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please hurry up man i will if you stop talking hey how's it going everybody welcome back to another commentary i didn't do anything on wednesday i was uh taking a bit slower this week because we're getting so incredibly close to 100 000 subscribers i'd like to thank you for that in advance another thing is recently my videos have been doing incredibly well and i would like to thank you my regular viewers but also welcome all my new viewers how's it going now my old viewers you're the boomers anyway i'm glad to see that you guys are enjoying the more random content i would almost say today apparently this event is about more chest exploring so we're going to go and do more of that people didn't mind me doing it in liwa anyways i know you get the fish clay more and i know the story there is a big boy guoba as well this video is going to be mostly the playing the game part and maybe i'll do covering the story as well not entirely sure though all right let's get into it okay hey i did an intro earlier expecting to be able to play the game and do events but there was an hour and 30 minutes of story dialogue instead which is now locked so i couldn't even finish that sadly we're going to do moonlight merriment we're going to start with trail of delicacies i have no idea what it's about i think i just have to kill boys so let's start with that and yeah see you as we progress oh here we go powerful leaders are present among the foes that wander the trail of delicacies these leaders have all kinds of special abilities when each trail of delicacies area unlocks you can offer up a gourmet dish to obtain a matching trail comfort trail comforts can greatly help you in battle these buffs will only work during the trail of delicacies understood holy moly there's a lot of things this is cool i do this i do this and i do this attempt to restore this son i died what the oh i remember this from the stream these chests look so cool i really hope they keep this this model for something else look at how cool it is oh oh that's amazing yo i love this that's so cool but i haven't given any food i don't know where to do that it told me that i could but it didn't tell me where can i use the burst well that's pretty easy whoops to the next one i think you just get primo james for opening the chest nothing really pops out which is kind of a shame that's like the most satisfying part of chests anyway let's go hey liu lee we're looking nice right now and again we'll restore hp in a pinch look at this treasure hunter just shoving the the guy on the side where are you guys teaming up you guys aren't supposed to be homies my man getting juggled out here he tried he tried to restore hp in a pinch but he didn't get to oh my god i keep reviving my gene on bennett ulti and still getting one shot because i'm not paying attention just like they just did by my egg i really want to crown eggs burst a lot too there's a lot of stuff i want to crown anyway another challenge complete another chest opened probably can one shot this thing if i have my egg burst one of these one of these and lastly one of these okay one shot is a bit much although i feel like that might still count as a one shot it wasn't one hit of course but it was all within one burst in the end and have all my bursts back as well very nice to the next one it's this way don't worry game i saw it already i love the gliding mechanic with these portals that make you go faster i still hope maybe someday they could make some kind of map creator on genjen you know of course we've got the teapot and like it's getting more and more customizable but imagine being able to create your own parkour with those those rings and stuff you've blocked it i'm sad written in the stars what the just happened i allow you to run if you want hillatro oh my god my my mona book procs wait that's that's kind of cool how does it work again how does the book proc i forgot anyway i feel like i should be able to i probably should have been adverse at first but oh well they are synchronized right now and their death will also be synchronized look at this get out of here lance okay a little bit of difference oh my god there's more ow stop my jeans flying with your life oh my god this is a curse it's a curse i tell you i need to get this small boy in as well so he gets knocked up there we go we got it oh my god the electro actually killed the helitrolls just the hydro electro in them are you serious he had one hell he was trying to heal up the bots with one health and he kind of i mean never mind it didn't really work it didn't really work at all actually i was just gonna give him a compliment for no reason oh hey that's the first path done and i can offer this or i was supposed to do that at the start i don't know oh my god emperor's balls but i don't balls sammy balsamic i'm singing like balls and it doesn't feel right i don't know if there's a point to it but before we do the second path i'll give one egg because i have eggs i'll give a chicken because i have chickens and i'll give defeating an opponent during the challenge because your party members damage six percent for 90 seconds okay so it does give you stuff we'll make all the meals at the end okay i don't need the buffs i'm the beast quote this when i die anyway oh yeah this looks a bit tougher these guys are higher level are they or am i just delusional no