Visit these Cities, Don’t Live in Them

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if you've traveled anywhere around the world you probably have some cities or some places that you really like and if you're anything like me you might have said I'd like to live there but not so fast I'm going to talk about a new concept I want you to keep in mind for your Nomad capitalist lifestyle in this video [Music] hey I'm Andrew Henderson and this is something that if you have been travelling around the world and you've been open minded for places where you might want to live you've probably been in this situation you go somewhere for a couple days you're walking around you're feeling that high that newness you you love it you're soaking it all in I wonder if we could live here and what's funny is I've been doing that for 12 years and as you kind of dig into some of these places you find out yeah I don't necessarily want to live there I remember growing up I of living in New York City and then when I was about 16 years old I really got into the international focus and I said how about London I kind of liked London then when I was really young as an adult and running a business I went to Hong Kong oh my god Hong Kong was like better than all of them combined I loved Hong Kong and so I want to encourage you to dream I think dreaming is important it makes it's what makes this fun I can tell you you know a hundred countries later it's not quite it's fun going to a new place as it was going to Hong Kong and having that just amazing sensation everything is so new I want you to dream but obviously here at Nomad capitis we talk about action and what we know is the New York's the London's they may not be the best places to live do you might get bored there you might get sick of the culture the taxes might not might be too high the weather is not so great you know for whatever reason it may not work for you and when again when you add in that no mess no mad capitalist element of wanting to go where you're treated best you quickly realized New York while nice is really you know it's not that it's not that it's not the best in anything the subway system is is crumbling over every New Yorker I talk to tells me like we're frustrated here this ain't the best this isn't first world so I want to introduce the concept of the focus city I remember I used to be an airline geek I would collect all my miles I had the highest status back then on United Airlines and the Star Alliance and I was really obsessed with learning airline terminology and one of the things that airlines talk about is like I've heard them talk about more in the past is the focus city so they've got their hubs they've got you know for United Airlines example it'll be San Francisco it'll be Newark it'll be Houston right I mean for for British Airways its Heathrow I mean every airline has their hubs within they might have other cities that are what's called focus cities where they they offer a certain amount of service - it's a bit you know more significant this concept may be so much fading out in the airline industry because of the rise of low-cost carriers to do a lot of point-to-point service but the concept remains the same not a hub but not just any old place what the focus it e really is is it's a hat tip to places that you like but they're not enough for you to commit to and I think that's really an important thing to understand when you're trying to figure out what your life looks like whether you want one base whether you want my trifecta approach whether you're like one gentleman that I was working with recently who wants six bases two months a year each whatever your lifestyle strategy is I think you have to understand yourself you have to be self-aware my grandparents growing up lived in a part of rural Ohio but they loved the big city they would come to the big city of Cleveland they would go to the theater they go to the best restaurant you know my my parents once went to the same restaurant by happenstance and my father rented to his father and his father was like why are you guys dressed like slobs we're here this nice restaurant I'm wearing a suit and for them it was a big production they lived in a small town and when they came up to the big city they made it a big to-do and they knew their way around the big city but it wasn't a place for them the focused city is middle ground it's a place where you like but whether you simply know you couldn't tolerate it as in I liked going to New York countless times but I think it would be frustrated living there then you add on the no mass mad capitalist element of oh you mean there's like a state income tax and a city income tax and I got to pay this and I got to pay that and I'll have like seven dollars left at the end of making a million dollars a year you know thank you what I wanted to consider is what's your everyday lifestyle and again obviously in our situation it may be one home and maybe multiple hubs or bases as we say but the focus city for me for example could be Singapore I've chosen that I like living in Kuala Lumpur in Asia that is my place now is it cheaper than Singapore absolutely is that part of my decision yes however if money we're not an object I would still in Kuala Lumpur I like the excitement I like that there's lots to do in the country I just I like it's more laid-back people are just really Pleasant there's not that kind of ex Pettus aura of like bankers running around talking about M&A deals I just don't want to deal with you know I don't really want that but I love going to Singapore I love Singapore not only do I have financial ties there but if I'm in KL I get in a flight it's 15 minutes I got into Singapore I have a weekend I stay in a nice hotel and you know I go out and I enjoy the city and every time I go I love it and when I leave it's like I'm almost a little sad to leave except I know I'm going back to another place that I love but I'm almost a little sad to leave but if you put me in Singapore for a month I would be pulling my hair out I really would because there's just so many little things I just you know don't quite want to deal with it's a lovely place lovely people but it's not exactly what I'm looking for I just love it in that dose and if you said hey Andrew show me around Chinatown in Singapore I could or hey you know what's in the central business district where's that banker where's that bank I could I could take you there blindfolded I could tell you about some of the best restaurants I could tell you where to get a nice gin and tonic so I know this city that's what makes it a focus City I'm not going there's a tourist anymore I know my way around and I think eventually you kind of explore you know different areas right if you just only go to the central business district you're a business traveler but if you've been around and you kind of know the vibe of the city if you know some of the cultural things if you know how people think to a certain extent you know if you know that that's what makes it a focus City I think having that information having that ability to go to those places is really nice in my summers I spend some time in Montenegro Belgrade is a focus City for me I like it I've explored it I can tell you again after a week or so there I'm gonna get a little frustrated of walking in and like you know being shouted at for something I just you know just gets annoying but I love going there and so I I respect it for what it is and I respect that there's in the nomadic capitalist you know lifestyle there are different things that you can the different ways you can categorize things it's not totally binary it's not I just have one place I want to live it's I live here in the summer here the winter or I have free places and I move and I get sick of them and oh by the way when I'm in Asia I also like this place but it's never it's not good enough for me to want to live there so really those places where you're comfortable the places where you enjoy the pop in the places where you enjoy perhaps it's I'm living in a place that I really love and it feels like me but once a month I want the theater or once a month I want something that can't be provided here you know for me even London is becoming a bit of a focus City sometimes I just want to go and just you know native english-speakers people who you know get a certain sense of humor that you know I can't do in Malaysia you can't you know joke with the waiter you know who you know is a really nice guy from Bangladesh and he speaks very good English but it's just there's none of that dry humor you know sometimes just when I go to London I want to live in London not particularly so understanding that element understanding that there is a middle ground between being a tourist and having a home base and respecting that focus to the approach is I think one that will really help you define your lifestyle plans hi I'm Andrew Henderson from Nomad capitalist I wrote this book which you can find on Amazon to distill a lot of the stuff we talk about in these videos and a lot of the stuff I've learned over the last decade plus traveling all around the world teaching you about how to legally reduce your taxes build your personal freedom and create wealth faster definitely get a copy of this book if you want to learn more now if you want to watch more videos make sure you subscribe to our Channel and make sure you click the notifications bill so you never miss one of our new videos with more tips on how to go where you're treated best and if you're already a six or seven figure entrepreneur and you'd like to put these strategies in place for yourself go to Nomad capitalist calm and learn about how I can help you
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 13,975
Rating: 4.917603 out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, best cities to live in, nomad capitalist lifestyle, cities to live in, best city to live, livable cities, best place to live, expats, work and travel, trifecta nomad, best cities to live in the world, best cities in europe, slow travel, digital nomad lifestyle, where to live as an expat, how do i become an expat, how to live in two cities, what are good cities to live in, what are the most affordable cities to live in
Id: QLn50TxWgCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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