COVID Can't Keep James Gregory Down | Ep 59

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[Music] welcome in to another edition of rick and bubba university the podcast bubba i'm going to tell you i know we're going to talk about a little bit of everything with our guests today but you know how sometimes you just get to the point where you say i need something yes i i need something and today we need the funniest man in america we need to spend time chatting with james gregory and so the funniest man in america james gregory joins us now james james what's up well hello how are you how are you well james i mean what you guys what are you are you guys filled as good as i feel i don't know if you're referring james to covet 19 the election uh wintertime i don't know what what are you which point are you talking about well look i feel good i'm only two payments behind my double wide they haven't you know come around i haven't been repossessed so i'm in great shape uh james i i can't imagine uh you know you you have uh you've overcome a lot in your life but when you think about and and bubba and i've talked about this when your way to make a living involves people gathering in rooms and sitting by each other and laughing um and then all of a sudden you hear don't gather don't sit by each other and don't throw spit anywhere i mean that that uh that kind of went right in the in the in the face of what you do for a living i know i wish in retrospect that i had gotten a job at a supermarket you know because those are essential people that need those people they really don't need us well james i think that's up for debate i think we all need a good laugh right now back to work in the definition of what they call essential workers you know right so yeah some of the theaters are shut down but the car wash is still open you're trying to figure out the rhyme or reason on who's open and who's closed and what you can and can't do it we've talked about that a lot on the show and we have you brought up one of them apparently there there's something miraculous going on with the grocery store set up well it must be also depending on where you live it depends on which dictator is in charge of your city yeah james we've talked about it too i don't know who runs home depot and lowe's but apparently they are able to function without shutting down i want to put them in charge of everything right and keep this in mind with all this started a few months ago the liquor store has never shut down yeah where i live i go to the car wash at least once a week but the car wash was shut down and the liquor store was open yeah i remember going to the car wash the first time because we had one near our house and i and i i was like you i was like i want to get this straight you're terrified to take a vacuum cleaner inside my car that i'm the only person who i'm about to get out of it and you don't you can't get a vacuum cleaner into my car and vacuum up the the rugs and the carpet but now if i needed to come in and get a bottle of jack daniels you would hand it to me from your hand to mine see that's the that's that's the aggravation that's the frustration you know you know if it was such a serious issue you could almost do a comedy about this well james there there is definitely now the shows that i have performed by the way over the past few months when i hit that stage i never mentioned anything related to current events i don't mention kobe 19 i don't mention anything about it at all you know because my idea is in my opinion is the people are willing to show up to show up to see a show to enjoy themselves so they hear the news 24 hours a day so when they get to that auditorium or that civic center or that theater i don't think they want to hear more information about what was on the news i think it won't get away from the news for a while so i just don't mention those subjects on stage you know i i have to say um i agree with you i didn't think i would get there because i do think uh that the future of our country is is extremely important and i do think that when a virus is out of control and destroying the economy uh people's a way to make a living and and ultimately people's lives even if they survive it uh how sick that a lot of people are getting i know those things are important but i have to say james to your greater point i have gotten to the point where i i don't sit down and say i got to be updated i got to consume more of it i really need less of it that's the way i feel that's exactly the way i feel you know i when i get up in the morning i check the news for about 10 to 15 minutes and then late at night i checked the news for another 10 to 15 minutes but during the day i've got other things i could be doing i'm not consumed the cable news all the news because they just repeat the same thing 24 hours a day yeah we could use an update on some of these stories i mean well you know that used to be what we went to our sports for to get away from things and now it's become political too so it's uh james i agree we just we just need a break and and you've got you've got so many good stories that are proven over the years what a pleasure it must be to get out and just have a good laugh with you yep so it is and since this started back in march i have never canceled the show now the venues have canceled my show right but i've never said look i'm gonna cancel the shows now they shut us down because most of the shows that i do are in theaters and civic centers and those are controlled by the city the county or the state so they shut those down but as soon as they open those up and i started going back to some of the comedy clubs at 50 capacity uh the doctors that i go to i see my cardiologist every three months my physician every six months and they think i'm insane to even be out there doing it because i'm in that high risk category right now right and i