MY ULTIMATE STEAK AND FRIES over a fire camping - dry aged ribeye

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hello and welcome to a fire fork actual in the episode brought to you by this beer today I'm gonna know my ultimate steak and chips now everyone's got their own little you know yes in Christie's and how they cook and when thinking about this I am about how to do this I thought I'm I want to do this the easiest way possible but with the best result so as in there are ways you can do spuds that will make it that little baby wipes it better but it takes literally a day I'll run through them later on but this method that I'm doing I think is the easiest it's the best bang for your buck in terms of effort and flavor so anyway let's get into it first start with some just normal I think is it chapter tennis or something like that peel them I don't need to do that in full time so fast forward so now these are peeled I'm going to just chop them up to the size of chips so some people like fat some people that skinny I like a sort of a we hope shoestring kind of thing they will shrink a little bit but not much so I'm just gonna chop these up I'm not I'm not in a restaurant I'm not going to try and make them have square ends and waists spud I'm just gonna try and make them you know chip size and yeah whatever they're all a bit different that's fine okay so potatoes are cut let's um get these and I've grabbed some fresh nice water it's on the stream and I want to wash the starch off these and the Brent ball in the process I'm gonna do is just give them a stir around there and just give them a nice rinse for you know not too long a few seconds you'll see the water will go very slightly cloudy just gonna drain this now this next bits really important get a tea towel or paper towel or whatever you want and we're getting there to dry these I'm still do this bit by bit I think that's probably too many to dry just drench the tato so you don't leave them in the Sun Pat them dry okay bunch of dry spuds all over the place so this is where things get a little bit unusual this is where the technique comes into it this is how you get the best camp chips around I reckon take your veggie oil or rice bran oil usually use rice bran oil but I went to the supermarket and for some reason this was rice bran was really expensive in this country supermarkets so anyway I won't wish them all it's no-no a massive did what about three ladies in here because I got quite a lot of chips and actually I'm gonna reuse this oil later on I'm gonna do a fried chicken tonight very healthy day that's right ladies and I want to put my dry chips in the cold oil yeah I know it's weird but I'll explain the science in a second so I'm just going to set up a little tripod over there on the fire and I'll take you over there now so as you can see I've got my little tripod set up here and I'm gonna put the cold oil and spice level okay level enough I'm gonna put the cold oil on there and I spit of wood over there and why am I using cold oil well putting your chips in cold oil actually doesn't think it's very similar to two twos if you par boiled potatoes before that this warm oil will slowly cook the inside of towners making an extra fluffy and then as the oil gets hot it will then Brown them so you get the fluffiness which is what you usually get from parboiling followed by the crispy which is the hot oil the great thing at the couple of great advantages isn't one you get really really taste of towners - you don't need a thermometer check what temperature that oil is for you usually don't get telogen you usually want to put them in a kind of 180 I don't know what temperature it is I'll know when they're ready when they're brown and the final great advantage is safety you're not dunking potatoes into boiling hot oil that can spit and catch fire and all that kind of stuff so it's much safer doing it this way now onto the good bit steak my mates at rub rods craft butchery in High Wycombe have hooked me up with this absolutely beautiful dry as you can see it's got the so the the darkness there is trimmed it back though there's I've got no crusty bits and beautiful dry-aged rib eye fret see it touch wood boy hey high-five boy but that look at that beautifully marbled five weeks 35 days and just looks incredible and this is really simple the hardest bit about this is getting the temperature right so I always carry one of these little thermometers you just stick halfway in the internal temperature now is 14 degrees because I've had it outside out of the fridge for a while so let's um get this into the ospry so I'll set up y'all's brother and we'll get it on this is a nas briar cap right and you want to get one the link in the description below what it does is and there I have the levels for my grill so you can also hang at the front so I'll do something else with some other stage but I'm anyway yeah that's women do the steak in so it's got thickness adjustments here so it can go into different points this is a big steak it's gonna go on the thickest one now to start off I want this steak to cook slowly instead of searing it straight up I am gonna cook it through nicely on a low heat until the internal temperature hoping I hoping to get the turn temperature to about maybe 35 or 40 degrees before I put some serious heat onto it and serum and what my end total temperature is gonna be is about 50 degrees when I pull it off now with a dry aged steak like this you actually cook it a bit slower sorry you cook it a little bit less than what you ordinarily would so if you like a medium-rare steak cook your dry-aged too rare it's almost like it's because it's sort of the aging process almost to an extent it's kind of hard to describe but it takes a lot of that moisture up it's not saying they're dry by any stretch of the imagination but there's you just need to cook it a little bit less they're not um yeah you said a couple less spuds have already started to boil my oil is boiling so I'm actually gonna pull a little bit of the heat out because I don't want to cook them too fast but yeah that didn't take long at all that was probably maybe 10 minutes and they're boiling properly you'll know when they're done when they're browned and they're floating so they're not 1 starting to float but um they're still a little bit longer to go take the lid off and let that moisture out let any water in there out and I walked off for a few minutes I've moved them I was bright somewhere hot I walked off for a few minutes and it um it started getting a bit blowy and heats pumped up a bit so it's actually got a bit of a crossover already that's okay nothing wrong with that so check the internal temp still 21 so it's still cold in there 32 not 24 ish so and I'll keep that on a nice low heat right on top okay we are nearly done that our fire got a little bit hot there again these chips are there so close so just add a little bit more wood here to crank them up a little bit there um I reckon I've got five minutes max this beautiful bit of mate is looking incredible internal temp what's that 40 okay 41 43 okay so what I'm doing is I'm slowly pushing it through to try and get a reading of how well cooked it is everywhere because if the edge was say 70 then the edge would be overcooked but this feels like it's pretty well I mean you know fifty-one is perfect in the middles 3940 okay perfect so I'm just going to rest that shall I pull up there for two minutes then I'll take it off yeah just check this a second ago oh it's a little bit a little bit too much in the middle of okay or hopefully it's not ruined we'll say I'm gonna put this on the breadboard and let it cool down oh it's yeah it is slightly overdone damn all right nearly ultimate now you notice I haven't put any salt on it that's because it actually pulls the moisture out of it a bit if you look at that that is it's still a bit it's got a bit of pinkness and pink in the middle which is great yeah I see that there's big baggy which says deaths not drugs because it kind of looks dodgy that's nice being rock salt that's pepper so that little mustard I think get my chips okay look at that about - I got one of these couple of bucks from there there's market they are light airy fluffy inside Chris B brown chips now we're gonna give a similar treatment to this these chips nice - the salt the pepper thing a little bit fancy oh that's what a little bit parmesan and that's still hot and then having more fancy bit of parsley no that's magnetic that all together and that far as I'm concerned is the ultimate steak and chips in a bush Oh gonna try this a little bit of steak what good have you starred huh see if I can actually cater your walk get in my belly that's so good tastes so good the mustard actually makes it mm-hmm anyway if you want to say more meals like this cooked in the bush and please jump down and hit subscribe and like this video and tell me what you want to say next I know what I'm doing next but I want to say what you want me to cook next the ultimate camp version anyway or we get into this oh it's good
Channel: Fire to Fork
Views: 604,723
Rating: 4.914588 out of 5
Keywords: Fire to Fork, Camping, Cooking, fire cooking, fire, western australia, overlanding, dog, rescue dog, 80 series, Toyota Landcruiser, fire 2 fork, Harry Fisher, Number 5 trailer, ronny dahl, catch and cook, steak, steak and chips, steak and fries, ribeye, dry aged steak, recipe, french fries, deep fried, gourmet
Id: vMQxDS8pxGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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