is a great event uh talk to steve i think there's probably close to 30 something wagons already signed up again so it'll be a good event and then another question from the chat is how do you prefer your eggs do you a sunny-side up scramble or omelette i prefer them any way you can get them especially if i don't have to cook them you know but i do love a fried egg i grew up you know eating fried eggs that's what everybody had in the whole house you know and you never turned into order to mama she just always fried them the way you wanted them and that was however they come out so um i do like an an over easy egg but i do love a good omelet if it's got some jalapeno and some chipotle peppers and adobo sauce in it and maybe some nutmeg that'll be extra special yeah i think the eggs you get are the ones the cook likes best and then you're like well you better you better like that because when i'm doing it so they're going to be scrambled eggs are going to be just like x with cheese and whatever and it's like if you don't like that well then you can cook your own eggs okay in the super chat we've got uh 18th century versus 19th century beer are there major differences well i doubt it i doubt it i don't think there's that much if you want to call it any i don't know i mean there's american beer now in you know the last 50 years i think that's very kind of different than the beer we've had in the past because we get it very filtered and all that good stuff and all the you know the floaties all taken out i don't know if that's necessarily so true in the 18th or 19th century but you know beer not much different you know i went down to kentucky and i was looking for a bottle of ski i do know what ski is john there's a soft drink down there okay and i was going to bring it back up here to you because i thought you'd think it was funny because there's always pulp in the bottom of it and the ski doesn't even have any floaties anymore and that really what is the point shawn jones is in super chat thought of you john as i drove my 18 wheeler over eel creek love both of you guys thank you ashley says oh i'm sorry actually i i'm sorry if i skipped over you she said i think my super chat got lost in the shuffle no worries two of my favorite channels y'all have taught me so much about cast iron cooking ross is in super chat i can't say enough how much i enjoy both channels we've cooked recipes from both your channels several times john you've got uh interested in reenacting enough to pursue it myself can't keep supporting vet semper fi david oh david really really wants kent to work with natalie and tara he really really does he has two he has three pleases in this message adding nutmeg in mushroom ketchup changed my corn soup recipe from great to perfect i agree greetings from the beautiful country of europe oh here's natalie lynch please forgive our crazy subscribers they have their sights set and we've lost control of them it's worth lost mr rollins as a fellow cook i have to know if besides your fireboxes old bertha christine and waldo you have named other tools or pieces of equipment thanks to agents for the channels yeah i've got a lot of things that were named bertha in camp because they were always hot or they were always heavy anything that that was ever heavy i'd hear them old-timers would they'd rope a urine or something and jerk him down to ground he might weigh more than they thought he did and they said that come from old bertha right there that's a bigot you know so uh but there's uh there's different parts of the wagon that have different names and uh but hey it's it's hard to beat a bertha that's right uh this is in chat is ken going to give us one of his fancy dance moves before the end of the show i was gonna see if john would maybe show me some of his latest moves that he's got no no you see i figured that really it works out like this so it's like for me it's nutmeg for you it's dancing and for me i'm like i'll stick with the nutmeg [Laughter] i don't really somebody asked not long ago why did you start that and i i remember being little and standing in there in the kitchen and mama was giving me a bite of homemade icing that she's going to put on a chocolate chocolate cake and she said that's good enough to make you dance right there and uh i didn't do a lot of dancing back then but i thought about it one time on a video and i thought hey it's a happy day it's a happy dance it's a happy meal and uh now if you forget one of them they'll let you know for sure you gotta dance every time now that's right a great collab you guys made my day god bless you both are chuck wagons still around that west i imagine this tough but rewarding job for those making the food yeah there's not as many as there once was uh there's still some chuck wagons out there that are authentic and still some cooks out there uh but it's um not as many as it was when i first started you know a lot of the old timers have died off and uh there's not a lot of young people that really want to join in on that tradition uh but it's still there and i tell people all the time when they say hey y'all are a dying breed and i said well you can't see us going down the interstate at 90 miles an hour you know we're in a place that maybe a gps can't find but uh long as there's cows there'll always be a cowboy as long as there's cowboy there's got to be a cook somewhere let