Live Play-Through "Lewis and Clark: The Expedition!"

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what when i'm muted you you were muted i'm sorry i was muted okay let's try this again this time my lips will move and sound here we go oh we got so much nutmeg now we're gonna have a good day welcome to townsend's we're not in the nutmeg tavern we are actually right next door to nothing tavern we are in what do we call this the media office the office yeah the media central media central and let me put my nutmeg down we got enough for that uh i'm your host john townsend and we're going to be uh doing a special live stream today uh so welcome in while we try we're not going to try we're going to do this hope you're ready for a long live stream a full game of lewis and clark the expedition um i'm not sure how you lot of luddin not games yeah yeah this this one um version two for those interesting is it version two yeah this is the second edition the box art when we were doing research on it there are different rules for each version yeah i remember you seeing that yeah so we're burning a battle of this out uh i have with me aaron um always camera person and wonderful uh editor cutter and now uh game mastery always a cameraman never the star also caleb and he's also camera and editing and all kinds of crazy fun stuff and you can't see him but ryan's uh over there on the console they're back there hey guys ryan what all we kind of have in store for this live stream okay so they're going to be playing through this game and i'm going to do my best to incorporate what you guys have to say if you have strategic advice for them put it in the chat we'll try to get it to them uh i also have so so we had another lewis and clark game that we were looking at and for that we have these questions on on on the cards from that game they don't really go with this game but i'm going to be throwing them at them every once in a while you guys feel free to answer those in the chat as well wow this is complicated there's a reason we started this stream at two right after so we'll start about five o'clock okay so real quick i want to show everybody the top down cam and aaron why don't you explain the rules of the game okay let's go over the rules real quick so lewis and clark the expedition essentially is a racing game meets deck builder meets inventory management game so our characters are rep and we're playing against each other this is not a cooperative game our characters here are represented by these little figures our goal is to make it up the this river what river is this no it could be the missouri maybe we start in st louis i believe it's the rule books probably say so we're gonna go up this river through these mountains through the river again through mountains and we're gonna it's the first person to make camp at fort classic classic yeah yep that is the goal to do that you have to essentially use materials and buy things to be able to move up the river now each of us start with our starter deck six cards and i think because john is the boss and the star i think you've got um yeah mary's weather he got merryweather where is he merryweather lewis so that's that's john's essentially his leader yes um my leader is john ordway yeah i know where mine is what's yours is that is he the leader charles lloyd okay and what we essentially on each of these cards there are different actions most of the base cards are going to allow you to gather materials your your leader is going to allow you to move up and down the river by spending materials and this is our essentially our interpreter card and we we will have different um native native scouts with us throughout the game and we can send them out to grab materials at different encampments and uh various other things do different actions down here are our board our little decks oh i forgot one thing but it's okay these are essentially our crew um and these little these little uh these are hexagons right the six-sided these little hexagons represent how much uh how many materials you can carry with you so you've got a little starter boat here another little starter boat a bigger boat a boat for your scouts and another boat for your scouts and we each start with one native scout um each card to be played cannot just be played by itself it needs to be powered by either another card or a scout so i can't just play my captain card what i'll have to do is on the back of each card here it'll show you um the the the power that the card has and different cards are more valuable than others so essentially i would use this card to power this card to be able to do one of these actions one time and on the card here it's essentially saying i can spend one buffalo hide or one food token to move two spaces up the river if this were a two powered card i could do that action twice and if the three powered card you would move sit you could do the action three times oh wow yeah another way another way to do so is you can take your however many scouts you have and power it with that scout but when you do that these cards are gone until you make camp and pull them all back which is another rule which is another yeah there's a lot we're only about 10th of the way through the rules so um we do have native americans that show up over here we build into our into our pack here so right here up this is essentially different characters that you can buy to add to your deck which adds to the deck building element of the game so let's reveal these right now and this is i we shuffled before we played so we have black buffalo is a character and he is a two powered card and we'll have to sort these in order after we draw them all here's another two powered characters you can see on the back uh i don't know how to watch watch out i don't know another character and each of these cards allow you to do different more complicated things in in the game we'll probably have to go to the rule book to find them probably we will p antonio where is it here's a three powered card this is twisted hair so we're looking at all these cards as they go these are powerful yeah and then we have van crow now i think that's five gonna count one two three four five yeah so the first time we pull from this deck here we have to organize them in power order so we'll start with this three here is the most powerful and then we'll go down the deck there are any one powered cards in here but when as these kind of leave the board we don't put them in order so we could get unlucky and have a one power character in the most expensive spot and it'll probably live there for but if they move down the board so they will move down the board okay so are you guys close to being able to start i hope so pretty close okay are we does anybody like have any questions or i don't know so far there's there's no questions i i think that i need to bring people up to speed because we got more people coming in the chat but we'll wait until right before you get going okay there are there are two more little things there and pj says that you have such a great broadcasting voice by the way i do yeah oh thank you appreciate it i don't like how i sound on camera but that's i guess that's everybody so not everybody thinks that everybody thinks that about themselves we talked about these tokens or the cards yes so everybody thinks that sounds awesome let's go back to this top cam real quick yeah okay so on each of these boats there's there's these symbols they're called you know they're time tokens essentially and what's going to happen is when you make camp to bring your cards back into your hand depending on what's going on in each boat and how many characters you have left in your hand like if you didn't play one you're gonna get a time token so let's say i had this boat here full of gear this boat here had one piece of gear and then i had a scout in this boat i'm gonna get one two three time tokens for each of those when i make camp and however many are left in my hand what that's gonna do is you're gonna get you're gonna get these tokens here i'll move it up a little bit you're gonna get a token like this what that does is it's going to count against your move so let's say you had four time tokens and you could move six spaces you could only move two because you're spending part of that to burn these time tokens they essentially slow you down um uh somebody said john just palmed the card is that true john john i think that's only one way to win this game right right i think there are some other like little rules in here but they'll come up as we play we do have materials uh we've got hides over here buffalo wood uh ponies and canoes and they're just basic supplies here and what i forgot was and i kind of do we start with these three we start with one of these three so go ahead and grab a hide a food and a supply each character starts with those and as you can see if we're on the top cam i'm moving it on to my small boat right here and this this logo here above this boat basically means you get a time token per item in your boat so it's you're trying to be careful not to fill this bow up the more stuff you're carrying along the slower you go so that's that's how this kind of works yep that's the weight because of the weight yes because of the weight and all the you know the pain in the butt of getting everything loaded yeah i mean i'm looking at this artwork it takes days to load this reality yeah this game is this game is based in reality right unlike some of the other games i play okay so are you guys doing a setup right now yeah we're all robot all right so real quick uh for the folks that weren't here before they're playing this tabletop lewis and clark the expedition game they're getting ready to get started it's a fairly complex game so we need you to uh give them advice we need you to heckle them we need no job to get the chats going in this game so you guys can join in as much as you want to and along the way i will try to stump them with some lewis and clark so who's perfect yeah who wants to go first oh let's do it the same way we did it this time okay so last time first okay and we're gonna kind of talk through what we're doing just just so everybody's involved is so it's not all in secret so what i would like to do is the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to take my my cam my leader and i'm going to use this one level card to power him and i'm going to send my scout to power him as well and i'm going to spend one food to move four spaces and i what color am i i'm yellow okay one two three four okay so this now this card and my scout are out of my hand and they are out until i make camp and then what i'm and again it's it's sometimes it's wise to use your cards just to use them because if they're left in your hand you will get penalized with the time token so i'm going to try to burn through my other ones as well and if we're playing wrong just throw it in the chat because the rulebook is very complicated okay i'm going to uh grab some wood and i'm going to power it just one time so i'll get one piece of wood and then i'm going to grab another piece of food with this card powered by my two power card to get two pieces of food which is represented by this buffalo and i believe that's all i'm gonna do your boat's getting full yeah but that's only one though okay only one okay all right i think that's it for my turn is it you or me i think we're going we're this way yeah we're going to oh i thought i was last last great racing cars okay i had a plan here somebody asked what animal did president t jefferson think they might find on their expedition elephants that's what i was going to say the guess is elephants is that true i don't know how does he knew about the he knew about