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[Music] [Music] [Music] you know what we've had such a response to our cowboy cooking segments that we're going to start from the basics tonight a lot of people have said well how do you begin well first and foremost outdoor cooking obviously was the way that the cowboys did it a lot of folks did it on the way back journeying across this country in the late 1700s 1800s and that's the only choice they had was to cook outside and they started using cast iron equipment now i use a lodge cookware lodge has been around since i think 1896 when they started in the business and it's easy to find it's all over the place and it's quality quality stuff and i like to use it tonight we're gonna have a basic lesson about starting outdoor cooking now if you've never tried it before there are so many aspects to this [Music] getting your fire started i like to use a natural sort of fire starter if you can this is fatwood you can find these little starter sticks just about anywhere i like to use those to get my fire started now i'm i'm at an advantage i have my own farm here and i got plenty of hardwoods around plenty of hickory to cook with so i'm at a real advantage here but that can get you started in the right direction those little fatwood fire starters are great you can start with an open fire on a tripod that's just like cooking inside and what you've got to remember is temperature now every cowboy back in the 1800s had a handy dandy 500 degree infrared thermometer that they could put on their cast iron cookware and see about what temperature you're cooking at now we know we need to be boiling over there in that and it's very handy to be able to use one of these things if you can find one of those they're great to have if not you'd just good common sense and watch the way that your oil is reacting now i got this little filled guide to dutch oven cooking now lodge put this out and it's compiled by the international dutch oven society and it's got recipes in here that are mainly dutch oven but also cast iron type cooking it's a handy little book that you can keep around [Music] now important things to have is your lid lifter a good glove and an area where you can cook with your dutch oven where you're not going to set the world on fire and you can lay coals around the bottom and coals around the top now again we talked about maintaining temperatures and what's important to do is to be able to put x amount of coals on the top x amount of coals on the bottom for the particular size of lodgewear that you have this is a 12 inch that we're going to be using here in a little while [Music] now here's what you want to do you want to obviously get your stuff started your charcoal started before you actually start to cook 10 to 20 minutes if you're using briquettes on the oven bottom put them about a half inch inside the edge that's eight on the bottom 16 on the top and a checkerboard pattern make sure that they don't touch because you don't want hot spots every now and then take your lid lifter pick it up and turn around just a little bit to avoid hot spots and there you go you've got an oven that maintains about 350 degree temperature for whatever you're cooking whether it's bread casseroles meat there you have it it's just that easy [Music] all right tonight we're going to make a very simple recipe over the fire this is very simple to find your little tripod with a chain to hook right above the fire find it get your setting about where you know you can if it needs to boil you can check your temperature and just watch when it's boiling that's over 200 degrees obviously if it gets to be a little too out of hand move it up or down accordingly it's just that simple now we're going to make the simplest dish you can possibly imagine i'm going to take some polish sausage and some cabbage now my cabbage when it's boiling it's just going to kind of fall apart so i'm going to cut it up into manageable size pieces i'm going to take me some beer and if you don't like beer you can use just water i like the taste the alcohol is going to cook out of that and as you're cooking the sausage you can cut that up and the flavors from that as it's cooking we'll go throughout this i'm going to cut that cabbage up just about like that i've already got my water and beer boiling i'm gonna go ahead and drop that in now this really again is a beginning recipe and it's so good it's so easy now i'm going to take my onion tastes really good in there cut those onions up manageable sized pieces that'll fall apart in there nicely so we got our cabbage and we got our onions now we're going to take these sausages cut them into however big you like them and those flavors are going to seep throughout that and i've been cooking outdoors my whole life you can't beat it now as you can see i've got a and probably here i got a good boil going a little more beer in there i just want everything just about not quite covered but i like a lot of pepper a little bit of sugar and just a little bit of chicken broth [Music] as we got that going let's move this pan over here and you're asking me what are you using in the bottom of that pan for grease well i'm going to tell you i'm using lard a lot of people say oh lord well let me tell you what our grandparents and great-grandparents use lard a lot of them lived to be into their 90s and 100 years old it's natural i like to use lard if your doctor says don't use it don't use it that's what i'm doing i like it it's natural i'm gonna go ahead and cut some more onions up a little bit of pepper i'm gonna make a pork dish that i absolutely love we just killed some pigs so we have a whole lot of pork to use i'm telling you what if you can find a way possible to raise your own pigs we did this past year and we have had some of the best eating doing our own bacon doing our own hams again the great thing about cooking outside is you can throw stuff over your shoulder and see where it lands like a little bit of