they're level 88 and these are 89 so they are one level higher to be honest maybe we'll add all the bus at the end if we just want the rewards which we definitely do i'll make a list i'm gonna go cooking yo i see you pig you're trying to kill me man you can't kill me i'm a bad watch this watch this oh he's tanky actually holy gene my gene will live guys are the gene is alive for more than 12 seconds in the video and can i get some cheering children he's gone keep getting healed now do you we're almost there we're almost at our destination no come back come back come back come here come here come here perfect 14k from fall damage bro you fell off like one step no back there i won't even be able to drown him he's just dying from fall damage you're dead anyway everyone died around him as well anyway here's a chest next destination is north so this will be yep i found it game don't worry about it i don't need your help what's that screen i don't need your help anymore well if it didn't work on the last guy i'll work on you no don't focus that slime no one cares about that almost there oh was that it did it drowned or didn't just despawn it despawned oh man my cheese oh wow they all duck wait wait it's spawned and we just found a way to farm infinite resources but if these don't drop anything which they don't look like they do then it's nothing you respawn again okay okay let's see it did the hillies spawn again or will they spawn again no what the i don't know what happened in that i'll be honest i'm not sure what happened in this location but we're out of here trust me game i'm already flying you don't have to tell me where to go all the birds are landing oh yeah yeah can i out damage the healing i will try again great man we killed all the small boys but not even the big boy did we kill everyone except for the big boy that's unlucky another boy down we claim the chest the current's here let's go yep stop camera stop camera diaz it looks cool from up here i like it i just got sniped in the air thought that's not fair i wasn't even on the floor yet guys yeah okay i wonder if that works i let them spawn reinforcements yeah they don't drop anything never mind it's not worth it goodbye good sir i have other matters to attend to my man is dying real fast right now holy moly this is not a real boss my my clicking mouse is louder than anything else in the game right now bam a little slap give me all that it's nice though we're getting a lot of resources for free basically hey look at that another row complete and we'll have to make the meals at the end let's go to the last one the path of austere frost or whatever however you pronounce oster in english level 90 now oh my god they're so strong let's go oh my god my last steak is going to this sad cream stew this gives stamina i'm sad i don't want to get like goulash yeah whatever goulashi i have 12 goulash oh and the plate of platter thing this is so like this is very local for where i live people love this i don't really like it that much there you have it a little bit of lore for you guys all right let's go feel free to attempt to destroy the brazier oh this is the most satisfying uh hydro plus electro look at this wave clear you can't do anything against me all right waiting for him to use his stuff catch one of these do a little bop the flop punch the shield out now it's gone and you're sliced thanks for playing the game man the brazier barely lost any health that's pretty impressive i'm in the gold you found an egg hey look it finally was useful again for once you found an egg in the chest congratulations you are now king of egg land i don't know where i was going with that what just popped up here what's this little flame whatever oh really no i don't mind the resources from these boys so there we go what really sucks is i really want to figure out what this little flame is on the map but i also don't want this to despawn there's more this must be from the other event then because i i've never oh yeah it is it is i'm not going to grab it just in case i need to remember which one i did get and which one i didn't get or am i going that way written in the stars oh you're here hi can your stupid flies just not you know all right another girl down we got some blues here wouldn't want to miss out on some treasure hoarder stuff because everyone needs them in the video game permanently all the time this way you only have to defeat four fatus see that's what i meant they're gone look this shield call that marshmallow easy spy yeah pretty disgusting am i right anyone else only eat raw food high five to my raw food eaters oh yeah what a drift i have to control my speed i want to get all the thingies it's so stupid i don't come down enough yo hardcore parkour season two if i could just be completely honest this is really cool we're here mates that's not the idea is it then that's how satisfying is that you know these hill trails kind of dumb what they should do is just run away from the pillar so that i can't fight them beside it and i die from freezing instead what they do is they stand by the pillar so i can beat their ass while they're focusing the pillar and not punching me maybe i should have been gathering these things oh remember when he fought the cry a whopper flower here when dragon spine came out that was cool that was a cool event remember that all right what big boys are you going to spawn for me today of course