the the mammoth bones in in kentucky at you know bone lick where they had all these mammoth things so i mean maybe camels so that's another idea camels would be nice wouldn't it somebody said use that lumber scout lumber scout lumber scout use him yeah you did didn't you just use it he did well it's probably just the laughs caleb can use him though i know what i'm yeah i'm planning yeah that's another thing too if you play us a scout who has like the lumber symbol on it anyone on the table who's left or right of you which would be both of us you can get lumber based on how many cards are out so going first sometimes isn't that great so i'm gonna play charles floyd i'm going to super power flying i'll move is it six that's six for one three yeah one two three four five six so if this we decided we aren't we're we can pre occupy the same spot in the river jump over would i have jumped to you then yeah so that i did that right you just can't you can't end on the same space no he's too ahead of me okay he's too ahead all right no if you end up on the same space you guys just go we were saying we weren't sure because he was getting a free mountain spot i think with the mountains we can change then i will let me get this out of here oh someone i know you guys know the answer to this one what was the name of the breed of the dog that joined the expedition name of the breeder newfoundland is that what he is he i've got i've got the character here he's uh fido we got so there's that and then i'm gonna play the lumber guy whoa so you guys i get two lumber two i'm correct one for yeah i don't know what i'm gonna do now this is troublesome all right okay i will end my turn you you're you know you're you're you're used up um i'm all used up so i'm gonna lumber too which means you get a lot of you get three lumber i get because i have one guy out and then caleb does it there's that three three lumber so i'm i've got both getting heavy yeah i know it's like totally filled that boat i am going folks in the chatter center is a labrador he looks like well they don't have any info on this car does he look like a labrador doesn't look like a labrador to me there's a card in that trivia deck i think that tells you what he is but i can literally get to it i'll go through so yeah let's see let's go ahead and use my native american and uh and merryweather and um use up one of my so you're powering him twice buffalo right okay so he's a four he would be four moves does he skip over you you would go one two three four yep you would end up in between caleb so there's my my uh use okay and then the last play is using the dog and my double power card to get two and you can also if you'd like to take three because i have one of those cards i also put that card out so that's up to you though yikes you don't have to you don't fill up the entire boat with no we're not going to do that uh we're going to get penalized yeah i'm just going to get to okay um because i like food that's important it looks like newfoundland is right oh okay okay so there we go that's my play done all right that's it so now we're back now so there there are two different actions there are two actions that you must do each round but pick one of them one of them is what we've been doing with which is playing our character cards another one is to send your scout into uh the village up here and they're able to get different materials as you can see from the from the board here now what i did was i use my scout to power a card so i can't send him out so all i can really do right now is make camp so when you make camp you take your scout put him back on his boat i have no cards left so i don't get penalized for anybody left over but i am going to get penalized one time token for this boat so i need to take one time token essentially that's it's going to if i want like i said if i want to move two spaces i'm going to only be able to move one because one of those moves is burning a time token okay so let's think about this now that i've got all my cards back i think what i'm going to do is oh i don't know see this is where i want to play quickly because i don't want to bore people but no i'm thinking about about what i want to do um [Music] let's go ahead and i'm going to send my scout to this area here and basically i need to spend one of each three different material to get a horse so i'm going to spend one of these food tokens and then i'm going to spend this hide in this supply to be able to get one horse i like that you're planning for the future i'm thinking about those mountains that's a good move so uh preventorius sends in a super chat good it's not monopoly that destroys friendships this one let's see how it is we'll see how this goes we're only 10 minutes in so you didn't play any of those does that mean you're gonna have time tokens nope because because making camp is an optional decision it's only when you decide when all your cars are out you want to bring people back so i don't have to make so these i don't have to make camp right now but my turn is over because i can't use my cards and send scouts out so my turn is essentially so if say like for some reason on my last turn i didn't play all my cards and i still had these two but i needed to camp i would get those two time tokens because they were still in my hand yeah and they weren't bringing everybody back yep all right that's you did bring everybody back you didn't i did and i got this one time too okay okay okay because i had that but they're still in your hand so but you don't get time tokens no because i'm not no that would be once he camped again yeah yeah yeah got it all right so uh trivia time the mythical water route to the pacific ocean was known throughout history by what name you guys got it the mythical water you got it john sure all right i don't got i don't got it northwest passage the yeah passage okay is it my turn yes it's you i'm gonna camp so i have one time token yes correct i believe am i missing any nope you're good okay so and one other thing too when you send your scout out to go buy something that scout is no longer mine and there there's a there's a way there's a card to play to to get more scouts but as of right now they can take that scout from me with um there's a there's an interpreter card that can recall all the scouts so far in the chat they just want you guys to eat horse or attack each other i don't know if we can fight each other in this no no we can try to sync each other's votes but i don't know i don't even know if you can do i mean you can but well you can do that to yourself i think i'm gonna keep playing the the get along the river route okay for a second okay i don't know i'm i'm oh i'm just testing so why i'm just testing this out it's a new theory one two three four five six okay you're cruising bud this could be bad yeah but but yeah don't trust what happens when he hits the mountains and then i'm just like yeah so that's about to slow you down uh hilltown granbert says don't trip down the tainted brain trail yeah that would be bad the tainted brain trail yeah almost wondering if i need what does it take to get a horse it takes uh three of three three different things but you you're unable to right now yeah i'm sorry i want to make sure that i'm not i got you you want some horse oh i i didn't burn this token by the way so you have to go back one space sorry oops sorry about that i'm cheating already i'll probably just they're fungible you could have taken them back i'll get some wood here i believe you can get two pieces of wood if you'd like that's up to you i don't think i'm going to you're gonna get in trouble i know i know i've been there too much too much i had like an entire lumber yard in my thing and that didn't help at all i think i'm gonna what do i have what do i need food for do i need is dustin in the chat i haven't seen this this is for him dustin this is for you hurry up come back maybe i'll catch the reaper i am going to catch that later oh yeah but it's okay you are going to so i wish that didn't happen okay john makes camp and then that goes back and i get one and two right two times two time tokens well and um you know i don't know i mean i'm not sure i like the idea of of the pony thing too and the problem is you know you need you need horses over here in the mountains and you just you don't can't get them very many places that's like the only place or do you find a character up here that can get you one but none of those i can't take whatever another thing is some of the characters here yes trying to get out of a meeting so he can focus there are some cards that you'll get that will let you move through the mountain without like it'll just say spend this and move on to like go under the mountain like they did in like lord of the rings yeah yeah and just like that just like that too carelessly yeah okay um well i'm i'm going to do the i'm going to do this uh i'm going to send your scout i think i'm going to go ahead and send this gun off so right there you're right so there's a question of the chat if the boats can capsize or not um not for us no nothing i don't think so we're going to use up a wood we're going to they have to be three different things three different things and this and this right because i don't need i don't know why anybody needs hides uh i mean food's obvious for this yes for the store for the store whatever i bought a pretty powerful card with the store and i need a pony and that's it that's it for you and yeah because you set a scout out you can't do anything with your cards so that's it for john what i'm going to do is i'm going to play my interpreter and power him with this character here and what the interpreter does is it sends all these to the middle then i can decide uh how many i would like to take with me and i'm just gonna take two because i don't wanna because they start over burden my uh my boats okay so that's it for him so i have those now what i would like to do is south through mordor yeah so i'm going to go ahead and move again and power and power this uh card with i might as well power them with blue just gonna go let's just go oh he's trying to catch me whoa so i'm gonna spend my food and that's six look at me i'm way behind here i'm like paddling as fast as i can yeah but but you're you got the long strategy i believe i'm getting stressed about these mountains yeah oh wait i got to move back one because i forgot i had a time token we need to go to each other no cheating all right and then just for fun just so i can get all the cards i'm going to grab yep yeah yep now i'm trying to sell what i want do i want food or a supply i have supplies out if that helps your decision at all but then you would be like but only one time token though you know i'm going to i'm going to grab the two no backsies you can't i know i'm gonna i might regret this but that's see i definitely would have done it different gun you don't go in the other way would have gone for food i'm starting to wonder if you took this home with you and played it live yeah starving have you ever tried starving it's no fun all right more trivia time william clark and mario weather lewis first met val in their native virginia in st louis and washington dc while serving in the military together that's four choices yeah that's that's a lot you want to hear them again no i want to go i'm going to go with military okay see that would be my guess too sure yeah i'm thinking consensus you guys are all winners i'm real proud what do we get when we win the trip yeah not much you get me i'm you made me happy that's all you cheered on okay caleb what is it me again yeah okay so i need to camp which is going to hurt a little bit you're going to be hurting two that's not too bad right yeah