me ask you an equipment question we had uh somebody on the patreon i asked the patreon folks if they had any special questions one of when somebody asked about cast iron and since you use a lot of cast iron i use some most what we use is a little pre-cast iron but their question was having to do with old cast iron it's nice smooth it's thin it's so even and if if you had any ideas for modern manufacturers for cast iron these days what you would recommend well you know i cast was made a lot of folks say too heavy you know to begin with but heaviness back then retained heat and that was a great thing you know i i do have a lot of the old grizz walls and a lot of the old wagners that are sort of thin walled skillets but got a pretty thick bottom uh you know and and they're lighter than what some of the new stuff weighs now but uh a polished finish is probably as good as you can get not not a ground finish but i'm talking polish like it used to be so many years ago uh they're more wagners and them old grizz walls i mean they they get slicker in any teflon skillet you ever had in your life and it takes a while for some of that new stuff to get there and they're getting better everybody that's making iron now everything has progressed a little better but if they can just polish that surface at the start if you can start with slick you're going to end up even slicker yeah that's one of the things that was really my take was that i mean some pieces you might just need to you know actually send it to send it to the machine shop and say i want i want that smooth uh and that will definitely change the the whole you know we sand a lot of them with just 80 grit sandpaper on an orbital sander it don't take long i shouldn't say many of them because a lot of what i got is old pieces that never needed it but we'll do one for video every once while and just sand it down smooth there you go so yeah that sounds like and most people can do that that's not a really expensive equipment or anything like that take some time you can do it by hand if you've got time you know it takes a little bit but uh i have done it that way too derek's in super chat i love the show which i had more time to watch um is john gonna do one of kent's trademark dances there's another question for you john i thought i explained that well i have to ask if they wrote it so john are you going to start doing dances after tasting your recipes or feed your dog perfect way to get in the dancing no no you know i would say that if i did it dancing they'd say you're trying to copy can't roll and oh see i can't do that quest love's in here do you guys see that daddy jack died this week another great youtube cook cooking with the blues nope i didn't see that either james glenn to kent what is your favorite whiskey favorite whiskey whether i cook with a lot of crown roll it's probably a flavor that i really like as much as any uh i've used everything from crown roll to crown black to peach crown uh you know it's a good blend it's smooth but it even cooks and gives a great flavor a woody taste to a lot of dishes there we go justin wheeler definitely would love to see kent do a natalie and tara crossover episode and maybe even dance yeah well they can probably dance eric manson what is the biggest mistake you see people do when they're cooking we'll give that one to kent yeah biggest mistake well if people are doing it in dutch oven the biggest mistake most of them make is too much fire and cook it too long you know it takes very little coals to cook something in a dutch oven if it's good hardwood coals like that and people will just set a dutch oven down in a bunch of big old pile of coals and then pile it up on top and say well you know what the house i'll cook them 30 minutes at 350 degrees well sorry folks that is what you call a burnt biscuit now yeah it's like not 30 minutes at 800 degrees hello here's one i would love to hear you both on tim cass chatting and chilling thank you both for all the hard work smiles and research thank you john and kent favorite recipe published and least favorite recipe published let's get specific love what you both do favorite recipe that's been out there i would probably say the one that i enjoyed most making was actually good was our remake version of the big mac the worst one i'd probably say was uh when shan finally got me to do a bacon baked cabbage video and at the time i was not a cabbage fan you know i eat it now and i love it it's even in the cookbook but at the very first time i ever done it i'm thinking no i don't know why people do this but i do love it now i mean you got bacon there but i don't know seems like a waste of bacon i don't know guys uh there's been so many things i really really like okay so we know that that that crab when we did a couple months ago ryan was really really bad uh but ryan apparently fixed it in on the he went back through in his in his little in his uh show and he he figured out why it was horrible thank goodness uh but uh for goodness i don't know seems like you know whatever i cooked last was really good let me tell you those morel mushrooms yeah those are good it was really good those they made me a believer in mushrooms and he doesn't like mushrooms oh and uh so um that's i mean i like all that stuff i gotta say i'm not that choosy i like it so cliff is uh he's in here with the donation and no comment thank