said well hell you know i'm gonna do what i do you know i'm gonna do what i do because you can't just give up you can't just sit down and stare at the wall you just can't at least i can't you know so i'm as careful as i can be i take all the precautions i can but i'm gonna go on with my life to the best of my ability james do you find it hard to tell jokes with a mask on i don't wear a mask on stage i had a feeling you did i wore a mask right through the audience i got that mask on right i hit the stage and the mask off matter of fact the bubba you know i noticed that when i got the mask on i'm better looking yeah i i look real good yeah that explains my wife seems to keep saying no no keep the mask on yeah well it is it is almost comical to see some of the people on tv trying to do news reports and they have their mask on and you can't understand them it sounds like they you know they're talking through a wet blanket so yeah it's uh you know like you do what you can but we got to move on i think we're all were brought up in families that just didn't allow you to to give up and and stay at home you got gotta you gotta find a work around somehow look it's our first pandemic we're learning as we go right right right and it's like anything else is i thought about half of the mass would get different colors so i coordinate the color right right you know where the mask matches the shirt maybe get a blue and a brown right you know i just get with it i may start wearing it on stage i mean james you know and you will love this because i know you're a capitalist just like we are um and and we've openly talked about this and we don't apologize for that capitalism has produced the highest standard of living in the history of the world and and so we when we first started out because we were raised a lot like you i was just like anti the mask i'm like i'm not i'm not gonna i'll do what i'm supposed to do as a good citizen but you know we kept bubbles saying rick we need to be selling mass we need to be selling mass i'm like i i can't imagine the rick and bubba store having a doggone mask in it and then the first time my wife came home with different packets of just what you said of masks that match different outfits and had little beads and little sequins on them and all that i came back i came back and i told bubba i said if people gonna buy mass they might as well buy them for us so so now we have rick and bubble mash and by golly if you want them you can go get them and see i thought sometimes i think an attitude is based on your age how long you've been alive how long you've seen the world right you know uh i didn't think i would live long enough to be at a point where you can walk into a bank with a mask on and not get shot right no james they have a sign at the door that says put a mask on before you come in didn't that sign used to say the opposite do not remove it the one at my location said remove your hat and sunglasses before you come in now it says put on a mask before you come yeah what's next put on your mask and be sure we can see your pistol uh i mean we're living we're living in in bizarre times we'll continue to talk with james gregory i mean like you said james is out there we'll tell you some places if you're looking for a laugh you can go and see james we'll talk to him about what it's like to play uh you know in these rooms with the different covered restrictions and and all that when we continue with james gregory on wrecking ball university the podcast all right so i will go ahead and break this to you bubba and and i think you found this out uh the odds are if you're watching this podcast or listening to this podcast and that would include you and me uh unless you've already used you are most likely paying more for your automobile insurance and your homeowner's insurance than you have to now i'm not asking you to get less coverage we're we're not we're not talking about that but why pay more when you don't have right and i'm as guilty of this as anybody i mean i pretty much started with the insurance agency that mom and daddy yeah that's who you knew you know hey i started driving they told me i needed car insurance hey go see hey go down there and see turkey and let let him get in insurance on that car and and that's what it really is his name no that really was his nickname so so here here and so there's nothing i understand that however why in the world would you not want to save money if if you had the same coverage and and in order to know that sets it up and you'll go there to you'll put in your insurance information they don't charge you anything for this okay it's you want to do the slash rick bubba to get the deal that we have rickbubba and then boom they're going to give you 40 other insurance companies and all the big names will be represented there a progressive and nationwide and travelers and and all these state farm and and then you'll look at the coverage you have exactly the same and you'll see if one of these companies would charge you less less for the exact same coverage what does it hurt to just go look right and and we're averaging savings right now 961 dollars on average uh that people are saving and then if you look and see your insurance company actually gives you the best rate well that's that's peace of mind too uh so you're probably overpaying right now on car and homeowners homeowners so it's totally free to check it no obligation go to rickbubba g a b i dot com slash rick bubba we are talking with the funniest man in america james gregory on this edition of rick and bubba university the podcast uh james you said that you were not going to cancel any comedy dates now cities canceled them for you uh but but now there are people i'm looking here december 11th and 12th comedy catch at the choo choo in chattanooga tennessee december 18th tomorrow yeah december 18th you're in here in dublin georgia at