okay oh i gotta rethink my strategy here how many spaces yeah when you come up to the mountains you stop there you can't continue you have to stop at the mountains so can you guys hear yeah my mic's not off it's being styled tony you're tricking me i'm okay you're tricking me he's just talking to himself over there he's moving off the most important microphone is on it's mine is dustin enjoying this ryan your mic is off again oh he's trying to get out of the meeting yeah he's trying to enjoy this i'm gonna do it again responsibility calls you're flying through what and then i'm gonna plan you're gonna you're gonna hit horseland yeah i know but i'd almost rather be there and then prepare for horseland fine i don't know maybe it's wrong maybe i'm wrong i know horses aren't wrong horses are expensive i know you're wrong it's like smooth sailing up until you get to the mountains because you need a lot of horses to get through there yeah okay unless you can find them and none of us have i've noticed no one has been i was just thinking that i might have to go yeah but what those those are useless like the two canoes are pretty powerful what is that two well that that is good two and two so maybe that's what you're doing over here or a little step on equipment we'll find out we'll soon find out you still need you'd still need two hides this guy is fairly inexpensive but he's he'll let you move up the river the river movement becomes kind of you want those mountain movements so is the goal to go by horseback through the mountains yes yeah or find people that can guide you through the mountains i need to check something real quick in this rule book rule book time okay well he's looking in the room there's some more trivia time with ryan i'm not feeling too good about my decisions caleb this one's for you okay during the course of the expedition which great american river was not sailed upon by the members of the expedition a mississippi b ohio c missouri d potomac come on they're too far they're too far west for it to be ohio right let's let's no no no hint time let's see what you think this one's easy i'm not a river man i don't know my rivers all right okay hold on hold on hold on be like the nile what was it can i make a public service announcement real quick that we've been doing something wrong and i'm really sorry oh no okay do you want to tell me tell us the rules after my turn [Laughter] i think we should just be able to move to the mountains since you messed up no no no no no no right now this is frankly embarrassing and it means that we're probably going to be here for a little while longer i misread something to do this you have to spend three oh okay well you just got to spend just the one to do it three times it did seem a little too easy yeah yeah how do we how do we want to go about this should we just continue on with that rule yeah it makes things harder yeah since i'm way back there let john go in his final okay okay i wondered i was as we were doing that i was wondering that earlier too daniel called you all a bunch of cheaters uh what do you have to say to that i think he's right a bunch of cheaters so takes one buffalo first uh dustin says do it with house rules well it wasn't like it wasn't a house rule it was just we could make it this is how house rules become we could continue to play the rest of the game with that rule and you know it just make it go a little faster that's fine if we want to do let's just do that or or we could do you could do that but if you a third power you'd have to spend two yeah let's do that okay does that make sense yeah all right you can do it twice for the cost of one do it three times for the cost of two okay so let's tell can you aaron can you tell the camera what where you went wrong and how you're fixing it so basically yeah so this card here i'm going to put it right in the center of the board let me let me get that top down so how we were playing was basically and i as soon as you know we were flying real quick up the river so it kind of was like something's off so basically it's like you can power this card and do an action multiple times but what that actually means is you can spend three food to move six spaces as opposed to spend one food to move six spaces so you do have to have the supply but that means when we get to the mountains uh every horse you need a horse for every two moves yeah yep as opposed to six meters yikes so here's well here's what we'll do here's what we're kind of saying well it's speed and style tony is taking he's taking the fall for this he says he was paying too much attention to the chat and he missed the cheating he's sorry he failed you yeah okay i think what we'll do let's see if chat agrees with this just so we're not here until 10 at night for we'll we'll keep that rule if you're powering it for two but if you're powering it for three we'll bring in the the rule of you need to i put a motor on my boat and just maybe you should move back to two spaces just to be fair you're gonna do me like that no i'm just kidding we'll just go that's fair come back a couple spaces i'll move back one space too yeah just to be fair you should go back three because of the rule nah i think we're good okay okay continue john john okay okay so caleb was done yes okay yeah and and i did that and so i don't have any i don't have any native americans anymore um so i probably should try to reclaim some with this with this right yes so that guy there yep he's your interpreter you power him and basically you bring that guy into the middle and i get a choice and you can grab both or just one both are just one well let's do it i like lots of buddies with me so let's do it there's that one um and i'm still all about those horsies you want some more horses interesting are they in your canoe with you they're no they have their own canoes over here news but they still slow you down or make you go faster yeah no another thing too and i we forgot to show chat this over here there is actually a spot you can buy extra boats right for the could have natives seven shoes behind you yep but it costs three wood that is expensive yeah okay so um i better i better get on the move on though uh better and do some but do some moving moving um get to step in and yeah gotta get gotta get on the move does anybody else uh you've been out for material you've been out for wood you've been out for heights right yep so so if you play for hides you'll be able to get yeah i think i'm gonna go ahead and two three i mean i'm gonna go ahead and and play out for hides so you get one for you one from my well see actually my guy is powered i think it no you have to power it though here's the thing john three don't forget about this this thing this is really cool because if you place a native american there you can take either his card or my card use the action use the action on that card opposed to using your own yeah whoa whoa no wait a minute so so this guy he's just going to steal our card for your turn yeah so i can do this use that for a move and you could save that for your next turn you could do that and you wouldn't have if i don't play it i will end up using time right that's only if you camp though even on your next year you don't get time tokens every turn okay it's only if you decide to make camp okay so making camp is bringing all your cards back how's john's turn is when you guys are like no you can only do that yeah i know hey yeah tell me about it tell me about that okay let's let's go ahead uh tori said in the super chat that says i'll buy you a house rule buy us a house okay cool okay we're gonna go ahead you're gonna do th this thing instead do i do one or the other one you could do because you'd have to would he'd have to do that next turn right right because i can't play out a native oh because you didn't bring right right right because you brought them back right right so he's [Music] straw man says take the shortcut through the molasses swamp sure good idea uh you're buying a i'm gonna get a food of my later you guys both have horses already yeah what am i doing what you're okay all right real quick this is easy easy easy one ready yeah potomac denial that's me okay it doesn't get any easier than this one william clark's elder brother was a famous revolutionary war hero what was his name william clark's older brother you're asking me again yeah i'm asking anybody aaron come on guys i just work here okay okay let me um multiple choice richard clark general mark clark george rogers clark curtis c.c clark george rogers clerk okay so all i can do right now is make camp i'm gonna go ahead and do so and i will get two time tokens please dose yes i'm tokens for you thank you thank you thank you friend so what i want to do now i want to look at this i guess i missed it how did you get time tokens but john didn't it he didn't make camp i haven't made campouts yes okay i made camp because i literally everything i have so it's making campus resting and you're replenishing basically yeah that's a good way of putting it okay what do i want to do here let's see what do we got so i want to play um this wood fella and i'll power him with one does anybody have any wood cards out i do actually yep okay so i'm going to grab two wood so that's that one still no food yeah i'm good i'll be all right so this is dustin williams is wondering how many horses slash boats can one player have at a time as many as you want but it'll weigh you down the more you because of the weight because of the weight yep as we all know because they all washed down the river and then you die yep looks like lenny's going fishing no one's dying today john oh okay i hope not at least okay i'm gonna play um for some food john yay about time um so i have the option of taking two um one and he's gonna load up well what i'm gonna do is get a load i'm gonna just go ahead and uh just play burn it right away to move now house rule four spaces right for one token but for three you gotta use three two okay so one two how about three couple minutes three well here's the thing though just go four you'll be fine but you gotta i know yeah you gotta use up one two because i got my time see it's yeah it's about to get me this this round i'm not too excited okay yeah look at that yikes i'm heavy everybody good okay oh wait what am i doing are you done i'm done all right i'm gonna camp she gives me four time tokens that's a lot of time tokens you're a lot of sleeping yeah oh because you have that many on that other boat it could be so it takes up all that time to unload the boat up again blah blah blah everyone's tired yeah we're a little sleepy keltoid 5 is a super chat it says yay finally made the live stream our paw paws part of the game well we'll be eating them later on so yeah okay it's good to see you keltoid five what time is it i don't know let's see here 242. okay you're gonna get a horse we're gonna be here for a while and we're not everybody's settling midnight right now what are you doing now you're you're oh you're buying another horse my first horse wow my first and yes you can rearrange your boats any time you'd like and i still didn't make out no all right i think that's it no movement you're not jt oh you could because you used to yeah okay so could you do in a turn like send one out and send another one out today yep you can send two outs and then you can make campaigns like so uh oh so either i what's the difference like i'm a camper i don't like see if what i was saying earlier i would do this the shaman and steal his card if you were trying to move or any one of his cards so then you can have it and then you can se but you're at the risk of them being taken by another character if you send them out but yeah you can send for your move um both