you cliff so thank you cliff and there's i think there's one more that i've lost there it is greg um i don't know what this is so i'm not going to read it well before we go any further i just need about one minute i want to thank the the most recent patreon folks uh this last week new patreon uh the big lebowski lars joggo or yago uh dark lion 53 jonathan sinnott nam lee robert gwynne lisa pratt mikey hendrickson sean reed cheryl m and one of the folks on uh that that sent us money via paypal was brianna plummer all those folks thank you thank you you helped make what we do possible and a special thanks to all you folks that are part of townsend's plus um again if you're interested in kind of seeing what we would do on youtube but plus more things than than that and kind of experimental fun stuff check out uh it is a lot of fun a lot of fun what do you think ryan i've got some stuff written down here whoa i remember ken when we were talking before you talked about being a hunting guide right yeah yep yeah you have any you have any cool uh anything any tips on you know bear hunting for the folks out there or funny hunting stories those are my favorite you know everything that ever happened to somebody here that they told us as a story was funny afterwards but it usually hurt during you know that's what i liked about it but you know the we did a lot of spring bear hunts and i'd rather hunt a spring bear as a fall bear you know because he's he's coming out pretty lean pretty clean and i always thought they were a whole lot better eating a little harder to hunt sometimes in the fall because he's he's pretty fat pretty healthy and not looking for so much anymore and getting ready to hold up but uh i remember having a little lady in there from georgia one time who was probably as short a woman as i ever seen in my life and she had a heart of gold and i put her on a mule that was pretty tall with the smallest kid saddle i've ever seen in my life and we went 27 miles in we went further into the wilderness than anybody because that way we seen more game bigger elk and we didn't have a whole lot of people up there in our way but uh she said i i don't think i can ride that far mr rollins and i said oh yeah yes ma'am you can make it sugar and uh we rode about three miles and she hollered for me to hold up and uh it's um it was already looking like it's gonna be dark before we ever got there to begin with and she said i can't ride any further and i said wanda we still like over 20 miles and she said my legs are so sore right now she's i don't know if i can even walk but she said you and i'll jog the camp she said i run marathons that's all i do and she stayed in a trot between 6 000 and 8 000 foot elevation for 20 some miles i never had to wait on her every time i look back she was there and she was a whole lot easier to get along with than most of them 11 mules i had tied behind me wow wow yeah i i hear um i've never been hunting at west um but you know hear about elk hunting and uh it um you know we here we don't have wilderness to any great extent no yeah you know you might have a mile or two of of not houses right but you don't have the oh we went 20 miles into nowhereville and we went hunting that's a whole different feel and you can imagine how much more of the country was like that in the 18th century it's it's incredible and you can still get that feel that i'm nowhere close to any kind of town uh you just have to go out west you know you know we were on a ranch one time cooking uh first ranch ever shannon ever cooked with me on the bale ranch in new mexico it's 92 000 acres it's about 65 miles from anywhere the greatest thing about the place was the country and the people but the next greatest thing was there was no cell phone service which was a blessing you know but the stars are so close at night you reach like you look like you can just reach out and grab them because it's so dark you know and uh and i thank god for places like that that still exists and uh every time i get a chance i'm gonna try to be in one of them yeah i i um it's been a while i think it's been about 15 years since i was out i was out in wyoming area and uh just amazing country to to drive through spend time in and a lot of fun and it just is there's it's so amazing how different different regions have that complete different feel to it um you know sometimes you feel like maybe this is bad or weird but usually it's just different and you feel like a different person depending on where you go i am always just so amazed by that so you you seem like a pretty level guy um but when you cook with somebody like bobby flay does that is that hard does it make your nerves run amok what was that experience like when we uh did that deal for the food network you never i never knew he was coming you know all right sure a surprise and uh i remember was on a ranch and he showed up and i remember this pickup pulling up and they kept telling me we've got we've got a guy down here at the gate nobody will be interrupting filming today you know and i can't see from where i'm at but i hear a pickup pull up and i'm thinking well that guy ain't doing his job down there never got there and uh door slam and then i hear another door slam and then another one then another one so i say well there's at least four of them whoever and he come around the corner and i'm thinking seems like i