theater dublin the 19th pickens county performing arts center uh and then january 29 and 30 the the peace center in greenville south carolina so if i'm going to to one of these uh does it vary city to city on on you know the limit of the crowd and how it all works how does it all lay out well just all those shows you just mentioned i'm scheduled to be there i will show up they have not canceled any of those james when they go to 50 uh of the crowd how have the crowds been are they are they very happy to be there i mean i i know you absolutely you you always bring the house down i can't tell you how happy they seem to be to be there laughing enjoying themselves and what we've done the past few months on some of the theaters that we've been to already the ones that were 50 capacity like in sumter south carolina recently it's limited to just half the normal capacity and we usually sell out the shows way ahead of time thank goodness yeah and those shows were sold out before the pandemic started so what i did and they agreed to this we did two shows in one night we had this health schedule for 7 30 p.m and we did a matinee at three o'clock in the afternoon so you're doing twice the work and twice the show for the same number of people but here's something very interesting guys not one person i lost 500 people cancel their ticket not a single person ask for a refund all 500 people and that's the capacity they showed up they give you an example of how anxious folks are to get back to real life oh i bet i hope that's not them calling to cancel yeah that might be another we may have just got you another job they're calling they're calling the house right now james let me ask you this phone call yeah james you you obviously i told you she's a creditor [Laughter] james we were joking about you wearing a mask earlier obviously you don't on stage but a lot of people in the crowd are probably wearing masks how does that affect the feedback to you because you used to seeing people laugh can you can you see that is it different now being on stage i can't tell the difference i could see some of them i don't see just the first two or three rows because of the light right i can't see most of the audience you know but i have not been able to detect any difference you know when you're looking as far as sound is good are there responses yeah because there's an energy that comes with a full house uh you have you have been the kind of uh entertainer that that is well established uh people you've got a huge audience everywhere and of course those audiences are then introducing new people to you so what i'm saying is you've gone through a pretty long period of time as a working comedian that if you go do a show it's pretty much sold out so i would think for someone like you to bubba's question now you go into a room that's half full do you does the energy feel different you're saying no well the energy i don't think what's what's the show is starting you know the reason that doesn't affect me and it's not a negative for me see i've been doing this so long that when i first started and no one knew who i was i did a lot of shows most of them had coffee clubs they were half full anyway so james tell us a little bit about i have a lot of experience in working to a half full audience yeah james for people who have known you and laughed with you for many many years and i know we covered it on the show one day but i'm sure a lot of people have never heard how you actually got into the comedy business and what you did prior to that yeah we could talk about that yeah yeah tell us the james gregory story for somebody's never heard it well i'll give you a brief version because i can talk all day about that uh as far as me being in the comedy business i kind of stumbled into this quite frankly that's why i was in my 30s when i started and a lot of people don't realize this but prior to 1982 there was no such place anywhere below the mason-dixon line or even throughout the heartland of america where you could go and see live stand-up company the only place you can see live comedians would have been in los angeles new york boston chicago or cleveland there was no such thing as any venue with strict stand-up comedians on the stage nowhere so in 1982 uh two gentlemen had the idea to open a comedy club in atlanta georgia there's a punch line and they opened the first comedy club in the south and a year before that there was a place on north avenue in atlanta it was called the excelsior meal actually it was a restaurant and downstairs they had like on the weekend like a band and things like that and the guys who owned that place they loved comedy and they had a copy workshop uh in the basement every sunday night not a comedy club no professionals just people who went on stage and had some fun and i started hanging out there because i love comedy just being a fan of comedy and i had friends that dared me to go on stage and i did you know nobody got paid just something to do yeah then when the punishment opened up and they needed an opening act they needed an emcee a local guy to emcee the show and they hired me yeah and that got my foot in the water so to speak and at that time you know i said how job all the comedians i met that time we all had jobs we didn't know that comedy was gonna turn out to be a career we didn't know there's going to be more than one comedy club around the country and in 1983 other clubs started to open like bruce ayers in birmingham alabama yeah and the guys at south carolina north carolina so we could go out of state and do a show so we all starve to death for the first two or three years quite frankly and that's how all that started uh because if that club had not opened in 1982 in my wildest imagination i would never have thought that i could be a comedian you know that thought would not enter my mind i think i'd go to california and become a comedian