of those out and do things in the village both of your scouts your native scouts yeah well but if i send them out i can't do any nothing with your cards but you could steal but you could steal a move from me paul is in the chat wondering how many cards john has of his puffy sleeves i wish none so far i wish he's been playing this look over there guys he's been playing nice i'm sorry um let's see so let's go ahead and do the thing where i do that you're going to steal and you don't have a move so it has to be yours so you can do any of these moves that i have obviously you're going to move and you still have to spend your right your food i got my time tokens right and i only need to spend one food token correct yes and then that moves that how many time tokens did you have two so you don't move at all you just burnt those time tokens okay yeah wouldn't he move for four yeah why because he's powered twice oh that's right yep go ahead go ahead so two moves you'll hop over here i believe no no no okay sorry and then if you want you could you could you're allowed to move your scout over yeah or you can send them out whatever you want to do okay could he have powered this card again with his other i think it's just you could only use one use what's on the board another food right yeah i think you would i think you can do what's on the board another it's another trivia time this is just meant to uh make the game more difficult for you relying mainly upon buffalo for their daily source of meat the expeditions adult male members consumed up to how many pounds of steaks and other cuts during a single hard working day is it multiple choice it is but i'm not going to give you the the you just have to guess how many a day a day how many pounds of buffalo they're doing a lot of working so and it's like all protein and fat two pounds a day you know if moving had to do with being able to answer these questions i would be a lot easier oh well that's what that other the other version is we should milk these two i'd be back in indiana i'd be sending me backwards okay what do i want to do here what do i want to do let's take a look what do we got up he's getting tough my mic is not off guys one guy here harriet says why is john the only one dressed for success and he's losing though hey hey oh there it is there it is it's starting i'm buying i'm buying a boat oh you're what no way for later use no no that's gonna drag you down drag you down what do you mean so what is that you get extra though what's this have to do that's i think you can use one for to have a scout for free or carry more supplies for free two but only two supplies does that cover this up and you can't use it anymore no you can use that okay i'm just putting it here just for space yeah but yeah you can still use that um let me see what else am i looking to do hmm john is losing the board game but he's acing the trivia so it's being stealthy i'm going to send this i didn't take it i didn't take it off didn't take it off i want to get a hide and a food oh yeah here you are loaded down with a bunch of equipment and nothing to eat i mean that that should be an investment and then what i'm gonna do are you trying not to camp this round trying not to camp is that what you're doing well um i mean i guess i could camp what else did you drink i could buy oh i guess so sure but the only one to buy is kind of a get your stuff kind of a oh you'd need three hides to do that well i can get this guy how far is your lead aaron oh caleb's leading right now he's two i'm the winner well he's got a horse now i am going to go ahead and buy this guy i'm buying mancrow and grow three wood to move four spaces up the river what and then these all sliders slide down but you don't have any guys that's wrong says every time you get a trivia question right you should get a horse yes oh yes yes that's not the rules yeah i don't agree john's just got a stack of horses dustin williams just made a rather large super chat says winner's pot donation uh dustin i'm not playing so that's not helpful for me i'm not reading any more of your things well maybe we'll give you a tip this guy right here that we just drew or this lady i'm so wait is it a it's uh it's from the shirt let's get this from the ad deck this is caleb's crong cole says 10 pounds of buffalo springfield [Laughter] okay i think that's it that's all you for me and then i might as well make camp too just to be ready for the next round so i need two time tokens you can do these things and make camp okay yeah oh i'm sorry yeah and buying those those are optional actions the two main actions which just set people out and and play your cards that those are the two yeah big actions gotcha okay well hey caleb you with the heavy boats you're still winning though yeah he's got something for us yeah what what you what's your plan so and i'm going to play what's his name interpreter interpreter [Applause] and you can fit as many as you want on here but it's per person you didn't do what i wanted you to do so i'm kind of oh i wanted you to not camp so i could charming you oh but you can't i thought you ended your turn as a captain yeah and since i don't have a move you can't steal one from me let me think here i have oh i might get another horse not a bad idea horses they'll they'll come in handy that's it you just took one i need to do this one too oh dustin you're kind dustin just did another snoop chat that's ryan's tip jar oh ryan's tip john yeah are people having a good time they seem to deserve it are you gonna are you gonna ever board yeah i'm thinking i don't know how many things you just can you play that out and use the native i can't you're right actually that's right yeah you could just bring him back john you're helping kids i can't spend anything no he he was he was him he was gathering them and using him at the same time you can do that okay i think that's all i want wait are you helping caleb i can i can still play more cards correct i was still playing i just can't use those he was trying to yeah yeah so here's well i kind of uh messed up there i wasn't really thinking messed up there bud no hold on we're good we're good i guess some buffalo so you can have a 10 pound meal i can't believe yummy buffalo are we sure that's right yes yeah okay oh for sure yeah how much you could be one buffalo would put out oh you're gonna get 500 speed and style tony says aaron are you having a good time and he tosses you three nutmeg i'm having a good time i'm just very nervous i've already messed up on one rule everybody is having a good time in fact they're having such a good time that it's time for another trivia no okay yes that was a surprise all right so how buzzers this is this is a good one are you guys ready how many miles did the expedition have to portage that is to carry their canoes and every piece of equipment to get around the great falls of the missouri river 16 to 18 miles 30 miles 5 miles or 8 to 10 miles what from where to where it's a how long did they have the porch to get across the great falls of the missouri river well there's the great falls right there how many miles did they carry all of their belongings is there a i want to say what was it 30 30. there was there okay so so a is 16 let me order this okay so 30 16 to 18 8 to 10 or 5. 16 to 18. i'm going 30. five 16 to 18 is the correct answer yeah yeah yeah hey lucky yes real quick yeah you go to the top cam yeah sure the chat was all over on that too i think everybody was kind of like it could be any of these maybe it wasn't the best are there any deaf tones fans in the chat of course because i am pretty sure this horse is right is the white pony it's really funny what did you just do i thought we said we got a horse no you didn't that was a joke oh he was really gonna take me down i don't know i'm gonna take it but i'll take something else then [Laughter] whose turn is it why why are there seven horses on your boat mute my mic don't let me down i want to get up my coffee i went last right or did you just go so johnson did you use that she's keeping everybody from cheating now wow someone has to wow okay john's gonna make camp and uh i get one time token thank you speed and style tony just says aaron is cheating again you've built yourself a reputation here you have yeah we're doing what yeah oh shoot we've been playing the rules they're saying you're cheating john's hiding cards listen let's not be sour about this cheater okay so real quick uh this is the mo this is another important super chat uh for the ryan's tip jar from cole thank you guys so much you're really making you're making my life a good a good thing question we gotta go ahead and super chat okay it's from sally and that says bribe for trivia answers aaron yeah uh these guys are are gathered here are native american scouts yes uh are they are they free to take can you unmute if you play the card your um your back that card you gathered them but does that mean yeah can he can he just take those let me check the rule book yeah because i wondered it's like okay you didn't take it yeah that's interesting that is interesting because usually you'll take all right no that's a good question but he gathered so many couldn't take them all so heather has a meeting that she must attend but she did give a game hint if you dust a little nutmeg on the horse it will gain i've i've got some here on the board by accident so you're asking basically if there are already can you gather them yeah can we take those right okay so i am going to gather hides i don't have any and since you really really have to have them to get any of these extra things i'm going to do that and power them yep two nobody have you gathered you've got a food out i have a food out right now yes okay you've got a food uh i have a food card wood card and a material card uh i'm going to go ahead and marry meriwether lewis with a equipment card and use up one one uh buffalo to move how many spaces two unless you but i've got you could power it with uh oh so just one yeah you're right so there's that and he moves up one and this goes back okay hold on so this is um move to one right yeah okay thank you yeah i won't put my mic back on i'm gonna let me finish up this move real quick but you do have to play that card okay to get to get them okay um this is uh playing the dog and a single power card to get back one food that i just used up movement i have a food too so you can have two if you want and shoe but i really don't want to because uh i'm already loaded to the galaxy you'll be encumbered yes and uh uh that's too i would need more okay i'm good i think i'm good so again i apologize but we'll just keep going i believe what this is is you can you send them all to the middle and then in addition you can get one scalp per power so i believe you can only bring one it's as many as yeah as you're powered okay yeah but it's it's cool but yeah so what i'm gonna do now on my turn is i'm going to um power my interpreter twice so what this will do is we'll bring everyone into the middle and i am going to take two and put one there and then put one in my my other boat that does not take up any uh weight so let me ask you this do you notice how this x's this last card out too i wonder if that means we pull this card and then bring it all the way down it couldn't so you're going to move them down i don't know it should be yeah let's do it because we haven't done it we haven't you know done much of that because it's i think it is part of his actions so we're going to do it for you and me or just you because i played this last time i'd say we do it twice we've been cheating enough okay right and i think those are discarded but she needs to know yeah this guy oh wait these are those modern glasses those