ought to know that guy you know watch a lot of food network at the time but uh i looked at him and i thought that's bobby flay and he come over and he said i hear you cook the best chicken fried steak in the world and i said might not be the best one but i've had a lot of practice and he said i'd like to challenge you to a cook-off today on chicken-fried steak i said in my kitchen today and he looked at me and he said yeah the land of hot and heavy we gonna have a good time when i found out what was going on and he had never seen bertha didn't even know a bertha existed i told shannon i said we're gonna fill every piece of wood we got in there we're gonna get her so hot she jumps off the ground i put him down we'll see what he's made out of and uh he told me that was probably the hottest he's ever been in his life well that's just part i'm here but i said i'm glad you got to be part of it he said i'm ready to go back new york [Laughter] now that is well that's a challenge for him not for you it sounds like somebody somebody uh had to take the heat yeah he was a good sport but he did get hot um we were looking at the history of your youtube channel and i think that about 10 11 years ago is when you got started right on youtube and then it seemed like it really picked up about six years ago was that kind of coinciding with when your first book came out were you promoting it and using youtube as a tool for that no uh that was before that was sort of in the process of the book but um we'd still had the book coming along but it was something that we figured out i used to do a lot of not just ranch cooking but catering too and we'd drive drive 150 miles feed 300 people drive back drive 500 the next day and feed 200 you know and uh shan said there's got to be an easier way and she used to always tell me work smarter not harder you know and all i'd ever known in my life was you work harder you work harder every day you know and uh she said i really think we need to concentrate on maybe doing some of these videos she said and and i can remember when we had 10 000 subscribers i thought it was the greatest thing in the world and still do you know i never took none of it for advantage uh or granted and uh it just seemed like we we had a good time they got easier to do there for a long time and then we thought hey this is where we're supposed to be this is what we're she's pretty much a natural edit she's got some help now ralph that does some editing with her but for for a long time i would come come in here even at 11 o'clock at night when we'd finished her trying to edit one and she said i love you but i'm awful tired of looking at you yeah i hear that a lot yeah what do you think about that aaron yeah john's voice is in my head pretty much 24 7. i'm sorry aaron really sorry it could be worse that's funny do you have a favorite game meat favorite game meat i i'd say it'd probably be elk i do love a good tender elk to me they eat about as good as anything else but i i do i do like a lot of buffalo too some bison yeah there's there's some great uh it's a it's fun to read in the 18th century journals about people in kentucky uh nicholas cresswell talks about hunting bison that are going through that area and even has the story about them sleeping in canoes on the river and in the night a whole giant herd of buffalo come through jump over the canoes and you know cross the river and some of them smash into the canoe and bust it up and almost luckily nobody was sleeping in that canoe uh but yeah buffalo that's um don't get it's gonna be yeah yeah so is is that mostly uh buffalo ranches now that that you're dealing with there's uh there's a lot of a lot of people oh in the in the western part of it anyway i would say that are raising a lot of buff now uh for meat and for hide you know both but uh very low in cholesterol you know they're they're a good healthy meat um uh you know rib eyes aren't hardly as big as they are on a 1100 pound yearling but uh there's still some marbling there uh i've cooked a lot of them and um i would eat one now john if i had the chance that the pizza yeah there's a there's a a buffalo farm ranch that's up in the north eastern part of indiana they've got both the kind of forest buffalo and the plains one so we'll have to we'll have to connect with them sometime so in super chat somebody that says hey ken where in lebanon missouri was the cookout going to be they were born and raised there it's at the only park that i know of i don't even know the name of the park but it's uh right in the middle of town right by oh what is that there is a theater there it is a great big park they can't miss it there you go drive to the theater look across the street yeah um hobby craze is uh well they sent a donation and and then retracted the message so i don't know what that was thank you anyway colin i've been uh telling matt i've been telling matt to watch cowboy kent rollins for over a year now i can't even get him to watch this channel regularly he's such a disappointment still letting people down i don't know what we're going to do with him yeah he's a troublemaker i don't know about this matt matt come on man i'll tell you i hope i never meet him in person derek is in here how did they use oh how did how did they used to wear deodorant john how they used to wear deodorant uh well i mean you'll see some references to things kind