Ariat Boot Resole | Work Boots Get a Makeover

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[Music] what's going on ladies and gents so we're back today for another video again I apologize for the last film and this one for all of the sound in here we're still waiting for some of our new equipment to get here should be here soon and then hopefully a lot of this sound will uh this is hey yeah be a lot better so bear with us today weary have a pair of Ariat warm boots and these things are pretty beat-up they're nice and dirty dirty or sometimes that's better straight off the straight off constructions farm whichever we are gonna put some new farm treaded cells on there so won't be as much like decorative stuff but always like to work with Vibram so fun to work so it's gonna be a completely different video I know we've done a lot of dress shoes in the past that's kind of our specialty and what we get the most off but there should be something different and fun so let's start all right guy so what we normally do in most of our videos is we wait until after the shoes have been completely resold before we clean them off and polish them but we're gonna go completely opposite this time these shoes are pretty dirty I don't really like to resold boots or shoes when they're really dirty I feel like I can't work as well on it so we're gonna clean these off and it will also allow the huge door the boots to dry out while we're working on them and then we'll come back after we're done and apply conditioner so let's go ahead and get these shampooed and go from there okay because these boots are leather and fabric what we're going to use is a suede textile type of shampoo now in the move we lost our little our little dish that we used when you're using shampoo you don't have to have something the size of a bathtub here alright so we're just gonna add this way chain theny way these suds going a little bit hair and it'll be ready to go all right with any shoe or boot shine first thing you want to do as we've discussed in the past it just take a brush and try to get as much dust and surface dirt off as you can and as you can see this one has a lot of grass and dust on it so we're gonna get up as much of that off as possible and I'm not no guys make sure when you are using a brush that you're not using the nice brush that you use for your shoes that has polish on there just go get you a really cheap brush that you can use you know for basically cleaning it's kind of like a broom you're using for the floor so just keep that in mind okay again guys the reason that I'm using suede shampoo this time instead of saddle soap is because we again we have a lot of fabric on here we also have suede up here at the top so I'd rather just be safe than sorry on this boot if you're just doing it yourself that would be the ideal product to use but if you do have saddle soap I would just you know advise you to just keep it along the smooth leather surfaces up here on the toe and on the heel you all right back to me we're gonna start doing these the bottoms of these souls and one thing I notice about these these are work boots but these are like steel toed so if anything you know with this construction guys out there work boots these are work boots and obviously you can tell this guy works in them quite a bit but the sole way is starting to separate in several spots it's an all resistant sole that's on here by area and we're gonna replace those with some Vibram number 24 TS and these have a lot more tread than these have on it so one of the things I liked about the Bible 2040s is because the tread is raised it gives you a smooth area around here that you can actually put two rows of stitching if you want and the stitches are protected by that raised tread there are some that are flat and then you're just at the mercy of hitting the pavement but I do like that the only downside and don't like about the 2040 and you could probably get them in larger sizes it's just a it's harder to find suppliers that go you know much higher so these only I can only get these in like three sizes so there are other options and Vibram they can go larger but in the 2040 not that much alright so as you can see these are not stitched these are just molded own and glue and the core of this is like crepe and kind of a reason I don't like cement constructed shoes for this very reason well today's are just so much better so if you're gonna invest in the pair just get a wealth of her so we have put the acetone and roughed up the souls cleaned them off and I like to put my midsole onto the sole first people have different orders they like to do it in I just think I'd get a better fit when I do it that way it really depends on the also the type of shoes sometimes you have to put the midsole own and stitch it and then put a cell loan especially if it's cement so but these are all going to be stitched and for this particular pair I like to kind of work backwards but that's it I like the rough side and then I can rough up this part however much I made it all right so we have stuck the leather mid soles on to these and but we have to take this layer off because it's too smooth and there's nothing for the glue to adhere to and this is what's going to be bonding onto the bottom of the shoe before we stitch it so we gotta have making a little more fiber so let's take this ever gonna sander and we'll rough it up so I can't do use my little roller will or my five and one because of the teeth so I have to do it the old-fashioned way [Applause] all right so we are going to put these 7/8 inch shredded Vibram lug hills on it and it pretty much fits already straight onto the shoe but you can go rubber to rubber I like to put a little piece of leather in between just it just it's you know you get something that's a little more Porsche that it can stick to and so we've gotten a little piece of this pit tanned leather it's pretty thin because we don't want it to go too high or it's going to throw the pitch off but we'll just stick this and we kind of shaped it and you see that the heels are already kind of three-dimensional carved out so we'll just hammer this down so you take a bolt of the rubber and then this is roughed up so glue can soak into there we'll stick it on and we'll see where we go alright guys so this boots have been resold and as you can see we remember we clean these off earlier but now to finish them up we want to make sure that we go through and condition this leather now it says on the boot that it is waterproof but you can see that they have really been through the wringer so what we're going to do is apply some of this fear Everest dubbing and it's a waterproof ER we're going to do that all over the leather uppers and then we're going to take the Trog of nano spray and we're gonna spray that all over the fabric portion of these boots to really set in there and give those a waterproof effect as well so let's go alright guys as you can see these original laces have just about had it they're pretty shot so let's get rid of these alright guys so that just about does we show you the final product make sure that you give this video a big thumbs up make sure you subscribe to our Channel and definitely check out a lot of the other videos that we have at the end of this video binge watching binge watch those things just take the whole weekend and binge watch all of our videos a promise you're going to enjoy it you're gonna learn a lot alright so with these boots we replaced them with some Vibram 2040s has a nice grip but like I said in the earlier in the video one thing I do like about these is that it gives you a place for stitching that's gonna protect those stitches by the tread we put a 7/8 inch lug sole I mean lug heel on the back and then we just weatherproofed oh that's me it was pretty straightforward he obviously uses these things to get the job done whether it's construction or whatever I mean this is a guy that's out there getting it done every day here in America so something last last long time he's got some major tread on them yeah he's good to go so alright guys so that just about does it again hope you all have a great day and again thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 340,149
Rating: 4.922339 out of 5
Keywords: ariat, shoerepair, mensboots, shoecobbler, refurbishment, repair, overhaul, ariatboots, vibram, workboots, heavyduty, howto
Id: pWn7SZoyu5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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