yeah yeah those are from the expansion pack from the expansion pack there's an expansion pack dude they're all hchc did you buy an expansion pack yeah okay oh we got expansion okay i gotta get i gotta get hustling so i'm going to play um well first what i'm gonna do i'm gonna play this guy here to get me does anybody have any food out yummy yummy food okay so i'm gonna grab john do you know how many barrels of nutmeg they brought on the expedition uh seven seven yeah okay there's that seven hogs heads of nutmeg that's not going to move and i'm going to triple power this and if is this the house rule we got to spend three i think there's two right two two to move all three that's fine that's fine okay and that's so that is uh six one two three four five six you slow down now i wouldn't want you to get winded yeah wait back to you're right thank you forget about those yes they they would just add up at some point right right you can hold them back okay i'm good thank you all you happy i'm a happy boy all right you're not going to be happy here in a second but you're okay but when you make camp you'll have to you'll have to get an extra daylight for that card right because you got it but hold on i'm about done you're not done oh go ahead and go ahead and load that up no this was mine he needs to be there anyway you're gonna buy another card yeah i think so i'm just gonna buy this guy so does this card mean you can spend as many to move as many spaces as you want is that i'll have to look up this card but i'm going to go ahead and buy him so that's two before it gets away two in a pelt boy your boats are almost empty then i'm gonna speed and style tony says that he thinks that those are promo cards of the designers i think they are i think you're right yeah you're trying to steal a move that's what i think you're trying to do i might have to go ahead and make camp though you can make camp at the end of your move yeah you can make camp whenever you want well why didn't i know this we told you yesterday we played through it yesterday but it's a lot so on board games so you can make camp at the end of your turn after you've played everything that seems weird well everybody knows that what's the difference between doing it all right he's checking the rulebook that means it's true it's trivia time i don't know what that means the original everybody listening yeah you guys in the chat listening during your round you may set up kim the original plan in order to ensure that one leader would return safely to washington c dc not cd called for one captain to return by the same route already traveled the other to return to the east coast from the fort clattsop by what means a southern route via colorado b through canada c sailing ship d wait and start back later oh this is this is a hard one no it isn't not waiting we know that you know it's not waiting it's like well we waited he was ninety years yeah i'm guessing that nobody wanted to go to canada that's what i was gonna say because they're already yeah they're not gonna they're not gonna go through canada they're not gonna go through canada so it's either colorado which i don't think makes any sense or take ship and i think it's ticks let me tell you pj in the chat has the right answer already what do you guys think tell us pj what is it a sailing ship ah we got it we got it okay pony for me i gotta stop thinking [Laughter] all right so i gotta lock this guy up 29. yes it is it is me okay so i'm gonna get another horse or pony or whatever whoa whoa because we're gonna need these and then so this guy the card that i just bought now well i want to get him look quick quick uh tip it's always good to have an even number in your deck because there'll always be one left to get a time token if you have an odd number you know what i'm saying so this guy what he's able to do is where'd he go pay one food move your scout as many spaces forward on the river as there are visible food badges on the cars of your playing area and your two neighbors so yeah [Music] all right guys cheaters i just got a horse and then camped got one time token and my turn is over oh well john camps uh he gets two time tokens two time tokens two times is there anyone in the chat who has played this before i think spewing style tony has has he i think that he said that he didn't say that today but i'm pretty sure other than the one rule we messed up is it are we playing it right i feel like on it has a complexity rating of like a three seven or something which is getting up to like gloom haven levels which is pretty crazy for a lewis and clark game i don't know i'm not sure deborah scotland is in super chat uh ryan can i pre-order a prosecco for friday absolutely you can uh so i don't know guys i really don't know uh andrew andrew says that that he has played andrew's played yeah i don't you trying to buy that i'm just going and then sweden's speed and style tony said yes but it's been a while okay so there's a lot of moving parts that costs a lot that's it's really bad wait what'd you just do i didn't do anything no he actually is for the power of this card it's cheap because it's only one high yeah but you need three equipment yeah but over here you need one equipment five hides oh well because of that guy this guy's see and what does this mean one one time token you can get rid of one um you could uh oh what does that convert a time token into nothing or lose a time token you never you can always what does that mean i don't know yeah what is that come on looking up the rules oh that's the rules what's this what is this huh mrs krohn this is kron this is what's certain hc4 hc4 guys if it's looking up rules time you know what that means no it's trivia time which of the journals kept by the two captains and each of their surgeons was the very first to be published not long after the expedition was completed patrick gass william clark mary weather lewis or john ordway you guys answered that surgeon which one huh well i'm guessing he said sergeant because he's that's the book that that we have the reprint of and you think because that's the one that we have the reason i don't know if it's the first one let's go let's do it you guys challenges i was reading the rules i'm gonna i think so and you put it in here well i don't know i gave it because i don't know this character it doesn't look like she's in the rule books right i don't know maybe those are all so we have to look them up or something do we get rich just maybe we should take them out and and move them up all the things there's a bunch of ac's in there right sister who we're getting rid of some cards because because we're not sure about them yeah because i believe they're an expansion here we go there we go oh now we're moving now john yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry this one well even that one you know two two neighbors yeah i think you put them into the three into the middle what number is that six looks like just trade two scouts two are you grabbing the words look again no this is a quick one this is quick okay i gotta figure out how to put them in the middle i got to figure out how to de-de-bark here get some of some i got too much junk in my boats we've been sitting on this river for a while i know i'm still there no one has moved in i'm like forever um you know i could do this and that and you got two bro strong hands cracking me up i played this before but instead of explorers and natives it was french and german army instead of american west it was played in belgium maybe it wasn't this game at all i wonder if there's if this is like a skin of another game right is it like a replicant is that what they call it i think that they were just making the joke oh sorry but sorry this is a good hilarious you took them too literally oh guys i'm working i'm working this is too complicated uh one two i don't know what does this do anything gets you uh any action gets you any action that's a good one i got that one last night whoa that's mine we'll pay for it yeah [Applause] hi i can do that that's a good one is it one and two yeah yeah this one yeah yes sir i wanted that card mine got to it too late buddy mine what's this one this is cookie nose it will get rid of two times time delays for one thing okay we're getting into the powerful cards now yeah let's go ahead and um do a merriweather lewis and this and this and that's four four four minutes up to the river so two move up two is this true dj murphy says if you get sacagawea it's game over no maybe i think she's pretty powerful she is but it's not oh oh i'm sorry like she's really powerful yeah let me see what she does says she's op for sure yeah i believe he's right yeah perform one of the village actions whether the action location is occupied or not you are not allowed to use or take yeah so you can just start performing village actions just like give me that and you don't even okay he's insanely powerful hilltown says i'm sensing dissent in john's expedition watch your back brother okay uh food token okay with the dog okay booms whoops whoa something my sleeves yeah wrecking the board here uh this is just a one he's gonna he's gonna give me a time token no matter what i do so the question is do i want yeah what do you want you guys both stuff no no i'm even you're even yeah uh i don't know definitely don't want side note do you guys know what the longest we've ever streamed for is i don't know i think an hour and a half okay yeah nobody might break the record we're at an hour and nine minutes right now so we're definitely gonna hit that hey send me send this stream out to other people let people know like share it let's know we're playing board games in here let's go ahead and use our um so you can use two of those right and two hides i just gave them up go jump and then i won't then you'll have the time token so i can do the time i can i could do my making camp now because nothing else is going on anytime during your turn okay according to the rule book give me one time choke and two time token again they slow you down so i gotta remember that i have two right now i should've never told you guys about the shaman because now you're gonna camp after every turn yeah you better believe it well sometimes it's not it's not good to camp i like you could get you could get loaded up on those tokens okay i need some gear bad i need some goodies okay i'm going to uh power this fella to get a uh a wood a single piece of wood actually might oh yeah i need this i'm gonna get some firewood go out i collected some firewood good job okay um let's see what else would i like to get i would like to [Music] i'm gonna get another uh piece of food just because john has been on me about not having enough food hey so i'm gonna grab some food you don't have to get food i don't care and ten pounds a day and then i'm going [Music] um play this and spend one of my foods to move four spaces [Laughter] minus two and then he goes four anyway [Laughter] okay and then i'm going to play this which allows me to move um one space per buffalo i think i need to spend the buffalo yeah and i'm gonna take and what one what yes okay okay if that's what you really want to do it's what i really want to do those days it was time are you gonna make camp be mad yeah i probably should i was like well that was that was a good time i'm watching it when we're there but but i do get i need two time tokens two two the heat is odd people are gonna think i'm just a dirty it's a dirty cheat yeah okay well you uh i you know i at home we play castles of burgundy and i thought it was i thought it was complicated and this is this is just this is crazy next level okay so no way no hey what delivery coffee delivery thanks for watching ridiculous who's doing all the