Cowboy Boot Restoration | Nocona Boots Get a Makeover

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what's going on ladies and gents so today we are back and we are going to do something that a lot of you folks have requested for quite some time now we are going to resole a pair of cowboy boots so we've gotten a lot of dress shoes we've done a lot of heritage styles of boots we've done some construction boots so today we're doing cowboy boots now this brand is not a brand that i don't believe i've heard of it's called nacona and apparently they are made in the usa they've been around for over a hundred years so i'm anxious to get these boots taken apart see how they're constructed see how they're made and then while we're at it we're also going to do a complete resole uh per the customer's request so let's get to it all right guys so we've got this pair of reptile skin boots now what we're going to do is give them a completely new resole new heel pads or top lifts and as you can see right here the stitching is starting to hang over on that welt we definitely don't want that so we are going to completely re-weld these as well all right we're going to be putting on jr leather soles we're going to be using vibram rubber top lifts obviously some of our new welt which we're going to have to dye make a darker color and then also the gentleman has requested that we use these triumph toe plates not very often that we see toe plates on cowboy boots but i'm liking it i think it's gonna look really cool and it's gonna provide some extra protection on that toe so let's go man there we go that's the thing about these cowboy boots as opposed to a lot of dress shoes is the top lips are awesome usually in there pretty good as you can see with the nails all right cut that one off all right don't worry yes i do pull the nails out of here but if i don't clip these down some it is going to be impossible to get this leather up over those nails so i know some folks ask if we pull the uh the old nails out and yes we do this is just glue thinner so that i it helps to loosen up the the sole so i can get it off a little easier uh [Applause] so all right so we took that whole piece off i want to use this as the stencil or the template should i say for the next one i see that this cork has been replaced before looks like they did a half sole on the last job so we're going to take all of this out clean it up as well [Applause] all right so we made the welt as you can see and now obviously we've got to dye this a dark brown which was the color of the original so okay guys if you didn't see our john lobb video from a couple of weeks ago i'll put the link above definitely check that out now the reason i bring up that video is because the whole reason that we had to redo that shoe is because it had been re-welted so many times probably by machine that it poked so many holes into the upper that it almost became like swiss cheese now i'm going to show you here us do it by hand and as i do it i'm going to show you how we can reuse the same holes from the factory over and over and over again that way prolonging the life of the uppers without having to do any additional damage so let me show you now if you can see these holes here along the upper those were the original holes from the factory when the machine put on the welt now what i can do as you can see as i do it by hand i'm going to make a hole here oops okay and you can see i've got my tool through it and what i'm going to do is i'm going to line it up with the original hole here oops back it up there we go and push it through and that's how doing it by hand is just a much better way of doing it so so all right guys so this is the original sole that came on the boots and what i'm going to do is i'm using it as a template so that i can put this new sole on there and get a better idea of the uh the measurement and the size of it so okay so i've got my template drawn out and now what we're going to do is get this cut out glued and put on the boot [Applause] so [Applause] so so um so okay guys so we're getting ready to put the heel blocks on these boots we're just about done but instead of putting the entire heel block back on like you know when we popped it off it came in one piece it's much easier like we did a couple videos ago where we just unstack it and then glue each one put it on and sand it down put the next one on sand it down it makes it a lot easier and it also fits and molds better to the boot especially after it's been completely resold so that's what we're going to do now okay ladies and gents so these boots are complete but as always before we show you the final product if you would please give us a big thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and also if you haven't subscribed to our channel please hit the subscription below and also the little notification bell so that you're notified every time one of these videos comes out we really appreciate it i know some of you hate it when we say that but it really does help when you give us a big thumbs up okay let's look at these boots so again these boots are nakona they have been around for over a hundred years and like i said they are american made or at least i believe most of them on on their uh website are american made again for that 250 dollar price range it's incredible this video absolutely is not sponsored by the kona but when we see something that we like when we're impressed by a boot or a shoe we are going to let you know and as you saw these boots were overall they were very well made and again that price point not too bad so we put jr soles on here as the customer requested we finished them off with vibram top lifts and then we also added the top the triumph toe plates uh per the customer's request as well we haven't done that a lot on boots but i think it looks good it gives a little pop to it and then of course we add a little bit of color to the sole as far as the uppers go they are reptile skin i believe they're lizard so all we did is just put some reptilian conditioner on there it'll help that skin from drying out and give a lot more longevity to the uppers other than that that just about does it so i hope you enjoyed it thank you again so much for watching the video and as always folks you all have a good [Music] one you
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 499,712
Rating: 4.9626403 out of 5
Keywords: cowboyboots, noconaboots, bootrestoration, trenton&heath, lizardskinboots, mensboots, cowboy, jrleather, saphir, shoecobbler, shoerepair, bootrepair
Id: V_ieo_g-lYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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