Cousin Steven running a GROCERY STORE

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hello welcome to the steven shop how are you doing today hi hello okay i see you get the bottle of wine good choice you have girlfriend over tonight oh yeah yeah yeah i have a girlfriend over tonight okay that i have secret technique i show you how to make the girlfriend happy it's good one right here so you get the pasta what the hell you get pasta for let me show you something much better you put the rice into the fried rice your goldfing will be so happy okay next olive oil what the hell olive oil white people oil don't use the olive oil okay peanut oil peanut oil magic you use peanut or you get promotion at work put the peanut oil in your son's dinner he get the a plus in mass tomorrow i put that in for you i have the suggestion for you you won the duck sauce what the duck sauce what you want the duck sauce oh i might not be able to use that because she's vegan what the hell you say vegan what what what you be you don't tell me she vegan he leave all day i leave three days my poop turned green how she my cat got more protein than her every morning i cook my cat the tea bong steak okay t-bone steak gravy mashed potato bit of onion you don't get my cat protein you want to make the girlfriend happy i tell you one secret it's colder it's called the steven channel if girlfriend not happy you get money back okay girlfriend not happy give me the number i i talked to the girlfriend myself okay i see you there okay bye before you like
Channel: Steven He
Views: 256,124
Rating: 4.9810381 out of 5
Keywords: asian, chinese, store, funny, skit, comedy, grocery shop, pasta, rice, food, girlfriend, dinner, duck sauce, clark, steven, steven he
Id: lQoX6_pSO0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 49sec (109 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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