hard work get out sorry fellas i had to have my coffee be leaving this i'm stunned right now i'll do that and then i need more horses i'm gonna make my way down this river no one time token three three look at that we're gonna get to fort clatt's up about come uh nine o'clock at night are we there yet the label are you gonna make camp or are you gonna sit there like that huh [Laughter] i'll um ahead and make cam okay why not you're gonna do that this is good coffee no rub it in i can't believe you text will to bring you coffee he just brought it out of the kindness of his heart did you have any more don't help me out i've got to draw for ryan not a drop oh so currently to bring everybody up are you sure here i just i just need a little dab thank you okay little dabble do you huh okay how about there you go boy uh we send out alexander willard uh and he's gonna bring us in equipment so here's equipment and then we take an equipment and two hides and give me a big horse right there big horse no no oh oh big horse wow not a big one big big horse big horse all right okay there's that good yeah this is good i feel oh yeah big horse see that's uh to get horses there that is how you get horses that's and you send them to the middle just so you so you remember what what do you mean i send them to you whenever you use them you put them in you got it but you need two right exactly for example exactly i'm kind of curious what some of the chats favorite board games are i'd like to hear hear that do you hear that chat what are your favorite board games yeah aaron is curious what is your favorite board game my favorite board game yeah ooh i i don't know see that's hard to this it's hard i'm fairly new at board games in general so far i have i have the most fun playing eldridge or with my with my buddies eldritch horror is a great game it just can't be topped yeah it's like the mechanics are just great yeah yep let's go ahead and play mr richard uh windsor for a hide obviously he's a trapper so boom i like what john's doing we should narrate the characters that were um or like call it who they are we're gonna do uh the dog powered with a single card so a single for monopoly monopoly trouble balderdash balderdash is a great game and sorry dominion is trouble the one with the bubble in the middle yes yes that's fun getting into trouble let's go ahead red dragon in you're gonna move never heard of that yeah so i'm better right so let's john is moving up the river a little swifter now wait i can only game of life i don't use this because no you can yeah but then i'd use two i think i could no so this guy six right that's six minus and i use both of those and you burn two time tokens and move four spaces now i have never seen anybody say their favorite game was a roommate cube but that is a great game now it's getting different and i'm making camp rumor cube never even i remember getting that game from my that's like a good job one time token one we got another vote for red track in the end okay red dragon i'll have to look into that one yeah that sounds interesting yeah uh champions of midgard okay risk or upwards no risk that's just that is a divorce in a box divorce in a box it's a force okay lock in lock it family feud that's what it's called it's also known as family food sports in a box i love it that cracks me up john you're a funny funny man okay does anybody remember twister from the 1970s of course believe it or not i'm not fantastic at twister okay can we do a twister stream is always meant for kids because adults just like you know oh i'm broken yeah everyone's just i'm double powering him and then i'm going to dustin williams says hashtag divorce in the box is trending on twitter now i'm buying i'm getting a hide i'm spending time this is good oh wait hold on i wanna divorce in the box with custody expansion pack okay so this is all i'm doing i'm powering this with three i'm getting three of these and i'm buying one hey wendy says battleship battleship is one of my all times i love battleships i gotta get rid of these three i just bought a card now you're odd numbered again i know but yeah that's good stuff i don't know if it's considered a i guess it's a board game chess i'm a huge chess fan yeah chess is is that's just like the greatest yeah everything that we love caleb stems from chess down in a lot of ways because i want to i definitely want to steal another 14 cards to try to try to actually win was that a deep enough what does that mean three horses look how expensive that is one three rivers one for three mountains two people have said the farming game i've never heard of that farming game is that katan isn't that a farming game but i think it's called the farming game oh the farming game are you is it still your turn yeah why don't we have a 18th century board game i don't know it's like this is i'm going to tell you we need it didn't we look into something like that what's that the eight like an 18th century we could skin one you know we could we could we make it simpler than this though uh wow this is we could call it that's awesome because i'm gonna get a lot you can make a town game yeah the townsend's homestead game somebody suggested that we work on that in our spare time hilltown grammar says once played battleship on a battleship oh that's like that's a flex level yeah um the game of life gets another vote uh two wood hmm all right then i got it that boat's full oh now what oh probably just need to burn time tokens to be honest with you so i'm gonna power my guy with uh two i'm gonna spend a food to burn two and then move to move two which would be one two yeah okay i feel pretty good about that all right guys i'm sorry to tell you but it's trivia time no you ready you ready i'm gonna win more ponies let's do it let's go during the early journey upriver in 1804 while still in the present-day state of missouri the officers of the expedition stopped to visit and dine with an old friend who was he a mad anthony wayne b manuel lisa c daniel boone d none of the above was it be money didn't we find him in here i think it's none of the above you think so what do you think caleb i want to say daniel boone you think they met up with old boom boy what do you think aaron i kind of think none of the above as well all right well caleb gets a pony no he definitely yes yes they met up with daniel boone yeah okay yeah i knew he did it he didn't show up in the thing so i knew he did i knew the whole time you do it i tried to tell you i think you're fibbing i tried to tell you you just don't listen i'm sorry this coffee is just here william i can see you're getting a little more rowdy over there is everybody still having a good time yeah everybody's happy i'm gonna get to these they wish you guys quiet down so they can hear me talk some more but wow is that what they said here's an idea how about no i'll get some oh hides what do i do here can i move through the mountains right now yeah can you move through the wall no because you're still in a river you gotta you gotta do one move i have to do one move to get in there is that what you're doing i don't know well what you probably could i bet you what you could do is you could use that and then once you get there use that so you're saying double i think so can we really who's in charge of the rules here but even then it doesn't help me i i am going to do that though because i i need to julie's get to the mountains because are you still in the lead caleb so see these spaces they're double have both water and mountain these spaces do not we literally ran into this yesterday yeah can he move one more space and share the space with me or do i just move into the mountains and give him a free mountain move i don't see it is just too much okay here's what i want to do i think well i can't even do that actually i messed up because either way i'm gonna have to camp and i'm gonna be spinning style tony says i want to see more of aaron at the microwave me at the microwave so i'll play charles floyd for two i'll burn that i guess you know what aaron you were in charge of the rules here so do i do this or no what are we in charge of the time just do that that's fine yeah we need to get through i mean gosh we're gonna we're getting killed here okay it's is it 3 30 yet barely barely yeah let's get moving we got we got excuse me so are you done i'm done oh okay you're done well there we go ah here we go i've got a lot of moving to do and i don't have any food so ryan could you mute me for a second sure the rest of the afternoon and let us no no no don't need that there's our oops sorry watch out we're using uh my food gatherer okay for one and you i don't what i don't have any food out i mean unless that see that's another thing i don't know if that counts i'm pretty sure it's if you played it right um i need to get um so this card right yep how i can use him to gather to you can if you get depending on how many times you power it right you can either grab one of those or two of those okay so let's just let's just power him with a single so you just want one or i could use that yeah you could well you know what this that that lets you do a village action by spending well that's that's pretty awesome okay yeah so you could spend once you get i mean yes so instead of sending a native american out i just let me triple check but i believe that's what that means is that card number 15 yes 15. let me make sure that i i'm getting that right card number 15. pay one resource of your choice to perform the action at the village place of your choice provided that there is oh there has to be someone there already so let's say i had put my guy here you could basically steal that action from me there has to be someone there okay okay okay that makes a big difference okay so we'll use that it's still a good card though yep yep yep um but let's use him to power um gathering native okay american okay and he's going to be there and we can use we've got either a movement so we're going to do a movement again and this i'm going to go ahead and use this to power it okay right so that's four and four with one nice there and i use up a time token so you're right there with us though one two three yep right behind right guys john is catching up and i knew he had he was playing a long game yeah this is one equipment oh two if you'd like oh because i have i've got room for two so two it is all right equipment's okay sir okay all right so and then i'm going to go ahead and make camp okay one does he count no yes yes he does and then that will count will count two time tokens for please john thank you okay i am gonna go ahead and make camp as well so i need two time tokens please three sorry three about that boat right there in your card too that i had one two and then three okay yep so three times right there see how many cards you have stacking getting getting my deck um this guy here actually i forgot you can burn three cards if you want if you send a scout there and then you can get rid of here but i don't know no i just yeah every reason to get rid of so we are now in the mountains right we're officially um because the next video you are yeah yeah so now i gotta start thinking about this whole uh which is where it gets this is where it gets dicey because you have to think about it it is trivia time yikes all right here's a good one which were the two newest states to the union at the time of the expedition headed west out of st louis a south carolina and georgia b new hampshire and rhode island c delaware into new jersey d vermont and kentucky interesting oh you guys got out of this i don't i'm locked in i'm going to go with vermont and kentucky you have to give it the answer aaron that's what the trivia is all about read them again you have