Cast Iron Campfire Cooking | How To | Bacon Eggs and Hash Browns

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alright this is Jason want the primal outdoors Channel and today I'm going to show you guys how to make it quick and simple breakfast with your cast iron skillet over the fire alright so we're just gonna make a simple skill at breakfast it's going to be bacon and eggs and hash browns and the only prep work we're really gonna have to do is gonna be on the bacon we're gonna have to cut it up small but because we are utilizing some alright of potatoes or you can get the the au rida or I think there's the O'Brien basically the same thing but it's got the potatoes and onions and peppers already in it we're gonna use that and then three eggs is what I'm gonna use and then some salt and pepper all right so I got my knife here and I'm just going to start by just cutting this bacon in half so now that I got the baking the half that I want go ahead and pull the bacon out here set the wrapper aside and we're just going to like I said we're just going to cut this into small pieces just like that [Applause] okay so now the next thing to do is we'll put the bacon in my cast-iron skillet which I've already set up my fire and set my cast-iron skillet in there so the cast iron skillet would be good and hot before I put the bacon in alright so I've kind of shifted around here a little bit to make you get myself a little closer to the fire but I'm going to be using pretty much the same stuff that I've used previously I've got my cast-iron skillet I have my stainless steel spatula and I also have my stainless steel tongs stainless steel tongs are really handy to have around a campfire not only can you use it to move your food around but I also use them a lot just to move logs around in the fire so I can get stuff positioned get my fire position the way that I want so but anyways we'll go ahead and just add the bacon into my hot pan and we'll let that cook up a little bit and we also want to make sure we kind of break the bacon up and get it get it all separated [Music] but just kick that around stir it around a little bit a bit the bacon won't take long to cook so I'll get my potatoes ready and there's not anything to them you just pull the wrapper off now I'll only use about half maybe half of this bag to cook my to cook in so the rest of it I'll just wrap up and put in my cooler for a later date okay so that's looking good so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab a glove and I'm just gonna pour off just a little bit of this grease I want to leave some in there for the potatoes but I don't want swimming so I'm just gonna pour some grease off here like I said I want to leave some so I don't want to but I just don't want it swimming in grease and then I'm gonna go ahead and add my potatoes okay so anyways we're cooking away here we'll get these potatoes gone and I'm gonna put my eggs in absolutely laughs I'll be the last thing I put in and I want to make sure that my potatoes are pretty well cooked all the way through at that point this is also a good time to go ahead and salt and pepper your food to taste I love pepper so I'm gonna put quite a bit in and then of course salt I probably don't need to put a lot of salt cuz I imagine the o'brien potatoes already probably have some on there but we'll add a little salt again that's to your to your preference all right so I'll let that cook for a little bit the potatoes will take a little bit also for me my preference is I kind of like my bacon to be a bit crispy so I'm gonna let that cook for a little while and then I'll bring you guys back on when we're ready to move forward all right so I've gotten is that everything cooked to the point where I want it so I'm just gonna go ahead and add my eggs just throw them right over the top now again for my tastes I'm just going to add just a touch more pepper on the eggs and then we'll just stir all of that around and let it cut and that will only take this will only take a minute the eggs cook so fast and then there we go so pretty much that's it that's all cooked I can grab my plate now go ahead and scoop some up we'll put an error in the pan and that doesn't taste too bad mmm I hope you guys enjoyed this little video on how to make it a quick down and dirty campfire breakfast if you did please give me a like I definitely enjoy the comments that you guys leave and if you're not subscribed to the channel and you enjoy this type of content outdoor camping type stuff and also I do some put landscape photography while I'm out camping so if you enjoy that kind of stuff please subscribe and I'll see you guys again outside [Music]
Channel: Primal Outdoors - Camping and Overlanding
Views: 53,754
Rating: 4.9401031 out of 5
Keywords: How to, Cast Iron, Cast Iron Skillet, Eggs, Bacon, Hash Browns, Campfire, Campfire Cooking, Breakfast, Breakfast skillet
Id: KNK87ggQd5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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