i would not have said i think i could go to new york and try to be a comedian so instead of me searching out for a place to work those places came to me and i've always been grateful for those two guys who had this idea to start a comedy club in atlanta georgia without them i wouldn't be here right now talking to you i'd be selling something because i was in the sales business before then and i'm probably in jail quite frankly because we sold things that people didn't need [Laughter] i made a joke about that well what james what what kind of business what kind of business was that what did you sell well we kept changing it from time to time i'm so now i go back a long way in the 1970s remember how popular it was to sell the encyclopedias oh yeah i'm sure see that there's a there's no internet then there's nothing you know so you could go and sell overpriced encyclopedias and overpriced vacuum cleaners we had to the vacuum cleaner business for a while and do you remember the wordless greaseless cookware you guys remember any of that it was cookware where you could cook food no water in it you know and uh that's in the night early 70s yeah yeah so you you went in people's houses you went in people's homes to sell you so you're talking door-to-door door-to-door somebody goes door-to-door we had a crew that went door-to-door and then we had folks who would come to our our display place after 5 pm my husband and wife will come and we get a sales pitch and we always gave them some kind of promo gift just to show up to listen to our pitch you know and it was what we call high pressure sales i worked on commission that's why i wasn't afraid to get into the comedy business because i knew that i could figure out a way to make money doing this because i spent 10 years in the sales business with no guaranteed salary no guaranteed money it was commission only oh yeah and that was a great great thing for me because i've always had to work it because i've been working since i was 12 years old and if you got to work and make a living based on what you earn yeah then you get up early you stay late and you work hard and i've always done that and i still do it working does not bother me at all yeah and and i i think we all took for granted that that would be a uh an attribute that would continue to be prominent in in our society and you know i can't i can't even wrap my mind around someone who doesn't work uh that doesn't want to work yeah that physically and mentally can i it boggles the mind that anyone who is physically and mentally capable of working will choose not to work or have no issue with not working and i also think to sometimes it depends on who raised you who you grow up with uh my dad uh uneducated gentleman and my mom for that matter uh my dad never got past the fourth grade my mother never got past the third grade but my father here's something that he told me and my brother zillion times what was growing up my dad would say nobody owes you anything right nobody owes you anything right and my dad always went to work or he went out looking for work and i'm my father's son yeah that that that is something that that we all miss and and we used to think that that was a given and most the people that you knew when we were growing up had dads that pretty much sent the same message but but now that that is that is not a given we're going to talk a little bit about what's going on uh with james gregory uh to continue with the story of james gregory and reflect on uh you know where we've been and trying to figure out where we're going uh in our current state as a country as well when we come back on rick and bubba university the podcast all right so uh bubba let's face it uh we uh we're grown men uh we have uh uh never worried too much maybe we should have a about underwear i mean uh we we've talked about this a lot that most men uh you were assigned your underwear by your mother uh and then it just it kept showing up there in that drawer and then that that kind of underwear is just what you kept for the rest of your life and if if you didn't grow any you know once you got a certain size then as long as it still works you just keep wearing that under until a hole showed up that was unmanageable well tommy john changed all that uh and and i will tell you and bubba and i both will firsthand knowledge if you have not tried tommy john underwear uh how about the can i tell you this underwear experience you're having could be better and you can uh give the gift of comfort to everyone on your list and yourself with tommy john uh men's and women's loungewear uh say goodbye to the old stained sweatpants their loungewear is so good too just like the underwear tommy john loungewear is soft guaranteed to fit perfectly as i said with the same level of comfort and innovation that goes into everything that tommy john makes plus tommy john's loungewear pajamas and underwear come in limited edition sets perfect for gifting but now keep in mind there's a lot of demand for these and they do sell quick tommy john's customer favorite hammock pouch underwear uh that puts a permanent end to the old sticking and chafing you know greg loves to talk about chafing with those of us that have a little size to us but with this uh pair of underwear you won't have that problem and it is back in stock this has been hard to get because it's a popular item so order now last time they sold out in six days so you need to make a move on this and there's no risk with tommy john's best pair you ever wear or it's free guarantee so if you don't think it's the best pair you've ever worn it's free order now go to rickbubba we're going to get you 20 off site wide now that's for a limited time only get twenty dollars off for a limited time at rickbubba that's rick bubba the site has all the details james gregory is our guest today on rick and bubba university the podcast james it's so good