pepper here all right i'm going to call this cowboy mexicali pork chop here now we talked about the one pan deal which is what i like i'm gonna let those simmer on down a little bit now i had my butcher cut me up some pork chops right here some thick pork chops it's got plenty of fat on it i'll put about three in there just to move everything around a little fire going here heat things up a bit hear that sizzle going so what we're gonna do we're gonna let those pork chops brown on either side all right while these are cooking i'll put a little salt a little pepper later on i'm gonna come in with my dry rob that i made up and it's particular to me some spices that i like getting there not quite yet i'm going to turn them and let them get brown on either side again this is a nice big grill i had a fella make a good friend of mine and his uh and his buddy freddy and jay he's no longer with us but you talk about an outdoor cooking son of a gun both those guys are excellent now we're getting close this is the time where you think back on your garden last year and you're so glad that you put your corn up you're so glad that you froze your vegetables or you canned your vegetables and i'm gonna take some of that sweet corn that we froze and i'm gonna drop that directly in there i'm looking so forward to next year's gardening season we've learned so much over the last couple years of course you know i grew up helping my parents in their garden now i'm going to take some black beans and put them there now i'm gonna come back with some fresh canned tomatoes from the garden my tomatoes [Music] nothing on them nothing in them fresh out of our garden now you talk about a complete meal i've come up with my own dry rub and you can tell it's kind of clumping up and i put that in a container that had something else in it that's because it doesn't have any chemicals to prevent it from clumping up which i like anyway it's just an assortment of herbs and spices that i like i'm gonna put that in there so i'm gonna let that get a little boil going when that happens i'm gonna put the top on it and we know our pork chops almost cooked all the way through so that's going to cut our cooking time way down let's let that all get comfortable start rolling a little bit and that'll cover it up okay got a good boil going on my cabbage and sausage great thing about that is it cooks up pretty quick all right now this has been going over an hour let me tell you what i don't know if something so simple and so easy they can taste so good that is ready for human consumption [Music] all right i got a good boil going now go ahead and put that top on let that roll for a while well as you can tell it's getting dark later in the day but i'm well on my way to having two excellent dishes we're gonna try here in just a little while but the thing about it is whatever you're cooking you can do mainly everything in one dish which is great now that which i showed you on the dutch oven that is just basic dutch oven cooking the most important thing in outdoor cooking is maintaining temperature a lot of it's common sense it's like cooking on the top of the oven inside watch to see if it boils with these new inventions they have you can check temperatures and things like that most of it is just good common sense you've been cooking inside you can cook outside and i would suggest holly if you can get out here and do this find a place in your front yard backyard to do this you're going to become addicted to cooking outdoors and you're going to find all kinds of new friends who want to eat your food and nikki's not going to be mad at me because guess what everything was done outdoors there's no mess we're bringing all the good food inside a little while to eat it and she's happy this is a good time to tell you about tim farmer's country kitchen dot com if you have missed a recipe or you're looking to see what's going on in 10 farmer's country kitchen world where we're going to be what we're doing so on and so forth tim farmer's country check out episodes you might not have seen and recipes also check out our facebook page and like it follow our activities on there as well [Music] all right i'm ready i've been sitting out here long enough some cabbage some sausage some onions this is just the first course i got more stuff where this came from you can tell by looking at that that's done cabbage is done [Music] all right the moment of truth fresh cabbage i don't know why that's really hot all that cabbage i don't know what it is i can't explain it something about cast iron itself just cooking cast iron is a taste that's different the sausage as it cooked throughout there [Music] got into that cabbage along with the onions for those of you who are beginners and want to try a simple recipe that would be a good one to start out with you got a head of cabbage you got some cabal so polish sausage boom onions pepper a little bit of seasoning beer a little bit of water chicken broth [Music] i could eat a bit of that in a little while we're going to try our other dish but first i'm going to chow out on this [Music] all right as you hear my pork chops boiling away take this guy out right here [Music] set him on the side and give me a big scoop my veggies here put that on top some rice and you talk about a complete meal [Music] i got my veggies it's got everything that you need for a good pork flavor in there that is absolutely delicious you can taste the onions and peppers from earlier and all those fresh veggies even a little bit of a polar sausage we put in there adds to it you cannot get any better food than this anytime anywhere anyhow i just bet you great thing about it is you can do it yourself on your own place
Channel: Tim Farmer
Views: 55,678
Rating: 4.8960538 out of 5
Keywords: Tim Farmer's Country Kitchen, Tim Farmer, Country, Kitchen, Kentucky, Old Fashion, Recipes, KET
Id: bd-O9kKeCd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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