to guess it's south carolina and georgia new hampshire and rhode island delaware and new jersey or vermont and kentucky yeah dee yeah that's what i'm thinking in vermont kentucky all right everybody is a winner yeah where's my horse okay so basically right now i'm just i'm gathering a few things um i'm going to and i have three time tokens shoot that see that yeah those time tokens no but here's what i could do i mean you guys have been buying stuff look at me with my six cards okay so what i'm what i'm going to do is spend lordy i'm trying to think here i'll uh i'll do this so i'm gonna send one to the middle and um spend one wood to burn two of these time tokens right yes right okay then i'm going to um double power him to spend a horse to move one two three three because i have one more time token right is that everybody i think so did i do that right is everybody cool with that yep okay do we have the rulebook i wonder if it's any card on the table or just an opponent's card and then i have one spare i think yeah i guess i'm back to odd number that's just the way the cookie crumbles these mountains are going to be a real slog so this can be used for your cards too if they're already in play what do you mean this can be used for my cards so if you have already played your cards uh-huh you can also use the shaman to redo your card opposed to someone else's card oh so if i didn't make camp yeah that's pretty so you could save a turn pretty only for one card though right it's not like you can you can do all the different no it's just a one okay yeah okay cool that sounds good um i will i'll go ahead and make camp so give me one time token thank you one two two yep you're right see okay is it me we're just saying we don't mind your own business yeah i know wait wait a minute take two time tokens for camping i really gotta that's it no more camping why not just get on the move get in your boat watch what we're trying to do go go go restock i need horses though so we're at an hour and 34 minutes i think that's the longest we've ever streamed for right the only other one i can think of is like maybe a reading i don't know if any other i'm making it i think 90 minutes is the most did we go 90 minutes with ken uh yes was that 90 minutes well no no that was a shorter one wasn't it it was more than an hour but i don't think it was two hours um i know that no it wasn't two hours that's for sure okay so charles floyd okay he's powered for two so that'll burn two of these right and then i'm gonna move to wait okay one what are you gonna okay and uh hey john this is in the chat do you know when skis were first used in north america in north america i do not that's a that's a good question buffalo is anyone else saying because 1985 1984 and uh i'm still back there like and then i'll do a hide all right this is this is bad for me what is i i can only move one in the water so i'd have to do like one of these no because that that counts as a mountain as well but i'm not there were you moving on to it though right but yeah that would i think that would count that's okay oh come on i think that's my turn we're 90 minutes into yeah let's get started you're done yeah you're good okay there's more mountains down there yeah three you're about you're about halfway through the boundaries though okay he's useless i don't know what he's good for uh i don't know he would be really good anyway um what do i want to do you want to get through these mountains yeah i want to get through these maps um well then we i still need to get more horses yeah no more food i'm still food look food i've got no food why do you need food well you can't move without food will you let the man just get some food yeah he's hungry so i can okay well okay you got a horse that's good i kid i could do that but then i don't have any horses anymore well what are you saving for a rainy day okay okay we're gonna do the movement first uh there's meriwether and um a double power card with the horse burn two time tokens burn two and two move two that only works for water so i don't have to worry about him oh this is going to be a close game i know it's going to be it's coming down definitely we got a scoop though uh we don't need that so we can use him to power let's let's do um gathering of one hide the river is easy that's just like yeah simple stuff um i don't really need wood unless nope don't need that power did you see that though what so that i can just go and use that horsepower so these guys you have to put them into the middle right let's do it and you get another horse this and he gets he has to get powered by something yeah yeah so there and i get a horse you know she is done there he's getting a lot done and we're gonna go ahead and go ahead and get one food just just because because because it's gonna cost me two to make camp uh one two and three right three time tokens three time tokens a major task for the expedition set forth by president jefferson was to observe and record encounters with flora and fauna and all the leaders of the corpse of discovery catalogued about how many such discoveries a 100 c is 300 b is 1 000 and d is none of the above floor and fauna discoveries how many 100 300 1 000 or none of the above 300 1 000. what do you think aaron 1 000 caleb 300 again here's your horse it's just frozen how many virtual horses do i have i don't know can i trans i think you're you're about even with john you got you you got a couple of guesses i had to come back from that ohio river answer you got that right okay i need to get a horse somehow let me see what do i got in my hand let's see you can hack it with bird time tokens i don't like that i don't like these time tokens i know they're terrible they're nasty they are just nasty no well i feel like this move right here is uh you're gonna need a horseman yeah i'm just gonna put someone in there i'm gonna spend these three to get another horse you got nothing left but some lumber just some lumber should be all right finally got a horse and it's got to carry lumber there's about to be a train that crashes through the time vortex whoa careful oh yes true are you done that's it that's it because he could only send out all right i'm coming for you guys i'm gonna do that and spend this to reuse this guy again for four through the mountains and you know how many times i don't have any time tokens can you move me purple purple to the end of the mountain you've been waiting all game that's they're buying that horse early on the horse was good stuff do you have to spin him though see you later horsey fair enough fair enough i'll need you in another couple minutes yikes all right i think that's my turn all right well should i camp yeah let me think here sorry i'm getting ahead of myself i am going to camp because it's only one time token and i'm done all right just enjoying my coffee jt okay just enjoying my coffee good coffee yes we're gonna go ahead i'd like to say a public thank you to will york for our delicious coffee the delivery so four moves four moves minus three you're about to jump me i think oh no one yes i lost this i just just one it's just scooting through them through those mountains yeah i'm moving one well i got all this junk to carry it's no wonder i love the time tokens when you guys have them oh yeah yeah see and i really it's not it's super messed up yeah super i super messed up i shouldn't have done that uh oh but what you guys how do i power it and then you can power it to do both okay doesn't he still have to spend those three right you would still have to spend yeah you still have to spend them but you can do that action if you want to get another horse right right but is there a different action that oh yeah there's this one too yeah there is that one but but there's nothing to do with it you can't use it because i already used it unless you bring them all back right no no he with this card here he can do it no matter what yeah but he doesn't have much because he's about your horse but you could heat it's good oh yeah that's right yeah he doesn't need all right unless no i can't do that because you don't have any i don't know it's complicated oh [Laughter] i really don't want any stuff i mean that's that's a real problem here and i don't have any of those so i'm like stuck and if i don't do any of these i get all like time token only if you can't so you could just continue you can just stop if you want right there and just do that it's up to you okay there it is okay my go okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna call i'm gonna call everybody in twice twice i'm powering it twice and that means this goes away so i'm gonna take two of these okay what does powering it twice do for you though it lets you take uh two instead of just the one oh yeah because we can only take one right right i forgot yeah and then what i'm gonna do is uh power this and i'm going to send one to the middle spend a would burn these two time tokens and then i'm going to take okay so that's done then i'm gonna take this guy oops power it twice spend my horse and go one two three four right is everything cool everybody cool with that cool fair fair and then i'm going to get some um i need somebody some wood so i'm grabbing some wood with thomas p howard thank you old tom sir and that's it that's all i got pretty good old time pretty good it could be worse it could be better and i might as well see that's where this is where the whole when you make camp when don't you make camp starts getting starts getting dicey yeah what do we got up here that one is that one's pretty good all right is it me yeah okay okay okay i thought the game was going really fast at the beginning yeah it's like it's going way too fast that's like oh let me think here sorry guys you're good so what what well play that to get a buffalo oh you can get pamela kelly it says i wonder what lewis and clark would think of this game what they'd think of it yeah wow the game is a lot easier than doing it in real life horribly offended okay well now that we're into it what what do you think could be added or you know to make it more like the the the real experience like what's a game mechanic that could might be interesting if there was something more other than the two different kinds like you get to a certain spot and and you're like food would be available or whatever right oh because there's nothing that changes other than you know other than the difficulty i forgot my time okay um that's the only thing it seems overly complicated in some of these ways and it's super simple in others uh although what happens with i think what happens with the native americans is really interesting because they allow you to do so many of these things which of course in their circumstance yeah they they had to have those those people and sometimes although there's never a situation where there's like a difficulty because of them it's like oh sure you know it's like okay yeah is is caleb there he's still messed up but i'll be okay i'm gonna camp take my time token and it's your turn john okay um we are gonna try to do something crazy speeding style tony's in super chat watching you play i forgot more of this game than i remember yeah there's a lot to it there's just a lot to it we grabbed another one another lewis and clark game and it was like the complete opposite where it was so simple and it would not be interesting at all okay so watch so we're gonna pick up one more piece of equipment then we're gonna use three equipment and one hide to get this guy yeah let's do it all right this is cut nose cut nose okay he he's able to burn two time tokens oh yeah he's able to burn too powerful three eagles is a good one too two supplies for a horse expensive though okay um i don't let's see