you could tell there would be at least a big boy i'll be honest i did not expect the big pig himself though why is my oh there you go there's one careful of the snowball attack he's gonna head okay so you guys are gonna hang out here what's going on they really don't care about me that much but they dead now hey we unlock the new part oh my god look at those i'll be 100 honest i will not be gathering these on video because that shit's boring right i'm not gonna do that should we do the delicacies real quick yeah i think that's a good idea let's do the delicacies i need to make here i have one grilled fish i have one more meat this is perfect it's as if i was prepared for this yeah whatever all right i'm done already i don't need the buffs for almond tofu i need to make shrimp shrimp shrimp no no i'm just trying to get to the cooking place i'm still gonna need your help to prepare for the competition later this is shrimp cook manually oh this is a shing show specialty yummy it is nice now don't give me the specialty because i need i need it for the event stop there we go that's one and then the other shrimp was like the crispy shrimp this one i think golden shrimp balls kaching's favorite i've made one of these i knew and okay cool whatever leave me alone and i'm just clicked huge there you go give me 50k arts 20k and two you know what i'm broke on these i'll take two of those whatever it's fine what do we want here we want to make a skewer we apparently forgot to give the hash brown bolognese how to pronounce this in english bolognese i i think that's just how i pronounce it usually bolognese all right start with the skewer skewer i figured it out it's skewered there we go now i need bolo where to bolo at here we go off for this it's going to do a pop-up don't care offer the bolo give me the stuff let's go oh no don't give me the specialty kaching don't give me the specialty there we go and cold cut platter official may make special dish watch this i won't get official specialty right game right easy because never lucky all right there's my delicacy i haven't made the delicious oh my god you mean i haven't made this oh my god wait i'm actually my iq is one digit i was cooking this and then i was doing kaching and i got the specialty so i made them with diana then i went to this because this is what you need and i went to diana because i was like i don't want the caching specialty again and then this is diana's specialty oh my there give me the last money all right so that's great that's all the trail stuff done that's all the delicacies made first i want to do moonlight seeker which is just gathering stuff in different locations right oh and this person gives you clues i've heard people talk about this okay great let's get to it my god you you we're going back to minlan no no not minlin anything but minlan alright first one let's go only 1700 to go maybe it works like a trail every time i get one it leads me to the next one wait there's chests as well that's right that's a whole different story can i open this whoa okay there's another chest and another thing and another chest and another jesus christ seriously oh my god okay that chest went out of render distance but there's like five oh my there's so many chests here don't tell me this works for progress that would be so sad a little confetti is nice though i think confetti is really nice i do like that a lot the about a chest see what the hell is going on this gives five primo gems a pop i'm gonna get more off this event just walking around opening chests that are literally everywhere then i have forgetting a hundred percent of this entire place heroes wits as well this is why can you not why are you guarding this chest get out of here hopefully it goes by quicker than exploring leeway in its entirety because that took a bit all right well you don't give loot that sucks oh okay 56k new new highest damage and it ain't bad yo there's a legendary shiny gyarados in the water over there you hear it i'm lazy i don't want a fish there it is right there fish claymore i found it no enemy no enemy no enemy you know what it's time for it's time for some cheaper taste to chop suey let's do a quick check we are at 64 percent why does that happen every time i was on land that's baloney you could tell because she like insta fell the gravity was like jesus that just has a sneeze hidden in it i think excuse me well then would you look at that hey buddy i needed you when i was doing expiration i was pretty desperate actually i walked right past it i remember being here i'm only at 86 and i'm kind of out of ideas already all right 92 293 [Applause] yeah i think i found the last two let's have a look 97. in honor of the festival up there in honor of the festival as well how about you how do you feel in honor of the festival [Music] he didn't even die you should not have landed my son holy here's a chest it's been a bit and there's another one so we're probably one chest off now we can have a look though maybe maybe it's like 1.5 and then i'm blessed and then we can leave this area no it's 99 i figured i i found it i knew it would happen too i asked for the backup i'll be honest i asked holly if you could come help me as i find the last chest which is just placed right there i've been past it a million times just sad whatever claim all this garbage give me out of next one let's go we're going to star fell lake oh this is cute