to visit we have we've missed you because of all the restrictions you know you can't have everybody in the studio we don't have a studio audience normally you've visited with us uh at least once a year and and we haven't had a chance to to see you so i i was happy when speedy said you could be on the podcast today so good to see you i missed you guys i miss seeing all those folks in the radio business over the years i told people this so many times i'll be interviewed like a journalist or a newspaper guy or some tv guy and i tell everybody i mean this seriously i would not still be in this business today without the radio people like you folks and not just you folks i mean the radio people around the country who are willing to get me in the studio sometimes for 15 minutes sometimes for an hour and i've been doing that for 38 years going to these radio stations and these each city i go to they they got familiar about me because they heard me on the radio either by phone or in person over the years so without the radio guys i wouldn't be in business today so i appreciate folks like you all but james has anybody ever fed you better than us ever you know what has anybody fed you food when you were in the studio better than i tell everybody that and that's true then again my other comedians they'll tell you i've told other studios this i've told them you know rick and bubba's got food oh food i heard that i think how much i remember that food this was several years ago maybe you have that you have a audience there most of the time right yeah yeah if somebody brought it was homemade sweet potato mm-hmm casserole oh yeah you remember that oh yeah how can i forget it more like not like a casserole like a cobbler oh yeah we all had peach cobbler and apple cobbler oh yeah this was sweet potato cobbler oh yes when i left there i was sick not because it was bad it was because i couldn't walk yeah i i ate everything there yeah i was just stuffed and i think the next time i saw you guys i said where's that lady that had the sweet potato cobbler i know yeah but you guys had so much food every time different food that i would just leave there stuffed do you remember yeah do you remember and i i will be very careful with this but because and i've had people say this about the rick and bubba show and you have you you're an example this because we saw it happen you get in here and we have such a good time and the food adds to that you do realize that most engineers will not let people eat in the studio but we've never lived by that and bubba's even an engineer by trade but but we like food more than we like following those rules and we don't care if we damage equipment okay that's why it was so wonderful well we try to keep a top on everything except for speedy who had a major coffee spill about two weeks ago but one year we were eating a a fried turkey okay and we had we had a fried turkey in here and and we were we were i'm not gonna get into what that's every the the details of what happened but we all cuz you forget and i hear this from people guests on our show for years and and you too you forget you're doing a show because it really is like fellowship and with your family hanging out with your cousins and and all that and so we're all eating which adds to that and at one point i don't even think we're all getting up into the mic we're just eating with the mic somewhere near us okay and because we cut it with a hunting knife right remember we're just cutting hunks off and passing it around yeah it's so weird i was gonna break that because there's been a couple of times over the years where i made a mistake i said something i should not have said correct the guy was on the air right right that's where i'm going i won't talk about any specific moments because one of one of them was a doozy but uh but because we just lose sight of the fact that we're it's like we're out on the deck you know i mean and uh and and just kind of talking or as you would prefer a pool porch yeah because you've made that very clear you know our our our country went down the tubes when we moved kids to a deck off the porch as a matter of fact we have a state-of-the-art digital delay that we use in the studio and it was all because of james gregory this delay that we use we we named it james gregory and it's not that that james because comedian wise he he's clean he's always been clean and he might say a little something your uncle might say but nothing nasty but but when we all get to hanging out in here we got the laughs there's things that work in the comedy club that and there's conversations that men have sometimes that and uh and we got to eat in the turkey cutting it with a hunting knife and kind of forgot about the show and i remember looking at you james i'll never forget it i said hey james we're on the air and you looked at me and you said well we better not be well i had a lot of fun anyway yeah and rick that and the other james memory that i will never forget is the time we went to eat at a well-known legendary eating place oh we've had so much very close to our studio and and you know what we all had that day everything everything they brought us everything on them they they were big james gregory fans and they just kept bringing out plates for him to try i remember that oh it's almost like i wish you guys would talk about food right now i know when we get through with this program today i'm going to feel so hungry and i've already had food already this made me want to eat it again yeah i never i never you know we've told this show this on the air before and i told some friends of mine this it really has only been in the last three weeks uh maybe four weeks uh and i told the story because they're all big eaters too just like all of us and enjoy food and matter of fact james i've had covid uh and i lost my my taste and smell but i can still taste the classic