He Told Me He Wants $10,000 For His Morgan Dollar Collection

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what about nine grand man I mean for for what it is I [Music] got what's going on everybody I want to appreciate y'all for tuning in the video you're about to watch I actually had a viewer reach out to me that he got some coins from a guy he wanted me to take a look at him tell him he was interested in selling them and the deal is probably I think it's close to one of the biggest deals I've ever done so stick around check out the video leave me a comment and tell me what you think all the weight of everything yeah so like I did weigh these ones and like my scale weighted at 27 for this 126 sometimes they have wear so they'll wear a little bit did you guys get any idea what you were thinking if you looked them up or I know the pricing are all over the place and for whatever it is that you want so like I I think the main ones that you have the most value I just want to make sure I like they're legit and then if they are legit then you know that would bring the price up to like you know are you thinking anything do you have any any we do we do here we do kind of have like price but we kind of we kind of want to just make sure like they are real but if they are if they are is what I'm saying because it just takes a little bit to go through everything and it'll take us like an hour to no I don't know but like I said how are you even thinking so like if they are legit with the whole book I really think there's probably like fifteen thousand dollars worth if it's all about you or that's what you want to get total over to 15 in value here I'm not asking I'm not saying that so what do you think is fair for you guys that's why I say the only the only thing about the only thing that makes it hard when coming up with like a price like that is now if they were if everyone was greeted you can go easily last one sold for this last one I get that and that's the thing my subjective on what a grade will come out because on a coin that's like if that one's 3 700 see I think this coin when this person did it I really think that this is probably like a 5500 coin if it's legit yeah so yes this one this one a few on this one yeah yeah but like so what would you want out of that is what I'm saying what would you if you think it's worth around 15 what what do you think is fair to you guys probably close to 10. and the hardest thing to say like if one is like say this one was cleaned which I don't know it was if they're cleaned it was cool destroys them and obviously like that's obviously that price is dependent on the majority updates they look good I mean I don't see why they wouldn't be looking at them off hand how did you come up with 55 did you come up with a grade for it yeah so like when I looked up the grade and this is that's that's 55 just based on it being graded you know what I'm saying yeah and Grading and I don't know how much a grading is and that's why like like did you look up a specific grade of that go on by the very fine that this person has oh very fine okay and like I said I I do like eBay I have my own store like I have like 1800 listings on there so like I but this is not I wouldn't so on eBay honestly when you when you get up to that much money people can take it change one dude I mean you know and that's and that's like that's like the main thing because I wouldn't know oh this like the two different books yeah yeah this is our earlier yeah earlier years and then this is 20 years after so hard to tell if a coin's been cleaned man I've seen them before where it's like want to come back greater they'll say clean and it don't look like it was at all so they're very very hard to unless it's like the other thing people do too is put they'll take like a 1893 1893 Philadelphia don't have a mint mark put the they'll put a mint mark on it so that's a big way that they they do on which this one look I mean like I said I mean I've been buying off this guy for like a year now so you know he just happened to come across these and like where did he get them do you know so he like I said like I told his son he works for like a donation company and what I'm assuming happened was a person may have died yeah I don't know how much he's into it but he I think because he picks it up and then he'll bring it to like somebody there they'll give them a price and then he buys it and then that's how he sources his stuff because he did eBay and then I buy from him now so like he had a little one so he spends most of his time with his little one and he's trying to you know and he's trying to um you know join the police too so like his time is busy so he sold all his inventory to me and so these are yours or his still or both of yours or you you guys are working together correct okay what's the heavy one in there the heavy ones um I used I was just going by these but these could be like out of like um and some of these some of these don't have any values I can tell you A lot of people one is your coin you tend to grade it higher I'm just telling you no no tend to try to get the best out of there that's why that's why obviously I came here because I felt like yesterday it was brilliant uncirculated I mean that you have to really look at that because brilliant uncirculated means it has never touched people's hands basically yeah it means it's not uncirculated it's almost a you know yeah it's the way I feel I I feel like you guys will at least give me what is worth on top of you guys making money I mean like I understand like you guys have to make money and stuff like that yeah but I I don't want to get gypped off no no 100 it's just putting out 10 grand I mean it is you got to be sure because one wrong way either or you're yeah I get it and you know that's why like you know you can do whatever it takes for you guys to feel comfortable and how you doing good can we help you yeah um and you bought a gold bracelet