this is going to be easy right guys this isn't going to take an hour with a claymore that i don't use enough razor it can only be accepted all right time to find the new location these things useful nah these things pretty worthless to be honest all right one thing i think is is a little bit of a downside i really don't mind the gathering and having to find everything and stuff but i wish this zone right here i feel like i have to keep clicking on this clicking on the event click go to collect and then i can finally see the area when i close this i still have to close every other menu as well it's it's small it's not the end of the world but you know it'd be nice if it was a little bit easier fresh fish frosh oh thank you holly holy holly my savior beat give a big ass fish slap and flap them off the map all right quick progress check i am at 55 right now what i don't even know what it does increases elemental burst damage by 12 when elemental burst hits an opponent there's a hundred percent chance of summoning what a titanic tuna what a titanic tuna i need to see this to titanic tuna i'm surprised there's nothing up here okay can i get a titanic tuna or does this not count as hitting them with my burst let me check how much percent we got now 90. okay there's like no fog i can see the entire map this looks weird almost that's crazy hidden in a brush filthy eight percent to go we're banned this is ridiculous okay come to the stash of the seven thank god oh my god i thought you got that one what do you mean you thought i got that one it's all they got not three more guys we're back in the same situation i went and got dinner what wait what i was at 99 wait i promise you i was at 99 before leaving for dinner i come back and it's at 100. i promise you i did not find anything not that anyone cares and not that i care i'm really happy we got some more fish oil specialized refinery material for the luxury sea lord anyway let's do dragon spine now and here's a little chest too give me that i love it when you give me the chest 5k morrow i only just realized you have 5k more per chest that's really good like this event is nice as far as the rewards go as far as fun goes all right unless i was talking about that one oh my god nice hmm things are going a little too smoothly today gene dying to the frost i haven't died six times yet to be fair she did die six times earlier so oh my god what the this is like that scene in inception where everything's upside down another test subject subject is ready to be tested you're right why did the whole gang follow me to this chest leave me alone yeah oh my god what happened to him where'd he go my man actually became a ragdoll and flew away to space what the today a national geographic we are witnessing two what are these animals called they're becoming best yeah this kind of cute picture we need beautiful game hiding something in here is illegal of course you would all right let's check how far am i in 91 okay i'm just gonna go get hints give me some dragon spine hints me lady wait there's no way that was there from the start there's no way i have not seen this this must have just been added here okay i'm just getting griefed by the game after this chest i should be at a hundo perciento that should be a hundred let's go 97 oh my god that's not a hundred at all it's my lucky day end my life oh here's another one we're fine don't end it here it is for the love oh yeah baby let's go we're done already we're finished collecting all the chests and we're going to do cloud retainers little cooking what is it like cook pot hey bird how's it going teach me oh and you don't even speak perhaps this path is the best okay well no no no need to record it for the video what am i saying okay these slimes must be holding it they're carrying the bamboo shoots i did it oh wait what pursue and defeat joking give me one second and there we go kill them wow what a banger of a mini game so far hey cloud retainer have your animal slime swallowed bamboo shoots that have been swallowed by an animal slime who knows what special flavor it might add zhang ling would love this but the rest of the world wouldn't sure okay let's try no no not this one not this one this one what a mini game this is how do i even commentate this this is this is not even cooking mama tier wow um very intense gameplay here guys i hope you're enjoying it amber switch yeah i can just do this fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i ruined the dish oh god i was so distracted by it come on i burned it i think oh it's back you what mate can't wait to do that for another minute and a half let's start with this one all right fun this smells great it's a successful shop piping hot on sedum tofu here take it i got three puddings have all of them i totally didn't burn one in the first run that was your mistake you just didn't explain it well next one exciting gameplay the event is at its peak and tomorrow i have to do the rest of the story as well more excitement yes hello there cloud retainer any chance i could do the fun thing while i have to go gather the ingredient again that was my favorite can't you fly hello buddy you saved my life all right give me the ingredients or i call more hilatrolls on your ass oh my god i need to do more of this i need to actually bring the balloon i was scared of that i actually have to do it i'm so mad when i do this commission where you have to