dishes because like like i said on the air i said if a person who appreciates art and looked at some of the great artistic pieces before he went blind he would still be able to see the pictures because of his devotion to that art even though he lost his sight so i can i can in my mind taste the dish that i love even with the taste gone because i recall it in my mind and then i begin to taste it uh on my taste buds even though they've been compromised by coving so it's like i can taste thanksgiving meal right now thinking about dressing that's it exactly so i told the the story uh when we were at this restaurant that bubba was talking about and i know it was probably one of your more proud moments of me when i found a way for us to order both of the entrees just make one of them aside do you remember that great day remember that you you were in a dilemma about whether you was gonna get chicken and dumplings or the are the country fried steak and i looked at the you know when you you said this on the air those you around the country that don't understand and around the world there's nothing better to be in an eating place where the the waitress calls you honey and sugar if they're calling you honey and baby and sugar you're about to eat really really well yeah okay you know you're sort of right about that you're so right about that oh and so she was like well honey we got countrified steak or we got the dumplings and you were and yeah i just saw you freeze cause you didn't know and i said wait just a minute james i said hey could i ask you a question could i have the country fried steak as my entree and the dumplings as a side and and she said well sure honey that baby that'll be just fine and your face it's almost like the first time my dad told me was proud of me i've never forgot you looked at me like son that that's that's that's what i'm telling you about that that is well done [Laughter] you know we ate those are places you never those are kind of places you'd never forget james i don't know if you remember when we left you had to do an interview with somebody and it was in the back of my truck i think rick and we were we were laughing and uh and trying not to to interrupt you but we were so full we couldn't hardly move god was good it was like thanksgiving oh yeah well see you know that's what i do i thought about this on the show sometime you know in recent let's say the past 20 25 years where the word food has become like a bad four-letter f-word like food is dangerous you know what i'm saying oh yeah sure yeah yeah just stay away from this still away from that stay away from white bread still away from whole milk still away from all that sugar and don't eat this and don't eat that and i think that's why people today generally speaking are not as happy as previous generations right because we worry about things we should not worry about they sometimes we should worry about logically yeah but nobody what got me on this soapbox years ago was with the public school system for example little children can get in trouble if they show up in school with a cookie or brownie or salt drink or doughnut no sugar allowed right on school property because how dangerous it is yes yeah yeah and because i've been real nice today i'm not gonna cuss okay right yeah now for hundreds of years for hundreds of years it was okay for a kid a kid to enjoy being a kid right yeah oh oh yeah yeah we should be embarrassed today yeah we we should yes what let's say embarrassed let's say the somebody at the principal's office calls the parent it says miss jones you need to get out here jason is in trouble again oh my god what'd he do now we found the tootsie roll in his locker we should be embarrassed [Music] what kind of kids are we raising here you know well i think we know the answer to that more with james gregory we come back on ricka bubba university the podcast all right if you've been listening to the rick and bubba show this week bubba you know we just gave away a simply safe system that's right i mean we just gave one away as part of our 12 working days of christmas everyone wants to keep their home and their family safe whether it's from break-ins or fire floods a medical emergency god forbid but i mean these things you need to be prepared for simply safe home security delivers award-winning 24 7 protection now now with simply safe uh you don't get an arsenal of cameras and sensors that's not all you're going to get you those come with it but you're also going to get the best professional monitoring in the business because you can have all this great technology but if you don't have somebody that's monitoring and doing a good job with that then all you do all you got is a bunch of equipment here's what i love about it you install it yourself in about 30 minutes uh that you're not going to have any installation hey we'll be by there today could somebody be at the house between 8 a.m and 7 p.m well no no i work right so you install it yourself you design it yourself uh and and then you're monitored 24 7. they got your back day night they're ready to send police fire emts uh and uh straight to the door and with the experience you like here with this video verification you're cutting down on false alarms meaning law enforcement will get to your home or your your business quicker because they can verify that there really is a problem so right now you get a free home security camera when you purchase a simply safe system at simplysafe.combubba you get a 60-day risk-free trial so there's nothing to lose bubba for your free security camera today simplysafe.combubble we're with james gregory on this edition of rick and bubba university the podcast we got about six more minutes uh together with james so so james um what what is as far as the state of comedy today uh it seems like your brand has has you know it continues to steward endure because some of the things