of like that i don't have any of them off top of my head i think you know stick a bay leaf under your arm and off you go uh they also had kind of you know perfumy things they would do to cover up whatnot but i think they just got used people you know today we're we're very it's like if you if you get a whiff of somebody if it's not perfume then you know we're upset by it but that's not necessarily true in the 18th century i don't know how to go any further than that yeah i bet you never get stinky cooking over bertha that's for sure that's right uh you you get a whole different flavor i remember this festival one time and it was about 96 degrees and humidity was about 90 and this lady hollered at me and i mean we had a barricade between us and the public and she hollered and she said i just got one question i said what's that ma'am she said i would really love to smell and few because i would really love a cologne that's got wood smoke and sweat mixed together ma'am you can come right over and stand by this fire all you want to and sweat and smell it yourself i said i i don't think it's that good [Laughter] hobby craze i'll send another one with the retracted message but joe b thank you both for the hours of interesting entertainment cliff says kent how does an old cowboy from southern oklahoma find his way to the internet coming from a northern oklahoma boy my first comment got lost well i remember when me and shan first got together she asked me she said what's your email address i said route 1 box 318. she said that ain't it you know she i knew what a computer was never used one but uh she not only broadened my palette she broadened my horizon you know and there's a lot of stuff that i can do on a computer and there's a lot of stuff that i can't but uh you know it's a modern world uh sure i'm pretty backwards and i'm i'm not gonna change on a lot of things but uh if this is a way that we can reach people and let people know how much we care and provide a little entertainment then hey they're pretty good devices two two true tell uh you know you mentioned back there about you know she talked about smoke and that's uh that's one of the flavors i think that's truly missing from uh today you know we're kind of missing that flavor we don't get a lot of wood smoke uh you know maybe you know people are using you know gas grills these whatever and they're missing out on this flavor that is would have been very you know common and it definitely is something different yeah there's pardon me john there's a there's a lot of great things smoke do for food you know but there's also a few things that smoke can harm you you can over smoke something with a really harsh kind of smoke that makes it pretty bitter but there's so much flavor that you can bring out with different meats and fish uh these foul by combinations of wood whether it be oak and a fruit wood or if it be oak other hardwood you know i love to comb but a little a little thinner on that we're blessed with a lot of mesquite or cursed one i don't know which one it is but we'll never get it all cut uh but i know a viewer maybe a year or two from alaska sent me um some alderwood and i've become a big fan of alder especially with chicken but i use it some on ribs you know but it's great for fish and it's a really mellow smoke i really love it a lot but people people got away from it like you say there's uh you know there was a lot of gas grills that come out that didn't make no smoke no flavor uh that stuff they call charcoal briquettes it ain't got no flavor it's got uh too many artificial ingredients and uh trees was out there and they made wood and they made coals made heat and they might yeah too true it's like you you get to eat part of the forest uh in a in a special condensed form uh and it totally is changing what's going on there with a lot of flavors i've never used one of those artificial smokers what do you think about those kent no comment okay hey john kent oh some folks called me one time and they said you're probably the most the oldest original stick burner we've ever known you know uh i could remember burning wood when i was a little kid my dad we had a bb gun when i was seven eight years old he said remember if you shoot it and you kill it you eat it so one day got me a rack out of an old refrigerator that was in the barn put it on two rocks built a fire crow is not that good to eat i promise you you know uh but uh i'm i'm i'm really a wood kind of guy or a good hardwood lump um you know there's so much of that if it's if it's a pelleted grill or something like that and i i'm glad they got them for people because you can set an app on your phone you also watch tv it'll go off you go outside but ain't that sort of like cooking in the house that's cheating yeah uh i've never been one that have had very many fancy gadgets in my life when it comes to cooking but hey if it gets people out there in the backyard and they're having a good time yeah yeah you know that reminds me one of the things that we you know that i specifically do on on the channel more more times enough um i'm not super cook right i'm it's like i'm not trained to do that but i know that what people should do is cook for themselves that's part of community it's part of you know as part of family and we shouldn't be scared of cooking i think a lot of people today are scared of cooking they expect that