from me oh yeah I remember and I said I'd make it in here one day with some stuff yeah yeah I just remember there being yeah got a few more things foreign looking at I guess there was some common so you can think positive shopping around or whatever man like but I don't know like you know I mean I did try to do a little bit but some of it is sometimes [Music] they all look good I mean I don't see nothing that sticks out that looks fake yeah but when you're dealing with this I don't I don't want to even what about nine grand man and this is this is true I mean for for what it is I like you said you resell I got to make a little bit on them and like I said it is kind of gambling paying that much man I mean I think at that price I'm not gonna lose but it's you're risking on what you think these grades and stuff are and what he graded them at so I mean I understand that but the way I see it is that even when I calculated everything I thought it was around for 15 and this and we can go through the pages and see how many I didn't even calculate like I don't know I'm pretty sure there's probably well more than 10. but when you're doing fifth oh you but you were going by these and man that makes a difference it'll no no no I mean technically I was just going by these little prices and so oh and he thought they would be worth and and and like like so like this one right he had it I thought you were looking at the at the mint mark he had this right at 37 I think this is more you know what I'm saying he's got one about uncirculated and it's 100 cleaned so very fine it's very subjective man to what will come out I mean I'm not you're gonna get it easily the other thing is to take half your money back just on that one alone and don't take that the wrong way you know what I'm saying I'm not at all saying that it's not good or whatever it's just it's just hard to put that much out and then to find someone that's going to pay 12 or 13 000 no no no no no no that's why that's the way I see it is that I mean I can go ahead and count each one that I didn't even count okay that's too much man yeah and I think some of these values I don't know when those values were put in but that could be you know it could be higher it could be a little lower yeah like so the other thing too man to to I mean to sell them and you know in the resale world is to find a buyer that's going to buy that for 3 700 like to find that guy putting his in his collection I don't think you have a problem well I'm saying it's hard to find that buyer now if you're selling them to somebody like you're selling the me to make a little bit I can sell them to a guy that a hiring guy that he might make a little bit but to find that buyer that's going to pay top premium for that coin they're about 13 or 14. they're tough I mean it's not it ain't like big ones I don't think you'll have a problem with it like the higher I mean they always have to be a collection on this because I hate to take these out and be at 40 30 20 50. and then sell the high ones for more someone's going to probably pay something for the collection but I don't know if they're going to pay 50 like 13 000 or 12 000. I don't know that they're going to pay that one it's just a lot to get to get there even with a Bitcoin you know he'll they're going to look at that and pick it apart just not like like we are but he's gonna say oh man that is not very fine I'm a coin god this is a 2 800 coin it all depends on that man it depends on the school so I say man if you understand it's gambling but it's not gambling like the money's here you're gonna get you're going to get money for it that might be a fake coin you're gonna be yours you're gonna give money for it regardless then go through all the ones that I didn't even do it I even have 15. and just see how many they are that I didn't even I don't think I can get 15 for the though because I'm not I'm not gonna find that buyer that's gonna add that coin in this collection I'm gonna sell it to a guy that he's going to try to make a few hundred dollars off of it or whatever he's going to try if he's paying that much he's going to want to make something I hope because tying up 10 grand for that long and trying to find that buyer for a long time yeah so you're saying that you're going to try and sell the collection as a collection probably I'll shop it around and see what I'm going to do with it because I know I do know some high-end coin collectors and and guys that sell that shows and stuff like that so they might know somebody looking for that I don't know but I'm tying up 9 10 grand you know so it's not it's not like it's not like you got a 15 000 piece of gold and I can take it to my guy and I can melt it and I've never run in Gold but it's a simple deal these are it's in and out these are like a special buyer man to pay four thousand dollars I don't have that clientele that would pay these if you think this coin is worth more what I do is I I give you the nine four and anything over 37 this coin sells for you I'll split it with you so if that went for so if it went for six grand I'd give you 1500 bucks it goes for five grand I'd give you another whatever but all right let me do this let me call him up just to make sure I'll I'll tell him the thing that he said nine thousand if that 3700 One turns out to be a little bit or if we get more than a you know more glorified for a certain amount so we'll also give you somewhere else oh yeah you're good man it'll be what watching that video uh we'll I'll call you and tell you yeah if I was if I was doing something shady I wouldn't put it on the video If it wasn't on the video I had defeats the purpose yeah so anything for this coin over that over the thirty four man even if it gets if I paid you nine and it got like 17 grand or something yeah we're gonna give you a couple thousand but obviously if I got that much that would mean this coin would come back pretty high either way either what he's