uh that only gathers them no that does one of the actions and there's no actions being played right now so he can he's not just he's not very useful um so he's going to be up he's going to power he's going to power and whoa whoa he's three power he's oh he's very powerful wow three power card yeah yikes um yeah it's almost like you you want to uh use that in certain circumstances so here we go um because and i don't know if i understand that there's little extra things on these that sounds like what does that mean um but there's there are a lot of just little logos on the cards and things like that it's like what does that mean let's go ahead i'm sure we're not playing perfectly right yes but we're getting there we're almost to the fourth strategy wise yikes you know this is yeah tricky stuff he's a single and yeah i know he's good what i'm saying like that time token thing i can't believe that right now that's right yeah exactly um it's been too long it's trivia time okay ready everybody yeah and ready in the chat everybody ready captain lewis collected supplies equipment and provisions from several sources mostly along the east coast and while traveling down the wait for ohio river where was the source of items including guns knives axes and most other metal objects a louisville b albert marble county virginia c harper's fairy armory d philadelphia it almost seems like it's they're getting us with the armory armory because that sounds really cool harper's fairy armory is that what you're guessing that was the last one that was no philadelphia was the last one philadelphia what do you guys think in the chat that's a philadelphia yeah philly yeah gotcha it is and i'll wait for it virginia dustin williams is right hilltown greyman you're right dwayne you're right yep everybody is right harper's fairy oh fine you guys get the pony harpers so here's the problem i've run into now is that i can't play any of these cards if i want to make camp like you don't have to make camp though yeah but what do i do and if i don't make camp then i can't read i can't do and i won't be able to do anything next term either well maybe unless something might happen and save those okay that'll be three times tokens there we go deborah scotland sends in the super chat and says i'm worried about what this is doing to the time vortex is anybody else worried i can feel the ripples now so creating a multiverse probably okay can we handle that the multiverse no this is where i gotta i'm excited to see where this is gonna be yeah yeah i'm a little so i got i got to do this right okay so i'm gonna send out um thomas p howard for uh for some wood does it got wood wait has everybody got does anybody else have wood out no no the only one in one piece okay so i got some wood then i'm going to play this fella and i'm gonna power him with a two mr smarty okay so i'm gonna burn one time token spin three woods you sure you wouldn't need six what do you mean to do it with the two men well we said we said only okay but here's the thing i'm gonna get stuck anyway one two three four five how'd you do that huh what'd you just do i can't think he was i'm already i'm maxed water yeah i'm on the half so it's one well i'm moving into it one two three four five and then i have to stop the mountains okay so i'm stuck there right now and i should you stay stuck there for a second yeah you don't move any further yeah i need um i need some some stuff so i'm gonna get some food when did this game come out guys um 14 maybe oh really i think so some reason i thought was over and then i'm gonna spend that to send one guy there one of these go one two i'm almost there fellas oh wait are you in the mountains how did you get into the mountains this guy this is yeah you're like empty i'm so proud of myself ryan that was a good move i'm really proud of you yeah i've been i've been waiting to go ahead and make camp i've been watching and i'm just waiting for anybody to do this like breakout move aaron hasn't had one yet i had it that was my breakout i hope people were watching and no timetable no i get a time token from like i had one guy left oh camp okay but i am empty i got nothing okay is it me yeah it said swedish style tony says the second edition of this was 2018-19 oh okay and the first one was well i'm not sure the game came out in 13. so that's yeah probably the first edition okay and we're playing the second edition yes we're playing the second edition i think i messed up oh buddy it's not looking good i think aaron's got us hopefully okay i was buying all those cards up here that was the and you haven't bought a single card from there yeah they're they're they're good yeah i kept up with you guys though we've got another trivia card yeah kept up i'm behind you're in the water this is this is another trip there's no way okay trivia time john's not happy about this trivia break the confrontation in september 1804 between the corpse of discovery and black buffalo's teton su which fortunately ended without a fight occurred in what present day state a montana b iowa c kansas d south dakota any one of those what was it again i have no idea all of the above the confrontation in september 1804 between i think that the september is the key here you gotta know where they're at okay the confrontation in september 1804 between the corpse of discovery and the black buffalo teton sioux which fortunately ended without a fight occurred in what present day state in september montana iowa kansas south dakota that's the clue well let's let's go for iowa okay anybody else not man montana south dakota that's what i won't say south dakota we have two winners it's south dakota wow i'll take a horse but uh we do have an important uh chat right here it's from ordo and it says aaron and caleb remember john is the boss keep him happy okay he doesn't sound very happy right now yeah because aaron's getting ready to whoop him okay it'll be aaron gets fired um can can i play that and oh dang i guess the second edition was 20 20. what are you trying to get well i need native americans i don't have any native americans to get to get them yeah oh no no this would do that that would do that yes does it just do it once no well you still have to spend that row so you spend one thing and then you have to spend so okay manage carefully are you able can you come back john are you able to i don't and dude that unless something bad happens you have to you have to spend so yes but spend one more thing to to activate what you're doing to activate this so you're spending a piece to do that so give me that hide or that wood oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay now i guess so now you got a horse okay okay now i can go ahead and make camp because i won't i've only got a single this and none of that so it's just one straw man says never beat the boss in the game of golf or lewis and clark lewis there you go okay are you gonna come back john you got it you're gonna are you able to aaron could finish this i think i can get it oh yeah maybe maybe thank goodness do it bring it home bring it home do you have my do you have do you have my permission to yeah john was lost in the mountains and never seen it again buy some food all right then i'm going to this we're doing this with the house just do it already are you winning because of house rules yay oh i forgot my time token there's still time there is you could do it do it you could i don't think there's no way i'll make it do it somebody would have to him to slow it down okay no wait let's see i might have some other goodies up in my sleeve couldn't you use it couldn't you use it no well i can't se came out yeah order you got it right no wait pink slip hold on no i can't i can do this you can do it you can do it because i don't have food he's been telling you the whole game to get food yeah it's literally the whole game you just didn't hear his advice i could have would you just use that food for to move just to just power that with the two instead of one thing but there's no point where like moves and moves away right okay so i spent the food to do [Laughter] i'll show you my cards i'm showing everybody the finished board game with the game it's done right it's done that's what that's what the last board looks like everybody show what's in your hands i got i got stars lots of good cards yeah you do see if i would have been able to play any of these that would have been a bit of trouble i would have really done well good job aaron yeah it seems really kind of heavy back loaded yeah like if you just stayed with your starter cards you could beat people if you just yeah it's not like well but here's the thing though like the thing all these god i get that but the thing that saved me was i had um this card right here is just a random one i bought early on that is such a good card let me move two spaces through the mountains by just spending one thing and sending somebody that's nuts and then this guy was three wood for four river spaces and i was able to just blitz through so there's the occasional card that just kills it yeah and he had two he had these two alone well i bought them just to make my hand even so it was one of those like i'll just grab them and they turn it out it turned out to be the winner ah interesting all right congratulations aaron thank you yeah we'll watch the playback and see if we can ponies for you hey it could be what does aaron win is a question i'll tell you he doesn't get the next bonus that's for chance hey just winning was enough for me [Laughter] wow what did everybody think did everybody did everybody enjoy that this is so different yeah let us know in the chat if you guys had a lot of fun or a little bit of fun or if you think something you should do more often i know there's something strange oh aaron gets a day off day off what day off with no pay okay [Laughter] it looks like a lot of people were having fun good that was fun i had a lot of fun wow yeah i don't know i would watch those cards really carefully i should have bought some more stuff but i was i was too worried about getting through those mountains the entire game i think which was probably a bad move great grey's face says this really helps with the book club withdrawals oh okay that's right it is wednesday how long how long have we been streaming uh two hours two minutes and 38 seconds i feel tired out that was that's that's when we just had an adventure yeah i know well it's been a wonderful afternoon uh how many folks did we have in to live stream uh it averaged between 320 and 375. okay really good for uh wow we've never done this before so i'm super excited about how this turned out and yeah i mean as we experiment we never know how just what's gonna happen next uh thank you everyone that's been in the live stream today especially if you've been super chatting so thank you thank you ryan for the console work uh you guys for playing along and uh we've had a lot of fun is it dustin thank you to dustin you you funded this so thank you so much uh for letting us experience the lewis and clark expedition in tiny token form and no fisticuffs and no one got hurt in the making of this video so thank you so much for all your wonderful support hope you have a wonderful evening thanks for watching do [Music] you
Channel: Townsends
Views: 29,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nutmeg Tavern, townsends, history, historical food, 18th century, colonial, jon townsend, john townsend, historic site, colonial lifestyle, Thanksgiving, Watches, pocket watches, historic time pieces, antique watches
Id: j5cpxSJStWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 59sec (7499 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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