everything should be perfect like you would get in some you know expensive restaurant or whatever and really the important part is cooking for yourself cooking for other people even if it's got to be something simple tell me your take on that yeah it's like we said at the first food has brought people to the table shouldn't be afraid to to cook because that's where it's supposed to be i mean you cook you have fellowship you help your fellow people out i can't tell you how many times when i was little that i might make her make a loaf of bread that we took to somebody else you know that uh maybe had lost a loved one or they had someone sick uh there's a lot of folks now john shannon talked about it once that spend more time at a table with a cell phone up to their ear more than they have have a hole in a spoon or a fork you know and i think the world's a whole lot more gathering at the table and let's get in there and cook kitchen and cook some i don't care if it's fried bologna eggs and gravy like tom t hall used to sing about you know that's a fine dining and don't be afraid to burn it i've burned a lot of stuff when i could learn about trial and error that's the best teacher of all i still burn a lot of stuff me too you know i got to where i sort of like that flavor john yeah yeah it's like carbon that's one of the recommended daily allowance of carbon you got to get every day we got we got some work to do on these questions now uh-oh hey johnny can't love your channel so much love you from bc canada if you both came together to do a dish what do you think you would both come up with based on your expertise do you gather is that what they're talking about yeah if you guys came together to cook something up what would it be that's going to take us days to figure out yeah i bet it would be something that lives in the wild and got a lot of hair on it like a bird there you go uh darren caring sent two donations thank you so much thank you oh nicholas in the super chat i think we know how kent has his daily cup of coffee but how about you john is there a particular 18th century way to make coffee on the daily yeah coffee you know typical cowboy coffee is is close to some of that 18th century coffee uh technique as you're gonna get so it's it's actually pretty similar uh somebody's in the chat that said i cannot super chat but i sure can become a member thank you for your amazing content always interesting always educational always entertaining you guys are the best thank you so much um love you good peoples in the super chat love you both your channels my grandpa smoked me every friday on two apache engine carrying cases co converted man alliteration tongue tie in me now carrying cases converted to smokers and attached on a trailer nothing like smoke meat nostalgia oh yeah there you go greg no one needs to smell me after hard work i'm with you there buddy uh what are the factors that make y'all accents so different well it's where you grow up that's for sure that's right yeah it comes in south and east and wins it never never leaves you never doesn't matter what i didn't even know i think i've got one because if i'm up here they tell me i do and if i'm down there they tell me i do i'm that hodgepodge boy elizabeth papp sent a cup of coffee from a from a little birdie that was very kind of you elizabeth hey i think we mowed through them and we only have about 10 minutes left okay good i got two questions number one tell tell me i mean i in every episode almost every episode occasionally not but in almost every episode i i have to wear a hat because well you know i just have to because they did tell me about your hat well i've got you know i used to have two hats all i ever had uh one of them was an old hat before he died i worked for about 10 years and i hung it up never wear it again uh shan come along and i remember sending her a hat before we ever really got to dayton much that i'd come off a ranch and send it to her in a box and she said it smelled like smoke it was it was just a great thing smoke and she said you know i don't smell near as good as it used to and i said yeah i understand you know but uh it has always been something that i wore all my life you know we grew up wearing hats uh many many years ago you wore a felt hat from all up till maybe memorial day and then you might wear a straw hat after that you know but there was there was two things my dad taught me never judge a man by the horse he rides or the hat that's on his head okay what what's your take on that though i mean what does that what does that mean to you when you when you say that it's like i've seen a lot of old men that were working on ranches might not have had a cowboy hat on might have been an old baseball cap or some old conductor's cap you know that could rope any yearling in the world in a 40 mile an hour breeze with a rope you've never seen in your life you know and the old horse they got out of that trailer might not be the best looking thing ever but i guarantee you're going to get the job done so uh it's just like just like people you know you you just don't don't first make it an outward judgment just by appearance yeah i think you can take that in a lot of different ways and i i know it's super good advice and it's really one of those um i think it's something you you it's really in kind of instilled in you over time as you interact with more