saying is even if we sell this as a collection and someone says hey I'll give you 15 we're going to give you a thousand bucks two thousand more whatever well whatever whatever he offers if they were graded and I could see I could offer you a good price tell you what it is and I'd figure I'm making what I'm gonna make with this it's kind of subjective to what you think that greed comes back at if you want to do that you're good with it and I've yeah no he said he was he said he was founded all right cool I appreciate it man and and I think it's fair right now and if it wasn't fair we're going to be in touch with you trust me we'll get your number and everything and if it wasn't fair you're gonna we'll make it fair we just don't know what fair is right now that's that's our problem I mean I kind of it's kind of close it's close one way or the other but we might be a thousands a couple thousand off though we owe you so I mean no I'll keep it right with you he originally was like thinking three thousand and then four thousand out of there and um I'm glad you did I'm glad you guys know what it's worth I actually did a little bit more research and he came out with like five yesterday and I was like dude I'm gonna shoot for the stars and that's it well no that's good bro because I added everything up and it just well that's what I told you if you would have told me four thousand all of a sudden hey man you would not really would not have given you four thousand dollars I just picked them up I didn't do anything I didn't do I think it's fine but man you just don't know is there another one of these things or no I don't think so no I'm just uh so the last thing we have to get to is the giveaway but before that there's a couple things I want to talk about in that video so I put one comp up this was the one right here and on eBay I had a friend reach out to me so you got to be careful when you look at comps also because people take offers on stuff so this website right here this was originally made for they were manipulating card prices I had a friend of mine Mike reach out to me I appreciate you and he showed me this website this will show what somebody took on an offer so the comp I put up of the one that went for six grand it actually sold for I think it was 53.50 the other thing about buying these coins is you know there's there is a big risk when it comes to buying ungraded coins because counterfeit is such a huge thing I've put them on a couple sites and seen what some people thought of some groups I follow and there were some questions even with that 1893 s and one of them was the weight one guy said the weight was a little off here's the weight of it right here but coins do lose a little weight when it comes to wear how much you know that's you know when you're buying stuff like that that's the scary part of it so he was saying they do use silver where it will slide off the magnet um it'll full it'll fool that machine because it is silver so another thing was a guy said that like I told the guy in the video they take coins and then they add a mint mark to it which is a big thing in counterfeit so just buying a coin like that is is very scary when you're putting out nine ten thousand dollars you know so today's the seventh in Florida they have anybody that knows anything about coins one of the biggest coin shows in the US is the fun Coin Show and luckily that coin show is next week so we're gonna take them there before I do anything with them and I'm gonna see you know there's a lot of really experts there the some of the most knowledgeable coin people you can find is going to be at that show so they'll know and um you know if I can't get the price I want for it we'll probably just send it in and get it graded see what it comes back at so I don't really know exactly what we're gonna do with it but we're going to take it there and see what kind of offers we can get and see what people think about it so if you're just tuning into the channel this is your first video I usually give something away every Friday this is what we're giving away this Friday next Friday I have bought some well my dad bought some silver from a yard sale we'll probably give some of this away maybe next Friday and then don't forget at 10 000 subscribers we're doing 10 gold coins for 10 weeks so we're gonna give 10 10th ounce gold coins away so this week this is the last one of these I have we're gonna go ahead and give this away so we got the link to the video filter duplicate users we'll get the comments 10. so to be entered for the drawing you have to like comment and subscribe to the videos so subscribe like and comment on the videos that get you in for the drawing to win so we're going One winner for the graded Morgan ms63 beautiful coin one lucky winner caveman911. so caveman911 go ahead and message me right here on Instagram that's the easiest way for you to contact me and then what I ask you to send me that's how I verify the winners so appreciate y'all for tuning in I hope you all enjoy the video I know there's a lot of coin guys on here you know leave me a comment tell me what you think about those coins you know tough to buy when they're like that the guy that brought him Junior I appreciate you for reaching out to me and until next time [Music]
Channel: PawnBroker Pickers
Views: 29,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morgan Dollar, Siver Dollar, Coin Collection, Silver Coin, Coin Shop, Pawn, Pawn Shop, Pawn Stars, 1893-s, Carson City, Coin Mint, US Mint, San Francisco Mint, New Orleans Mint, Delaware Mint, Philadelphia Mint, FUN Coin Show, Coin Show, Coins, Old Coins, Vintage Coins, Constitutional Silver, Constitutional Coins, American Coins, Morgans, Graded Coins, NGC, PCGS, CC Coin, Flowing Hair, Cap Bust, Drape Bust, Gold Coins, Las Vegas Pawn Shop, Eagle, Silver Eagle, Bullion
Id: -0hhdsMFc7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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