that comedians can't do anymore was never part of your your show anyway right that's right so if somebody has never seen you before what's your approach to comedy what what should they expect what they should expect number one is to see a show where once you leave the show once you leave the show you will be glad you were there you know there's some shows that when you leave you might think well that was pretty good but i didn't like this i didn't like that you know i tried to do a show that is suitable for any age people most of my work is theaters so a lot of people bring their kids will them so whether it's an eight-year-old kid or an 18 year old or an 88 year old person they can sit together and enjoy the show and that's the kind of show i try to give the audience and it works and the people are still showing up thank goodness and i'm grateful for that but i think that's what they expect and i think that's what they pay for that's what they pay for they pay for the entertainment they don't mind buying the ticket but they want to be entertained and entertained in such a way that they're not embarrassed about it or they don't have to excuse it they have to make excuses for it you know there's all type of comedy and i never criticize other types of comedy or comedians because we're all different but that's that's what i do you know i want the people to be happy i want to feel good about it and i want to stay in business so i try to please as many people as i can and have as many people percentage-wise as possible to leave and want to come back and see me again so that's the kind of show with this james i know you you're very selective about who your opening act is there's just three on my list right now that's the only ones i deal with well i was going to ask you because we you know we've got to know them over the years as they come to town with you how are those guys doing well they're hanging out you know three of them you know i use uh steven cola a lot you know when he's available he's usually available at that beginning demognio he's become so wealthy he made so much money working on the cruise ships he don't need me too often i use damn every chance i can and then occasionally i've been in coppola they're all italians for some reason you know so yeah i mean i've i've noticed that trend over the years you know is that did that just happen or are they just funny right well they aren't they aren't funny but uh i have to trust them and they all none of them are originally from here like stephen goldberg was originally from new york city yeah and benny coppola grew up in miami florida his parents lived in miami but their parents came there from new york so i've always been afraid that these people are mafia mafia right so i'd rather just hire these guys than to have to hire somebody else to start my car before i get in it's just cheaper that way isn't it yeah so some guys in new york get me on the phone and said yeah is is video still working oh yes sir he's still working yes yeah you're still taking you're still thinking uh vinny out right oh absolutely yeah no doubt about it got some new dates i'm calling him about today uh well if you want to see james gregory uh first of all it's you can go to his website i mean all that information is there but but i mean we got the comedy catch uh coming up this weekend if you're you're here in rick and bubba university uh i i don't know if there's any tickets available but he's at the the choo choo in in chattanooga tennessee the comedy catch there uh and then dublin georgia on the 18th of december pickens county performing arts center on the 19th and then greenville south carolina the peace center he'll be there at that theater coming up in that location on the 29th and the 30th and i hope that a lot of you have had the opportunity to see james but if you haven't please please go ahead and make a chance to get a chance i always like to mention this too the listeners that's listen to us you know if you show up at any of those shows if you bring me some food i will not be offended and if you're and if you're that woman that made us that sweet potato cobbler will you please get some more back to james and james i was looking i was looking at your schedule you're not going to be back in our area to mate but we are looking forward to that and i hope we're all vaccinated up and ready to go with the full house that's right come on i will tell you this if you ever want me in that studio live i'll be there it'll have to be i don't have to wait till i get to may i know where birmingham is okay you like to fly over here right i will drive it's a short trail it'll give you something to do so it's always a pleasure to be with you guys even if i have to make a special trip to be with you guys yeah well we may call you uh thanks for being with us james always fun always fun and thank you so much you both look so good too i'm so impressed thank you you too i think we're all aging well i think it's the camera in the live yeah it probably is that's it and they're trying to get us start wearing makeup so uh james gregory funniest man in america uh be sure and check his website and thanks to all of you for being with us on this edition of brick and bubba university the podcast you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 89,495
Rating: 4.841424 out of 5
Keywords: rick, bubba, rick and bubba, rick & bubba, rick bubba live, rick and bubba live, rick & bubba live, rick and bubba show, rick & bubba show, rick bubba show, burgess, bussey, radio, alabama, james gregory, james, gregory, comedian james gregory, james gregory comedy, james gregory live, james gregory standup, james gregory full show, james gregory comedian
Id: g0sem7m-7sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 40sec (2800 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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