bring your boat across or your balloon and every time i do this you don't have to stay with your balloon you can just run very far ahead you destroy everything and then you sit at the end and it'll be fine oh my god okay that's pretty funny i could have ignored it but this is really funny that they have a slime balloon as well i like that that's a good name sorry for destroying your cargo i feel like that's pretty rude i feel like you could have just shared the road but instead i destroyed your cart for absolutely no reason maybe we're the bad guys after all no no shut up check the cargo cannot be performed during combat yeah i'm in some real combat leave me alone i run far away maybe he'll deagra holy the man's a sniper he's going to lose aggro watch me i can't get them i'll just reset oh my god he's actually still sniping what an animal because we're looking for that's a lot of stuff good thing we got a transport balloon okay let's take this cargo back oh thank you thank you black screen white text thank you you bring it back thank you so much you want to rise there you go it's for you okay can you believe i was actually not doing any of this i was trying to cook food for some talking bird yes this is what my life is what do you mean this has nothing to do with finding my brother can you imagine lumeen talking to her children in the future i don't help the talking bird making food but i also helped a guy find rice this has nothing to do with saving uncle like yeah well actually i had nothing to do when the updates were not high qual rice hit me with it started i just talked to you i was talking to you yes i'm fully prepared let's go i'm ready interesting they all need different levels how spicy new mechanics in this fun cooking mini game hello i'm standing on this the freak game baron bunnies stop dancing attack army oh there they go no i'm dying cool down the middle one slimes please the middle one the one you guys are animals oh no hey first try let's go yo where'd that bow come from here's your rice pudding you just want pudding all the time bird you're such a bird all right dragon spine more like dragon's pain i say that literally every time something happens in dragon spine so go there again it'll be great leave me alone bunny defend me i'm out i don't care cloud retainer just tell me what ingredient we need i'll smell the pot we'll be like i'll smell the pot looks stupid 420 here we go time to look after the smell i wish this guy had it why didn't he just have it like we steal his ham sandwich or something and we make something majestic out of it that'd be a funny twist these hilla trolls no it's even further away hi quick dive in the pool for the burn bunny took fall damage while falling down oh my god it's the stinky pig behind the railing there two baron bunnies should be enough boom it didn't work what now yeah hello mate wow wow i'm doing it i won puzzles are fun wars are dead killer churros are mad and hillary's are dead huh would you look at that a precious chest and it even has one of those thingies in there back to this place all right i'm back here you go have the chilled meat i'm prepared let's go i'm gonna i'm burning everything yeah yeah yeah i need you guys thank you thank you my saviors my besties thank you boys this is this is why you hire hillary trolls those are my two hilla trop no no no stop with the pyro stop you're not hired oh my god that's not what i meant to do yes cry a boy no no no no no you're griefing me so hard haley you're such a you're such a beast you're so i tell you hire hillary trails in the kitchen of course it's complete first try thanks to the hilly trolls my homies i'll tell you me me tomo i made some good friends i believe that we have completed trails of delicacies that we have completed moonlight seeker and that we have completed moon tail chase of course we haven't done this but this is a story quest and i'll obviously record that as a separate video so i'd like to thank you for watching let's go to a place where i don't freeze to death and do an outro and there we are back with another event commentary i hope you enjoyed this one it was a bit all over the place because all these events were different things right but i think it could still be pretty fun felt good to take a little bit of a break and we're probably like insanely close to 100k subscribers right now so if you're not subscribed i'm sorry for asking i really hate doing it but feel free to subscribe you'll be uh from the pre 100 club it's been a wild ride and i'm really excited to see what else is happening after this thank you very much for watching i hope to see you the next video and have a great day bye
Channel: RednasYo
Views: 221,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, Gaming, Memes, New, Gameplay, LOL, Best, Compilation, Editing, Montage, Tryhard, Relax, Chill, Achievement, But, really, just, video, games, though, genshin, impact, rednasyo, rednas, send this to, friends, main, memes, .exe, teyvat, mondstadt, inazuma, liyue, moonchase, event, minigames, meme, funny, commentary, best, raiden shogun, thoma, 2.2, 2.3, yae miko, hu tao, halloween, childe, banner, f2p, pulls, pulling, ar55, tsurumi, concert, riftstalker, mondstadtians, whale, chill, cozy, fish, claymore, reveal, windblume, rerun, free, livestream
Id: S6sgODe2wDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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