and more people and you you know you you realize that sometimes your first judgments on people you know you look at your hat or your shoes or you know whatever and you have some kind of snap judgment and boy it can be so wrong you can really do yourself a disservice by jumping on that and it's a good advice for young folks it is we always tell people you should never look down on someone unless you're looking down to give them a hand up yep yeah yeah uh you know the i i wrote this down before that story came back with the hat uh tell me about you know smells are one of the things that really connects people with memories and i think food's right there because really i mean tastes and smells are just totally interlocked do you have a special memories connected with particular uh flavors smells uh you know we branded a lot of cattle when i was little and even when i got older but i can always remember that smell wasn't one that was always pleasant to me but it brought about pleasant memories because i was getting to work with a group of old men that i thought were legends you know but also there was that group of women that were ranch wives that brought food out there that you knew you was going to eat some of the best food in your life so you know on a good spring day you smell you smell somebody with a brain and firebrand and some kettle and it always takes me back to being across the river on some little little ranch to where uh you just see all them old men riding around an old pen roping cattle and uh know that you're gonna eat good when them women get it out there yeah i was uh for me those those uh memory smells can really really kind of catch you off guard you know you you know bring back something that you had totally totally forgotten about uh it's um it's always a really interesting sometimes not good experience but always interesting experience and you know those those flavors something you haven't eaten in a long time uh we just did the the morel episode and for here you know you get those mushrooms are like two weeks out of the year maximum and there are some years you never get that and that's one of those flavors that you know you just can't reproduce it you can't you just it's like well it's gonna happen when it happens and it brings back all those you know fond memories of that particular time of year that particular place it's always always great good eating they are yeah yep i got a little cleanup work to do are you still you still got another question uh no i'm good okay i want to we're going to work through these real quick okay nanamumu is in here saying nina moomoo type things and it's funny but i don't have time to read it so thank you derek why does it keep glitching when he talks that is weird i think that that's a joke an accent heather v this is awesome husband watches can't for recipes and i watch townsend's hello from dodge city the home of matt dillon there you go terry work with a bunch of scouts cooking over coals it's great to see a kid light up when they learn how to cook over fire and kohl's kent's upside down pizza is a favorite for our troop by the way great ken duncan send in oh sorry can't go ahead ken duncan sent in a donation without any questions so thank you so much for that nanamumu says something else silly uh and that is that's all we're cleaned up let's uh we gotta think can't hear for joining us yeah um again if you guys are interested make sure to check out uh kent's new cookbook i i'm excited by it and uh really enjoy it so thank you so much uh kent you've done a great job i hope hopefully we haven't totally broken the internet but uh i know that where where were we at on likes 3 000 only 3 000 likes come on guys you can do better than that i thank you all don for uh for having us on uh it was great um i'm glad we finally got to do this but me and you still going to get together and cook something oh yeah yeah it'll be a great time when we fight can finally get together and things are slowly you know getting back to normal so it'll be great whenever we get a chance to do that and it'll be a lot of fun so thank thank you for uh working through all that technical stuff making all this thing happen it's always a tricky tricky monster to make all this fun technology to go but thank you so much make sure to check out kent's channel if you're not already a big fan you will be and uh thank you ryan aaron for you guys all that great hard work uh everyone who was there uh oh go ahead bring back ken hold on he's gonna have to work ken thank you so much i hope you have thank you i hope you have a great day and everyone there everyone that's uh on the super chat today all your patreon folks everyone else who makes this channel happen whether it's just commenting or whatever thank you so much and i hope you have a tremendous tremendous weekend thank you thanks for watching [Music] hmm [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Townsends
Views: 303,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nutmeg Tavern, townsends, history, historical food, 18th century, colonial, jon townsend, john townsend, historic site, colonial lifestyle, Thanksgiving, turkey, colonial cooking, nutmeg, nutmeg Tavern
Id: 82C_QMthO2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 55sec (5455 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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